Enquirer: Lourdes Leon is embarrassed by Madonna’s “cougar” behavior

Imagine, just for a moment, the life of Lourdes Leon. Her mother, Madonna, has always been on a Peter Pan sort of mission and, consequently, has refused to age gracefully. This fact is blatantly obvious and evidenced by Madge’s red-carpet getups. Wouldn’t you just die if your mother showed up next to you while wearing this outfit?

If Lourdes herself was freaked out by her mother’s sexy (at age 53) getup, I can definitely emphathize. However, it is possible that Lourdes has been surrounded by Madonna’s ways for so long that it might seem normal to have a mom who dresses this way. Yet she cannot possibly comfortable with Madonna regularly dating dudes in their early 20s and still vaguely trying to pretend that these guys are more than just sexual appendages. Well, the Enquirer has heard from a family friend who says that Lourdes is shame-faced at her mother’s behavior in this regard, and she’s had enough:

Madcap Madonna, who set the stage for outrageous acts like Lady Gaga, has a fierce new critic — her teen daughter Lourdes.

Sources say the 53-year-old superstar, who’s sold more than 210 million albums, has repeatedly embarrassed the 15-year-old by still dressing like she did 30 years ago and dating men young enough to be her daughter’s boyfriend.

“Lourdes is telling pals she wished her mother would change and be more like other moms,” revealed a family friend.

Ever since the Material Girl hit the scene in 1983, she shocked and delighted fans with wild, sex-rated outfits she wore onstage and off. And in 1992, she published a red-hot coffee table book called “Sex.”

“Lourdes loves her mother, and her antics are nothing new, but now that she’s growing up, she doesn’t want anyone to start making fun of her mom and calling her a ‘cougar'” revealed the friend.

“Lourdes also wishes her mother would date men closer to her own age.

Madonna is seeing Brahim Zaibat, a Muslim, French break-dancer — who at 25 is less than half the singer’s age. Prior to Brahim, she was dating a 23-year-old Brazillian model [Jesus Luz] she met at a 2008 photo shoot in Rio de Janeiro.

“Lourdes just wants their lives to be normal sometimes, but her mother never turns it off or tones it down — it’s always ‘Madonna!'” said the friend.

The performer has four children — Lourdes by her ex-boyfriend Carlos Leon; Rocco Ritchie, 11, by ex-husband Guy Ritchie; David Banda, 6, whom she adopted from Malawi (Africa), and Chifundo “Mercy” James, 5, also adopted from Malawi.

The still-popular entertainer, who dearly loves all her children, insists on being herself.

But the sources notes that Lourdes sometimes feels “she is more of a grownup than her mother.”

[From Enquirer, print edition, December 5, 2011]

I’ve always wondered what Lourdes thinks about Madonna dating guys who could literally be her older brother or, in just a couple of years, legitimate love interests for Lourdes herself. It’s probably quite humiliating for Lourdes to acknowledge that her mother is sexing these guys up in the other room while she tries to sleep. I mean, weren’t most of us creeped out just a bit upon realizing, as teenagers, that our parents had sex? And yet we weren’t tortured enough to virtually witness them having sex with partners who were less than half their ages like Lourdes has endured. Yes, she’s got many advantages and privileges to being Madonna’s daughter, but the trade-off in this scenario probably grosses her out completely. Ugh.

As a refresher, here’s Madonna’s latest hot young piece, 23-year-old Brahim (who hilariously wants to make an honest woman of her), as they leave a restaurant together and also walk through the airport with Madonna’s four (other) children. Poor Lourdes.

Photos courtesy of Fame and PCN

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73 Responses to “Enquirer: Lourdes Leon is embarrassed by Madonna’s “cougar” behavior”

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  1. I.want.shoes says:

    I would be mortified. And claiming that I too was adopted.

  2. Marjalane says:

    Ha! If I was Madonna’s boytoy, I’d want to make an “honest woman” out of her too! Even with an iron clad pre-nup, there would be pay out at the end. Also, Lourdes is so pretty- she really picked up her Dad’s good looks. (I barely remember what pre-surgery Madonna looked like)

    • Alexis says:

      I think she picked up her father’s coloring for sure. I actually think she looks a good bit like Madonna in the face, if you look at old pictures.

      I think it’s unfair to assume that Madonna is jealous (I don’t see that in these pictures), but boy does Lourdes look embarrassed (as I certainly would be!).

      • PiperB says:

        I agree, she looks a lot like Madonna. Isn’t her natural hair color almost black anyway? I am also sure she can get pretty darn tan if she wanted to.

  3. Cheyenne says:

    It’s always pathetic to see a middle-aged woman in competition with her teenage daughter.

    • Original Tiffany says:

      ITA, but I guess I’m middle aged now at 42 and my girl is 14. I don’t show up wearing lace get ups, and I make her dress and act pretty conservatively, she’s gorgeous on her own. I’ve also been with her dad since I was 20.
      My brother is 11 years younger than me-that’s 3 years more difference in age than Lourdes and the boy Madge is dating!
      Anyway, I still dress sexy sometimes when I go out. I don’t shop in the juniors to compete with my daughter, that’s pathetic. No mini skirts for me or short shorts, but I refuse to relinquish the sexy because I have a teenager! I celebrate both our beauties, and certainly hope she does too.
      My mom is gorgeous as well, and only 18 years older than me. Sometimes she crosses that line and I hate it. She’s had tons of plastic surgery and it embarrasses me a bit.
      So yeah, retain your sexy-I can still dance on a table all night, but don’t compete with your teen girl. It’s just wrong and is shaming for your girl. And FFS, date someone closer to your age Hef! OH, I mean Madge.

      • Cheyenne says:

        Most def, retain the sexy. I’m talking about mothers who try to wear their daughters’s clothes and look like damn fools in the process.

  4. tapioca says:

    Poor Lourdes. For all her money and priviledge I’d rather have my regular mum embarrassing me in front of only a small select group of close friends and relations, than have to deal with any of Madonna’s shenanigans.

    At least Madge’s gold-digger toyboy is relatively attractive though, unlike J-Lo who clearly fed her Mogwai after midnight.

  5. Jane says:

    Ugh. I’ve read some of Lola’s blog and she seems really sweet. I would be so beyond uncomfortable if I was in her shoes. Madonna really needs to start acting like a mom. Who knows what Brahim actually thinks of Lourdes! When they go on vacation!? In those bikinis!? He’s probably more attracted to her than her mom! Just awful.

    • Kimbob says:

      Yeah, @Jane…I’ve thought about that before, as well. I’m sure Madonna’s “boytoys,” past & present have lusted over Lola. It’s nature…it’s unavoidable…they’re closer in age to the daughter than the mother. For real…come on!

      Madonna really needs to get a grip…but she won’t. She’s deluded.

  6. ShanKat says:

    Madonna’s the one who should be embarrassed. Not so much over her outfits…she’s always been a sartorial mess. That boy she’s dragging around is so incredibly young. And creepy. I can’t put my finger on why, but Baby Brahim gives me the skankwillies.

    Lourdes is unbelievably gorgeous. Her mother looks like she’s positively ill with jealousy.

    • Original Tiffany says:

      That makes me sad. I feel beautiful, but my girl got her Dad’s Angelina lips. I wish. I’m so happy for her, and I hope she turns out to be a great beauty with brains, sweetness and personality. I dearly know and hope she has it all in spades! Any Mom who is jealous is horrid, IMO. You should always want and hope for more for your children. Always. Or don’t have them.

    • Eden says:

      Why would she be jealous? I think you’re projecting. Madonna sounds nothing but proud of her daughter from all that she has said and how she actually acts toward her (I’m not talking about stuff mentioned in tabloid trash here).

  7. Hautie says:

    I would suspect there is a little truth to this bit of gossip. With Lourdes in high school in NYC, everyone knows who her Mother is and who she is dating.

    So unfortunately, there are loud mouths to deal with, daily in the hallways. So I can believe that Lourdes would like for her Mother to tone it down.

    And we all know that is not going to happen.

    Madonna never has done anything gracefully. Ever. And no matter how much she may be humiliate her daughter. She is not going to change.

  8. GirlyGirl says:

    Hey Lourdes join the club! It’s embarrassing for all of us.

  9. Mia says:

    I wonder if she misses Guy Ritchie at all, I mean, she basically grew up with him, and he does share custody of Rocco and David. I personally liked Madonna when she was with Guy, lately though, not so much.

  10. Wif says:

    I keep forgetting about Madonna’s other 3 kids, which has me wondering why ALL the photo ops with Lourdes and none of the rest. It makes me wonder if she’s uses Lourdes youth and beauty to draw attention to herself.

  11. tmbg says:

    Eh, she’d be embarrassed if her mother was frumpy and overprotective too.

    I wish she hadn’t let her dye her hair. She had the nicest chestnut brown color and it’s too dark and severe now.

  12. Mich says:

    Goodness but that child is a stunner!

    Personally, I don’t want Madge to tone it down. When I was in my teens, I found her shocking because I was incredibly uptight. Now that I am (much) older (but still a decade younger than Madge), I think she is awesome. She has always been about breaking boundaries and I love that she refuses to be tamed. She is living her life to the fullest. Good on her.

    So what if her boy toys and party clothes raise eyebrows? She looks great for her age (obviously with some help but also through hard work), she isn’t throwing drinks at people or driving into baby strollers, to the best of my knowledge she has never demanded that a cone be removed in her honor, and her teenage daughter seems to have been raised well and to be very grounded.

    Well done Madonna. On all fronts. And the newest boy toy? I should be so lucky!

    • treasa says:

      Amen to that!!

    • Hmmm says:

      What boundaries is Madonna breaking that are admirable? Just wondering.

    • Tracy says:

      I am not impressed by anything Madonna says. When I was 21, I thought she was the hottest thing out there. But then she started giving mothering advice.

      When she said that she would “never use television as a babysitter” and her daughter was only 6 weeks old, she lost all relevancy to me.

      When she said that she would never allow such trash in her home, that was when I started realizing what a self-righteous bitch she was. Does she not contribute to the “trash” that comes into our homes?

      She’s a terrible actress, an awful singer, and from what I’ve gleaned about her, a horrible person.

  13. Of course she is embarrassed! Doesn’t every girl (and boy) feel this way at some point? It’s the ‘drop me off around the corner, mom’ syndrome. Let’s face it, Lourdes is a child of an unconventional mother – and so she is surely accustomed to ‘odd’ behavior. Don’t use Lourdes to project your own jealousy and insecurity about Madonna. Every single one of you – everyone! – would love to be rich, have power and have a young boytoy you could control…at least once in you life. Can you imagine how fun this would be? Don’t even try to tell me you wouldn’t.

  14. Annaloo says:

    SO WHAT?????!!

    Teenagers are embarrassed by EVERYTHING.. if she’s embarrassed, so what? Everyone goes through it. She’s lucky that Madonna IS her mother for all the opportunities and blessings that are going to come her way in life.

    • Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

      It would be rockin awesome to see Madonna on Dancing with the Stars, paired with Maks.

  15. UKHels says:

    hmmm I’m not gonna shed too many tears for Lola

    I’m sure Madge isn’t the easiest mother in the world but the kids seem pretty well adjusted considering and they have money and privilege

    Lourdes is gorgeous and she’ll have doors opened for her that other girls her age can only dream of

    my 15 year old gets embarrassed at me if I say something rude in front of her mates, I’m sure she’d die if I turned up at the school disco in my fishnets ha ha

  16. Reece says:

    I’d imagine Lola’s probably used to it by now. Probably just shakes her head and moves on.

    Dude looks like one of her kids in the airport pic. *snort*

  17. MAMAKOWALSKA says:

    She will catch her mom with one of her boyfriends or Mom will catch her with one of Mom’s boyfriends. Mark my words!!!

  18. Catherine says:

    Nah, I bet they have a good relationship.

  19. bettyrose says:

    Embarrassing, sure, but on behalf of all women – celebrity and normal – who’ve endured fathers dating women their age (or younger), join the club.

  20. Minx2 says:

    I can’t figure out what Madonna sees in all those boy-babies. It’s odd because when she was younger, she went for the manly type: Sean Penn, Guy Ritchie. But now that she’s older, she goes for babies who are totally dependent on her, cannot stand up to her and are completely unknown. Maybe she feels like being who she is, she can act like an older, rich dude: get a young piece, use it, discard it. I can’t even remotely imagine having sex with them, there is nothing interesting, manly, attractive about them. Just a young face and body. She seems to have given up on a real relationship.

    • Leticia says:


    • MyCatLovesTV says:

      Madonna always shoved herself in our faces and took charge of everything in an almost masculine way. I tend to agree with you in that if it’s good for powerful men to have arm candy, why not for her? I can now think of her the way I think of men who do that…

  21. theaPie says:

    Isn’t it sort of normal for teens to be embarrassed by their parents? Granted, most don’t have to deal with having Madonna as a mother…

  22. Jules says:

    Yes, that red-hot book called ‘Sex’ that ended up in the dollar bin in bookstores. I’ll take my fuddyduddy mother anyday over Madonna.

  23. Kim says:

    I feel bad for Lourdes. Her mother does have alot of growing up and maturing to do. Its hard for every teenager – i cant imagine how hard it is for Lourdes who is very much in the public eye to know the world sees w/her mother parading with 24 yrs olds. Poor Lourdes.

  24. sassy says:

    let me just say real quick: my mother used to dress like a hooker when I was a kid. Once, kids actually said a prostitute was talking to the jr. high principal and when I looked out the window, it was my mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was horrified. This is shit you never get used to.

  25. NM9005 says:

    “that her mother is sexing these guys up in the other room”

    I don’t think Madonna had sex since give or take 2006-2007. Just a hunch and not based on her age. Even in the past people thought she was a crazy sexkitten and that has been debunked many times, including herself (just check her quotes from the past, it’s telling). People just love to paint that picture of her because that’s what they want to believe but it’s not true (many biographies tell that same thing) and it’s kind of sad that people try to even paint that picture even MORE through her own flesh and blood. By all accounts, Lourdes is probably a bit embarassed (like any teen with whatever man/husband) but I think Madonna is pretty Madonna Ciccone the mother and not Madonna the superstar when around her children and I do think that outlevels her relationships with young guys.

    EDIT: and her clothing? They both steal clothes from each other and are totally cute when interacting so I don’t think Lourdes doesn’t know what her mother will wear and isn’t ok with. Please. The girl loves attention and fame too and has been around it her entire life but she’s supposed to be flabbergasted by her “cougar mom”? As if she doesn’t know the game. Too funny.

    • Lisa says:

      All true, but to be fair, the sex obsessed image didn’t come from nowhere. She played it up from the beginning. You can’t fault people for focusing on that, when it is something she perpetuated.

  26. Girl says:

    What the f-ck is that ugly ass lace/emu bullshit Madonna is wearing? “Embarassing” doesn’t even begin to describe that mess.

  27. Callumna says:

    Madonna’s pathetic. But Guy, Lourdes’ dad and Sean Penn are all acting even more pathetic.

  28. PiperB says:

    Her mother is Madonna, should she really be complaining? I think Madonna looks better now than she did in the 80’s. Granted that dress is a little Cher but still. She’s Madonna.

  29. Dani says:

    I think Lourdes is a stunning young lady. She is growing up fast.

    But all kids want their parents to be well “like parents.” This doesn’t surprise me she would feel this way at her age. Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone well ever tame Madonna. Part of what made her famous is her ability to see no obstacles in her path and I speculate that she views age the same way.

  30. Cerulean says:

    I had a friend who slept with Madonna and he said it was the worst sex he’s ever had. She likes to play up her image but she’s a cold fish. I wonder if these boys are just props. She likes the reaction she gets.

    Mutton dressed as lamb=Madonna.

    • Sammi says:

      I can totally get behind this. She’s so narcissistic, that I can’t imagine her caring about anything but her own satisfaction.

  31. skuddles says:

    Yes it’s a special day when you realize Mommy is a youth-sucking, boy-toy boinking hobag.

  32. DreamyK says:

    I can’t wait to read the article that says one of Madonna’s boytoys only hooked up with her so he could get close to that gorgeous daughter of hers.


  33. Aly says:

    My friends and I took my mom and my best friends mom out dancing with us a couple times. We’d choose cool “mom” clothes. Fix their hair and makeup and out we went. It was so fun when we could drag our moms out dancing and meeting all our friends. I hope my niece will want me to go out with her and her friends once or twice. Lourdes seems to have the opposite.

    Btw, does Lourdes look like pre-surgery Kim K a little in the last picture?

  34. Aly says:

    Ooops I meant Penelope Cruz not (gag) KK

  35. Jaxx says:

    Madonna sometimes grosses me out and I am the same age as she is. However, why should Madonna retire to the rocking chair when she looks as good as she does? She and her doctors have worked hard to make her look like she does so why shouldn’t she enjoy it? Why must a woman retire her sexuality when she hits 40? People are living longer and looking younger if they exercize, eat right and take care of themselves. If they have just as much energy as they did in their 20’s why should they leave the stage to the youngsters? I think the youngsters are just going to have to get used to it.

    When Lourdes gets to her 50’s she will understand why Madonna refuses to act old when she feels young. For now, she will just have to cringe as all young people do when they think about their parents sex lives. It won’t kill her. I may not agree with all of Madonna’s choices but I will defend her right to make them to the death.

    • Susan says:

      Exactly. And the whole thing is so sexist. I don’t remember reading similar stories about Harrison Ford when he was pictured at Lakers games with his son, even though he did youth-seeking things like pierce his ear and chase a much younger woman, etc. Say what you want about Madonna: She has worked hard for that body and has every right to dress it the way she pleases.

      • kathryn says:

        my thoughts exactly- nobody would say anything if it were a 53 yr old man and a 25 yr old woman- commonplace in hollywood isnt it?!

        also i think madge and lourdes seem to have a nice relationship!

      • Lisa says:

        I might not be a fan of Madonna’s music any more, but her body has always been enviable at any age! Muscles on a woman are so sexy.

  36. Eden says:

    This sounds like complete rubbish and I’m not surprised it’s from the National Enquirer. It’s the typical kind of trash that the British tabloids push about Madonna “not acting her age.” They have been trying to control her since she started out and have been saying she’s too old and should act her age since her late 20s-early 30s. Screw that. Madonna can do as she pleases and I doubt Lourdes is so embarrassed as she seems to love hanging out with her mother and often brings her friends along to her mother’s events, like the dance competition to find a dancer for her tour that Madonna held just recently. There’s no way you can force a teenager to be there if they didn’t want to be there. From all accounts from people who actually have met them, it seems Lourdes and Madonna have a great relationship and Lourdes seems pretty well-adjusted, down-to-earth, and a sweet girl. If Madonna was truly some horrible mother she’s made out to be by some tabloids, I doubt Lourdes would be as she is described.

    I think it says a lot about people who WANT to believe these kind of stories. Like they want to see Madonna somehow “put in her place.” The truth is that Madonna continues to challenge the status quo and social norms, which is why she makes people so uncomfortable and she gets such intense reactions. She broke/pushed boundaries and challenged the status quo decades ago, I don’t expect her to back down now that she has to deal with constant sexism and ageism.

    Where are the stories about George Clooney, Bruce Willis, Jack Nicholson and tons of other older men dating younger women? Where are the stories about them embarrassing their families with their behavior? What about Sean Penn, Guy Ritchie, and Carlos Leon who all have dated much younger women? It’s always the women that are ostracized, punished, and shamed for daring to step outside what is socially accepted or allowed.

    • Nate says:

      My thoughts exactly !!!

    • Jayna says:


    • Jaxx says:

      Boy did you ever nail it! That’s just what it seems like: the desire to put Madonna in her place. Though what place that is I’m not sure. But you never hear the older men, like the ones you named and more, being taken to task for their behavior and told to “act their age.” It’s just women who they want to lock up in chastity belts and desexualize. Cher gets the same treatment. Even Susan Surandan got criticism when she hooked up with Tim Robbins. Woman with big personalities are expected to shut up and sit down. Good thing these women aren’t listening.

      I say go for it ladies! The rocking chair comes soon enough, so don’t waste a minute of time–get out there and be outrageous!

  37. Eden says:

    Brahim is 25, not 23. “Family friends” would not be talking to tabloids. Madonna is pretty strict about that kind of stuff and as soon as people talk, they are gone. So these “sources” are likely the tabloid writers themselves. Of course it’s the Enquirer, one of the biggest “fan fiction” writers ever.

  38. Jayna says:

    Nice to see nonhaters on a Madonna thread. Ninety percent of Madonna photos are Madonna dressed her age. Madonna on stage is two-Thirds of the time in outfits that are pants. Lourdes is in a performing arts school. She goes on tour with mom all these years. Madonna let her play the piano for a ballad and she and Rocco danced the last song on Madonna’s ending show of her last tour. She worked in the dancer’s costume department. She goes to places like the last dancer selection show because she loves her mom. Hardly embarrassed. She sees performer Madonna and mom Madonna and knows the difference. Madonna actually said a year ago Lola thought she dressed boring.

  39. Laughing Librarian says:

    Ugh, if you were a teen, wouldn’t that freak you out? I mean, parents are disgusting and embarrassing to their kids during their teenage years anyway. This is just another thing for Lourdes to be mortified about.

  40. Sandra says:

    Madonna has never exactly conducted herself with grace or dignity – why on earth would she start now? When she eventually heads off to the Pop Star Old Age Home, it’ll be on the arm of some 40-year-old and we regrettably will not be able to blame her lack of pants on dementia.

  41. NameRequired says:

    Whatever, if I can pull hot young models when I’m 53, I most certainly will.

    Why should Madonna care if Lourdes is “embarrassed” by who she dates? She feds and clothes her, puts a roof over her head, and provides her with every opportunity she could ever hope for.

    It’s not Madonna’s job as a mother to “not embarrass” her daughter. Her job is to provide for her physical, emotional, and mental needs, and no one can argue that she doesn’t do that.

    If I were to complain to my mother that her choice of boyfriend “embarrassed” me, she would rightly tell me to shut up and sit down, because it’s none of my business.

  42. the coug says:

    JEALOUS OLD FAT WOMEN on this site. I am in my mid 40’s and can date very hot men in their 20’s. And I couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks. You women who ‘feel so sorry’ for this child are simply jealous. Jealous that no young hot man wants your oldness.

  43. Lisa says:

    The Coug, you sound fat and defensive. Someone steal your last piece of cheesecake? 😉

  44. Lisa says:

    Whatever, hardly anyone bats an eye when an older man dates a younger woman. Only when it gets overtly creepy, like whatshisface with Courtney Stodden.

  45. Barry_Manilow_had_bad_plastic_surgery_too says:

    Well, I certainly thought Harrison Ford looked stupid with his earring, and especially those Rolling Stones members who can’t be with women their own age. Just because I don’t have the power to be quoted by a magazine doesn’t mean no other person has also thought these same things. So the whole “OMG! Ageism and misogyny” argument never made sense to me anyway.

  46. Suzy (from Ontario, Canada) says:

    Really I’m sure it’s more that Lourdes is embarassed for her because Madonna is too delusional to be embarassed for herself. There’s way too many older women out there who think they if they dress and act like they are 21 they are still hot, but what they miss is that a large majority of them simply look pathetic. Getting young guys isn’t always something to brag about…there’s young guys who’ll sleep with anything. Saves money on hookers.

    I’m not saying older women can’t be sexy, they absolutely can, but sleeping with young boytoys and dressing like you did in highschool doesn’t scream *I’m sexy and hot* to others, it screams *trying too hard to hold onto your youth* which just draws attention to the opposite imo.

  47. FeverDream says:

    Small price to pay when your mother is one of the richest bitches in the world and you stand to inherit her name and her empire when she dies.

    If this story is true (and I don’t believe it is) Lourdes should be grateful her mother has been selling her ass for the past thirty years and count her allowance doe.

    If my mother was a certifiable banger and cool enough to party with but disciplined enough to show me how she made it happen I’d be happy as a lamb.

    I don’t even like Madonna but I hate out of pocket kids.

  48. laburraesGaGa says:

    All children are at one point or another embaresed of there parents behaviors, I don’t believe this so called family friend speaks the truth.. Madonna is a statemnt maker and knows how to work the media in her favor. The only person who should be embarrased is Lady Gaga for being a thief!!