Lady Gaga’s multiple costumes at the MMVAs: inappropriate or cute?


I don’t know how much coverage I should do of last night’s Much Music Video Awards in Canada. I’m kind of meh on most music awards shows, and it doesn’t seem like the event was for anybody but tweens. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber were there (Selena hosted, I believe). Colin Farrell was there. And Lady Gaga… with some new costumes. That about it. Re: Gaga and her costumes… if what I think about this show simply being aimed at tweens (Canadian tweens, at that), Gaga’s outfits bordered on inappropriate, but mostly they just looked dated, and like she was trying too hard. I also don’t know what to say about her hair – and I think the long, blue hair is actually Gaga’s. I spy roots. Anyway, Gaga spoke to the Hollywood Reporter about her dream of launching a fashion line:

TORONTO – She may have book-ended the MuchMusic Video Awards with two stage performances, but Lady Gaga made her biggest exclamation Sunday night in Toronto when she told the media she hopes one day to be a fashion designer.

“I really, really have such admiration for fashion designers and I’m such good friends with them,” Gaga said while fielding questions backstage.

“I’d love to have a fashion line when I stop making music for a while, for a year. But that’s not going to happen soon. I’m in love with song-writing right now,” she added.

Gaga, in a celebratory mood after winning two trophies Sunday night, including for most popular international artist in the fan category, offered advice to fellow artists about dealing with the paparazzi.

“I would say the press is your friend, and it’s all an art form. You choose what the public views and what the public sees of you. And I believe I’m in public all the time,” she said.

The New Yorker also said she’s not giving up her humble East Side apartment anytime soon, even as she spends more time in Los Angeles.

“I wrote so much music in that place, I got so inspired living there. Part of me is terrified that if I leave, the courage and feeling of survival in New York City will leave my spirit,” Gaga told reporters.

“Every day I say such a deep thank you to the higher powers for being able to make music and follow my drams. My apartment grounds me and it’s nice to get in the bathtub sometimes and know there’s some hot water,” she added.

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

At some point, Gaga really needs to stop with this whole Madonna-esque origin story where she describes the horrible existence she had before she was “discovered”. She graduated high school and worked as an amateur performer for a few years, she comes from a wealthy family who helped support her, and she was (and is) coked out her skull much of the time. Sure, I’m guessing she had some bad moments. But let’s not act like she was just toiling away for years and years and that time was so overwhelmingly awful.

Meh. Here are some of her many costume changes:






Photos courtesy of WENN.

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44 Responses to “Lady Gaga’s multiple costumes at the MMVAs: inappropriate or cute?”

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  1. Lady D says:

    Last night was the first time I ever heard her sing or saw her in action. Not really impressed.

  2. Riana says:

    Don’t I know that male dancer from So You Think You Can Dance?

  3. Stacia says:

    WTF is up with those shoes! She’s all over the place with these get-ups! She’s overexposed and I’m kinda tired of her.

  4. Zombie Nurse says:

    Somehow I feel like that bob cut wig is giving her face a Scarlett Johansson vibe. Not really a bad thing, mind you.

  5. constance says:

    Going broke on costumes again I see. None of which will be remembered in the long run. She tries way too hard and I just can’t get into any of her new music.

  6. TXCinderella says:

    I really like her music, but I wish she would stop with the weird costumes. Stayed focused on the music Gaga!

  7. Stacy says:

    Oh my! What hairy blue armpits you have GaGa!

  8. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    I think Gaga looks smoking hot. Love the crotch hair.

  9. NoFrank says:

    I am so over those stupid shoes.

  10. Chelly says:

    She’s wearing Vintage Versace people. Not costumes. ugh

  11. spinner says:

    blah & yuck

  12. REALIST says:

    It’s her thing. When she gets older (10 yrs from now-who knows?) she’ll realize how exhausting all the costume (or Versace, or whatever) changes are and she’s tone it down.
    I thought I recognized a bit of Liz Hurley in that first dress:)
    At least she was “appropriately dressed”. No exposed parts as far as I can tell except excessive cleavage (which is no longer exposure in H’wood.)
    I was really into Lady G last year-then I got exhausted with her many guises and flashy behavior. It should be about the music in the end. I think she’s forgotten that.

  13. yepp says:

    she has BLUE hair on her crotch!! she is all about delivering a”message ” through her music …. but how can i take anything you have to say to heart when u have blue hair on ur crotch!!!
    i agree with you all… what happened to the music… i just want her to leave all the i need to be so different shit alone and continue to make good music

  14. Deb says:

    Well, I do like the jacket she’s wearing in the last picture.

  15. the original bellaluna says:

    Why is that dude shaking her boob if this show is geared to teens? (Other than that, I just c.a.n.t. with her.)

  16. StephanieMarie says:

    Nice blue merkin, Gaga…

  17. tuttie says:

    Mark Kanemura is hot!

  18. TeeTee says:

    Lady BlahBlah

    who cares if they are costumes or Versace, she looks stupid–changing into mutiple horrible outfits.

    its like she is a clown now, she isn’t really about her voice/message, its about her clown outfits..everyone is getting over her..

    she just looks like a “club kid” its been done before.

  19. Cherry Rose says:

    “I would say the press is your friend, and it’s all an art form. You choose what the public views and what the public sees of you. And I believe I’m in public all the time.”

    Perhaps this is why people are tiring of you Gaga. You’re forced into our faces all the time. We’re sick of it. Go disappear for a while then try to come back. But of course, if you did that, then someone else will easily replace you.

    And of course, letting people know that you also manipulate the media is a great thing as well. Too bad her “monsters” are too blind to ever see how incredibly fake and superficial she is.

  20. feebee says:

    When does it cross the line from new and exciting to old and just trying too hard?

    I totally have that same bra!

  21. 4Real says:

    In a word…FUG.

  22. Annie says:

    LOL the long blue hair is not her own…it’s a wig with dark roots. Gaga’s real hair is only a couple of inches long and looks like fried stubble.

  23. jover says:

    Sign on cherry rose; WHy is she getting a pass from her statements that she’s the greatest singer/songwriter of her generation and btw will be the album of the decade – both laughably false. I’m disgusted that she gets a pass because of her faux progressive politics, if she had these views when she was just stefani then I would say they are sincere; but this is just more marketing by other means – she’s a label created corporate product but is treated as an unsullied genius by her “little monsters” partly because of her carefully manufactured “political” stances – at this late date I don’t think she’s capable of a genuine action disconnected from selling her pedestrian eurotrash music. finally, how avante-garde are you when you’re at an “award” show with Jbooby and selena gomez. How shallow can people be she will go anywhere and do anything to sell her crap music because it can’t stand on its own.

  24. L says:

    @riana It’s Mark Kanemura from season 4. And the only reason I really watch Gaga’s performances anymore. 🙂

  25. itzbilebitch says:

    uum hello.. thats vintage versace… are you people serious? she look gorj <3 her

  26. Novaraen says:

    Ahhhhhh…she’s got bees on her clod hopping hooves!!!

  27. original kate says:

    trying way too hard to be interesting and relevant, and failing miserably on both counts.

  28. Riana says:

    YAY! Thank you L! I knew I knew that boy (seems like he’s a man now since his SYTYCD days).

    WOW, so happy for him! I’m so proud, he had some amazing style and I loved his dancing!

  29. Beatrice says:

    As awful as these costumes are, they’re a step up from the nasty raw meat ensemble she wore last year. Definitely trying too hard.

  30. Kim says:

    She has really tweaked that nose and it looks like she did something to uppper eye lid- fat removal, eye lift – something. Its good work though i will say.

  31. lee says:

    yes! i love mark!

  32. Devon says:

    I’m so over her. Can we please queue up the next manufactured pop star so Gaga will Gogo?

  33. Cat says:

    that first pic reminds me of Alicia Keys. Wrong I know. Scary berry.

  34. RickG63 says:

    The stupid people saying stupid things are just an echo of what was said about Cindy Lauper ,Madonna and Elvis in there time Grow up its only music.

  35. get things checked says:

    …and yet Gaga is the biggest star in the world right now….

  36. Luls says:

    Well, at least she finally toned down the grotesque make-up!!! We can see her face! It’s pretty! (no more repulsive man-face!)

    Now hopefully her ugly wigs and offensive costumes will follow suit…..

    (No worries little monsters, it IS possible to still be edgy & artsy, WITHOUT looking whorish & trashy).

  37. serena says:

    Oh piss off Gaga.

  38. N/A says:


    i need therapy after seeing this sh!t.

  39. Poopsicle says:

    I’m not a total fangirl, because yeah some of her outfits are just too outrageous… but I think people on here are just hatin’ at this point… Its basically the same stuff shes been wearing for years… In fact it seems like she toned down her outfits than she had for the past year … so how is it inappropriate? Meh. That’s just my two cents.

  40. Next! says:

    All this woman can do to keep herself in the limelight is wear stupid wacky outfits. At least Madonna had a decent face.

  41. DethHammer says:

    Kaiser, that’s not her real hair, it’s a wig. High quality wigs sometimes have “roots” dyed into them to make it look real. Even though she wears a bald cap under her wigs, she might have actually shaved her head; her on-again boyfriend Luc Carl Tweeted: “I can’t believe you shaved your head! Bald Gaga”

    Right on, Cherry Rose and Jover! 🙂 That needed to be said. I’m glad some people can see through the marketing propaganda. Nothing she does is genuine.

    She didn’t even sing the verse “No matter gay straight or bi/ Lesbian transgendered life” when she performed Born This Way on Good Morning America two weeks ago! So I guess she and her team thought the “gay anthem of our decade” was a little too “gay” for mainstream GMA audiences?? What a joke.

    Kim- she’s definitely had work done. The tip of her nose gets narrower and narrower each time I see her! And while Gaga always had well-defined eyelids, they were never THAT hollowed out until about a year ago. I also think she gets Botox and fillers which are cosmetic procedures. There’s nothing wrong with having work done, although of course Gagsy got on her high horse about the subject in the Harper’s Bazaar interview and actually said plastic surgery is automatically “promoting insecurity” LOL

    By the way, there is an article where Gaga admits she “lies profusely” to her fans about her personal life. So if she is ok with lying about that, what ELSE is she ok with lying about???

    P.S.– I’m so over those “heel-less” shoes.

  42. Cherry Rose says:

    @RickG63 – If artists like Gaga, Madonna, and the rest strictly stuck to doing music, then I’d doubt there’d be really anything to talk about.

    However, these same artists also pick up platforms and political stances they like to preach at us. Gaga is a hypocrite, because she’s proven that she’ll take up a cause for one day to improve ticket sales to her concerts, and never again will that particular issue be addressed by her again. Look up the concert at Arizona when the whole immigration issue was big. After that concert, she never even talked about it.

    Plus, Gaga has taken it upon herself to become the self proclaimed leader of the misfits, as though no other musician has done that before, which is another thing that bothers a lot of people. Added to the fact she was pretty normal in highschool and came from a rich family, well, I think you can see my point.

    And then there is the fact she seems to think her music is the second coming, and says shit like “I want to be the grandmother of pop” therefore totally dismissing all the popstars who came before her and were around a lot longer than she has been now.

    She’s a narcissist, a liar, and hypocrite, and no where near as original as she’d like to think.

  43. daisy says:

    how many shades do those shoes come in?She’s in them quite a bit.

  44. jill says:

    for all you haters, that’s your own opinion.. you make think she’s a hypocrite or whatever else you might say about her, sure i agree that the blue haired crotch and armpits are wayyy over the top but i adore her music, it’s still the same gaga that we’ve grown to love and you know what? She’s allowed to dress and act and say whatever she feels like! she may have come from a rich family and preach to be different and accepting but you know what? there are alot of teens who grow up in nice houses in the subhurbs who arent happy, who are drowned by their parents own ignornance.. i love gaga and i think we ought to be proud of her accomplishments, keep on making music gaga <3 dont try to tear her down