Eva Mendes: ‘It’s an important part of my day, what I choose to wear’


I really don’t understand this Flare cover or pictorial. The cover is straight out of the 1980s and the housewife-themed photoshoot is right out of the 1950s. Also, this is a problem: “Hey, let’s get the Latina actress to participate in a photoshoot where she ironing and hanging out in the kitchen.” YIKES. Anyway, I usually dislike Eva in interviews (she’s not a warm person, nor is she funny), but I liked some of the quotes from this piece. Maybe she’s changing. You can read some of Flare’s highlights here (plus more photos) and here are some assorted quotes:

She hates skinny jeans: “I’m always in dresses, in skirt—I think they’re so easy. People are always saying, ‘I love jeans, they’re so casual and easy,’ but I think jeans aren’t easy. They’re my worst nightmare.”

Fashion regrets: “It’s not that I’m against body-conscious clothes: I have worn them on the red carpet or out, but when I’m photographed in them, I always regret it. For me, it’s always been the easy way out. When I wear something a little more revealing, I think, Oh, gosh, I should have been more creative.”

She doesn’t wear body-con clothes in her real life: “I don’t like when it’s just me and I’m not working. I don’t like feeling like I’m on display.”

Her mom critiques her style: “My mother always says she wants to see me in more fitted things! She’s always saying, ‘Show off your body, it’s not always going to be like this!’” Her mamá regularly emails her daughter critiques of her red-carpet outfits, entitled “Mom’s Review.” “She’s usually on the money. If she doesn’t like something, I can usually see why: it didn’t photograph well or looked weird around the waist.”

Deciding what to wear: “It’s an important part of my day, what I choose to wear and put out there in the world. I also have to remember that I probably will be photographed at the gas pump.”

Shopping = hunting: “When I go shopping, I know what I’m looking for. I have this thing that takes over. Honestly, I don’t find it as fun with friends because I don’t like to talk when I’m on the hunt.”

Loving head-wraps & turbans: “They’re an easy way for me to feel pulled together, even when I’m not. Some kind of scarf or a mini-turban situation. That finishes a not-so-great outfit and polishes up the look a bit.”

[From Flare]

If I was famous, my mom would probably critique my red carpet looks too. Does anyone else remember when People Magazine used to have a semi-regular feature where they would ask a celebrity’s grandmother what she thought about her grandchild’s style & stuff? I used to love that feature. I remember that most grandmothers just want young ladies to wear knee-length skirts and dresses and to show off their décolletage in a tasteful way. If I was Eva’s mom, I think I would have to tell Eva to cool it with the turbans. Even though the turbans tell the world “IDGAF,” they still make Eva look positively ancient.



Photos courtesy of Flare.

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37 Responses to “Eva Mendes: ‘It’s an important part of my day, what I choose to wear’”

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  1. Tanguerita says:

    I can’t with her – she always come off so full of herself. And the shoot is horrible.

    • mimif says:

      Am I allowed to like the retro kitchen? That’s all I got.

    • Liv says:

      Of course you’re allowed to like the kitchen – but that’s all. 😉

      Lainey stated that she forbid questions about her “boyfriend”, but brought his dog to the interview. She’s so desperate.

  2. ds says:

    And yet, she dresses horribly. I do however get her idea of being comfortable in dresses or skirts; I feel the same. But good jeans can make my day as well.

  3. Jade says:

    I’d say getting dressed is the only aspect of her day, and she knows when she’s going to be paped at the gas station because she calls them.

  4. j.eyre says:

    If I were her mother, I might advise her to get out of the sink and use better posture while ironing – her back is going to be killing her.

  5. TG says:

    I love these photos. I think Eva is gorgeous and I especially like the silver type dress she is wearing while ironing.

  6. Cel says:

    I wish they could finish the sentence: Its an important part of my day, what I choose to wear…. because I have nothing else going on.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Really, is that what she said, because I fell asleep before I finished reading it. Lol

  7. BendyWindy says:

    Is she really popular enough to get papped at the gas station? I don’t think anyone would give two shts about her if she wasn’t dating Ryan Gosling.

  8. qwerty says:

    “Also, this is a problem: “Hey, let’s get the Latina actress to participate in a photoshoot where she ironing and hanging out in the kitchen.” ”

    Nice catch…it’s bothering me now that I see it.

    Love her turbans, she looks great in them. But I don;t get actresses who sit down for interviews about clothes and make up and all this vapid stuff. If you wanna be a respected actress, this will not help. But I guess she just wants to get papped regularly.

    • tealily says:

      I really like the turbans too! It’s such a retro thing that hasn’t really come back at all. I think it’s ballsy!

    • Dame Snarkweek says:

      To some readers clothes and makeup talk is vapid but to the overwhelming majority of readers it is interesting, fun and an entertaining way to pass the time and pick up a few beauty tips. And if these articles and features disappeared so would every entertainment blog, magazine and tv show promoting celebrities and their lifestyle. They are inseparable at this point. And believe it or not many actresses know they are never going to be a Streep/Blanchett/RobertsWinslett etc so they settle for whatever niche they can hold onto and don’t obsess about being taken seriously.

  9. Dhavynia says:

    I don’t get the hate but whatever. I didn’t really noticed until now that she mentions it but it is true that she hardly wears revealing stuff at least nothing that might poke someone’s eye out or rip because it’s too tight. If I had a body like hers I’ll flaunt it.
    Also, I work in an office, have a toddler and a busy life and I do put a lot of care, time and effort on what I wear even if it’s to do some errands. I am not a glamorous star but I do not want to be seen like I dont care about anything

    • Jade says:

      Are you serious? She’s had like 4 or 5 not-so-accidental nip slips on the red carpet, she faunts it plenty. The ‘hate’ for her is because she’s full of crap and treats anyone she deems beneath her like crap.

    • Judy says:

      I think she’s gorgeous and I love her style. My motto: “if Marilyn would wear it , so would I”, so i have mucho pencil skirts and clingy dresses. I almost never wear slacks and I abhor jeans. I don’t exactly love her style , but I like most things she wears. I’m all in support of her doing her own thing and marching to her own beat. BTW I’ve always wanted to be a scarf/ hat/turban girl, I love how they look on others, but not on me. My sister in law looks cute in her scarves, I look odd. I think Eva looks cute in hers. She has her own style , good for her.

    • Judy says:

      I think she’s gorgeous and I like that she has a unique style. My motto: “if Marilyn would wear it , so would I”, so i have mucho pencil skirts and clingy dresses. I almost never wear slacks and I abhor jeans. I don’t exactly love her style , but I like most things she wears. I’m all in support of her doing her own thing and marching to her own beat. BTW I’ve always wanted to be a scarf/ hat/turban girl, I love how they look on others, but not on me. My sister in law looks cute in her scarves, I look odd. I think Eva looks cute in hers. She has her own style , good for her.

      • Melissa says:

        Not to be nitpicky but I thought MM liked jeans, maybe the quote I read was wrongly attributed though.

  10. Zbornak Syndrome says:

    I love her style. She and Bernadette (Big Bang Theory) are my style inspirations. I’m sometimes lazy so I love wearing elastic waist dresses (don’t have to match blouses). I love skirts cause they give me room and don’t have to spend half the day shopping for “just the right pair of jeans” to fit for $200. I don’t have to worry about fitting in my maxi skirt when I’m bloated (about 7 days out of the month). I used to try to wear pants/jeans to fit in with everyone, but forgetaboutit. I’m pretty curvy and to get them to fit they need to be stretch and I’m not about showing everyone a camel toe. After shopping ALL DAY for a pair to fit, my friend’s Mom said “Maybe you’re just not a jeans girl?” I was like “I didn’t know I had a choice?” 🙂 That’s all anyone wears where I live.

    Love Eva! So happy to find a kindred spirit.

  11. eliza says:

    If it is such an important part of her day, she must not care all that much because many of her choices are hideous.

    I never understood the appeal of Eva. She is not a terribly good actress and she is pretty but nothing extraordinary. She seems very full of herself.

  12. prissa says:

    I have always found Eva to be a complete snoozefest and totally uninteresting. She is pretty, no doubt, but what does she do? What is her most recent role, film, project, etc? How is she still relevant?

    • Liv says:

      Is this a serious question? Her boyfriend is the reason why she’s still relevant.

      • prissa says:

        Thanks for that because I honestly didn’t know. And had a poster up-thread not mentioned Ryan Gosling, I would have been wondering who you were talking about. I thought I read awhile back that they had broken up. Anyway, I guess it makes sense now. In all actuality, that she should still be relevant based on dating Gosling doesn’t make sense to me, but whatevs. LOL

  13. mari says:

    Can’t help it, I think she’s gorgeous! Beautiful and sexy. I don’t even care what silly stuff she says or wears. She is just incredibly good looking.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      I think so, too. And I love her eyebrows most of all. The retro 50s vibe totally fits her.

  14. umyeah says:

    She probably did this interview in relationship to her line of clothes for New York and company. It would make sense she’s talking about fashion because her clothing line reflects what she’s talking about.

  15. roxy750 says:

    No bones about it—she is beautiful!

  16. NeoCleo says:

    Completely agree with you on the turbans. They make her look like a grandmother. She also looks old next to her boyfriend, Gosling. She is a beautiful woman but her looks do not match his boyishness.

  17. Comity says:

    This interview made me like her. First, I think retro is now “in” bc of Mad Men and it’s just cool. It’s not like she’s vacuuming in pearls and delivering a newspaper and slippers to a dude in a Lay ZBoy. Second, I am on board with the “dresses are easy” spiel. For a curvy girl, jeans and a top have to be perfect to photog well and also to be comfortable. A dress almost always emphasizes the positive, esp these frock-type dresses. While I was never a fan of her and Gosling, she’s gorgeous and looks fab in these pics.

  18. Frankie says:

    I saw her in a Randall’s supermarket in Austin tx- she is beyond stunning in person.

  19. AlmondJoy says:


    Turbans are actually very much in style, especially for those in the natural hair community. All my friends are wearing them these day 😊

    • Liv says:

      I wish I could wear them, but they would look ridiculous on me – I love turbans and envy women who can wear them so much!

  20. Black_cat says:

    The boyfriend is the reason she gets any exposure or interest of any kind. Bringing his dog to an interview says it all.

  21. Moi says:

    I can never decide if I think she is pretty or not. No idea why. But she is gorgeous in these pics.

    And this comment, “When I go shopping, I know what I’m looking for. I have this thing that takes over. Honestly, I don’t find it as fun with friends because I don’t like to talk when I’m on the hunt.”

    ^^ That is exactly how I feel when shopping. I feel rude when shopping with friends for this reason.