Star: Kaley Cuoco hopes new boyfriend will propose soon – after 2 months?

24th and final 'A Night at Sardi's' to benefit the Alzheimer's Association - Arrivals

Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco recently celebrated wrapping the 9th(!) season of her sitcom by adding extensions to her short, bobbed hair. In a pic posted on Instagram, the 30-year-old actress was shown getting the follicle supplements and added the caption, I love playing Penny , but it’s good for me to bring it back to Kaley.” They make extensions with dark roots? Sorry, that was “Catty Corey.” Actually, the finished product doesn’t look that bad – but I still don’t know why she left such long dark roots. If I had “Kaley money,” you would not see a root, and I’d be in the chair when one dared to rear its ugly head.

In other news, it seems that the actress is attempting to put her relationship with new beau Karl Cook on the fast track to marriage. Star Magazine hinted that Kaley has been pulling the move that has never worked for me or any of my friends.

Marry in haste, repent in leisure. Itโ€™s a lesson Kaley Cuoco should have learned after she wed her ex-husband Ryan Sweeting after three months of dating. But sources say Cuoco is hoping to become engaged to equestrian Karl Cook just as quickly. During a recent visit to a newsstand in LA, a tipster says Kaley purchased a stack of bridal magazines with a friend.

โ€œThey flipped through them all, cover to cover, and commented on which dresses looked the best,โ€ dishes the eyewitness, although it wasnโ€™t long before Kaley started gushing about her new man.

โ€œShe went on and on about how much she loves Karl and confessed that she was hoping for a proposal โ€“ and soon.โ€

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Since the couple made it official quite recently – on Instagram, of course, Kaley has continued to declare her love for Karl on social media, posting a pic with him at a local farmers market on Sunday.

๐Ÿ‘ซ blondes do have more fun ๐Ÿ™‚ #sundaze ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

A photo posted by @normancook on

Full disclosure: one of the best things about my divorce was not having to watch BBT anymore. Full disclosure, part 2: I once had extensions. I loved them, my friends hated them, but told me only after I had them taken out. That being said, I can’t help but like Kaley. Yes, she’s made some bad decisions, both with men and hair, but I can’t help but root for her, because she seems like a cool chick. She’s that friend (and I know we’ve all had one) who always wants to be in a relationship, good or bad. I just kind of want to take her under my wing and encourage her to let this relationship proceed “as is” for a while longer before saying yes to a dress. It’s great to be spontaneous, but she should let her hair take the brunt of that for now. Extensions are easy to take out. Just saying.

Kaley Cuoco Stops By A CVS Pharmacy

24th and final 'A Night at Sardi's' to benefit the Alzheimer's Association - Arrivals

Kaley Cuoco_takes pictures

Photo credit: Getty Images, Fame Flynet,

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52 Responses to “Star: Kaley Cuoco hopes new boyfriend will propose soon – after 2 months?”

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  1. vauvert says:

    Wow, “bleeding feminist” expects ring from new boyfriend despite her previous, unsuccessful, fools rush in marriage. Sorry, no soft spot for fools. But at least this one is apparently wealthy…

    • Jess says:

      Sorry but wtf does her being a “bleeding feminist” have to do with this story? Way to shoehorn that in.

      • vauvert says:

        Do you recall, after the debacle with her original response to the question “are you a feminist” and her answer “no, I like to go home and make my husband dinner”…. On the second iteration of the question she answered with “I am bleeding feminism”.
        Personally, I see a lot of irony in someone who so clearly doesn’t understand a thing about feminism but changes her replies to stick to her PR script, yet in real life is still defined (IF the gossip is true) by getting a ring after an earth shattering, epic two month romance.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Oh, I’d forgotten that little slice of idiocy.

      • Jess says:


        Yes, that debacle was cringeworthy of Kaley but I still don’t see the connection.

        Are feminists not allowed to have a strong desire to be married no matter how foolish?

    • Luna says:

      you can want to get married and be a feminist. even if you wante it that much

    • Kimbers says:

      Shoehorn comment of the day!!!! All out of confetti ๐Ÿ™

      Sorry but unless that proposal comment is from Kaley herself it doesn’t count andnot some “source”….Btw feminists need love too, and dont shame a girl for looking!

      Also feminism is about equality, while
      haters are about putting down women who want to find love…i believe we know which one the first commenter falls under… ๐Ÿ™

      • Kitten says:

        I think Vauvert did a good job tying in her first comment with some of Kaley’s problematic comments from the past.

    • Tammy says:

      @Vauvert… Way to bring the snark lol. Maybe the problem is not with Kaley at all but those that are interviewing her.

      Feminists can and do want motherhood and marriage, they do want to go home and cook for their partners, clean etc.. it is so much more than that. It means being treated equally as men, being viewed as strong and competent to make important decisions like men, that we can hold the same positions as men and not hear crap about our periods, our diva like behavior when we want respect…. it does not mean that we want to burn our bras and cut our hair off but to those that do.. it’s fine.

      If Kaley wants to marry someone after two months of dating, so be it.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        I’m a feminist. Have always been a feminist. I absolutely wanted to marriage and children and I have them. I am no less feminist because of that.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      These kinds of stories are usually total crap. So enjoy them for entertainment, but I think it is odd to judge people based on them.

  2. Patricia says:

    What’s the point of living and growing if you can’t learn form your own mistakes? She shows a complete lack of self awareness. I really hope this isn’t true and she isn’t trying to rush into her next marriage so quickly. Where the fire? It’s not like she’s an evangelical-raised teenager who gets married just to have sex. I don’t get why she’s in such a hurry.

  3. Lucy2 says:

    Hopefully this is another example of Star being completely wrong. After last time, she definitely needs to not rush.

  4. Kimma says:

    Star is not exactly reliable. However, I am yet to see this girl alone for more than a week…it is amazing and she screams co-dependency.

  5. Nancy says:

    Is not insanity described as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results,,,,

  6. Snazzy says:

    That red dress came straight from lucifer. What a mess

    • Nancy says:

      Did you ever watch Lucifer on television. It’s really a good show and I don’t hear people talking about it much. Try it out, very entertaining…and the actor playing the lead is a hottie!

      • Lama Bean says:

        Actor is a hottie and he was also on Rush. I think we’ve discussed him before and he was kind of shady.

        As for Kaley, she grinds on my last nerve. LAST ONE

      • Snazzy says:

        Ohhh cool! Ok I’ll check it out ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Kate says:

    She seems frozen at about 21.

    • Ankhel says:

      They do say emotional maturing stops when you become famous, so I guess that fits.

    • MC2 says:

      This! She always strikes me as an immature, pony loving, bubbly girl who can also suddenly start bawling & screaming her head off for no reason other then drama. I don’t know a lot about her- she just strikes me as a stereotypical sobriety girl. Maybe it’s her shtick.
      Having a husband that forced you to watch BBT?! I am shuddering……that is something to run from. Fast.

    • Taxi says:

      or 18.

  8. NewWester says:

    So an actress on a highly rated and watched sitcom goes to a newsstand and purchases bridal magazines. Then says in public how much she loves the guy she is dating and wants him to propose? This is either:
    A: Just another fairytale from Star magazine. I also like the “and soon” when referring to a proposal. Will the Star print pregnancy rumours about Kaley soon? Hence the rush to be engaged?
    B: Kaley is trolling for attention and made sure to be noticed. That sounds way too planned

  9. Jen43 says:

    Ugh. She’s that needy friend who can’t be without a guy. Everyone talks about her behind her back.

  10. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I think BBT is sort of cute? I think buying a stack of Bride magazines two months after you start dating someone says you really, really want to marry the next available candidate, not that you really want to marry this particular person.

    • Erinn says:

      Ehhhhhh. I liked BBT when it first came on… about midway through the first season. But I can’t STAND it anymore. The odd bit is still super funny, sure. But it’s just embarrassing to watch. It’s like nobody on that show has gotten the memo that nerds are cool now – not complete messes.

      Anything Chuck Lorre pumps out, I’m probably going to write off.

      I tend to think Kaley is much more interested in the idea of marriage/weddings than she is in her partners.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I’ve only watched old reruns, so I haven’t gotten to the embarrassing part yet. It has been on forever, though, and shows usually Peter out after that long.

  11. Green Is Good says:

    I like her and the show. She comes off as a fun person but the woman needs to learn how to function without a man in her life. She was single for 5 minutes after her marriage ended.

  12. Heat says:

    I just don’t understand her rush to be married.
    Does she not feel secure enough in her commitment, just by being with someone for a while?

    For her sake, I hope that this is just a fabricated story by Star.

  13. JudyK says:

    Is she really that needy and lacking any depth or insight? No one even begins to show their true colors after only two months of dating.

  14. Anon33 says:

    Wow. She certainly keeps downgrading with each one, doesn’t she? This dude looks twelve…

  15. K says:

    Not the most reliable source but if it is true then I feel bad for her, she is either scared to be alone or afraid that that first marriage was it and not handling it well. She needs a good friend to tell her to just have fun and see what happens.

    But she’d probably do herself a favor by being single for a bit but I know that’s hard in her industry.

  16. SilkyMalice says:

    Random thought – I’m starting to wonder is she might not have a drinking problem. She is sort of a mess and appears to have no impulse control.

    • Starkiller says:

      I’m no fan of this woman, but being a mess and having impulse control problems can arise from any number of things, or nothing at all (some people are just airheads). It seems a bit cruel to speculate that someone has substance abuse issues when there’s absolutely no evidence to back it up.

  17. paolanqar says:

    I don’t care what other people think. I like her.
    She is a millionaire but she doesn’t flaunt it or brag about it. She seems into sports and horses and so what if she wants to get married again after 2 months?
    She seems to go on well with her co-stars and I never heard anything bad about her or her behavior, she seems to have a healthy relationship with her family and adores her sister.
    I also love The Big Bang Theory.. so what do I know?
    Season 9 is disappointing but I still watch all the re-runs.

    • HollyG says:

      I’m with you, I like her too. She seems kind and harmless, and she’s never papped falling drunk out of a club or anything.

      And even if Star is right about the bridal magazines…why couldn’t they be for her friend? Because that’s their only “proof.”

  18. I Choose Me says:

    That header pic is um, unfortunate. That’s a grimace not a smile. Her body though is amazing.

  19. Kitten says:

    Cannot stand her.

  20. agnes says:

    She has a weird smile.

  21. NeoCleo says:

    I feel sorry for her even though she is stinking rich. She doesn’t learn.

  22. BeachBelle says:

    Ugh, this woman and her terrible sperm brows. I hope that she protects herself and her money by getting a solid prenup because this is foolish.

    Something nice, she’s passionate about her love of animals.

  23. JumperRiderJane says:

    Maybe this could work. He travels a lot for competitions so he will be occupied when she is busy with work and then when she is isn’t working she can join him on the tour and compete as well….? Who knows. She seems a bit love crazy, and some guys are totally into that. BTW, he is loaded and doesn’t need her money.

  24. Magnoliarose says:

    She grates on my nerves. I imagine her to be that friend you can only take in tiny doses with plenty of breaks in between.

  25. hi says:

    she is a the worst actress, she tries so hard to be aniston. seriously, she has copied her mannerisms. it’s creepy.

  26. Tony sea says:

    That girl has some serious self esteem issues.I guess money and good looks isn’t everything .

  27. Andrea says:

    Her hair looked perfect once it grew out a bit! Ugh, she will ruin it now with extensions.

    In other thoughts, I hope these rumors aren’t true about wanting to get married again so soon. Please learn something for once!