Is Mark Wahlberg having trouble at home?

This week’s Star Magazine claims that action star Mark Wahlberg has been staying at a hotel along right near his home. Mark has a five month old son and two other children at home and his excuse for staying at a hotel is supposedly that his son is teething and that he needs to sleep for work. His latest project isn’t filming at this point, though, and it seems like there should another bedroom or a couch he could sleep on that’s far away enough from the noise. Maybe their house is smaller than you would expect, though:

Is there trouble on the home front for Mark Wahlberg and his fiance, Rhea Durham? On Feb 15, the former rapper was spotted checking into the Beverly Hills Hotel, just minutes away from the house he shares with Rhea and their three children, Ella Rae, 5, Michael, 2, and Brenda, 5 months. One insider reveals that Mark has been telling friends he’s sleeping away from home because Brendan is teething and he needs a good night’s rest while working on his movie The Fighter – but the movie hasn’t even begun shooting! “Mark really dotes on his kids, so for him to leave and stay in a hotel less than five miles away seems strange,” says the insider.

[From Star Magazine, print edition, March 9, 2009]

This is Star Magazine, so it’s likely they’re only going on some photos that show Mark outside the hotel with a bag. The photo they include with the article has Wahlberg looking scruffy and grumpy in jeans, a jacket and work boots while carrying a small bag. It’s hard to tell if that photo was taken at the time they’re claiming. Mark looks annoyed to be photographed, but that’s how he always looks so who knows what’s going on with him.

The last we heard about Mark’s planned nuptials to Rhea, he said that they would have a small Catholic wedding in LA, maybe in late summer. You wonder if they’re going to make if offiical, though, if Mark is staying at a hotel right near his house. That seems more like relationship trouble than any kind of issue with a crying baby.

Mark, Rhea and their kids are shown out on 12/22/08. Credit: WENN

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27 Responses to “Is Mark Wahlberg having trouble at home?”

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  1. meredith says:


  2. EnKay says:

    CB – Lainey has a blind item entitled “Karmic Cuckold”. The popular guess (on blinditemsexposed) is Mark and Rhea.

  3. Dan says:

    WOW Why is he wearing mom jeans

  4. sandy says:

    cutest kids!
    say hi to your mutha for me

  5. kiki says:

    poke any guys eyes out lately Markie??

  6. Lina says:

    When me and my other siblings were teething I’m sure that my dad didn’t start sleeping at a hotel…and my dad does “real” work in construction.

    That whole Christian Bale situation made me realize that actors take their jobs WAY too seriously.

  7. Ned says:

    Be a man and take care of your kids.

    They are your children and you should wake up just like every father in America and help.

    Can I say “A- hole” here?

  8. enzumi says:

    LOL@ meredith’s comment, that was my exact same thought.. “Brenda???”
    such a random name!!!!

  9. czarina says:

    I am torn here. I can’t stand Mark Wahlberh who is (as Bono would say) a comeplete “wanker”, but I wouldn’t trust the Star to tell me the sun was going to rise tomorrow, either, so it’s a tough call.
    I really hope it’s not true for his fiancee’s sake…all very well for HIM to need his beauty sleep, but what kind of lowlife would leave his girlfriend to not only be up with the children all day but be the only one there to take care of the baby at night?
    If this turns out to be true I hope she kicks his butt to the curb forever (and takes a lot of skin off while she does it!)

  10. Mairead says:

    HE needs his sleep eh? Because the nanny or his fiancée don’t? Put some f*cking foam earplugs in you whingy gimp if that’s what’s bothering you. And NOBODY likes sleeping with things in their ears, but we just have to do it sometimes.

    Needless to say, I think that’s a moronic answer. His dad fathered about eleventy-hundred kids and I bet he slept in the same building as them!

    (Just on the completely unrelated Christian Bale thing; I watched an interview with Patrick Bergin (plays lots of baddies, was in Sleeping with the Enemy with Julia Roberts) who said that losing the block when you’ve been distracted is par for the course on most movie sets, so his response to it was basically “Meh” )

  11. Jen says:

    Good luck finding a Catholic church that will marry them. They live together and have 3 kids out of wedlock. Um, are they aware those are two big no-no’s in the Catholic faith? And I’m going to go out on a limb and assume they wouldn’t want to go through the required marriage counseling with the priest.

    I’m betting we’ll see a break up announcement in People any day now.

  12. Persistent Cat says:

    They’ll find a church that needs the money enough. I don’t know about your city but in mine, no one goes to church anymore and they can’t even build them out in the suburbs. Oh, and every city has at least one cool priest.

    Is it wrong that I’m willing to let him stay at my place.

    And Sandy, say hi to your mutha for me.

  13. Lissa says:

    after reading the title, my first thought was “he can stay with me!!” then i read the article, and daaaaaang, what a cad!………..oh alright, Mark, you can stay, but no cuddling after!! 😉

  14. czarina says:

    @Jen–if they already have three kids, I’d think the Catholic Church would be RELIEVED to marry them!!
    Seriously, though, I don’t think having “children out of wedlock” in this day and age would keep a priest from marrying them…what might would be if they only care to see the inside of a church to say their vows (it’s not meant to be an alternate to Vegas, after all). I don’t know for sure though…it’s an interesting question.

  15. ee says:

    yeah, like someone above said, this is a relationship problem. Apparently Mark found out about Rhea’s affair with his friend.

  16. xpolov says:

    I read Rhea is having an affair with one of mark’s close friends but mark didn’t know about it, so maybe he find out about it & when confronted her with it she decided to leave him now that he knows & be with the other guy, if mark marries her, that marriage isn’t going to last long.

  17. TM says:

    Sighhh…. would it be so ‘uncool’ to say , I still find him HOT!!

  18. barneslr says:

    “Good luck finding a Catholic church that will marry them. They live together and have 3 kids out of wedlock. Um, are they aware those are two big no-no’s in the Catholic faith?”

    No question that most Catholic churches would be very willing to marry them. The fact that they have been living together and have children makes it only that much more important in the eyes of the church that they marry. No priest is going to turn them away…I’m sure in the eyes of that religion it is high time they marry and would encourage, not discourage, that.

  19. immaculata says:

    When I was a baby and teething, my mom would just give me a bit of whisky…

  20. lisa says:

    Saw Mark on BBC’s Top Gear the other night and he is a bit of a wanker, isn’t he? Humorless turd, is more like it.

  21. RAN says:

    Sorry… I find him absolutely adorable. Similar to how the Jolie fans feel about their gal, this guy can do no wrong in my book.

    I don’t believe the “teething” story. Something is up but I hope it’s not the end of his family.

    The Catholic church will marry them without issue as long as they “repent” their sinful life (not my words… the words of my Catholic priest 🙂 )

    See…I wasn’t “allowed” to marry my hubby either, because he had been married before and didn’t annul the marriage. However, with a little palm grease, and a tiny bit of penance for his sins… we’ve been happily married for nearly 20 years. I’m SURE things have loosened up since then

  22. Persistent Cat says:

    When I got married, I checked out a couple of Catholic churches just to appease my parents (who never go to church however my husband has two aunts who are nuns and they didn’t care). We lived together although no kids. Most said no. One said maybe if we started attending mass regularly. The only one who didn’t care is the “cool” priest and his church is one of the more beautiful in the city so he’s booked years in advance.

    All that to say, if Mark attends one regularly, he shouldn’t have a problem. If he doesn’t, his money means he shouldn’t have a problem.

  23. Stacy says:

    When is he going to marry her?

  24. Nicole says:

    Think about it people…..It’s Hollywood! Any story they feed you is probably not the truth. Mark would never check into a hotel because one of his children are teething. That was the only thing he could think of. Although I think him and Rhea are having problems and they might have had a bad argument for him to check into a hotel. It should’nt take seven years and 3 babies later to decide if you want to marry a woman. Mark is trying to do the right think based on his faith but if you ask me….they do not get along all that well and the only reason it laste this long is because he travels alot. Rhea seems like she not a nice person anyway. At least that is what she portrays whenever you see her in public. If you can’t handle the publicity…you’re marrying the wrong guy. I think she wants to be taken care of financially…what women doesn’t.

  25. vix says:

    Nicole I could nt of have said it better myself you have taken the words out of my mouth, I agree with you from the first word to the last……. For what ever reason he was at the hotel that his business ! However I’ll shake her hand for sticking around , he cant go any where now he’s screwed. God love them though!!!!!

  26. kim says:

    its ok mark ill marry you 🙂

  27. I agree with the above post. Personally I cannot understand why you would not want to make an effort in this regard anyway. Only the other day, at work we had exactly the same conversation and came to a similar closing