Enquirer: Demi Moore’s AA sponsor died, will Demi start boozing again?

This week’s issue of The Enquirer sees Demi Moore “hit[ting] rock bottom” after ending her marriage to Ashton Kutcher and then seeing the photos of him looking down Lea Michele’s dress that quickly hit the internet. You know the ones of which I speak, right?

Of course, Ashton was just being his douchey self on the New Year’s Eve carpet and really had no intention of bedding Lea, but that doesn’t mean that Demi would be any less upset about it. Obviously, Demi hasn’t yet let go of their marriage if she refuses to do something as simple as changing her Twitter handle.

To make matters more difficult for Demi during this awkward time, it seems that her long-time Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor has just died as well. Did you know that she’s been a recovering alcoholic for quite some time? Not many people are aware of that, but The Enquirer has pieced together these two dramatic events and decided that Demi will probably start hitting the bottle again:

Plagued by a devastating string of personal tragedies, a distraught Demi Moore has hit rock bottom and is spinning wildly out of control, friends fear. They’re worried sick she may return to her old vice, alcohol, to ease her mental anguish. “Demi’s life is a mess,” an alarmed pal told The ENQUIRER. “What she’s been through is more than enough to drive anyone back to booze.”

The 49-year-old star recently suffered a painful one-two punch. Her good friend and former Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor Pattsy Rugg died, and just days later photos of Demi’s estranged husband Ashton Kutcher leering at the exposed bosom of “Glee” star Lea Michele explosed onto the scene.

The pictures hit her hard as a lurid reminder of the cheating scandal that changed her life forever.

Meanwhile, a gaunt, hollow-cheeked Demi was in tears as she clutched a male friend’s arm for support while leaving Christ the King Church in Cape Cod, Mass., following the emotional Dec. 3 funeral service for her beloved friend.

“Demi was beside herself with grief and bawling her eyes out,” divulged a close source. Demi met Rugg — who succumbed to complications of pneumonia Nov 25 at age 70 — when she was appointed as the actress’ Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor years ago.

“She was so close to Pattsy that Demi even used to introduce her to friends as her mother,” divulged the pal.

Then just two days after the funeral, Demi was rocked by photos of Ashton flirting with 25-year-old Lea on the red carpet at the hollywood premiere of their film New Year’s Eve.

“Thoughtless Ashton was salivating all over Lea,” said the pal. “He snuck behind her while she was having pictures taken and kissed her behind the ear.

“Lea also had a little ‘wardrobe malfunction,’ as her left nipple slipped out of her skimpy dress…and photos snapped a leering Ashton staring at it!

“Of course, he knew the shots would get out and be like a dagger in the chest to Demi. What a heartless boob!”

[From The Enquirer, print edition, December 26, 2011]

Indeed, Ashton has almost always been a “heartless boob” to Demi and has likely been cheating on her since one month after they were married. Still, it’s probably gotta sting quite a bit to watch one’s ex-husband flirting with a fellow famewhore on the red carpet. And make no mistake, Ashton knew that he was being a douche and that Demi would feel terrible that he was shamelessly flirting with Lea so soon after divorce papers were filed. Now, will Demi actually resort to boozing again? At his point, I think her thin frame would indicate that very little food or drink is making their way into Demi’s system.

Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN

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33 Responses to “Enquirer: Demi Moore’s AA sponsor died, will Demi start boozing again?”

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  1. Betty says:

    She is a hasbeen. She should just quit Hollywood. She is too old, there is no work fork her. She is not Meryl S. she should retire.

  2. Eleonor says:

    I’m not sure about this but why do we know the name od an AA sponsor? Isn’t it supposed to be anonymous?

    • WorksEveryTime says:

      I think after someone dies it’s considered okay to name them. The anonymity is meant to protect the organization (members cannot speak publicly for AA) and other members. Revealing someone’s membership after their death does violate their anonymity, but if they were open about it in their personal life, I don’t think it’s a big deal.

      The real issue with AA people would be Demi revealing herself as a member, especially as such a public person.

      • jack123 says:

        “…if they were open about it in their personal life, I don’t think it’s a big deal.”

        That’s not true, sorry. Personal life and internet are two totally different things. Also, it doesn’t say that Demi revealed herself.

      • WorksEveryTime says:

        I don’t think it’s that simple; there really aren’t hard and fast rules about this sort of thing other than what I said: 1) you don’t expose yourself publicly and 2) you don’t expose fellow members publicly. If anonymity were iron-clad, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob wouldn’t ever have exposed themselves.

        You’re right that Demi didn’t reveal herself — whoever did shouldn’t have. And I agree with you that both her and her sponsor’s anonymity SHOULD be protected in terms of the media. However, if the eulogy mentioned the sponsor’s good work in AA, for example, I don’t think it’s a problem. Like I said, the principle can be unclear.

      • jack123 says:

        The hard and fast rule that you cite — don’t expose others or yourself publicly — is exactly what is at issue here. I’m not talking about what was said at the eulogy; I’m talking about what has been posted on this website, which IS public. As I said, personal life and the internet really are two different things; whether or not that line is unclear to some people, it does exist.

        Anonymity at the public level IS iron-clad, and neither Bill nor Bob ever broke that.

        Neither woman’s AA membership should be ID’d.

        The post should be removed.

    • jack123 says:

      Neither Demi Moore or her alleged sponsor should be identified as members of AA. This is really wrong to post this. It should be removed.

  3. Rux says:

    I would like to say that she brought this all on herself with regards to Cuntcher but today is her reprieve since her sponsor died. I doubt she’ll hit the bottle again. If she has not by now, she is not going to.

  4. clare says:

    I feel for Demi. I think she thought she and Ashton would be together forever. However, now that she made her decision to divorce him, she needs to stop playing out her drama of the wronged one over the social media and tabloids.
    Maybe the drugs and alcohol addiction stopped her maturity at age 21 because she is acting like it.
    Go back to Idaho, Demi, and find that yoga -loverboy you spent your time with before your Charlie’s Angels comeback – which was only superficial. It was all – look how YOUNG Demi looks. wow – Demi has a HOT body!
    Time to grow up, Demi and show some dignity. You can own your age with flair!

  5. anon says:

    AA sponsors aren’t usually “assigned” to those who choose to follow the program, unless one was assigned during a stint in rehab. A sponsor simply helps you understand the program and is someone to talk with when you feel tempted to drink. Sponsors aren’t God. If Demi is a long time member in AA, she probably has a support system of other AA members to talk to.

    • guilty pleasures says:

      What are you talking about? An AA member most certainly has a sponsor, generally someone whose life or program you admire. They are an absolute ‘go-to’ person, and if you have chosen well they remain your sponsor for many, many years.
      For those who are discussing the anonymity, the Traditions state that AA members maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and television.
      This entire post, the Enquirer piece and any and all discussion of people battling addictions without their OK is distasteful in the extreme.

      • anon says:

        I never said that AA members never had a sponsor, I said that sponsors were not usually “assigned” or appointed. An AA member usually chooses their sponsor. I don’t know how you misread this to mean there was no such thing as AA sponsors. Lately I’ve felt, when reading the traditions, that “the Internet” should be added to Tradition 11. If Demi is strong in her program, the death of her sponsor will not cause her to drink. Here’s wishing her peace and happiness in sobriety.

  6. Rhiley says:

    “What she’s been through is more than enough to drive anyone back to booze.” — I don’t think so. She put herself into “her situation” and really didn’t have the courage to get herself out of it earlier on. I have two friends who have cancer, one of whom has metastic breast cancer and which has spread to her brain and her liver. That is enough to drive someone to drink, but divorcing a douchebag whom you shouldn’t have married in the first place is life.

  7. mair says:

    It it totally, 100% inappropriate for any publication to claim that Demi Moore or that other person is/was a member of AA. Period. That includes this web site, even though it is posting another source’s content. For shame.

  8. wicki10023 says:

    No one is “appointed” to be a sponsor. You choose your sponsor. And neither of these people should be listed as members of AA. They did not choose to reveal themselves as such publicly to the media (and had they, they would be violating one of the Traditions of AA). Even if her sponsor’s AA membership was mentioned in the eulogy, it was not HER revelation, and it’s not “okay” for the press to make it for her. And this website perpetuates the involuntary breaking of anonymity by reprinting this. And speculation that someone will relapse is disgusting.

  9. cthere says:

    It isn’t the publication’s fault for printing that they’re in AA; the media is not obligated to follow the “rules” of a culty organization like AA. If people know someone in Hollywood is in AA, it’s probably because the person wants you to know. In this case, for Demi to get more sympathy. Poor alkie Demi, now he’s made her drink again. AA can’t help you stop drinking and lack/death of an AA sponsor can’t get you started. It’s all self will.

  10. sandy says:

    hope she will be fine, keep personal info to yourself, she is so thin now.

  11. Thea says:

    Ashton is a douche. Yeah Demi should have known better but hey we all make mistakes. He should have a little regard in public and not be dry humping whoever the chick is until papers are signed and done. Whatever happen to some manners. Wait. This is Hollywood. Never mind. I see him “winning” in a few months.

  12. Nev says:

    she will bounce back and come back to life looking better than ever.

  13. Lisa says:

    This is a weird thing to speculate.

  14. cprincess says:

    Nobody appoints anyone as your sponsor in AA…its a mutual decision and frequently sponsor and sponsee are people who ordinarily would not mix and have little in common except the disease of alcoholism…
    Its up to the person if they choose to break their anonymity -not for anyone else and certainly not for the National Enquirer-I hate it when someone breaks mine -I don’t want to have to discuss AA with outsiders….
    As regards Demi Moore boozing because her sponsor died- just shows the Enquirer knows nothing-you cannot rely on someone else to keep you sober and you learn that the first meeting that you go too…

  15. Trashaddict says:

    Well I’m not real sympathetic to Demi but I’m not heartless like some of these posters. And I think Ashton’s douche act is going to wash him right out of business, sooner or later people will realize what an asshole he is. Despite Hollywood’s superficiality, it seems like the careers that last belong to the actors who have one or more of the following attributes: -nice, -professional, -gifted.

  16. Kosmos says:

    Gawd, I cannot stand Ashton, with or without Demi. And after cheating on her, I dislike him even more. He’ll have his day and someone will pull out the rug from under him. This was bound to happen with their marriage, but Demi will be okay after she has had time to heal. Don’t expect miracles immediately. She’s never been one of my faves either. I think I liked Bruce Willis more than her when they were married. I didn’t realize that she had an alcohol problem. These are all fixable areas, though not easy.

  17. Fatkid says:

    I can see down Lea’s dress too!
    Third pic from the top you can totally see nip.