Johnny Depp on why he & Vanessa never married: “It if ain’t broke, don’t fix it”

OK! has a new interview with Johnny Depp that was probably given in a press conference, but it’s new to me so I’ll repeat it. The guy says some absolutely dreamy things about his children and their mother, his longtime partner Vanessa Paradis. If anyone else were saying these sappy things I’d roll my eyes and question their sincerity, but not Johnny. The only hint of a scandal we’ve heard about him was so obviously leaked by a model for promotional purposes. I hope that it stays that way and that Johnny remains unsullied.

What’s your greatest achievement?
If you call meeting Vanessa an “achievement,” it was certainly that. It came at the right time. We were both ready for children, and she’s given me Lily Rose, who is now 11 years old, and Jack, who’s 9. I saw Vanessa across a room – and I first saw only her back! But I immediately thought: “That’s the woman for me.” That was nearly 12 years ago.

But you and Vanessa never married.
Yes, and that’s how it’s going to stay – for now. As one of Presidents once said, “It if ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” We just haven’t done the big public vow thing. It doesn’t seem necessary for us. Others may want to go down that road – we don’t.

What do your children think of daddy the movie star?
Jack just thinks “That’s what daddy does, so er, what’s the deal?” And Lily Rose would far rather be listening to or watching Justin Bieber. I am absolutely no contest for that guy.

Your greatest pleasure?
Seriously? Playing with my kids.

Do you feel secure with your career?
Me? Never. It could all end tomorrow. Hey, don’t forget that the suits at Disney – the executives who have the right to hire or fire – didn’t want me to play Jack Sparrow at first. They thought I was “too dangerous…”

What’s the best part of making movies?
The travel. Going to places that you’d never ever dream of getting to.

And the worst?
Being away from home and my family – no question about that.

Did you want to be a pirate as a kid?
Oh, for sure. They’re irreverent, they can do what they like and they don’t have to answer to anyone. All kids want to be like that. Come to think of it, so do a lot of adults?

Three words that describe you?
Loyal. Idiosyncratic. Father.

Your motto?
Grab the previous moments as [your children] grow.

[From OK! Magazine, print edition, May 30, 2011]

See that’s true love – love at first sight when you don’t even see the person’s face! Johnny Depp takes Matt Damon’s “meeting his wife” story and ups it to Johnny Depp levels. Kaiser reminds me that he said something similar about his wife on Inside the Actor’s Studio in 2008.

That was a great interview though. He gushed about his family, said his kid loves Justin Bieber, and got candid about his career. OK! really missed the boat by running with those dumb Teen Moms on the cover (that girl is not pregnant, her ex just hooked up with another girl with a baby, I read that story.) Maybe OK! is contractually obligated to run Teen Mom covers though, and we all know that Johnny is just a great guy all around. It’s not like it’s news that he’s awesome.





Johnny is shown on 5/7 and 5/14/11. Credit:

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40 Responses to “Johnny Depp on why he & Vanessa never married: “It if ain’t broke, don’t fix it””

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  1. The_Porscha says:

    Cute story. The title, though, is missing some important punctuation. I had to read the story to finally understand it.

  2. Oh the Humanity says:


  3. Solveig says:

    I love Johnny Depp, he is the only celebrity I am a fan of in a almost looney way.
    That said, to me sometimes he sounds too cheesy, and this one is one of those times. It’s like he really loves to be perceived as a good, cool guy. I’m not saying that he has a malevonlent dark side, I’m saying that he really loves to be loved.

  4. Jenn WInd says:

    He just made me love him a little more. Any man that talks like that about his wife and kids is a great person!!!

  5. Bettie says:

    The man is PERFECT!!!

  6. Eve says:


  7. cara says:

    I can almost forgive him for his Polanski support after reading this bit of his interview………….almost.

  8. jinni says:

    I believe that he does really feel this way about his family becasue for years he was trying to find someone to settle down with and have children. Happy it all seems to be working out for him.

  9. Devon says:

    When a man talks like that about his wife and kids it makes me swoon. I love hearing that. Vanessa is very lucky and so are their kids.

  10. jdao says:

    Sigh….. 🙂

  11. the original bellaluna says:

    LOVE. HIM. Have since “21 Jump Street” and probably always will.

  12. sharylmj says:

    wow.. what a great guy, she is lucky They seem very blessed and scandal free…’KNOCK ON WOOD!!”

  13. skibunny says:

    Lucky Vanessa!

  14. noirod says:


  15. margaritachum says:

    now this is love.
    don’t care how cheesy it sounds, i find it really sweet and true.
    they’re a beautiful family.

  16. Lucy says:

    Great actor who did not get catch up with fame, playing interesting roles + handsome+ family man. Awesome combo!

    ps: Was he talking about Clooney?Now I cannot get Clooney dressed as a pirate out of my head, hehe

    “They’re irreverent, they can do what they like and they don’t have to answer to anyone. All kids want to be like that. Come to think of it, so do a lot of adults?”

  17. dorothy says:

    We went to Exuma, Bahamas which is right next to his island. He and the family were on their yacht in the bay. They were playing in the water and laughing…it was very sweet.

  18. Ur Favorite Bartender says:

    Ah yes. We have amazing Johnny on one end of the spectrum and beefy pig Arnie on the other… 😀

    O and if you’ve never seen Girl On the Bridge check it out! Definitely in my top-ten… When I watched that film I understood perfectly why Johnny fell madly in love with her… She has stars in her eyes 😀

  19. gamblea says:

    He probably said precious moments, not previous moments.

  20. Angelique says:

    Each time I’m reading a new interview of Johnny Depp, I love him even more. My mom loves their [Depp and Vanessa] relationship since the beginnng, I understand why 🙂

  21. DGO says:

    They really do seem to be great parents. When Lily Rose was hospitalized, they shut down the set because he wouldn’t leave her side. And, I think he’s a good actor. (Well, aside from The Tourist …)

  22. Quest says:

    should have been married to that man. Vanessa you lucky lady, I wish them both the best…so cute.

  23. Brittney says:

    I’ve read a few biographies of Johnny, and I agree with you about his genuine, sincere goodness. He’s a decent guy, and he’s always been completely upfront about his life. I love him so much.

  24. thegreatdefender says:

    seems like its working for him so far, not everyone wants a marriage certificate to prove they’re in love ya know.

  25. Bubbling says:

    If only I could fix me a man like that. How cute is it that he always mentions Vanessa and the kids in such loving way.

  26. Slim Charles says:

    Someone please tell me what is sexy about him. Sincerely, I don’t get it. He will always be the geeky guy from 21 Jump Street.

  27. Deb says:

    I love him so much! Since his days on 21 Jump Street, I have always thought he is one of the most gorgeous men on the planet. I also love how truly nice he seems. Parts of the movie, Public Enemies, was filmed in my city. He really took the time to meet and greet fans and visited local businesses. I agree with him when it comes with marriage. My love and I have been happily unmarried for 14 years!

  28. jane16 says:

    My whole fam loves him. So sweet and charming. And real, unlike most people in snow biz.

  29. LunaT says:

    He is so hot. Eff. So hot. Anyone seen a clip of him talking french? It’s like I didn’t think he could get hotter and then I hear him speaking french. Again, eff. Oh, my eff.

  30. truthzbetta says:

    Let’s get a link of him speaking French then. That sounds yummy.

    I’m sorry to hear he’s a Pederanski supporter.

    I’ll pretend I didn’t read that so I don’t know if it’s true or not (cuz that’s a deal breaker).

    Otherwise, man Johnny Depp sure makes up for Ahnold. Let’s double up on the great guy posts while that Ahnold crapfest unravels. Tom Hanks said anything about Rita and the probably grown tots lately?

  31. Newbie says:

    I respect him for being so loyal to her and for his public adoration of her. And I think he’s an amazing actor. Although I do have to say The Tourist tarnished him for me a little bit. And he’s pretty much the only actor that can dress in such an eccentric way and I totally buy it. He never looks weird or like he’s trying too hard. He’s original. (Pitt, take note. You’re not the Depp. Quit the crazy and those un-holy glasses! Argh!)

  32. blasted1 says:

    It looks like #3 and I are in the minority, opinion wise. He saw her back and you think that’s love at first sight? First of all, there is Lust at 1st sight, real love comes later. Second, get as sugary as you will, Johnny’s a man who is keeping his “options” open. Third, would most of you stop going to his films if he found someone else? If your answer is “yes”, then you’re not truly a fan of his.

  33. Jess says:

    Love Johnny, but love at first sight? I don’t know, I always kind of roll my eyes when I hear people say ‘I saw him/her and just KNEW.’ But maybe I’m just cynical.

  34. Marie says:

    Perfect..simply perfect.

  35. LunaT says:

    @Truthzbetta—Ironically, I actually tried to find a link last week for a friend. The most recent bit I could find was from 2002. Lainey had a clip of him accepting an award. I bet she posted it more than a year ago.
    @blasted1—just because they aren’t married doesn’t mean either one of them are “keeping their options open”. It may mean that for you in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean it can be applied to every other relationship.

  36. original kate says:

    “Second, get as sugary as you will, Johnny’s a man who is keeping his “options” open.”

    @ blasted1: yes, because marriage means never cheating and ensures a happy ever after ending.

  37. honeyv says:

    This is weiiiird. Anyways Vanessa is such a lucky woman! He is really sweet.

  38. LunaT says:

    Truthzbetta, b/c I’m a dork and wanted to find it—here’s the bit from Lainey. I remember it being more jaw dropping, but it’s still hot to see/hear JD speak french.

  39. Celery Sticks says:

    Thanks for posting the gorgeous pics!

    The OK article seemed like a PR rep’s rehash of many previous interviews. Somebody from Japan Times seems to caught JD in a rare candid moment to let his guard down in this recent interview. He talks about nearing 50, why he doesn’t want to direct, etc.

  40. Luna says:

    Who cares if it is love at first sight or not? Who cares if they’re married or not? They have been together longer than most married couples anyway.
    Johnny for the win!