Celebrity Christmas presents

Ashton Kutcher bought Demi Moore a rare photography book for Christmas. It’s supposed to be a surprise but if Demi reads the tabloids she’ll be tipped off:

Ashton Kutcher was out doing some early Christmas shopping at Barneys New York in Beverly Hills with a buddy on Wednesday, Dec. 6, when he came across a great gift.

“He was so thrilled with the it — a $2,500 art and photography book with it’s own stand by Peter Beard. It’s a collector’s edition and only 2,500 books are available,” said an eyewitness. “Ashton said it was the ‘perfect gift’!”

And Cameron Diaz bought Justin Timberlake a coveted Sony PlayStation 3. She had one of her flunkies wait in line for hours to get the game console, but it doesn’t matter that the news is out, because Timberlake got his gift early and is already addicted to it:

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE hinted heavily to girlfriend CAMERON DIAZ that a Sony PlayStation 3 was #1 on his Santa Claus list – so she paid an assistant to camp in front of an electronics store from the wee hours onward. Here’s the Good News: After many exhausting hours fighting long lines, the assistant captured the prize and Cameron jumped for joy! The Bad News? She got so excited over snagging the coveted toy, she just couldn’t wait until Christmas to see Lover Boy’s eyes light up with Lover Joy – so she gifted it on Thanksgiving! Justin’s so thrilled he hasn’t stopped playing with the gizmo since he got it – making Cameron a PlayStation widow!

In other cute celebrity Holiday news, Mark Wahlberg says he just wants to see his “daughter’s face when she comes down the stairs” for Christmas, and that he wouldn’t mind some golf stuff too.

David Beckham has hinted that he wants some frying pans for Christmas because he loves to cook.

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8 Responses to “Celebrity Christmas presents”

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  1. Carson says:

    My wish for Christmas:

    “For celebitchy (the coolest blog about celebrities) to stop posting garbage (a.k.a. Camerona/Justino) like this that only degrades celebitchy’s image”

    Camerona Diaz and Justino Timbergay.


    Now pass me the Beyonce and the salad…thank you.

  2. Mr. T says:


    I think it’s really important to know that Justin does something other than get bounced on Camerona’s knee’s when he needs to burp!

  3. Mr. T says:

    PS, Demi Moore is getting Asston training wheels for his bicycle!

  4. Carson says:

    Camerona looks like a photoshop effect everywhere she goes and if she and Rachael Ray had a fight, Camerona would eat Rachael whole.

    Justino is gay! ’nuff said. Nothing new.

    Demi is older than my granny!! Sweetie as hard as you try your younger years ain’t coming back, I am just waiting for Asston to change you for a younger more toit (like a tiger) model.

    Asston is a dumbass! It’s ok for me to post this, HE CAN’T READ!!

  5. Domidroid says:

    Demi Moore, Now There’s a Beauty. If someone can look this radiant after 40+ years, and 3 kids to the good, then I’ll be impressed. Anyone can dye their hair black, and go get their lips inflated.

  6. Domidroid says:

    I think these guys are great. The idiotic, ageist comments don’t matter. Maybe it’s not all about being young.Young girls are beautiful, but for a lot of guys the attraction ends there.
    Sometimes you want to talk about something other than shopping, and who’s gotten fat since high-school.
    As women mature, they develop a richness, and a power they didn’t have in their 20’s, some guys find that sexier than post-adolescence. Go Ashton, you’re obviously a profound, lucky person.

  7. Mr. T says:

    Ashton and Demi qualify as media sluts if there ever was a couple that needed that title. BTW, a woman who has a “face lift” done on her knees is seriously insecure.

  8. lyric says:

    Demi Moore and Courtney Cox look alot alike to me.