Is Jennifer Lawrence ‘Katniss-ing’ us with her ‘aw shucks’ media routine?

Jennifer Lawrence

Have you missed Jennifer Lawrence? She was everywhere for a few weeks of whirlwind press tour for Catching Fire, and all of a sudden, she’s nowhere. It feels like instant withdrawl for us JLaw addicts … but makes sense. JLaw must have a great PR person who advised disappearing before the Oscar season onslaught. Sure enough, the awards circuit has begun with the NY Film Critics Circle announcing their picks. American Hustle grabbed Best Picture and Best Screenplay (full winners’ list here), and JLaw snagged Best Supporting Actress for her role as Christian Bale’s sarcastic, toaster-oven torching wife in the flick. In other words, Jennifer is a definite contender for another Oscar. Get ready.

As a preemptive strike against universal JLaw love, NY Mag’s Vulture asks, “Is Jennifer Lawrence Katniss-ing Us?” This is a relevant question. I’ve certainly fallen hook, line, and sinker for JLaw’s handing of the press. The Vulture article touches upon the barely rivaled box-office success of Catching Fire, Julia Roberts’ recent comments, and JLaw’s poop jokes on Letterman. Let’s do this and have some fun in the process. I omitted a few paragraphs for brevity’s sake:

It would be easy to call this the year of Jennifer Lawrence if last year hadn’t already earned that distinction. Perhaps it’s just easier to say we’re in the age of Jennifer Lawrence – a multi-year period in which the young actress holds the entertainment journalism industrial complex in the palm of her hand. Loving Jennifer Lawrence is a four-quadrant thing right now, but what’s striking is how much of this month’s smash hit The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is devoted to warning viewers about trusting anything the media serves up as “genuine.” When Lionsgate won the bidding war for rights to “the next Twilight” back in 2009, they had no idea how much the plot of Catching Fire would be a case of art reflecting life.

Lawrence is currently experiencing an America’s Sweetheart status that seems to predate these cynical, media-savvy times. (Though Julia Roberts, a former holder of the title who is knowledgeable of what expectations it holds, took pains last week to distance Lawrence from the America’s Sweetheart curse, saying simply that the young actress was “too cool” for it.) With every stop on the Catching Fire press tour, she has wormed her way even deeper into the nation’s collective heart. Did you see her fumbling with and subsequently spilling breath mints in Madrid, resulting in a double-take that would make Buster Keaton envious? Or zetzing Jon Stewart because he hadn’t done any research for their interview? Surely you heard her discuss soiling herself with David Letterman? There’s a straightforwardness about her that seems lacking in almost every other star of her generation, or those adjacent. Can she really be this good? Are we witnessing genuine J.Law or is it just an act? And if so, does it even matter?

The onslaught of GIFs and listicles celebrating how much Lawrence is crushing the junket trail certainly springs from a real place on the part of fans, but the pervasiveness with which everyone has agreed to ask “isn’t she great?” is striking. She may indeed be a free spirit and an independent thinker, but her swift climb to the A-list is based on something very specific: She’s an extremely talented actor, not just a pretty face. And all actors are trained fakers when you get down to it. A modern megastar doesn’t stop working after a director calls cut, and it can become dicey when your personal brand is authenticity. However, if you can convince people that your on-the-carpet persona is, in fact, the real you – and if that “you” is anointed by a thousand eager Tumblr users ready to generate memes from each of your off-the-cuff remarks – that is real cultural capital that needs to be protected, and likely orchestrated.

Cynicism worthy of the best Jennifer Lawrence eye roll? Maybe so. Still, it’s interesting how perfectly the role of Katniss, and the way she slays the mighty infotainment beast, seems to fit Lawrence.

“You never get off this train,” warns Woody Harrelson’s veteran Hunger Games tribute Haymitch to Lawrence’s Katniss in Catching Fire. Even though he says this line as they are literally traveling on a train, he’s talking about something else. Katniss is waking up to the fact that becoming a public hero does not win her anything like a quiet, normal existence. Once her name was called (well, technically, her sister’s) her fate was sealed, and though she didn’t die in the arena, she is still condemned to a lifetime lived in the public eye – exemplified early on in the movie by the long-limbed arachnoid cameras that shoot Katniss “falling” into the arms of Josh Hutcherson’s Peeta, as well as the phoney prompts from Stanley Tucci’s preposterous emcee Caesar Flickerman, cinema’s most nihilistic barker since Gig Young’s “yowza yowza yowza!”-shouting character in They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?

Take, for example, this interview from the usually on point Steve “Frosty” Weintraub of He gives Lawrence and Hutcherson the cold oatmeal question “why is this franchise so popular?” and you can see Lawrence using all her powers to refrain from rolling her eyes. (She also dumps the question in Hutcherson’s lap – it’s pretty funny, you should watch her do it.) A true media rebel would have said, “Aw, hell no, come up with a real question, you’re better than that!” But she didn’t. Because you never get off this train.

In effect, Lawrence is giving the people what they want – by reminding us that what we want is bogus. And all it takes to do that is to be someone who colors just a tiny bit out of the lines. Her talking points are “no talking points.” She’ll interrupt a ludicrous red-carpet double-team from both MTV and VH-1 by talking about how much she wants to eat French fries. She’ll answer a question about “the process” by which she gets dressed by shrugging and saying she got dressed. Ultimately, she soldiers on, despite the knowledge that a backlash is waiting somewhere off in the distance, just out of sight: “I feel like I’m becoming way too much,” she said recently. “Everybody is very fickle. They like me now, but I’m going to get really annoying really fast. Just watch.”

Katniss and J.Law are a wonderful alignment of artist and repertoire. When she learns that she’ll once again be called back into the arena for the Quarter Quell, it looks as if Katniss is going to hightail it and run. Ultimately, despite her anger and frustration, she’s back in the training facility with her bow and arrow. Lawrence gives off the vibe of a woman annoyed by the endless repetition of a press tour, but she exploits it to perpetuate her status as a movie star that is nonetheless “real.” Will continued scrutiny ever show that this lack of act is, indeed, just an act? Is Lawrence Katniss-ing us? And if so, how much longer until people get tired of the show? There are two more Hunger Games movies to go.

[From Vulture]

This columnist (Jordan Hoffman) has thought wayyyy too much about Jennifer Lawrence’s media strategy. He’s in good company because I’ve spent a good few hours doing so as well. As far as the non-stans are concerned, the issue comes to a strange conclusion. Either one admits that JLaw is a great actress and candid, or one admits that she’s an actress so talented that she’s also able to fake an “aw, shucks” media persona to perfection. Whatever the case, it’s hard to argue that JLaw is a lousy thespian. I think that’s a win for the stans, right?

I think the analogy between Katniss and the actor portaying her is slightly weak. As Katniss’ victory tour wore on, it became increasingly clear that Katniss was pretending. She was reading off cue cards (written by Effie), and the people were shouting at her to say what she really thought. That’s not happening with Jennifer Lawrence. No one is accusing her of lying when she says women shouldn’t attack each other for sport. People get tired of her talking about her body, but I don’t think she’s faking any of her opinions on the topic. What do you think?

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Photos courtesy of WENN

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109 Responses to “Is Jennifer Lawrence ‘Katniss-ing’ us with her ‘aw shucks’ media routine?”

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  1. Gine says:

    This seems like reading way, way too much into a situation just because they couldn’t think of anything else to write about and knew her name would get them page views. Even if it is all an act, at least she’s smart enough to act appealing. A lot of other stars would be wise to do the same.

    • Dani2 says:

      “Even if it is all an act, at least she’s smart enough to act appealing. A lot of other stars would be wise to do the same.”


      • Anna says:

        Ditto. if she’s playing, she deserves mad props for doing it better than pretty much everyone. And also by being aware that playing or not, she’s part of the game system.

      • Marty says:

        I very much agree with you Anna. I don’t think she’s acting a part, but I also don’t think she’s not campaigning either if that makes sense? I think she’s genuine but I also thinks she knows how important it is to “brand” yourself in that business. If you’ve noticed most of her “outlandish” comments have been aboout superficial things. She has yet to really say anything that could blow back on her in a real negative way. She’s playing it safe, which is really smart for her right now.

        I will say I saw SLP after she won her Oscar and I really don’t think she deserved it. She was good in the role no doubt, but it was a role many other actresses could have played just as well.

      • Anna says:

        re: SLP – I agree with you on the movie/her acting, but I think I also saw all the other nominees in that category and I dont think she ‘stole’ it from anyone.

        Also, I’ve watched several JLaw’s interviews from the last leg of the HG tour (Jon Stewart etc), and she VERY unfakingly and VERY not-PR-line-totingly seems like a Woman on the Verge of Breakdown (or legitimate hospitalization for exhaustion). Which is what makes me believe the hype. This isnt fart & poop jokes. There are glimpses of her just trying to get thru an interview without complaining, or crying or collapsing.

      • MoxyLady007 says:

        I adore her beyond reason and logic.

        That interview with letterman was amazing. She is so quick witted and sharp.

    • Shannon1972 says:

      Yeah, I read this on Vulture yesterday, and while I understood where the writer was coming from, I still thought his thesis was weak. Everyone who has worked with her raves about her, and the people who knew her before she was famous say she is really this way. Vulture is a die hard J-Law fan site, so I think they were looking for their readers to sound off in the comments section (which they did…in droves). So in the end, it was likely an exercise simply for the clicks.

    • ctkat1 says:

      Agreed, and wrote something similar on Vulture. There’s enough evidence, both from her very early media appearances, the way everyone who works with her raves about her, and every single interview/appearance she does, that it’s not a total act. You can’t fake it that long, and that well. Which is not to say that she’s not savvy about her image, because of course she is. She’s savvy enough to realize that being unfiltered, goofy, and jokey is working for her and so she continues to do it. That’s not faking it.

    • Boo says:

      Agreed as well. What becomes annoying and obnoxious is hearing big name celebs complain about their lack of privacy, their busy schedule and oh those fans who bother them (unless cameras are around)…I’m sure the pros of being wealthy/ famous far outweigh the cons. Here’s a news flash: your not a brain surgeon, or putting your life on the line so get over yourselves.

  2. Tira says:

    Lawrence won the best supporting actress at the new york critics circle? Wow this girl is on a roll.

  3. Dani2 says:

    I think the “aw shucks” thing is her real personality but she does play it up, and I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, Hollywood is a business and likeability is a big asset. Props to her, and props to her team for knowing that she needed to disappear after that Catching Fire whirlwind.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Totally agree with this.

    • lunchcoma says:

      That’s what I think as well. It’s not unique to her, either. Most stars have an image. In a few cases, it’s the opposite of who they really seem to be, but in most I think it’s made of natural parts of their personality that they choose to play up a bit. Since people respond well to Lawrence’s candor and humor, it only makes sense she’d show a bit more of that rather than try to clamp it down and come off as proper.

    • TG says:

      Yep that is what I have been saying all along but agree I like her and I think she is a nice person. I would rather have her be the way she is then have a Tom Cruise type with barely contained mania who only pretends to be human or a Reece Witherspoon who is a self-entitled brat.

  4. eliza says:

    While I like many of the movies she has been in, I do not like her. I also am fed up with the JLaw ass kissing as if she is the second coming of Meryl Streep or something. She is a product of slick PR and Harvey Weinstein.

    Like Paltrow, she did not deserve the Oscar IMO.

    • Han says:

      She is not the product of weinstein, wether you like her or not you shouldn’t be perpetuating something that isn’t true. JLaw was oscar nominated for Winters bone before weinstein was around, she was cast in Hunger Games on the strength of her winters bone performance, Hunger Games is a Lionsgate production, nothing to do with Weinstein. David O Russell always works with the weinstein company and generally his actors gets nominated for a host of awards. Last year all the 4 leading actors from SLP was nominated although it was not considered a great movie. In his last 2 movies Bob DeNiro got his first nomination in over 20 years,others like Melissa Leo, Jacki Weaver Amy Adams, Christian Bale etc. weaker actors like Mark Wahlberg and Bradley Cooper have done their best work with Russell and reaped the benefits by getting nominated for all the major awards or won. Bradley had never been near an oscar nomination before SLP/ the weintein company. Jlaw was already on the radar without that movie, lets be fair.

      • amanda says:

        I’ll just say that she was good in winters bone and didn’t win an oscar. She was mediocre in silver linings and won an oscar. Now tell me if it wasn’t for harvey.

      • thecookingpan says:

        She rocked Winter’s Bone!

      • Liv says:

        Amanda, many actors don’t get an Oscar for their best work. They often get one for mediocre work. Look at Russell Crowe. He got one for Gladiator and not for A Beautiful Mind, which is a joke.

      • Tira says:

        Amanda she is not the only one who got an oscar for a performance that perhaps wasnt her strongest.-A lot of actors actually do get their oscars with weinstein behind them- some of them did amazing working beforehand but the harvey machine seals the deal.-Lets not be especially hard on JL for this
        JL is VERY talented – but yes the hype is overrated but she DOES have the goods. In addition, I want Lupita to win this year… But i havent seen american hustle so i cant say how deserved JL was of this award.

      • A Different Kate says:

        Al Pacino – Godfather, Godfather 2, Scarface = No Oscars; the dreadful Scent of a Woman = Oscar. I don’t think that’s because of Weinstein.

        Martin Scorcese -Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas (to name a few) = 0 Oscars; The Departed (No where near his best work) = Oscar

        Nicole Kidman – Moulin Rouge = No Oscar; The Hours (again, not nearly as good) Oscar

        Renee Zellwegger – Chicago = No Oscar; Cold Mountain (again, not nearly as good) Oscar

        Julie Roberts – Pretty Woman = No Oscar; Erin Brokovich (a terrible movie) Oscar

        I could go on and on with The Academy awarding lesser performances/work. Sorry, I’m not buying the “Harvey bought JLaw the Oscar” route.

    • LadySlippers says:

      She was fantastic in Winters Bone — the movie that was truly her Oscar worthy role.

      Caveat: Bradley Cooper was fabulous in Silver Linings Playbook. He didn’t get near enough props for that role.

    • Laura says:

      @eliza +1

    • Megan says:

      Yea I agree. I’m pretty indifferent about Jennifer (i find her a bit annoying actually) but she is a pretty good actress. I think she is way overhyped though, like she is the greatest actress to walk the earth or something. Winters Bones was fantastic, I wish she had gotten the Oscar for that. SLP I hated, I have no idea how that movie got all the nominations OR how she even won. Don’t try telling me popularity had nothing todo with it..

    • Annie says:

      @Eliza She’s been a standout performer even when she didn’t do big budget movies yet. She won accolades for just about every movies she made, including her first 2. She won a n emerging actor awards and an outstanding performance award in the festivals that she presented her first 2 films and she even won an outstanding young performer for her role in the mediocre bill envgall show. what does that tell you? how can someone unknown get awards for unknown movies at such a young age if she’s not giving convincing performances? How is it that she got nominated for the oscars when she was basically unknown? was the media and Harvey weinstein sucking up to her then? obviously not since they hadn’t heard of her yet. Look up the past interviews before her success in winter’s bones, where her directors and fellow costars are raving about her . I am sorry but i dont like it when people state things as facts about a person without bothering to look up facts .

    • Anna says:

      ITA with Eliza

    • Anna says:

      Agreed Eliza! He basically bought her Oscar.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      There is no factual basis to say that she is a “product of Weinstein”. He might be profitting off of her AFTER she be came praised for her acting skills and AFTER she showed her box office power, but he didn’t create that!

      It might make for catchy snark to suggest that Weinstein is her puppet master, but there aren’t facts to back that up.

    • lc says:

      I am tired of the Weinstein routine too. How can I take the Oscars seriously if they have turned into the Harvey show? You already know the actors he pushes for will get nominations and awards. It will be a the same wanky media parade again. A lot of journalists will line their pockets writing puff pieces. This Vulture article, I suspect, is also PR in disguise.

    • bluecalling says:

      oh she deserved her oscar… but for winters bone. basically she was denzeled (u deserved it before so were giving it to you now, sorry about that blip).

  5. GlimmerBunny says:

    No way is she faking it. I think she’s a genuinely nice person and a great actress, and I look forward to seeing more of her during this years’ awards season.

  6. QQ says:

    IDC she can Katniss me All Night Long, Im here for her

  7. Winnie says:

    I wish I could pull off that haircut.

  8. Lark says:

    I like Jennifer as an actress and I find her charming at times. I think it’s her real personality, but that she ramps it up by x100 for promotions. It’s not necessarily that she’s a fake, or that she’s 100 percent real, but that she just seriously hams it up and plays up certain attributes IMO. She’s the “cool girl” in Gone Girl (beautiful but not in the Angelina Jolie/Charlize Theron way, smart but not too smart), and she’s aware of the advantages of playing that up. She knows how to play the game, and she plays it well. What bugs me though is the sexism in this. We don’t de-construct male actors like that. They can be broody or they can be hams, without being called bitches or fake.

    I’m kind of worried though that she’s up on way too high of a pedestal, even though I think she’s a great actress. Lou Lumenick, who adores her, was really pissed on twitter because she was just named best supporting actress at the NYFCC over Lupita N’yongo. So were a lot of other critics, and they were basically insinuating that she got the award over Lupita because she’s America’s sweetheart (kind of like how Julia won her Oscar back in the day). They all think she’s a great actress and deserves a nom, but that it’s insane that she won over Lupita (even Jeff Wells who is obsessed with Jennifer says he would have awarded Lupita). If things like that keep happening, and with the over-exposure, people are going to want to tear her down off that pedestal. I remember when Anne Hathaway was beloved, for example.

    • Ellen says:

      The terrible thing about Lupita not winning is that 12 Years a Slave has already been compared to Brokeback Mountain, and it’s not even January yet. The Academy has a terrible record recognizing films and actors when the stories aren’t mainstream enough (it still kills me that Kate Winslet actually did win that damn Oscar by doing a Holocaust movie — so much for satire!) and it looks like it’s going to happen again.

      Thing is, Lawrence isn’t the one driving that dynamic, so if she keeps winning over Lupita, she’s going to be stuck in muck and not for anything she did herself.

      • Honey says:

        The terrible thing with re to 12 years of a slave isnt that Lupita didnt win. Its that Chiwetel Ejifor didnt win. Give me a fucking break.

        This Lupita bandwagon is getting as annoying as JLaw. It wasnt that great a performance, its a heartbreaking part but you could have put a few other excellent black actresses in that part and its still would have broken your heart because its that kind of part. A wonderful actress like Naomie Harris for instance could have done a great job too.
        However not many actors could have done what Chiwetel did, its a truly outstanding performance that carries the movie frame by frame, without a leading actor of extraordinary talent that movie never would have worked as well as it did.

    • Ellen says:

      I think the dynamic with Hathaway was different. IMHO, Hathaway had that Oscar in the bag and a better PR team would have told her to refuse to discuss the weight-loss regime, to ditch the weird speeches about modern-day prostitution, and just basically to be quiet.

      The thing is, I do believe that Lawrence is being a professional on the circuit. She and Hathaway are both hugely competent actors whose costars and directors admire them. But look what Lawrence’s game looks like, compared to Hathaway’s.

      In fairness, Hathaway spent a decade in the trenches, looking for awards. Lawrence was Oscar-nominated for her very first movie.

      The person I really love is Amy Adams. She’s been in Oscar campaigns almost nonstop for years now, and no one ever gets tired of her. Ditto Cate Blanchett.

      • marie says:

        But there wouldn’t be a JLAw without an AnniE. Let me explain.

        Circa 2004/2005, starlets used to make rom coms ONLY. You had an army of starlets playing that girl who nobody pays attention to but suddenly someone tells them they’re beuatiful and everyone loves her and blah blah blah. Anne was one of them too but she was smart enough to mix it up and go after roles that would give her longevity like Broke Back Mountain.

        JLaw is doing exactly the same with the difference that rom-coms are not a BO draw anymore but superhero movies so she has two of them.

        In a way, when the industry changed, so did the actors. Now if you want to advance your career, you need a franchise under your belt.

        Also, something to point out that I believe is important: JLaw first Oscar nom was well deserved but so was Ellen Page’s or Keira’s or Carey’s or Rooney’s. Ever since the figure of the movie star has died, Hollywood has been trying to launch careers by giving young actresses the opportunity to see if they can be the next big thing. That’s why you have thousands of starlets sucking Weinstein’s d*ck and all the things we discuss here.

      • Andrea says:

        Here’s the thing: I agree that Anne didnt handle her campaign the right way last year but I also can’t force these women to be someone they are not. I think Annie was being herself but bc she’s not a “cool girl” people turned on her. It actually feels a bit like Mean Girl politics.

        I actually wish Amy Adams campaigned more though I understand and respect if its just not who she is. Her role in Hustle is way more complex and….deep..::than Jennifer. Jennifer is fantastic but she’s playing more of a characiture than a layered human being in the film. Adams is playing a more sublte person who isn’t comic relief. So I actually wish Adams would push back and campaign more.

        And yes—-Hathaway worked for years. Jlaw us great but she was rewarded right away. It’s not fair to compare.

      • kimmy says:

        I would love to see Amy Adams walk away with an Oscar. I haven’t seen AH yet, but the previews alone make it look like a bad ass performance from Amy Adams.

    • ctkat1 says:

      Winning the Supporting Oscar this year is going to be detrimental to J.Law- there will just be too much backlash. Tom Hanks, the world’s favorite, had some backlash back when he won back-to-back Oscars. There is already rumbling that while Jennifer is a great actress, her performance last year wasn’t the BEST in her category (and wasn’t her best performance) and she won in part on her charm.
      She’d be wise not to actively campaign for it, which it seems that she’s doing so far- she wasn’t at the “American Hustle” screenings or Q&As.
      It’s crazy, but winning a second Oscar this year won’t benefit her- whether it goes to Lupita or Oprah or Julia, it’s better for Jennifer in the long run if she is nominated, but doesn’t win.

      • Ellen says:

        +1 – ITA.

      • Barbara says:

        That grumbling was from ONE ARTICLE. Many critics, in fact, even Sasha Stone and highbrow critics from LA Film Critics Association, who spent last season derailing Lawrence actually say that Lawrence was amazing in the movie and actually her favorite performance that she has done so far, even better than in SLP. So do broader research before posting. In fact, David Edelstein, head of the NYFCC, tweeted Vulture who insinuated that, and they kinda backtracked and updated their site, that insinuating her presence on the talk show circuit gave her the win is ridic, and she won because most critics thought she gave the better performance and NY FCC take their jobs very seriously and it’s bogus. SO , in sum, don’t derail Lawrence before the actual reviews come out.

      • ctkat1 says:

        Barbara, you seem to have taken my post personally. I don’t think I need to do any research, since what I posted was my opinion. In my opinion, winning a second Oscar this year will cause backlash against her.

        I didn’t make any claims about whether she is good in the role, because that’s not the point I was making. This article is about whether Jennifer Lawrence’s “media darling” reputation is a put on or is genuine. The point of my post was that winning a 2nd Oscar this year, even if her performance in “Hustle” is objectively better than “SLP”, will cause a backlash. I imagine she is better in “Hustle” than she was in “SLP”; I thought she was very good in “SLP”, but I was also quite certain that it wouldn’t be the best performance she would ever give (and it wasn’t the best of the performances she had given at that point, since I think her personal best is “Winter’s Bone”).

    • LadySlippers says:

      In regards to deconstructing actors, I think we do when they ‘step out’ of the traditional masculine stereotype. Granted it’s not as bad but I see it getting worse for men too. Sad commentary overall.

    • Helen says:

      @Lark. You do understand that the award she won was from the new york CRITICS circle aka movie critics. So i must say i dont understand your reasoning that critics are pissed. It seems that you are referencing specific critics, but if she won a greater number of critics must have disagreed with them. Either way the awards season has just started, lets see how it pans out. I like the rest of your post, the sexism part in particular. We dont see male actors deconstructed like this. I think its a lot of pressure on someone who is a very young person and still has a lot of growing to do. Very apt point.

    • Drew says:

      For Lark and those people who seem so sure Lupita deserves to win the best supporting actress. Let me play the devils advoctate here. You say its too much too soon for lawrence. What is the difference between Lupita being awarded right away and Lawrence? Which would be the case if Lupita was to win the Oscar and all the major awards this year. This time last year no one had heard of Lupita. I had a look at her imdb page its seriously so much shorter than Lawrences. She made one short movie before TYAS. One short. Has she earned it as opposed to Lawrence? Arent there tons of actresses putting in great performances year after year who never get an oscar non or win? This girl gets to work with one of the best directors and the best actors in her first movie, gets accolades for her work, noms. Shouldnt she be counting her lucky stars, its an amazing step up from being an out of work actress On lawrence imdb page you can see she has been oscar nominated prior to her win, you can see she has many other award noms and win. Lupita is blank page prior to TYAS. So arent we a bit wrong here if we act as of Lupita is the one who “has earned it” hard done by if she does not win? Just playing the devils advocate here.

      • ctkat1 says:

        I agree with you, Drew. I haven’t seen “American Hustle” yet, but I have seen “12 Years a Slave” and Lupita gave a great performance in an emotionally devastating part. However, this is her FIRST role. When we talk about actors who have “earned” the award, it’s usually based on a great body of work that they have not yet been recognized for. I can’t say whether in my opinion Lupita gave the best performance this year without seeing all of the films in contention (and I have only seen “Butler”, “12 Years”, “Nebraska”, “Blue Jasmine” and “Dallas Buyers Club” of the putative supporting actress noms), but I don’t know that she deserves the award any more than the others in the category do…

      • kimmy says:

        Exactly…..its like the Carey Mulligans, Gabourey Sidibe, Rooney Mara, that little girl from Beasts of the Southern Wild, Jonah Hill, Ellen Page, etc…..the nomination alone is the win.

        I will say that I completely adore Carey Mulligan and Jonah Hill is supposed to be amazing in WolF of Wall Street, so maybe he won’t be such a random contender!

  9. blue marie says:

    I think it’s a mixture of both really and I’m fine with it.

    • Tapioca says:

      Yup. I do think she’s quite grounded generally – she’s taken the Dior trolling in good humour – but if you’ve also had the advantage of watching K-Stew “go first” as it were, why not learn from her mistakes and play nice?

      • marie says:

        I agree. JLaw only had to do avoid doing what KStew did before and she’d be fine. I would also like to mention Emma Watson but Warner Brothers bought a personality for her at age 10 so she never truly had anything going on, just a “nice” girl like they wanted.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Me too. My annoyance with her centered around the overexposure and that’s not her fault.
      Otherwise, I like her.

  10. Patricia says:

    I wonder if she also took time off due to her health issues, it sounds like she’s been having IBS or some other painful bowel syndrome. That kind of thing often occurs from stress. I hope it’s nothing serious and that she is feeling better soon!

  11. Sixer says:

    I’m still prepared to believe there is a happy confluence of real personality and media savvy in JLaw. I like her.

    My whine on this subject is that I haven’t liked any of her films and haven’t been impressed by any of her performances since Winter’s Bone. Not that I think she has been poor or anything. I guess I loved that film and her in it so much that all this commercial gunk is just anticlimax for me.

  12. CaribbeanLaura says:

    I am a hardcore JLaw stan. I think that what we see is what we get. I think she’s a goofy ass, slightly obnoxious 23 year old, with amazing talent. I think that she must have frazzled her PR ppl in the begining but since they realised that her being her self was working they kinda rolled with it. There is a interview with Josh Hutcherson (whom I also have inappropriate feelings for) on Letterman where he basically says she is exactly like that in real life. Loud and talkative and sometimes not thinking before she speaks.

  13. Jade says:

    It’s not that she can’t act, I just think she’s been terribly miss-cast in roles that were written for, and would have been better portrayed, by an older actress. It’s just a joke that she gets these parts, she seems incredibly juvenile for her age as well, she’s still banging on about fart jokes and loving Cheetos, I struggle to take her seriously as a person.

  14. JS says:

    If anything she’s more real than Kristen Stewart. Kristen has her fans but it was Robert Pattinson’s charms, etc… that helped her. JLaw may be tired of the dog and pony show but she does it. If it’s all an act, she’s doing a good job. She’s not hiding or running from the paps, she just goes about her business. When you make it about the drama, that’s what you recieve.
    I wonder if a video of her complaining is coming. JLaw is right the backlash will come eventually, bloggers, media peeps, love to tear people down. I hated Winter’s Bone, I thought it was the typical hick movie. I liked Silver Linings even though others didn’t. I can’t wait to see how she does with American Hustle.

    I didn’t get all the backlash AnnE Hathaway got. So she tried to be sincere. What to you do when you know or have that feeling you won? Was she supposed to be ungrateful and insincere? Someone said she is the real life Rachel Berry. Well Anne has been hiding away. She’s a good actress, she has talent and that will carry her.

  15. Post It's says:

    I’ll take 1000 Jennifer Lawrences over 1 Anne Hathaway.

    I’m sure she is playing it up, but she ‘s only 23 and this is what is working for her right now.

    • marie says:

      “I’m sure she is playing it up, but she ‘s only 23 and this is what is working for her right now”

      Exactly! The thing she has to her favor is that she’s only 23 yo. Society tends to allow women to act a certain way until they are in their 30s. When she gets older, she will change her act and behave more mature and poised like Angelina does now.

    • Spooks says:

      I’ll take Anne, thank you. I find JLaw a bit annoying.
      The thing is, they both campaigned for their Oscars a lot, but JLaw has a more “likable” personality so no one took it against her. Anne isn’t cool enough. It felt a bit like high school.

    • lunchcoma says:

      I agree that Jennifer’s persona works very well for a 23-year-old (it’s always a little sad to me when I can find nothing youthful left in someone who’s only 23), but I wish we didn’t always have to pit young actresses against each other.

      Jennifer is a natural, tell-it-like-it-is dork. Anne is a nervous, try-hard dork. I find each woman fairly likable in her own way, and there’s far worse (both in terms of acting and character) in Hollywood.

  16. bns says:

    All celebrities put on an act for the public. She annoys me, though.

  17. jess says:

    She seems like somebody who tries to hard tobe likable. i have seen some of her movies and compared to actresses like kristen stewart and emma Watson shes good but other than that i find her mediocre. To be fair, i dont think their are really any good actresses under the age of 35. It seems that if harvey weintein is à friend of yours you will get an oscar.

    • Maggi says:

      It’s never about talent, it’s just about money and having the right connections.

    • Spooks says:

      She is more talented than Emma and Kristen, but I think Carey mulligan and Mia Wasikowka are more talented than her.

    • Liv says:

      I disagree. She’s way more talented than Kristen Stewart and Emma Watson. This girl deserved the Oscar….maybe not for Silver Lining’s, but for Winter’s Bone. You can’t compare her talent to Stewart’s or Watson’s – and I really love Emma Watson.

      Just read interviews with her colleagues, they all kind of praise her.

  18. Hautie says:

    Wow, that guy has way too much time on his hands. Seriously.

    What is wrong with having a high profile actress, willing to get out there and push her movies? An actress that seems to Not be headed down the Lohan Express Highway to Hell. That has the ability to roll with the punches.

    The girl manage to trip on her dress…on that worldwide TV Oscar broadcast and see the humor in it. Can you image any other actress, who would have been able to pull that off with such grace and humor. I can’t.

    So I do not understand the need the media feels, to sh*t on anyone, who has not provoked them with nasty behavior. Jennifer if anything has shown the ability to carry her self with confidence. And unfortunately that seems to bring out the ugly with certain set of people.

  19. bowers says:

    She’s great. People who don’t like her are jealous, and most of these celebs don’t like anyone. The rest are too cynical to believe anything.

  20. Algernon says:

    And so the backlash begins.

  21. missmerry says:

    While I agree the Katniss/Jennifer Lawrence parallel is weak, I absolutely believe it’s all PR. Her public persona may PERHAPS be similar to who she is in ‘real life’, to the people who watched her grow up, but it’s all an act.

    Actors are good because they’re always acting.

    Every picture, every dress, every answer (90% perhaps) is planned out.

    She (and her team) are looking to attract a certain audience, a wide audience and fanbase that can ‘appreciate’ that she is candid and the awesomly-named ‘aw shucks’ schtick she puts on, and to get this audience, she is a certain way in public.

    It’s all an illustion, the entirety of Hollywood. Some people want to be a part of it because they WANT IT to be so, they want it to be real so badly that when they realize it isn’t, they get into drugs and alcohol. Some, realizing it’s not real, bow out and stay quiet, still acting but with their eyes open. Some play the game in a new way, just like Lawrence and her team.

    It’s not so bad, the way she is, but I just wish more people would accept that it’s all bogus, no matter if someone is acting like Victoria Beckham or Jennifer Lawrence…it’s all to make that money, and it works.

  22. Jen says:

    I don’t think she’s a fake person. She’s just a really annoying dumb person. If I knew someone like her in real life who constantly talks about how chubby she is (even though she’s thin as hell) and how she eats pizza all the time and how she farts and poops I would probably slap them.

  23. Penelope says:

    She looks like a young Ellen Barkin in that first picture!

    Love it.

    • Jackson says:

      That’s exactly who I think she looks like with the short hair. I have to disagree that it’s a good thing tho.

  24. Kate says:

    I don’t think her media persona is entirely genuine, but sure, I buy that she’s a fairly normal, unrefined young woman. Most women her age are pretty unrefined and awkward, so there’s nothing wrong with that. I think she plays that up, and her “gee whiz, let’s talk about how fat I am” persona gets on my nerves, but there are far more egregious people to be bothered by than Jennifer Lawrence. She’s genuinely talented, and she’s overall a good role model for young women, not out making sex tapes, falling out of clubs sloppy drunk, or pulling Lohan-esque crack shenanigans. One would have way too much time on his hands if he bothered to be offended by someone so blandly inoffensive. And again, she’s extremely talented. I don’t think she should have won an Oscar over Jessica Chastain, but I think she would have deserved one eventually in her career. As for her latest film, I really like that a young woman with her sugary image has taken on such a gutsy, “adult” role. She seems too young for it, and while I’m a bit dubious that she can completely pull it off (really, do the twenty-year-old ingenues need to steal the few good roles out there for mature, thirty-something-year-old actresses? Come. On.), but according to the early accolades she is receiving, it seems she does indeed pull it off. In any case, most of her films thus far have been in the young adult or saccharine categories, so it’s good to see her doing something grown-up, risky and overtly sexy.

    • Jen says:

      I don’t really trust any accolades she got. She was the least impressive part of Silver Linings Playbook (which itself was a really annoying and overrated movie) yet somehow got all the attention. I assume the same will be true for this American Hustle movie (which I will not be seeing having since learned that David O. Russell is a vile and disgusting human being).

      • Maggi says:

        I think people want to believe she’s genuine but really, she’s just playing the game. Her acting is over the top most of the time, she’s got no range. I won’t deny she plays the public very well though.

    • Kelly says:

      “Really, do the twenty-year-old ingenues need to steal the few good roles out there for mature, thirty-something-year-old actresses? Come. On.”


  25. mark says:

    The phoniness doesn’t bother because hollywood is phoney but everyone acts like she doesn’t play the game when she does thats what really bothers me. Also watching the clips and trailers for American Hustle she look so over the top bad it’s silly that she’ll win a ton of awards for her performance.

    She is pretty rude in some interviews and a lot other celebrities wouldn’t get away with it to be honest.

  26. themummy says:

    I think with Jlaw, what you see is truly what you get (to the extent that any media personality shows their true selves to the public..they *are* entitled to a private life and private aspects of their lives…they owe us nothing). She’s been very honest about fame, acting, etc., even when it doesn’t make her look good. I think the writer of this article had way too much time on his hands and really built up a whole lot of nothing. I think she’s young, a little green still, and sees no need for a filter. I like that and I like her. She seems like an actual human being.

  27. Lucy says:

    Funny, since Jen has stated several times that there’s nothing she hates more than being compared to Katniss. In her own words, “she (Katniss) has to deal with death, and I have to deal with the Fashion Police”. The problem is that media is so used to vapid celebrities, that when a girl who seems to have an actual personality comes around, she’s totally faking it.

    • Alina says:

      +1 perfect comment (from both you and her!)

    • BelleSA says:

      I don’t mind her, fake or not. I would rather listen to her talk or do something silly than hear another one of Miley or Lindsay’s trainwreck saga. At least JLaw is entertaining as hell.

  28. Grant says:

    I love her to the moon and back and her performance in Catching Fire just cemented my stan status. The ending scene, the close-up where her face shifts from sadness to anger, gave me goosebumps. She was a revelation.

  29. yeahright says:

    I think its who she really is. We all exaggerate our personalities, especially when put in the spotlight with people we don’t know or when we know we are being watched by a crowd. Its human nature and its a way of relaxing. I know I do it when at a job interview with multiple interviewers or when I meet a group of people for the first time. She’s not going to come out for interviews acting like she’s going grocery shopping.

  30. NewWester says:

    I like JLaw and she seems to be very likable. But I just hope she is being careful with her money and getting good career advice. There are too many cases of actors being the media’s darling one year and then the next year they are being trashed in the media or people have forgotten them.

  31. phlyfiremama says:

    I love her. Period.

  32. Kelly says:

    I am so sick of her. Not that I have anything against her personally, but she’s just way way overexposed and frankly she doesn’t deserve it. She’s good at her job, but so what, plenty of other people are too. I’d rather have a variety of young actors, than just a few famous faces forever being recycled for years…..So boring, give other people a chance, this one got lucky, good for her, now lets move on, for the love of god.

  33. Talie says:

    I would not define her as an American Sweetheart — Julia Roberts and Reese Witherspoon and even Sandra Bullock would not discuss sh*tting themselves on national television. She’s a little too on the edge. She also doesn’t do the Hollywood romance thing — Hoult is the only dude she’s been visible with and beyond that, she seems to keep a very low profile. She doesn’t capitalize on publicity like women of that ilk usually do.

  34. mcm says:

    I honestly think she is just being herself and these kinds of articles and the kinds of people that think she’s fake are just miserable cynical people.

  35. Anna says:

    I think she’s very talented but i don’t like her personality and I really doubt she’s going to get an oscar next year. Actually, i doubt she’s going to get another oscar anytime soon.

  36. Sophie says:

    It seems like she has been more popular and more beloved, and for a long time, than anybody I can remember. All of these people saying “the backlash is coming” and “I hope she’s saving her money”–who has fallen from this high up before? I mean, even with Anne Hathaway, she was never THIS popular. I see articles every day that are just lists of why Jennifer Lawrence is the BEST EVER.

  37. Chorro says:

    I want her coat/jacket collection, holy crap.

  38. carol says:


  39. Anna says:

    Well she’s right about people getting sick of her. I certainly am.

  40. Lauren says:

    She does everything a typical actor does. She goes to conferences, does her press calls. What happens afterwards, the gifs, the videos, the “this week in Jennifer Lawrence”, which I recall Vulture does, the deconstruction of every interview she gives, is up to everyone else. I don’t see pictures of her partying at marmont with Lohan or Pattison or pushing the attention on herself. She has a relationship but its low key and normal. I see a woman who is a talented actress and works hard and is professional enough to put on her best face for the media
    Everyone loves Tom Hiddleston for bringing it to the press calls. He is way more front and centre than Lawrence especially when you consider his much less successful career and supporting parts which begs the question if his big media profile is really needed. Yet he is called loveable and “he cant help himself” an excitable puppy who wants to please, professional. The man is a decade older than then lawerence but people talk about him as if he a cute little boy. The double standard is blatant
    The internet rarely goes after the male actors who act like jerks, whine, complain, or act like attention whores etc. The internet shreds Megan Fox as “bee-yotch” for the Transformers remarks, but praises Rob Pattinson for continually trashing Twilight (he said something rather cruel about Stephanie Meyer too that I can’t recall) so much that Buzzfeed made a supercut. My point is, there’s always some backlash or a double standard when it comes to women and I’m sure it will eventually happen to Jennifer even if it’s for basic, non-problematic comments.

  41. Dorothy says:

    Makes sense because the PR machine can do miracles, but in her case, think she is absolutely genuine and a very cool young lady. She isn’t totally squeaky clean maybe, but she is actually sweet, smart, down to earth, and talented. I don’t think she will become jaded, man I hope not!

  42. Naddie says:

    I don’t have a steady opinion about her: one day I think she’s overrated; the other I like her a lot. I guess I just like her. A very interesting thing about her is that she has no striking physical features and it helps a lot to make a character believable.

  43. Seapharris7 says:

    I want to like her, I honestly do, but there’s just something that annoys me to no end about her. And this happened before that terrible haircut & the CONSTANT media attention does not help.

  44. Athena says:

    I don’t think she’s faking it at all…I really like Jennifer Lawrence. It’s great to see so many positive posts on the site (on Vulture as well…just about every single post disagreed with the author of the article). I thought his argument regarding Jennifer/Katniss was really weak. I think honestly, that this article was really a let’s toss this out there and see if it sticks…well, judging by the responses, whatever their ultimate goal was it didn’t register for anyone.

  45. Heather says:

    I think Jennifer Lawrence is refreshingly real. I adore her.

    And Haymitch did not, literally, say that line on a train, he said it in the attic of a house. Do your homework.

  46. LG전자 says:

    Today, I went to the beach with my kids.

    I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said
    “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.”
    She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There
    was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back!

    LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!