Jesse James wants his $50k engagement ring back, but Kat Von D isn’t about to return it

When this couple inevitably imploded after multiple breakups and over-the-top declarations of love we pointed and laughed. When Kat Von D claimed to have met the “19th” woman Jesse cheated on her with during their year together, we pointed and laughed. And now we have yet another occasion to mock them, so we’re taking it. Jesse gave Kat a Neil Lane diamond engagement ring worth $50,000 during their brief bout of dirty happiness together. Only now that Jesse cheated on Kat and treated her like crap (and Kat probably reciprocated), she isn’t about to be left with just a tattoo of the douche. She’s insisting on keeping the ring but he of course wants it back. I would love if if he tried to sue her for it.

Jesse James is furious with Kat Von D over her recent public claims that he cheated on her with 19 women during their relationship. But behind the scenes, an insider tells Star, he and his ex-fiancee have already declared war over the $50,000, four-carat platinum and diamond Neil Lane engagement ring he bought her last January. “Now that he and Kat are totally broken up, Jesse wants the ring back,” says the insider. “The money he paid for it obviously isn’t going to make or break him, but Jesse’s always been a tightwad.” But Kat is clawing back! “She won’t return the ring to Jesse, and she’s not budging. She says she deserves it for putting up with him!”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, December 12, 2011]

Jesse James may seem like he’s rolling in it, but I’ve always had the impression that he’s overextended. He had to close West Coast Choppers in October of last year after 18 years and he other businesses that might not be in the black, like the the new Austin Speed Shop and Cisco Burger. I doubt he’s making money from Austin Speed Shop yet and he probably had to pour a ton into it to get the business started. Plus he admitted years ago that he loses money building custom bikes and cars. So I would bet he relies on the income from his branded merchandise, which probably took a huge hit following the scandal, and whatever he got for his piss poor excuse for a book. I’m not saying he’s broke, just that he’s probably not as rich as we think. The $50k for that ring means something to him and Kat is all “nope.” Serves him right. He just paid $50k for sex for a few months that was “100 percent” better than he had with Sandra. And he still got plenty on the side.

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42 Responses to “Jesse James wants his $50k engagement ring back, but Kat Von D isn’t about to return it”

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  1. ShanKat says:

    “Austin Speed Shop.” No double meaning there.

    Give it back, gurl. It’s a piece of shit, just like your ex-boyfriend.

  2. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    They both have a serious case of douche face and that ring looks like tin foil.

    • Lama says:

      Exactly what I thought (about the ring). I guess just because it’s Neil Lane doesn’t mean it can’t be tacky.

  3. PyCaramel says:

    I know he has some money, but what kind of person just gives somebody a 50k engagement ring when they know they’re not even going to attempt at being faithful?? And Kat is seriously missing something to get this guy of all people inked into her body. You can’t treat people the way Jesse did Sandra and expect to receive the best of luck. Kat is not a young girl nor is she green to relationships so should have took Jesse’s treatment of Sandra as an indication of how he would eventually treat her. S/n her lace fronts are looking better.

  4. Hautie says:

    Why is it I get such a kick out of these two losers fighting in public?

    And did he really believe that she would meekly hand that ring over. Simply because he dumped her?

  5. Quest says:

    Gross! They both look like there is always an extra nasty stink that follows them around.

  6. Blt says:

    Somewhere Sandra is laughing her ass off as she buys another Andy warhol painting for her son 🙂

  7. Nancy C. says:

    I LOVE HER, but she is wrong. an engagement ring is given on the promise of both parts that a marriage will take place. regardless who breaks it off, the ring goes back. period.

    • Hollz says:

      Tradition generally holds that if the betrothal fails because the man himself breaks off the engagement, the woman is not obliged to return the ring. This reflects the ring’s role as a form of compensation for the woman’s damaged reputation.

      • Audrey says:

        Hollz right – keep the ring. If both had been “better” people and really cared for each other, I could see her giving it back. But now, it’s a f-you to Jesse. Good for her!

      • Enn says:

        Unfortunately, in most states the ring is seen as a physical token of a contract between the two engaged parties, and if the contract isn’t fulfilled (marriage) the ring, or other token, reverts back to the purchaser. It’s a legal thing. Not sure how it works in CA.

      • JaneWonderfalls says:

        Wrong! Try that in a court of law, an engagement ring is given on the condition of a marriage, if the marriage never happens than whoever whether it be the man or women, should return the ring back. Why keep something that had a symbol for something you did not even commit too! I realize people base to much on emotion, right is right regardless how you feel about it.

  8. Silk Spectre says:

    A gift is a gift! Why should she give it back? Cash it in & spend it on a really nice vacation.

    Or in her case a better wig and a tatoo removal!

    • sapphire says:

      You can’t pawn a ring that clearly originated in a crackerjack box or a gumball machine.

    • JaneWonderfalls says:

      An engagement ring is not just a gift it’s a conditional gift, given to someone for the purpose of marriage not just to dick around with and keep if you never walked down the isle, Gosh why is that so difficult for people to understand. If he takes her to court for it, he will win! Yes I think he’s a scumbag but it’s the appropriate thing.

  9. bea says:

    What would you expect when you give that thing anything worth $50K?

    He’s a fool for pretending he has enough resources to cough up a ring like that.

    So tacky. So gross. She should totally go to Pawn Starz to see if she can get some money to spend at the clinic.

  10. cranky chica says:

    Austin Speed Shop has been in business for *years*. When Jesse married Sandra, he bought an interest in the shop so he would have a place to hang out, beat metal, and work on projects. Later, I think he might have purchased a controlling interest in the shop.

    It’s a really cute garage, if you like custom cars. They do absolutely amazing work. I’ve never seen Jesse in there, but I haven’t stopped by since he moved to Austin.

    From a financial point of view, he cut his costs dramatically when he moved to Austin. His real estate cost a fraction of what he got from selling his place in CA. He bought two places – one for himself and one for his first ex-wife.

    I always thought the move to Texas was motivated by cutting costs. No income tax. Cheaper real estate. Cheaper women.

    As for giving back the ring, I say if he gave her any “gifts that keep on giving”, then she gets to keep it.

  11. dorothy says:

    He’s pond scum.

  12. Annaloo says:

    Oh, he is VILE. Absolutely vile.

  13. Kimbob says:

    Yes…he’s a bastard, alright. A CHEAP BASTARD! Well, not that Kat Von D is one of my faves…she’s not. A bit cray-cray if you ask me. That being said….GOOD FOR HER TO NOT GIVE THE DAMN RING BACK.

  14. MJ says:

    In California, if the man breaks the engagement, the ring goes to the woman. If she breaks the engagement, he can request its return, but it doesn’t automatically go back. I think the infidelity would constitute a broken engagement, but they probably both slept around. She probably gets to keep it.

    I guess I’m alone in thinking that ring is beautiful.

    • Scarlet Vixen says:

      Thanks MJ: I was just going to ask if anyone knew what the law was in California. It really depends on the state. For example, in Michigan (where I live) my husband won a judgment from his former fiancee for 2.5x the cost of the engagement ring he had purchased for her because she refused to return it. An engagement ring isn’t like a birthday gift–it’s a ‘conditional’ gift, and if the marriage doesn’t take place the property then legally reverts to the purchaser, regardless of who broke off the engagement. But, I know some states are different.

      I know ‘traditionally’ it used to stay with whomever was rejected, but unfortunately what really matters is what the law says, especially when it comes to something as expensive as a piece of Neil Lane jewelry. Speaking of traditionally, it used to be that the man should spend 3 months income on an engagement ring–does he really make only $200k a year? Or is he just a cheap bastard? Nevermind, I think I answered my own question. 🙂

      • Lushus L. says:

        Yikes! You say that a man should pay 3 months income for an engagement ring? I got robbed!

    • Alita says:

      @MJ, I think the ring is nice, too. It’s a bit hard to see in the second close-up but in the first one – I think it’s quite elegant. I think the problem may be that it’s sitting on Kat Von D which is not prime real estate for demonstrating ‘elegant.’

  15. Girl says:

    Yeah. She walked right into this one but still a gift is a gift. No clue what manner of infections or what have you Kat has to deal with. For that reason alone, she should keep that ugly ring.

  16. weeble says:

    Yeah, I’m not surprised by this as much as I’m surprised such a cheap looking ring like that costs 50 stacks. How dreadful! Kat should have sold the ring and invested the money. Keeping it around only keeps her ties to him, which she claims are severed.

  17. Cathy says:

    Looks to me like she over does it on the Botox, her face is as stiff as plastic doll. Sell the ring, keep the cash and take yourself a nice trip, but lay off the botox.

  18. G says:

    Really…..after all the bad press he’s gotten over the last couple of years, his next move is to badger for the ring after cheating on her?

  19. kells-bells says:

    I don’t like either one, but with that being said: He screwed around and endangered her health, both physically & mentally.
    Lord knows what he dipped his stick in, and I know, EWWWW.
    She should keep the ring and Jessie should remember that if you play, you pay; to keep his White Gorilla member in his Ed Hardy pants, and that sleeping around with whores isn’t the best thing for your health, reputation or pocketbook.

  20. whatevs says:

    ha ha suck it loser! should have thought about that before you cheated with all those women! on the other hand why would anybody keep that ring. just sell it i mean it can’t have good memories for her

  21. Danny says:

    Saw a show on the TruTV channel the other night called Full Throttle Saloon located outside Sturgis. An odd ‘reality’ show on how to run a biker bar. These two should go there. They’d fit right in.

  22. skuddles says:

    I don’t think she should return it. He’s a piece of shit and deserves the financial kick in the balls. But I also don’t think she should keep it. She should sell it and donate the money to a good cause – perhaps an organization that rehabilitates prostitutes, something that benefits women. Not only a very good deed but also oh so beautifully ironic!

  23. wunder says:

    Doesnt look like an ‘engagment’ ring-looks more like a cocktail ring which was gifted to Kat in return for sex.

    She should keep the ‘payment’ ring.

  24. Kim says:

    A gift is a gift. Its Kats to keep.

  25. lcrime says:

    keep the ring… As a reminder for being engaged to scum.(lesson learned) She gets to look back on life and say “ya, I was engaged once” to Jessy James.. Now that is what you call a mistake!

  26. Charlotte says:

    It’s like “Where’s Waldo” trying to find the diamond ring amongst all the finger and hand tats.

  27. darkladi says:

    Is this a another “cat-faced fame-whore & douche get together & chaos ensues” thing ( a great line I read here)

  28. Prettykittyaz says:

    I love Kat Von D. I don’t believe she’s as crazy as LAink portrayed her. The poor girl has made some bad decisions and has obviously had her heart broken especially in this break up with Jesse James.

    I dont belive she should give the ring back to that creep. I think she should sell the ring and donate the money to charity. After all she doesn’t need the money and at least something good would come of this situation.

  29. I can’t tell you about rings… however, I wear a sterling silver necklace that my now-fiance gave to me on June 29, 2007. I would say that I’ve work it 75% of the days since, I shower in it, sometimes sleep in it, and overall it receives a similar type of wear that a wedding ring might. It has help up alright, isn’t tarnished or anything, but it has bent in one place over time. It has also developed some surface scratches that won’t polish out.

  30. Tuxedo Cat says:

    A gentleman would never mention such a thing.