Alec Baldwin’s stalker gets 30 days for contempt; claims they had sex once


Yesterday was the second day in the trial of Alec Baldwin’s alleged stalker, a 41 year-old French Canadian actress named Genevieve Sabourin. Sabourin spent last night at Riker’s Island after being sentenced to 30 days in jail for contempt of court. On Tuesday, during court testimony, Sabourin interrupted Baldwin and his wife, Hilaria, multiple times while they were on the stand. The judge had finally had enough and sentenced her to contempt Wednesday morning.

Baldwin claims to have only had dinner with Sabourin once as a favor to a mutual friend, a producer. (The producer told The NY Daily News that Baldwin is lying and that Baldwin did have a sexual relationship with Sabourin. He will not be called to testify, because the prosecution considers him a hostile witness.) After that, Baldwin says that Sabourin stalked him, repeatedly showing up at his apartment and sending him multiple text messages and emails. Sabourin had the chance to testify yesterday, and she claims that she had sex with Baldwin once after a date in 2010. She also detailed an alleged phone sex session they had. For what it’s worth, I believe her. That doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t be charged with stalking by any means. The NY Daily News has video of Sabourin waiting in the lobby of Baldwin’s apartment complex in April, 2012 – over two years after he (allegedly) slept with her once. Here’s more:

The French-Canadian actress on trial for stalking Alec Baldwin said the “30 Rock” star was a “professional charmer” who hit on her when he was still married to Kim Basinger.

Genevieve Sabourin, who was hauled off to Rikers Island in handcuffs after being held in contempt, testified Wednesday that she and Baldwin had sex on Valentine’s Day three years ago at the Lowell Hotel on E. 63rd St.

But they also burned up the phone lines.

“Once he called me and we had sex phone,” she said, referring to what most people call phone sex. “Can you believe that? It’s the first time in my life.”

In a giddy voice, Sabourin described some of the racy repartee.

“And then he tells me, well, take off your boots,” she said. “He told me you should take off other things.”

“The way he kissed me confirmed that we were very compatible, and I was happy with that,” she testified. “He told me many things that probably any woman would like to hear from the men they’re talking to, and so we made love.”

Afterward, Sabourin said, they “cuddled,” and Baldwin promised to cook her omelets “every morning for the rest of my life.”

Sabourin said she loved Baldwin and claimed he felt the same. She practically glowed as she described her dream date with Baldwin that began in Central Park, followed by a Broadway play, dinner and a hotel room romp.

Her account is a far cry from the business lunch with a mutual friend, “Scarface” producer Martin Bregman, that Baldwin described on the stand Tuesday.

“This guy knows what to say to me because he makes millions of dollars charming women on screen,” a bitter Sabourin said of Baldwin, as she burst into tears. “He is a professional charmer. He is the best in the world.”

Baldwin, 55, was not in the courtroom as Sabourin spun her story. Neither was his 29-year-old wife, Hilaria, a gorgeous yoga teacher he married last year.

Sabourin took the stand shortly after Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Robert Mandelbaum — tired of her repeated outbursts — slapped her with a 30-day jail sentence for contempt. She arrived at the Rose M. Singer facility at Rikers Island late Wednesday night, officials confirmed.

Mandelbaum had warned the feisty 41-year-old actress on Tuesday that she needed to behave after she repeatedly heckled Baldwin and his wife when they testified.

The final straw for Mandelbaum came shortly after the trial resumed Wednesday, when he asked why Bregman wasn’t testifying. Prosecutors said Bregman was hostile and they didn’t think he would have anything useful to say.

“It was material when Baldwin testified!” Sabourin blurted out.

[From The NY Daily News]

Whether or not Baldwin slept with this woman, I still think she should be charged with stalking. But what will happen to Baldwin if he perjured himself on the stand? It’s doubtful that he’ll face any consequences, especially in light of Sabourin being charged with contempt of court. She is not a credible witness. The NY Daily News reports that Sabourin could be charged as early as today.

Radar Online has some of the emails that Sabourin sent Baldwin in April, 2012. This was over two years since she claims to have slept with him just one time. She writes that she wants to marry Baldwin, get “all of what I want” and become a US citizen with a green card. So if she’s charged will she get deported at all, or will she have to serve out her time in the US?




Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin are shown on 10-24. Genevieve Sabourin is shown outside court on 11-12. Credit:

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48 Responses to “Alec Baldwin’s stalker gets 30 days for contempt; claims they had sex once”

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  1. mina wurst says:

    Aww check yourself honey, would a “professional charmer” stay on the same target for more than a month?

  2. smee says:

    I’m guessing this is not going to help her career……

  3. nico says:

    Too bad this isn’t being televised.

  4. Frida_K says:

    Bunny boiler.

    He kind of deserves it though, and Karma has clearly been happy to oblige.

    Oh. And Hilaria is not “gorgeous.”

    • nico says:

      She is frightening in that first photo.

    • fingerbinger says:

      No one deserves to harassed,stalked and made to feel unsafe. Even Alec Baldwin.

      • Evelyn says:

        I agree, no one deserves to feel that way. I once had a guy come into my work and he seemed fine. When I walked outside a few hours later, he was sitting in front of my work in his car. I was afraid to go to my car, I was afraid to drive home that night. He started calling my work from an unlisted number and telling creepy jokes like “why’d the farmer get arrested for having sex with the pig? The pig squealed.” I became afraid of answering the phone. I can only imagine if they were outside my house, picking through my trash and texting me.
        Anyway, I’m just saying no one deserves to live in fear, not even a Baldwin

      • anomie says:

        Maybe it’s a culture thing, but in this story what I am most interested in is the comments, I ALWAYS read the comments. And maybe it is because I am Ukrainian – that is coming form a culture where men are expected to open a door for you, pay your bill at a restaurant and support a family, I believe that the woman was dragged through the mud for nothing. So she was stalking…. ok, but AB is not an regular guy, he obviously does not go grocery shopping and lives in a mansion with top notch security systems. And they DID have sex while he was going out with his current wife, so obviously this case is not about stalking, but rather trying to cover an affair. Anyway, it wasn’t like he woke up in a bed with a horse’s head, just opened a couple e-mails.

    • Hootysgram says:

      Bunny Boiler…that’s hysterical and VERY spot on! This woman is a nutjob…but sadly, I believe her on the whole seduction thing…Unfortunately for her, she lost her credibility with stalking him…and the outburst’s in court. SHOW the damned text messages…prove your testimony. End of story. Wouldn’t there be a record of the motel/hotel romp to validate her story?

      • Katy-did says:

        hahahahaha!!! It took me a few minutes to catch that….”bunny boiler”!! Yikes! I totally believe that they hooked up once and she is seriously nuts. She needs to be in a room with padded walls!

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      You have a strange definition of “not gorgeous”.

      Why do people have to be so judgmental about women’s appearances? It’s fine if you don’t personally like the way her face is put together–everyone has tastes–but by any objective standard, yes, she’s gorgeous.

  5. PHD Gossip says:

    This is an early Christmas gift from the gossip genie and we should all be grateful.

  6. Mimz says:

    she sounds nuts and delusional. And totally NOT his type. He’s an ass but she seems crazy to me. Stalker-make-up-stories-in-her-head kinda crazy!

  7. GiGi says:

    Yeah. This isn’t an either he slept with her OR she’s a stalker situation. The two are not mutually exclusive so I totally believe that he banged her AND that she’s a crazy stalker.

    • feebee says:

      This sums it up.

    • Kiddo says:


    • QQ says:

      Everything you said… And it seems likely That is TRUE, he slept with her AND she IS crazier than a Shithouse Rat

      Also : Hillaria isn’t “Gorgeous” LOL

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Exactly. I believe he probably slept with her, but that doesn’t give her the right to stalk him for the rest of his life.

      I am torn between thinking it’s sad and thinking it’s the tiniest bit funny. I mean, what if that became a thing and we all did it to men who say “I’ll call you” but never do. Just start showing up in their lobbies two years later.

      Imagine how crazy you would have to be to do that.

  8. nico says:

    The Alec and Hilaria divorce will be epic.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      Yes to all the above!

      Apparently the fault lines are already showing in this marriage. What a shocker!

  9. MrsBPitt says:

    A real life fatal attraction! Lock up your rabbits, Alec, this chick is crazy!

    • MacScore says:

      Yup! Just look at her facial expressions – smug, entitled, completely whacko! If she were really any kind of “victim” here I doubt very much she’d be looking so – what – almost triumphant….

    • Hootysgram says:

      He’s lucky she didn’t pull a Lorraina Bobbet on him….She seems cra cra enough to do something like that. If I can’t have it…nobody can, kinda mentality.

  10. Ann says:

    Won’t Baldwin claim Hilaria is “crazy” and “unstable” too once their divorce is on? I’m always shocked to hear how so many “stable” men, without any of their own doing, end up with a series of “crazy bitches”.

    • MrsBPitt says:

      Alec Baldwin is the male version of Halle Berry…Its always the exes that are “crazy” and “abusive”…

      • nico says:

        Never thought of it but you’re right.

        Has Kim ever talked about her split from Alec publicly?

        She would probably have some good dirt on him.

      • KC says:

        Oh please! I know hating Halle is trendy right now but you could atleast find a reasonable excuse for it. Halle is on record for bad mouthing 3 exes. Now lets examine them.

        Ex number one beat her so badly she lost 80 percent hearing in one ear. That much is undisputed. Ex number two was a prolific cheat who checked into the Meadows for sex addiction to try save the marriage. This is on record plus he gave an interview a year later acknowlediing in depth his infidelity. So far how is any of this Halles fault? The third ex is his word versus hers. We dont yet know whose account is most truthful. (And before you bring up the punch up incident let me remind you that Halle threw no punches and she is not responsible for what two adult men do. That Helen of Troy bs needs to just end, its the 21st Century, phuck sake.) rec

    • anon33 says:

      The difference here being that this woman is objectively, quantifiably crazy. She’s demonstrated it. Look at those pictures of her! She is eating this up.

  11. Renee says:

    Karma’s a bitch, Alec.

  12. Ok says:

    I am surprised that so many think he did hav sex with her, even if only once.

    There is nothing remotely credible about her.

    Does everyone also believe that Hilaria put non-recycables in her recycling bin and is trying to steal away all that she has, her beauty and her things??

    I am willing to believe that Baldwin never had anything to do with her

  13. Deanne says:

    Describing Hilaria as gorgeous is a real stretch. This unfortunate woman obviously has a lot of problems, but I can absolutely believe that he slept with her. Obviously he had no idea that she would become obsessed with him and start harassing and stalking him. She comes across as very delusional and like she doesn’t understand how serious the charges against her are. The way she seems to enjoy the media attention is really odd.

  14. Side-Eye says:

    So, I don’t really pay attention to Alec Baldwin, but a lot of the comments the other day were practically—and some of even straight up– victim-blaming. UGh. Like, I guess being a man means there must be some legitimate reason for having an insane person harass and stalk you and it being okay.

  15. fitty says:

    I love that the picture of Alec and Hilaria has “Seduced and Abandoned” in the background. How appropriate.

    • Katy-did says:

      oh that is too funny!!! I hadn’t noticed that. HAHA!! That’s so perfect! Celebitchy, you are so clever! 🙂

  16. Kim1 says:

    Well she was found guilty of stalking maybe she will get help she is ill IMO

  17. Ainsleigh says:

    It is irrelevant whether or not this delusional individual slept with Alec Baldwin. Why is that even brought into evidence? She showed up at their Hamptons home shortly after hanging around the lobby of his New York home and this was two years after the supposed seduction. She is a whackjob to the core and needs to be put away for whatever the law allows.

  18. Bread and Circuses says:

    That woman is really, really unwell. I feel sorry for her, but yeah, Alec has been harassed and stalked in a completely frightening manner. If a man were doing this to a woman, none of us would be making fun of it.

    • Anon says:

      I agree, wouldn’t wish a stalker on anyone male, female. Not funny no matter who’s doing the stalking.

  19. Jordan says:

    IMO, both sides have some truth. She did stalk him and he did sleep with her.

    Someone else said and I agree that when Alec and Hilaria divorce, he will call her crazy too. Not hoping for a failed marriage for them but I don’t see him in a long marriage with anyone. Boy has serious issues,

  20. Perplexed says:

    I was stalked for a period of 6 months and it’s something I would not wish on my worst enemy.
    I had no connection, direct dealings with the guy except that he was in a course I took.
    She looks certifiable.

  21. Montréalise says:

    I believe her, because I think her story of the romantic dinner date leading to a romp in the sack is more plausible than his story, but as others have said, it’s irrelevant to the charges against her. She obviously thought their date was the beginning of a serious relationship which would lead to her becoming Mrs. Alec Baldwin; he saw it as a casual sexual fling, dumped her and married someone else. Sucks for her, but it happens. She should have chalked it up to experience instead of harassing, threatening and stalking him and his new wife.

  22. Isabelle says:

    She’s crazy but believe Baldwin did have sex with her. Him crying on stage? Please….this is the same man that physically confronts/beat ups men all of the time. No way would he be so afraid of her, he breaks down emotionally. Its probably a Fatal Attraction on the light side.

  23. RHONYC says:

    this crazy bitch looks like the daughter of actor Benny Urquidez who played
    the assassin John Cusack killed with a pen in ‘Grosse Pointe Blank’.
    fuggin’ ugly. *bleck* 🙁