Scientology slams ‘pathetic’ Leah Remini after she talked CO$ with Oprah

Leah Remini

Leah Remini famously left Scientology two years ago for many reasons. At that point, she was desperate to escape the cult mindset after years of “interrogations” and “thought modification.” This was her punishment for daring to ask David Miscavige what happened to his wife. Leah later came out swinging and even filed a missing person report on Shelley Miscavige (sadly, the LAPD dismissed the report).

In the wake of HBO’s excellent Going Clear documentary, Leah appeared on Oprah: Where Are They Now. She discussed her ongoing transition, which still involves “a lot of pain.” Leah’s been publicly meangirled by both Kirstie Alley and the CO$ organization, which has slammed and trashed her at every opportunity. As a celebrity, Leah has more resources than the usual Scientology member, but she’s still had a rough time. Ultimately, Leah says she she left CO$ for her daughter, Sofia (who is now 10):

She never chose the CO$: “My mother was in Scientology my whole life. Most people don’t know that we were raised in it. I didn’t decide to get into it — I was brought into it by my mom.”

The CO$ study requirements: “I don’t think people know the amount of dedication it takes to be in this organization. I mean it was every day, three-and-a-half hours minimum, seven days a week usually. You know, I’m working most of my time, and then the other time was spent at the church, so minimal time is really spent with your family.”

She left for her daughter: “I was at one of these hotels in Florida, and I saw my daughter swimming for the first time while I’m reading this thing,” she recalled. “And a tear came down my face. And I was like, ‘What am I doing?’ It was a culmination of things, but that was a big one in my mind.”

She’s not over it yet:“Our decision to leave the organization — it’s not just something you get over. It’s people and a lifestyle you’ve known all your life. It formed who I am, good and bad. It formed the way I think, good and bad. And so there’s a lot of pain connected to it, there’s a lot of healing. When you are raised in something, and you are taught to think a certain way, a lot of times you grow up thinking, ‘That’s the way I think.’ I’m learning there’s a new world out here, and there shouldn’t be any kind of judgment toward somebody who has a belief system that is not yours.”

[From OWN – Where Are They Now]

Leah’s made a brave decision to spare her daughter from a life growing up in Scientology. I remember how the cult’s permissive parenting style affected Sofia’s temperament at a young age. Hopefully, the damage can be undone.

Once again, Scientology has decided to trash Leah. In a statement to Us Weekly, a CO$ spokesperson stated, “Given Leah Remini’s insatiable desire for attention, it comes as no surprise that for two years she has been incapable of moving on with her life and remains obsessed with shamelessly exploiting her former religion in a pathetic attempt to get publicity.” This is one reason why the CO$ is a cult. No “church” in their right mind would issue statements like this about former parishioners.

Here’s an OWN clip from Leah’s interview.

Leah Remini

Leah Remini

Screencaps courtesy of YouTube/OWN, photos courtesy of WENN

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29 Responses to “Scientology slams ‘pathetic’ Leah Remini after she talked CO$ with Oprah”

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  1. nic says:

    She’s so strong. Love her.

  2. aims says:

    Again, Why would anyone think it would be a good idea to get involved in this? It’s nothing but negative and destructive.

    • Michelle says:

      @aims – unfortunately, as with many other religions, many people turn to it as a crutch. I watched the “Going Clear” documentary, and everyone that they spoke to and interviewed seemed very damaged to me. I don’t mean it in an insulting way, but these people all had significant problems before they turned to this cult disguised as a religion.

    • Jayna says:

      I asked that question on the Village Voice on one of the threads exposing Scientology. A man, a very smart (from his posts) ex-COS, answered me that many that join are very analytical people and that the first few years of courses appeal to that part of them.

    • Isabelle says:

      People wanting to improve themselves, belong to something, have a community, there are a lot of reasons actually. A healthy religious community can be a wonderful experience. Especially when you become older, if you have no family & need to find community, an already built in social group, etc…. Most people are trying to be a better version of themselves, so they join these types of groups, hoping for something very positive in their lives. Unfortunately for Scientologists they chose a cult that lied & manipulated in order to draw them in.

  3. Sayrah says:

    It really is creepy the way a spokesperson comes out with such statements about former members. So skeevy

    • funcakes says:

      Exactly. Wouldn’t be wiser for COS to be silent and not address these issues in a public forum?

      But on the other miscavage is such an angry tyrant whose going to teach everyone a lesson for not bowing down to him.

      Why not let someone more professional give the media a carefully worded short statement defending COS without condemning thoughts who dared to leave?

    • Sunshine Gold says:

      I know! Any legitimate, professional organization would issue a simple “We don’t comment on former members. We wish her the best.” But they come out swinging – really nasty and personal. Another reason you can tell they’re all complete wackos.

      • Bernie says:

        Yeah spokesperson is so bitter, sounds like an internet troll defending Amanda Knox or Jodi Arias or something like that.

  4. Senaber says:

    I’m so glad she got out! Yay for Leah! She was so surly on DWTS it was great. It seems she is not far from her King of Queens character, and I love that about her. I like to see women don’t feel the need to be “sweet” and “perfect” all the time.

  5. Jag says:

    “This is one reason why the CO$ is a cult. No “church” in their right mind would issue statements like this about former parishioners.”

    Couldn’t have said that better! #TeamLeah

  6. Penelope says:

    I’ve always loved her and think she’s so beautiful. What she did took a lot of courage. I’m wondering, is her husband a COS member too, and if so, did he leave when she did?

    • paranormalgirl says:

      Her whole family left in support of her: her mom, step dad, husband, sister, brother-in-law…

  7. Shambles says:

    She’s fighting the good fight. Go Leah.

    As far as the cult’s latest statement, I would laugh if the whole thing wasn’t so disturbing. Like, why r u so obsessed with me? The church of Scientology is Regina George. Only scarier.

  8. Nonny says:

    Brave lady

  9. Hautie says:

    I watched this show… and honestly, Leah was very gracious about how she explained why she left. She never once threw that Cult under the bus.

    But she did clearly state that she was done with them.

    For the person who asked up thread… her entire family, that was still involved with the Cult, left too. Siblings. Her Mother and the step father. I believe her husband got into it because of her. But he left too.

    Her reality show is also coming back on this Summer. She mentioned it during the interview. So I assume the Cult will be watching it intently, looking for ways to send out their little PR messages of love, for her. 🙂

  10. Izzy says:

    If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, did it actually make any noise?

    Similarly… If the Co$ issues a “statement” and nobody gives a crap, did they ever actually say anything?

  11. Kara says:

    Woah. a statement like this makes perfect sense when your first boyfriend dumped you for someone else. its mindblowing that they would write something like that. they really have no shame.

    also Go Leah, you are doing a good job. its always important to have former insiders talking about it.

  12. Jess says:

    It’s weird since I don’t know Leah personally but I feel strangely proud of her for leaving, I’m sure it hasn’t been easy. She’s always been so outspoken so I was surprised to learn she was part of that organization, to me that says how manipulative they are, and that statement they released is laughable and borderline verbally abusive, only makes them look worse. Go Leah!!

  13. pinetree13 says:

    Wow…I had never read that old story you linked about how she raised her daughter. Not really her fault because she was just raising her as per the cult guidelines…but getting up at night because your 4 year old drinks 6 bottles of milk in the night?!?!? That’s sooooo bad for the kid! Thankfully her mom can afford the expensive dental treatments this kid is going to have in store down the road. If this is how the daughter was raised for her formative years up until age what…10? I think a lot of damage will be VERY hard to undo. Disturbing all around.

  14. LA Juice says:

    You Go Leah- you have support from your fans!

  15. Laura says:

    I wonder what offended Miscavige more, the fact that Leah spoke about the cult on TV or that she recently posed for a photo with his number one enemy, journalist and author Tony Ortega? Either way, good for you Leah! You go girl!!

  16. 5thHouse says:

    What does CO$ stand for? I’ve always wanted to know, is it “cult organization’?

  17. Lucy2 says:

    It’s pretty telling that they have no idea how badly they come off and statements like that. It always sounds like it was written by a bitchy junior high girl.