Suri Cruise is in the midst of penning her first novel, a children’s book

This past July, Katie Holmes famously declared that daughter Suri is “an amazing athlete, singer and dancer.” Now, Katie can add one more “occupation” to her daughter’s list — author. Of course, Katie can’t even be bothered to make sure her daughter attends school during fashion week. My point is that Suri’s parents haven’t exactly made her education a priority in life, yet now they are declaring her a self-made author? For the biological daughter of Tom Cruise, the Xenu-blessed sky is the limit:

Suri Cruise, author? According to a family friend, the 5-year-old is currently penning her own children’s book! And her parents, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, think it’s so good, they plan to publish it when she’s finished. “Suri is smart beyond her years,” the family friend tells In Touch. “Not only is she writing the book, she’s also working on all the illustrations. She is actually very talented for someone so young.”

And her parents couldn’t be more proud. “Tom and Katie are careful not to push her too hard, but of course they think she is a little genius,” adds the friend. Although Suri hasn’t come up with a title just yet, the insider reveals the story is about the adventures of a little girl who lives in a big house in Beverly Hills. Sounds like more of an autobiography to us, Suri!

[From In Touch, print edition, December 5, 2011]

Oh boy. Isn’t that “amazing“? To Katie, everything truly is amazing because she’s been re-programmed that way. In addition, Scientologists essentially believe that children are merely adults in small bodies, but the notion of Suri penning anything more than a few stapled-together pages is ridiculous. Naturally, most parents believe that their kids can walk on water, but most parents also don’t have the money and/or power to get their kid’s random scribblings published as a book. However, I don’t doubt that Tom will eventually strong-arm some poor publisher into doing his daughter’s bidding. And then poor Connor will have just one more reason to rage against the machine. Team Connor.

Photos courtesy of Fame

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84 Responses to “Suri Cruise is in the midst of penning her first novel, a children’s book”

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  1. Agnes says:

    These people are so full of crap.

  2. Flan says:

    Poor child.

    That said, I’m glad I’m not her nanny, because kids who grow up this spoiled would be horrible to deal with.

  3. reg says:

    Being reared in Scientology, this child is more than likely illiterate. I feel sorry for the ghost writer who is writing up this crap.

    • Wif says:

      Grant you, she may be illiterate because she’s a child, but much as I hate the CO$, (I was labelled a suppressive person and my fiance was forced to dump me) their approach to reading is actually pretty solid. I’ll give you brainwashed and crazy, but they certainly aren’t illiterate.

  4. Cheyenne says:

    The COS will force all its members to buy 25 copies each or face excommunication (or whatever their version of it is).

  5. Eleonor says:

    Somewhere in a scientodungeons there is the ghost writer, who will be sentenced to death if the book doesn’t succeed.

  6. Jilli says:

    Most kids don’t even start school until 6- maybe that’s why Suri is not in school. I imagine she is read to quite a bit. Who knows? One should be able to write before she becomes an author, however so I’m thinking this story is BS.

    • kalikap says:

      um….most kids start kinder when they are 5. my son turned 5 and june and started in september. it’s rare that they start at 6.

    • SamiHami says:

      Six? Where do kids start school at six? I started school at age 4.

  7. Quest says:

    The Scientologists interpretation of children being young adults is like the child (played by – was it C Dunst) in “Interview with a Vampire” which (ironically)also starred Tom. Sounds more like some science fiction crap.

  8. Anait says:

    Team Connor.
    And what about a “ghostwriter”?

  9. hi says:

    its nice to see a child raised as a precious princess. she is living every childs wish life. it doesn’t mean she is spoiled.

  10. Jem says:

    ‘Working on the illustrations’ ha! Writing stories and scribbling!

  11. Nanea says:

    Suri would really be talented if she, after writing and illustrating her book, went on to print, bind and market/sell the book all by herself.

    Until then it’s just $cientolies.

  12. ds says:

    So what? I used to write books and plays as a kid with my sister: it was a game and we would even perform and read to our parents. Kids do that. The only difference is a publishing part. But again, so what? With that money, why not?

    • Roma says:

      I totally agree – I even had a short story I wrote at the age of 6 published. Of course it was part of a larger collection of kids stories but if you read and have an active imagination, not too hard to bang out a kids book at that age.

    • WOM says:

      This story is NOT notable because a child aspires to be an author. It’s the over-the-top response from her parents, in conjunction with their membership in a cult, their earlier oddly-phrased praise of her talents, and the fact that she is frequently in the limelight.

      Why does Suri writing a little story even make it into the press? Is there nothing her parents won’t use to increase their public profile? It’s sad.

      • Roma says:

        Everything is over the top when it comes to Suri, I agree. I just find the idea of them “publishing” Suri’s book far less offensive than her lack of stability.

      • Elizabeth says:

        John Lennon had his son Sean’s childhood drawings (5 years old?) expensively framed so that they could be put on the wall as art. Its just a parent thing, I guess.

  13. Seal Team 6 says:

    OMFG — give me break.

  14. Cindy says:

    I seem to recall this assignment in first grade – write a story, draw a picture to go with it. We were a bunch of little Einsteins at my old public school.

  15. e.non says:

    and what life experiences is this child going to bring to the written page — endless nights out shopping while on a sugar buzz; being thrust out front for screaming, obnoxious middled-aged men to photograph her; rare interactions with children her own age. she can bring a whole other perspective to childhood.

  16. jen says:

    “Horton Hears a Xenu”

  17. The Original Mia says:

    Doing the writing and the illustrations? Sure, she is. These people…

  18. Angel says:

    What an absolute Angel!!!!!!!! I’ll buy the book.

  19. Dena says:

    I wonder if it’s a way to subtly sell (introduce & market) Scientology to young children and their parents.

  20. Angel says:

    Why should Sciento’s jump into the fray and indoctrinate kids, when Christians are doing it for centuries??? TC was a Catholic may be, that is where Tom is getting inspiration from.

    • Elizabeth says:

      It would be nice to go through a day without any Christian bashing. Do you say these things to Muslims or Jews (religions that have been around longer than Christianity)? Do you think that you know their history too because I doubt you do. I’m Christian but I don’t feel its my job to judge other people’s beliefs or lack of belief. Bashing other groups isn’t cool and someone else’s bad behaviour doesn’t justify yours. Think about it.

  21. WickedSteppMom says:

    Every single child in my daughter’s kindergarten class last year & 1st grade class this year wrote a story w/illustrations, and they were all published in a nice hard-bound book that we could all buy for just $20/copy. (I love my kid, but I don’t have either copy.) It’s called a vanity press–ANYONE can write a story & get it published…it has nothing to do w/talent-you pay them to publish it, and in turn, they hope to make more money if more copies sell.

    • Abby says:

      My son’s class (4th grade) just did this! In fact, I have the envelope sealed beside me for him to turn in on Monday.

      But I doubt Suri’s story will be in a book like that.

  22. Cathy says:

    I feel sorry for the kid, she’s not being allowed to be a child.

  23. Cheyenne says:

    William and Harry had the benefit of having fairly sane parents, something poor Suri knows nothing about.

    I’m torn between feeling sorry for that child and loathing her.

    • JM says:

      William and Harry were also raised that with their status, comes responsibility. They weren’t given free reign because they’re parents believed (blindly) that they were adults in little bodies.

      I feel sorry for Suri now but in 10/15 years, she’ll be nothing short of insufferable…like her parents.

    • Marjalane says:

      I know, right? It’s all about Tom Cruise and scientology in my mind- I’ve never been able to be objective about Nicole Kidman simply because of her association with him.

  24. WOM says:

    She can’t be any worse of a writer than L. Ron.

  25. ShanKat says:

    Team Suri. Forevah.

  26. Lucy says:

    Of course Suri is a genious, look at who her parents are: Tom Einstein Cruise and Katie Stephen Hawkings Holmes….

    • Cerulean says:

      Lol. I think they see her as a reflection of themselves so they push this perfect super child image.

  27. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Suri is already a best selling author. She was Stephanie Meyer’s ghost writer for all four of those craptastic twilight books. The kindergarten quality writing was a dead give away. I’m on to you Suri!

  28. GoodCapon says:

    Can’t they even give her a semblance of a normal childhood?

  29. Reece says:

    That kid’s gonna have a nervous breakdown before she’s 18.

  30. F5 says:

    She’s so cute ◕‿◕

  31. bluhare says:

    What I find really disgusting is the over the top displays over Suri while his other children are relegated to the background. If it were me, I’d be happy to be in the background, but it wouldn’t take away the feeling of not being good enough.

  32. peachthief says:

    Why does Suri’s hair always look unbrushed? That’s been buggin me for days.

    And I’m sorry, but raising a child as a pretty pretty princess with no expectations and no stability (constant traveling) is a recipe for an emotional cripple.

  33. poopie says:

    if i REALLY wrote what i thought it would prob not be published so i’ll just say : i HATE her shoes..
    and won’t buy ‘her’ book.

  34. missy says:

    This story is from InTouch. The same rag has a nasty cover story about Angelina Jolie this week. It’s funny how on the Angelina thread, everyone is going on and on about how InTouch is full of crap etc., but if they write a dumb article about the Cruises, it must be true? So lame.

    • Wildone says:

      I actually find both InTouch stories about Angelina Jolie this one to be BS because for one thing if Suri wrote a book both Tome and Katie would be the first to announce it to the would about how special and advance Suri is than other children not some shity rage magazine from a no name course.

  35. benny says:

    What I always find amusing about them is they supposedly met when Katie auditioned for a role in Mission Impossible 3. Yet Tom didn’t cast her in the movie. Did he think she’s THAT BAD of an actress? She’s good enough to play his girlfriend, but not good enough to be in his movie (granted, she brings down every single movie she’s in — maybe Tom has better business sense than I thought).

  36. Dawning Red says:

    Possible titles for Suri’s book:

    Xenu: Warrior Princess
    The Lion, the Witch, and the Auditor.
    Gone with the Mind
    The Cat in the Hubbard
    The Old Man and the Sea Org
    The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Thetans
    Charlotte’s E-Meter
    Suppresor Valley High

  37. Callumna says:

    I’m tired of talented real writers not getting a chance, and now babies of celebs and people of similar intellect getting book deals for someone else’s writing.

    Publishing industry is a joke when children’s books are supposedly written by Madonna and Suri Cruise who just want to peddle their money making cults anyway.

  38. Smithy says:

    And I wonder what creative, beautiful things Connor did that Tom missed out on? Team Conner all the way!

  39. Well that does it. Human procreation can stop now; it has been done to perfection.

    Really. Suri may, like many normal children, have varied interests and start lots of little creative projects, but that does not make her a prodigy.

    I don’t even remember the last time I saw Katie in an interview where she wasn’t “opening up” about Suri. I’m sure she’s genuinely delighted by her daughter, but she really needs to stop presenting Suri to the public as this amazing otherworldly creature. Sooner or later, Suri is going to have to make her own identity, and if she grows up to be less than perfect at whatever vocation she chooses or (God forbid)grows up not to be very pretty, she’s going to have a lot of rebuilding to do. That child has garnered so much attention for her mom that I don’t even think of Katie without thinking of her being Suri’s mom. What if she just built an acting career based on her acting? What would happen? It’s just an idea.

  40. lisa says:

    My niece is 6 years old. At her school they do Writer’s Workshop. she has been writing stories since Kindergarten. Not unheard of. I have gone to her school and am amazed at the stories these little children can write. Many children are natural story tellers. So I can believe she came up with a cute story her parents thought would be fun to have published. If you have gone to any bookstore in the Children’s section you will find many stories written by young children. And their parents are not Tom and Katie Cruise.

    The Madonna book was actually great. And a good lesson for children on spreading rumors. It should have been marketed for adults. I think they need the lesson more.

    but I don’t like to judge people on how they choose to raise their children. I have worked in schools, and let me say.. some of the supposed “normal” families are failing their children. Education in the USA is free, yet there are parents here that have to be taken to court because they don’t send their children to school. Suri may have tutors or private instructors. Which means she has a teacher all to herself. And no distractions. I heard her speak once and she is not inarticulate. so she could be a very smart and gifted child.

    • PiperB says:

      So true, their is way too much hate for this little girl and her family. Tom I can see, he is mean but not Katie.

  41. k says:

    I am finally ready to admit that Suri is not Chris Klein’s daughter. But that doesn’t mean Cruise actually had sex with Holmes. ; .

  42. Seal Team 6 says:

    Remember, many Scientologists believe that Suri is the literal reincarnation of L. Ron.

    • Cerulean says:

      Oh no. Really?? That takes this crazy to a whole other level. I remember the rumors that they used LRon sperm to make a super baby. But I just thought it was just too far fetched. However, I can believe they think she’s a reincarnation. Maybe that’s why they didn’t have anymore children. The focus is on solely on Suri.

  43. Vesper says:

    The only thing I see Suri interested in is fashion. They showed her reading a fashion magazine last year. What five year old reads fashion magazines?

  44. says:

    In the first pic, Suri looks like Tom Cruise with a wig on.

  45. cruiz2 says:

    As a Youth Librarian, most Hollywood children books suck!!! They don’t circulate and in the collection (1-2 copies)only for limited time. Good luck if Suri can compete with the real world.

    • PiperB says:

      I worked in the Children’s Room for 8 years and found the opposite to be true, guess it depends where you live.

  46. PiperB says:

    Besides marrying Tom Cruise what is it that is so awful about Katie Holmes? I don’t get it.

  47. reg says:

    Tom Cruise has dyslexia which he supposedly cured, and Katie Holmes is a vapid twit, it is doubtful their child has any writing talent. However the celebrity book market is not being taken seriously by the publishing industry, everyone knows these people don’t know how to write or have command of the English prose and style, I’m not sure what the reading curriculum is in Scientology, but their learning is very limited and is more dedicated to self-study like making things out of clay. Suri’s next project will be Sculpture of L. Ron Hubbard.

  48. MacScore says:

    If I see one more pic of Katie in those boots, I’m jumping on a plane, flying over, ripping them off her and burning them! No.To.Those.Boots.

  49. Kelly says:

    Kids can write well….I remember in 3rd grade my teacher and principal had a meeting with me, then my parents, to see if they could try to get my story, “A Skunk Named Pewey”, published. We didn’t make a big deal of it. I went on to graduate with a high school 4.0 GPA and University of Washington w/ two degrees at 3.89 GPA while working full time. Point being, who cares? Even if she is a genius. Nobody made a huge deal because I was “smart”; neither did I; I don’t think I’m superior. But there’s where their mistake lies…acting as if she’s superior. It’s a critical error and a lot of people will be paying for it for a very long time. I’m in agreement; pay more attention to your other children, too; not just Suri! Emotional and Mental health are just as important; actually, more important, than IQ. I have an autistic son who is off the charts IQ, but we have many challenges ahead of us. What my final point it, is that everyone is different, but the most important thing to remember is this: love your children enough to accept their shortcomings, and nurture them emotionally because they grow up quickly, and then they are either healthy or messed up, and there you are.

  50. psychoticstate says:

    Oh please. Camp Cruise can stop shoving Suri down our throats now – – is there anything this wonder child can’t do to perfection?
    Why is she wasting her time authoring a children’s book – – we need a cure for cancer!

  51. choc says:

    Suri is too damn grown acting! Seems to me like she runs her parents – both of them! Who would let a child that young wear make up – and heels???!!!

  52. TVannie says:

    Suri may be a smart child, but a handful of days in kindergarten is not enough to learn to read, write and illustrate a childs book. Besides she’s very busy designing her own clothes while styling Katie’s outfits. Poor kid must be exhausted no wonder she goes to Starbucks so often.