Salma Hayek: ‘I am entering my fifties so your body confidence isn’t that good’


Here are some photos of Salma Hayek at the LA premiere of Septembers of Shiraz earlier this week. Salma wore a tiger-striped Saint Laurent slip dress which… do you guys think there’s an age limit on animal prints? Or is it just an issue of taste? I’ve seen some stunning animal-print clothing that could be worn at any age, and then sometimes (like right now), I’ll see an animal print on a nearly-50 woman and think, “mutton dressed as lamb.” Salma looks great for 49, totally and completely. But this looks sort of tacky on her, that’s all I’ll say.

Speaking of Salma’s age, she gave an interesting interview to InStyle UK this week about how it feels to be turning 50 this year (she turns 50 in September). Salma has a history of giving updates on her personal aging process and she has a history of doling out aging “advice” too. Some of the advice is bonkers, but some of it is… okay. I sort of enjoy how honest Salma is in this interview:

How her body confidence has changed as she approaches 50: “That made me insecure too… especially when it’s new it’s like (shrugs shoulders). Well I am entering my fifties so your body confidence isn’t that good. I think it depends on the day, for everybody, there’s some days you say, ‘this is it,’ and you love it. Then there are days when you go, ‘this can not be it! Is this really it?’ So I think it’s up and down all the time!

How to become a queen in everyday life: “You have to get up and become your own work of art; from the moment you put yourself together. Not that I do it! I am quite lazy in the queen department. But celebrate who you are and celebrate life and know that this is your experience.

[From InStyle UK]

Last year, Salma was proudly proclaiming about how she was 48 and had no need for Botox, peels or fillers. The comments on that post were scary, because some of you magnificent over-50 ladies were like *sepulchral voice* “JUST YOU WAIT.” As in, 50 is when things really start to drop off. And it seems like Salma is feeling that too. What a difference a year makes, right? One second you’re smugly declaring that you have no need for any cosmetic adjustments and then suddenly you’re researching neck-skin surgery online. I have no answers, ladies! I’m more than a decade younger than Salma and I’m already starting to look at various parts of my body like, “Oh, that’s never going to be firm again, I guess.”



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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94 Responses to “Salma Hayek: ‘I am entering my fifties so your body confidence isn’t that good’”

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  1. Trin says:

    That dress wouldn’t be as bad if it hit above the knee on her. Either way, she makes 50 look beautiful.

  2. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I’m sixty in August and I haven’t felt better about my body since I was 16. Don’t get me wrong, it has LOOKED better, of course. Selma is in the worst part. When things start to change, it’s very scary, and you think you’re going to wake up tomorrow looking like Granny on The Beverly Hillbillies. But you don’t. Then you get used to the changes, you do what you can to improve, like exercise, exfoliate and eat delicious but nutritious food, and some kind of acceptance settles in. My body is still beautiful, just not in the same way. It’s getting strong again after a few years of bad health. It’s still here. It does what I need it to do. I love it and I appreciate it. i can’t convince you not to be scared. That’s part of change. But I hope I can reassure that it won’t feel like that forever, and on the other side of that is peace and a greater confidence, because it comes from who you are, not just what you look like.

    • Almondjoy says:

      I love your comment soo much ❤️❤️❤️

    • Myrna says:

      Yes, you explain what it feels like to go through the aging process as a woman so beautifully.
      It’s about acceptance and confidence and knowing that you are respecting your body with how you live and eat – that’s what it’s about.

      On the other side of things, it pains me that women only have to come to terms with aging.
      We never hear this from men – ever.
      It’s sad that women are held to a different standard…that we need to make excuses for aging.
      Why is that?
      Is our beauty and appearance al we’re worth?

      • Real&true says:

        @myrna I get that women held to different standards but men do deal with this issue its just in private, a lot of the problems they deal with are in private because they are held to different standards as well, it’s not fair for any of us male or female.

      • sherry says:

        Men are just as vain, but it is different. For instance, my husband is more concerned about hair loss than wrinkles.

      • Myrna says:

        I agree that men deal with issues of getting older.
        Let’s face it – aging is not always pleasant, especially when one’s looks change.

        But I don’t think men are ever judged by the masses/society at all on the same scale as women – not even close!

        The looks of an aging women are always at the forefront – face and body.
        It’s always there…usually ahead of all else.

        Whereas a man approachng 50?
        Is that ever really the topic of discussion ?

        I’ve been with friends when we’ll see a couple we haven’t seen in awhile…and the men, especially, are always first to say something about how the woman looks.
        Not how the man has aged – but the woman.

        I get so incredibly offended and usually point out to the man making the comments that he should take a look at himself.
        Guess what? We’ve all aged – so what?
        It hasn’t been my experience that the women comment on how the guy may have aged, or the woman, for that matter.
        I for one always am happy to see old friends and don’t put any value on their looks at all – I’m more interested on how their lives and family are.
        Perhaps I’m super sensitive because it’s something I don’t do and it galls me that others seem to be judging me on my looks and how I’ve aged.

      • LM says:

        I actually feel like men age far worse than most women I know. Maybe not in Hollywood but it real life, the men around my area look worse than their wife counterparts, I mean, by FAR. Also, I see men LOOSE it during midlife and I find it shocking just how insecure and vain they become. Women, for better or worse, start dealing with aging and process aging at a much younger age and in the end, I think it serves us better. We exfoliate, layer on sunscreen, hit the gym, eat well, yada yada yada. Men wake up one day and BAM, they fall apart when they see they are losing their hair, they have a pot belly, and GASP, no women (except possibly their wife 😉 want them.

      • Anna says:

        Men are just as vain but I also think that men can rock that grizzled older sexy look and then all of a sudden poof! it’s all over. I feel like women age more slowly, steadily and gracefully; with men, it’s good longer then they become aged and elderly overnight.

        One thing I really hate, though, is when guys are like, oh, wow, I would never guess she’s ___ old, she’s looks great! Or similar, now that I’m in my early 40s: wow, you look great for your age. Such utter b.s. My friends tell me I should date younger guys like they do, but I can’t stand how they talk like this, makes me feel like 100 years old, deeply unsexy.

    • Erinn says:

      I think there is farrrr too much obsession over numbers. Starting a new decade doesn’t cause an overnight change… but so many people act like it does.

      Honestly… I look forward to middle age / later years. I’ll have aged into my personality hahaha. But seriously – the older I get – and I know I’m still very young – the more I have the guts to just do things for ME. I accept who I am a lot more, I can be more introspective of my faults and be more and more comfortable with who I am. The teen years and early 20’s weren’t great for that. I’m finally getting to a point where I’m not feeling as overwhelmingly guilty for saying no to things that I don’t want to do, and taking time out for myself. I think the older you get the more ‘you’ you become if that makes sense. And I love that part.

      I’m already noticing a few fine lines here and there – I have a deep line between my eyebrows from anxiety/squinting when I don’t have glasses or contacts… and it’s kind of whatever- at least I’m alive and relatively content as a human. Dad turns 60 next year, and he tends to go through a minor freak out before his birthdays (I’ve been guilty of that in the ‘oh god I’ve accomplished nothing’ kind of way) but he’s a healthy guy, he retired last year because he was miserable working a job where he was the only person getting shit done, and he’s been hitting the gym more and more since he doesn’t work. I’ve noticed in the last few weeks he seems happier than I can remember him being since I was a kid. And mom’s a year younger, but she’s never really been upset about aging either. I think that helps a lot too – if you’re around people who embrace the years of experience they have behind them, it become less and less of a big deal.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Every chapter of your life has something to teach you, something valuable in it. That never changes and it never stops being exciting. The more “you” you become – exactly!

    • Esmom says:

      GoodNames, Very well said. I am so happy you are in good health and feeling so at peace. I’m Salma’s age and I honestly don’t have body issues although I am not a fan of what has been happening with my neck. I love to run, for both mental and physical health and I have come to have such an appreciation for the simple fact that I can still do it. And for the fact that I have been fortunate enough to not face any major illnesses. You summed up my feelings exactly: “It’s still here. It does what I need it to do.”

    • Wilma says:

      That reminds me of this by Eve Ensler:

      ‘Maybe being good isn’t about getting rid of anything. Maybe being good has to do with living in the mess in the frailty in the failures in the flaws. Maybe what I tried to get rid of is the goodest part of me. Think Passion. Think Age. Think Round. Maybe good is about developing the capacity to live fully inside everything. Our body is our country, the only city, the only village, the only every we will ever know. Our body is the carrier of the stories of the world, of the earth, of the mother. Our body is our home. We live in a good body.’

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:


      • Kitten says:

        Wow. I got chills. I need to write this down on a post-it and put it on my fridge so I’ll see it every time I want to drink my feelings about getting older.

    • mee says:

      thank you for these insights. it helps to know that this period (late 40s/50s) is a difficult transition but that the important thing is not how taut our arms/butts are, but how amazing our bodies are for carrying us through our lives. i loved the comment about confidence coming from who you are and not what you look like. turning 50 next year and definitely noticing changes. but i’m also starting to appreciate the simple things like, whoa my body is capable, strong, and has been there for me. still working on the confidence based on who i am though…!

    • sherry says:

      GNAT – Beautiful! You said it perfectly! I’m 53 and for me, it’s not about looking great in a bikini like when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. I want to be healthy and fit. I’ve started noticing some fine lines developing around my upper lip. To be honest, it does bother me and I think, “Maybe I should get some fillers.” When I voiced that thought aloud, all three of my kids said, “No!”

      I am wiser, more compassionate and loving toward others than when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. I embrace life more at 53 than I ever did when I was younger. I value my family, friends and health more than what size dress I wear.

      I saw a photo yesterday on the Daily Mail of Jacklyn Smith. I swear, she could still be on Charlie’s Angels. Her figure and her face are flawless at 70. She’s beautiful. You don’t get to 70 and look like that without surgical help and that’s an individual decision each of us will make at some point.

      • SJO says:

        I am loving this thread. Salma and I are a month apart. I have aged well due to good genetics and no sun. But I was a smoker for decades. Am starting to get a little comeuppance for that bad habit. It is scary.
        Being a pretty woman is powerful.
        And when you really begin to understand that it IS going away, you think:
        What am I going to do? I will be invisible now.
        Some days it puts you in a panic.
        I have just begun to work out in my head what I would like my life to look like for the next twenty years. When you find something to be passionate about it helps a lot.
        Nothing wrong with a LITTLE Botox either.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yes, yes, to both of you. SJO, I felt exactly the way you do, that I would be invisible. But as sherry said, you start to realize that other things are more important to you. And you will still turn heads, they will just be older heads. Lol

    • Kiliki says:

      Excellent comment GNAT. As usual!❤️

    • Tiny Martian says:

      Thank you for that, GNAT. One of the best (and most encouraging) comments I’ve ever read on women and aging.

    • Kitten says:

      You are like my Aging Role Model, GNAT.

      That might be a title that you don’t want lol but you are so amazingly good at making me feel better about this stuff. 40 is my next biggie and I’m not gonna lie: I’m terrified. I only hope I can maintain the same positive and gracious attitude that you have, Miss GNAT ♥

      • ExistingisExhausting says:

        you worded it so much better than i did, but completely agree!

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        You are so sweet, and I am honored by my new title, but just to be clear, I’m past the hard part. Hard part was hard! I freaked out when I turned 50, life was over, I’ll be in nursing home next week, I’m gack! middle aged, help me, this stinks, I am being punished and I did nothing wrong. So I’m not sure how gracious I was. Lol. But it’s not even ten years later and everything is good again. That’s all I’m trying to say – life doesn’t end. It even gets better. ❤️

      • Almondjoy says:

        Aging Role Model! Perfect!

    • Redd says:

      Thank you. Wow. I’m 54 and feeling like CRAP. This was SO lovely to read.

    • ExistingisExhausting says:

      GNAT- your perspective makes aging a little less scary. Thank you, from all of us that are feeling this way

    • Cat'sMeow says:


    • Carol says:

      Your comment made me smile. It was so positive and made aging seem less scary. Thank you!

    • Jules says:

      what beautiful words, thanks for this.

    • Imqrious2 says:

      GNAT, I’m in your exact place (except I turn 60 in October). I think that when you’ve gone through a bad illness, and face your mortality, you also learn to appreciate the gift of just *being* , and all that entails. You said it much more eloquently than I ever could. Hugs to you, and all Celebitchers with us!

    • Wurstbonbon says:

      I want to marry you <3

    • anon says:

      Love. This. Comment. So. Much. Yes. This.

    • HyacinthBucket says:

      Thank you for that GNAT! I’m 55 and look (and feel) every year of it. I really appreciate the thought that there will be better times ahead.

    • Amy says:

      Thank you, that just made my day.

  3. Wilma says:

    I think we should stop with the mutton dressed as a lamb thing. People age differently these days and I’m not for putting limits on the way people express themselves through clothes. My mother in law gave away this amazing fifties dress, that she looked beautiful in, because my sister in law convinced her the print was to young (poppies! How can poppies be too young?!?). It made her so sad to give that dress away.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      When I read “mutton dressed as lamb” it hurt my feelings a little. I guess I’m mutton. tough and old and stringy or something. Anyway, I do sometimes look at what a woman is wearing and think it looks too young for her and she looks kind of silly. Sometimes it’s the length or silhouette or whatever. But I agree with you that it’s pointless to make broad statements like “no jeans over forty.” Some women can pull it off and some can’t. I’m really sorry about the poppies. That makes me sad, too.

    • Ellie says:

      Nope. Some things just look better on young people.

      Broad statements are just silly but some outfits clearly just look TOO YOUNG.

      • Wilma says:

        In YOUR opinion, but why should other people dress according to what looks good in your opinion? There’s always going to be tons of people who criticize the way you dress no matter how you dress, so why not just dress the way you feel happy?

      • Blondehart says:

        Your opinion only.

  4. Miss V says:

    It is difficult when you get to the age where you know that you’re too old to be considered young, but you’re too young to be considered old. It feel so strange. And losing weight is literally the most daunting task you’ve ever had to face.

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      +1. I gained 20 pounds just like that and it’s not going anywhere.
      50 is hard. Aside-it also seem to be the age where your idols ARE old and start dying off (David Bowie, Prince). 🙁

    • Tiny Martian says:

      Can I just say that I actually managed to lose the extra weight I’ve been hauling around for the past 5 years, and now my body looks better………..but my face instantly aged 10 years!

  5. Jenns says:

    The older I get, the more exhausting I find discussions about women and their bodies. I get feeling insecure at times, because I have those moments too. But my body is what it is. I take care of it and stay healthy. And I am much more than my hips, a** and thighs. When I look back in my teens and 20s and realize how much I obsessed over my looks, it makes me realize that I don’t want to do that anymore. It’s just wasted energy.

    • Almondjoy says:

      Love this ❤️

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, well said.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Exactly. Would that I could have all the time back I spent on trying to conform to the “ideal beauty image”. I stopped that when I turned fifty and I can honestly say I’ve had more men and women compliment me about my looks/style since I stopped GAF.

      My rule regarding animal print – use it as an accessory, and use only one animal print accessory per outfit.

    • halley says:

      Great post. As I get older I love my body more, but it’s not because it looks like that of the latest supermodel/celebrity – it’s because it’s the best of MY body. I see this with my daughter, though I try to discourage it, in that young women and girls compare their body to others (which are most likely photoshopped) and it is an unrealistic, impossible goal to try and achieve. Learning to love you for you comes with age.

    • Kitten says:

      Are we the same person? That was me in my twenties.

      Sigh. Youth is wasted on the young.

      • Kiliki says:

        Kitten! You’re in my head!

        I wanted to write youth is wasted on the young but thought it sounded too cliché. I was wrong!

        Clichés are clichés because they’re true.

        I’m only a year behind you! It goes fast, doesn’t it? I bet you look GOOD, especially if your boyfriend doesn’t like you with make up. Relish it or in ten years you’ll look back at pictures of you now and say “DAMN! I really did look good!”

      • Jenns says:

        ITA about youth wasted on the young.

        When I was in high school, I always thought I was too fat, ugly, ect. I recently found a box that had a bunch of pictures of me as a teenage and guess what? I was cute as f**k, lol. To be fair, there is so much pressure of girls/women in regards to their looks. But after finding that box, I realized that in another 20 years, I don’t want to find another box of pictures at my current age and think about how I wasted so many thoughts on hating my body.

    • Bee says:

      If you have any tips about how to achieve such peace, I’d be grateful to hear them. I’d love to feel that way but the constant culture around me is unrelenting.

  6. jferber says:

    I love the comments of Trin, Gnat and Wilma and wholeheartedly agree. Let’s re-define what’s “age appropriate.” In fact, every woman has the right to make that choice herself. In a sexist and ageist society, the message is, “Sit down, you old bag. Your glory days are over. You are worthless. Disappear.” What I also hate is that women are complicit in this woman-hatred (the best way to control people is for them to internalize the hatred and self-police). How many times have Madonna and Pamela Andersen been mocked relentlessly (and by other women) for not “acting” and “dressing” their age? How many women are practically ostracized because of too much plastic surgery? Women over a certain age are always on the verge of “pathetic” in this society. One false move. Men over a certain age are treated much more kindly and humanely.

    • sherry says:

      I think with Madonna and Pamela Anderson, it seems their choices have more to do with them wanting to still be the sex symbols they were in their 20’s and 30’s. That is why people call them out as being desperate.

      In comparison, Helen Mirren was photographed in a bikini in her late 60’s and everyone loved it.

      You don’t have to sit at home knitting in a rocking chair covered from head to toe. But there should be some signs of growth as a person as you age.

      • Tiny Martian says:

        Agree wholeheartedly, Sherry.

        I genuinely admire women who acquire true wisdom throughout their lives and let that shine forth as they get older. Being “age appropriate” for an older woman isn’t at all about sitting at home in a rocker to me, it’s about having your act together, living a full life, contributing to the betterment of society in some way, and not basing your own self-image on the opinions of others.

  7. Emylee says:

    The only thing not that good on you Salma is your terrible sense of style lol.
    She still looks amazing but dresses horribly

  8. Almondjoy says:

    I don’t think there should be an age limit on animal prints. The women I know who rock them best are older women, and I’m talking much older that Salma. It all about confidence and what makes you feel good and flatters your body.

  9. Dinah says:

    Salma Hayek lived by the breast, now she’s dying by it. What is sad is she’s a 49-year-old with a worn surface and no substance packed into half a century. Her choice. Nobody hires her because she’s over 40 and never developed the depth and substance that can sustain an actress’ career. It’s Cruz with the Oscar, not Hayek. Frida was her only shot. She was good in it. She’ll have to be satisfied with what she earned.

    • LeAnn Stinks says:

      I was going to say that considering her breasts, nose, and Gods knows what else, is man made, she will never really have to worry about her body. A flat tummy, sucked out thighs, etc. is just a phone call away for Ms. Hayek.

      Did she really think she was fooling anyone when she said she “prayed” for those basketballs in her chest cavity? LOL!!! Yes, she prayed for the money to buy them-LOL!! I can’t with this woman…

  10. Pandy says:

    I tend to ignore those “age limit” things. Otherwise, we are all reduced to sensible tea dresses and bob haircuts! Eff that!

    • Myrna says:

      I love tea dresses and Bob cuts! 😳
      It’s where I will feel comfortable at a certain age.
      That’s what it’s about, really..
      Dress and be however you feel comfortable and eff everyone else.

  11. Jen says:

    I was having this conversation with my mom last night-sometimes aging just sucks, let’s call a spade or spade. We are both generally confident people but the moment you’re in the mirror and notice things aren’t looking as tight, no matter what you do for exercise or what creams you’re using (on that note, a “friend” suggested I start Botox with her not too long ago, so any tips or products for forehead wrinkles can be sent my way!) can be kind of a bummer. I appreciate someone coming out and saying this instead of “I’ve never felt better or loved myself more as I get older!” I don’t want to be vain, but sometimes it’s been struggle not to be hard on myself as I get older.

    • SJO says:

      A little Botox on forehead and crows feet helps a lot and makes you feel better if you care about such things ( I do, as do the majority of us whether we admit it or not.) I get a mere ten units on my crows feet every 3 months and it makes a world of difference. Right now I am a little light so I have to cover my forehead wrinkle with my bangs.
      (Sorry Kaiser. I feel the same way about your bangs hatred as others felt about the “lamb dressed as mutton” thing. Many women need them. They soften the face. I haven’t shown my forehead in public since 1978 and I have no plans to start anytime soon.

  12. Adele Dazeem says:

    I don’t ever expect to see Salma dressing like Angelina Jolie because it never has been her style. Correct me if I’m wrong but she’s never been known for her fashion sense. As a previous poster said, it’s her boobs and body! So yes when that has been your calling card I can see why it’s even harder to accept aging. Fortunately, most of us are not living in the Hollywood fishbowl and have other interests, pursuits, goals and things that make us ourselves so we don’t have quite the pressure she feels.

  13. MrsBPitt says:

    “How to become a Queen in your everyday life” Marry a billionaire….that’s what Salma did!!!

    C’mon, she does not live in the real world. I find it difficult to get my Queen on while working, doing laundry, cleaning a house, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, etc. These celebs DO NOT live in the real world. Why do we listen to anything they have to say!!!!!!

  14. Coffeepot says:

    It’s scary seeing my face and body changing. I always enjoyed makeup, hair and clothes. It’s especially awful seeing photos of times I think i look great, and sadly I don’t. I’m 47 and feel like I’m so past it. Sorry to be Debbie Downer…. I feel better reading everyone’s thoughts here. Want to screenshot all of them

    • Jupiter says:

      Coffeespot, I am 46, and I have felt that way at times, too. But, I went through a really bad time when I was in my late 30’s and ended up on anti-depressants. I look older in photos from that time than I do now. I have always avoided the sun, and I do microcurrent facials which are amazing. I just got Nuface, which is much cheaper than going to the dermatologist, and it really does help to lift and tone the face and neck area. I also use illumask, which is like those expensive lasers. Big results. However, the biggest part is I finally don’t care what I look like all of the time. I am confident in my own voice and within myself — that took years for me! Like that song, ” I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now…” I really don’t care about being in my 40’s anymore, and I used to feel like it was a Scarlet Letter. I find by being interested in others around me, I focus much less on myself. I wish I had gotten that when I was younger! Oh, and I lost about 20 pounds this year by giving up meat and having apple cider vinegar/lemon water twice a day. It is a good detox, and it gives energy! 🙂

      • MrsBPitt says:

        Does the apple cider vinegar/lemon water help you lose weight??

      • Jupiter says:

        I think it has made me lose about 8 pounds and any bloat under the chin, etc. I have 8 ounces of water, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and half of a lemon twice a day — preferably 30 minutes before I eat. I tried in the morning once, and it was gross. I prefer mid day. It makes your body more alkaline, which is good for preventing cancer, aging, etc. You can look up some videos on Youtube. It may not be for everyone. You can also put it on salads, vegetables, etc.

    • Jane says:

      @Coffeepot, I can relate. (Debbie Downer #2 here) I will be 52 this September and feel older than I really am. I literally HATE having my picture taken because in every picture I think I look absolutely terrible. I think what bothers me the most is hearing people say, “OH dear God, when you turn 50 it’ll be your peak in life. You’ll never feel or look better”. Huh???? Whaaat? A part of me wants to tell people to go to h*** with that comment.

      Perhaps I am overly hormonal and sensitive while I am recovering from oral surgery and look as if I am an extra in one of the Walking Dead episodes. OK, rant over. I’m putting myself in time-out.

  15. Ann says:

    Mutton dressed as lamb? I’m ok with using these expression if they’re unisex and not just aimed at denigration women which they usually are.

    Let’s say Johnny Depp is mutton dressed as lamb. George Clooney looks good … for his age. Post menopausal Richard Gere has lost it, etc.

  16. jferber says:

    It is tough to age as a woman. I’m 55. It’s hard to admit that. I do fillers and am trying to lose weight. I’ve lost 10 pounds and think I look much better. I’ve colored my hair since my 20’s just for the hell of it. Now it’s a necessity (to me). Although this is personal, it’s also political. How can I be out fighting the revolution if I’m fighting age, weight and gravity? It’s energy depleting. It does not increase joy. But I do want to look good. I work with many 20-something women at my job. Men feel and get increasing power as they age. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if respect increased for women as they age?

    • Ann says:

      Men do not become more attractive as they age, they can just buy more the older they get. We need to fight wage discrimination, most importantly. Education is what should matter most to women. Knowledge, not silicone tits, is power.

      I’m also a little over the endless parade of actresses non-stop talking about diet, food, body image, aging, etc., it makes them appear so dumb.

  17. Hazel says:

    Funny, I always thought animal prints were for the over-50 set. Eh, what do I know? Throw out the ‘rules’.

    • perplexed says:

      That’s what I thought too! I don’t think of young people as being into animal prints. And not women in their 30s either, who could probably pass for teenagers on a good day.

      That dress isn’t my taste, but she doesn’t really look bad to me — she kind of dresses the way everybody in Hollywood dresses, regardless of whether it looks good or not.

  18. Shaz says:

    If you believe your self worth is just about looks, of course you’ll feel bad. Spiritually I’ve never felt better. Of course, I had a kick ass grandma who went out dancing with platonic younger male admirers into her 80’s. She raised two families alone, (one of her daughters died of cancer) and once when she was 86 she told me gaily that she felt 16. Be strong, be wise, be kind, but for god’s sake don’t whinge about your looks! And Salma looks freaking fantastic in that dress!

  19. Lola says:

    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safety in a pretty and well preserved body but rather slid in broadside, thouroughly used up and totally worn out and loudly proclaiming – WOW!!! What a ride!!!

  20. OTHER RENEE says:

    Every woman has her boundaries and has to decide where to draw the beauty line. Botox, hair color, whatever makes her feel good about herself. That’s got to be the goal. Really feeling good about yourself. If you feel good in an animal print, wear it. I’m in my 50s, I color my hair, always wear light makeup (no foundation), exercise and still need to lose 30 lbs. No Botox or fillers. My husband thinks I’m a goddess. If I put myself down, he says “I wish you could see yourself as I see you.” I tell him “Yeah but without your glasses, you’re legally blind!” But I get the sweetness of his statement. We ARE too hard on ourselves. Oh and avoid looking DOWN at your reflection. It adds 3 chins and ages you 10 years.

  21. cvb says:

    Her comment makes no sense. She looks like she in her late to early 40s. Her body is seriously banging how the hell is she not confident? She probably just doesn’t like the number 50 and the implications.

  22. anon123 says:

    When I was in my 20s I actually wanted to be older, thinking how it would be good to finally be 40 and not have people constantly judging your looks, your clothes, your marriage prospects. And not just family but random people I met casually.
    My 20s weren’t a good time, everybody in the family kept pushing me to dress fancier, to wear make up, to be more flirty and lively in order to catch a husband.Urggh. And of course my lack of a boyfriend was blamed on my lack of feminine wiles, so my family tried even harder to teach me some. I am so glad that time is past and I am no longer judged on my looks.

  23. A.Key says:

    I’m turning 30 in two months and it’s horrifying me. But I remember feeling suddenly “older” when I turned 20 too, so I guess it’s always unsettling to enter a new decade, no matter how old you are.

    • sauvage says:

      I’ll share with you a pearl of wisdom somebody gave to me back when I was freaking out about my upcoming 30th birthday: It’s just a birthday. What was great about your life before 30 will remain great after 30, and what sucked about your life before 30 will suck after 30.

      Personally, my life started getting better and better and happier and happier from my 30th birthday on (I’m 36 now), and I’ve heard that from many others as well. My twenties were full of growing pains. In my thirties, there’s more growth, and way less pain.

  24. Noor7 says:

    Never been a fan of hers, but I must say, she looks great.