Ben Affleck hair watch, more Bieber or Bruno?

Here’s Ben Affleck walking around with a grumpy face and a more stylish variant of helmet hair. The last we commented on Affleck’s hair situation it was looking curly and wiry, making us wonder if his hair was growing out naturally or if it was sprouting in conjunction with some hair plugs. (See this story for a retrospect on Afleck’s hair.) At least one guy with a hair transplant commented that he’d had the procedure and that it looked to him like Affleck had it too:

I got them in the front, and I have straight brown hair. after the procedure, though, the front came in kind of bushy, which was really weird to see my hair actually grow in different.

So, my special input is yes, it’s implants.

These implants actually work, it’s incredible and I look much better.

He probably got them too, and his frontal hair changed too because they take the donor hairs from the back of your head and transplant them up to the front.

[From comment by Mackavoy]

So take that for what it is, but I definitely could believe it’s plugs given all the rumors and the changing state of Ben’s hair. This blow out might be for a role, although these photos were taken on a Sunday. Affleck has admitted dyeing his hair, and the gray might indicate that it’s real, a transplant or he could have just chosen a clever toupee. There’s something not quite right about his hair, whether that shizz is natural or not. Kaiser is calling it a “wiglet” and says that Ben needs a new one. Aw, I wouldn’t pull it off during sex. I wouldn’t act like I knew the difference. Even if it was hanging off to the side I’d try not to crack a smile. That thing does suck a lot of sex appeal out of the guy, doesn’t it? He would be so much hotter bald.










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57 Responses to “Ben Affleck hair watch, more Bieber or Bruno?”

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  1. kai says:

    Yikes. I don’t know. Yikes.

  2. tooey says:

    That hair is a horror show and it needs to be left in the middle of the road like the roadkill that it is. That BMW behind him, however, is SMOKIN’. Sorry, I’m a car nut…

  3. MeMyself says:

    Oh god, am I the only one of earth who hates when men/boys do their hair like this?

  4. Kelly says:

    It’s a Biebruno!

    Seriously, though, WTF. His hair is too wiry for that kind of style, whether it’s implants or not.

  5. Praise St. Angie! says:

    whatever it is, it’s all sorts of wrong.

  6. Maritza says:


  7. Bubulle says:

    I remembered during the benifer days there were persistent rumours about his hair. Looks like he’s wearing a fugly hairpiece.

  8. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    OMG Ben looks awful. Ben needing hair plugs? He is always had a great head of hair. Wow thats sad but nothing wrong with being bald or wearing hair plugs.

  9. Jen34 says:

    Oh my. I’m choking on my coffee, CB. Great selection of photos.

  10. Maddox says:

    At a glance, I thought this was Aaron Eckhart.

  11. 4Real says:


  12. Eve says:

    I laughed out loud at that banner picture.

  13. Jb says:

    It must be for a role- I mean, with the sideburns and everything…

  14. katnip says:

    I thought someone said the hair is for a film.

    Why people get all silly over an actor changing their look for a role is just DUH..
    men don’t have as many options to look different. Cut it off, grow it out or dye it.

    I would rather they do that then look the exact same in every single film.

    NONE story.

  15. Quest says:

    “Broieber” – combination of Bruno and the Biebs

  16. says:

    That is so wrong. Especially because he could be cute.

  17. KCT says:

    It definitely seems lately he’s been experimenting with different looks. At first glance to me he looked like Garth Brooks’ silly alter ego that debuted many years ago.

  18. Novaraen says:

    I’m no fan of the “Bieber” cut…but Ben has worn his hair exactly the same way every day for years and this is a decent change. It changes his whole look and I don’t really mind it. There are a lot worse things he could do than comb his hair down. lol

  19. Eleonor says:

    Tell me it’s a toupee.

  20. mln76 says:

    Poor Ben’s plugs aren’t taking well. I feel so bad for men-I am willing to keep every bit of cellulite I have so long as my hair stays on my head.

  21. djork says:

    Um, that’s a wig.

  22. Iggles says:

    It’s probably a wig. It’s weird, but for the first time in years he actually looks kind of hot to me.

    I approve..

  23. brin says:

    Oh Ben. NO.

  24. Isa says:

    LOL those Bruno pictures crack me up every time I see them.

    It’s definately more Bieber than Bruno, it doesn’t look natural on either on them.

  25. LadyJane says:

    That is one of the funniest successions of photos I have ever seen.

  26. Nanz says:

    God I must be a Ben Affleck fan girl because I ALWAYS think he looks hot. What is WRONG with me? Like, it’s a problem. I think he is one of the hottest actors out there. And I totally don’t care about his family and/or cheating situations. It doesn’t change his hot factor for me like it does with other male actors. Crazy, right?

  27. Ari says:

    Um not cute

  28. Turtle Dove says:

    I’m more disturbed that I wore a variant of his outfit on the weekend. F*ck. What does it mean when you and Affleck dress the same? Help. Advice. (Runs around room tearing at hair and eyes.)

  29. Mia says:

    What the hell? Why is his hair like this? Is it for a movie? Or is he going through some mid-life crisis?

  30. michelle says:

    Give the guy a break!! It’s for his new movie set in the 70s.He has no say ..ha poor Ben .Even with his mop top he looks 1000X’s better than Brad pitt’s ugly beard he had going .Now that looked disgusting!

  31. endoplasmic_ridiculum says:

    Crap. He coudn’t look worse if J Lo went back to styling him.

    He should just stick to the baseball cap.

  32. antisara says:

    He’s trying to get Jen Garner to divorce him for irreconciliable hairstyles…LOL…that “brav prince” look is for tweens and teens.

  33. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    Dude should shave his head and grow a beard, bald men with beards are sexy.

  34. MaiGirl says:

    I see what you’re doing there, Affleck. You heard that JLo is back on the market, and you picked the ugliest rug possible to keep her away. I know that email from her mother scared you, Boo, and kind of made you wonder what year it is. No worries, you seem to be married to a sane Jennifer who knows how to cuttabitch. It’ll be alright.

  35. That hair would go great with the Smurfette dress.

  36. megan says:

    Nice Beemer 🙂

  37. Nat says:

    BAHAHAHA omg. PLEASE tell me he’s doing that for a movie or something. Ugh he looks effing terrible. If I saw that walking down the street, Ben Affleck or random joe, I would burst out laughing.

    About the plugs, there is nothing more unattractive than a man that is not comfortable in his own skin. Someone asked on another post what the appeal of someone like Daniel Craig was… and I’ve been trying to put my finger on it. I think this post just made me figure it out… whether he is in reality or not, he seems like the type of guy that is just content in his skin, confident, and has a subtle badass vibe. Same with Jason Statham. THAT is sexy… plucking your eyebrows or waxing your chest, or getting hair plugs… not sexy.

  38. madpoe says:

    Not only does it look like Bruno, but it looks gray! Do men have a harder time keeping their youth?

  39. WL says:

    Some people need to get a life.
    Don’t worry Ben .People won’t be laughing when you win an Oscar for the movie 😉

  40. Ally says:

    I don’t think he would look better bald, but this looks stupid, fake & too young.

    Also, if you’re going to the trouble of dyeing your hair brown, don’t let your gray stubble show.

  41. Nanea says:

    @ CB – in case you’re reading this, as you’re living in Germany part-time: the first pic I saw of BA before clicking on the story, he reminded me a little bit of Team Germany’s coach Jogi Löw.

  42. Gossip Owl says:

    Dear Ben,
    Please get rid of the toupee. They have this wonderful thing now called a hair transplant.

    Gossip Owl

  43. ShellyMay says:

    Hey look it’s Greg Brady!

  44. Dani says:

    CB, I don’t think that is a clever toupee. Clever would be a toupee that you are not sure if it is real hair or fake. That looks to me like a notoriously bad rug. Plus all I can see now when I look at him is the butt crack on his chin and I normally like a chin cleft. But this is just wrong on so many different levels. Yikes.

  45. Truthful says:

    looks like a wig to me, he has lost all of his sexiness–smdh.

  46. Victoria says:

    What the fug?!!!

  47. Madison says:

    Ben is a 40 year old with a jusin bieber hair style ridiculous and LOL. Ben’s so vain that once again he cast himself as the lead in his next movie, he needs to spend more time taking acting classes instead of trying to find the right hairstyle that will make him look like the hot lead in his next movie.

  48. mimi says:

    He looks so sad/ depressed.

    Garner really brought him down.

    At least he looked like a movie star and was hot when he was with Jen Lopez.

    He has been so sad for years. No light in his eyes.

    We have a friend whose girlfriend got pregnant and trapped him into commitment and marriage in that very way.
    He fathered another son to her, but he is still in a loveless marriage and very sad and disconnected.

  49. BC says:

    Ben is 38 not 40.
    Ben has naturally curly hair (Watch “Dazed and Confused”). Which is coarse and turning gray. It looks like he is blow drying his hair straight. That is only making his hair look dull, dry and wiry.

    Ben is growing his hair longer for his role in 1970’s base movie Argo. I have to confess that I grow up in the 70’s and Ben’s hair and sideburns are right on point. So…Bieber’s hair style is actually a Beatles or Retro hair style = 70’s doo with hair gel.

    Ben is directing and acting in Argo. I’m sure Warner Brothers are liking the 2 for 1 deal they are getting when working with Ben Affleck. He has already proven he can do the 3 for 1 deal. Ben probably has other studios calling him up. I guess the haters will have plenty to say about him for years to come.

  50. Camille says:

    Holy Fugness!

    That hair don’t has to be for a role in a comedy, surely? I wouldn’t be able to watch him play a serious character with his hair looking like that 😆 .

  51. Thea says:

    I think it draws more attention to the fact that is a toupee/some kind of weird hair piece and his butt chin. I like butt chins but not that much butt chin.

  52. LauraLibrarian says:

    I kind of like it. Does anyone else think he looks like Stephen Moyer?

  53. Sheigh says:

    I didn’t recognize him!
    WTF ?
    Looks like Lucas’ daddy in One tree hill show!
    Eeerk, errk, errk!

  54. really says:

    Just wrong! he needs to wash his hair and CUT!

  55. poopie says:

    GREG BRADY !!HAHHAHHAHAH BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! it’s JUST ALL SORTS OF WRONG WRONG WRONG ! it’s called a PIXIE HAIRCUT.. and for WOMEN !Looks sooooooooo stupid on him and BEIBER’S hair is just silly. looks like the wind is always blowing from BEHIND him

  56. baum says:

    I thought Richard Chamberlain at least Richard Chamberlain on a bad day

  57. eternalcanadian says:

    Omg, I just saw what Justin will look like when he’s 35–like Bruno in that bearskin hat and pleather shorts! 😛

    And Ben, nice try, but just give up, go with the flow. If William Wales can, so can you. 😛