“Kim Kardashian & her family competed in a dragon boat race in Miami” links

Kim Kardashian was on a dragon boat in Miami. Or something. [A Socialite Life]
Can we talk about the Homeland premiere? OMG. My favorite part was Brody and the Koran. It actually made me cry, the last part with Brody and his daughter. [LaineyGossip]
Can we talk about The Good Wife premiere? OMG. My favorite part was Kalinda and everything with her husband, including the physical beatdowns. OMG. [Pajiba]
Danny Bonaduce was almost eaten by a zombie fan. [Dlisted]
IKEA sells in Saudi Arabia? [Gawker]
Daniel Craig & Rachel Weisz take a break from boning. [Pop Sugar]
Britney Spears is just thinking about hawt dergs. [Go Fug Yourself]
Things I didn’t know: Ted Danson is HUNG. [The Blemish]
Cat puts two puppies in puppy-jail. [OMG Blog]
Defending Dr. Drew, and defending the idea of not finding fault with the abuser. [The Frisky]
Selena Gomez got a neck tattoo. [Amy Grindhouse]
Bill Rancic tweets a cute photo of Edward Duke. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Heather Graham’s boobs still look great. [Moe Jackson]
Nicole Richie is joining the cast of a sitcom. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Is it just me or are there more stories about abusive college relationships these days? [CDAN]
Eva Longoria wants you to look at her butt. [Popoholic]
Martha Stewart hates Jennifer Aniston. LOL. [Dramarama]
Melissa Gorga is fine with being a famehwore. [Reality Tea]

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46 Responses to ““Kim Kardashian & her family competed in a dragon boat race in Miami” links”

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  1. Izzy says:

    And the boat didn’t sink. Such a shame…

  2. SantaLucia says:

    I don’t much about Kim, but is her as* ‘natural’? It just looks kind of wrong

    • lilred says:

      Sure if butt implants are considered natural.

    • truthSF says:

      No, my friend just got her stomach and butt done last week, and as her designated driver, I had to go to her appointments and talked to her doctor, (to get all the info on the risk, etc.) and he is widely known as the best butt surgeon in ATL. When I asked about certain celebs who are known for their big butts and if it was real, Kim’s butt was one of the ones he said was fake. He said the same procedure that he used to make my friend’s butt big (transfering fat from the stomach and/or thighs to her butt) is the same procedure that was used for kim’s butt. So technically, yes her butt is real, or at least the fat in her butt is real, lol.

      • Mia says:

        TruthSF: I always wondered, in your friend/Kk’ case, is it guaranteed/assumed the transplanted/injected fat will stay there in the butt area as planned? Seems like there could be movement or just decrease in time? I was always curious as to how it worked…

  3. dahlianoir says:

    Camel toe. Ew.

  4. Amelia says:

    Gah, Homeland doesn’t start until the 8th over here!! Can’t wait to see what happens.

  5. Chatcat says:

    Why doesn’t Kim K start her own network like Oprah did? I mean why not? She is everywhere!!!! Of course I have never watched a minute of anything she has been in/on and I think the paps obsession with her is loopy but *shoulder shrug* she must have plenty of followers to be this sought out and with Celeb-Mother-Pimp-My-Child at the helm, how could it fail?

    Now to something that actually is worth posting about. Homeland. THE BEST SHOW ON TV! It was a great season premiere and promises to be another Wow season. Love Clair and Damian who truly pull their characters parts off and are deserving of the Emmy award that each of them won.

    • Hakura says:

      Ugh, don’t give her any ideas! She’s already ‘backed’ her way into legit business with that ‘fashion line’.

  6. Brown says:

    No shout out to Dexter!?! FOR SHAME!!

    Also Kim reeeeally needs to step away from the tight leggings. Get a yoga pant that is loose fitting through the thigh area. God, her ass is horrible.

  7. RocketMerry says:

    “Can we talk about The Good Wife premiere?”

    YES, please!
    I can’t wait for when the more properly law-ish stuff and the political intrigues get back in full force, this first episode seemed more about introducing new characters and getting old ones into new story-lines.
    Still, this got me totally excited! Yay!

  8. emmieapricot says:

    This is really mean (& who am I to be criticizing someone’s body!!) but I sort of see cellulite through her pants in that last pic (could just be the sun/shadows) – but where is that cellulite in her totally natural, un-touched, un-photoshopped pics she tweets??? and Why does she have to advertise that the pics are au natural? It just doesn’t seem necessary to mention that.

  9. Gracie says:

    I don’t fault IKEA, they’re a business, trying to profit, Saudi Arabia is backwards though.

    That college girl beaten to death terrifies me cause I’m 17 and plan on going to college next year, and these stories scare me. Honestly, most horrific stories just make me wanna stay in the comfort of my own home, but it seems these days, even being at home isn’t safe. I digress though…

    Did you see that vid of Bieber puking on stage, even he can’t stand his own music!

    • KelBear says:

      Best Bieber comment ever!

    • Hakura says:

      The description to that video claims that he somehow managed to continue singing (uninterrupted) while he was simultaneously puking… There’s no way he’s not lipsyncing.

    • hairball says:

      @Grace, please don’t be afraid to go to college or do what you want for that matter. Violence can happen anywhere. You can only control what you do and take precautions. I’m in my 30’s and hearing about rape, attacks etc was very common then too for something that could happen at college. There’s a chance you could die in a house fire or someone breaks in and kills you – yet we all still live in houses/apartments. Best wishes for college!

  10. mar says:

    why is she so orange? Her ass looks like diaper

  11. the original bellaluna says:

    DREW HAD A BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!

    I’m down to the last 10 minutes of Homeland, and isn’t Brody’s wife just the biggest little selfish bitch who wants the status of a big-time politician husband? It’s all about HER! I actually feel so, so sorry for their daughter, AND for Brody.

    I hope he leaves her selfish, status-grubbing ass.

    • Kate says:

      Homeland is back! What a great first episode, particularly after that disappointing finale last season. Several points:

      1. It was gut-wrenching watching Carrie get sucked back into service
      2. I wish Carrie had kicked Estes in the junk.
      3. The whole thing with the Koran, first in the garage and then the burial was just fantastic television.
      4. The preview of Carrie at the door of what appears to be Brody’s hotel room….wow.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Just finished it!

        Agreed, agreed. But I don’t think it’s Brody’s hotel room, I think it’s a safe house. We’ll have to wait and see, I guess.

        Also, I don’t care what religion it is (unless it’s CO$), it is profoundly disrespectful to deface said religion’s Bible or Holy Tome. Same with flag burning. It’s just not acceptable.

    • Kim says:

      Congrats Will and Drew on baby Olive

  12. the original bellaluna says:

    Kaiser, I don’t know that there are MORE stories about abusive college relationships lately, but I do think there is a higher awareness that abusive relationships are not uncommon in both high school and college nowadays.

  13. echolocate says:

    They should compete in “draggin’ butt” races, because they got serious skillz on that front (back).

  14. Hakura says:

    It seems Kim looks more & more like her mother every day..

  15. Nan209 says:

    Homeland was awesome. I love that show! I feel so confused. I don’t like what Brody is doing but I feel terrible for him…I like that they made me feel confused. I just love Saul but I have this sneaking suspicion that he’s terrible for Kerry…that he encourages the wrong things in her and he hates himself for it. I wanted to give Kerry’s sister a hug for all that she’s been through – we all have that person in the family who keeps the family intact by sheer force of will. It’s just such an awesome show.

    Everybody is wrong and everybody is right – how the heck did they do that??? I love it!

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Homeland manages to give a balanced view as to the emotion behind what CAN happen to a human being under any circumstance.

      That’s why it’s such a good show. I do find the relationship between Saul and Carrie toxic: he has no qualms about ruining her life/mental health for the job/greater good; just like she has no qualms about ruining his life/marriage for the job/greater good.

      It makes you see both sides of coin, and feel compassion/empathy for both those sides.

      (sorry for all these ///)

  16. Melissa says:

    Do any of the Kardashians so much as take a dump without cameras being there?

    Congrats to Drew on baby Olive!

    And just heard Seth MacFarlane is hosting the Oscars. I think, for the first time in a long time, I won’t be tuning in. I don’t mind his voices when I’m watching his cartoons, but when he does the cartoon/character voices as himself, it’s like nails across a chalkboard for me.

  17. sam says:

    wish this family would just go away.

    enough already.

  18. Pretty Girl says:

    Kim looks just like her mom!

  19. baja says:

    (without a doubt, folks)

  20. Mew says:

    Her butt is ridiculous.

    • judyjudy says:


      I understand getting butt surgery for lift or to add some badonkadonk , butter butt looks so fake and cartoonish . It looks uncomfortable and impossible to dress. I don’t get it. I just don’t get it.

  21. mln89 says:

    i can believe they competed in ru paul’s drag race, lol. i don’t know about a dragon boat race.