Patrick Swayze admits he’s “going through hell” from cancer


Patrick Swayze has been fighting aggressive pancreatic cancer for over a year now. Tomorrow ABC is airing a Barbara Walters interview with him, in which he admits that he’s in a great deal of pain, but is proud that he’s defied the odds and fought the disease much longer than most. Swayze says the cancer had already gotten to his liver before he knew anything was wrong.

“You can bet that I’m going through hell,” Swayze says to Walters. “And I’ve only seen the beginning of it… There’s a lot of fear here,” he adds. “There’s a lot of stuff going on. Yeah, I’m scared. Yeah, I’m angry. Yeah, I’m [asking] why me. Yeah, I’m all this stuff.”

As for how he figured out something was wrong, it was exactly one year ago while celebrating New Year’s: “I tried to have champagne, and it would be like pouring acid, you know, on an open wound.”

Soon he found “my indigestion issues got gigantic and constant. And then I started thinking, I’m getting skinny. I dropped about 20 pounds in the blink of an eye. And then when you see it in the mirror, when all of a sudden, you pull your eyes down and the bottom of your eyes go yellow and jaundice sets in — then you know something’s wrong.”

“When you’re shooting, you can’t do drugs,” Swayze tells Walters. “I can’t do Hydrocodone or Vicodin or these kinds of things that take the edge off of it, ’cause it takes the edge off of your brain.”

[From the Huffington Post]

That sounds so miserable and it makes the heart break for anyone dealing with cancer. Patrick is currently starring in the television show “The Beast,” even though he’s in a great deal of pain. The show has been filming for five months, and he’s only missed a day and a half of work. That’s truly humbling. There’s no mention in the Huffington Post’s article about Swayze’s long-term prognosis. Pancreatic cancer is one of the hardest to beat, but he’s sure hung in there a lot longer than most. Hopefully Patrick will beat the odds – it seems like he’s very determined.

Here’s Patrick Swayze outside the Staples Center for a Lakers game on May 23rd. Images thanks to Bauer-Griffin.

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24 Responses to “Patrick Swayze admits he’s “going through hell” from cancer”

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  1. Jerry says:

    We love you, Patrick, and are proud of your courage! God Bless You!!

  2. I think we can all learn from Patrick Swayze. I hope he can get through this and live a long healthy life.

  3. Polkasox says:

    I’m a nurse in an ICU who very frequently takes care of pancreatic cancer patients… and even if the surgery is successful, the cancer is taken out.. many still suffer and eventually succumb to complications of having many of their vital organs removed.

    That being said, I wish the best for him. It’s a heartbreaking diagnosis, and a tough battle. Good for him for fighting so hard and keeping good spirits.

  4. MonicaBee says:

    Keep holdin’ on Patrick! You can beat this!

    We love yooooooooou!!!

  5. Leandra says:

    I thought he was beating cancer and was saddened to hear he’s struggling with it every day. If only everyone could go with a quick heart attack, what a wonderful thing that would be compared to lingering with a terminal illness.

  6. Sarah says:

    Hold on, Patrick! You’re the man! You’re doing great! All my love and best wishes for you and your family!!

  7. Kim says:

    My prayers are with you Pat. Imagine going through this and dealing with media speculation at the same time. Some of the media houses have been nasty about this. Hopefully, he will beat it. Miracles do happen you know.

  8. defjamsussane says:

    but people tend to forget that this man smokes so perhaps the smokes should go and he might live longer

  9. Aspen says:

    You know, Def…congratulations on being the one who absolutely blew my mind today.

  10. tigerlille says:

    I wonder why methadone is not being used for his pain? Methadone is an extremely effective pain killer that has minimal side effects. In other words, Patrick would still be able to function normlly while his pain is minimized.

  11. Melchor Quitoriano says:

    you are blessed in the eyes of God and man. please do not stop hoping. prayer is the most effective medicine for anything, even cancer, unless it is time to go. keep fighting please.

  12. Melchor Quitoriano says:

    Roadhouse, I cannot forget this flick. it was awesome

  13. Zoe Cassin says:

    Both you and Lisa are in my prayers. I think she is so awesome to be by your side. I remember when my dad had esophageal canser and my mom would hide her tears from him. She loved him so much but never wanted him to know how much she hurted seeing him suffer. I pray for a miracle and hope you and Lisa enjoy the time you both have. God bless you both.
    One of your fans,

  14. alex says:

    I reckon Patrick will beat the cancer.
    He is a determined guy who has come this far. He is very fit from the dancing and a very positive guy.
    He is an inspiration to me.
    Good on you Patrick !!!

  15. Praying for your recovery Patrick. The strength of your spirit is amazing. A truly great man! With much love, Galina.

  16. Monica Roy says:

    Patrick, I watch your show “The Beast” every chance I get. You amaze me with you strength to carry on each and every day.I wish you the best!

    Monica Roy
    Saint John,n,b (Canada)

  17. Melchor Quitoriano says:

    Here, finally hope we all realize that there is a limit what doctors can do. By the way, Doctors do not save lives, but our God, the God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. The true and living God. He is the Alpha and the Omega. We need God’s grace and blessing before any medicine works. Doctors should realize this as well. Cancer goes away also. Remember God, everything is possible. Bless us all. thank you.

  18. T_C says:

    I LOVE YOU PATRICK!!! You were my 1st celebrity crush, 16 years later, you still are. I wish you and Lisa the best. Keep strong, think wonderful thoughts, YOU are Loved By Everyone!!!!

  19. George says:

    Im so sorry for you Patrick but thats not time to be sorry you have to fight with all your strength .I believe you can make it!

  20. Donna says:

    I never heard anyone living past 6 months with pancreatic cancer. he really is a remarkable guy. it’s good he is spending his last days with his loving family. god be with him.

  21. jackie says:

    dear god please help patrick swayze get better stop his pain and suffering let the doctors find a cure for this cancer and all cancers like we did for tb and polio everybody pray and give to research to help all of us when we need it pain is very terrible and no one on earth deserves to die a slow painful death we need a miracle fast thank you god

  22. jackie says:

    dear god please help patrick swayze get better stop his pain and suffering let the doctors find a cure for this cancer and all cancers like we did for tb and polio everybody pray and give to research to help all of us when we need it pain is very terrible and no one on earth deserves to die a slow painful death we need a miracle fast thank you god

  23. Deborah Shackleton says:

    Keep on going, we don’t want to lose you! -_-

  24. Martha says:

    Patrick and Lisa.Take this time to reflect on your most precious memories. Hold each other,love each other.Never forget how much you love one another.Life is the most precious gift the lord has given.Stay strong and hang in there.