Jenna Dewan: Channing Tatum doesn’t ‘confront’ me about my pregnancy weight

It just struck me as I was looking through these photos of Jenna Dewan-Tatum posing in Glamour – she looks a bit like Mila Kunis, right? Pregnancy has changed her face a little bit, and in this sort of understated photo shoot, I swear she looks so much like Mila. Anyway, I think these photos are really cute. Although I’ve sworn off babies (unless Michael Fassbender, Eric Bana and/or Benedict Cumberbatch would like to try to impregnate me), I’m not a bump-hater nor do I mind when ladies “flaunt” their bump with bump-specific photo shoots. I actually prefer this style of “cutesy pregnant photo shoots” as opposed to Jessica Simpson’s bizarre Elle shoot last year. Anyway, Jenna has a lot to say about motherhood, etc:

Jenna on marrying an actor: “Most actors and actresses are consumed by careers and getting ahead. Channing and I are ambitious, but our relationship comes first. We take everything day by day, saying, ‘OK, how can we make this work together?'”

On her pregnant body: “I thought my body was going to change so quickly with pregnancy that I’d freak out. But it was really gradual. There’s a reason women are pregnant for nine months; by the end, you’re ready to have this baby. Channing has been great. He takes the route of no confrontation, just support, saying things like, ‘Do whatever you want! What do you want to eat? I’m going to leave it up to you.'”

On parenting styles: “Who knows what kind of parents we’ll be? We have two dogs, so we’ve had some practice! And as soon as this baby comes into the world, Channing and I will figure it out real fast.”

On balance: “I think, How in the world am I going to do all this? I have no idea what I’m up against. But I’m as mentally prepared as I can be. It’s an adventure!”

[From Glamour]

“He takes the route of no confrontation, just support, saying things like, ‘Do whatever you want! What do you want to eat? I’m going to leave it up to you.'” Channing is well-trained! Or he just loves his wife and he really doesn’t care if she gains weight because for the love of God, she’s pregnant. I’d like to think Channing is the kind of husband who gains “sympathy weight” with his wife. Judging from recent photos of Chan… yeah, I’d say so. He looks meatier. Totally sympathy weight. Plus.. does anyone else think Jenna is just carrying really beautifully? I think she’s due sooner than Jessica Simpson, Kim Kardashian and Duchess Kate, just FYI.

Photos courtesy of Glamour.

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47 Responses to “Jenna Dewan: Channing Tatum doesn’t ‘confront’ me about my pregnancy weight”

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  1. T.Fanty says:

    Wow. She must have had some crappy relationships to think that not being judged by her husband is something to celebrate.

    • Liv says:

      I wonder why there’s always talk about weight when it comes to pregnancys. Surprise, surprise, gaining weight then is a natural process!

      Men would probably explode when being pregnant 😉

      • Steph says:

        My mom used to ask me how much I had gained every time I saw her. Needless to say I wanted to strangle her every time.

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      Probably. There are a lot of assholes out there. If you haven’t come across any, you’re pretty lucky.

      • MsAubra says:

        Yes. She’s happy that he’s supportive and wants everyone to know. Nothing wrong with that

      • T.Fanty says:

        I can tell you right now that no man of mine, past or present would dare to say something like that. Not if he wanted to retain his testicles.

        I didn’t mean it to sound as negative as it maybe did. I just presume that it’s a hollywood thing. I think it’s sad that it’s even a character trait worth noting. Not being overtly critical of your partner isn’t commendable – it’s decent and she should take that for granted. I wish them nothing but the best. But, I will also say that it’s not like she’s putting on any major weight. She’s hardly Kim Kardashan.

    • CN says:

      I was wondering if maybe she was talking about what sorts of foods she puts into her body from a nutritional sense, and not so much a weight gain sense? As in he could be critical of what she eats, but rather than harping on about what she should or shouldn’t eat for the health of their baby, he’s just leaving it up to her…

    • Kate says:

      Maybe because she’s a dancer? I don’t know. It’s weird that she thinks that him not criticizing her is something out of the norm. But whatever, he’s adorable.

    • Feebee says:

      I thought that was kind of weird too, to say it like that. But she has not really put on excess weight plus the way she’s carrying…. She looks pretty amazing.

    • Samtha says:

      I haven’t read the interview, but maybe she was just responding to a specific question about how he’s dealing with the baby weight?

    • Me Three says:

      Thought the same thing. Wow, he hasn’t confronted her about gaining weight. Give the guy a prize! Please. I guess I’m just getting tired of these celebrity articles. She’s genetically blessed. She’s not gained a whole lot of weight–and the photoshop job on these pics is amazing.

      And now we have the “look how fast Jenna got her bikini body back” articles to look forward to. More body shaming for people who don’t have her genes, her money for plastic surgery and nannies, giving her the hours she will undoubtedly spend at a gym, losing what baby weight she gained!

    • ohlala says:

      She reminds me of all the other actresses/models in HW, a whole lot of trashy.

  2. gee says:

    Pregnancy suits her, she looks so so pretty. I love the two of them.

    • moon says:

      +1 She’s got an amazing pregnancy body! Gives me hope, since I’m her height. I thought it was a given that short women would all balloon up like jessica simpson, kim kardashian and hilary duff.

      • JoGirl310 says:

        Don’t get too bummed out if that’s not the case, though. It’s not really something that a pregnant woman can control, unfortunately – despite what some may claim. (Just to give a personal example, I’m short, and I gained 60 pounds with my last baby. 40 pounds of it was water that disappeared almost immediately after I gave birth. I looked like a whale right before giving birth, though!)

  3. Hannah says:

    She is very beautiful. Best of luck to her and the baby.

  4. brin says:

    She’s cute…I kind of see a resemblance to Rachel Bilson in the pic with her in glasses.

  5. marie says:

    why would he confront her? she’s pregnant. I would like to think Channing loves his wife and is not an idiot, every pregnant woman gains weight.

    Minus the blue eyes, she looks more like Mia Kirshner to me.

  6. Suze says:

    It’s an odd choice of words – confront? I am assuming Channing understands that weight gain and pregnancy go together.

    She looks good pregnant. Can’t really see the Kunis resemblance, though.

  7. JenD says:

    I think I read she’s due in June, so she’s a month ahead of JS, KK, and KM.

    I loved them together in Step Up, so I think they are an adorable couple. She’s a beautiful pregnant lady.

  8. Rose says:

    Cute pics. Love them together.

  9. ds says:

    She looks really cute. And I don’t see any weight gain apart from the bump which is normal. Love the styling in the last photo.

  10. Mew says:

    He probably does gain sympathy weight, he just seems that kind of a guy. It’s good to hear not every man on this planet is Scott De-sick.

  11. Anmelt says:

    She is prettier than Mila Kunis IMO. Her statements about being prepared for parenthood makes me giggle. Parenthood is ALWAYS a shock, dogs are nowhere near as high maintenance as kids. The incessant chattering, the meltdowns, tantrums and the love you feel is much deeper and scarier than anything.

    • Jenny says:

      It’s always funny to me how people always talk about how hard the first few months are. They never tell you that after that it just gets harder lol. My daughter was way easier to take care of at 2 months than now at 2 years!!!

    • Just So says:

      Hmmm. I have 2 dogs, and one of them is definitely higher maintenance than my toddler. My hubby and I always joke that having the dog first was good prep for having a kid.

  12. Ash says:

    I love that she’s wearing flats in that last photo, and not 5 inch stilettos like some pregnant celebs. She seems nice and down to earth.

  13. Talie says:

    These two seem so authentic to me… really great couple. A big reason for that though is that they don’t compete. No offense to her, but he is at a way higher level and there is most likely little competition with scheduling.

  14. Jessica says:

    I am getting tired of all these pregnant woman (girls) with the weight issues. They were all bone thin before and they talk like their pregnancy weight has made them the size of a whale or something. Get real.. blah blah.

    • HT says:

      “Girls” don’t get pregnant, women do.

    • Belle says:

      Hmmm. Which women are you referring to? Out of the more famous pregnancies right now, it seems Kate is the only one who was really thin prior to pregnancy… and I don’t think she is talking about weight issues?

      Kim K. is talking the most about weight issues… and she was definitely NOT bone thin, and does seem to be gaining quite a bit of weight.

      Jessica Simpson was hardly bone thin either. I’m not sure about Jenna… I don’t remember her being overly thin? Either way, when pregnant celebs are interviewed, it is fairly common for them to be asked about cravings and how they are managing with the weight gain, changing body, etc. I didn’t get the impression that Jenna feels like her weight gain is an issue.

  15. Dawn says:

    Cute! I think these two are embracing this experience and loving each and every moment of it. Plus you can tell that he is over the moon about her and I think they will be great hands on parents. It could happen to nicer people (or so I have heard!).

  16. Maria says:

    reads like Jlo saying “i comb my childrens hair.”

    they try so hard to sell Channing as this ultimate manly sexy nice guy which makes me believe that he isnt.

  17. Sarah says:

    This woman is enjoying her husband’s fame a bit too much. She admits she is ambitious, but in the past she was unable to make it by herself. Finally, she realises the thing that can get her on the magazine is not her body of work, but getting a Channing Tatum baby.

    • OO says:

      be caresul. someone is going call you jealous. lol. Howard stern used to have a game on his show called “the Jenna Dewan game” where they talked about d-listers who try to get famous by dating more famous people. This girl is a classic famewhore. Plus, do anyone really believe her husband doesn’t cheat? Come on, it’s Hollywood.

      • annabelle says:

        They’ve been together since 2006. Long before he was anybody to social climb up to.

        I think they are genuine and I wish them all the best.

      • HT says:

        They were both new when they did Step Up, which you should seriously watch when you have a sick day, cheesy as hell but the chemistry they share is pretty sweet, much better than the couples in the subsequent movies (yes I have way too much free time on my hands)

      • Sarah says:

        But she is using her husband’s fame to social climb right now. Last year, she signed on the same agency as her husband’s. The agency did a good job to promote her pregnancy. It’s not like she has some “real work” to promote (unless you count her lifetime show).

  18. Dani says:

    My husband is gaining sympathy weight with me hahaha.

    I know a lot of girls who have husbands that made them feel bad about how much weight they gained during pregnancy because they were used to their wives before the got pregnant.

  19. heatheradair says:

    ehhhhhhh…..she’s GORGEOUS, no doubt about that. BUT: I just get (unjustifiably) ooked out by Bare Bump photo shoots. Believe me, I still know there’s a little sea monkey in there even if your belly button isn’t on display……….(oh — or is that just me in defiance against my own facebook news feed where there’s a new bare-baby-bump-belly photo shoot splashed all over the place every single week?????)

  20. KellyinSeattle says:

    She looks great, but I agree…so what? So he doesn’t confront her, like she’s lucky he doesn’t. I know some men do but I would never date someone if they had that attitude.

  21. sarah says:

    I’m due in mid-July so I feel like I’ve been playing along with all these pregnant ladies!

    I’m not sure if this one looks that big, though. I mean her belly button isn’t even popped out (unless that’s Photoshopped). I know I can’t really compare, but my bump is much bigger and I haven’t had a belly button for a while now 😉

    Oh yeah, and MY husband makes an effort to get me to eat MORE while I’m pregnant. That’s what normal men do… apparently not in Hollywood lol!

  22. Abby says:

    I’m 9 weeks pregnant, and Jenna is my maternity style crush. I’m not showing yet, but I plan to dress like her… NOT KK. I love her! Is it weird that I love her almost as much as I love her husband?

    About the “confronting” thing… she’s a dancer, her husband makes his living based on his body… I think eating healthily and looking a certain way is their life. But it seem like he’s got a good attitude about her pregnancy. The same goes for my husband. I put healthy food on our table, and we try to be fit, but with this pregnancy, if i want some chick fil a, he gladly gets it for me. Even though we both know I really want to stay eating healthy and within a healthy weight.

  23. Lyn says:

    She’s totally famewhoring her pregnancy to Jessica Simpson levels. Why is she even being interviewed? I have no patience for Channing Taterhead and refuse to extend any to his spouse or spawn.

  24. GByeGirl says:

    I think “confront” may have just been an odd word choice. We all say one word when we mean another. I don’t think it needs to be over-analyzed. My brain makes very unfortunate word choices quite often. I had just finished reading some article about a rapist when someone asked me about my husband, and I had meant to say that he was an outdoorsy cowboy type, and accidentally said that he was an outdoorsy rapist type. My husband is definitely not a rapist! Gah! Stupid stuff happens to all of us, sometimes it just happens in front of a lot more people and everyone hyper analyzes it.

  25. James.PH says:

    lovely jenna ! she’s so gorgeous. by the way. i’ve done this already/ check out and make your calls official