Amanda Seyfried talks panic attacks, famous douches & the Trousersnake


Amanda Seyfried covers the November issue of Glamour UK with a very 1970s-styled dress and hairdo. She usually does retro looks quite well — it must be those old-school peepers. Aside from her beauty, Seyfried is an odd case. Presumably, she has a fanbase (in some nebulous shape or form) because she easily pulls in box-office gold whenever she stars in those insipid romcoms (that she only does for the money), yet gossip-wise, she is a total bore except for the occasional paparazzi shots of her cute dog. She’s currently promoting In Time, which probably won’t fare well financially because Seyfried in a thriller doesn’t sound all that thrilling, and nobody wants to watch Justin Timberlake as a male lead.

At any rate, I stand by my previous assertions that Amanda is terribly socially awkward; and Amanda discusses her panic attacks within this interview. She also maintains that dating famous guys has contributed to her anxiety level, but that might also be because she’s only dated famous guys who are douches, which are certain to erode any girl’s sense of self worth. Sad, but true:

On Coping With Panic Attacks: [Therapy] has been such a great tool, and my therapist told me that I passed with flying colors, but we’ll see how things go. I still do get terribly nervous, and that’s partly due to the fact I think too much and overanalyze things. I’ll start worrying about my parents or my dog, and I’ll picture him opening the window of my apartment and falling out, even though I can’t get that thing open myself.

On Dating Famous Guys: Dominic [Cooper] and I were together for such a long time, so the coverage was always positive. But when you’ve just started seeing someone and that person is really famous, it’s more of a story. When I was with Ryan [Phillipe], people followed me so much more, and that’s probably one of the reasons that I’m not looking to date someone who’s famous now.

Although I think it’s easier to be in a relationship than be single, I just don’t know if I have the energy at the moment. You don’t have to check in with anybody except your mother, and there’s all this freedom. You realise how many pressures come from being with someone.

On Justin Timberlake: Oh, only a lesbian or a straight man could resist the Trousersnake. Justin really is unique, but he has a difficult life. I mean, he can’t walk down the street anymore and that’s such a shame because freedom is everything.

On Her Favorite Body Part: [N]o matter how much I’ve eaten and how little I’ve exercised, my legs will always be tiny and I don’t have any cellulite – yet. So trust me: you’ll never see me in trousers on the red carpet.

[From Glamour UK]

Panic attacks (with their requisite chest pain, sweating, and tunnel vision) are absolutely horrible to experience, and it’s good to hear that Amanda’s found help through therapy. As a strange little aside though, I suffer from OCD (much like Howie Mandel and quite unlike Megan Fox), which is also an anxiety disorder. However, I have been fortunate enough to only suffer from one panic attack in my entire life, and it occurred in my former shrink’s office. So I guess that tells you how little therapy did for me; but if it helps, especially in the case of an actress who substantially benefits from the privacy guaranteed by doctor-patient confidentiality? More power.

I am slightly puzzed about Amanda’s assertion that her relationship with Dominic Cooper only received positive press. She must have missed those stories about him banging randoms and shagging Lindsay Lohan. Still, I can completely understand her desire to date non-famous men, so hopefully she’ll find a nice non-douche to settle down with. Amanda was obviously (at least according to her) single at the time of this interview, but she is currently dating a real estate executive named Andrew Joblon, with whom she was photographed at the U.S. Open:


And here are those tiny little legs of which Amanda spoke during the interview. Yes, she was kind of bragging, but at least it wasn’t a Goop-styled humblebrag, right?



Photos courtesy of Glamour, Fame, and WENN

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22 Responses to “Amanda Seyfried talks panic attacks, famous douches & the Trousersnake”

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  1. Loq says:

    I like her. She’s ditzy and fun and cute and doesn’t try to act like she’s some deep person.

  2. normades says:

    I don’t think Cooper banged Lohan. I think they just went to her hotel room in Cannes to do some Blow.

  3. Sloane Wyatt says:

    So refreshing to see real hair! I like her too.

  4. Jane says:

    I LOVED her since Veronica Mars. It is great that she is openly talking about her issues, so many people don´t because they are ashamed and fear the (unfair) stigma of mental diseases.

  5. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Bleh. I’d sooner bang SamRo (wearing a full body condom as not to catch any Blohan diseases) then get with Timberlake, and I’m straight!

  6. missie says:

    I can’t think look at Amanda without being a little sad wondering what Lindsay Lohan might have been like had she not gone off the edge.

  7. cmc says:

    She has a great running form! Look that beautiful midfoot strike! /runningnerd

    By the way, In Time might do better than you’d think. I’m not a fan of either of them, but I’m a huge fan of sci fi and the movie looks really interesting. I’ll be watching it.

  8. ShanKat says:

    Last Halloween she dressed up in a huge dog suit. I like her style in the pic where she’s holding the Barney’s bag.

    (Of course she does romcoms for the money. Actors charge money. People only do thea-tah for free.)

  9. Lauren says:

    I had my first panic attack in ’07 and I had therapy (and medicins for a couple of weeks) it really helped me and I thought I was ‘cured’. But now, 4 years later, I still have panic attacks like twice a week. I guess it’s something that you deal with your whole life from time to time.. But ontopic :p.. I really like Amanda, I only watched her in Mamma Mia and I thought she was very cute and real.. Not like most of the other young actresses (Megan Fox etc).. PS don’t mind my English.. I’m not from the US and English is not my first language :D)

  10. podzol says:

    Must…undo…imagine… Trousersnake.


  11. Ben says:

    I really love her. She’s beautiful and was great in Veronica Mars, Mean Girls, Chloe, even Mamma Mia. I think she’s just really charismatic ON SCREEN. I never want to see her on a talk-show again.

    You know I think I might try and struggle through the Timberlake and watch In Time too.

  12. EM says:

    the only reason to see In Time is Cillian Murphy.

  13. aenflex says:

    eeew i dont like her at all, but yeah, her doggie halloween costume was awesome, and cool that she wore it rather than stipper kitten

  14. ZenB!tch says:

    Timberlake is something I will never get. I think he’s funny on SNL but I cannot stand his fake MJ kicked in the balls falsetto or his curly eyebrows and fro….

    The latter is my own issue, I have curly hair (and straight brows) and feel a biological urge to NOT pass down that trait.

    OK so I guess I like Timberlake more than Ashton. I’m not repulsed, I just hate his music and he isn’t my type.

  15. Seal Team 6 says:

    @cmc —

    hahaha I noticed that, too! I also own those same shoes, so I’m impressed that she’s serious about having a natural stride. #anotherrunningnerd

    Also, I really like her. She seems likable IRL, and her acting is workmanlike and decent, and she’s engaging.

  16. Day says:

    I like her but she comes off as dingy especially with guys. It’s like she’s a silly high school girl w/o a clue when in reality she is a grown woman who shouldn’t be getting caught up in certain things. When choosing a mate, you need to pay close attention to their past. What could have possibly made her think RP was a suitable boyfriend? Really? She wear her heart on her sleeves and she will get hurt every time unless she wise up.

  17. The Original Ashley says:

    Eh I like her. She’s unassuming, she can either look really plain (Big Love) or look ah-mazing (like that cover) which makes her less of a threat, and she seems nice enough, though not too bright (like her character in Mean Girls). I think it was cute what she said about her and Cooper looking like frogs and being perfect for each other. It was cute. I sort of have a girl crush on her.

  18. Lucy says:

    She sounds less annoying(though still dull)in this interview. Guess she’s grown- up a bit.

  19. Eve says:

    My friend (who has a crush on her) told me he couldn’t stop giggling when he heard her saying the line “What big eyes you have!” in that Red Hood Riding movie.

  20. smh says:

    see i just knew that justin would ruin this girl too. he has a way of bringing out the inner douche in women who used to be cool (before meeting him). and her legs aren’t that slim, they’re more in the skinny-fat territory. that was a dumb comment to make, what’s wrong with wearing trousers on the red carpet? so only women with bad legs would wear’em. lol. she’s so out of it. and i’m no lesbian or straight woman and i’m pretty sure i could resist timberdouche and i would tell it to his face what an embarrassing, tryhard, basic, untalented loser douche he is. not to mention fugly inside&out

  21. Cerulean says:

    I don’t mind her. Lainey said when she saw her next to Megan Fox that she was the real beauty not to mention better actress.
    Maybe she’s a little shy and has a hard time articulating. Some people just aren’t super charming and on a lot. Especially if they are introverted.

  22. feyish says:

    I think it’s great that she thinks her legs are nice/recognizes that she has nice legs. It’s so accepted for us women to verbally rip our own bodies and the bodies of other women to shreds. What a healthy attitude… I’ve never particularly liked her in interviews, but I think she just won me over.