Octomom says that In Touch made up quotes: is she lying as usual?

Look, we know that Octomom Nadya Suleman lies. She denies having any plastic surgery despite the overwhelming evidence. She denied being on welfare and seemed not to count food stamps, child disability, or her own disability payments as welfare. She claimed to have six embryos implanted with two splitting into eight, and in reality she had 12 implanted, a fact which came out when her doctor had his license taken away. She claims not to be in it for the fame, but people close to her say otherwise. She admits telling her mother that her repeated pregnancies were “tumors.” I could go on. So we know that she has no qualms about saying whatever she wants to try and make herself look like less of a crazy baby collector.

Now Octomom is claiming that she never told In Touch she hated babies and found them “disgusting.” This is despite the fact that In Touch had exclusive photos taken inside her home including one with one of her older children eating the drywall. So you’ll excuse me if I find In Touch more credible than she is, which truly isn’t saying much.

Quotes from Octomom flew all over the Internet this week — the most damaging being, “I hate babies, they disgust me” — the only problem is … Octomom says SHE NEVER GAVE THEM!!!

Nadya Suleman tells TMZ every single quote that was attributed to her from an interview with In Touch magazine is false … because she never even gave them an interview.

In another passage from the “interview,” Nadya supposedly said she thinks her older children are animals and that she often locks herself in the bathroom and cries.

To that she says, “I hardly have 30 seconds to go to the restroom, I could never lock my self in the bathroom for hours. I Love ALL my children, I do not regret them and it’s ridiculous that I have to continue to defend myself against these disgusting fabricated lies.”

[From TMZ]

It’s possible that In Touch made up those quotes or took them out of “context” or whatever. Octomom is skilled at sounding semi-coherent when she spews her psychobabble and she can be convincing in small doses. When you look at her life, and consider what we’ve seen of her over the years, it’s clear that we can’t trust a single word out of her mouth. That’s good news though, because maybe she doesn’t really hate her babies after all.



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16 Responses to “Octomom says that In Touch made up quotes: is she lying as usual?”

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  1. Cherry Rose says:

    With her hair all straight, she looks like the ghost chick from The Grudge.


    And here we go again with the sharing too much, then denying everything after. I would really hope that she doesn’t “hate babies”, but you never know.

  2. Laurie says:

    I believe In Touch. Nadya has also threatened to sue many people & magazines in the past and hasn’t. I simply don’t believe lying liars like her!

  3. iris says:

    *sigh* other people tried hard to get a baby. But this woman………. *sigh*

  4. Jackson says:

    If there is any truth to this she will sue them, especially considering how broke she is. On a side note, does no one use a voice recorder any more in interviews? This could be cleared up in a second if there is a tape.

  5. Laurie says:

    She doesn’t have 30 seconds to go to the bathroom? But has been shown putting her babies in covered cribs with 3-4 movies going a day just to keep them occupied and out of her way. She has time to fly all over the US for interviews and celebrity boxing which was a bust. And I guess she had at least an HOUR OR TWO to make that BABY FETISH WHIPPING VIDEO IN HER KIDS PLAYROOM!!

  6. Tierra says:

    Everything out of this things’ mouth is a lie. I usually wouldn’t side with a tabloid mag but this time I do. I highly doubt they would have published something like that without consulting a legal team considering how sue-happy she is. I think she’s too looney and medicated to remember what she says. she contradicts herself all the time in interviews.
    This is no different than her denying she had any PS, fake lashes, botox, tummy tuck etc. Remember she claimed her now flat stomach just bounced right back after being stretched to the max from 8 kids even tho she has the tummy tuck scars and belly button.
    she’s just a loon thats now back tracking b/c if CPS does step in and take her kids she’ll lose her little meal tickets.

  7. tapioca says:

    For what it’s worth, I read that story in UK Closer magazine about 4 weeks ago, so if anyone made up the quotes it would be them!

  8. Jag says:

    Are words coming out of her mouth? Then she’s lying.

  9. Amanda says:

    I hate to say it but I believe the OctoMom on this one. She gave an interview on the Howard Stern show a couple days before this magazine article and she came across as totally kooky, obviously lying about having had no plastic surgery, evasive about where her money comes, but she seemed very genuine in her love for her children. She repeatedly stated how much she loves her kids and that she would give her life for theirs. So, it makes no sense that a couple days later she would give an interview to In Touch where she said things like she hated her kids. Doesn’t add up.

  10. Very Telling says:

    I’d believe her over OutaTouch Weekly. They lie more than Star Magazine.

  11. Cheyenne says:

    As I said on another thread, I think this woman is crazier than a loon on crack. But In Touch has been caught in so many lies you can’t believe anything they print. I think it’s very possible they deliberately took her words out of context. God knows they take photos out of context all the time.

  12. Esmeralda says:

    Gotta agree, think OuttaTouch mag. fabricated these quotes. Octo isn’t silly enough to bite the meal tickets that feed her, or at least she hasn’t up til now.

  13. original kate says:

    she always looks like a gorilla to me, especially when she sticks out her lower lip and rolls her eyes.

    my apologies to gorillas everywhere.

  14. Maritza says:

    For the sake of those kids I hope it was all a lie.

  15. lin234 says:

    Just take the babies away from her period. Give those 8 babies a chance at becoming normal human beings. Saw a video of her a while back with her older kids and they are little psychopaths in the making.

  16. CeeCee says:

    this woman is just vile. She proves the theory wrong that if you ignore it, it will go away.