Shape: Ciara lost 60 lbs in four months by working out three times a day


Ciara has always had a great, aspirational, athletic figure. I remember in her early days, everyone was obsessed with her abdomen. Ciara gave birth last year and shortly after giving birth, she and Future called off their engagement. Now she’s dating (and not having sex with) Russell Wilson. Ciara and Russell probably started up when her baby was just, like, seven months old. So how did Ciara get back in shape after the baby? How did she get her body back to the point where… she’s not having sex with Russell? Ciara covers the new issue of Shape Magazine to explain:

She gained 60 lbs. after giving birth: “When I was pregnant with Future, one thing I learned quickly was, don’t ever let a pregnant lady be hungry, because when I was, I was like the Tasmanian Devil! I indulged in all the good food the world has to offer. After he was born — when I couldn’t exercise yet — I kept eating, and I gained 60 pounds.”

When her doctor gave her the go-ahead, she went full-throttle: “Once I got back into it, I worked out two or three times daily. I would go to Gunnar [Peterson] first for my one-hour training session, then I’d have two more cardio sessions later in the day. That, along with a really clean eating plan, was how I lost 60 pounds in four months. It was a very intense program, and I was extremely focused on it.”

Working with Gunnar Peterson: “Five days a week, Gunnar puts me through an hour-long plyometric cardio circuit that always includes boxing elements.”

Her diet: “First, I give myself a break. When I’m on a strict eating regimen, at some point I have to have French fries, a cheeseburger, and some pizza. And Oreos and vanilla ice cream! I also believe that drinking tons of water and flushing out your system is crucial for training. It really helped me drop the weight. I tell myself that water is my medicine and that to stay well, I have to drink a gallon of it every day.”

Ciara’s mantra: “The food isn’t going anywhere.” When she craved a massive plate of pasta, for example, she’d take a minute to ask herself, “Do you really need to eat all this crazy stuff? It will still be around if you really want it later.”

On achieving success: “I truly believe that if you put your goals in writing, speak them out loud, and work for them, they will happen.”

Her other mantra: “Success begins with self-belief. What I’ve learned is that the difference between being good and being great is the effort you put in. You can’t just wake up in the morning and be a winner; you have to work for it.”

[From Shape]

While I think she should be applauded for working so hard and really focusing on her program, it does seem… excessive? It also seems like she was a total gymrat when her baby was still really small. I mean, she was working out with Gunnar five days a week with hour-long sessions, then on top of that she was doing maybe two more hours of cardio on top of that every single day. Yikes! As for her diet…yes, water is great. And I’m assuming she means French fries and ice cream in moderation!


Photos courtesy of Shape.

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61 Responses to “Shape: Ciara lost 60 lbs in four months by working out three times a day”

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  1. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    She seems like a cool/nice person but I don’t really get what the point is of going that hard. I know celebrities have access to good doctors to monitor these things but sometimes it seems like they’re so desperately racing to get back on the red carpet that they might as well exercise for 8hours a day if it means being able to be photographed thin soon.

    It’s just crazy!

    • Neah23 says:

      If it makes her or anyone else happy to get back in shape good for them why judge them for it She work out 5 days a week it seems she work out for a hour in the morning, a hour in the afternoon and a hour at night.

      • Bridget says:

        If it makes her happy then that’s great, as long as she stays healthy and whole. But it’s not normal behavior, nor is it something that any doctor or trainer would actually recommend for someone to jump into straight after having a baby or after any long period of rest.

        Then again, her body *is* her career, so I can understand why she would jump in like that, especially after that whole debacle with Future Sr. That must of have been really hard.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        Well put Bridget, that is what I was trying to say.

        Yes Ciara has the money to have a doctor moniter and sign off on her plan (although see how well that worked for Michael Jackson) but I just can’t picture the average physician ever advocating for anyone to work out that many hours a day. It seems like the kind of thing that could end up throwing someone into an eating disorder by allowing them to become obsessed with attaining an unnecessarily fast weight goal.

      • Bridget says:

        I can really appreciate that she at least didn’t try to say that this was just the result of breastfeeding, but 60 pounds in 4 months is an awful lot. The body goes through a lot of physiological changes during pregnancy – the core is really weakened because of the way that the stomach muscles are stretched and split during pregnancy; posture and alignment is thrown out of whack; and of course it takes a while for the body to fully heal from childbirth. To go straight into a crazy fitness regime from there? Plus, it’s very, very unlikely that a new mom could lose this much weight and breastfeed – the body won’t produce if there isn’t a sufficient caloric intake.

        As mentioned above, I get that her body is her job, and even more she gained and then worked to lose the weight at what had to have been a really difficult point in her life. I just think it’s important that we specifically recognize that this isn’t normal or at all recommended.

      • Neah23 says:

        @ Bridget

        She didn’t jump straight after having a baby. She waited to the doctor gave her the ok for her to start working out and she was working with a trainer so why are you judging her and she not advocating this for anyone else.

      • Bridget says:

        It’s not “judging” to say that she’s lucky she didn’t get hurt. A doc typically gives approval to exercise at 6 weeks post partum, while the body typically needs far more time to fully recover from pregnancy (ever heard the phrase “9 months to put on the weight, 9 months to take it off”? There’s a reason for that). Doctor’s approval just means that your body is safe to return to exercise (your uterus has returned to its original placement, you’re no longer bleeding, C section incisions have healed), not that it means you’re all ready to go full balls to the wall. Post pregnancy isn’t the same as a regular period of extended rest – the body has to recover from a lot of physiological changes, and that includes an almost complete lack of core strength that will leave the body vulnerable to injury. In the same way that it’s not realistic to tell women that they can lose their baby weight just through nursing, it’s important to also realize that it’s also not realistic to jump into an intense exercise program 3 hours a day 5 days a week. But sure. Judgement.

      • Neah23 says:

        @ Bridget

        Are you a doctor or trainer more specifically are you her doctor or trainer? If not then you can not talk about Whether or not what she did was safe? For all you know she talked to her doctor about her exercise routine and was monitored by her doctor. She also mentioned that she work with a trainer to work out a exercise routine that was best for her and fit her needs.

        Yes you are judging her and you seem to have appointed yourself an expert on how much and when every women should exercise.

      • Ava-L says:

        While I admire her discipline and how hard she was willing to work, her workout schedule was excessive. That much exercise will actually increase cortisol levels greatly because the body perceives it is in crisis to be activating this level of cardio response 3x a day every day. Only top olympic athletes in the most demanding sports train like this, and in many cases, those athletes have lifelong injuries or problems from having trained like that.

    • Korra says:

      Agreed. You don’t have to go that hard in order to lose weight, but she is an entertainerter so I guess. At least she’s honest about what needs to be done in order to lose that weight that fast, but I really think she’s running the risk of overtraining.

    • Kate says:

      I went at it really hard after having each of my children. Partly because I had always been really strong and fit, and I didn’t feel like myself. It wasn’t good for my mental health. But also because I know how quickly I adapt. If I’d let it slide for 6 months, I just would have gotten used to the extra weight and the loss of fitness, and never have gotten it together. I knew I could easily be one of those women talking about her baby weight a decade after her last baby if I didn’t take control while it was still bothering me.

      Besides, it’s the best chance you’ll have until their old enough to be left to their own devices. Babies sleep during the day and even my clingiest baby was pretty happy to just lie there and watch mummy jump around like a crazy person. Wait til their running around and getting under your feet and it’ll never happen.

      • pookypie says:

        Totally agree. Kudos to her- who are we to judge? I felt like I needed to workout too quite a bit when my first babe was born just to feel somewhat in control of a new stage in my life … especially after being physically unwell due to hypertension in my pregnancy. Baby was sleeping throughout most workouts and fitness was a great way to socialize with others, especially at mom and baby fitness classes!

      • Ava-L says:

        Yep! I admire moms who realize that they need to take action and put in the work, rather than just make excuses. Excuses are all too common.

  2. minime says:

    I have a soft spot for Ciara but the workout plan sounds a tad extreme…I hope she can find some equilibrium. Anyway, better than all those celebs saying that it’s all genetics…

  3. ORLY says:

    Is being away from a baby up to 3 hours a day such a bad thing? It’s an honest question, I don’t see anything wrong with it, but I have never had babies so I’m clueless.

    • V4Real says:

      No, it’s not a bad thing at all. What about working moms (hi, nice to meet you) who are away from their babies 8 hours or more a day. And I will keep it real. Sometimes mommy needs a break from them little diaper stains.

      • BeBeA says:

        Lol, yes! I am a stay at home mom of three , oldest in 10 youngest is 4 and sometime I want to lock myself in the bathroom or sit on the rooftop to get away for a minute. I started college and found my self running to school to have adult conversations where I didn’t say you gotta potty, or stop fighting, share you guys, be nice, friends don’t bite. I have perfect attendance lol and can’t wait to knock this nursing degree out to start work! #twomoreyears

      • Ava-L says:

        @BeBeA, congratulations for being awesome! I know I’ll get in trouble for saying this on CB, but your situation is the perfect example of how women can “have it all” in stages or different seasons of life rather than all at the same time. You’ve done college, had kids and stayed home to raise them while they are young, and doing graduate school once they are in school. Good luck in your future nursing career!

    • JenniferJustice says:

      No, it’s not a bad thing and who’s to say the baby isn’t with her when she works out? I worked out like crazy after I gave birth and healed up and my baby was right there with me. He went to the gym with me and at home, he played on the floor or in his bouncy seat while I worked out to videos. When he got a bit bigger, he was in on the floor or in his exersaucer while I did my thing.

      I actually think it’s a good thing, though, for moms and their babies to get breaks from eachother. It’s not just good for the parent. It’s also good for the baby. They shouldn’t only be comfortable with their mom and dad and taking breaks from a baby is refreshing and revitalizing and makes us better parents. My mom and dad came over and watched the baby now and then just so my husband and I could get out by ourselves. Granted, all we talked about when away, was you guessed it…the baby:)

    • ScurrilousScallywag says:

      Nope, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it either. Not sure why we’re supposed to shade this. There’s enough mom-judging out there in the world already.

    • Willa says:

      @Bebea, SAHM here too with one son 17months old. I too have perfect attendance for my classes as well because I can’t wait to be in adult world. I’m also going for nursing. Good luck to you!

  4. AcidRock says:

    What a bizarre need to address her not having sex with Russell Wilson (dare I say, “abstinence-shaming”?). If they were constantly talking about their active sex life and how they can’t keep their hands off each other, it seems very unlikely that would be pointed out in an article about her workout regimen (because oh no, that would be slut-shaming, which is the greatest evil ever!)

    • MonicaQ says:

      Usually they’ll link back through the last few articles where the person is mentioned. It’s not just exclusive to Ciara. It was the last big thing she was in the media for.

    • Ava-L says:

      @AcidRock: exactly! Now, “slut-shaming” is the big no-no of the moment. But it’s perfectly acceptable to mock a woman who has made a decision about her own body and her own sexuality (isn’t that what feminism is about?) to step back and try to get to know someone and build up trust before she chooses to sleep with him?

    • Ange says:

      Really? Because I would guarantee anyone spruiking how much sex they were having would get a comment about where they found the energy. Point being: nobody wants to hear about your sex life either way.

      And also: girl is probably working out a hell of a lot of frustration.

  5. Amanda says:

    Must be nice to have someone watch your kid 3+ hours a day while you workout. I’m home with a 3 week old and I’m lucky to find time to make a sandwich and shower.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, I remember those days, when I felt like getting the bed made was a major accomplishment. Enjoy these precious early baby days — they are fleeting, as you’ll one day realize — and try not to sweat everything else. 🙂

    • MrsB says:

      Hang in there @amanda. You are in the thick of it right now, it will get better in a few months. And before you know it, your little one will be off to school!

    • Jess says:

      Amanda, that newborn fog does lift and things will get easier, promise! Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you have friends and family around, I don’t know why women who just gave birth are expected to do so much right off the bat, we’re sore, exhausted, and hormonal as hell, don’t put too much pressure on yourself! I was lucky enough to find a gym membership for only 30 bucks a month when my daughter was a few months old. I had two hours of childcare per day and I took my sweet ass time while working out and showering, I would even relax in the locker room sometimes and read magazines, lol.

  6. Zigggy says:


  7. Esmom says:

    Yeah, it’s excessive. But I guess for entertainers, where their appearance matters so much, extreme measures don’t seem as crazy. Especially when they have resources, unlike many normal moms, to help with childcare and household stuff. Meh.

  8. V4Real says:

    What I want to know, is Russell Wilson still leading her. How in the hell does he restrain from smashing that? Lord have Mercy, Russell!!!!!

    This woman has always had a kick ass body? I wish she could have reached a higher level of success but she’s doing ok.

  9. BeBeA says:

    It seems like too much for me, but I can imagine that she was eager to feel like her old self again. Pregnancy is a miricle but it can fell a little like invasion of the body snatchers.

  10. renee28 says:

    I don’t see the big deal about working out when your baby is young. He was probably napping quite a bit. She could have easily scheduled her workouts around nap time. And besides a few hours away from your child is fine.

    • Bridget says:

      Just pointing out, she’s actually really lucky she didn’t hurt herself working out that way. The body goes through a lot during pregnancy and childbirth, and it doesn’t matter if you’re a celebrity or a pleb the body isn’t intended to go from fully at rest to working out 3 hours a day, 5 times a week.

      Though as far as leaving her baby for 3 hours a day, that’s silly for people to judge her there.

  11. Nerdista says:

    3 hours isn’t really that much. But also, water isn’t a diet trick, drink when you’re thirsty! There’s no extra toxin flushing if you drink a gallon.

  12. Megan says:

    I say good for her. I lost 50 in 4 months and it really is hard, hard work. I wasn’t lucky by losing with breast feeding and “running around after my kid” and I didn’t lose it until after my kid was a year old. I got tired of feeling bad about myself and got determined to feel comfortable again. Once you start, your brain just switches in to that being your comfort zone versus just vegging around.

  13. Sam says:

    I couldn’t do that (I’m just too lazy) but I can relate to the feeling. pregnancy is amazing, wonderful all that jazz, but it’s also really weird. Stuff happens to your body that you have no control over. And if you were really athletic or active before, it can feel totally weird to all of a sudden not be able to move in ways you could before (or the opposite, which happened to me). Some women really want to “feel like themselves again” and I can relate.

    The only worry I’d have is possibly injuring myself from overuse. 3 times a day sounds like it was tempting fate in that sense. I wouldn’t want to push myself to the point of injury.

  14. MonicaQ says:

    When your career is your body, it makes sense. No one rags on football players for working out 4-5 hrs a day and being away from their kids.

  15. Seszie says:

    Ciara has always been thin and athletic-lucky girl. Curious. I’ve never been pregnant but when women say I gained blah blah amount of weight while pregnant isint that a false number?. I mean isn’t a huge portion of that weight water, the baby, fluids ect? I mean after the baby comes out, and your body readjust’s itself, shouldn’t you weigh your self like a month later to determine the actual extra weight stuck on your body? Why do celebs always say they lost so much weight when really maybe it’s like 20 pounds at most? Am I right or wrong? Or do you stay the same weight after the baby comes out?

    • Kate says:

      Of 60lbs, generally only about 15-25 of that would be baby/baby related weight. You’d lose whatever the baby, placenta and so on weigh after birth, but even if you didn’t gain any excess weight at all, you’re still left with 5-10lbs.

      In Ciara’s case it sounds like she actually gained more weight after the birth (not uncommon), so 60lbs could be her starting point two months or so after birth.

      • Neah23 says:

        Yes she said she gain a lot of weight after giving birth because all she did was eat not so good foods.

    • MrsB says:

      I think it just depends on the person, I gained 40 lbs and most of that was baby and fluids because I was back in my pre-pregnancy jeans a week later. But, for some people it doesn’t work that way.

    • Eden75 says:

      It’s not the same for everyone. Some of my girlfriends wore their pre-pregnancy jeans home, some of us wore the pants we had to wear at 9 months pregnant. I gained 63 and 72 pounds with my pregnancies. That did not come off right away. My kids were 6.5 pounds and 7.11 pounds. Even with water I was maybe 20 pounds lighter after that. My youngest is 13 and I will never be back to my pre-baby weight. When I was working out 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, the lowest I got was 133 and that was 5 pounds heavier than I was before I had my last kid.

      Ciara put on most of hers after the baby. That is way tougher to lose. Good on her for being honest that she gained it after the fact and that she had to work her a$$ off to get back into shape. At least she’s not trying to sell us some “I sniffed rose herbs for 3 months after and look at me all back to pre-baby skinny” Goop kind of crap.

  16. JRenee says:

    I personally didn’t lose a lot of weight with delivery. I had to work on it and wasn’t diligent so I never made it back to pre-pregnancy weight.
    She waited until she received the doctor ‘s clearance before starting her regime. While most of us don’t have the luxury of not going back to work, having a nanny etc. Getting in shape was related to her job. She looks good.

  17. Norman Bates' Mother says:

    At last someone who doesn’t try to convince us that all we need to be in shape is to replace french fries and oreos with kale and avocado.

  18. QQ says:

    This is all Ive got: I wish I had it in me to be not so Lazy and More Gunnar Petersonness in my life and less work to do from 9-5;30.. as it is The Spirit of Carbs and Laziness live in me,

    • Ronda says:

      Dont despair! Know that you are not alone. We march by your side! Well, we sit over here and nod.

  19. Ronda says:

    “When I was pregnant with Future”

    Thats an awesome quote out of context.

  20. NEWBIE says:

    Man!!! Women can’t seem to win. If you’re honest and say yeah I worked out for hours and ate really clean for months then people judge you. No wonder women in Hollywood lie and say they lost their baby weight by “chasing after their kids” or just breastfeeding or whatever BS they have say so people don’t think badly of them. Her ability to make money is based largely on how she looks so she knows that she needs to look a certain way to keep money pouring in. Its as simple as that.

  21. Penelope says:

    She is so beautiful.

  22. Hd99 says:

    she is gorgeous

  23. kibbles says:

    I believe her routine and I’m happy she is being honest about how much hard work it takes rather than lying like so many celebrities do. I stopped believing celebrities who say they don’t diet or that they pop in an exercise tape at home for an hour a few times each week. Unless one is genetically super thin, it is a blatant lie that one can be ripped with occasional exercise and eating whatever he or she wants, especially after the age of 30.

    • EN says:

      The one irritates me most of all is when they say they lost weight by breastfeeding. Maybe that works for some but I had to eat extra to keep up the milk supply. If I tried to eat normal, I would lose milk. Never mind actually dieting or working out for hours.

  24. Colette says:

    Ciara did a great job co hosting on Kelly and Michael yesterday.Ciara worked out 3 hrs a day ,probably working around her baby’s schedule.Part of her job is to be in shape,she is also the face of Robert Caville.

  25. EN says:

    Just piping in here to say that study after study have shown that the whole working out is good for general health, to truly lose weight you have to change your lifestyle. Most people can’t work out enough to burn the extra calories they are eating.30 min of jogging is just 200 cal, that is one cookie.
    People eating 1000 extra calories need to be working 3 hours a day ( not walking but 3 hours of intense work out) to offset it. It is much more efficient to stop overeating.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, definitely true for me. I have always worked out and as a result my weight has remained pretty much the same my whole adult life. The only time I start to lose weight is when I cut my calorie intake (which happens when I’m stressed). If I eat the same and increase my workouts, my weight stays pretty much the same.

  26. mememe says:

    That’s awesome. Ive work out 2x a day, 6 days a week for about 20 months now. I feel fantastic! People I work with think it’s extreme, yet they manage to waste hours a day on social media, you tube, and watching TV. There are enough hours in the day!