Angelina Jolie still won’t say one word about the Sony Hack or Scott Rudin

jolie vogue

As we discussed on Friday, Angelina Jolie covers the November issue of Vogue Magazine. I didn’t call this at all, because I honestly forgot about By the Sea and I kind of thought it was such a small film that the Jolie-Pitts wouldn’t be promoting it that much. But even for a tiny little film that will only get a limited release, Angelina still scored a Vogue cover. This probably means she won’t get a Vanity Fair cover, or maybe they’re saving that for Brad for the December issue (you never know!). Now that I know the Jolie-Pitts are going big for By the Sea, I do wonder what other covers Angelina will do. Marie Claire? Elle? W Magazine?

Anyway, now that I’ve gotten a chance to really sit and enjoy the entire Vogue interview, I have additional thoughts. There’s a lot of cute stuff about the kids in there, like how Pax was really nervous to meet Aung San Suu Kyi, and how Angelina always refers to Zahara as “Z” (some of Angelina’s friends and colleagues at the United Nations refer to Jolie as “AJ” too). There’s a story about Angelina taking Shiloh to meet refugees and seeing her 9-year-old on the floor, taking her own notes as she met refuge kids. There’s stuff about how she came to write By the Sea, which is described as a tale of grief and bereavement. Jolie wrote it after her mother passed away in 2007. And of course there’s a lot about her humanitarian work, with most of the quotes coming from other people about how dedicated she is, how smart, how focused. And here’s a significant part about her future film projects, including some details about Cleopatra:

She has also been trying to develop a film about the Kenya-based wildlife conservationist Richard Leakey. Here, you see how the worlds she straddles offer her different routes to the same end. If the project doesn’t pan out, she says, “I can work with Leakey and do just as much good.” And then there’s Cleopatra, based on Stacy Schiff’s 2010 history. It was the movie at the center of the scandal of the hacked Sony emails, in which it was described as a “$180m ego bath” for Angelina. (“I was enraged,” says Eric Roth, the screenwriter on the project, “but she has enough confidence that she didn’t engage in any of it.”) As Jolie Pitt says, “It’s a hard one to get right. It needs to be about something other than sex and jewelry. She was a very complicated leader of a country.” She’s interested in Cleopatra as an astute politician, says Roth, in her humanity, how she relates to her children and the people of Egypt; you can see why Angelina would want this role.

[From Vogue]

While Angelina’s idea of Cleopatra sounds interesting and something that would be great-on-film, I still don’t think it should or will be made. Not after the Sony Hack. Not after all of the sh-t that was said. And I love that Angelina still isn’t saying a word about the Sony Hack emails. Bless her.

And finally, here’s Vogue’s video, which is basically “behind the scenes of By the Sea.” Lots of Brad in this one. And g-ddamn he looks sexy.


Photos courtesy of Annie Liebovitz/VOGUE.

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131 Responses to “Angelina Jolie still won’t say one word about the Sony Hack or Scott Rudin”

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  1. lower-case deb says:

    the best thing about the BtS videos/trailers/whatever are the song choices. i think whoever put these videos together have great sense of music and chose good songs. most of my interest to BtS are more from the moods created by the song rather than what i see on screen.

    • JKL says:

      By The Sea actually looks pretty funny, although it’s hard to tell what is the film and what is BTS. Knox with the gun, for example, is the film, I think?

    • V4Real says:

      AJ rarely engages in public conversations or responses to what other public figures have said about her. That’s taking the high road.

      As for the movie it does look cheesy. I’m not sold on it yet. If it wasn’t Brad and AJ in this film I wouldn’t be giving it a second thought. I disagree with this article that Brad looks good in this film. He’s looking a lot more like Benicio Del Toro with a 70’s type fashion. AJ doesn’t look her best with light hair. AJ please do not do Cleopatra.

      • Esmom says:

        I’m not sold on the film either, it seems sort of melodramatic and cheesy, which I said when the trailer was first released. I agree that the music is cool and evocative.

        I have always noticed the resemblance between Brad and Benicio!

      • V4Real says:

        I would love for Brad and Benicio to do a film together. They were both in Snatch but I don’t think they shared any screen time.

      • Jib says:

        I I agree that Brad looks not terrific – actually, kind of skanky, IMO. Angelina doesn’t look great with light hair, although I never thought she was a beauty. The lack of gossip from her is refreshing.

      • Linden says:

        It’s called having no way to refute anything because it’s true.

      • lola says:

        @Linden: It’s called not sinking to the level the narcissist, Rudin, sank to. Of course, Rudin was BEGGING (in another released e-mail sent directly to Angie) Angie to do some really silly film he thought was going to be a “blockbuster”. This was AFTER he had his tantrum, and Angie politely, but firmly turned him DOWN.

        The film is going wide, not limited, and is going to be shown Internationally.

      • Judd says:

        I agree with the Benecio comment, V! And I must say that Jolie is looking very Joan Crawfordish. BTS with Benicio and Crawford! Yes, that’s it…

        The Vogue cover is photoshopped to the hilt, in my opinion. If she does another cover for this failure of a movie hopefully, God willing, she will not pimp the children out again. It’s as though she can’t sell a movie without her army of 6. Is she really that insecure? Obviously!

      • Jessica says:

        Joan Crawford? Oh boy. How can you call a movie a failure, when it hasn’t been released yet? I understand you hate anything Jolie, but I think you are grasping at straws at this point.

      • Chloe says:

        “some really silly film”

        I think it was Little House on the Prairie.

      • Amy says:

        Brad, Benicio & (total jerk) Terrence Howard all remind me of each other. Love that I might not be crazy!

      • Adding sums says:

        I don’t like the trailer, either. Picture-wise it seems stunning but otherwise? The story seems to be so cheesy and cheap and boring I am not sold.

  2. Louise177 says:

    I doubt Cleopatra will get made. It’s just too big to get right. Maybe an HBO movie but not a movie release. Angelina did a few interviews for In the Land of Blood and Honey so I doubt doing a Vogue cover means that she’s going to do as much as a major release. I don’t think she needs to focus on the Sony hack. From what I have read she didn’t do anything wrong and didn’t even look bad.

    • tracking says:

      Agree with all of this. I could envision HBO doing something far more interesting and edgy than some bloated studio biopic (enough with those). She’s wise not to engage with the Sony crap.

    • Linden says:

      She is WAY too old and scrawny to play a feasible Cleopatra anyway.

      • lola says:

        @Linden: Did you see the picture of Angie standing in the wet dress in the ocean, scrawny is NOT a word that would be used to describe her figure.

    • Chloe says:

      The problem is that she wanted to take liberties with historical facts with the Eli Roth script (by making Cleo a much more significant character politically and historically) and Rudin and Pascal were obviously against this. They wanted a love story to feature centrally (more commercial appeal) and have the Antony character as another key character (they wanted Tom Hardy, Fass, or Cumberbatch for that character), and they wanted to just do the play by Shakespeare. Rudin thought Angie’s version would be a massive bomb. And Pascal was saying AJ loved the script because the character after all the revisions by Roth and AJ had zero vulnerability left.

  3. Div says:

    Scott Rudin is a notorious a-hole, so I bet she kind of shrugged it off because he probably talks about everyone that way. She’s the one who sounded calm and collected in the emails…he sounded like a crazy person. I’d love to see her act more, but she seems more drawn to directing at this point. Looking forward to By the Sea.

    • Andrea 1* says:

      Exactly this!!

    • Saphana says:

      notorious a-hole is a huge understatement. google stories about him, how many assisants he goes through in a year.
      Harvey Weinstein is terrible but he almost seems sweet next to Rudin.

    • lucy2 says:

      She did sound professional in the emails. I don’t think she needs to comment on it. Everyone knows Rudin talks that way. Pascal came off the worst, very weak.

      • Saywhatwhen says:

        I wonder how long a female studio exec. would last if she was a notorious a-hole chewing up and spitting out assistants?

  4. Andrea 1* says:

    Good on her for not engaging… Classy woman she is..
    On another note the Friday post turned so nasty I hope this post doesn’t go that root..

    • THOT says:

      That post gave me life! Lotta crazy people here. Keep em coming!

      • Andrea 1* says:

        So much nastiness…..the back and forth was crazy..

      • smcollins says:

        @Andrea 1

        I totally agree. I mean I get it, you’re not a fan (or are), but the way the comments got so vicious about her and each other was beyond ridiculous. There’s being snarky, and then there’s just being straight up rude, irrational a**holes. Unreal.

        I find her to be a real class act, especially her nonresponse to the whole Sony fiasco. Sometimes remaining silent is the best course of action.

    • lola says:

      The first 5 or 6 posts were definitely headed that way. Hopefully, it’s turning around.

      The Angie haters are venting their frustration.

  5. lisa2 says:

    I’m glad she doesn’t need to address someone’s opinion of her. The bottom line is Rudin wanted her to do a movie she didn’t sign up for. And he got pissed because she was standing in the way of David Fincher direction Jobs. That is what the emails showed me. She was professional throughout all the conversations. I never got why some people were so OH he is an award winning Producer; so of course he is right.

    Regardless she can do it or not. I think at this point it is clear she doesn’t want to work with him or Amy P. But that could change.

    I LOVE the Vogue video. Can’t count how many times I have watched it. I’m excited about the movie and will so be seeing it. Don’t care what critics or naysayers say. This looks interesting. And I want to see them on screen together again. PLUS PLUS PLUS..

    • Mica says:

      Yes i Love the Vogue video too, so many iconic images in it.

    • Maya says:

      The video is so funny and showed a lot about the genuine love between these two – plus the children are a riot..

      • lola says:

        @Maya: I think you hit the nail on the head, as to why all the snarky, hateful posts on Friday. The Angie haters realized after seeing that video, that Brad Pitt LOVES Angie, and isn’t going anywhere. He’s a happy man, right where he is, with his wife and children.

    • Tough Cookie says:

      LOL….Lisa2…read your comment and wondered “why does Angelina have a problem with Amy Poehler? What have I missed??” After another hit of caffeine I realized it was Amy Pascal.

    • says:

      Angelina is a Goddess. Love Vogue cover.
      Love that Angelina doesn’t engage in the Rudin nonsense.

  6. BNA FN says:

    Angelina is not going to reply in kind to what was said about her in those leaked tapes. I’ve noticed that she never bad mouth anyone. Can we talk about Chelsea H and all the degratory names she had called Angelina and her children, and not one word about a reply from Angelina. Donald Trump had said some not nice things about her and not a word from her. I believe when people talk about her children that is hurtful to her but she never replied. I believe she is a class act and I’m proud to be her fan. Btw, I’m going to see BTS and buy Vogue for my AJP collection.

    • Naya says:

      I seriously doubt Chelsea Handler is on Angie’s radar. I had never even heard of her until I came here and I have significantly more idle time and lower self respect than Angie. Chelsea is only a thing in a very small corner of the internet. As for Trump, he trashes everybody from Robert Deniro to Tyra Banks. Its best not to engage that brand of cray-cray. I’m not surprised she’s silent on the emails. She knows the industry politics and all the bhs backstabbing, I would be shocked if she were surprised. The only surprise there was that they documented it on email, even after other colleagues told them to stop leaving an email trail. And the thing is, if she’s serious about film making she may have to work with these people again. Hollywood lore is filled with people who hate each other but kept working together, afterall. I would love to see her throw some clever side shade though.

      • lola says:

        @Naya: I agree, I doubt Angie has given Handler a second or even first, thought. She has never engaged in any of the ugliness that “others” have directed at her for ten years, why should she, she is the woman Brad Pitt loves, and she knows it.

        As for crazy Rudin, from everything I’ve read the man is a legendary A-Hole in HW. He said some nasty things about other A-List stars, but for some reason, the only person the media fixated on, was Angie. Of course she and Brad have no publicist to swoop in and clean up any gossip about their clients, so the media feels free to say anything they want, knowing Angie won’t sink to their level and engage in some war of words.

        Think of all the years “someone” has been trying to engage Angie in some drama, and all the years Angie has ignored this “person” as if she didn’t exist. To be honest, I’m sure this “person” doesn’t exist as far as Angie and Brad are concerned.

  7. harlequin says:

    “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”

    “Blowing you a kiss”
    “Blowing you one back”

    Ahh, these two!! So friggin hot!! I want more BTS footage! Will watch the movie, buy Vogue – heck, I’ll buy anything they’re selling!

  8. Sally says:

    Cleopatra’s terrible since she’s basically whitewashing the historical character if AJ stars in it. You can do all the humanitarian work in the world and still abuse the privilege in your own yard. In this regard, it is a gratuitous ego project.

    • vauvert says:

      Cleopatra is a Macedonian Greek. What whitewashing would that be?

      • Andrea 1* says:

        Good question

      • Sally says:

        Do your research, she was of mixed ethnicity and recent facial reconstructions, represent her as a darker skinned woman.
        “Dr Ashton, of Cambridge University, said the images, to be broadcast as part of a Five documentary on Cleopatra, reflect the monarch’s Greek heritage as well as her Egyptian upbringing.

        ‘She probably wasn’t just completely European. You’ve got to remember that her family had actually lived in Egypt for 300 years by the time she came to power.'”
        That’s why it constitutes whitewashing.

      • Maya says:

        Yes and why is a meaty role classified as ego bath?????

      • Sally says:

        AJ can play all the meaty roles she wants but if you can’t see why Cleopatra is problematic for various reasons, it’s not my problem. No like Hollywood is known for its sensitivity to other cultures. Sorry Elizabeth the Great has already been taken.

      • Asiyah says:

        “The Egyptian dynasties, the Ptolemaic one included, actually married siblings, so no, there would not have been Nubian or other mixed ethnic blood in the actual kings and queens.”

        This is the only thing that keeps me from thinking that in this particular situation it isn’t whitewashing. But I’m no expert. It’d be nice to have a Greek, Macedonian, Albanian, or even Turkish or Armenian actress play Cleopatra.

      • oooo @vauvert how the mass media has skewed your thought on this subject.

        Cleopatra was definitely a black woman with Greek decent…. she has Greek roots and the white establishment (the same ones trying to convince all of us that Egyptians were never black and have created the census to say north Africans i.e EGYPT are Caucasians/white ) latched on to this and paint Cleo to be this porcelain white woman ….not even a Greek Mediterranean olive complexion mind you.

        But I cant wait to see the Cleopatra’s equivalent in this white-wash history….. Hannibal being casted as a white man….. who was Carthagian (sp) i.e. North Africa (Libya or Liberian i believe)

      • Katherine says:

        Sally Ashton’s attempt to reconstruct Cleopatra is in keeping with her Afrocentrism bias. It certainly isn’t based on science and historical anthropology. A more thorough reading and critique of her work should disabuse people who were influenced by articles in some newspapers ( not exactly peer reviewed journals ). Her intention started out admirably in wanting to give the prison population she taught classes to a sense of pride and of their origins. But along the way she allowed her agenda to cloud her scholarship.

        There is no evidence whatsoever that Cleopatra was anything other than Macedonian. None.

        In fact, it would be near impossible that they would have allowed anyone of “mixed” heritage to rule. That person would have been “removed” from the line.

    • THOT says:

      Cleopatra was multi racial. She was of Greek, Egyptian and Nubian descent. It’s safe to say she wasn’t lily white with a button nose.

    • Luca76 says:

      It’s s not whitewashing in the sense that some historians believe she was white including the book this film would have been adapted from. OTOH no one knows for certain and there is nothing wrong with depicting her as a mixed race woman either so why not have someone of color play her?

      • Sally says:

        But when you now have actual proof and not just hear say, what some historians believe, becomes irrelevant / outdated. Or no one’s saying you couldn’t still work with that book, just adapt to the new facts if what you want to do, is pay homage and be respectful in the first place.

      • Luca76 says:

        History is always full of debate and there are always big controversies in looking at these figures retrospectively. New information is always coming out and new theories are always becoming popular discrediting based on different agendas. The nature of film is that you have to commit to one adaptation and go with it for years at a time. The book this movie was based on won a Pulitzer 5 years ago and is generally accepted as accurate. While personally I’ve always thought Cleo was mixed I think this is actually a case where the debate is natural. We still don’t actually know. That’s why I err on the side of having a person of mixed race portray her. Yet I won’t call those with a different view whitewashing.

      • Luca76 says:

        @Caro I think you’re confusing my comments with THOT.

        *signed a black woman with a button nose*

        As for whether there is a black or mixed race woman with the draw of superstar Angelina Jolie that’s fair but as others have said this story would probably lend itself better to a miniseries on HBO then a feature film so why not someone of a multiracial background? I think that would be more interesting to me.

    • Chinoiserie says:

      Sally, did you notice the word probably there? We know of Cleoptara’s Greek heritage but there are a couple of missing people in her family tree so some people just like to think there might have been Egyptian or numibian people in her ancestery. But since there is no evidence of this I do not think it counts as whitewashing to potray Cleopatra based on the knowledge we actually have and not what might be possible. Since people are very interested in Cleoptara some historiansa are trying to guess things about her but those are not nessecarily true.

      I do not think this the film should not be made because of the leaks. Some other studio should just make it, I have no faith in Sony anyway.

      • vauvert says:

        I did my research, thank you. The Egyptian dynasties, the Ptolemaic one included, actually married siblings, so no, there would not have been Nubian or other mixed ethnic blood in the actual kings and queens. Would they have slept around a bit, kept multiple mistresses and the like? Sure. But the throne passed to the children they had with the primary spouse, a sister or brother. There are also reports of a probable genetic illness being passed through the line, a direct result of inter marrying.
        I prefer to save my indignation for actual cases of whitewashing or outright racism, such as not enough major roles for PoC, in particular women. I feel like the indignation about AJ wanting to do Cleopatra comes more from people who dislike her as a person.

      • Katherine says:

        Vauvert, you are exactly correct. People are guessing about her heritage without an understanding of how the history and practice of the rulers of the time and region – and, I suspect, a desire to fulfill a modern day sensibility.

  9. Luca76 says:

    I think it’s a good thing she’s not doing Cleopatra for half a dozen reasons. I love her and I’d love her to do a really great film especially since she does so few. Maleficent was fun but I’d love to see her take something meaty on and get some critical acclaim.

    • Maya says:

      I think if the movie gets done like Angelina wanted, Scorsese directing with Daniel Day Lewis and Leo D co starring – then it will be amazing and a meaty role.

      Angelina wanted the focus to be on Cleopatra’s intelligence, sacrifice and strength instead of the typical sexual stuff.

      • Luca76 says:

        I think at this point the project has too much baggage and that ain’t happening. She should move on (I’m thinking she already has).

  10. Angir is Gof says:

    Love her cheek bones her……sexxy. This is gonna make billion dollars easily.

    • BNA FN says:

      I know you love Angelina and Brad, but take it easy it’s not that serious. For you to take your time to post that funny goofing off and then leave a comment shows that Angelina and Brad owns you.

  11. vauvert says:

    I happen to love historical movies and I would absolutely see her as Cleopatra because she was indeed a lot more than a sex kitten to Caesar and Marc. Sadly the majority of biographies and movies have been focused on her relationships to the exclusion of much else.

    And I hear all the whitewashing claims about having her in the role so I am just curious why people think that the descendant of a Macedonian Greek would be non- white. We are not talking about the ancient Egyptians here, this is a family descending directly from a Greek.

    Would she be too old for the role? Maybe, but I honestly don’t think that would alter my enjoyment or appreciation of the movie. It would be a nice change from taking 40 year old roles and adapting them for a 25 tear old.

    Oh and By the Sea looks gorgeous. Will definitely see it.

    • Badirene says:

      Vauvert have you read “A Brief History of Misogyny: The World’s Oldest Prejudice” by Jack Holland? He gives a very interesting insight on Cleopatra and the hit job done to her reputation by writers of the time, I would recommend it to everyone, a really great book. It covers centuries of hatred against women not just Cleopatra.

  12. Chloe says:

    Scott Rudin was hilarious and just as you would expect hw types to be in private: ruthless and bitchy. Angelina was classy, polite, and intelligent in all her emails. Amy pascal wrote weird little emails to herself. Oh and she and aj both write etc as ect, weirdly enough. And I’m not saying the rumoured disqus account is aj’s but that poster also spelled ect. On cleop, I don’t think it will get made either because honestly it will have to be a huge film or a straight to stream or TV thing and no one is funding big movies that isn’t first a best-selling trilogy or a cute kiddy friendly thing or a superhero thing.

    • Andrea 1* says:

      That account was traced to ff site…. I wonder why you still bring it up

      • Yep says:

        @wika to lookoflove1365
        “Hey…….. where have you been, tammy has been so obsessed over you, calling you Angelina in disguise LMAO…”
        1 Reply

        @lookoflove1365 to wiki
        “Ummm,errr..I was busy with Brad & the kids, & preparing for my next movie. hahahaha!
        Hard to post from work & when I get home, everyone’s in bed, only trolls are posting.”


      • lola says:

        I can’t believe someone is naive enough to think Angie has nothing better to do than post comments on forums, using Disqus.

        Someone else monitors the forums, we know that, because she says she reads what is written about her. But, she has all the time in the world.

      • hmph says:

        It was traced to jj actually

      • Chloe says:

        Well, they did a Google image search with AJ’s email address (which was 1365 at chivan productions or something) and a bunch of JJ photos showed up, photos that were in threads that thelookoflove1365 poster left. I think that’s really, extremely dubious because I believe Google image search comes up with other types of results, ones that are non-identical matches. So I don’t think it’s AJ; i.e., it’s not an exact match for her email address and she didn’t use her email to post on JJ. However, it’s has to be a massive, almost impossible coincidence that this four digit number poster happens to be a massive AJ fan and spells ect the same, or else it’s a friend or family member who knows AJ’s email address and uses that in their alias as a kind of nod to AJ. I seriously doubt it’s AJ or that she’d be that obsessive about Jennifer Aniston and co. And why 1365 specifically for AJ’s email? Someone worked out that AJ was 31 when her mother (whom she was very close to) passed. Her mother was only 56.

  13. Tara says:

    She’s smart not to engage it and stoop to their level. I thought Scott Rudin came off real bad in those emails. Angelina didn’t come across bad at all. Scott Rudin is probably just so jealous of her. He’s bitter towards her probably because he wants to be her and have Brad, the whole nine.

  14. Killalustre says:

    I would watch that movie. I don’t agree with your take that she shouldn’t make the film because of the Sony Hack. Fuck them. Id hope though that AJ would realize that cleopatra wasn’t a white woman and cast the role accordingly. I’d watch the hell out of a more historically accurate cleopatra with 100% less sex and jewelery than your standard Hollywood bio epic of cleopatra.

    • hb231 says:

      Cleopatra was Greek & my Greek brother-in-law looks whiter than me (an Irish/English/Cherokee/Ukrainian mix), so no need to worry- look how beautifully she handled A Mighty Heart, and Marianne was actually mixed race. Whatever Angie decides to do, it will be well done and not a damsel in distress/waiting for a man to trap & marry (like Cleo gets saved by a dude after much romcom drama, of course, a fab wedding) film- unlike so many in Hollywood, Angie’s NEVER done that, which is pretty amazing. The behind the scenes video is adorable & I hope it is included in the DVD.

  15. Maya says:

    Loved the video and funny humour between these two.

    Angelina has class unlike others and won’t ever respond to these vile people. She never responded to Chelsea Handlers vile and racist attacks towards her and her children, nor Howard Stern or few other so called comediennes – she won’t do it this time either. As I said – she has class and they don’t.

    Rudin came out as a pig, vile and disgusting man who should be in Hollywood or any field for that matter. This is the man who went through 200 assistants in 2 years so Hollywood knows how vile he is.

    Angelina came out as the professional & polite adult throughout the whole thing.

    • Jayna says:

      Angie likes directing movies and developing new projects. You need money. Rudin might come in handy one day as a producer she will need to get one of her projects made. It is a business. She’s not going to talk about him.

  16. Betti says:

    While i would love to see this vision of Cleopatra made, particularly if she was directing it, it won’t happen anytime soon. I personally think she’s at her best behind the camera. And she’s too classy to involve herself in these kind of spats.

    Cute video.

  17. kris_jenner_is_my_idol says:

    Oh Angelina… and your terrible taste in movie wigs.

    Salt – awful ash blonde and black wigs
    The Tourist – awful hair pieces
    By the Sea – awful baby vomit colored wig

    What is her deal? The last time when she had decent hair on film was Mrs Smith. And she almost always has good hair in real life btw.

    Can’t she just hire her red-carpet hairdresser for her movies as well?

    • doofus says:

      hahahaha…I laugh because bad wigs in movies are one of my pet peeves, too.

      you can take a movie that’s got a 200 mil budget and then wind up with some SERIOUSLY “budget” wigs and it’s so distracting for me as a viewer.

      • According to box office mojo, this movie has a budget of $10 million. Lol….I hated the color of the wig when I first saw it, but it’s growing on me. Mainly because I remember how she was platinum blond for a movie……and that was ten times awful.

      • V4Real says:

        “you can take a movie that’s got a 200 mil budget and then wind up with some SERIOUSLY “budget” wigs and it’s so distracting for me as a viewer.”

        Like Scarlet Johansson’s wig in “The Winter Soldier”

        Um, I actually liked AJ hair pieces in “The Tourist.”

        In “Salt” her beauty didn’t shine through until she took off the blonde wig. AJ is a beautiful woman but when her hair is lighter it really takes away from her beauty. She can’t do blonde very well. Her exotic features are best matched with her natural hair color.

      • doofus says:

        I was thinking of the LOTR/Hobbit movies…how much did they cost? and the wigs…other than Aragorn, they were all pretty bad, especially the “long hair” ones. more so in the Hobbit movies, I think. I’ve been watching “Narcos” (awesome and totally recommended) and the wig that is being worn by the actress playing Pablo Escobar’s mother is horrid. every time she’s on camera I notice it.

        but I agree that Jolie looks TERRIBLE as a blond. she looks much better with light-ish brown.

    • Chloe says:

      It’s much easier in terms of continuity to have wigs, obviously. Plus the amount of time they spend getting their hair perfect is insane, so it’s a time-saving measure too (see Hillary Clinton’s ponytail). But I agree wigs are generally terrible on film unless you’re an elf or hobbit.

  18. db says:

    AJ’s right, the historical Cleopatra was a far more interesting person than any movie has ever depicted. She was a queen, not a politician – that’s a subtlety Vanity Fair misses though.

    Can’t wait to see By the Sea.

    • Betti says:

      She was a Queen and a politician who played Cesar and then Mark Anthony thou it bit her on the asp in the end.

      She is also a murderer as she had Cesar ‘remove’ her brother and sister so she could get the throne. She was ruthless and she was charming and intelligent.

  19. Jayna says:

    Was Angie asked about sexism and roles for women?

    • Maya says:

      Angelina doesn’t talk about feminism – she shows is through her work.

      Every single role she has ever played always shows the woman having an inner strength – heroine, villain, mother, daughter, girlfriend, friend etc.

      When she realised that she has a passion for directing and that the male chauvinists Hollywood won’t easily give her a chance – she took matters into her own hands and is creating opportunities for herself.

      • Jayna says:

        OH, so she doesn’t have to talk about it but revered actors Meryl and Cate Blanchett, Julianne Moore, strong actors, who have been very successful, have to? Gotcha. I thought they were supposed to talk about it as an industry problem for fellow actresses and for the lack of movies, not just if their own career is going cushy.

      • FingerBinger says:

        @Maya I think you missed the point. It’s trendy to ask an actress or any famous woman what she thinks of sexism and feminism.

      • Tarsha says:

        Jayna and FingerBinger I think you both have missed the point. She wasn’t asked about it. But her role with the UN shows her work for females and feminism, whether it be the school in Africa or her work for impoverished children. Her action does the speaking, unlike the other ‘celebrities’ you mentioned. Angelina’s actions do all the talking. She has nothing left to prove. So why would they even bother to ask her of all people? A bit redundant I think.

      • Maya says:

        I never said she didn’t have to talk about it nor have I ever said the other actresses you mentioned have to talk about it.

        If that’s what you comprehended from my comment then that’s your problem not mine.

      • Itsnotthatserious says:

        @Jayna like all those actresses who spoke up for her when the Rudin’s email came to light, like all those feminist who spoke up against Chelsea Handler calling another woman a c*nt. These women are feminists when it suits them. Angelina has always minded her lane and by her actions, has done more for feminism than those who pay it lip service.

        She wanted to direct, she wrote a script, she and Brad put up their own money to do the movie, instead of whining, she gets things done.

        Cate Blanchett complained about Mathew getting more time than her, so people will ask her that question. It is amazing what some of you will criticize her for.

    • lola says:

      I think she answered that years ago, when she was offered a part in a Bond film, and she turned it down, saying, “I want to BE Bond”.

  20. Catelina says:

    The video is really cute, hard to tell in a few cases what’s actually in the movie and what isn’t (shiloh and knox waking up dad, brad looking lovingly at angie when she stands on the balcony). Still don’t know if this movie is going to be well directed or well scripted but the costumes are pretty, as are the locations, so that and their chemistry should be enough for me to get some enjoyment out of it at the very least.

    • Camille says:

      I agree. I don’t care if the movie is godawful (quite likely!) but I want to see it none the less hehe.

  21. Velvet Elvis says:

    That photo of her on the beach with the kids is pure magic.

  22. Tarsha says:

    That is why I admire her. She has been through hell for a decade over something it turns out that she never even did, and she has never dignified any attacks on her, nor has she ever attacked back or said one bad word against anyone. Her record is impeccable. And I think it is that, that really p*sses off haters. She has class and a quiet dignity. She has never ever said a bad word about anyone even though no one would blame her since she is the victim. By not dignifying any of the attacks on her, she enrages people who so desperately want her to engage.

    • V4Real says:

      “That is why I admire her. She has been through hell for a decade over something it turns out that she never even did,”

      Um, what was that?

      • V4Real says:

        Kat Williams is not the best person to quote because Kat Williams himself is a hater. He has hated on comedians, actors and singers who are more popular than him.

        I have never called AJ a home wrecker. I think Brad’s and Jennifer marriage was pretty much over before he met AJ. AJ just helped him to stop avoiding the inevitable. But IMO I highly doubt that Brad waited until he was separated from Jennifer before he started being intimate with AJ.

      • V4Real says:

        @Caro I don’t know you from a hole in the wall and don’t you dare pretend you know me. You sound very high schoolish right now. Because I gave my opinion on Brad and AJ relationship I’m an Aniston fan? Girl grow up.

        It’s called an opinion, it’s not a fact. Just like your opinion is no more a fact that they were not romantically involved before he seperated from Jen, unless you know them personally….which I highly doubt .

  23. Armenthrowup says:

    Why should she respond? Lord knows, I cannot stand her and think Rudin was probably right on the money with his description but in her defence, she’s doing the right thing by not responding. And now I have to go and take a shower. 😛

    • Maya says:

      Oh so you also agree with his remarks about Obama then???

      You can’t just agree with one thing and not disagree with another thing.

      • lucy2 says:

        Huh? Of course you can!

      • Catelina says:

        What? I think Rudin is an asshole, and Angie of all people needn’t bother paying lipservice to his BS, but what you’re saying makes no sense Maya. It is 100% possible to agree with something a person says on one subject and disagree with what they say on a completely different subject.

      • V4Real says:

        “It is 100% possible to agree with something a person says on one subject and disagree with what they say on a completely different subject. ”

        We do it all the time on this site. LOL… I.. can’t….

      • V4Real says:

        Oh @Caro get ahold of yourself. Are you for real? I didn’t say anything about Rudin. I just agreed that you can disagree on what a person says on one subject but agree with them on a different subject. My response had nothing to do with Rudin. Why are you reaching?

        I can agree with Obama on removing the US troops from Iraq but disagree with him on Obama Care. Does that make me bias? Can I not still think he’s a good President because I disagree with something he did.

        You’re really not making a sensible argument right now.

  24. Tina says:

    I’m happy men like Scott Rubin are being called out by other actresses. If this had been a man Scott would have never made the comments he made about a woman. Woman have to be powerless when it comes to business dealings with a man or they are called names. It should not be that way.

    • Chloe says:

      I don’t think Rudin is sexist. He spoke about Mireille Enos – incidentally Brad’s costar in WWZ – in absolutely glowing terms; you’d think he was in love with her if it weren’t for the fact he’s gay.

  25. Snappyfish says:

    I’ve adored her since Gia. Just when I think I can’t like her more, she proves me wrong. Amazing. Rudin is a known ass, why reiterate the obvious

  26. DaSH says:

    Not really interested in the movie, it seems like an artsy fartsy kind which isn’t my type but that Vogue video is really cute and funny. And she’s gorgeous in the magazine cover.

  27. Saywhatwhen says:

    Sometimes I think not engaging–and taking the high road– is classy. But other times it can come off as cowardly. I hope Angie stews his beef for him out of the public eye, but stew it she must!!! Angie seems mega-sly to me and mega-determined. I hope she is quietly plotting to feed is heart to the tigers she keeps in her basement.

    • Chloe says:

      Honestly, I’m not the biggest Angie fan but she doesn’t appear to be the vengeful type. She’s probably got better things to do and she’s probably seasoned enough to know that everyone’s fake as in HW. I thought Amy Pascal was actually worse because she’d suck up to AJ and then agree with Rudin behind her back. See their emails on AJ promoting Unbroken.

  28. Vava says:

    I like Angie, but I’ve looked at her differently since she wasted her time with the Cambridges.

  29. Careygloss says:

    I think it’s classy that she won’t throw stones. She was professional in her emails to them. I still disagree that it was ever a feminist issue, but again I won’t claim rudin is anything other than a jerk. And I agree with the article and many of the posters: the idea to cast her in that movie would be an epic mistake.

  30. iheartgossip says:

    If I were her I wouldn’t say anything either, why give Sony any mileage??

  31. Rightfully says:

    Scott Rudin is beyond talented and powerful which is why his diss of Jolie is so delicious. I suspect the Jolie Pitt household must have been very embarrassed to hear about his comments in the emails. He produced Moneyball after all so Pitt must have felt the sting. One of my favorites, from Page Six last December, bears revisiting. Here’s a choice excerpt …

    The Jolie e-mails, in which Rudin insists that director David Fincher pass on Jolie’s “Cleopatra” biopic in favor of a Steve Jobs project, are a different story — they go only to her character and talent level. They’re electrifying precisely because Rudin may be giving voice to a quiet, commonly held sentiment.

    “I think people were applauding him for being so forthcoming in defense of the Jobs project,” says the ex-protégé, who is now at a major studio. “He doesn’t bow to celebrity. It’s about the work. ­Status doesn’t impress him.”

    The contempt for Jolie, and the unfinished, 700-page script for “Cleopatra,” is hilarious in its brevity and specificity: “I’m not interested in presiding over a $180m ego bath that we both know will be the career-defining debacle for us both,” Rudin wrote Pascal. “I’m not destroying my career over a minimally talented spoiled brat who thought nothing of shoving this off her plate for eighteen months so she could go direct a movie . . . She’s a camp event and a celebrity and that’s all and the last thing anybody needs is to make a giant bomb with her that any fool could see coming.”

    “On those e-mails, he’s looking out for the person he believes is the real talent there — and that’s Fincher, not Jolie,” says the producer’s friend. “He’s a very shrewd judge of character, and he does not put up with misbehaving stars.”

    • sofie says:

      Go back to female first you sad troll.

    • Luca76 says:

      Scott is talented and powerful but he’s also notoriously difficult just because a protege defended him it doesn’t make his awful reputation go away or mean that there haven’t been reppricussions for him.

    • Maya says:

      So if someone is talented and powerful it gives them the right to be rude, vile and disgusting pig?

      The Jolie Pitt household didn’t have anything to worry about because the very same talented and powerful man came back begging her to do another role. In fact he literally begged Angelina to do that other role and was sucking up to her a few months after those emails.

      Plus every single studio in Hollywood wanted to produce and distribute By the Sea – the companies openly admitted that. So who is laughing now? The woman who behaved with dignity and class and had a combined box office take of almost 1 billion last year by her name alone or the man who said those things and was ordered to stay quiet and in the shadow during awards season????

    • lola says:

      @rightfully: Bet you didn’t think it delicious when your FF idol was being ridiculed and laughed at, in the emails. The e-mails confirmed what everyone already knew, a certain person will do ANY part for the smallest sum of money, because this person is so desperate for work.

      Did you laugh when an industry friend said this person could use the work, and everyone has a really good laugh about how pathetic this person was. By the way, the Sony e-mails confirmed how no one wanted to hire this person, even though she was “willing to work for peanuts”, the studio said, ‘No Way”.

    • Itsnotthatserious says:

      Yet you missed the emails he had his head so far up Jolie’s ass, offering her whatever role she wanted, and she could even direct the project if she chooses and she graciously passed.

      • Chloe says:

        She passed the directing offer because they were offering it with the condition of another actor in the starring role. I think they canvassed Elizabeth Olsen as Cleo.

      • Chloe says:

        It’s in the emails. Just Google it. I’m not too sure if they mentioned Olsen to AJ but they canvassed her to each other.

      • Chloe says:

        You’re right. They were talking about casting another Elizabeth (staff member) as a joke and some thread (not FF) speculated it was Olsen. My memory failed me this time.

  32. Bebe says:

    She knows how to stay classy!

  33. Rockin Robin says:

    I just love everything about them and their family.

  34. HoustonGrl says:

    Ugh, I will be kind of bummed if this movie doesn’t get made. The Stacy Schiff novel (biography) is amazing.