Jada Pinkett Smith on her marriage ‘I’ve told Will you can do whatever you want’

Remember when everyone was saying that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith, known for oversharing about their allegedly hot sex life, were about to divorce after over a dozen years of marriage? That was basically the whole second half of 2011, from August until at least early 2012, when Jada was said to have met with a divorce lawyer. Around that time, J.Lo and Marc Anthony also split, and rumor had it that Jada’s too-close relationship with Marc Anthony on the set of HawthoRNe was to blame. Will and Jada denied that they were having trouble, and stepped out together for some photo ops eventually, but it was clear something was going on.

Well Jada was interviewed by HuffPost Live recently and I’ll be damned if she didn’t get really pissed off when she was asked about rumors of her open marriage. She wasn’t mad at the interviewer, she got really intense when describing how she told Will he could “do whatever” he wanted as long as he could live with it. The subtext was that he shouldn’t be able to live with cheating on her, at least that’s how I saw it.

Here’s the video clip and some quotes are below (a longer video is on Huffington Post)

“I think people get that idea because Will and I are very relaxed with one another. I’ve always told Will, ‘You can do whatever you want as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and be okay.’ Because at the end of the day, Will is his own man. I’m here as his partner, but he is his own man. He has to decide who he wants to be and that’s not for me to do for him. Or vice versa.”

“I don’t think it’s easy to be married to anyone. I think that you have to go into a relationship knowing, especially when you’re dedicating yourself to someone for the rest of your life, this is a life partnership … He’s my best friend. He’s been by my side through some of the most difficult parts of my life. And so that’s something you can never take away.”

[From Huffington Post via Starcasm]

She was hardcore when she was describing how she told Will he had to live with himself. I got the impression that Will cheated, it pissed her off incredibly, and she was like “that’s on you, a-hole.” It wasn’t some “whatever he does is ok with me” speech, it was “how can you live with yourself?” That’s not “relaxed.”

In terms of calling Will her life partner, this is similar to what she’s said in the past. In an interview with Essence last year she said “We’re not getting a divorce. Where am I going to go? That’s my boo. It’s like he’s another part of me.” So I get the impression that she’s in it for the long haul but that she’s not putting up with a lot of crap. Telling someone they can do whatever they want “as you can look at yourself in the mirror and be okay” is not the same as giving them carte blanche. She really cares about what Will is up to, but she’s not going to get rid of her partnership because of some side pieces.

Sidenote: I really like her hair like that (in the video and in the green skirt. On the red carpet it’s kind of cheap looking) The ombre curls suit her, and I’m not a fan of ombre hair.

Will and Jada Pinkett Smith are shown on the red carpet yesterday for Free Angela and all Political Prisoners, which they co-produced. (The trailer is here.) It’s a documentary about activist Angela Davis and her 1972 trial for murder and kidnapping. Davis had no known role in the crime apart from purchasing the guns that were used. The film is out in limited release tomorrow.

Jada and Angela Davis:

Photo credit: WENN.com and FameFlynet

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101 Responses to “Jada Pinkett Smith on her marriage ‘I’ve told Will you can do whatever you want’”

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  1. Patrice says:

    Oh my God. Her FACE! Why Jada? Why????

    • Jenny says:

      I know. I was thinking the same.

    • mollie says:

      Good heavens…it is terrible! What has she done to herself!?

    • Lucy says:

      I agree, she looks crazy!

    • bns says:

      That’s all I can think about.

    • lucy2 says:

      That first photo startled me. She looked like someone 20 years older who had too much plastic surgery.

    • apsutter says:

      Will’s starting to look a little weird too.

    • Hakura says:

      Ugh… It kind of almost has this.. ‘bad drag-queen’ vibe to it, now… On top of looking like a ‘perma-bitch’.

    • bigt says:

      Right. Yikes her face! What did she do??? We all know Will is gay or bi, traveling all over with his sweet friend Duane. Am sure Jada is a gayelle too. But boy his older son with another woman seems very normal. Can’t say the same about the 2 younger kids(especially the boy) raised with Jada.

    • SydneySpy says:

      Oh, good – it wasn’t just me, then… At least black women don’t appear to suffer that plastic look as much as white women, but since they age much better anyway, I feel they can wait for longer to get their “enhancements”. All these women (and a lot of men) seem to have been forced into this trap of beating Mother Nature, and mostly, with horrendous results.

      • Hakura says:

        (((O_o I think one of my dose of Nyquil (bleegh. Liquid) must really be kicking in. I don’t know where the *hell* all that came from xD I just couldn’t seem to help myself. I’m sure I’ll be embarrassed for it when I wake up xD Please feel free to disregard entirely.)))

        You’d think after enough times returning from battle bruised, bloody, & deformed, that we’d take the hint. Lesson here is:

        “Don’t f*ck with Mother Nature. She will f*ck your bitch-ass up“. – J. Wildenstein

        (Today’s ‘Life Lesson’ was brought to you by… Cosmetic surgery insurance! You know everything is going to come out great! But just in case… Be prepared for the unexpected with ‘Mirror Mirror Insurance’. ‘Who’s the fairest of them all?’ We’re here to make sure the answer is always “*You*!”

  2. annabelle says:

    Will is starting to look rough.

  3. Tasha says:

    She looks horriable what has she done to her face. The work she had done before was bad but she dosen’t even look like herself now.

  4. Axis2ClusterB says:

    Wow. Her face. I’m not sure I would’ve known who she was.

  5. Maria_Spain says:

    She used to look like a girl,her face… (n) so sad 🙁

  6. Elceibeno says:

    “You can do whatever you want” Really? Here’s a list of men that would love to hear that line from their wives:
    Tiger Woods
    Jesse James
    Rupert Sanders

    Who else?

  7. Dhavynia says:

    She looks better with short hair but she jacked up her face so badly that now she looks like LilKim

    I say the same thing to my husband. You can’t control what another person will do but you can always remind them of what the consequences might be as a result of their actions.

  8. Arock says:

    She’s starting to look like Adrienne maloof.

  9. ladybert62 says:

    Hate those earrings he wears and hate most everything about her.

  10. Itsa Reallyme says:

    She looks really really sad in the pictures with the yellow dress.

  11. Happy21 says:

    She is so severe looking. Her face is not a friendly or a soft one. She looks awful.

    And really Will & Jada are at the bottom of my celeb couple radar. I don’t care for either of them…

    • Hakura says:

      I always got the impression that Jada was.. well, a complete ‘bitch’, because of her face. Like you said, not very friendly or welcoming. More like constantly ‘superior’ & glaring all the time.

      Neither do most people. They’re so arrogant, they’ve ruined their public images beyond repair.

  12. V4Real says:

    Oh for crying out loud Jada; just come out of that crowded closet already.

  13. Blondie says:

    What the heck happened to her face? She used to be so cute, what a shame.

  14. Victoria says:

    looks like she’s had some fillers in her face…. it’s very unflattering and pudgy. Why do they try to fix what ain’t broke?
    giddy up

  15. BooBooLaRue says:

    I have always wondered what her appeal was…a very severe and unpleasant looking personality shows thru.

    • Hakura says:

      I’ve said it above in replies. As simplistic as it sounds, she just comes across ‘mean’.

      She always seemed to be a ‘perma-bitch’ to me, everytime I ever saw her, she looked like someone who would glare, growl at you or bite your head off for daring to disturb her.

      I’ll bet she’s gone through a lot of ‘personal assistants’.

  16. HappyJoyJoy says:

    Wow. She doesn’t even look like herself. Her face is so wide!

  17. MoxyLady007 says:

    I agree.

    She is stating it very simply. We are all free to do whatever we want. And she is saying, if you want to hurt me and the kids and be that kind of man – go for it. Because I can’t stop you. It is ALL on you. And that’s totally correct.

    • RHONYC says:

      ya heard? 😉

    • I Choose Me says:


    • Hakura says:

      Even with my complete dislike of her otherwise, I do completely agree with her statements here. It’s actually the best way I can think of to confront an issue like that.

    • krat says:

      I hate that everyone is obsessing over her face, and not talking about how awesome these statements are. I love this, I wish everyone (not just women) would hear this and realize what great common sense it is.

  18. kc says:

    Just me or does JPS look incredibly rough in these photos.

  19. NeoCleo says:

    I’ve never gotten over her nasty comments from a dozen years or more about white women. The few times I’ve listened to her speak or read what she had to say I’ve almost felt sorry for Will. I think she whoops him regularly. I don’t know, maybe he likes it.

    • Lemony says:

      What comments?

    • Hakura says:

      I’m curious too, what comments? (I’d try to find them myself, but don’t know what to look for xD)

      Personally, I don’t feel sorry for Will. I’ve heard quite a bit regarding his ridiculous arrogance & ego, as well as treating castmates rudely, constant attitude. You reap what you sow. They sound perfect for eachother…

  20. Mrs. Peacock says:

    I just…wish…she had talent.

  21. Jayna says:

    Something went down. From her comments, it appears he cheated. I was sick of their interviews where all she did was overshare about their hot sex life ad nauseum and their life. Then it all clammed up.

    I still hate her cheek implants. Now it looks like she is doing fillers to try to soften the harshness of her cheek implants. Sad.

    • Kat says:

      There have always been rumors that he hooked up with Charlize Theron on the movie they did together.. Hancock, I think?

      • Hakura says:

        Hmm. I know Will is definitely at fault for cheating on his wife. That was his call.

        But out of curiosity, does Charlize have a history of ‘Other Woman‘ flings?

        I *hate* when someone cheats. And I also hate it when people sleep with someone they *know* is taken. So disrespectful.

  22. KellyinSeattle says:

    I agree with the her theory, for the most part…She also lets her kids do what they want. 🙂 I love the yellow dress and the pink pants. I used to love Will but now he’s on my last nerve, along with his kids.

    • Nanea says:

      Of course she’d let her kids do what they want. After all, Scientologists say kids are adult souls in tiny bodies.

      • Hakura says:

        This from the cult who’s leader said that ‘smoking too little causes cancer‘… ¬_¬ Bunch of loons, the whole lot of them.

  23. JudyK says:

    Wow, she is looking really HARD…idiots who go for too much plastic surgery and end up getting a reverse affect as far as aging.

    Nothing says I love you like telling your spouse he/she can do whatever they please. Sickening.

  24. RHONYC says:

    cheek implants be damned…now THAT’S my ‘Different World’ Jada!!!

    she’s always, ALWAYS been confident in who she is even as a teen & here’s what…i feel the S-A-M-E way towards my man.

    it’s not for me to tell you what to do. i don’t believe in telling a man how to be a good man. i don’t run phones or any of that nonsense. if we are in this together, act right & we’ll be alright goddammit.

    cheating is ‘still’ a non-negotiable with me though.
    uh-uhhh…wandering peen can go bye-bye in my book. 😉

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Exactly and here’s the thing-no woman can keep an eye on her man 24/7. At some point you just have to relinquish control and trust that he’ll do the right thing.

    • Lucinda says:

      She’s right but do you want to be the woman who feels like she even needs to say that to her spouse? I certainly don’t.

      • RHONYC says:

        i think that if this is the tone set in the preliminary stages of the relationship (which i believe this is ‘when’ Jada is speaking about), then absolutely it’s good to let your partner know that if you wanna go and be a dumbass doin’ ratchet sh*t, then know that i’m gonna be the individual that ‘you’ chose to get involved with, i.e. do me & keep it twirlin’.

        *2 snaps & a backflip* 😉

      • Hakura says:

        @Lucinda“She’s right but do you want to be the woman who feels like she even needs to say that to her spouse?”

        No. I have no desire to be Leann Rimes.

  25. oh snap! says:

    here’s what bothers me about this couple. what exactly DOES Will do that would warrant this explanation, especially with him traveling far and wide with other suspected closeted men, particularly Duane Martin. they have proportedly been lovers for years and as far as I’m concerned the gay is starting to show on Will’s face. and I have NOTHING against gay people. we are all equals…so long as we are open and honest. toooooooo many DL men out here and women like Jada willing to cover it up for the sake of their material wealth that leaves them completely hollow!! Jada is stressed, I don’t care what b.s. she dishes on Will. there is something very amiss with them and has been for years and their children have suffered from it. and yes, Jada has jacked up her face majorly…

    • Nev says:


      I uses to admire them as a couple now I am confused. She IS stressed in her words and attitude. There is something there. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    • andy says:

      “…as far as I’m concerned the gay is starting to show on Will’s face. and I have NOTHING against gay people.”

      How does “gay” start to show on someone’s face?

    • endoplasmic_ridiculum says:

      Yes, seriously. How does the “gay” start to show on someone’s face???

    • oh snap! says:

      sorry, am I the only one who knows what a gadar is? even gay men use it to pick up other men. there is a look, something in the eyes, smile…it’s not always accurate and I could be dead wrong here. it’s just a personal observation. I don’t claim to have a formula for this. he just looks more sweet than he used to, that’s all I’m saying.

      • Emily says:

        The spread of the term “gaydar” has made a lot of people think they have it in situations where it does not work.

        Unless you’re gay or bi, you don’t have it. All you have are suspicions. All those straight women online insisting that a bunch of straight male celebrities are gay and boinking each other — no. They’re just turned on by the thought of hot dudes boinking each other.

        Further, gaydar doesn’t really work unless you’re in proximity to the person. And finally, it’s wrong a lot. Really, really wrong a lot. A whole slew of lesbians insisted I was a lesbian or at least bi in my early years of college because… I didn’t wear makeup and I had male friends. I also had a boyfriend with whom I had a ton of sex, I was not attracted to women, but somehow, my not wearing makeup was supposed to outweigh those things, because gaydar. Whatever.

        So while I think something is up with Will and Jada’s marriage, I think that something is “Scientology”, which completely screws with the sexual orientations of everyone in it. Not by making them gay or straight: by making them completely messed up. They become Scientosexual.

  26. bns says:

    She used to be so beautiful. What a shame.

    Anyway, I still think they have an open marriage, but they do seem happy with whatever arrangement they have, so more power to them.

  27. janie says:

    Who cares? It appears her young kids do the same!

  28. Quinn says:

    Jason’s Lyric was on cable not long ago..I had forgotten how lovely she was once, and actually argued that it WASN’T Jada! That is one harsh face now.

    • lucy2 says:

      That’s where I first remember seeing her, and she was so pretty. Her face got hard looking in the last few years, and now looks…different.

  29. megsie says:

    I first saw Jada a thousand years ago in Jason’s Lyric. Wonderful performance and so beautiful. Not sure what the hell’s happened since then.

  30. Grace says:

    Wow I’m already sick of Jada and there’s only this one article about her today.
    Dear Jada: Everyone everywhere knows that you and your husband are gay but pretend to be bi,”advanced” and global partiers to declare how “fantastic” you are.
    You’re lying to your kids about what love is, you’re lying to yourselves about what marriage is, and absolutely no one believes any of your nonsense.
    Jada probably wants Angela to be her girlfriend but hopefully Angela has better taste in women.
    Willow needs to get out while it’s still possible.

    • hazeldazel says:


      They will never get out of the closet though because they are big-time CO$ and no way does Xenu want to lose another celebrity couple and have another big scandal, like with Tom and Katie. They are in to stay.

  31. april says:

    If you watch the video above she looks a lot better; more like herself. I don’t like the way she looks at all in the stills.

    Also, I guess I get her point after watching the video and she said it goes for herself too. If she cheated she would have to deal with the consequences too. You really need to watch the video before you make judgments. I liked what she said, I didn’t feel she was angry, just passionate about what she was saying.

  32. RobN says:

    You don’t make a comment like that unless you’ve already emotionally checked out. There’s a lot of detachment going on there.

  33. Frenzy says:

    Crazy scientologists!

  34. lucy2 says:

    I don’t know why she didn’t just say “none of your business, that’s our private lives” and be done with it. Actually, that’s what they should have done YEARS ago, instead of trying to sell some hot marriage crap.

    • Hakura says:

      That’s just another thing that points to their entire ‘marriage’ as being for the sake of ‘image’ & ‘profit’.

  35. hopperlea says:

    I have never liked this woman.

  36. A says:

    She needs to gain some weight to fill out her face, seriously. She’d look so much better.

  37. Luls says:

    I love how everyone is slicing and dicing Jada’s face, but no one is commenting on Will’s frozen botox forehead.

    #Double Standards.

    • Hakura says:

      I can’t speak for everyone else, but the reason *I* honed in on Jada’s face is because this post is about *her*, & there are several large close-up pics of her face (which surprised most of us), but no pictures of Will.

      So I’d totally rip on him for that frozen forehead sh*t, big time. Just didn’t think about him while reading the article.

  38. Emily says:

    I don’t think it’s easy to be married to anyone.

    Maybe not in Hollywood. Out here, it’s actually very easy, so long as you marry someone you love and want to marry and who’s right for you. Oh and who is the right sex for you to be attracted to.

    • Trillion says:

      I thought that was a weird comment too. I’ve been married to my husband almost 12 years and it’s been incredibly easy.

  39. Palermo says:

    I thought it was common knowledge about Will and Duane Martin. They just got back from a trip to Rio where they stayed in the room above Kanye and Kim. Jada is known to be a lesbian too.

  40. Isa says:

    I would never tell my husband that. Goodness he would probably think that means: my wife is cool with it. Since he would think I was cool with it he would have no problem looking in the mirror.

  41. Belle Epoch says:

    SO many rumors about his being gay, plus a blind item that commenters all thought was about Will that I found horrifying (injuring partner via gay sex and paying him off). Maybe she is saying he CAN’T look himself in the mirror..

    • andy says:

      At the time, the popular guess was James Franco who publicly denied it. Franco even contacted an attorney and considered suing.

      Now everyone assumes it is Will Smith.

      The blind may be completely made up by that compulsive liar Enty. I would believe CDAN to be bullshit, before believing Will Smith a rapist.

  42. DanaG says:

    Looks like people are buying this happy marriage as much as John Travolta’s and Kelly Prestons. No one says that too their husband seems Will can cheat and live with himself that is just stupid. Them being in an open marriage has been around for years and neither of them have really done anything to stop it. No wonder the kids are being pimped out how screwed will they be by all of this? As for Jada’s face she needs to lay off the plastic surgery/botox she is looking more like a blow up doll with a lot of air let out. Some weight will do her wonders and yep Will needs to stay off the botox too although he doesn’t look as scary as Jada does.

  43. Justsayin9 says:

    Something is definitely up with those two…

  44. d b says:

    Never have gotten used to Jada’s cheek implants, she just doesn’t look like Jada to me…

  45. Starllight says:

    I always like Jada since I saw her in the movie with Eddie Murphy. She was so beautiful. She still is but she looks sad now. Why, Jada, why?

  46. Dee Cee says:

    1st wife Sheree Fletcher; ‘Oh tee-hee-hee!’

  47. Hakura says:

    Out of curiosity, I went to look up some images of he & his rumored ‘lover’ of many years.

    I can definitely see where people got their opinions from. They go places together (not Will’s family)… Stand close next to eachother whenever possible. Duane is *always* taking pics of Will with his phone. He even took one of Will shirtless.

    Will’s arm is around Duane’s shoulders in almost *every* pic. Then some where they’re holding hands (not lacing their fingers, though).

    I… I really do think that guy is way more than just a good friend.

  48. Asdfg says:

    Ooo, I like her hair in the 3rd pic!

  49. Ranunculus says:

    Aren’t there persistent rumours that both of them are gay?

  50. Black C. Tzar says:

    Damn shame when someone has to interpret articles and interviews for people. Clearly folk hear/read what they want to hear/see, and reading/listening comprehension has flown the coop. I guess its true, because stories like this really really matters in life, Black folk just loves themselves some drama SMH. Stay is school kids.