Daisy Ridley on whether Jyn Erso is Rey’s mother: it’s not important

Daisy Ridley accompanied JJ Abrams to the MTV Movie Awards, which aired on Sunday, Daisy’s 24th birthday. Daisy took home the Breakthrough Performance award and Star Wars: The Force Awakens won Movie of the Year, which surprised no one. Tumblr’s new boyfriend Adam Driver won Best Villain for Kylo Ren, just to round out the Star Wars wins, but he didn’t show.

Last week the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer dropped. Not ones to sit by idly, Star Wars fans immediately got to work on ALL the theories. Since Rogue One is a prequel to The Force Awakens and its lead character, Jyn Erso, is a caucasian brunette – just like Daisy’s Rey character – the first theory out of the gate is that Jyn Erso is Rey’s mother. Everyone is tossing this one around. Everyone except Daisy, that is. She says it doesn’t matter.

According to Ridley, rumors of Jyn and Rey’s familial connection have been greatly exaggerated. “I’m not being funny you guys, but just because she’s white and got brown hair… it doesn’t mean she’s my mom,” Ridley told MTV’s Josh Horowitz backstage at the MTV Movie Awards.

And besides, Ridley already knows who Rey’s parents are — and she doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal. “I think the amazing thing about [Episode VII] is that Finn and Rey don’t come from anywhere, and they find a place,” Ridley, who’s currently filming Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: Episode VIII, said. “So to me, it’s funny that people think it’s so important because I don’t really think it is.”

It’s unclear if Episode VIII will delve into Rey’s backstory, but we do know the film will pick up right where The Force Awakens left off: with Rey handing over Luke’s lightsaber to the fallen Jedi on that island on Ahch-To. Ridley describes the film as “darker” than Episode VII, and when asked about Rey’s future as a Jedi, she gave this very intriguing response: “I don’t know if I am a Jedi… I don’t think I am.”

“We’ve had this debate as to whether Leia is because she uses her Force powers,” she continued. “Just because she’s not like, oh I’m going on an adventure like Luke doesn’t make her any less Forceful.”

[From MTV.com]

It made sense that JJ would be there with his star for the MTV Awards, but now I totally get it. Since JJ guards his plot points tighter than Fort Knox, he was probably in the corner Obi-Wan Kenobing Josh saying,” These are not the answers you are looking for.” And Daisy knows who Rey’s parents are? Clearly this girl does not drink because I would be three scotches in and drawing a family tree on my neighbors’ wall with that info.

So is Daisy dancing around the answer or is she telling us Jyn Erso is not Rey’s mother? And if she is telling us that, is she lying? If so, she’s a really good liar. Like she should be Jon Snow because I have no idea if I should believe her or not. Certainly better than Benedict Cumberbatch pretending he wasn’t Khan. In the video with Josh, Daisy goes on to say “Regardless of where you come from, where you go, that’s the thing… you’re moving forward.” Her point being that the focus on Finn and Rey’s stories should be their progression, not where they began. Which, of course, is exactly what some who was trying to deflect an origin story would say – damn you, Abrams!

In case you haven’t seen it yet, Mark Hamill – who is just flat out awesome – tweeted this for Daisy on her birthday. When the Rebel Alliance tweets, we all win (for the Empire Strikes Back references, here it is):


Photo credit: Getty Images and WENN photos

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31 Responses to “Daisy Ridley on whether Jyn Erso is Rey’s mother: it’s not important”

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  1. ell says:

    it’s not weird people are interested though, the whole story is set up for people to wonder. that said, some of the theories i read are really lol

  2. Snazzy says:

    I kinda hope she isn’t the child of one of the former or newer central characters … I like the idea of her being important and central to the films without having to rely on lineage. Just a strong young woman left behind when Kylo Ren destroyed Luke’s Jedi school, ready to use that lightsaber and take on the world 🙂

  3. Erinn says:

    I have to say – I could never stand Mark Hammil. Since the last movie came out, he’s grown on me. He’s embraced social media more, too – and it’s always great. This photo is perfect.

    That being said – if she has to be related to someone, please let it be a Kenobi, not a Skywalker. I will absolutely rage if we have another ‘I am your father’ reveal. And if she’s the same case as Anakin – another rage.

    • Palar says:

      Agree. No more skywalkers please!

    • serena says:

      I would love if she was a Kenobi! But the way I see it, she’s more likely to be a Skywalker, the real ‘hero’ who would save the galaxy. (maybe).

      • Felice. says:

        What if Luke “adopts” her if she’s a Kenobi. Prophecy never said it had to be by blood (I think)

    • Felice. says:


    • Mia4s says:

      Kathleen Kennedy has specifically said the core films focus on “the Skywalker family saga”. So you best get ready for more Skywalkers, or switch to Star Trek. 😉

      • M.A.F. says:

        Even Lucas has said that Star Wars is a family soap opera.

      • serena says:

        That’s right! I loved Obi Wan though (and Ewan McGregor) and I wouldn’t mind if she was his daughter/niece/whatever.. but I kinda think he wouldn’t go and make babies, because he was so serious and focused on his mission even as an exile.

      • Original Kay says:

        Obi wan is forever Alec Guiness. Meh to Ewan playing home, he was weak and whiny

  4. Jenns says:

    I find it annoying how when a woman is now cast in a Star Wars film, people automatically start saying that she is Rey’s mother. The same thing happened with Laura Dern. Women don’t always equal moms. Just my little rant.

    Anyway, that picture of Mark and Daisy is great.

    • Mia4s says:

      I don’t think the mother question is about that at all. There was Fin is Lando’s son stories, a whole book about Poe’s mother! Star Wars is space opera, it’s about families.

      The issue here is they cast an actress who looks strikingly similar to their other lead actresses. All who share a family connection. Seems a bit odd for a series preaching diversity doesn’t it? Hmmmm.

      My guess is Rey is Luke’s but I have no idea what the story is with Mom. They’ve made too big a deal out of it for randoms (terrible writing!), Kenobi is waaaaay too convoluted, it’s the simplest answer most likely.

      Just not another Force virgin birth please, that was garbage.

      • M.A.F. says:

        Don’t know how in involved JJ Abrams is in the other films, but if you look back on his work, some of his female leads look the same. A lot of petite brunettes with light freckles.

  5. DavidBowie says:

    You wrote Dairy on the last paragraph. LOL

  6. serena says:

    Family is all that matters in the Star Wars movies.. so of course it does matter 😀 hehe, I’m so excited!

  7. Spikey says:

    I must say I really like this woman. Fingers crossed that fame doesn’t turn Daisy into an asshole.

  8. Yo Adrian! says:

    I think there has to be something to the fact all four main female actresses in Star Wars are white & brunette – Natalie Portman, Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley & Felicity Jones. Also, when they were casting Jyn Erson they were considering Jones, Tatiana Maslany & Rooney Mara for the role – all brunette actresses. Rey has to be related to someone, surely!

    Also, Mark Hamill’s Twitter is great – replies to fans, very funny too.

  9. Murphy says:

    Ofcourse she said that-she can’t just go “Oh yeah she is, you got us”

  10. nn says:

    Is ‘rogue one’ a one off? or will it be a franchise as well? Thanks

  11. Miss M says:

    Hammill’s twitter was great!

  12. Erica_V says:

    This is dumb because OBVIOUSLY Han and Leia are her parents.

    • Pamela says:

      I had thought the same thing…..it seemed like she was Han’s daughter in the film. All that mechanical- good captian stuff.

      • Erica_V says:

        Thats how it is in the books at least. And the bad guy Ren? Her brother. The FA trailer where they talked about “I know your eyes. I’ve seen your eyes.” And they flash to her and then Leia and then Han that solidified my theory.