Olivia Wilde tries to convince us she lives on fried PB&J & pasta dishes

Olivia Wilde

I’m mixing and matching some Olivia Wilde stories here. She’s really going crazy promoting her direct-to-internet movie, Drinking Buddies, like VOD is going out of style. Which it very well may be. Olivia is also promoting Rush, but that movie is more about the Hemsworth and the Bruhl. Yet Olivia will do a lot in the interest of promotion like sit down for a Reddit AMA, so let’s discuss her latest efforts. First up, Olivia covers the October issue of Harper’s Bazaar Spain. The shoot is a strange combination of “meh” and “bizarre.” That is, the photos of her doing nothing out of the ordinary are rather boring. Then things get weird when Livvy poses alongside a cactus and starts doing faux-ninja kicks while “taking a walk [on the Wilde side].” This is kind of a lazy editorial, but Olivia seems to have thrown herself into the fray with gusto. I can admire that attitude.

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde

Olivia has also done an interview with Food & Wine magazine because I think Drinking Buddies producers are hoping to score with the mag’s demo. So Olivia gushes on for quite awhile about all of the fattening foods that she eats on a regular basis. Bitch please, we’ve seen your bikini bod, right? Let’s see if we believe her:

Deep-fried PB&J: “Now I’m ruined. I’m gonna turn into Marlon Brando. I had it at the Malibu Inn, which is a great music venue and bar right on the Pacific Coast Highway. My fiancé ordered the deep-fried PB&J–they use waffle batter, so it’s not too bready. The way the peanut butter and jelly melt together is far better than I could have imagined. It’s pretty much the ultimate stoner food.”

Beer: “Even though I’m Irish and I love Guinness, dark, dark, dark beers aren’t usually my thing. I like a good, aromatic IPA. Now I have become a total beer snob. I’m the annoying person who takes forever in the beer aisle at Whole Foods, because I’m standing there going, ‘Hmm. I’m not sure. I’m not sure if that’s a good selection. Do you have anything in the back? Is this local? I’ve never heard of this one. How hoppy is this?’ And other people are just like, ‘Please, move on.'”

Wine: “Oh yeah, I’m a wino. I won’t say there’s one grape I like best, though, because I do like blends. Do you know The Prisoner? That’s a blend of Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah. That’s just a fabulous wine. But my favorite wine of all time is a Napa Valley Cabernet called Scarecrow. It’s mailing-list only, so it’s hard to find, but if you ever see a bottle of Scarecrow, get it.”

Pasta: “I have recently fallen in love with an Italian restaurant downtown called Carbone. I’ve always found sea urchin to be too fishy, but at Carbone, they serve a sea urchin dish that is incredible. It’s just garlicky and buttery and amazing. They also make the best linguine vongole I’ve ever had. For me, my number one comfort food–the food that really feels like a hug on the inside–is pasta. Probably a fresh linguine with arrabbiata sauce would be my top pick. Maybe I’d have some bread on the side, with some cheese or olive oil, too. I guess I crave the basic, carby things that we’re not supposed to eat.”

[From Food & Wine]

Do you think that Olivia is merely joking about eating all this decadent food on a regular basis? Just like she joked about all that sex stuff with Jason Sudeikis? Who knows. Maybe she just has a fast metabolism. Why did I say that? It’s like I’m trying to dislike Olivia when (secretly), I’m warming up to her at an alarming rate.

I still find this photoshoot to be rather perplexing. Some of the shots are quite lovely, and then others look like Olivia is trying to be a sexy Terminator.

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde

Photos courtesy of Harper’s Bazaar Spain

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75 Responses to “Olivia Wilde tries to convince us she lives on fried PB&J & pasta dishes”

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  1. Anna says:

    She doesnt say she eats any of this ALL the time. Maybe she is on a diet for 2 weeks straight and this is how she unwinds every other weekend – with a massive pasta party and some wine. But she does come across as a bit of a snob. \

    As for this editorial – at least it’s fun, different, and she’s game. But that black dress is all kinds of wrong.

    • pantalones en fuego says:


      She’s not even 30 and she hasn’t had kids. I could eat loads of crap when I was in my 20’s and not gain an ounce. Now, not so much.

      • Kim says:

        Exactly. I ate this way every day when in my 20’s. Then you have kids and turn 40 and its a whole different ball game.

    • TherapyCranes says:

      Agreed. I was ready to eyeroll but it doesn’t seem like she’s saying she eats this all the time. I work out all week and then I have one meal where I eat what I want. Maybe she is the same way. It’s good to give in to your pasta desires every once and a while.

      • Kim says:

        She sounds like a foodie but that doesnt mean she eats that way all the time. She is in her 20’s and can weight wise, BUT doesnt mean she does or that its recommended health wise.

    • tealily says:

      Yeah, I have a thin thin thin friend who eats nothing but garbage when I’m with her. It’s only after spending an extended length of time with her that I realized she just doesn’t eat. She skips meals. She forgets to eat. Eating pasta and peanut butter three times a week and nothing much the rest of the time will do it.

      [No judgement. Thinking of my friend, at least. She just doesn’t think about food. It’s a chore, not a pleasure for her. The flip side is that she doesn’t get joy from food the way that I do, either. And I’m carrying the extra 40 lbs to prove it!]

  2. Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

    I’m starting to like her and I can’t understand why lol.

  3. Erinn says:

    I need to watch Drinking Buddies. I love Jake Johnson, and the fiance loves Olivia.

    I don’t really see anything wrong with what she said overall.

  4. I love beer, fried food and pasta too, and I have a very similar body to Olivia’s. Eating in moderation and excercizing (with some genetics thrown in) makes it possible for anyone 🙂

  5. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Yeah, I was prepared to gag, but she sounded more like these were splurges, not regular meals. I think that’s healthier than starving yourself.

  6. mimifarrow says:

    Sounds like Budget Goop to me.

  7. Andrea says:

    It’s not that I dislike her it’s just that she is so try hard all the time. Try hard sexy. Try hard funny and witty. Try hard with food. Just …she’s not a person. She’s always on.

  8. Sisi says:

    it sounds like her partner ordered the deep fried pb&j and she had a bite of it and thought it tasted amazing, which sounds credible.
    It’s not like she claims to eat them every morning at breakfast.

    • Florc says:

      I feel like you might know this. When she was going through her divorce she claimed she was so stressed she broke her vegan(?) lifestyle and ate cheese. I think she said something along the lines of “Give me some damn cheese!” or close to it. In even earlier interviews when she was only Quasi famous (and blonde) she was rumored to only take in 1000 cals if that. So this whole thing makes sense. She’s playing it up unnecessarily just like she did her sex life.

      She does look healthier than she use to. I’ll give her that. But I won’t like her because of not gushing about her sex life. That’s too simple and really lowers the bar.

  9. blue marie says:

    this woman is so annoying, but I really like the green and black dress.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I LOVE that black and green dress and yes, she looks amazing in it. I still wanna punch her though.

  10. lisa says:

    she seems to be everywhere for someone whose non-house credits i cant name

  11. Applapoom says:

    I don’t mind Olivia Wilde. I just googled her and she comes from quite an amazing family, lots of high achieving men and women. However, I don’t find her particularly charismatic. She and Jason make a cute couple.

    • Bijlee says:

      Goodness I find her even more insufferable now. Her wiki page lists everyone’s accomplishments as well as the fact that Christopher hitchens babysat her. I mean it’s one thing to say it but she’s listing her ancestry so far back it’s ridiculous. I just…wow.

  12. Maureen says:

    I just don’t like her. She’s only mildly talented and only nominally pretty yet she parades around like the cock of the walk. A typical entitled child from a well-do-family who thinks everything is for her even when she hasn’t earned it.

  13. eliza says:

    I missed the part where this is her daily diet. I took her comments as things she enjoys eating.

  14. lucy2 says:

    She sure gets a lot of attention for someone with a kind of mediocre career. She’s in a lot of stuff, but no real break out role, right?

    While she’s not saying she eats it all the time, she’s definitely trying to portray an image that probably isn’t so close to the truth. This is the kind of talk that bugs me vs. someone like Pink who is honest about the hard work it takes to look the way she does.

    • Apsutter says:

      Could not agree more. All these starlets love to talk up food like that so they can show how “normal” they are and show how much they splurge. It could not be more unbelievable in her case. I remember pre-House and right when she started on House I thought she was so cute. Then a couple seasons in and she became a complete BOBBLEHEAD! It was incredibly noticeable because I was binge watching later seasons and, seriously, she looked emaciated in a lot of those episodes.

      • Maureen says:

        Plus, Olivia has a real problem with exaggerating her life, giving personal details just to self-aggrandize, an then later either re-canting or admitting she was dramatizing. Bottom line: she LOVES to talk about herself and will come up with anything she can think of because in reality she’s a total snooze.

  15. Justme says:

    I feel like Hollywood is trying to make her happen as the next “it” gal and maybe just me, but I’m not feeling it. She’s the most forgetable part in every movies she’s in (I can never even remember what stuff she has been in ). I feel like she gets casts in these sidekick-G-forgettable roles, because she likely comes cheaper than other actresses. Yes she’s pretty, but she’s blank to me, not interesting whatsover.

  16. Justme says:

    *GF-forgettable roles

  17. Talie says:

    …still find her annoying. She gets way too much press for a resume that’s full of flops.

  18. Mindy says:


    But also there are those of us who can get away with regular binges. I know someone will accuse me of showing off but I have never had to watch my diet. I could (and have) live on pita bread and cheese and barely put anything on. I kept hearing that once I clocked thirty, my metabolism would cave in, still hasnt happened. Our bodies are different is my point.

    • Spooks says:

      I hate you now. I had to watch my diet since I was 10. Life is unfair 😀

      I’ve always liked her, she seems cool.

    • Melissa says:

      Mindy, we are on the same boat. Most of my family is extremely thin. It’s only after I was put on medication for a chronic illness that I gained 10 pounds and I’m under 109 now. I try really really hard to not lose weight. I respect everyone who watches what they eat and exercise accordingly to maintain what they think it’s a healthy weight.

      Sometimes people have really fast metabolism and/or don’t gain wait easily, some people have to work hard for it. There’s no shame or problem in admitting either.

  19. HK9 says:

    While I don’t believe she really eats that stuff on a regular basis (I think that’s just bullshit) I think she looks absolutely amazing in this photo shoot~nicely done.

  20. Maya says:

    Straight to VOD is not exactly the same thing as straight to DVD, Bedhead. Many smaller, independent films now get sent to VOD because, like Drinking Buddies, they only get limited release in theaters and VOD is a good way to allow more people to see movies that may not be playing near them.

    Also, Drinking Buddies is a great film.

  21. janie says:

    Who cares? She can eat whatever she wants, it’s nice to interview a person that EATS? I’m still laughing over Jen Anniston’s cheat food.. 1 kale chip? Lol!

  22. hadleyb says:

    Of course she diets. She lost weight, she was a bit, not plump but heavier than usual over a year ago and now she AND her fiance look thinner.

    I don’t think either one of them are eating fried food on the daily, maybe back when she gained weight she was and then had to scale it back.

  23. Helvetica says:

    She’s gorgeous in these pics.

    Why is it so hard to beileve she eats any of these things (per the post’s title). She probably works out. Some people are thin and have great genes and really can and do eat a lot and don’t gain weight.

  24. c says:

    don’t understand the hate she gets. she seems down to earth and very self aware. she just seems like the type of gal you want to grab a beer with. btw, yes, drinking buddies was great and she was great in it. you know, the whole movie is improv…really gives it a realistic feel. the awkward dialogue reminds me of how I interact with my friends.

  25. Steph says:

    i haven’t warmed to her. But being a foodie and a person who friends have described as a food snob, i loved reading this. you can’t hate on someone’s passion for food. now i want pasta!

  26. pf says:

    Don’t forget she’s young,..isn’t she still in her 20’s? But I think the interview implies these are her comfort foods, stuff she enjoys, but doesn’t consume on a daily basis. I kind of want to hate her, but I think she would actually be pretty cool in person.

  27. KeepinWeird says:

    She is gorgeous. but I call BS on fried food an pasta diet. How old is she anyway? You CANNOT eat that way and have a body like that (past 28 tops). I suppose she doesn’t work out either, eh? Puh-lease.

  28. KeepinWeird says:

    Ok, so she’ll be 30. Does she seem to be aging rapidly? I mean, Tron wasnt that long ago and she looks a great deal older.

  29. Anne says:

    Maybe she does what I do – have my husband order the good stuff and I get to take a bite or two – then back to my salad (dressing on the side) :)!

  30. Alexis says:

    I don’t like her, but I think her comments were pretty normal. People who are in shape can and should have splurges if they want. I also like her body; she’s thin but not unhealthy-looking. She seems to have the confidence not bow to hollywood pressure to be skeletal regardless of your natural figure.

    • Lisa says:

      She has bigger legs than I thought, but they’re really muscular. Nothing unhealthy about her body or her splurges, I agree.

  31. Lindsey says:

    You know this bony girl don’t eat nothin but brown rice and kale and like poached chicken.

  32. Samtha says:

    I don’t really like her, but at least she seems a bit more intelligent than the average starlet.

  33. Lisa says:

    Sigh. If this were Adele, we’d be screaming about her health. Olivia Wilde is a total liar because she’s thin and still eats pasta. What the hell.

  34. Lisa says:

    How are people taking “This is all I eat” from these answers? It’s a list of food and wine she likes in a magazine about food and wine. If she said “I don’t like any of this stuff!” then the interview would be moot.

  35. Holden says:

    Wait, wait, wait, fried PB&J? Is this something I need to try? Because it sounds delicious.

  36. Tara says:

    I was actually enjoying the piece until she started talking about the Scarecrow/mailing list only wine.she is always like this! Careening all over the place in interviews because she wants to identify with absolutely every freakin body. She wants to be the sexpot ingenue hipster nerdbait art snob junior league gamer fangirl. She exhausts me.

  37. Georgia says:

    Guys I am really starting to love her. She’s great in Drinking Buddies, very charming and funny I thought

  38. Ginger says:

    That’s a weird damn photo shoot but I give them props for trying something different. As for eating/drinking…she is young and in shape and I’m sure she can still get away with eating what she wants. Enjoy while it lasts! as for the Napa comment…everyone who talks about Napa makes me roll my eyes since I grew up over the hill from what was then a “Podunk” town. Now everyone overpays for wine/food/spa just because its Napa.

  39. meh says:

    I could have SWORN she was a vegan. I mean, it’s possible she was at one point and has changed her diet now but I remember reading her Twitter years ago and she was very vocal about that. Or maybe I dreamt that.

  40. TheOriginalKitten says:

    She likes hoppy IPAs-so bonus points for that. Otherwise, she still bugs me.

  41. Seszie says:

    Her’s is the body I’m working towards. I absolutely love it. Her tho not so much lol.
    Wish celebs would be more honest with what they actually do eat and exercise and products they use. Not BS like this. Sounds like how we ate when we were 14 @ a sleepover. Lol. She probably “tastes” those things once a blue moon.

  42. loma says:

    These ppl know their schedules months in advance. they know when they can afford to eat these kinds of calories and still have time to tone down for cameras or premiers.

    It’s noticeble only in pap shots. Jeans look a little tighter, they look softer and slightly bloated. I’ve noticed it with runway models sometimes. Only Gisele looks perfect. She should walk around in a paper bag, the bitch.

    Everyone else in Hollywood has to work for it. The farther away from runway model body, the harder the work. And models work pretty damn hard to keep their bodies looking a certain way so just imagine what Hollywood has to do.

  43. littlestar says:

    If she’s a vegan/vegetarian, how the hell does she know whether linguine vongole from Carbone is any good?!

  44. Maria says:

    Doesn’t sound like she’s claiming this is her usual diet. She’s talking about specific dishes she just tried and enjoyed–one-offs, it sounds like.

    No matter how thin you’re trying for, a fried PBJ or a pasta dish once every couple of weeks is NOT going to make a difference–just as long as you can keep it to just that once.

  45. Shoe_Lover says:

    i used to think actresses who said this stuff were full of sh!t but two years ago I started working with a woman (my now work bestie) who is even fitter then Olivia and boy can she eat. she has even out eaten our very pregnant receptionist (huge club sandwich and hot chips). she works out every day- an hour run each day plus half hour boot camp three times a week and two games of netball a week. she follows an 80/20 rule- 80% healthy 20% whatever she wants. she is a size 6 Australian which I think in US sizing is a 2

  46. homegrrl says:

    not one beautiful woman wants to claim the paltrow diet; that skinny white girl is an hater magnet for not eating preservatives and not letting her kids eat mikky D.
    what’s wrong with resisting the crap of the world? I have self control most of the time, because I refuse to pay for poison. That makes me an elitist b*tch?

    so here we have the lying celebrity so she doesn’t get snubbed by the cool kid’s table at paparazzi high school

  47. Blackwood says:

    I only support her because as a fellow beer snob, I also love IPA beer, especially the unfiltered ones, although they are hard to find sometimes.

  48. Hughlgy says:

    I can believe that she has that diet, shes got pretty chunky arms and legs. Definitely not kate bowsworth weight level

  49. Carolyn says:

    Olivia’s PR team have told her to say this stuff to fit the demographic of the magazine. Don’t get too hung up about it. If she was doing an article for “Women’s Fitness” she’d be talking about clean eating etc etc.

    Good on her for being an actress. Just not interested in reading about her. Boring. Normal. Zzzzz.