Bradley Cooper chugged 8000 calories per day for ‘Sniper’: Oscar-worthy?

Bradley Cooper

Before we get into the subject matter of this story, I wanted to touch upon a weird internet thing. I keep seeing various news outlets running stories on Bradley Cooper’s morphing looks. The implication is that he’s had some work done over the years. I’m not so sure, but here’s a photo of BCoop (rocking his fug serial killer suit) in May 2013 at the Hangover 3 premiere. Good times. Dude does look different than he did last week, but he’s also gained and lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time.

With all of the Fake Baby madness in yesterday’s discussion of American Sniper, I forgot to talk about Coop’s surprise Oscar nomination. The man did it. Three times in a row. Will he take top prize? No way. Keaton, Cumby, or Redmayne are all strong contenders. That won’t stop the American Oscar Hustle from continuing. People magazine has a new feature on Bradley’s major body transformation … because Oscar loves a fluctuating scale:

Bradley Cooper doesn’t hold back when committing to a role.

The actor worked hard to get in shape to play real-life Navy SEAL Chris Kyle in the Clint Eastwood-directed American Sniper, which has now nabbed six Oscar nominations including Best Picture and a Best Actor nod for Cooper.

People caught up with writer-producer Jason Hall for the inside scoop on how Cooper trained to become Kyle, widely regarded as the deadliest sniper in American history.

In order to bulk up 40-plus lbs., Cooper “had a strict, crazy diet,” Hall says. “He was eating about every 55 minutes or something like that, and I want to say it was about 8,000 calories a day.”

“Bradley used his own trainer, who was busting on him. I think he was working out four hours a day for several months,” adds Hall of Cooper’s fitness regimen. “He was determined to do it naturally, he didn’t want to use any hormones or steroids or anything. He was just very systematic about it and took his trainer with him wherever he went.”

Along with the massive intake of food and intense workouts, Hall revealed that Cooper’s preparation also included twice-daily lessons with a vocal coach, as well as several hours spent watching footage of Kyle, whom he studied “over and over again.”

[From People]

When I think about Christian Bale gaining and losing weight for roles, I wonder about the effect on his health. The same goes for Bradley even though he hasn’t (yet) made a habit of the cycle. These actors surely know the risks involved with tweaking their body chemistry. Even though Bradley was committed to gain and lose “naturally,” the process is still difficult on one’s body.

People doesn’t stop with the weight gain discussion. They spoke to a fellow SEAL who gushes over Bradley’s devotion to weapon training and mastery of teacup-sized targets. Hall steps in again to say BCoop isolated “the essence” and “spirtual mentality” of Chris Kyle. No word on whether the fake baby will have an effect on Bradley’s Oscar chances. I still can’t believe Clint Eastwood tossed a plastic baby into a prestige film. Some of you reminded me of Clint’s empty chair speech as a comparison. Thank you.

Here’s BCoop last May at the Met Gala. As I said then, he looked overstuffed in a suit at the height of his Sniper beefiness.

Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Pacific Coast News & WENN

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142 Responses to “Bradley Cooper chugged 8000 calories per day for ‘Sniper’: Oscar-worthy?”

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  1. snusnu says:

    I dont understand how can you consume that many calories,I am naturally skinny and I have been trying to gain weight and I can merely consume 3000 calories per day..

    • AG-UK says:

      Yes it’s probably possible there is a place here called Wagamamas fusion Asian I thought I’d have a look at the nutritional value before I went to lunch the meal I would normally have but haven’t since 1400 calories.. so I guess a few of those and then topping it up with shakes that are high calorie can make it work. Makes my tummy ache now just thinking about it.

    • FuzzyBritches says:

      It’s tough, but not too hard to do with modern paleo-style eating consisting of healthy fats (coconut oil, avocado, nut butters, seeds), cheese, & grass fed beef

    • m says:

      Protein shakes, that’s how. The best ones are those that have peanut butter and coconut milk, they have about 1000 calories in a serving and are absolutely delicious. They’re pretty popular among professional swimmers who eat a lot but can’t stop for food.

    • Maxine7 says:

      Protein shakes.

      Random question. I’m here in NYC and thinking about getting tickets for The Elephant Man starring Bradley Cooper. I went online today and noticed that the show has been extended from Feb 15 to Feb 22….the night of the Oscars. So is he really going to miss the Oscars for an extend run in the show? Anybody know??

      • Adelaide says:

        Would you skip the Oscars where you were nominated for a Best Actor/Actress award to do the last night of your play? I wouldn’t.

      • Maxine7 says:

        No I wouldn’t but I’m about to buy tickets for his Feb 22nd show and it appears to me that Cooper is still slated to perform so I’m wondering what’s going on. . . .

    • MtnRunner says:

      Nordic skiers and ultrarunners who work out 4-5 hours will consume 5,000 calories a day. If someone has put on a lot of muscle mass, then their caloric needs are greater.

      I doubt he ate that much every day since he needs rest/easy days to recover and rebuild muscle after hard workouts. On the days he worked out hard for 4+ hours, I could see him topping out at 8k, especially at the peak of his muscularity. Protein shakes made with coconut milk and nut butters could get him there pretty easily.

      Also, the stomach expands as more food is being put into it over time, so he could have slowly adapted to greater amounts.

      (sorry for the clinical sounding post… former personal trainer talking!)

  2. ray says:

    Such a creepy face in that top pic

  3. Mmhmm says:

    I love cooper, no matter the size (swoon). Joking aside though, I was upset about his nom until I saw the movie. No matter what you think of the movie and politics, he was EXCELLENT. I couldn’t stand him in Hustle, but he was great in this. He made me cry lol.

  4. Dani2 says:

    Ugh, there he goes with those shorts again.

  5. mia girl says:

    If he beats Keaton out for the Oscar, I’m throwing a fake baby at him.

  6. perplexed says:

    Did the weight gain alter his face after he lost it? He looks kind of different now…

    I’m always surprised they have to eat so much to gain weight. Geez, all I do is eat one cupcake, and boom!

  7. merski says:

    Is that even possible? I just seems like SO MUCH!!!

    • Mmhmm says:

      I’m the same. Skinny guy who has to eat a TON of food to barely gain anything. It’s actually aggravating but people think it’s great that we can eat so much…it ain’t that fun lol

      • merski says:

        Really, I can’t imagine. Even if you concentrate on high calorie products only, at some point of the day it must be just so hard to force yourself to keep eating… Ooof.

      • Dirk says:

        Force-eating in order to gain weight is WORSE than dieting. It turns eating into torture, not to mention the unpleasant side effects. I did this once and never again!

      • Mmhmm says:

        It’s hard if you only do 3 big meals a day. You have to do at least 6 meals spread out. Working out also makes you hungrier, and then you do protein shakes on top of that. I went through all this last year lol

  8. Kiddo says:

    Bedhead coming through once again with beige bootie shorts ass pic. LMAO. But did you throw the fake baby out with the bath water?

  9. Abbott says:

    Dammit, Bedhead! Always with the booty short photos! And I fall for it every time.

  10. Rachel says:

    He really was excellent in American Sniper. Btw most pundits have his chances of winning higher than Cumberbatch.

  11. UltraViolet says:

    Bradley should show he does not endorse some of the more racist things said by the real-life man behind his character in the movie.

    I would like to see him withdraw from the Oscar nominations so that David O. could have his spot. Cooper has been nominated plenty of times already. This is just one of many for him.

    Clint Eastwood, who directed ‘American Sniper’, also has had plenty of nominations, so I would like to see Eastwood withdraw his nomination for ‘American Sniper’ so that Ava could have his spot.

    ‘American Sniper’ already has a Best Picture nomination. It doesn’t need a Best Actor and Best Director as well.

    • AKA says:

      Except Clint is not directed for Best Director. And no needs to withdraw any nomination. All the nominees were honoured by the Academy for their efforts, and it just so happened they were liked more than Selma/Ava/David were.

      • Anna says:

        @AKA we already know why Selma wasn’t as well “liked”.. I think it was Entertainment Weekly who said that they basically weren’t nominated because the Academy felt like 12 years a slave got enough attention and fanfare last year. Which is so stupid and offensive since the movies are two completely different stories and told during two different time periods. And if they really wanted to stop nominating films because they’re similar they can start with the endless amount of films that star straight white dudes with almost the exact same personality traits and storylines

      • AKA says:

        @Anna: I would say the EW theory on why Selma wasn’t nominated sounds like speculation to me than fact. I don’t recall ever hearing any Academy member saying they awarded 12 Years A Slave last year, and that’s enough for movies starring Black people. It wasn’t like when many prominent members said they refused to watch Brokeback Mountain or award it because it showed being gay was okay. There could be other reasons why they didn’t take to Selma…one being the controversy regarding LBJ’s portrayal. It was only 2 years back when ZD30’s Oscar chances were ruined when there was too much criticism in the media about it’s depiction of torture methods used by the US. And now that American Sniper has gone wide, I see similar criticism of it’s glorification of war. That *could* very likely ruin it’s chances of winning an Oscar too, and that’s nothing new. Sometimes vocal criticism about historical facts in movies can work against those involved in the movie, whether it’s before the nominations or after.

    • Anna says:

      Yes!!!!!!! Based on what I’ve seen from Chris Kyle he seems like a horrible human being. I wish Bradley Cooper hadn’t been nominated because I really don’t want Kyle to be getting any more attention. I’m not the biggest fan of Seth Rogan anymore (because of the Interview) but I have to kind of agree with him when it comes to American Sniper. It was well acted but I think as a society we could’ve done without this film being made. Did you see that tweet that said “they had to call this film American Sniper because the name Anerican Psycho was already taken”? LOL (and before anyone says that it has to do with PTSD it doesn’t, it’s to do with his disgusting comments)
      I wish Selma had gotten more attention.. Now that’s a film that deserves nominations and recognition.

      • mimif says:

        Ha, awesome tweet.

      • Esmom says:

        Yeah, I knew nothing about the guy but the more I read the more disturbed I am. Good for Rogen for trying to temper the patriotic fervor with some truth.

      • TheOnlyDee says:

        Rogen backtracked on his tweet. He claimed it was misunderstood and he was saying that American Sniper and the film from Inglorious Basterds were similar looking and he actually liked American Sniper. Seriously. He also blamed the media for taking his tweet and blowing it out of proportion and said it must have been a slow news day.

      • tifzlan says:

        Chris Kyle IS a horrible human being. Racist, murderous piece of trash. It disgusts me that Hollywood is glorifying this killer. He is no hero.

      • mayamae says:

        That would be “seemed” like a horrible person. He’s dead.

    • outstandingworldcitizen says:

      I will not be watching this year. The academy is more full of crap than it ever was in regard to noms. Black people and their stories are just American as other stories. To not nom Selma because of the Butler or 12 Years is BS. I’m gonna miss watching NPH though.

  12. Rachel says:

    The writer of the movie clarified the use of the fake baby in twitter. The baby they were going to use was sick and then the other baby did not show. That’s why they used a doll.

  13. missmerry says:

    he’s starting to look more and more like Dandy from this season of American Horror Story…kinda creepy.

    also, his face reminds me of Elf on a Shelf, the face of that doll is cheeky like this guys lol!

    • GlimmerBunny says:

      Dandy (Finn Wittock) is insanely hot, Cooper WISHES he looked like him! 😉 But I think Bradley is cute too and an underrated actor. I’m happy for his Oscar nomination.

  14. Skyblue says:

    All I want to know is why he’s wearing Jennifer Anniston’s suit? Or better yet, why she wore his suit?

  15. kpoodle says:

    The pic of him in the orange suit was from 2013. I have never found Bradley even remotely attractive until now. I think beefy is a good look for him.

  16. scout says:

    Hehe…now I know the “story” behind his filled up and spilled over short shorts!
    No, not Oscar worthy but he is very good in the movie.

  17. Merritt says:

    Ugh no. David Oyelowo should not have been snubbed for this guy.

  18. JLo says:

    He’s starting to look like the Joker and needs to step away from the ‘Tox!

  19. Lbliss says:

    His nose looks a bit smaller maybe? I can’t tell if he’s had any work done

  20. Sixer says:

    FAKE BABY opportunities notwithstanding, this is the funniest photo-series post EVER in the history of Celebitchy. You’ve got the “Orange Suit – Is It A Tim-Nice-But-Dim Or A Serial Killer? – Mystery” AND you’ve got the “Booty Shorts – Which Evil Photographer Was Responsible For The Infamous Mass Eye-bleaching Terrorist Attacks Of 2014? – Mystery”.

    Whodunnit? I know there are a lot of red FAKE BABY herrings, but I’m thinking Bradleydunnit.

    • Kiddo says:

      Seeing “FAKE BABY opportunities notwithstanding”, I can not read any further. It would be like aimlessly and repetitively driving on a roundabout: Getting nowhere.

      • Sixer says:

        I feel persecuted. No, prosecuted. I need a defenCe laywer, stat!

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Unless she can show that you treat fake babies differently than real babies, she has no case. Also fake babies aren’t recognized as a protected class. Yet.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      @Sixer, I’ve done defense work in employment discrimination cases but I don’t think that will be of much help to you. Sorry

    • Cindy says:

      Yes, this collection of BCoop photos are very special. You have something for everyone- grandma legs in skin tight beige booty shorts (front AND back) with a little hip thrust thrown in. A beguiling orange suit with a facial expression that is happy/perky and intensly terrifying all at the same time. And video of Fake Baby, whose acting in that clip showed real promise.

      Seriously though, I just peed my pants laughing over here. BCoop and American Citizen posts are always my favorites.

      • Esmom says:

        Lol @ “grandma legs.” I only saw my grandmother wear a swimsuit once, on a rare trip to the beach, and yep the comparison is pretty uncanny.

  21. Ginger says:

    I’ve never found B Coop attractive at all UNTIL his Sniper transformation. That’s a good look for him. I thought I had read somewhere once that Christian Bale regretted losing such an alarming amount of weight for the Machinist then had to turn around and gain a ton of weight right away for Batman Begins. He gained more than 70 lbs of muscle in just six months. I’m pretty sure he has stated that it messed up his metabolism and that he’s now very careful about his transformations for film.

    • Blythe says:

      Really? I’ve only found him attractive during his The Hangover reign. Other than that, he’s just “blah” to me. It’s nice that he’s becoming so successful now.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      He looks so much better to me with really short hair. I find it to be the case with most “pretty” boys, but then I don’t like overly-manicured men. He was super-HOT in the first Hangover, tho.

  22. Anny says:

    I saw the movie two days ago and it was awful. Really a total waste of time. BC is good in it I guess but overall the movie is just bad. My bf’s comment after the movie: “I think I am going to vomit american flag now”
    Plus it made me really dislike the main character.

    • mimif says:

      Did you even watch the movie?

      (P.S. That was a joke, as it was the standard response yesterday if anybody posted anything remotely similar to an opinion.)

      P.P.S. On a scale of 1 to 5 Fake Babies, how would you rate the performance of the breakout sensation that was played, coincidentally enough, by a robotic fake baby?

    • Anny says:

      The fake baby is for sure Oscar material. I tell you, it’ CRIMINAL that fake babies don’t have their own category. It stole the whole movie.

      Oh, I wish I had not. Unfortunately I did and I am never getting those two hours of my life back.

  23. kri says:

    DAT ASS, THO!!! Oh my god, it has swing and spread! I will never get tired of, and will always be mesmerized by the beige booty shorts. I’m like a mongoose looking at those things. I wonder if Fake Baby will grow up normal or be one of those unfortunate child stars who goes wrong…

    • mimif says:

      Omg finally wrote what I could not. That is a mesmerizing ass, it’s just the head and personality that it’s attached to that is so wrong. That is almost approaching Hunnam ass right there.

      *please do not let Kiddo see this post*

      Also, nobody puts Fake Baby in the corner!

      • Kiddo says:

        I mentioned Le ass above.

      • mimif says:

        LIES! I’ve never seen the pics full screen until now. I think…I think it’s happening. That horrible thing where…the horrible thing that afflicts me that makes me fear Adam Levine!

      • kri says:

        Mimif, DON”T LOOK DIRECTLY AT IT. You must treat it like a Perseus/Medusa situation. Also, I think I know Fake Baby. I think Fake Baby is the older sister of Beyonce’s pillow.

  24. kim says:

    Bradley seems like another Leo to me. He tries and tries, but never really takes an artistic challenge. Leo looks like he meant to book all Scorsese’s schedules and Bradley has to bring himself oscar worthy roles. They may have strong presence in movies but their skills are just not fresh anymore. Fassy’s gonna have a lot better chances than those two.
    And Speaking of physical preparations, Rosamund Pike had to gain and lose weight in two weeks term for three times. She didn’t have to explain to much about process because her performance spoke itself.

  25. Mellie says:

    Loved the movie, loved BC, thought it was great. I’m sorry if the realism of it all offends some, I wouldn’t want to walk a minute in the boots of those soldiers. I wouldn’t last one day in Navy Seal training. Those guys impress me to no end. I’m sorry but the United States needs a strong military, whether or not Seth Rogen, Michael Moore or the bleeding hearts approve. We’re on here complaining about Oscar nominations b/c of people like that who ensure we can do so freely and safely…we could be in North Korea, nominating Kim Jong Eun for his 20th consecutive nomination or not watching TV at all in Iraq. A lot of those guys may not agree with the war either, but they do agree with the fact that they have to protect their own while they are over there and that is the moral of the story.

    • seb says:

      Thank you. Someone who recognizes reality. I agree completely.

    • Kiddo says:

      There hasn’t been a war in a VERY long time that actually served the purpose of ensuring safety and freedom here. That isn’t to diminish the difficult experiences that soldiers have or the bravery that they exhibit/ed. I would rather they didn’t endure a lot of those ‘realities’ to serve oligarchs and/or revenge agendas.

      We are entitled to free speech because of the constitution, We reinforce those rights by speaking out, writing, filing lawsuits, protesting or producing art as a form of that expression.

      • Jayna says:

        And before they institute a full-scale war, if they told the public there was going to be a draft (because we can’t keep sending our soldiers back over and over and over in so many multiple deployments) and not lie, admit it could very well be a decade-long war and admit what they say it will cost is a massive understatement and that we will have to borrow to finance the war, and that our information we are giving you on why to mount a huge war invading another country could very well be false, it wouldn’t happen. The public would not be in support of it.

        “The U.S. war in Iraq has cost $1.7 trillion with an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans, expenses that could grow to more than $6 trillion over the next four decades counting interest, a study released on Thursday said.”

      • Mellie says:

        Tell that to those who died on 911 that our freedom isn’t in serious jeopardy… I’m sorry, but terrorism in the US is real.

      • Cindy says:

        “There hasn’t bee a war in a very long time that actually served the purpose of ensuring safety and freedom here”. Exactly.

      • Kiddo says:

        Mellie, THOSE people who lost lives were not attacked by anyone from Iraq. Starting additional wars often begets more violence and more confrontations while not actually providing any additional security here. We are more threatened to lose ‘freedoms’ by OUR own government, who asks us to abandon them IN THE NAME of security.

      • cr says:

        @Mellie: the threat to our freedom after 9-11 wasn’t the terrorist attack, it was the reaction to that attack, where some Americans were, and still are, more than willing to give up freedoms to be ‘safe’.
        Iraq was never a threat to our safety. Ever. N Korea isn’t a threat to our safety. I’ll also note that prior to 9-11, the largest terrorist attack on US soil was in 1995, by Tim McVeigh, a white male who was very anti-government.
        “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
        Ben Franklin

        I support our men and women in uniform. But I do not do so blindly, no do I live in fear of the ‘other’.

      • Anne tommy says:

        My contribution is limited because I haven’t seen the film- I intend to – and I won’t go into the political situation. Just came here to say that making the central character in a film an unpleasant or even a vile person does not necessarily indicate agreement with their actions. It would be a tedious movie landscape if only heroic figure were presented. one of the greatest films of all time, Citizen Kane, centres round a real and very flawed man, and there have been literally thousands of examples since. Whether the fim is portraying the sniper’s actions as a good thing and supporting them I don’t know- even if it is,the director is probably entitled to do so, and customers can make up their own minds. I think that it’s not an easy issue, and I’m not sure that Triumph of the Will should be on at the local multiplex. But to portray is not necessarily to endorse. It depends.

      • Kiddo says:

        Anne tommy, It’s not clear who you were responding to, but I made no points as to whether this type of character should be portrayed in a film. I was responding to the OP’s general opinions about US freedom/rights and the military.

    • tifzlan says:

      “A strong military” consisting of men who are programmed to kill and feel no remorse for their actions? Because that’s who Chris Kyle was. He LOVED killing people. Correction – he loved killing Muslims. And frankly, the fact that you endorse this sociopath as some type of hero disturbs me.

      • Mellie says:

        I completely disagree with that statement. And since I’m assuming that you didn’t know him personally I would say you have no idea what you are talking about, but you probably compiled all your “facts” about his thoughts and feelings from the internet.

      • cr says:

        @Mellie, none of us have claimed to know him personally. But he put out a autobiography, so that’s where this information about him is coming from. Apparently this ‘fact’ has escaped you.

        As for the ‘programmed to kill’, well, sort of:

        “The good news is that most soldiers are loath to kill. But armies have developed sophisticated ways of overcoming this instinctive aversion. And contemporary civilian society, particularly the media, replicates the army’s conditioning techniques, and, according to Lt. Col. Dave Grossman’s thesis, is responsible for our rising rate of murder among the young.

        Upon its initial publication, ON KILLING was hailed as a landmark study of the techniques the military uses to overcome the powerful reluctance to kill, of how killing affects soldiers, and of the societal implications of escalating violence. Now, Grossman has updated this classic work to include information on 21st-century military conflicts, recent trends in crime, suicide bombings, school shootings, and more. The result is a work certain to be relevant and important for decades to come.”

      • tifzlan says:

        Mellie: Of course i did not know him personally – neither did you – but i’ve read some of his autobiography on which this movie is based on so yes, i can confidently say that he is a racist sociopath. I compiled all my thoughts and facts based off HIS OWN DESCRIPTION OF HIMSELF AND HIS THOUGHTS.

        Honestly, i’m glad i didn’t know him. Being a Muslim, i’m willing to bet that he would’ve wanted to shoot me too. As he said it himself in his book, “I didn’t shoot people with Qurans. I’d like to, but i don’t.”

    • Lilacflowers says:

      We were not in Iraq to protect our own. We were in Iraq because the Husseins and Bushs had a family feud going back decades and none of them cared who suffered or died as a result so long as it wasn’t them. Iraq did not attack us in 2001 and yes, terrorism is alive in the US. I learned that from Eric Rudolph, Terry Nichols, and Ted Kazinsky.

    • Anny says:

      Although I have respect for men in military and feel grateful to American soldiers and their bravery during world wars – I must say I hated every minute of that movie.
      There was nothing relatable whatsoever about the main character. He loved killing muslims. Actually seeing the behaviour of soldiers that invaded a country depicted this way in a movie about an apparent war hero was sickening. The movie is obviously very patriotic (in a cheesy over the top way) but it only made me ashamed of being a part of a western culture that condones disgusting behaviour as this.

  26. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    American Sniper reminds me of that Nazi propaganda film from Inglorious Basterds.

  27. bbg says:

    OMG, I just looked at this pic and finally realized, “I went to university with this guy!” He always seemed suspiciously familiar to me, but I never though much about it until today. And sure enough, after looking at his wiki page, I am right! LOL! WOW – Hollywood pics. They do a boy good. LOL!