Shailene Woodley: We’re not ‘genetically made to be with 1 person forever’

Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley covers the April issue of Marie Claire. Divergent comes out this Friday (my daughter is very excited, but she’s gonna wait and see Muppets Most Wanted with mom first). The shoot is fun, funky, and clearly aiming towards the younger crowd. The cover outfit is terrible, but the rest of the clothes aren’t bad. Shailene diverts from her usual message in this interview. I’m kind of disappointed! We’re not hearing anything about crafting weapons from nature or how Twilight is destroying evolution. Instead, Shailene is handing out theories on how teenagers are smarter than adults (oh really?) and how monogamy isn’t part of our genetic makeup. It’s become so trendy to bash monogamy these days. Maybe that’s a realistic outlook. Let’s do some excerpts:

She’s single: “I just haven’t met anyone where I was like, ‘Wow I could definitely see myself spending a season of my life with you.’ I don’t even know if humans are genetically made to be with one person forever.”

The teenage audience: “I think there’s this big rise right now in giving teenagers the worth they have. For so long they were — and still are — depicted in movies and TV shows as codependent whiners or rich, beautiful, diamond-clad daughters or dumb cheerleader types. But teenagers are so smart. I was probably smarter as a 16-year-old than I am today. There is a zest for life that you have at that age that is so beautiful.”

On growing up: “For the first time, I feel like I’m entering my womanhood. I’ve decided to take a few months off, just to see who I am as that woman in the world, because I’ve never been able to experience it outside of this industry.”

Her insecurities: “My whole life I’ve been so self-conscious about being skinny. And just recently I don’t care anymore. All insecurities are projected because of what you think others are saying about you, but they don’t really matter at all. My only real insecurities in high school were having such long legs and thick hair — things I’m so very grateful for now.”

Her first kiss: “I was the latest bloomer there ever was. I was still playing with Barbies at 14 and didn’t have my first kiss until 15-and-a-half. He had big, beautiful lips, and I was like, ‘I don’t know what I’m going to do with those.'”

George Clooney is a father figure: “He’s still one of my favorite human beings. The things he talks about in the press, like going to Africa, are about one-thirtieth of the things he does. My mom and George are probably the only two people I’ve ever met who are truly genuine givers.”

Fame is weird: “I don’t pay any attention to the fan thing, because I think it’s a very strange culture nowadays. People have always been fans of people, but I can’t relate to any of these girls or boys who scream. It’s idolizing someone you don’t know. None of these people know me…”

The internet is weird too: “The whole social media thing is just a little too weird for me…We’re all such narcissists, and that’s what social media caters to. Our society conditions us to be our own planets, which is great. Independent thinking is so important. But we expect everyone around us to be our moons.”

[From Marie Claire]

I can actually see George Clooney being a father figure to Shailene. They worked together very closely on The Descendants, and I feel like George enjoys providing some guidance. He’s the kind of uncle who spoils a kid and sends them back to mom and pop. Shailene also lets her inner hippie fly with the “we expect everyone around us to be our moons” on the internet. I guess she’s correct. We all post crazy stuff on Instagram, Twitter, or wherever. We expect praise and “likes” from strangers. It is bizarre, but it’s also part of life now.

Shailene (who is everywhere lately) also sat down with the Daily News to talk about how much she dreaded this press tour: “When I first read this book, I thought, ‘Wow, the press isn’t something that you necessarily look forward to, but it’s exciting to be in a film where we can talk about it for entertainment reasons and you can talk about it for more in-depth reasons.’” Honestly? Divergent is pure popcorn fare. Shailene has tried to frame the film’s story as a metaphor for life, but I don’t see it. The book was high concept and low execution, and the movie certainly won’t be better than the book.

Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley

Photos courtesy of Marie Claire

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143 Responses to “Shailene Woodley: We’re not ‘genetically made to be with 1 person forever’”

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  1. Nev says:

    she’s been photoshopped to look so narrow…

    • Crank says:

      The narrowed her face too much, meh I just can’t get into her. I’ll either completely liked her or hate her once I see divergent

      I’m a believer in monogamy though, I just can’t trust a person who isn’t serious enough about a relationship to be with one person at a time…that’s just me though.

      SIDE NOTE: anyone seem the maze runner preview? I think it looks so much better than what I thought it would be and I’m actually looking forward to it

      • Fatty Magoo says:

        @crank I’m so excited for the maze runner! I absolutely love Dylan O’brian! He is the main character in the movie and he is one of the leads in the show teen wolf. He is so talented he reminds me of Shia Labeouf acting wise, right around when transformers came out. Dylan is going to do big things

    • Blackjack says:

      She’s also been photoshopped to look like someone else entirely – who IS that on the cover? Also, loved that her “insecurities,” back in high school were: hair that was much too thick and legs that were much too long. Is she for real? She’s inching ever closer to Hathawayland and levels of pretentiousness that even Ann would say ‘Ish, PUH-leeze,’ at. Excuse me while I fetch my eyeballs, which rolled so far back over that remark that they are now resting at the back of my neck.

    • Blackjack says:

      Just had to come back and post that her ‘too much hair, legs too long,’ answer reminded me of that dreaded interview question where you are forced to discuss what your ‘biggest weakness,’ is, and some tools can’t help but say things like, ‘I care TOO much,’ or ‘I work SO hard,’ or I am TOO organized and driven to succeed.’ LMAO

      • Becky1 says:

        @Blackjack-I thought the same thing. To complain about being too thin, having long legs and thick hair is kind of a humble brag.

      • Penny says:

        Yes, indeed. I am an HR Pro so the reason as you all seem to infer – is as exactly as you say of the humble brag: use every question to project desirable traits. I couldn’t help but think her entire interview is coached. They are soooo manufacturing the image of a independent free spirited intellectual. Can we stop with farmer’s JLAW and get the real JLAW back? At least when she talks about pressure to lose weight you know that has to be true because she’s not exactly petite. She’s a beauty and she projects the everywoman, hence here seemingly wide appeal. If I had a dime for every actress and model that says they had it hard because the mean girls ostracized them, I think I would own my own island by now. Maybe two.

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      I don’t even know who this girl is but I’m SO tired of her.

      • Margo says:

        Agree. She ‘s not really on my radar but what I’ve seen so far makes me tired. So much “knowledge” . . . I had a lot of that at her age too.

  2. tila says:

    She’s pretty much won me over. She’s herself and doesn’t seem like she’s putting on any sort of act cough jlaw cough.

    • Dani2 says:

      Lol she definitely is putting on an act, just not the J-Law one that you can’t stop complaining about.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Yeah–I’m not understanding WHY she has to find a meaning in a stupid popcorn movie that looks terrible (I couldn’t get through the trailer)……that’s an act. Why can’t she just say that she thought the training would be fun, and that she likes the storyline.

        I hate when people over analyze a movie–especially one like Divergent.

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Wow, I hope she stops giving interviews soon. I’ve gone from “oh yeah, she’s that overrated actress from that overrated Clooney movie, ” to “man, she’s grating, ” to “SHUT UP for the love of God, shut your pretentious, arrogant, know it all FACE, I mean it SHUT UP!!!” I’m not sure how much more I can take.

    • crab says:

      GoodNames, I couldn’t have said it better!

    • Erinn says:

      It’s why I only skim over the smallest portions of the interviews, and I still find her incredibly grating.

    • chaser says:

      Totally. Her interviews are just tedious.

    • Frida_K says:

      You said it perfectly, GoodNames.

      She’s just….GACK….she just needs to zip it, put a sock in it, close the old pie hole!

      • Suzieq says:

        Frida, the pie hole was out sunning itself. (I hope y’all read the same article I did or otherwise my quip will not be understood). 🙂

    • Liv says:

      “I don’t pay any attention to the fan thing, because I think it’s a very strange culture nowadays. People have always been fans of people, but I can’t relate to any of these girls or boys who scream. It’s idolizing someone you don’t know. None of these people know me…”

      Gosh, she’s so dumb!! She actually doesn’t realize that nobody would care about her film if there wasn’t a “fan thing”. She would be poor and unemployed. Oh wait, I totally forgot that she then would probably be a flowergirl in the woods or something…

      • Hiddles forever says:


        She wouldn’t be on a cover of a magazine if no fans were buying it, right?
        What a pretentious young lady…. I saw her name here a couple of weeks ago, googled her and she already grates on my nerve! Congrats lol

      • Mark says:

        I think she just means she doesn’t want people treating her like a deity, she wants people to talk to her like a regular person. Holy hell calm down, why are so people so quick to jump the gun on this site and tear somebody a new hole over 3 lines?

      • Dani2 says:

        @Mark “why are so people so quick to jump the gun on this site and tear somebody a new hole over 3 lines?”

        Are you the same guy that never misses a chance to do the same for Jennifer Lawrence? If so, have a whole amphitheatre of seats.

      • Liv says:

        Over 3 lines? Are you kidding me? I read most of the recent articles about her on this site and each one was about her being a know-it-all, very arrogant and pretty dumb.

      • Peppa says:

        I find her incredibly annoying too, but I sort of understand what she is saying. I get being a fan of a famous person, but there are so many people who idolize and obsess over celebrities and act as if they know them and, personally, I find that weird. I never had an interest in being famous, but I feel as if I were I’d find it so odd that people were obsessed with me and knew every aspect of my life (or thought they did), rather than just enjoying my work and admiring me.

      • cerebralmind says:

        ^Liv, How is what she stated above considered to be “dumb” to you? I agree with what she is saying. You can be a fan of an actor’s work, but that is where the line is drawn. People who faint, cry, lose their minds, scream, and stalk don’t make sense to me either. Those type of “fans” are only idolizing a fantasy of who they dream or wish the celebrity to be. I don’t mean to break your heart but 99% of the time those people are nothing like how you fantasize them to be. Look at it from her perspective…Imagine yourself at the mall with a friend and all of a sudden 15 screaming “fans” surround you crying, scraeming, and touching your face and hair. You can’t find your friend because they knocked her over. These “fans” are treating you like you’re some kind of oddity or goddess, and you are thinking in your mind that all you did was play a part in some movie. You are saying to yourself “Why can’t they see that I’m just as regular as they are?” I completely understand what she was saying and she didn’t sound dumb to me.

      • Liv says:

        She bites the hand that feeds her, I find that very dumb. Of course someone shouldn’t scream and go crazy about film stars, but this is most of the time due to their age. These kids she is talking about will go to the cinema, buy the dvd and all the fan stuff. I won’t and you probably won’t either. If you change the dynamic of people and actors and films like she wants to, then she will be paid like a doctor or a lawyer. If she’s lucky. I highly doubt that this is what she wants, because then she would be an actress in the theater.

      • Mmmm….I actually agree with BOTH Mark and Liv.
        I think she was just drawing the distinction between a fan who asks to take a photo with a celeb and the fan who’s obsessed to the point where she’s actually screaming and crying upon seeing a celeb (does this chick even have any fans like that? doubtful). But honestly, I agree with her in the sense that I truly cannot relate to that level of standom.

        Anyway, I also agree with Liv that it probably isn’t the smartest move to say anything negative about ANY fans in any capacity. That’s just kind of PR:101, you know?

      • Liv says:

        @TheOriginalKitten Nicely put. 😉

    • Delta Juliet says:

      She making me not want to see the movie, which is really saying something.

      Also, she was insecure about her long legs and thick hair? GMAFB. That’s like when an interviewer asks for your faults and you say “well, I work too hard and I’m a perfectionist.”

      Shut up Shailene.

    • Adrien says:

      Oh, Good names, The Descendants turned me into a puddle of tears. Love that movie.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I’m sorry, Adrien. I thought it didn’t live up to the hoopla, but I know a lot of people really liked it. Please don’t sound so disappointed. Maybe I was just in a bad mood that day.

      • Crank says:

        My mom cried during that movie, I really didn’t like it though.
        Now I thought Shayshay’s acting was decent in it, but I think some kids who are talented at the age she was kind of outgrow their acting abilities. Example: I thought Hailee Steinfield and Abigail Breslin were excellent kid actors, and now I just think they’re average. Divergent I’d either going to make me tolerate Shayshay, or absolutely hate her. It’s too bad her career could be riding on how she does in this movie, but at the sane time she hasn’t shut up in the last month (yes I understand she’s doing her job, which is fine, but she’s trying too hard and is thinking way too deeply about a light YA series that’s quite average).

      • I HATED The Descendants.
        I thought it sucked so so bad.

    • Mario_Fatale says:

      @ Goodnames, THANK YOU…. Could not have said that better, That being said though I’m sure shes going to be trolled from now on on CB blog, sigh

    • Kate says:

      if Theo James wasn’t in this film I wouldn’t go see it. I don’t like her. Each interview make me like her less and less. Theo James is on the Chelsea Lately show

  4. blue marie says:

    Well, this is also the girl who said to make sure to get your vadge some sun. *shrugs* this is who you’d be taking advice from.. She’s crunchy, but harmless.

    • lenje says:

      LOLOLOL… seriously??? It was written here? (The vadge sunbathing, I mean). I must’ve missed that!

    • ~Z~ says:

      OMG ~ Just found this on D Listed
      “Another thing I like to do is give my vagina a little vitamin D. I was reading an article written by an herbalist I studied about yeast infections and other genital issues. She said there’s nothing better than vitamin D. If you’re feeling depleted, go in the sun for an hour and see how much energy you get. Or, if you live in a place that has heavy winters, when the sun finally comes out, spread your legs and get some sunshine.”

      Fist thing to cross my mind….
      Why were you reading about genital issues?

      • “spread your legs and get some sunshine”?
        Sounds ouch-y.
        Can she or her herbalist recommend a vadge-friendly, all-natural sunblock before I take her advice and put my f*cking biscuits to the fire?

      • ~Z~ says:

        Bwahahaha Biscuits to the Fire! =}
        Perhaps semen is an all natural sun block!
        Sorry, I know she is only 22, but I still think at 22 I would have been smart enough NOT to say a lot of the things she says.
        I would know well enough that from then on I would be the sunbathing vajajay chick. No thanks! Not an easily forgotten quote!
        Maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather stay quiet than look like an idiot. And she is certainly not the only one….They ALL seem to say truly idiotic stuff.

      • blue marie says:

        *snorts* you guys are great.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        That has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard, not to mention highly impractical. I mean, isn’t Vitamin D absorbed through the skin, so if you’re out in the sun, you’ll get Vitamin D? Why would you need to make sure the sunlight hit a specific part of your body? Moron.

  5. Lexie says:

    Aw Bedhead, give her a break. She said she doesn’t KNOW if we’re made to be together forever and that SHE was smarter at 16 than now.

  6. Arlene says:

    “I just haven’t met anyone where I was like, ‘Wow I could definitely see myself spending a season of my life with you.’ I don’t even know if humans are genetically made to be with one person forever.”

    is the actual quote, she doesn’t know, she’s not- as per the headline, claiming anything.

    • I Choose Me says:

      Yeah. Not a fan, I’ve been pretty harsh on her on other threads but I actually like what she had to say in THIS interview and that quote was definitely taken out of context.

  7. Dani2 says:

    She really seems like a nice person but the more she talks, the more the sounds like someone I wouldn’t want to be trapped in a conversation with. I’m sorry.

  8. Kiddo says:

    Is it strange that I’m drawn to that second color block/splatter pleated dress? I’m not sure it would look good on me, but I’m really liking it on her.

  9. Abbott says:

    I like her. She’s not putting on a front like America’s favorite farting Cookie Monster and pretending like she didn’t work hard to get where she is.

    Though, “My only real insecurities in high school were having such long legs and thick hair — things I’m so very grateful for now.”

    Have a seat, Shay. Have ALL the seats.

    • ojulia123 says:

      Yes, her comments about her legs, hair, and weight…she’s definitely perfected the humble-brag!

    • Wren says:

      I can kind of see where she’s coming from there. I’m really tall with long legs and as a teenager I hated that. HATED it. Being taller than all of the girls and most of the guys and not being able to find long enough pants was not good for the awkward teenage ego. I’ve come to accept and enjoy my height as an adult (though the pants thing is still frustrating), but as a kid it was hard. So I get that.

      But as others have said, she seems nice but the more she talks the more I want her to shut her face. There seems to be a clueless arrogance about her that really grates on the nerves.

    • Tapioca says:

      Oh be nice – I can’t tell you the times I cried myself to sleep over my clear skin and perfect breasts…

      • Liv says:

        Haha, your comment makes my day! 😀

      • Mrs Odie says:

        Comment of the day! I think.

        It’s hard for me to concentrate over the annoying shine from my straight white teeth and luminous eyes.

        Funny how no one ever says, “I was a misfit in high school because I loved to read. What others struggled with came easily to me. I didn’t know how to fit in with my peers who didn’t value education.” God forbid anyone look smart instead of pretty.

      • I Choose Me says:


        Still, I can kind of see where she’s coming from. The grass is always greener and all that.

      • Penny says:

        LMFAO Tapioca. It’s so frustrating for me to eat and eat and eat and not gain a pound. I live in fear of the day my metabolism will slow to the average person’s. You weight gainers can’t know my private anguish. I can’t wait to count calories and diet like everyone else.

    • Adrien says:

      Humblebrag. Lol.

    • Milena says:

      HAHA at “America’s favorite farting Cookie Monster.” That is the best description I’ve heard in a while.

    • Miss M says:

      She sounds more (insert adjective) than Goop and she is younger…

    • T.C. says:

      With all the teen magazines promoting thinness, long legs, long thick hair how would looking like one of their models make a teenage girl insecure. Maybe she wanted to look voluptuous like Kim K.

  10. Lark says:

    Meh, I think there’s some truth to it…in that I think monogamy is probably a choice and not hardwired into our genetics like some animals (and I don’t think she’s bashing monogamy). However, for a 22 year old to espouse ideas on it is a bit RME. Divergent is getting savaged in the press–––I’m curious as to how it will do at the box office. Regardless, I think she’ll be established for a while since she has The Fault in Our Stars afterwards.

    • Anname says:

      They critics may dislike the movie, but she is getting good reviews for her performance. So I don’t think will hurt her career at all, she is a good actress.

      But I do think she comes off as if she has a superiority complex. She thinks she is way more evolved than the rest of us meat-eating bottled water drinking monogomous folks. “If only we could all be more like her, the world would be a better place”, sort of thing going on.

      • Lark says:

        I don’t know…I’m reading a lot of “she’s okay but unremarkable” or “solid” type of praise (no raves)…I don’t think it’s going to hurt her career at all and it will help her, but I don’t think it’s going to push her into JLaw territory either where she may have been if there were some raves (like the mags were trying to pit the two in some sort of competition).

  11. ZAK says:

    I love how Jennifer Lawrence haters always flock to Woodley’s posts to complain about how “fake” Jennifer Lawrence is. How about talking about the actress you actually like?

    I have no issue with Woodley, she’s talented, a kid and entitled to her kid opinions.

    • Akua says:

      Thank you, I like the first book so I will be watching the movie. And this girl, go read Gossip cop about her lastest vagina stories.

    • annie says:

      Agree. They probably miss JLaw

    • Liv says:


      So ridiculous. I find Woodley much more fake than Jennifer by the way.

    • Tatjana says:

      I find them both fake, annoying and overrated.

    • Nick says:

      Wait so we’re going to act like when Jennifer first didn’t come out people weren’t praising her as a way to trash Kristen Stewart…oh ok. Carry on.

  12. E says:

    I liked better her old nose

  13. Sarah says:

    The more she talks the less I like her.

  14. Tig says:

    They really over photo-shopped her face on the cover. I had a chuckle over the teen insecurities- long legs and thick hair??? OMG how did she ever survive??

    Still on the fence about seeing this movie in a theater- I expected the movie to be critically trashed- evidently, only ONE YA adaptation is allowed to be deemed OK-so will be interesting to see if folks buy tix.

  15. cro-girl says:

    Anthropologist here… we’re not “hardwired” for anything. That’s what makes us human. Does that mean monogamy is a pointless endeavour? Does that mean monogamy is difficult? Does that mean we aren’t meant for one person? It’s a philosophical argument at best. It’s nothing that can be explained via science.

    • nofkksgiven says:

      thank you how we manage and define our romantic relationships is more a reflection on whichever social and societal constructs we are enculturated into than anything else… not so much biological (beyond procreating)

    • MonicaQ says:

      Eff yeah science!

    • Mel M says:

      Thanks you! When people say this I’m always inclined to think it just gives them an excuse to cheat or not make a commitment. There is no monogamy gene. Some people just want it and some don’t.

    • I Choose Me says:

      Thank you for saying this!

  16. Shijel says:

    “My only real insecurities in high school were having such long legs and thick hair — things I’m so very grateful for now.”

    Girl shut up or I’ll slap you.

  17. M.A.F. says:

    Those that say we aren’t meant to be with one person, to me just screams either “I’m a cheater therefore I will use this as an excuse to back up my action” or just want to date. If you want to date around, go ahead, have your fun and date but don’t throw the “humans aren’t meant to be monogamous” bull**** around.

    I remember ScarJo saying this while she was married to Ryan Reynolds and I just eye-rolled then as I am now.

    • Crank says:

      AMEN. most people I hear that say this end up playing games with people, jumping from one ‘love of their life’ to another.

    • holly hobby says:

      ScarJo also called out Dylan Farrow as being inappropriate with her opEd about the pervert. So really, why listen to her?

    • Penny says:

      Yes MAF – disclaimers are a foreshadowing of disastrous things to come. Scapegoats, if you will.

  18. bettyrose says:

    Eh she’s self absorbed but I don’t disagree with anything she’s said. I like JLaw’s humility even if it is an act. So Shailene’s lack of humility is annoying but only because this is her 15 minutes. Both young women are decent role models and I love that they both avoid the tiresome boy crazy image foisted upon dumber actresses (cough kstew cough)

    • Penny says:

      Thank you betty rose for that. I agree that boy drama or lack there of is a positive for our younger role models. I’m realizing more and more how it seems women fair better with careers when they focus more on craft and less on personal too young. This is not to say you can’t have it all but it’s very challenging to juggle career, love life, family etc., all at once and expect success.

  19. zan says:

    Please, stop covering her…

  20. Sarah says:

    humans arent genetically made to pretend to be someone else while some guy captures their facial movements and voices on moving pictures that are broadcasted around the planet, right?

  21. MonicaQ says:

    Can we have one good dystopia, please? One where it doesn’t feature teenage girls choosing between two boys? That’d be great. Elysium and that Tom Cruise one were the last ones I saw that didn’t have that trope.

    • Mom2two says:

      From your lips to Hollywood’s ears. No more!

    • megs283 says:

      Ha. I misread, and thought you were asking for a good dystopia IRL. Why is the future always portrayed as dystopian, and not utopian? I guess it would be a boring film or book, but I could go for some happiness…!

      • Tatjana says:

        Star Trek has a pretty utopian view of Earth in the future.

      • MonicaQ says:

        Star Trek most definitely. Gene Roddenberry didn’t want war at all in his universe (he served in WWII and it really affected him), which is why the Dominion War didn’t happen until after he passed away. Which always tears me up because I loved DS9.

      • M.A.F. says:

        Because an utopian society would never happen. That is not human nature, there will always be some type of class system with the haves and haves nots.

      • Baskingshark says:

        IIRC (and this is obviously going back a bit) in Barbarella, earth has become a Utopia (the rest of the universe not so much…)

    • Tig says:

      Watch “District 9”- not exactly dystopian, but close enough. Really well done.

    • Penny says:

      MonicaQ I’m climaxing over here from your word porn.

  22. Delta Juliet says:

    Why is everyone so convinced that she is so genuine and others (like JLaw for example) are just big phonys? This chick is selling her “alternative” lifestyle so hard she seems as fake to meas all the rest of them, just a different kind of fake. They are all “actors”. They are all selling a “persona”..

    • Dani2 says:


      They all have a public persona, J-Law and Shailene included. People that fall for the ~celebs they’re just like us~ thing are kidding themselves. They’re all acting and trying to create an image in the media.

    • bettyrose says:

      She comes across as “genuine” because she doesn’t know when to shut her trap. If she were more “phony” she’d have some more endearing scripted answers to share.

    • M.A.F. says:

      For what it’s worth, I see a fakeness to JLaw. But as you said, it is a public persona.

  23. Jana says:

    Everyone here today is acting so negative. She’s just a harmless hippie child, but everyone’s blood pressure seems to be going up over it.

    • annie says:


    • mkyarwood says:

      ‘Hippies’ make people angry because they’re usually a little more self assured in what they believe.

      • bettyrose says:

        Maybe in some places. But in general hippies irritate people because they’re living off daddy while swearing by granola. Shailene is about 50 years too young to be a hippie though. She says sensible things but she drips adolescent ignorance. Sex with many people is great at her age but love and commitment matter when you’re old enough to value quiet nights at home.

  24. ToodySezHey says:

    This girl isnt even a thing yet, and Im already tired of her.

    Regarding her comments on monogamy…sigh. Why do people always assume one thing applies to everyone? Id be more impressed if she said some people are not wired for monogamy while others can happily be with one beloved for the rest of their lives.

    Why are we entertaining the thoughts and ponderings of someone in their early 20’s????

    • ~Z~ says:

      Thank you. I’ve been married for 27 years, and have not found it hard at all to not sleep with anyone else. (And he is the only one I have ever been with too.)

      Why are we entertaining the thoughts and ponderings of someone in their early 20′s????
      ^ Yes, and she thinks teenagers are incredibly smart too…

      If any of these young actresses were actually smart, they would limit their interviews so people don’t think they are full of sh*t right from the get go. But NO, they have to do the interview and take the $$, because God forbid they don’t make every single dollar that is available for them to make….
      Maybe she’ll get lost next time she is gathering her spring water from the mountains….

  25. Peppa says:

    Fame is weird: “I don’t pay any attention to the fan thing, because I think it’s a very strange culture nowadays. People have always been fans of people, but I can’t relate to any of these girls or boys who scream. It’s idolizing someone you don’t know. None of these people know me…”

    See, I agree with this 100%. A lot of my idols are not actors, singers or athletes. However, I love movies and Hollywood, so I enjoy celebrity gossip as an escape. I just cannot wrap my mind around people’s obsessions with celebrities, though. I guess I just accept that public figure’s public persona’s can often be quite different from their private ones (something I know from experience).
    All that being said, I’m not a celebrity and if I were I would not say something like this in an interview. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Like it or not, the people the idolize and scream for you are going to be the ones first in line to see your films. Early in your career, without a few successful films under your belt, you need those obsessed fans.

  26. mkyarwood says:

    Using ‘we’ is a generalization, but I think it’s true of most humans. I married my partner because I knew I wanted to have kids with his and his family’s genes. He knows that, and we’re always up front about our feelings. That’s the key to staying with one person, really. I’ll never believe in a ‘soul mate’.

  27. Marianne says:

    “A Season of my life”? Uggghhhhhh….

  28. KC says:

    She was smarter at 16 than she is now…? Wow, I was a complete idiot at 16, made horrible, impulsive decisions.
    Moronic statement, sure teenagers may be more idealistic, but definitely not more intelligent.

  29. lunchcoma says:

    I’ve finally realized why Shailene bugs me so much: she strongly reminds me of a girl who lived in the same dorm as me during college. So enlightened, so free, so eager to share her “knowledge” with others.

    Yeah. So, she ended up going to business school and becoming a management consultant, and now she’s a pretentious know it all about a different set of things. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see something similar from Shailene.

    • M.A.F. says:

      It’s those college years that people like her in the business never get to experience. Those of us who went to college (I’m including all the colleges-community, trade, and/or 4 year universities), had that outlet, to be with others of the same age and discover who we are and voice our opinions in a certain manner. Those in Hollywood her age just have a microphone shoved in their face so it comes across as being annoying, fake, and just out there.

      I still find her comments eye-rolling though.

  30. cerebralmind says:

    She’s young. At 22 I wasn’t thinking about “settling down” either and I was in a relationship (and monogamous). We may not be “genetically made to be with one person forever”, but when you have dated and seen what is out there and realize you aren’t missing out on anyone or anything you will get to that point where you don’t want to serial date anymore and want to settle down. It’s a two fold thing though. Part 1 -You’ll decide to settle down when you’re tired of serial dating and all the other BS that’s out there. Part 2 -finding the individual you actually want to settle down with. From there it will always be about having self-discipline because you will always find others attractive. You just don’t act out on the attraction (self-discipline) because you love and respect the person you have built a relationship with. To Lunchcoma – She’s not sharing her “knowledge” she’s being interviewed and answering questions. Those are her answers. Disagreeing with what she says in an interview is one thing. Hating on someone is another. Don’t hate.

    • lunchcoma says:

      She’s not just answering questions, though, cerebralmind. She’s asked about her relationship status and doesn’t just say that she’s single and not interested in settling down, but uses it as an excuse to generalize about all of humanity (based on no real scientific evidence). She doesn’t just dislike Twilight, she sees it as preventing the world from evolving. She’s not just disinterested in social media, but uses it as an opportunity to say that all people are narcissists. It comes across as extremely preachy.

      I’m comfortable both disagreeing with her statements in her interviews and disliking her because of them. We judge people around us everyday based on their opinions and their actions, and hers have given me a very negative impression of her.

  31. Cait says:

    Perhaps this is just me, but to me what makes humanity so fascinating is our free will. We may be genetically wired for monogamy, but we are certainly capable of choosing it.

  32. Nina says:

    I love receiving life advice from a 22 year old. YOUR IDEAS ARE INTRIGUING TO ME AND I WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR NEWSLETTER.

    In other news, they have photoshopped her eyes to be level with each other. Which, in my opinion, is the correct way to use Photoshop because untouched photos of her freak me out. It’s like .. ‘Why is your left eye all the way up there?’

    • Kelly says:

      “I love receiving life advice from a 22 year old. YOUR IDEAS ARE INTRIGUING TO ME AND I WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR NEWSLETTER.”


  33. mar says:

    I like what she says. I agree with her most of the time in all honesty.

    She was on Late Night the other night and she was very cool.

  34. holly hobby says:

    Gosh stop talking already! How old is she? So she’s lived a full life in all her 20 years to tell everyone what life’s about? I still stand behind my belief that she has a face that I want to slap I’m sorry some other poster was offended by that but the more this girl talks the more I find her irritating.

    She’s not gunning to replace JLaw she’s aiming to be the next Annie “Post Scalp/Oscar Hungry” Hathaway.

  35. Beth says:

    She’s incredibly pretentious. Like, the most pretentious celebrity I’ve ever had the misfortune to read about.

    That being said, I loved The Descendants and I’m looking forward to Divergent, which I read, and even The Fault in Our Stars, which I haven’t read yet.

  36. mimi says:

    She’s only 22. Her opinions and ideas are going to change as she gets older and has more life experiences under her belt. That’s why I try not to criticize her or KStew or JLaw or Emma Watson or any other young actress in their early 20’s whenever they say something in an interview that causes me to side-eye them. When I was their age, I thought I had all the answers too but as I got older and finally married and started a family…I realized how different my outlook on life is now from when I graduated college at 22.

    • cerebralmind says:

      ^Exactly Mimi (to all of those who have been 22 before). Lunchcoma – point taken (I don’t follow this actress. I only saw her in that Clooney movie).

    • Suzieq says:

      I wish everyone felt the same way about male actors as well. No young male celebrity is allowed to make a wrong move without a lot of criticism on this board.

  37. islandwalker says:

    She might want to dial it back. Divergent is getting terrible reviews.

  38. Kelly says:

    LOL, wait a minute, how old is she? I thought she was in her twenties, but judging by her statements, she’s underage. Right? I mean with that mentality she can’t be over 18, she sounds like the 15 year olds around me.

    And dear Lord, no to the George Father Figure Clooney, all kinds of inappropriate gross has just washed over me…

  39. HappyMom says:

    Jeez-some of you guys are so critical. She’s really young and an actress. She’s being promoted as The Next Big Thing-so it’s part of her job to be interviewed. She’s not a scientist. She’s not 45 years old. Of course many of her “observations” seem silly. She’s a kid. But they’re asking her ridiculous questions and she’s trying to be interesting and edgy and original. I”m going to cut her some slack. I wonder how many of us would have fared under similar circumstances.

  40. jlee says:

    ……says the 10 year old who lives in a tree fort. This chick erks.

  41. homegrrrl says:

    Our brains are not designed to process photoshop either, so thanks for the mind f*3k; next time I need a lesson on humanity I’ll call the under twenty and overly processed.

  42. Cornelius says:

    Didn’t even know there was a Woodley vs. Jlaw thing going on till I read people’s comments. Why are women always pitted against each other? I never hear of a guy vs. a guy thing. But I guess guys don’t get into gossip like girls do.

  43. Happy21 says:

    I just can’t with her. She even LOOKS arrogant!

  44. Fancyamazon says:

    Just me, but she seems a bit pretentious, and a bit young to be thinking that she has all of life sewn up. That’s all I’ve got on this one.

  45. Rebecca says:

    Hmmm. I have been with my husband for 22 years. I think that all depends on the person or people in the relationshop. There is some evidence hormone wise that men lose their attachment hormones much quicker than women. However, humans have big brains. It is doubtful that we only rely on hormones for attachment and to maintain relationships.

    • Penny says:

      I took a Behavioral Genetics course and for a final grade I had to pair up with a classmate on a relevant coursework topic. We studied the human genome – linking behaviors to genes. For example, drinking and violence had be mapped to separate genes at the time. So one such behavior linked to a gene was novelty seeking. We thus theorized promiscuity was linked with novelty seeking and extroverts had a greater propensity to cheat due to having lower dopamine levels. Dopamine is associated to reward. To get that sense of reward or euphoria, you need to be stimulated. And seeking out novel situations gives us opportunities for reward/increased dopamine levels/”a high”. It was an ambitious topic for us to pursue being that we both had limited life experience…but had formulated all kinds of misconceptions and preconceived notions on what we’d observed or heard about cheating. I recall at the time men were seen as disproportionately being bigger cheaters. My male professor was amused, but teased us about maligning males. What did we know we were naïve little female ignorami? Lol

  46. LAK says:



  47. Caroline says:

    I believe in monogamy…at least I believe in the principle of having a monogamous relationship. (Sometimes I occasionally cheat, and it makes me appreciate my partner more and I always feel renewed when coming home. I would never judge anyone for the style of relationship they choose.)
    Anyways, I find her refreshing unlike J.Law, who feel manufactured.

  48. Lauraq says:

    My grandparents, who met in third grade and were with only each other until Grandpa’s death two years ago, might disagree with her.

  49. Baskingshark says:

    Yes, Shailene, 16 year olds know everything. Really. And when I was 16, I knew everything too.

    IIRC, Shailene says that if the fame goes away, she can go and live at one with nature in a jungle somewhere. Can we please have a Kickstarter to help her realize that ambition?