Benedict Cumberbatch looks Oscar-baity in new stills from ‘The Imitation Game’


For the love of God, why hasn’t Harvey Weinstein just released the trailer for The Imitation Game? I want to see and hear Benedict Cumberbatch in motion as Alan Turing. Instead, the film is going through some kind of epic teaser campaign with production stills being released at a steady clip, plus quiet screenings of the film in America. So, the film is done and they just don’t want to release the trailer yet. I hate you, Harvey.

Anyway, Empire got some new production stills from The Imitation Game, and while Cumberbatch is front and center, we’re getting a better look at the supporting cast too, just as we did when Entertainment Weekly got some other stills. Benedict’s supporting cast includes Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, Charles Dance (TYWIN LANNISTER), Mark Strong and Allen Leech (from Downton Abbey). That cast screams “English-y prestige Oscar-bait.” It has all the elements, doesn’t it? Accents, period costumes, World War II, a gay lead character, plus it’s a bio-pic and the Academy loves bio-pics.

The photos are good. But I still want the trailer. SOON. Like, this week would be great. In the meantime, here’s Benedict doing a public reading of one of Alan Turing’s letters.



Photos courtesy of Empire, Fame/Flynet.

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67 Responses to “Benedict Cumberbatch looks Oscar-baity in new stills from ‘The Imitation Game’”

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  1. MissMary says:

    I wonder if he sent flowers to Turing’s statue today (there’s a man who runs a thing for Turing’s bday to put flowers on the memorial)… I actually am kind of excited about this movie, BC or not. I do think he’s a great choice for the role and read the reviews that came out of the test screening so I have high hopes for the storyline itself. I didn’t get a chance to read the script when it was floating around, but am crossing my fingers it doesn’t sugarcoat anything and make this a Disney-fied story about Turing.

  2. Amelia says:

    I reckon they’re trying to set this on the same course as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (which I loved, and coincidentally, also featured Cumby and Mark Strong).
    I’d love it if he got a Best Actor nomination, if only for the red carpet photobomb opportunities.
    But what I’m really taking away from all this, is how ginger Charles Dance’s beard is.
    I love Twyin Lannister (as a character) so I felt compelled to look up some vintage Dance stuff.
    Young Tywin was HOT.

  3. Lindy79 says:

    All personal stuff from the last whenever aside, I am truly looking forward to seeing this. That letter is heartbreaking. “Yours in distress, Alan”, Jesus…

    Reviews and comments from last weeks screening were incredibly positive and I’m guessing they weren’t all biased cumberfans so it’s fairly accurate.

    (I’m loving the epic glare he’s giving the camera in that shot )

    • MissMary says:

      Turing seems like a really important figure in BC’s life, at least based on interviews and comments he’s made regarding the movie and the man himself, so I bet we get to see a lot of that passion for the history and the person come out in the film. I wasn’t surprised when one of the reviewers mentioned KK was just kind of there to react and not act (I’m sure she’s lovely IRL but she does have very limited acting range it seems) but most of the reviews sounded really positive and also very Benny-gets-an-Oscar-nom, lol.

      • Lindy79 says:

        I agree, he really seems to have a passion for this project and it’s very personal to get Turing’s story told and in the correct and most respectful way to him, from what I’ve seen anyway.

        I was watching the HBO tv adaptation of A Normal Heart a few weeks ago and the scene when Mark Ruffalo’s character mentions Turing in relation and comparison to the treatment of gay men at that time was just so tragic.

  4. Marcy says:

    My love for this man has reached it’s ZENITH although I jokingly told a friend that I blame BC for our tie with Portugal last night…Ronaldo probably heard Benny’s voice in his ear and realized he couldn’t let him down…damn that OTTER SPELL!

    Can’t wait for this movie…

  5. Sixer says:

    It’s definitely ticking all the Academy boxes – and BAFTA are going to wet their knickers in excitement. But all this drawn out teasy stuff – I just find it boring beyond belief. It doesn’t fill me with excitement; it makes me feel as though I’ve seen it a thousand times already and not in the least likely to watch.

    • MissMary says:

      That’s what I was kind of worried about (like I’m personally invested lol)–all the baiting and dragging it out, are people going to be sick of the teasing by the time it’s released?

    • Eve says:

      @ Sixer:

      Here she is…AGAIN posting something I couldn’t say better myself.

      I hate you.

      (No, no, I love you).

      P.S.: had a dream with Cristiano Ronaldo last night. Can’t remember exactly what we did in said dream (unfortunately) but we were both naked. Yes, the waxed eyebrows where there but that didn’t matter.

      P.P.S.: I think the dream was caused by his very elegant, objective and mature interview after the match (Portugal vs. USA), as he was leaving the stadium. Poor thing…he knew Portugal’s chances were close to nothing after that draw. I’m really, really sorry for Ronaldo during this World Cup. He deserved to be in a better team.

      • Lindy79 says:

        I’m truly shocked at Portugals performance. I went into this thinking they would be Quarter finalists or at least sail though to last 16 comfortably.

      • Sixer says:

        HA! The Sixlets love Cristiano and I think he’s a petulant cry-baby. Sixlet Minor scours the internet looking for his charitable works to prove me wrong. You can keep that dream, darling.

        Did you miss me saying I have the hots for the Australian guy from The Vikings?

        And England should have sucked up to John Terry (another one I can’t stand) until he said he would join the squad for the WC. If only for the sake of MY SIXLETS.

      • Eve says:

        @ Sixer:

        He’s actually quite nice. Not a cry-baby AT. ALL. Seriously. I used to think that about him, too. Once you watch his interviews you can see he’s a way more than the guy who can’t stop checking himself at the jumbotron. Honest to Leonard Cohen, he’s a nice guy.

        Saw your post about The Vikings guy (but the thread was already kind of “dead” so I decided not to reply there)…hmmm, not my thing. You can keep him all to yourself. I have been quite faithful (which is unusual) to my imaginary boyfriend Joel Kinnaman.

        Oh, my god…I LOATHE John Terry — now, that’s a well-known jackass!!! And to make matters worse: he plays for Chelsea! GAHHH!!! But you’re right: they should have sucked up to him (just like the Brazilian confederation had to do with Romário back in 1994).

        @ Lindy:

        I’m not exactly surprised by Portugal’s bad performance — we all knew the team was “CR7 + ten”. It’s just a shame that the rest of the team was just so f*cking bad (I mean, worse than we expected). Yesterday the coach took Postiga out and replaced him with this tall, really handsome dude called Eder. I swear he should choose another career: actor, model perhaps…but a football player he is not.

      • AG-UK says:

        I bet his legs were smooth as I think he waxes those too. 🙂

      • Sixer says:

        @Eve – in the interests of fair play, I shall show your posts to Sixlet Minor when he gets in from school. Even though I’ll never hear the end of “I TOLD YOU, MUM. TAKE BACK ALL YOUR INSULTS”.

      • Eve says:

        @ AG-UK:

        Yes, it looked like he used to wax them, too — I once saw a picture where he coud pass as a Jersey Shore type. He was wearing short shorts and his legs were glowing!

        But I think (at least, looking from a certain distance) he isn’t doing that anymore.

        @ Sixer:

        Sixlet Minor is right. I did some research myself and there are some posts by “unamadridista” on a previous thread (about the World Cup) that picture a much different profile than what his excessive grooming leads us to believe.

      • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

        I’m with @Eve.. CR7 is nothing what people think, yes, he’s vain, yes, he worries about his hair, and waxes, and whatever.. but he’s a very good kid… You should check what unamadridista says on the world cup thread…
        He’s an extremely decent person…
        He’s vain, so what???

      • Eve says:

        @ Nighty:

        My only problem with his vanity is that I think it sort of works against his beauty. He’d look a lot better if he kept his natural eyebrows, I believe.

      • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

        @Eve, let’s not talk about the eyebrows, they look horrible…. but it’s something recent… they weren’t like that… Maybe the beautysalon expert screw*d up???

        I was already counting on such a bad performance (though I hoped they’d do better)… The coach didn’t actually choose the best players Portugal has… Some of the best aren’t there on his wrong choices: example: Quaresma, where’s him??? He’s a good, solid player..

      • jjva says:

        @Eve: I love “honest to Leonard Cohen” and will be unabashedly stealing it.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Please tell me he does not wax his legs! I was really getting into him yesterday while watching the game but I just can’t deal with the concept of man whose legs are better groomed than mine.

      • Eve says:

        @ Jjva:

        Well, I’m an atheist and I try not to use religious references (even though I’m Brazilian and that would be perfectly normal since they’re a huge part of my cultural background). Cohen is the closest thing to a perfect human being I know so…I swear to him instead. 😀


        It looked like he used to do that in the past, but I honestly don’t think he’s doing that anymore (if he’s ever done it, that is) — his legs looked normal to me during this World Cup.

        @ Nighty:

        It’s not recent. He’s been doing that for quite some time now. I wish he’d just stop with that. He has the cutest face, his natural eyebrows are manly and beautiful. He doesn’t need that. Plus, waxing is terrible for the skin. If he wanted to remove strays, he should use tweezers.

      • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

        @Lilac don’t know, you’d have to ask him.. I know some players wax their legs because, amazingly, it allows them to run faster, it’s the same with swimmers… less resistance.. but never paid actual attention to that small detail…
        Still hot, never the less (apart from the latest adventure with the eyebrows… BC should do something about his eyebrows, actually..

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @Eve, heaves a sigh of relief!

      • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

        @Eve , I basically look at his built up body, not the face, most of the time.. I mean, those abs, and legs and…. I do like one of he pics posted on the WC thread… of him…while running…

        *don’t think he was actually going commando… sigh…. *

    • Green Girl says:

      Sixer, I’m with you. I feel like I’ve heard so much about this movie and have seen so many stills, set photos, etc., that I always find myself thinking “What do you mean it hasn’t been released in the theaters yet?”

      I do hope these early positive reviews bode well for Cumby, and the picture as a whole.

  6. Allison says:

    HANDS. I hope this movie is a lot of shots of him holding papers.

  7. Duri says:

    I am so excited for this movie and I love Charles Dance…so double win .

    The early reviews were fab with many saying Benedict carried the whole film.

  8. GeeMoney says:

    Love him! Glad to see him get glowing reviews for being such a good actor. He deserves it.

  9. Ellen says:

    What happened between Benny and Ronaldo? Is he the secret lover under the blanket that Benny stole off Hiddles?

  10. Mia4S says:

    Yeah get moving Weinstein, where’s our trailer? And while you’re at it, where’s our MacBeth release date? Cumby v Fassy Oscar throwdown might actually make this award season exciting.

    • Duri says:

      I believe it was told Macbeth will release in 2015. Also there’s no way Harvey will pitch his two trump cards against each other.

  11. Jessi says:

    Filming pictures from today have popped up all over tumblr/twitter. Whenever I link to photos my posts seem to get rejected but I’m sure they will not be hard for anyone to find that wants to see 🙂

  12. sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

    Ok, now we get Ronaldo threadbombing BC????? LOL

    • Eve says:

      I won’t say anything anymore because I don’t want to be accused of threadjacking!

      • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

        Lol…. it’s @Sixer’s fault…lol…..

      • Eve says:

        No, no….it was my fault. I was the first one to mention him in my reply to Sixer’s original comment — which was only about the movie’s possible award campaign.

        My apologies.

  13. gingerlady says:


  14. Encumbered says:

    I’d be wolf whistling that parade from the sidelines. Strut, Ben, strut!!

    • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

      What did they do to his lovely cheeckbones??? He looks so fat in the face….

      *making sobby face….I want his cheeckbones, his zygoma… 😉 *

    • Lindy79 says:

      Haha i love these!! I know hes acting but that cheesy face and baton are cracking me up

  15. Miss Jupitero says:

    Okay, I guess I have to break my silence to ask:


    Come on guys! I need to stalk!

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Miss J, he’s been to Sonsie at least three times in the past week. I suspect he is at the Mandarin on Boylston. I’ve been to the 4 Seasons and the Ritz in the past week and no signs of anything resembling a film crew. But it seems the bar at Sonsie during a World Cup match is where you will find him, despite all the other places within a block radius that would have a better atmosphere for soccer viewing and less chance of being papped.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        He could also be at the Charlesmark, if he wanted smaller. Or the Taj, Copley Plaza, Westin, Sheraton, Copley Square, Hilton, Colonnade or Marriott but I’m thinking Mandarin because that’s the closest one to Sonsie.

      • SophieK says:

        Lilacflowers, I guess Ben doesn’t mind being seen and photographed as much as I thought. Any signs of Secret GF?

      • Felice says:

        I’m doubting the actual existence since I’m a ‘pics or it didn’t happen’ person but if she did exist, I don’t know why she would be in Boston with him. It seems like it won’t be longer than a month.

      • SophieK says:

        Felice, I was just being silly. I agree with you. I need to see evidence! I was just wondering if anyone saw the alleged gf since there is always someone trailing after him, snapping photos. 😉

      • Felice says:

        My bad, lol. I do like this look though and I hope he’s enjoying Boston. LCOZ is filming next year in Belfast.

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        LF, that pretty much sums up every luxury hotel in Boston. I suspect the Mandarin since it is pretty near Sonsies. Otherwise there are better venues for watching the games.

      • Old Enough says:

        I actually stopped by Sonsie today for lunch. Hardly anyone at the bar watching the game. They don’t have the volume on, so perhaps most people go elsewhere (Champions?). But yeah, I’m guessing he’s staying somewhere near there. And no sign of a crew wouldn’t necessarily rule out him staying somewhere. He has a reputation for staying away from the others, for whatever reason. Missed him today (didn’t come out until end of day), but may stop by there (Harvard Club) tomorrow after work to see if 2nd time is a charm.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Well the Harvard Club would probably be a better venue for watching a game than Sonsie. For non-Bostonians, this is a major sports town. Every restaurant has a bar, every bar has at least one if not more televisions, every television is turned to a sporting event and people gather to watch games everywhere. It is almost an effort to find a bar where you would be the only person sitting there watching a game.

      • Felice says:

        I’m not familiar with American clubs but that sounds rather posh lol. Is it a member’s club?

      • Old Enough says:

        Felice, the Harvard Club is a private club for alumni of Harvard University. The film booked it to use for interior filming.