Kanye West wants less fans so he can pose naked

Online isn’t the only place Kanye likes to rant.  The hip hop superstar is now concerned about his beard (too grey) as well as the number of his fans (too many). First, he whined on his blog that his picture on the cover of Vibe made him look like he had too much grey in his beard:


[from MTV]

Then, Kanye’s interview in Vibe revealed that he wishes he had fewer fans so that he could get naked.

“I made a decision. I wanna make popular music, but I want less fans,” he told writer Sean Fennessey when asked if he was comfortable with fame. “I want the freedom of having less fans. It’s like the freedom of having less money. If you have less money, you have less responsibility. It’s like Bjork.  If she wanted to pose naked, you’d be like, ‘Oh, that’s Bjork.’ But if I wanted to pose naked, people would draw all type of things into it. I definitely feel like, in the next however many years, if I work out for two months, that I’ll pose naked. I break every rule and mentality of hip-hop, of black culture, of American culture.”

Kanye clarified that by “less fans” he meant having a core of 20,000 devotees who understand him, rather than a swell of 100,000 “fly-by-night” followers who just favor him because he’s the hot thing out.

[from MTV]

I find it hard to believe that the Photoshoppers at Vibe decided it would be a good idea to make Kanye look old.  This must be a situation of Kanye just being unappy with the photograph.  But if he’s so uncomfortable with his body,  how could he possibly agree to pose naked? And why? He doesn’t really give a reason in the interview, but it seems that it’s a type of rebellion for him.  He wouldn’t be “breaking the rules”; just  making money and generating publicity like he always does – this time with fewer clothes.  And fewer fans.  Apparently, the whole getting naked thing can only happen if there are fewer fans to buy the magazine.

Hearing Kanye complain about his fans is like hearing celebrities complain about the paparazzi and lack of privacy.  At least he admits that he made a choice to make popular music – you have to give him credit for that.  But he doesn’t seem to understand that he wouldn’t be able to perform in the kind of over-the-top concerts he does if it weren’t for those extra 80,000 fans and their cash.

Maybe the naked photo shoot is part of his five-year plan.  When he begins losing popularity, he’ll just take his clothes off in an attempt to gain relevance again.  It’s happened before.

Kanye West is shown outside the Waverly Inn on 1/11/09. Credit: Bauergriffinonline


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11 Responses to “Kanye West wants less fans so he can pose naked”

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  1. mojoman says:

    Your wish has been granted O’Great Kanye-douche! take me off your fan-list..

  2. notakanyefan says:

    you’re not all that you think you are! never been a fan. never will be. wishing you would just go away–far far away.

  3. gg says:

    mojo! ahahahahha! What I’m imagining is a Saskwatch sort of thing with that confuzzled/pissed off face he always has; the one with the permafrown. If he wants to keep his career he might should shut up just about now.

  4. Trumiko says:

    Bjork’s fanbase is enormous, bigger than his! she’s just free, that is why she’s able to pull it off…something a north-american rapper will never understand.
    Gosh, I hate it when “americans” think the whole world is behind them.

    alt sem hann sér!!!!

  5. jennifer says:

    well if it makes him feel any better, I don’t like him. at all. neither does my husband, my son, my other son and my daughter. So that is 5 more people that don’t like him!

  6. palesa says:

    well kanyewest firstly you to full of yourself 4 anu1 to like you so pose naked 4 all you like

  7. If I were him, I’d be less worried about the grey in my beard than the creases in my forehead. Get you some Retin-A, kid.

  8. KateNonymous says:

    Oh, Kanye. If you ever get in on the joke, you might be awesome. But now you’re just hilariously laughable.

  9. Alecto says:

    “I wanna make popular music, but I want less fans,”
    He has fans?

    I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea of who he is if it wasn’t for his crazy rants. It looks like maybe people are starting to realize that he’s out of his mind. He certainly looks like it in the top pick. No telling when was the last time he ran a brush through his nappy head. He looks like some of the people I see pushing a cart full of cans down the road talking to himself and yelling at traffic.

  10. Christina X says:

    Don’t worry, Mr. Kanye West, I never liked you.

    Why are his lips grey?!

  11. Joel says:

    I loved him with Golddigger and some of his early stuff but he’s just another idiot celebrity using his popularity to chime in on political views. No one cares about what he thinks, and I feel bad for his fans who allow an ignorant thug to sway their views. I was getting sick of his singing anyway so I’ll gladly no longer be a “fan.”