Taylor Swift did buy that Hyannis Port property, then flipped it for $1 million profit

In Tuesday’s epic Taylor Swift-Vanity Fair post, I excerpted the details about Taylor’s purchase of a Hyannis Port home, which was reportedly right next to the Kennedy compound. Rumors and reports were widely circulated about the real estate purchase last year, when Swifty was in the throes of her high school romance with Conor Kennedy. Like, she literally purchased the house next door to Conor after they had only been dating for a month or two. Tay-Tay tried to play it off in the VF interview, but the writer (Nancy Jo Sales) did her research and not-so-subtly called Swifty out on her BS. Here’s the relevant portion from VF:

In response to the rumors that Swift was looking to buy a house next to the home of her then boyfriend Conor Kennedy’s family in Hyannis Port, Swift tells Sales, “People say that about me, that I apparently buy houses near every boy I like—that’s a thing that I apparently do. If I like you I will apparently buy up the real-estate market just to freak you out so you leave me.”

Swift continues, “One of these things I say to myself to calm myself down when I feel like it’s all too much . . . If there’s a pregnancy rumor, people will find out it’s not true when you wind up not being pregnant, like nine months from now, and if there’s a house rumor, they’ll find out it’s not true when you are actively not ever spotted at that house.”

But Sales reports that Swift actually did purchase the house. According to someone close to the situation, she had been viewing the property with her parents for over a year under the recommendation of Rory Kennedy. In November 2012, the Cape Cod Times reported the house had been sold to Ocean Drive LLC for $4.8 million. The company’s filing papers name a certain “Jesse P. Schaudies” of 13management—Taylor Swift’s management company. Schaudies did not return calls made to 13management’s offices, but according to the source, the Hyannis Port house was recently resold. “It was like a house-flip,” the source says. “A good short-term investment.”

[From Vanity Fair]

So, Swifty knew well enough to avoid a specific denial (especially on something that could so easily be proven), but she still looks like a liar and a whiner for complaining about the coverage of something that SHE ACTUALLY DID. Anyway, E! News has more about the Hyannis Port real estate deal which I found interesting:

Make that money, Taylor Swift . Despite being coy in Vanity Fair about buying the Hyannis Port, Mass., house near the Kennedy compound while dating Conor Kennedy last summer, realtor Bob Kinlin tells E! News that he did in fact sell the house to Swift.

The chart-topping singer avoided answering the question during her interview for the mag, saying, “Apparently I buy houses near every boy I like.”

But Kinlin, who sold the house last August to Swift, told us that the young singer snagged the Cape Code style, seven bedroom home for $4.8 million, in the name of the Ocean Drive LLC, registered to a Nashville manager Jesse P. Schaudies Jr. of Swift’s 13 Management company.

“I never physically met her, but she has obviously an entourage of people that represent her,” the realtor told E! News. “And the property did close for $4.8 million.”

He also told us that Swift turned around and sold the property two weeks ago, making almost $1 million in profit after having the home for only seven months. The home sold for $5,675,000 to a couple that had been coveting the house before Swift, Kinlin tells us.

Swift’s team did do some improvements to the home, which included renovating the kitchen, some bathrooms and replacing the septic system.

[From E! News]

And this is one of the biggest problems I have with Swifty: she’s actually a smart businesswoman and she has made and continues to make really intelligent decisions about her career and her money, but she insists on making her public persona all about unicorns and candy canes and being a boy-crazy tween stuck in the body of a 20-something girl-child with bolt-ons. This is the difference between the reality of a 20-something pop star who dates, has healthy sex and makes smart business decisions versus the girl-child image she tries to perpetuate. She plays the untouched angel victim role (in comparison to the brunette sluts she skewers in her music) who is too feminine and innocent to be a savvy businesswoman.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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38 Responses to “Taylor Swift did buy that Hyannis Port property, then flipped it for $1 million profit”

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  1. brin says:

    Just think, if she bought & sold houses near all her boyfriends, she could make some serious cash. She should have a reality show called “Flippin Swifty”.

  2. PHD Gossip says:

    I say liar liar pants on fire.

    • T.C. says:

      She lies about everything in interviews from buying the house next to Kennedy boy to crashing the Kenndy wedding to how many boys she dates to her bad mouthing her ex-boyfriends through sources. Bitch got caught finally. High five Vanity Fair.

    • ZigZagZoey says:

      Unless the Kennedy’s bought it to get rid of her! HA!

  3. Annie says:

    In a lot of ways, Taylor does come off like the usual narcissistic twenty something. She’s definitely not mature, but neither is she the immature girl trapped in a bolt-ony body either.
    I find her grating at times, but I also don’t find all the flak against her totally justified.

  4. i'm french don't kill me says:

    clever businesswoman

    • Dana M says:

      Seems clever on the outside but truth is, they broke up, so she HAD to sell it. Otherwise she would have looked the a stalker! Good PR advice from her people to sell!

    • Marjalane says:

      I seriously doubt if Taylor Swift is the brains behind any of her business moves- the only thing she needs to be smart about is hiring smart people who make these types of decisions for her. I think she really IS all about boys and unicorns.

  5. elceibeno08 says:

    When Taylor became a country music star she was only 17 years old. I really hope she is not stuck in that phase of her life because she is a young woman now.

  6. Nemesis says:

    All she had to do was say “yes I did buy that house. I got a good deal on it and might make a few bucks. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, because I know the neighbors. It’s an investment.” But yeah your right, it wouldn’t fit into her image of a silly little girl.

    • MonicaQ says:

      Yeah but if she *had* said that, people would’ve been like, “Surrre…Kristen Stewart is a great actress too!” (Not defending her, she’s just in a Kobayashi Maru situation when it came to that one)

  7. lucy2 says:

    Who accused her of “always” buying houses near boyfriends? They asked her about one particular situation, buying near the Kennedy family house, which as it turns out, was completely TRUE.

    Between the improvements and taxes and commissions, she probably didn’t walk away with much profit.

    • Anon says:

      Even with all of that deducted, she probably still walked away with at least $300,000 – $500,000 profit (or more depending on how much they put in to renovations), which although isn’t anywhere near what she usually makes, still makes it a very successful flip.

  8. kibbles says:

    You are giving Swifty too much credit. I’m pretty sure her PR team put out this story to make the real estate purchase seem like a smart business move to negate the bad press she’s been getting as of late brandishing her as a stalker and crazy serial dater.

    Maybe her decision to purchase the property wasn’t initially to flip the house but to really plan on becoming part of the Kennedy clan. If the Middletons bought an apartment for Kate to be near William, why isn’t it hard to believe that Swifty and her parents thought along the same lines in order to get her closer to the Kennedy clan? They are our equivalent of royalty after all. She would have naturally planned on renovating the house before moving in but never had the chance to do that because her relationship with Connor was short lived. Also, the article does not specify how much money she spent on renovations. She might have spent more than a million on renovating the kitchen, bathrooms, septic system, and other fees.

    Her shtick was cute when she was a teen but her image is quickly unraveling. If she were as smart and savvy as her PR people want us to believe, she wouldn’t come off as so immature and clueless in her interviews.

  9. Sarcasmo says:

    If this poptart starts doing this on the regular, she’s going to be Trump-esque.

    What I find telling is that she “unloaded” that house 2 weeks ago, like she was hoping that subject wouldn’t be broached in interview(s). *adjusts tinfoil hat*

  10. bullpin says:

    I call BS on this. She bought it to be close to the Conor, he freaked, they broke up and then she sold it. Wasn’t really about flipping it at all.

  11. bettyrose says:

    It’s nice to see the luxury housing market starting to recover.

  12. MonicaQ says:

    I think Swift’s trying to stay all “cutesy” persona because if you think about the last stars that went from “tee hee :3” to “I’M ALL WOMAN!”, it hasn’t ended well for their careers–a temporary boost sure but not for complete longevity. (Britney, Christina, Miley, LeAnn). So until her face starts to show that she’s not Candy-Pop-Country age anymore, she’s going to ride that pony like she rides her relationships: into the ground until it’s screaming for mercy and then runs away.

  13. Skins says:

    Hmmmm, maybe she is not as dumb as we all think. Nice little profit there. You know, I hate to admit this, I feel like The Fonz trying to say liver, but I kind of like her new song. The girl does have some talent, unlike 90% of the lip-syncing, scream-singing young pop-tarts out there. If she can just grow up a little and start writing songs for people her own age she can have a long career.

    • Madison says:

      I find myself singing along to all her songs on the radio and I hate myself for it.

  14. emmie_a says:

    Taylor is actually a smart businesswoman??? please. Saying that is buying into her lies. Purchasing the house wasn’t a smart business calculated move. It was a crazy stalker girlfriend buying a house next to her 17 year-old boyfriend! Taylor just got lucky with selling it for a profit.

  15. Thiajoka says:

    “And this is one of the biggest problems I have with Swifty: she’s actually a smart businesswoman and she has made and continues to make really intelligent decisions about her career and her money, but she insists on making her public persona all about unicorns and candy canes and being a boy-crazy tween stuck in the body of a 20-something girl-child with bolt-ons. This is the difference between the reality of a 20-something pop star who dates, has healthy sex and makes smart business decisions versus the girl-child image she tries to perpetuate. She plays the untouched angel victim role (in comparison to the brunette sluts she skewers in her music) who is too feminine and innocent to be a savvy businesswoman.”

    Exactly! And well said, Celebitchy. And this is why her bullshit about women not supporting other women deserving eternal damnation just irks the shit out of women who don’t think she represents womanhood at its finest. If you have to play the victim to get ahead in life so that you can maintain your power, then you’ve set womanhood back a couple of decades at the very least.

  16. Jenna says:

    Talk about a stage 5 clinger. Yikes.

  17. Harpreet says:

    hmmm, it seems like a lot of work for a million no? I mean, she has all these endorsement deals. Flipping houses is a lot of work too.

  18. Sweet Dee says:

    Heyyy that’s a nice story. How about the true one:

    “So, I bought this house because Conor told me he would love me 4evah but we couldn’t just…like…you know…do stuff at his parents’ house, right? So but then the big meanie broke up with me because I was too pretty and famous even though I stalked him at school the best I could. Anyway, I’m stuck with this house and Conor made me look crazy!”–Taylor Swift, crying into lavender lemonade.

    “Okay, so how about this: we’ll just pay people to fix it up, sell it for a profit and say you were actually planning to do that since before you started dating the kid.”–PR Manager


  19. KellyinSeattle says:

    I see now why she always covers her ears with her hair. Seriously, though, for 21 years old she has too much poise, almost like she doesn’t have a soul in there.

  20. TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

    Right, she’s making music because she has something to say – Please give me a break, she’s essentially a corporate entity, her parents, Big machine records, scott borchetta, her management team – “music” is just an afterthought to moneymaking, that’s why the music’s crap – and to think two generations ago at WOodstock they gathered to sing about the man and the machine, and now everyone’s happily part of the machine – among the many reasons to smack this twit, the main reason is she has no interest in music, as Jim Fusilli of the WSJ wrote some time ago, people like swifty are just selling their celebrity, and laughing all the way to the bank. Glad I don’t support her.

  21. Thiajoka says:

    Wonder why none of her exes ever speaks up on her behalf is she is so benign? Just a thought. Also, full disclosure, I doubt any of my exes would speak up on my behalf, either, but I’m an asshole.

  22. Patrice says:

    “…she insists on making her public persona all about unicorns and candy canes and being a boy-crazy tween stuck in the body of a 20-something girl-child with bolt-ons.” YES! Kaiser, no one, maybe in the history of honest written press about this girl, has EVER summed up her whole act & true colors more perfectly 😀 Thank you.

  23. Patrice says:

    Perfection @SweetDee!! 😀

    This girl has become a laughing stock and with continued disastrous moves like the Vanity Fair article and the whole house debacle, she only has herself to blame. Apparently, even Selena Gomez-who herself is embroiled in that whole laughable situation with Justin Bieber-has ditched her so…that’s pretty telling.

  24. Emily says:

    Well, as one of those evil too-sexy brunettes — hah hah. Could Taylor Swift be any more transparent? Also, the “evil brunette” thing is decades behind the times, along with everything else Taylor Swift does. But it makes her lots of money, so I guess she knows what she’s doing at least on some level. Excuse me, I have to go steal the boyfriend of some holier-than-thou mousey little blonde who thinks sex is icky.

  25. Kathy says:

    You do realize a vast majority of her fans are little girls right? So of course she tries to perpetuate an innocent persona.

  26. dcypher1 says:

    Grow up swifty and start acting like the woman u are not a lil girl. Own up to ur bs.