Kat von D is engaged to Deadmau5 after his Twitter proposal: dumb or romantic?

Kat von D Deadmau5

It was a mere month ago when Kat Von D and her latest creepy dude, Deadmau5 (a celebrity DJ), broke up in a well-documented Twitter fight during which he may have admitted that he cheated on her. Of course, Kat is no stranger to cheating dudes; she was previously engaged to rat b*stard Jesse James, and of course he fooled around on her like he does in every other relationship. Kat has also recently been linked to Bam Margera and Nikki Sixx, and I think it’s safe to say that not only does Kat have a love for the paparazzi but she is also drawn to very questionable men. She just has really bad taste, right? Well, now she and Deadmau5 are not only back together, but they’ve become engaged after he proposed (how else?) on Twitter. How romantic:

Kat von D Deadmau5

Kat von D Deadmau5

Kat Von D tweeted yes!

The 30-year-old tattoo singer was proposed to on Twitter Saturday, Dec. 15 by on-again-off-again boyfriend Deadmau5 (real name: Joel Zimmerman).

“I can’t wait for Christmas so…. Katherine Von Drachenberg, will you marry me?” the deejay, 31, tweeted. He also attached a photo of the engagement ring, and explained in writing on the image, “Changing the diamond to a black diamond FYI. Sorry for the jpg . . . they’ll finish the actual ring soon I hope. I love u.” The ring features two tiny skulls on either side of the diamond.

The L.A. Ink star accepted Deadmau5’s proposal, tweeting, “Mi corazon! Thank you all for the lovely congratulations! Please excuse me while I go squeeze the hell out of my fiance!”

Her fiancee, replied, “Holy f–king s–t. I’m engaged and stuff! Thanks for the well wishes and support from the horde and everyone else! Brb while i spend the rest of my evening with my future wife.”

Kat Von D began dating the Canadian deejay in mid-September. In November, she announced on Twitter they had broken up. “Man, I sure was wrong. But at least he made it a no-brainer to break that off. Lesson Learned,” she wrote. “Clarification: Deadmau5 and I are no longer together.” But the two managed to work things out and reconciled shortly after.

The tattoo artist was previously engaged to Sandra Bullock’s ex-husband Jesse James. The two split in July 2011, and Kat Von D is now in getting a tattoo of him removed.

[From Us Weekly]

Yuck. The dude couldn’t even wait for the ring to be finished — he just had to propose on Twitter? I always wonder about extremely public proposals. Are they designed so that the chick basically can’t say “no” because she doesn’t want to be that woman who publicly humiliates her boyfriend? Anyway, proposing via social media is probably not exactly the hallmark of a lasting marriage, but I doubt these two will ever make it to the altar because they’ll probably break up in a few weeks after she gets her ring. And of course, Kat will keep the ring just like she did when she and Jesse James broke up. Yep, that’s Kat Von D … collector of engagement rings from very bad men.

Kat von D Deadmau5

Kat von D Deadmau5

Photos couresy of Fame/Flynet and Twitter

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88 Responses to “Kat von D is engaged to Deadmau5 after his Twitter proposal: dumb or romantic?”

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  1. Ms Kay says:

    “I’m engaged and stuff..” ???????

    And they were in the same room when that happened??? Like let’s not talk to each other darling, it’s overrated.. Here let’s speak via Twatter..??

    Let me guess what follows… She’s going to clip the engagement ring on her tattooed clitoris, They’re going to have a honeymoon via Pinterest, and then get divorced via Facebook then have a lawyers battle via Twatter again..?


  2. marie says:

    hahaha, exactly.. the whole thing is dumb.

  3. Samigirl says:

    Stupid. If I was proposed to via twitter or Facebook, I’d be pissed. Not my cup of tea.

  4. MollyB says:

    Skulls around the diamond. Ugh. It’s so Hot Topic bad ass. Like, she’s so dark and deep, you know? A regular girl wouldn’t want cheap-looking skulls on her engagement ring because they aren’t as deep and tormented as Kat Von D, you know? So hardcore.

    • Katie says:

      Exactly! Hot Topic! OMG, I forgot about that store. It looks like cheap shit from Hot Topic, and will look even more so when the black diamond is put in.

      And yeah, so hardcore. Skulls and engagements and stuff. Real bad ass.

    • Claudia says:

      My thoughts too. Reminds me of Avril Lavigne.

      I don’t get it. She said breaking up with him was a “no-brainer”… and yet, she readily accepts a marriage proposal from him? At this rate, I see hundreds of laser procedures for tattoo-removal in her future…

      • Miffy says:

        You know you’re in a dark place when you took the douche bullet even Avril Lavigne managed to dodge.

    • gg says:

      What’s worse, he’s trading what looks like an over 1c diamond to a piece of shit black diamond which is not actually worth a particle of what a good white diamond would cost. Of course, he will get charged a lot anyway, Dumbass. Advice for anyone buying a diamond: do your research first or you WILL get ripped off.

  5. lucy2 says:

    Automatic answer: DUMB.
    And gross.

  6. Apples says:

    I’m not sure why, but, I think he had already casually proposed in person. Then couldn’t resist the public declaration via Twitter.

  7. Devon says:

    FYI, deadmau5 is not a celebrity DJ. He’s been around for a while and his stuff is awesome. I saw him last year in Vancouver and the show was insane. I can’t stand himself or Kat but his music is wicked.

    • keats says:

      Yeah. Not my thing, but he sure is good at what he does.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I also balked at the “celebrity DJ” label. This guy isn’t a DJ AM type at all. In fact some of his work is amazingly skillful.

      I’ve never actually seen a pic of him and had no idea he was dating Kat Von D.

      Call me shallow but all I can think of when I see the pics of those two is that I would have trouble dating a guy so much smaller than I am….

      • Devon says:

        For the longest time I didn’t see what his face looked like and I wish I hadn’t. I liked the idea that no one saw his face, just the mau5head. These two together make me feel like I need a shower.

      • gg says:

        I kinda prefer the mouse head, meself.

    • TrustMeOnThis says:

      Oh, Joel. You’ve jumped the shark now. I just can’t, any more.

      However, he is not a DJ. He is a music producer. When he performs live it isn’t the same as what a DJ would do.

    • velvet says:

      His music is awesome indeed! His calling Madonna out on her stupid MDNA bs is also good. Her hypocrisy around drug use in the eletronic music community is puke inducing. He talked about the pink elephant in the room on that one.

      Other than that I don’t know much about his life. Why doesn’t CB like him? Is he douchey?

      • Joe says:

        Oh please it wasn’t like she mentioned it at church or school. It was a rave. A lot of people there were on e. His “music” is made for those people.

    • some bitch says:

      His music is good, but it all sounds exactly the same.

  8. Kimbob says:

    Gah…when I 1st read about their engagement via Twitter, I really thought it was a publicity stunt. Then, I thought about it more & “remembered” that Kat has about two working brain cells because who in their right mind would get such a large tattoo of a former fiance?

    I mean, like…that’s HARD CORE….& STUPID because they’d already had problems staying together (I’m talking of Kat & Jesse James), & getting such a large tattoo of Jesse’s childhood photo…ugh.

    She’s in the process of getting it lasered away…that’s gotta hurt. Kat just seems like such an idiot w/roughly two properly functioning brain cells.

  9. GoodCapon says:

    “Are they designed so that the chick basically can’t say “no” because she doesn’t want to be that woman who publicly humiliates her boyfriend? ”

    I do agree with this, I think it puts unnecessary pressure on women to say yes. That’s unfair.

    This is probably my first time to hear of a Twitter proposal and IMO it’s just sooo tacky. Has a man ever proposed via Facebook yet?

  10. SmokeyBlues says:

    I feel embarrassed for her. She’s like that girl in high school who is in oive with a new guy every freakin week and expects you to get excited for her and act like you actually believe this is genuine when you know its her insecurity and immaturity and nothing more. Ugh. Grow up.

    • claire says:

      I like her, she seems like a nice enough, but naive silly person. But man, she cannot sustain relationships. She DOES act like a teenager. It’s really hard to get excited for her when you know she’ll be on to her next new soulmate in 6 months.

  11. Claudia says:

    “Ah, Kat Von D, congratulations on your recent engagement to a mouse! Oh hey– Kat and mouse! Get it?? Heh heh heh.”
    *Clears throat* “So how did he propose? With a squeak?”
    “With tweets!”
    “You mean like… with a bunch of birds?”
    “Hahahah NO! Twitter, silly!”
    “Ohhh. Okay. Uh… so what did he say?”
    “Will you marry me and stuff.”
    “‘And stuff?'”
    “It was under 160 characters! How can you expect me to remember all that?”
    “Right, sorry. So uh… can we see the ring?”
    “Sure! Give me second, I just have to print it out– OH NO!”
    “What is it??”
    “He broke our engagement! It’s trending on twitter.”
    “Ah, I’m so sorry.”
    “He’s demanding I give the ring back.”
    “Wait, what? How??”
    *Sniffle* “My life is ruined.”
    “Geez, I don’t know what to say…Is there anything I can do?”
    “I have to return the ring. I’ve already re-tweeted it back, but I still have this printout…”
    “…Do you have a fax?”


    (Almost as lame as the actual proposal.)

  12. A says:

    It will never ever last.

  13. Kiki says:

    This chick is always getting engaged. Nothing to see here, moving right along…

    • DreamyK says:

      She has the worst taste in men. Nikki was a recovering addict, Jesse was a manwhore and now This Guy.

      Just my 2 cents but if I have to break up with a guy to squeeze a marriage proposal out of him, he ain’t the right guy.

  14. gg says:

    If they stay together long enough, maybe he will stop dressing like a Florida hog hunter.

  15. arock says:

    *throws five bucks on the table*

    i call 6 months

  16. Melissa says:

    I actually fo like the ring…its unconventional and I like that. Who says that the ring has to have a diamond in the middle and a gold band? He obviously likes her enough to try to pick out a ring that suited her y’know?

    That being said the Twitter proposal? Tacky as hell. That to me is just one of those things that should be done in person.

    Also, maybe I’m being pessimistic but I really don’t think this will last, didn’t they get together not to long after he broke up with that playboy model? How long have they been together a year maybe, if that? If you already know you want to marry her then why does it matter If you both just take the time to actually get to know one another rather than rush into something and then divorce later? I dunno.

    • gg says:

      But it does have a diamond in the middle and a white gold band.

      • Melissa says:

        He’s changeing the diamond though? I just ment a wedding ring doesn’t have to fit certain parameters to be good. The skulls and black diamond aren’t what you’d normally see on a wedding band either, I think you took what I ment to literally

  17. Miss You Enclave24 says:

    You know….I watched her show a few times and and I actually like her. Not really feeling her serial engagements and I think she could use a self-esteem guru…but other than that, I hope she can actually get married and kinda go away with her love life.

  18. lettylynton says:

    I like the ring! I hope she gets to keep it when the wedding never goes through. One thing I’ve always thought with her is: Why would any ever ditch Nikki Sixx?

    • TrustMeOnThis says:

      Isn’t he like old enough to be her dad and stuff?

    • gg says:

      Because he goes through women like water?
      Because he’s an asshole that throws tantrums onstage and water at fans?
      Because he’s a misogynistic jerk?
      He probably dumped HER?
      The list is endless.

    • Beatriz says:

      Omg this!!! I love me some Nikki Sixx 😀 However, I think it was widely known, that she cheated on him, no? Some say with Jesse James and other with Nikki’s own son :S

  19. lw says:

    I saw them on Fashion Police this weekend. Joan Rivers and the others did not even bother asking Kat any fashion questions. And though they tried to be nice to them, you could see how horrified they all were.
    It was kinda awesome.

  20. aenflex says:

    Who gives a f*ck?

  21. K-rock says:

    Is this what we’ve been reduced to as a society? tweeting marriage proposals for the world to see? Then the silly replies for the world to see? Am I jaded? Is it sweet that they are sharing or attention seeking? I can’t tell anymore.

  22. J7 says:

    She completely grosses me out. I always picture her as smelling like a mixture of cigarettes, bad breath, and dirty hair with a splash of B/O.

  23. Madpoe says:

    Whew! I can’t keep up with her cooties!
    Is that Oliver Peck I hear laughing? 😉

    • More than likely. She really screwed Oliver over, so it serves her right that she picks horrible men now. I think Oliver was the only good one she picked (I know him, he’s done a couple of my tattoos and we have a bunch of mutual friends)

  24. Annie says:

    Kat Von D…D for Delusional? Desperate? body Dysmorphic? She was pretty but now she has turned herself into the fourth Willis girl.

  25. Velouria says:

    I thought she was already engaged to another scummy guy…

  26. Word says:

    What a pair of attention seeking idiots. A relationship made in fameho heaven. We’ll be bombarded with every detail of their wedding including the actual copulation

  27. missanne says:

    lame. i give it 2 months. what really annoys me is that there are no religious fundies screaming about these 2 getting married, but gay couples still are fighting for the right.

    • Sam says:

      Yup. If two people can start dating in September, split up because of possible cheating and then get engaged via twitter in December.. Everybody should be able to get married.

      • Ange says:

        Right?! They’ve probably been split up almost as long as they’ve been dating. Who the hell gets engaged after only 3 months and a breakup in the middle?

  28. CS says:

    Something about the visuals of this couple reminds me of the Amy Winehouse / Blake Fielder-Civil look…

  29. Jay Elle says:

    I feel like this is fake.

  30. MerryHappy says:

    I have no sympathy for her. None. I saw one video clip of her in my entire life, and she’s a spoiled, entitled, little brat and I have absolutely no pity for her in my heart. She (and everyone she dates) is so skeevy.

  31. nikzilla37 says:

    She has terrible taste in men and a Twitter proposal is downright tacky.

  32. skuddles says:

    A twitter proposal? Yeah, this sounds like the real thing – sure their marriage (should it actually happen) will be as solid as quicksand.

    Kat, maybe don’t wear shirts that expose your pot belly – it’s not your best look.

  33. Happy21 says:

    I used to genuinely like her, now I just think she’s nothing more than an IDIOT! Get married, get divorced, enjoy. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

  34. ladybert62 says:

    Yikes – look at those skinny little girl arms he has.

  35. Alison says:

    I can see his penis…

  36. EssDubs says:

    I kind of think it was just their cheesy way of announcing it? Like, he actually asked her in person and then they did this.. for … fun?

    Either way, I like the ring, and she looks beautiful in that green coat, so … good on those crazy kids!

  37. silver says:

    ummm does his left arm have a tattoo with directions for how to correctly cut when trying to commit suicide? that’s not unsettling or weird or anything…

  38. rose says:

    LMao. they were probably tweeting next to each other.

  39. Amy says:

    It’s romantic for two dumb people.

  40. DreamyK says:

    I have that shirt. Picked it up from LOL Shirts. I have a teenager and it comes in quite handy —> just point to the shirt and the conversation is over 😉

  41. tabasco says:

    i hope they stay together through halloween b/c they would be a fun couple’s costume. fake tats and sh*tload of makeup for me, giant mousehead for the bf. done.

  42. some bitch says:

    Tackiest. Ring. EVER. That’s a ring I’d have purchased when I was 15 and in the thick of my goth/punk phase… and there definitely would have been a black stone in the middle.

  43. K-rock says:

    When was she with Bam? Was that before Missy or after?

  44. kimcheee says:

    I know she doesn’t want children, but she looks soooo pregnant in those pictures! Just saying….speaking of bumps today..

  45. A Fan says:

    Dumb on so many levels…

  46. Miss M says:

    dumb, tacky, you name it…
    I would be the girlfriend saying No.

  47. Mikunda says:

    These two human beings, God Bless them, look very scary.

  48. Tuxedo Cat says:

    I think she can do far better….She needs to stop dating her customers.

  49. kimcheee says:

    I’m shocked by how cool the finished ring is! It’s so much better than the last engagement ring (from Jesse James). Stunning, dark and kind of weird – like Kat.