Rashida Jones apologizes for saying John Travolta should come out of the closet

A lot of you bashed Rashida Jones yesterday when she discussed John Travolta’s sexuality in an interview while promoting her latest film. Rashida and her ex, Will McCormack, were discussing homosexuality and Hollywood, and how more people need to come out of the closet. Rashida name-checked Travolta, saying: “And a movie star! It’s time…Like John Travolta? Come out! Come on. How many masseurs have to come forward? Let’s do this.” Well, Rashida is sorry she said it. She tweeted her apology, and I’m including some of her followers’ responses just because I think it’s funny:

[Via Rashida’s Twitter]

I love “gurl, you just said what everyone already knows.” Because TRUTH. Do I think Rashida needed to apologize for what she said? Not really. She wasn’t trying to “out” someone who simply keeps a low profile, someone who isn’t hurting anyone. Rashida was – as I said in the original post – simply gossiping about a major gossip story this summer, much in the way all of us are just gossiping. Plus, John Travolta is being accused of sexually assaulting masseurs – this isn’t just a case of “Oh, it’s his bidness.” Travolta’s bidness is groping unwilling participants. But whatever… Rashida just apologized on Twitter, of all things. It’s not like she issued an apology to People Magazine or anything.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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44 Responses to “Rashida Jones apologizes for saying John Travolta should come out of the closet”

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  1. Ming says:

    People should…
    People should…
    People should…
    People should shut the f-ck up about what other people should do.

    Moral police on Twitter, f-ck you so much.

    • Kim says:

      Yeah people should stop gossiping and discussing rumors.Gossip sites should be banned along w celebrity magazines GMAB

      • db says:


        What exactly are you doing on CELEBITCHY?? was it a link from NPR?

      • Kim says:

        @Db I was being sarcastic.I replied to Ming regarding people should shut up about what other people.My point was the purpose of gossip site is to give opinions about what others do in their life

    • gee says:

      BUT! People should take your advice. You are totally right.

    • NeNe says:

      Exactly… Who the f*ck does she think she is to say such a thing? She needs to mind her own business. She needs to learn to STFU!!!

  2. brin says:

    None of her business, she was right to apologize.

  3. marie says:

    I get why she apologized but it seems silly and unnecessary since it’s the worst kept secret in HW..

  4. Jackie O says:

    surprised more people are not calling him out. i guess sexual assault is no biggie.

    • Aussie girl says:

      ^ this

    • renee says:

      I agree, it is interesting that people are making light of it, perhaps because the accusers are gay men? I wouldn’t have a problem with her calling him out for that. I also think that it is interesting when people have the attitude of, Oh what’s the big deal just come out already” and act as though homophobia doesn’t exist. In this instance I think that she should mind her own business and turn her attention to fixing her bad hair and poor dress sense.

    • Izzy says:

      You just said EXACTLY what I was thinking!!

    • lucy2 says:

      You make a good point. Except for the round of tabloid coverage a while back, which got eclipsed by the Katie Holmes Freedom Dash, there hasn’t been all that much backlash.
      Which is pretty gross, if the allegations are true. Secret relationships are one thing, but repeatedly assault people is criminal.

  5. Amelia says:

    She should learn how to respect her elders.She disrespected JT and his family. She was way out of line. Such a busybody.

  6. Erandyn says:

    I smell a COS ‘cease & desist’ in the wind… 🙂

    • Aussie girl says:

      I know!! John is gay!!!!!!! This girl was just saying what everyone already knows! He has sexually assaulted men but it can’t be talked about! Some of these comments reek of CO$!

      • Erandyn says:

        Yeah, a lot of these “show some respect” and “don’t gossip on a gossip site” comments reek of the same COS trolls that came out to defend Tom Cruise.

    • CG says:

      That’s totally what I thought, too.

  7. tripmom says:

    Are you all kidding? You’re commenting on a GOSSIP site, and criticizing people for not minding their own business. In the same sentence. If people should mind their own business then what are you doing visiting this site today? Excuse me while I go sit in the corner and wait for my head to explode.

    • Aussie girl says:

      Lol! These were my thoughts! Commenting on a gossip site about how people shouldn’t gossip. What the???

      • Izzy says:

        What do you mean, what the??? 😀 Could we be getting visits from Co$ trolls again?

        Don’t get me wrong, I agree that sexual orientation is a private matter, but when there is a crime involved, like, oh, I don’t know… SEXUAL ASSAULT or battery… it becomes a public safety issue. If John Travolta wanted his private life to stay private, he should have tried for a CONSENSUAL liaison.

    • lol Reminds me of a comment the other day on the Anderson Cooper cheating thread where “his personal life isn’t our business”. Hello? IT’S A GOSSIP SITE! Too funny.

    • db says:


    • Amanda G says:

      This is exactly what I was thinking! I’d rather her kept her original statement then give a fake, forced apology.

  8. only1shmoo says:

    Yeah she crossed a line, but then again, so did Travolta when he groped all of those poor masseurs! If you can’t be discreet & respectful about your sexual behaviour, then accept that people are going talk about it in public. This incident has totally changed the way I see ‘Hairspray’ now, though : /

  9. lucy2 says:

    Given that it was a major news story, I don’t think it was as bad as her just trying to out someone, but I think it was a good move to apologize and say it’s none of her business.
    I have grown to love Rashida, I think she is really talented and fun, and I don’t think she intended it to be malicious at all.

  10. jo says:

    She is well spoken and educated why she was so stupid I have no idea… what a little prig.. perhaps she should come out as a slut with all the guys she has purporedly slept with!!

    • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

      Why. are they sexual offenders too? The best companion in bed is consent and if you haven’t got that, you haven’t got anything. Maybe the delivery of the statement was a bit off but he relinquishes a lot of sympathy if he’s assaulting people. He’s venturing into Raymond Burr territory with the denials and upon unwilling participants is where he has decided to negotiate his sexuality.

      That’s not fair.

  11. Echo says:

    Yes John is gay. George Clooney, with his long list of gorgeous beards, is too. He lives it up with his boy toys in his Italian villa. Watch me get sh!t for saying this, people can’t handle the truth.

  12. Green Is Good says:

    Damn, girl must have been threatened by Johnny-Girl’s cult midget leader David “Miss Cavidge”.

  13. eatmorepie says:

    Hey! Remember free speech? She can say whatever she wants, it’s only the people who obsess over ‘offending someone’ who are going to be offended. Stop wasting so much energy useless outrage.

    • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

      That’s not what freedom of speech means.

      • MollyB says:

        Thank you! Freedom of speech does not equal “freedom to never be criticized for your speech”. People who love to say stupid/offensive things need to remember that.

  14. dorothy says:

    Come on, she just said what alot of people wish they could say to him. I think it’s a hoot.

  15. erika says:


    Apologize for what!?

    Maybe Travolta could APOLOGIZE for treating male masseurs around the world for COMING on to them like a HOMOSexual Sucking LEECH!!!

    really! think about it, it’s gross, mean and scary!!! what if Travolta, was straight, and had a terrible reputation for assaulting woman in the _________ occupation (insert your career choice here)…..?]

    if you were assaulted by Travolta would you want an apology? would you hope to stop him from assaulting other people like yourself?


    • Selena Castle says:

      So absolutely true! Interesting that no-one felt the need to apologise to Chris Brown for calling him out about his battery of Rihanna. What about 2pac and his rape conviction? Did anyone feel a need to apologise for calling him out? Just because the guy is gay and just because his victims are men (and possibly gay) does not mean that he gets a free pass from public condemnation. I just wish instead of suing Travolta one of these guys would have the gumption to actually have him criminally charged with sexual assault. It’s a pity its so hard to prove when there are no fluids or other forensic evidence available.

      • erika says:

        nah, it’s just that to be humble enough to come out sober and honest, and say “maam, sir, I am truly so deeply sorry for all the pain i’ve caused you. Please accept my sincere apology. thank you.”

        so difficult..what about..


  16. Jordan says:

    It’s good she apologized. I think she was just trying to make the point that it should be okay for a movie star to come out, but John Travolta’s scandal is a question of inappropriate behavior / assault and not so much being gay (although I know he doesn’t want that to get out for various reasons).

  17. compuable says:

    Rashida Jones publicly urges John Travolta to come out of the closet. Perhaps that headline and story should (more accurately) actually read this way:

    “Rashida Jones, star of “The Office” and the upcoming film “Celeste and Jesse Forever,” in an effort to promote herself and the film within the social media circles and thus increase her somewhat remote fame (in comparison) relays unproven, unsubstantiated rumors of an accusation against John Travolta, who denies the accusers charges.”

    Astronaut Sally Ride’s post-mortem tribute to the fact that she was survived (we found out afterwards, of course) by Tam O’Shaugnessy, her partner of 27 years as well as having been previously married to a male astronaut for five years; should be proof positive that whether (or not) someone is actually either privately gay or lesbian or bi-sexual or trans and does not wish to currently reveal this – it is none of anybody’s g-damn business. Period.

    It’s true that John Travolta is a public figure and all; but who benefits from libelously (and publicly) humiliating some one else like that – especially when these thus far entirely ‘unsubstantiated’ claims are also criminal charges?

    And everyone including celebs who actually are or are not so; should have their right to their dignity as well as privacy with regards to this matter; instead of being hounded and witch-hunted by the likes of washed-up dried-out windbags such as Joan Rivers and Carrie Fisher and now Quincy Jones’ faux-ingénue daughter Rashida Jones – or any other ‘impending’ clueless, rumor mongering and truly classless, voluntarily hypocritical headline grabbers.

    Since Ms. Jones has in brief “apologized” for her libelous and thoughtless remarks just a while ago on her “Rashida Jones” twitter account; I hope she learned her lesson and wasn’t simply “cow-towing” to her movie’s execs.

  18. Francesca says:

    Say it again and again until he does it. I for one am S I C K of his crap.