Ariana Grande’s obsession with her left side was all-consuming at the VMAs


I know I should be focusing more on Nicki Minaj and the Anaconda, but OH MY LORD, I am obsessed with Ariana Grande’s left side. It went from a minor annoyance to a major annoyance and now it’s just incredibly funny to see Ariana’s dedication to only showing the cameras, her fans and the world her left side. Why does Ariana hate the right side of her face? I’ve seen a few (very rare) photos of her face full-on and she’s proportional and cute. She just has a really weird complex about her right side. Watch how Ariana addresses the crowd during her win for Best Pop Video. HA!

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2014 VMA, Artists.MTV, Music

I’m sorry, that’s just funny.

Anyway, Ariana wore Moschino & Tom Ford for the red carpet – the dress is Moschino and I’m assuming the boots are Tom Ford. Ariana’s opening act buddy Jessie J wore vintage Halston on the red carpet (and Jessie killed it on stage too, that girl’s voice is amazing). I’m also including photos of Nicki Minaj, who looks great on the red carpet and in the press room. We can’t find the designer IDs on Minaj’s looks. It’s also notable that Minaj had a wardrobe malfunction when she changed, mid-opening act, from her Anaconda gear to that black dress. I don’t know what happened but she protected her “modesty” I guess. Who looked the best? I’d say Minaj.

Oh, and Ariana needs to stop wearing so many hairpieces. Her wiglets and pieces are BEYOND Kardashian-levels at this point.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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96 Responses to “Ariana Grande’s obsession with her left side was all-consuming at the VMAs”

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  1. K says:

    Did anybody see the clip of Ariana and Big Sean holding hands backstage?

    And WHAT was she wearing during her performance? Cringe-worthy to the ninth degree. Also, someone needs to teach this girl the art of ENUNCIATION. Annoying.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I don’t know much about this girl except for what I read here but I did manage to catch an interview with her the other day on some entertainment show. She came across as really rude and entitled. I don’t know…maybe she was just having a bad day…

      • word says:

        Actually, I have noticed that in interviews Ariana seems to give off an attitude. I don’t know if it’s because she’s nervous or what but on twitter she’s very sweet to her fans and seems very appreciative of her success.

      • littlestar says:

        I’m sure you don’t care about this too much, but Ariana’s brother is on Big Brother right now (it’s my summertime guilty pleasure ha), and he is also rude and entitled. I thought he was okay’ish in the beginning of the season, now I just downright despise him. He is NASTY towards others on the show and is SO arrogant, it’s unreal.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        @Word-Yeah exactly, I was surprised at how much attitude she was giving off. But based on your explanation here, maybe she’s just doesn’t like the media. If she’s good to her fans and I supposed that’s more important.

        @littlestar-Oh really???? Does he talk about his sister a lot? That seems so weird to me that he would be on a reality show. Maybe he has entertainment aspirations as well?

      • word says:

        @ Littlestar & TheOriginalKitten

        Yes, loving Big Brother right now. I do think the producers are scripting things so that Frankie wins. I see Frankie getting his own show after. He has a huge personality. I think with BB you have to scheme and be that way, it’s part of the game. Who knows what he’s like in real life. He has done Broadway and has a huge following on twitter (even before BB). And yes, he does mention his sister on the show…at first he kept it a secret, but he decided to let everyone know as a way to make people like him and not vote him off. Some of the people in the house didn’t really know who Ariana Grande was…so not sure if it will help him.

      • littlestar says:

        TOK – OMG YES does he ever mention his sister on the shww *eye roll*. He constantly goes on about how “she’s the sun and he’s just the shadow”, threatens other houseguests that if they are mean to him or put him on the block to evict him, he’ll send his sister’s fans after them (that really pissed me off when he said that). A few weeks ago he was having a bath and was looking at a picture of Ariana at the same time and was crying and saying “you’re my everything”. A little weird, in my opinion. However, CBS is giving him a good edit on the TV show. In real life though, he is a vile person (example, threatening to send his sister’s fans after other houseguests).

      • FLORC says:

        I’ve never seen a full episode of that show. Maybe just the Doctor Who clip circa Eccleston. That’s all I have to go on of that show outside of tab stories here. Anyways, I watch because of him. That he’s playing for charity, famous already, etc… He comes across as so terrible I can’t look away.

        I watch such trash now.

      • Logic says:

        @word i can explain. those tweets are from her reps and manager. Thats why she sounds rude in interviews, meet n greet n what not, but totally sweet on twitter. If you are as famous and busy as her, would you have time to write back to so many fans?

    • Bridget says:

      Not only was Grande’s performance look bad, but they should have known – Paula Abdul wore almost the exact same thing to perform back in ’91. Who’d have thought a black sparkly onesie was already a thing.

      If you look really youthful and are trying to get people to look at you as an adult, is a onesie really the way you should go?

    • Isabelle says:

      @littlestar its a little jawdropping to watch Frankie on BB. He told the other Hg to treat one of the other HG, Nicole, like a servant on the live feeds. He is just ridiculous & a complete narcissist. His mother has said some pretty over-the-top stuff on Twitter, she sounds full of herself as well. Can’t imagine they had a humble upbringing haha.

      • word says:

        Frankie and Ariana grew up rich. Frankie went to some high school in Florida for rich kids. I can’t believe he said to treat Nicole like a slave. Why aren’t the producers airing this stuff? Why are they hiding Frankie’s true character? Are they going to offer Frankie his own show? I see it happening.

  2. Kiddo says:

    Mariah Carey part deux?

  3. Dani2 says:

    Nicki’s looking the best here.

    I’m just so tired of Ariana’s left side, and her hair struggles. She’s so talented but she annoys me so much lol.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      The left side of her face thing makes me think she’s either a huge diva or just incredibly insecure or both. She has a symmetrical face so I don’t get what the problem is…

      • whipmyhair says:

        Well she was “bullied” that one time she was checking twitter on a red carpet… So she has had struggles that we can never understand.

        What would an experience like that do to a person?

        To me she seems super insecure. Has anyone seen a photo of her with her hair down? Consistently wearing your hair in the same way when you have a professional to do it for you- call it a trademark or insecurity.

      • FLORC says:


        You read into this what you want to. Her hair pieces and persona could also be a carefully cultivated image that she loves to play up. Not something she’s hiding behind. The big eyes/too innocent is a look she goes for and has admitted as much.
        This girl screams nothing of insecurity to me. Her brother is currently reinforcing that. And every interview also.

      • Gypsy says:

        Good point!
        Her persona, her hair style and her voice has made her successful and rich so why change it.
        Lots of artists who make drastic changes end up alienating their fans and lose what makes them different.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        But she’s so sardonic. Not cutsie at all. Remember when she said that? Then she has that little over the shoulder pose. Not. Cutsie. At. All.

    • Adrien says:

      Not crazy about the hemline stitching of Nicki’s dress but overall it looks fine.

    • Erinn says:

      Her voice actually drives me up the wall. At least in the song I heard on the way home yesterday – it sounded like she was doing her best Eddie Vedder impersonation and just half forming her word.s

      • sigh((s)) says:

        Yes. I can barely understand a word she’s saying. Maybe she can go to speech therapy with my kid.

  4. Brin says:

    Same tired annoying pose.

  5. Abbott says:

    What’s with all of the Baby Gap latex dresses and boots? And why hasn’t Orlando Bloom tried to make this happen? Something tells me she’s his type.

    • whipmyhair says:


      Don’t give clothing companies ideas!

      Also Orly and Arianna together would be amazing. Him with his ability to pronounce words. Her with her ability to mumble. They would never know what the other was saying.

      • M.A.F. says:

        He mumbles more often than not. Ever listen to any of the LOTR commentary? Ahh, it can be bad at times.

  6. Talie says:

    When she won, she also covered her face for a good amount of time before she got up to collect her award. I don’t get it… she comes off looking f*cking weird!

  7. GiGi says:

    I’m not even joking when I say this: She’s going to have neck problems. Like, get that girl to a chiropractor, STAT. Of all the things to be strange about – this ‘side of the face’ thing is so OTT. It’s like she only wants to be seen in profile… which… is not *necessarily* her best feature, you know?

    • whipmyhair says:

      I have neck probs (my C2 and C3 are fused. Birth defect FTW) And in that second photo all I can think about is how much that would hurt my neck.

      It kind of looks like she is scratching her chin on her shoulder. Not the look she was going for i’m sure.

  8. Anna says:

    On Instagram Nicki said that the black dress and her red carpet dress were YSL. She also said where her shoes were from, but I can’t remember the name.

    Did you guys know Casper (JLO’s bf/ex) choreographed her Anaconda video and this routine?
    I guess Ariana and Big Sean are dating now, there’s pictures of them backstage walking and holding hands but I think Ariana already claimed they were just doing that as friends

  9. sisi says:

    1 silhouette, 1 hairstyle, 1 side, 1 expression

    I cannot even recognize new stuff with Ariana. It al looks the same.

  10. escondista says:

    Who are these boring people?????

  11. Mia4S says:

    Someone has trained this kid to do that. Someone told her that (and only that) is how to look her best… and someone has given this kid a massive complex. Train wreck in waiting. Eating disorder or plastic surgery addict would be my prediction. Sad.

    • Sozual says:

      I agree with you. I am not joking either.

    • We Are All Made of Stars says:

      Google her before and after surgery photos and you’ll see that she doesn’t even look like the same person anymore. I think her browlift gave her perpetual sad little doll face, which is why she always tries to come in from the side in photographs; I think it’s the one angle where she can actually change the appearance of her face and expression significantly, IMO.

  12. in_theory says:

    Ariana is 21, but she looks so young that not knowing her age her outfit would make me afraid she’s the victim of child prostitution or another episode of “Toddlers & Tiaras” gone awry. But that outfit would always horrify me regardless of the wearer’s age.

  13. pretty says:

    she looked like a fetus up there with Jessie J and Nicki. I don’t like her because of her brother who’s just a vile despicable person (still inside the BigBrother house) but getting such undeserved golden edit on the show (people watching 24/7 livefeeds know what a injustice it is). she can’t enunciate even when she’s just talking normal. she sounds weird. i loved dumb and dumber moment and how 90% audience wouldn’t even know who the hell they are lol

    • Wooley says:

      I keep hearing that frankie is getting a good edit. What is he like on the feeds?

      • littlestar says:

        AWFUL. They edit him to look so good on the 1 hour TV show, that he would seem like a completely different person to you if you watch the feeds (I don’t, but I do read Jokers Updates). It’s all about him, all of the time, he is overtly sexual in the house (do that private if you want, not on a live feed broadcast for the love of gahd), and he is absolutely vile towards the other houseguests he doesn’t “like”. As a big Big Brother fan, it makes me livid that CBS is keeping him in the house just to promote Ariana Grande.

    • word says:

      Wow really? I don’t watch the livefeeds. I didn’t think he was that bad. Hmmm this is unfair for the rest of the players on the show, but hey I’m sure they are aware the show is not entirely authentic….like when Frankie won that competition all by himself while Caleb decided to sit it out. Come on. BB seems very scripted this year…I haven’t watched it in years so I don’t know how recent years have been but it’s so obvious the producers are heavily involved with what happens.

  14. Adrien says:

    Ariana’s too twee. Looks like she studied Tay-tay’s “who me?” surprised reaction when accepting awards.

  15. bettyrose says:

    Is Ariana Grande just Christina Aguilera 2.0? Will she be courting our sympathy in 10 years (and two pregnancies) for how hard it was to maintain that tiny figure, and thus her sour little attitude?

    • word says:

      Ariana was not always this size…she lost weight only a few years ago. Google pics of her from a few years ago…she was a healthy weight…her nose and chin also look different now, but that may be due to her weight loss and leaving her teen years. She’s now a vegan so that may be why she’s so tiny now…I don’t know.

      • Bshg says:

        I’ve just googled “Ariana Grande 2010” cause I had no idea who this girl was before hearing her song on the radio and you are absolutely right, she doesn’t even look like the same person. The funny thing is, 4 years ago she was barely legal but looked very mature and slightly older than her age. Now she’s 21 and I would never guess she’s more than 16 years old. I think she had surgery, surely rhinoplastic and probably something around her jaw line. This is sad.

    • Sooloo says:

      All I got from her accepance speech is the little finger flutters she kept doing with the hand on the mic. Looked JUST like Christina whenever she (Christina) would hit a high note or go on one of her “ooooOOOOooOOohh” runs.

  16. Hissyfit says:

    Nicki looks best here. Ariana is a pretty girl but her try hard to be sexy outfit is out of control. Compared to all the pop stars out there, she is one of the few who can actually sing!

    And LMAO at Nicki’s forgettable new song performance. She has the nerve to shade Iggy then releases this sh_t song Anaconda?

    • Nina says:

      Anaconda is far from forgettable. Nicki took Baby Got Back, which is a song that was written by a man who glorifies a specific type of the female body, by that reducing thick women to just their “back”, and COMPLETELY remade it. She made the song about her sexual empowerment, talking about her sexual adventures (which usually only men have the liberty to do), she put curvy dancers in the video and danced WITH them, always oing exactly what they were doing, because this is about EMPOWERMENT, not being a prop and something pretty to look at. She also completely SHATTERED Drake with that lap-dance – when he tried to touch her ass, she was like “No, you can’t. That’s mine, and only mine. You can see but never touch unless I want you to.” and that is SO important.
      The song more or less says: “I love my curves, I eat healthy, I love sex and my body and I’ll shake my butt if I want to. I’ll use men for my own amusement, too, if that’s what I want. And that’s alright. If I can, so can you.”
      Is this song offensive to skinny women? Some might say it is. But how many artists out there support thick girls in a way that doesn’t reduce them to their curves and just that? Not many. How many industries glorify stick-thin women and shun thicker girls? Countless.
      Don’t talk to me about one-hit-wonder, wanna-be Iggy Azalea. I’ll respect her when she stops putting on accents to sound “black” and dressing up in traditional Indian wear head to toe in videos. That is all.

  17. Sozual says:

    Lol, same thing some of the commenters have said. Someone mentioned her trying to imitate Mariah. Is she trying to imitate Mariah too with the obsession of one side of the face.

  18. Chris says:

    Don’t know why they’re pushing this girl. If we’re talking the girls from Victorious (my kids watched it) Elizabeth Gillies and Victoria Justice seemed to have a lot more potential than her.

    • We Are All Made of Stars says:

      Are you being serious about Victoria, who was the most plain, boring, and forgettable character on that whole show and who just dive bombed with her 32,000 selling debut single that nobody’s ever heard of? Ariana wins this one, big time.

      • word says:

        Yeah I have to say out of the Victorious girls, Ariana has the best voice by far.

      • Chris says:

        Can’t believe you’re taking that tone with me, Stars. Especially after the way I took you under my wing and showed you the ropes around here on CB.

      • We Are All Made of Stars says:

        Ha ha ha you are hilarious. Seriously though, have you even heard her single? She is a standard nice looking, nice enough acting, nice enough voice milquetoast girl. There are a lot of her out there. She seems nice, but terribly uninteresting.

  19. serena says:

    I hate Jessie J and Nicky Minaj’s outfits.. so really awful! While I liked Ariana’s dress and boots a lot.. but her hair…. I remember in an interview she said her hair were short and damaged so she wore exention and hair-pieces, right? Just let ’em go, who cares if they’re short at least she wouldn’t be in a ponytail 24/7 for years and years!

  20. Grant says:

    I love Ariana. Her new album is amazing.

  21. Lorelei says:

    Ariana reminds me a lot of the mexican singer/actress Anahi. Anyone here know about her (she was in RBD) ? They have the same child like silhouette and obsession with micro skirts and over the top boots.

    • Telicity says:

      Anahi struggled with an eating disorder (anorexia, I think) when she was younger. She lost a substantial amount of weight on Rebelde too. She went from having brown hair, pale skin, and being at a healthy weight to becoming Jersey Shore tanned, blonde, and getting realllyyy thin.

  22. Cinderella says:

    I loved the dress Jessie J wore during her performance. She wore the hell out of it.

    Her voice was the best of them all, IMO.

  23. Clara says:

    Cannot unsee the left side thing. I love you guys. Srsly!

  24. Blythe says:

    In regards to Ariana, there are so many things I find her at fault for. Nothing is more tackier than Moschino’s new collection. Just stop it. Her and Taylor Swift have absolutely zero sex appeal and they can’t sell it at all. It’s cringe-worthy. Go back to the drawing board.

    • word says:

      I don’t like Moschino. They seem like a tacky brand. Sorry, I could care less how expensive it is.

  25. Bridget says:

    Jessie J killed it.

  26. Charlotte says:

    Jessie J looks like she has smelled something nasty in this pic.

    Also, I don’t think you guys in the US are aware but she is incredibly arrogant, and if anybody DARES to criticize her she says they’re too stupid to appreciate her mighty talent. Personally I think she warbles up and down waaaay too much but I think the USA like that style more than the UK which is why Mariah has never been as popular here as in USA.

  27. Josefa says:

    For those wondering about the hair:

    Ariana has awful taste in fashion but eh, it’s the VMAs. Everyone always looks a mess.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      So if it’s “just hair” then why does she need a big pile of it on her head? Why not just cut the broken pieces off and rock a short ‘do for a while?

      I’m sorry, but she sounds very, very whiney. “Just don’t look at me” as she poses for carpets and does photos shoots and interviews. Mmmkay.

      • Josefa says:

        In her defense, posing for carpets and photoshoots is a pivotal part of her job nowadays, especially considering her audience. It’s easier for us to ignore her than it is for her to go on with her career without doing so.

        And I think she didn’t choose a short hairstyle because she’d most likely look pretty awful. She’s an average, very pretty mall girl. She doesn’t have the face for it.

    • word says:

      The season finale of Victorious was February 2013. Her hair must have been really damaged if it still hasn’t grown out yet.

  28. Gypsy says:

    Ariana is trying to establish that she’s a grown woman who is sexy and at the same time cute, but with her small frame and baby-like face, it comes off as a child playing dress up.
    I can understand her and Big Sean keeping it quiet because though he’s only 5 years older than her (he 26 and she 21) the optics is of a young man and a small child on the Red Carpet.

    • Gypsy says:

      By-the-way she has a terrific singing range, dare I say slightly better than Mariah Carey with more upper and lower control than Christina Aguilera. Just listen to her sing acappella.

      • Marigold says:

        She doesn’t have the range or the control Mariah once had. Ariana yells. That’s what she’s good at: yelling.

      • Josefa says:

        I wouldn’t say she’s on Mariah’s level yet – her voice has a lot to grow. But she’s got the goods. She just has to work on her enunciation.

      • sigh((s)) says:

        She really has to strain for high notes. You can hear her pushing. And she definitely does not have the power that Mariah has. Neither of them hold a candle to Whitney Houston, though.

      • Gypsy says:

        IMO, she has a voice that can linger melodiously in the lower octaves and then climb slowly in a controlled way into the upper, with without cracking or losing its melody.
        I like singers who don’t need instrumentals to sing, I have this thing for singers who can sing above the music and leave it in the background.
        I kinda listen to the melody of the voice more than the music.

  29. Charlotte says:

    Oh I don’t deny that her voice is amazing I just am not a fan of how she uses it, and I don’t like her as a person at all!

    • Gypsy says:

      I understand, even great voices can be subject to the songs, but on a personal basis I a pretty neutral, I neither like nor dislike these people, my measure is talented/not talented – entertain me/not entertain me, I don’t really care how they dress/look/act it’s all about my satisfaction…My time my pleasure!

  30. M says:

    The one side face thing annoys the crap out of me. She is not Mariah Carey, enough.

    Her one hairstyle and I do mean 1, needs to change. I don’t even know what she is wearing.

  31. moot says:

    Not that I care who this person is, but having seen photos of her in the past few months all from the same side, I’m starting to think she’s inviting a permanent twist in her cervical vertebrae, not to mention uneven neck musculature. Not kidding; she’s going to be completely unsymmetrical in 10 years and it’s going to cause physical problems.

    P.S. Does anyone else see Emmy Rossum in her face and half-smile?

  32. G says:

    She seems truly insecure and please give the boots a rest Ariana.

  33. Alexa says:

    She looks like a controversial Toddlers in Tiaras contestant. wtf?! This is so disturbing – I never want to see her again!

  34. ozmom says:

    It looks like she is just looking at the time keeper so she doesn’t run long. Am I missing something? y’all read so much into things that probably don’t mean anything at all.

  35. MrsAubra says:

    This legal lolita and her stans need to get flushed