Rihanna on her Instagram obsession: ‘It’s narcissistic, whatever. Everyone does it’


Rihanna covers the February issue of Complex magazine with seven different covers (all featured here) that represent each of her seven albums. Her latest effort, of course, is represented by the Unapologetic cover shown above, and I think all of these different covers accurately represent RiRi’s various trashy sides. As always, Rihanna has been tweeting up a storm, and on Sunday evening, she posted a photo to Instagram that reads, “Tonight’s Goal = Black Out.” How charming.

While the Complex photoshoot is nothng out of the ordinary for Rihanna, the interview does drop a few tidbits that we haven’t heard before. Obviously, it’s an attitude-laden talk because the journalist has the audacity (yay!) to ask Rihanna why she’s so “unapologetic” and why she and Chris named their new song “Nobodies Business” when they so obviously want to put their business out there for all to see. Oh, and Rihanna also explains why she’s so obsessed with posting photos of herself on the internet. Here are some excerpts:



On the perfect Instagram photo: “Get a good light. Get a good angle on what’s working for you that day. If it’s boobs, make sure you hit that. If it’s face, make sure it’s fierce. It’s narcissistic, but whatever–everyone does it. I’m capturing personality… Everybody has their thing they like or don’t like to see. It’s all in your head. That’s why people take their own pictures, because it’s difficult for someone else to capture what you seek.”

On media perception: “People take the little bit of information they’re fed, and they draw a picture of who you are. Most of the time it’s wrong.”

On being part of Team Breezy: “We don’t start the trouble, but that’s how we’re defending ourselves–by saying some slick sh-t. That’s how I’ve always been. I was so rude when I was a little girl. I got my ass beat by my mother for that. Most of the time it was because of my mouth.”

On why she is Unapologetic: “When I was making this record I had no intention except the truth. So whatever is there is real. It’s raw. That’s why the album is called Unapologetic. I held back before. I didn’t show a lot of myself. I was very guarded. I needed to be open and free and fearless. Basically say, ‘F**k it.’ What’s the worst that can happen? They’ll hate me? They’ve done that before.”

On her & Brown’s duet, “Nobodies Business”: “It’s nobody’s business,” she says flatly. [Journo repeats his inquiry.] Her voice, usually warm and cut with chuckles, turns cold. “Pardon me?” she replies, her eyebrow slightly raised. Even after the question is repeated, she hesitates to answer. The hands that moved up and down throughout the conversation, suddenly fall flat. “It’s the truth. Remember? You’re still asking me questions about it so clearly you don’t know.”

[From Complex]

Rihanna just doesn’t get it, does she? She puts all this personal information out there about her and Chris and tweets ridiculous photos of them in intimate poses, yet she becomes defensive when a journalist asks why they named their song “Nobodies Business.” It’s so ridiculous. And of course she counts herself among Team Breezy.





Photos courtesy of Complex magazine

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53 Responses to “Rihanna on her Instagram obsession: ‘It’s narcissistic, whatever. Everyone does it’”

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  1. Nev says:

    Amazing styling on these covers.

  2. Alexandra says:

    Everyone does it, but not like them. Some people actually have good taste.

    Oh wait, I don’t even have an Instagram account. My bad. ALMOST everyone te-hee!

    • gg says:

      I don’t do it and I know a hell of a lot of other people who aren’t narcissists who don’t do it as well. She’s got her head so far up her ass it’s almost funny. Except it’s boring.

    • 'Sup? says:

      I’m not in Instacrap either. Having a FB page is bad enough. Like my grammy used to say: “so you’re gonna eat sh-t because everyone else is eating it, too?”

    • mojoman says:

      Good quote from your grandma “sup”, I think I may use that in the future. Yep, Rihanna is still a tool. Everyone is doing it? sorry hon, I dont do tweet, bleet or whatever these celebs do all day. Heck, I dont even have an iphone let alone instagram. These social websites/networking thing is the beginning of world’s doom I tell ya’. What’s wrong with sending a nice handwritten snail mail along with pictures of yourself to your grandma instead of 456 non-existent friends in Facebook?

    • Emily says:

      I’d never even heard of Instagram until this article.

      I share lots of pictures of my cats, I admit. But nothing tops people posting pictures of their babies’ poop. I cannot even go to Facebook any longer thanks to a bunch of friends who had babies at the same time. And I would never have thought they’d do something like that. I think parenthood fried their brains.

  3. GoodCapon says:

    A lot of my friends are foodies and post tons of photos on Facebook and Instagram. Most of them don’t really care about the artistic angle though: if they want to share whatever it is they’re eating/drinking they’re going to post it.

    • Skipper says:

      The habit of posting food is more annoying than people posting endless pics of themselves. It’s narcissistic and completely boring.

      • GoodCapon says:

        True. I think a huge part of it is just people showing off.

      • mojoman says:

        Personally taking pictures of presents/gifts from people and saying,” got ah-maazing gifts from my fabulous friends!!” annoy the heck out of me. Really?? Are these people really that desperate to get a feedback?

    • wonderwoman21 says:

      Out of curiosity, is the capon in your name referring to the poultry sort? Is that a foodie thing?

      • GoodCapon says:

        Hahaha yes! But it’s not a foodie thing, I just like the word itself.

        I’ve had this username for a long time now and I forgot about its connection to food until you pointed it out 😉

  4. RN says:

    I’m pained by the spelling of “Nobodies Business”. I wish someone with an education had stepped in and corrected it. Aww, who am I kidding? Most likely multiple people did, and those two dim bulbs stubbornly resisted the input.

  5. bea says:

    I LOVE the Warhol print bathing suit!

    ITA, the styling on these covers is fantastic. She always looks great – very photogenic. Shame about her mouth.

    I will say this about instagram – when certain friends do it, it annoys me bc they’re just trying SO hard, but for her, it’s all about promoting her brand. And she’s good at it.

    • RosettaStoned says:

      I’ve been looking for that swimsuit all morning! If anyone finds it, or knows who the designer is, please let me know!! With that high waist, it’s the perfect two piece for me, and I’m of course a big Warhol fan.

  6. Amelia says:

    “Get a good light. Get a good angle on what’s working for you that day. If it’s boobs, make sure you hit that. If it’s face, make sure it’s fierce. It’s narcissistic, but whatever–everyone does it. I’m capturing personality… ”

    Bitch, please.
    You are not Mario Testino.

  7. Aussie girl says:

    It’s just her re-butting Jessie j & her tweet slamming “stars” & their need to instragram their naked arse selves. As for her tude on the question about her & sleezy. Bitch pleeeease WTF did you expect!!!!

  8. megs283 says:

    Everyone on instagram does it…but not everyone IS on instagram…this girl is a complete argument in favor of stepping outside your own bubble.

  9. marie says:

    the photos are good, but she’s as vapid as they come.

  10. NerdMomma says:

    She is so ridiculously beautiful. She should do elaborate photoshoots all the time.

    • Crack Fox says:

      I co-sign. I just want to stare at her all day, but she has to ruin my fantasies by talking and singing.

      • Lisa says:

        Her music is an ear worm. Every now and then, I’ll catch myself singing Umbrella or Love The Way You Lie and it’s like, what even?!

  11. MsAubra says:

    Sure everyone does social media, but everyone doesn’t tweet/instagram photos of themselves with a dude that bongo’d the shit outta their damn face and get mad when people speak their minds on how dumb you are to get mad when you were doing it to seek attention…f*cking douchebag!

  12. lucy2 says:

    Every time I read comments by her, I conclude that she is, in fact, a dumbass.

    I have to laugh how they continually shove their business down everyone’s throats all the time, but when questioned on it, get offended.

  13. BLOGAHOLIC says:

    She looks way sexier than Beyonce any day..

    • NC says:

      So you have to pit to female black singers aganist each other? Can’t they both be sexy or can there only be one sexy black celeb at a time?

  14. MSL says:

    I cannot stand this woman but I have to say her real body is almost the same as her photoshopped body. From the candid pics I’ve seen, she is flawless. Her personality though, sucks! I feel like she would be a total two-faced bitch of a friend for some reason. And I prefer her with longer hair. I’m not really digging the short haircut on her. Something about the style she’s sporting makes her face look harsh or something. Idk.

    • Lisa says:

      She’s beautiful, but I could see her talking about people behind their back for sure. Short hair ages almost everyone. I get people thinking I’m younger now at 24, than I did when I was 19 and had short hair, even when I spiked it!

  15. some bitch says:

    She’s beautiful but her eyes look so unhappy.

  16. bns says:

    She’s gorgeous and her music is fun, but I wish she would shut up.

  17. nlupi says:

    Wow! Gorgeous! Fashionable and Edgy!!! Noone can top RiRi ; she is the “IT GIRL” and will be for a long time! Beyonce who???
    Britney Who??
    Lady Gaga Who??
    Nikki Minaj WHO???

    • Riana says:

      Let me guess…Navy member huh?

    • Chelley says:

      Rihanna is a peasant compared to Beyonce. Beyonce not only can sing very well and dance very well, but she’s also humble. She doesn’t have a nasty personality like Rihanna does. Also, Beyonce doesn’t need to come out with an album every year to stay relevant, unlike Rihanna.

      So in conclusion, Beyonce >>>>> Rihanna in every aspect possible.

      • connie says:

        hahahahaha beyonce humble??? I’m sorry, but I dont think you know the definition of that word. Both are self absorbed assholes

  18. grabbyhands says:

    It’s narcissistic and everyone does it? Wrong-idiotic fourteen year old who are too stupid to figure out that taking duck faced topless pictures of yourself and posting them on Twitter means that the whole planet can see them do what she does. But she’s right about one thing, she IS a raging narcissist.

    She and that douchebag deserve each other-they both sound like stupid, selfish children.

  19. Lulu says:

    From her statement about her mom, it’s pretty clear where she got the concept of a beating = love.

  20. Theresa says:

    Rihanna is just another pop star, saying stuff, taking pictures, dating, drinking, recording, interviewing, making money, spending money.

    She will eventually be replaced by another pop star who will do the exact same thing.

    Don’t sweat it. She’s no different or better or worse than the last one everybody talked about. Enjoy the music (or don’t), that’s why she exists. To sing words to music. To make it, or her, about the superfluous noise is just a waste of energy.

  21. Lisa says:

    I don’t really like the idea of narcissism becoming commonplace, though it looks like that’s where we are. Social media makes even the most ~Normal~ person self-absorbed.

  22. bondbabe says:

    “People take the little bit of information they’re fed, and they draw a picture of who you are. Most of the time it’s wrong.”

    Um, no babydoll, most of the time we don’t get it wrong. We draw the picture of who you are by your ACTIONS—going back to a douchebag who beat the sh*t out of you, constantly putting pictures of yourself on instagram, getting all attitude-y, etc.

    I believe I have a pretty clear and accurate picture of who you are—and it ain’t pretty and definitely not one to admire.

  23. Madriani's Girl says:

    She is so incredibly skanky.

  24. KellyinSeattle says:

    Nobodies Business instead of Nobody’s Business; is that supposed to be a joke because, if not, the joke’s (not jokes) on them.

  25. StaCat1 says:

    Agreed. Don’t splash your personal life all over the internet and then b**** about people invading your privacy.

  26. bonnieblueblade says:

    “everybody does it”…baaaaaaaa

  27. grace says:

    I am starting to feel bad for this foolish girl. She has no real friends, no real man, and tons of cash so all she does is post naked pics of herself and party.
    She doesn’t have any higher goals. She needs to find a way to be relevant before she becomes a memory. Jay-Z will soon bring in the younger, fresher, hotter new thing. Everybody has seen all of Rihanna and are bored. Jay-Z is all about business and Ri is starting to look used up.

  28. A Fan says:

    Uh, I don’t.

    But, she looks good – reinforces my theory that she should be seen and not heard (or read).