Ava DuVernay ‘doesn’t have a lot of empathy’ for anyone who voted for Trump


Last week, we discussed Ava DuVernay and her Oscar campaign for The 13th, a documentary about mass incarceration of African-Americans. Ava chatted with Vanity Fair last week about the current state of the country and incoming baby-fisted administration, which Ava has plans to “resist.” Over the weekend, Ava took part in an Oscar-campaign-y event in LA at the home of Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos. It was a conversation with Ava, CNN’s Van Jones (who is awesome) and Oprah Winfrey. I would recommend you read EW’s full coverage of the event here, just because Van Jones’ comments are pretty interesting, but Ava’s comments are the ones I’m most interested in, because she’s a lot like me – completely unsympathetic to the “poor Trump voters” narrative. Like, she’s not playing. Some assorted quotes from Ava:

She has no sympathy for people who voted for a man she considers racist, violent and homophobic. “For me, right now, I don’t have a lot of empathy for someone who chooses to put their name next to, raise their hand for, someone who represents violence to another human being. I’m challenged that we are not holding people accountable for their vote, for where they are right now. I can’t get with the, ‘They were left out of the circle so let’s help them come back from the dark side.’ It’s what marginalized people are often asked to do.”

Trying to “understand” Trump voters is a distraction from her focus on her work. “The distraction of trying to educate and love this side is what will diminish me. How am I going to stay centered? What will I do? I need to stay focused on my goals. What I’m going to try to do to get through these four years is to get enlarged, and to do that will take all my focus.” Racism and sexism are distractions, she said, “to my humanity and what I’m doing… Distraction is if I stop and try to talk to folks who have clearly demonstrated that they’re not open to hearing that. What they will hear is what I do: How I move forward, the art that I make, the energy that I put out into the world.”

She didn’t want to end the documentary with commentary from activists, so she ended it with images of real black people in America: “It didn’t sit right with me. When you got to the end [and saw all the activists and their efforts] you thought, ‘Oh, they’ve got it. Those people are really smart and they are going to take care of it.’ It let you off the hook,” said DuVernay, who said she was thinking a lot about Common’s song for 13th, “Letter to the Free,” and images of “black joy, and BBQs and black babies running on the beach and graduations and all the beauty of our lives, actual images of black lives mattering. Those images are what we ended with, as a punctuation to all the chaos and destruction and the purposeful dismantling that we show you.”

[From EW & The Wrap]

This is the discussion for liberals and progressives in the coming months and years, and it’s fascinating to me that Van Jones and Ava represent the two different sides so well. Van Jones argued that we should try to understand the Trump voters, these overwhelmingly white, middle class voters who chose a sexual assailant, a racist, and a misogynist for President of the United States. Ava argued that she doesn’t have any time for those people and she has no desire to empathize with them either, because they’ve shown with their votes that they have zero empathy for her and for other people.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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133 Responses to “Ava DuVernay ‘doesn’t have a lot of empathy’ for anyone who voted for Trump”

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  1. Magdalene says:

    I don’t have any for them either. I will save my empathy for all those that didn’t vote him and will be negatively impacted by his presidency.

    • TQB says:

      Well said!

    • Maya says:

      Me too – I have no sympathy or empathy with Trump supporters/voters. They completely deserve whatever is going to happen to them. I only hope that they will be the first ones to suffer.

      I am only going send my prayers to all those who didn’t vote for him and who is going suffer because of other people’s hatred.

      I am also not going to excuse the third party voters and those who didn’t even vote. You trying to make a statement has helped Trump win.

      • Marley says:

        I have no empathy for the MSM. They reportedly gave Trump twenty three more times the coverage they gave Sanders and now they’re whining because their cash cow has turned on them big time.

    • Jayce says:

      I couldn’t agree more! I feel sorry for all the ill people who might lose their Obama Care.
      Same goes for the Brexit voters who rely heavily on Euro subsidies and shot themselves in the foot. Yes, I’m looking at you Wales!!

    • doofus says:

      I tried, but they are so hateful and will NOT listen to any counter argument that goes against what they already believe. they don’t want to face that they voted for a childish, bigoted traitor so they lash out.

      I get it; it’s just not worth my time or energy to try to understand or “convert” the Drumpf voters. they don’t WANT to understand or hear it, so why bother?

    • Talie says:

      I don’t either…they voted against their interests in the worst way.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      I’m white, and I’m with her. Waste of my time and energy, and I feel I know enough about why they voted the way they did. There’s no great mystery there.

      • Pandy says:

        Yes I agree with Ava and WATP. I’m white and middle class and sure as hell to t support that tool. I think you should be embarrassed to say you did. And anyone who believes he’s bringing back jobs and blah blah blah should get a slap across the face. While they are spouting this nonsense.

      • Cacec04 says:

        I don’t even know why they think he’s going to bring back jobs when the jobs they’re looking for aren’t all being shipped out of country, they’re being automatized. What we need is a better system of education and job training for these people who want jobs, but that’s exactly what he and the republicans are planning to destroy.

    • Elle R. says:

      Same! My Mom and I were talking about this yesterday – this isn’t just respecting someone’s different political beliefs.

      Go Ava. Zoe could learn a thing or two from this woman.

    • Wilma says:

      Yup, zero empathy for anyone who votes based on tribal instincts instead of facts.

    • gogoboot says:

      Can’t stand Trump and I have no empathy with Trump voters.

      Also anyone who didn’t vote and could have and complains NOW doesn’t deserve empathy.

      • gogoboot says:

        I also have no empathy for Sanders voters who could not see that voting for Hillary was the way to get your progressive programs going NOW instead of later but instead, repeated the FALSE GOP Talking points against Hillary and stayed home. This was not the year for that , not when Obama wanted the Democrats to carry on his programs Obama Care, etc. Now many people, ethnicities, LGBT, Women, Senior Citizens, Children will get NOTHING, NOTHING under Trump so much will be taken away. Look at his cabinet being put in place. It’s sad. Very Sad.

        People who stayed home or didn’t vote to spite or protest, don’t get an ounce of sympathy from me.

    • Sarah says:

      I agree. I can’t muster compassion for those fools who are now saying, “I’m going to lose my health care!!!!” after voting for Trump. My empathy is for those who didn’t ask for this.

      And want to understand those white Trump voters. A large percentage of them are racists, and the rest are entitled white people who were able to get great jobs without even graduating high school and when those jobs went overseas or to robots, they were too damn entitled to take the retraining funds often offered and recreate themselves because THEY SHOULDN”T HAVE TO!!! They are white and entitled to a great life.

      There you go. That is the Cliff Notes version. (and I’m white and know a LOT of these jerks.)

    • gogoboot says:

      I use to like Van Jones, but since he started spouting the CNN Mantra of “try to understand the Trump voter,” I just can’t TRUST him. He is corporate owned now, he will say what he needs to , to keep his seat at CNN. imo


    • Carmen says:

      Anybody stupid enough to consistently vote against their own interests gets zero sympathy from me.

    • Bronson says:

      This. 1,000%.

  2. Mgsota says:

    Than you Ava for intelligently putting in to words how I feel about Trump voters. All I’ve been able to come up with is “f*cking morons.”

    • Pip says:

      I’m still at the “f-ing morons” stage too, Mgsota. Not sure I’ll be able to come up with anything more coherent any time soon.

      Dreading Friday.

      • Odette says:

        Same here. I may be even more extreme. Because I’m at the stage where I truly believe that you’re just flat out not a good person if you voted for Trump. Like, being a decent person and voting for Trump are two things unable to coexist in one person. I know. It’s extreme. But, right now, that’s where I’m at….

      • Pip says:

        Odette: I’m of exactly the same mindset as you. How can anyone with any shred of decency vote for this repulsive grabby, racist slimeball. They can’t. So no empathy/understanding from me.

      • Odette says:

        Right!? And the hypocrisy is driving me nuts. Wasn’t it a scant 8 years ago when their battle cry against Obama was lack of experience. And now, the executive branch of the U.S. government is being run like a fracking student council! I mean, the woman he wants to run the Department of Education has never taught or been a school administrator!! (But she does own a for-profit charter school company..) It’s crazy making. And yeah, I just cannot take anyone seriously who can look at all this and think, “I made the right choice in voting for Trump.” Oh man, I’m getting so worked up.

        A poster on HuffPo summed up the current state of affairs:

        “So, the incoming Secretary of Labor hates laborers; the incoming Secretary of State loves Russia; the incoming Secretary of Health and Human Services is already engaging in insider trading; the new administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency is a climate change denier and the incoming Education Secretary has a track record of demolishing public AND private schools’. And lest we forget, the incoming POTUS is planning on kicking the press out of the White House.”

      • elle says:

        I’m with Odette!

      • Cacec04 says:

        My husband and I were struggling after the election (Thanksgiving no less) about being around family we know had voted for Trump. We ended up going, but my husband said “if shit hits the fan, I’m cutting ties”, it looks like that’s a possibility sooner than later.

    • V4Real says:

      Ava said she doesn’t have a lot of sympathy, well I don’t have any sympathy. I agree, his supporters are morons.

      • Flan says:

        I don’t feel sorry either.

        Most of them are not part of the poorest, most oppressed part of the country.

        They were angry because they could no longer oppress minorities as much as they used to, not because they are oppressed themselves.

  3. Shambles says:

    YES baby. I love this so much.

    Stay focused on your goals, on your center, on your soul. Stay focused on putting your own magic out into the world, and resisting those who would try to keep you down.

    That goes for all of us.

    As far as the Trump voters, I’m done, dude. F*ck em. Before the election, around P*ssygate, I said, “at this point, if you’re voting Trump, go f*ck yourself.” And I stand by that statement wholeheartedly. I read the profile of women who voted for him. I tried to understand. I was left with a soggy word salad and nothing but contempt for women who could consciously choose to be so ignorant. I’m done. They can have their fascist president. I will not try to understand them. I’ll be too busy standing up for what goodness we can salvage from this sh!tshow.

    • doofus says:

      “Before the election, around P*ssygate, I said, “at this point, if you’re voting Trump, go f*ck yourself.”

      that moment came for me when he mocked a disabled person. I don’t care who you are or how “decent” of a person you THINK you are…if you support someone who mocks disabled people, YOU ARE NOT A DECENT PERSON.

      • Little Darling says:

        Yep, pretty much my timing too. I was mortified and embarrassed, but when the Pussy Gates opened, and everyone ran in circles trying to defend him, it just got worse, and worse and worse. At that point I couldn’t even deal with Trump supporters in ANY capacity. I trimmed my social media feeds and kind of lumped everyone together. You didn’t vote, you voted for Trump. You voted for Trump you’re at the very least a racist misogynist. I have no empathy. You wanted Bernie? He didn’t make it. You hated Hillary? Good luck with Trump.

        And yet…the supports troll. Someone wrote a comment on my FB “you mean 8 years” when I expressed concern about the next 4 years.

        Seriously though, who is going to be able to run against him and win in 4 years?? Do we have a list of who to watch? I need that right now so I can focus on positive change.

      • Shambles says:

        I think, in the case of the people who are still avidly and excitedly supporting him, it’s become about self-preservation more than anything. If they admit to the what’s right in front of their faces, the fact that this is a clusterf*ck that is descending deeper into the pits of hell by the minute, they have to admit that they made a fundamental error in judgement. They have to admit they they, with all the brain power that they posses, consciously made the wrong choice. They have to surrender to some sense of self-awareness of the biases, hatred, ignorance, and nastiness they hold within them. And for people as shallow and one-layered as the Trump people have proven to be, that would probably blow a fuse, honestly. They couldn’t handle life without the layers of delusion and cognitive dissonance they’ve spent so much time shrouding themselves in.

        THERE. That’s my version of understanding Trump voters. I’m going to smoke some reef to spite Jeff Sessions and make a smoothie.

      • Lama Bean says:

        @Shambles, ITA. At this point, they will support him simply because they don’t want to admit they were conned, bigly, by a man w/dementia who told them he cons people for a living.

      • doofus says:

        Shambles and Lama, agree on your assessment and have said the same.

        it’s becoming increasingly clear how badly they got conned and their little brains cannot handle the fact that they voted for a childish bigoted traitor and they lash out.

      • JaneFr says:

        Did they got conned or did they feel allowed to express what they were really feeling?

        It’s a real question for/from me. I do hope they were conned – but one had to be pretty stupid and blind not to see the numerous alerts signals.
        But what if the déplorables actually are deplorable. But if they decided that it was OK to, maybe, sacrify a few of their rights just to be able to bully and take away the rights of some hated other? What if their hate for women/gays/Muslims/Mexicans/black/strangers… was more important than their love for themselves ?
        What if it’s not a lack of critical thinking but an abundance of hate?

    • Sixer says:

      I’m with Ava too.

      I think no surrender and no accommodation.

      Put forward a positive vision of the future, suggest policies to go with it and if irredeemable racists and misogynists reject it, so be it.

    • Sarah says:

      Today’s CBS poll has his approval at 32%. If he makes it 4 years, which I HIGHLY doubt, we could run Obama’s dog against him and win. I truly believe that.

      • addie says:

        Trump and his deplorables (cabinet) will expose their ineptness and greed soon enough. These are louts and really, the spotlight will be (should be) on their every move. They’ll sink themselves while the world watches. The Dems need to get their shit together, and go hard in 2 years, and then 4. Trump won’t make it to 4 years – he won’t be able to cope with the global ridicule.

        And no sympathy for Trump voters or no voters. They chose to wear blinkers.

  4. Lama Bean says:

    I’m on board with Ava. At no point were WWC trying to understand me. Now they have what they want and I’m further disenfranchised and I’m supposed to empathize with THEM? FOH.

    This country is really good at ignoring the fact that minority unemployment rate is always higher than whites. People don’t care because they assume “blacks are lazy” or “those Mexicans are here illegally”. When middle class rural white America is “struggling”, it’s suddenly a crisis and folks want to “take back their country”. Last I checked, they never lost it in the first place.

    Sorry-I’m in a bad mood this morning. No sleep and heavy traffic.

    • TQB says:

      Don’t be sorry. Don’t ever apologize for speaking your truth!

    • Aren says:

      You didn’t say anything that wasn’t true, no need to feel bad for being honest.

    • Kitten says:

      Sorry? You’re right. No need to apologize.

    • hogtowngooner says:

      Agree with you totally Lama Bean.

      I heard an interview last weekend on this idea that only when it happens to WWC does it become a “crisis” and I wish I could remember who gave the soundbite because it was perfection.

      Essentially, they said “when you introduce race to things were race isn’t the issue, you make it easy for white people to distance and excuse themselves from it. When there are multiple shootings between black people in Chicago, it enables white establishment to say ‘that’s black on black crime’ and it allows them to use that as a rebuttal against things like BLM. Instead of framing it as a race issue, one could say ‘X number of people died in shootings this weekend’ it becomes more of a collective problem, and one that ALL OF US need to solve”

      • Lama Bean says:

        Oh that’s good. i’m going to try to find it. Thanks for the reference, hogtowngooner!

  5. IlsaLund says:

    Ava has a point. How do you reach out to and help someone understand, when they have no interest in understanding or caring. Trump voters are embedded in their thinking and have no desire to see or understand another’s viewpoint….to actually look at facts and do critical thinking based on those facts. I don’t have the time or energy to spend trying to reach out and persuade them. I have to focus my time and energy on trying to survive the next four years.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      You hit the nail on the head. We can’t come to a place of understanding with one another, if the other side to the discussion refuses to accept fact or acknowledge a different perspective. They accepted it when Trump repeatedly denied saying things he was on tape saying. How can you reason with people who have thrown out their use of logic?

    • Marley says:

      You’re assuming Trump supporters want your empathy. They probably gave up on that when Bill Clinton told them they had nowhere else to go.

      • gogoboot says:

        But they may want ObamaCare when they have to pay the HUGE Medical costs because Trump guts the programs put in place by Obama.

  6. original kay says:

    I’m with her.

  7. minx says:

    Same here.

  8. COSquared says:

    They(Mango Maggot supporters) refused to understand how serious misogyny, racism, transphobia, Islamophobia and homophobia is. There is nothing liberals need to understand.

  9. robyn says:

    I have NO NO NO sympathy for anyone who voted for this corrupt p*ssygrabbing conman who evokes the worst in humanity. As far as I am concerned it is his “supporters” who are living in a bubble that I hope will burst in their deplorable faces. No sympathy.

  10. Tobbs says:

    I believe that you don’t have to be sympathetic with them just because you’re not writing them off completely. There has to be a middle ground if we are going to have some actual progress. The same is true for right-wing extremists in Europe. If you shut them out they will not go away. They will continue to grow and us calling them out on it does little when they can reinforce their view among themselves and strengthen their own perceived victimization.

    That being said, I’m aware of how easy it is for me to say and that I’m not the one who has to live with their hatred everyday.

  11. LA says:

    I think we need to “understand” them so we can get them to vote with our side. I don’t think it’s a sympathy thing at this point. We don’t need to try and get them to admit their implicit support of racism etc.; they are lost on that point and it may never change…but If we just say “f*ck them” we will never get them on our side and we will lose again in 2 and 4 years.

    For example: there were Obama-Trump voters. Why did they change and How can we get them back on our side?

    • LP says:

      I hear you- I don’t have sympathy for trump voters, but I want their vote…

    • Aren says:

      The sad truth is you’re never going to get them at your side. I live in a country ruled by a dictatorship, you know when people have started getting involved to make a change? Never. And they never admitted to supporting presidents who committed genocide, and they never admitted to being wrong in remaining passive when the country was on fire.
      To this day, everybody who died, every girl who was raped and/or kidnapped, every kid who was shot to death, “probably deserved it”, that’s their mentality because they won’t be able to live with themselves if they admit that they gave their support (or indifference) to a gang of murderers.

      • Kitten says:

        Exactly. I tried to understand and reason with Trump-supporters and well, it didn’t work out that well. Kind of hard to rationalize with people who refer to facts as “fake news”.

        I’m not wasting my energy anymore.

      • Lambda says:

        Aren, that was chilling.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        The husband of one of my friends was in to the fake news wholeheartedly during the election. He wrote in Bernie and loved anything anti-Hillary. The other day he commented on something I posted about Trump/Russia, asking if I knew the election was over, etc.

        I pointed out the factual flaws in his argument. He responded by posting a meme that spelled the word “their” wrong THREE times (as “thier”). It said that there was no investigation into the DNC hacking by any part of the intelligence community….and then in the next sentence said that the DNC refused to turn over “thier” server when the FBI was investigating . Which, of course, contradicted the previous sentence that said no intelligence organization did an investigation.

        I didn’t respond because you can’t teach critical thinking to people. If he is determined to get his information from sources that are obviously full of shit, no amount of Hermione-style lecturing will bring him up to speed.

        I am afraid the ignorance is too vast to save our country. I hope I am not wrong.

      • Kitten says:

        Tiffany-Sometimes it’s better to let the ignorant, asinine comment just hang there unaddressed for people to see. It makes more of a statement than responding, sort of like a record scratch.

    • gogoboot says:

      We are never going to get the RACIST vote and no I don’t want it.
      These people didn’t vote for Obama. Trump brought out many of the Racists who have been hiding at home for years.

      We need to get voters Awake and Alert and Aware that voting means something and it is not a game where you waste your vote or give away your power and voice by NOT voting.

  12. Lobbit says:

    She’s absolutely right: understanding and sympathizing with people that align themselves with demagogues like trump is the kind of “emotional work” that marginalized people are ALWAYS expected to do. I’m done. I don’t wish ill will on anyone, but I’m done.

    • Louisa says:

      Agreed. When Obama won twice were republicans and their supporters asked to look inwards and try to “understand” what had gone wrong? No, they stamped their feet and proceeded to act like petulant toddlers for 8 years.
      I have zero sympathy for and I will never understand anyone voting for someone as vile and abhorrent as Trump.

      • Arock says:

        Not to mention a while campaign of delegitimization of his presence in the office which seems to have been conveniently forgotten by those who engaged in the rhetoric. There’s a whole segment of the population who are unaware that the ACA is the same as Obamacare. They voted against their own, real interests, plain and simple. It’s absurdity.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      Damn straight. It is their job to educate themselves.

      The rest of us have to go on with the work of building positive, peaceful nations and international alliances. It looks like these reactionaries are the majority right now, but they are not. Remember, interlopers like Russia have incredibly weak economies and no plan for the future except disruption. Just like Red States!

      Don’t be lured into wasting time on them. They are incapable of dialogue.

  13. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    Ava so eloquently said what I have been saying and posting on here for a while, so there is not much more to add. Non-whites have been going through the same economic anxieties that every Trump supporter states as the reason that voted for that ass pimple. There is nothing new about their struggle other than it is happening to them, which they don’t like.

    Drugs, crime, rich people shitting on the poor, these are things that most non-whites have dealt with in our communities for decades along with racism, but where were the “real Americans” when we were crying for help, standing on the sideline laughing and calling us lazy, dumb, throwing out racial slurs and wrapping themselves in their superiority. That LBJ quote is really starting to ring true.

    Toni Morrison and Ava are right. We need to stop validating our existence and just go on and be awesome. If they catch on and catch up great, if not, oh well.

    “The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being. Somebody says you have no language and you spend twenty years proving that you do. Somebody says your head isn’t shaped properly so you have scientists working on the fact that it is. Somebody says you have no art, so you dredge that up. Somebody says you have no kingdoms, so you dredge that up. None of this is necessary. There will always be one more thing.” – Toni Morrison

    • Aren says:

      This comment is perfection. Their problem isn’t that they need to be ‘guided to the light’, it’s white entitlement.

    • lisac says:

      Yes, that is exactly where I’m at too @Aiobhan Targaryen.

      I can’t remember where I read this, but someone said that white people have been so privileged for so long that equality (or even just any small gains by) marginalized people feels like oppression to them. This is the argument that I’ve been having with my family for months now. I’m biracial and some of my white family members voted for Trump. It sickens me to the point that I just cannot talk to them anymore. They don’t understand what voting for Trump says about them or their myopic worldview and their privilege – which is apprarently far more important to them than the safety of millions (even when family members that they supposedly “love” are included in those millions).

      I’m just over it (and Trump voters) and like you said, none of us should have to validate our existence to these people. My granny used to say, “if you don’t listen, you’re gonna have to feel.” Well, let them all feel what they’ve done when it hurts them directly. I don’t have any sympathy for them at all. We are all going to suffer for what Trump voters have done, but a small part of me (that I’m not very proud of) hopes that they suffer more.

    • Kitten says:

      I’m with you.
      Not worried about the white Trumpsters .

    • Abbess Tansy says:

      This is exactly how I feel, you said it so much better than I would have. I’m with you Ava!

    • Giddy says:

      “””””Standing Ovation”””””

  14. TQB says:

    I have no sympathy for people who bristle at labels but refuse to disclaim the underlying behavior and beliefs that they describe.

    • doofus says:

      right…it’s apparently worse to be called a racist than it is to actually BE a racist and demonstrate racist behavior. the Drumpf supporters say it’s “name calling”…B*TCH, if you ARE a racist, it’s not name calling, IT’S AN ADJECTIVE.

      • CItyHeat says:

        Actually, Doofus, isnt it a noun when used as name calling?

      • doofus says:

        aw, pedants are so much fun! though I know you knew what I meant, I’ll play along.

        yes, you practice racist behavior. Adjective.

        and you are A racist. Noun.

        neither is name-calling. if I called you a stupid arse, that would be name calling. however, if I call you racist when you ARE a racist, that is not.

        happy now?

      • CItyHeat says:

        Name calling doesn’t have to be accurate or inaccurate to still be name calling. By referring to you as Doofus…..is that name calling? (Admittedly your screen name is just cracking me up. )

    • Insomniac says:

      And it’s not like these people haven’t been labeling the hell out of people like me for the last several decades. “Libtard,” “elitist,” “socialist,” “feminazi …” and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

      I must say that I’m enjoying how prickly and ready for a fight the Trump supporters I know are at the moment. I sure wasn’t like that when Obama won in 2008 or 2012. For people who “won”, they sure do seem miserable. Boo hoo. If it weren’t for the fact that we’re all going to suffer under Tinkles the Clown, I’d enjoy seeing how much more miserable they’re going to be next week when this idiot has to stop posturing and actually start running the country.

  15. S says:

    “I can’t get with the, ‘They were left out of the circle so let’s help them come back from the dark side.’ It’s what marginalized people are often asked to do.”

    Sing it, Ava! That’s exactly what Dr. King said during the Civil Rights fight. People in power kept telling people of color to wait, to be patient, to be polite enough, or good enough or whatever enough and finally those good white folks will come around and give you a chance. That it’s the OPPRESSED’s responsibility to “convince” their OPPRESSOR to stop oppressing.

    To see how well that solid plan turned out, see 1864-1965 or, you know, 1619-2016. But I’m sure if we just “give ’em enough time” it will still all totally come together, kumbaya-style.

    • hogtowngooner says:

      Well-said S!

      There was some tweet that went viral that said basically that:
      “If they’re unhappy, they should protest”
      “No, not like that!”

      When Trevor Noah had Tomi Lahren on TDS a few weeks ago, he directly asked “So, how should people protest?” and she danced around the question and then farted out something about MLK, who has been soooo sanitized by history (as many commenters said on yesterday’s MLK post). At the time, MOST white people thought he was “too radical” and was doing more harm to the CRM than good. People like that aren’t interested in a dialogue or healing, they’re interested in keeping POCs beneath them in the social structure.

  16. QQ says:

    *claps and nods in Black Girl Magic* That’s exactly where I’m at

  17. Jamie says:

    Those who voted for him in spite of everything that he said and did are the ones who need to do the explaining and apologizing. Not me.
    And by the way: as a New Yorker (the state, not the city) I’m sick and tired of having my vote for president count less than the votes of those in less populous red states through the electoral college–it’s undemocratic. NOT listening to the majority of voters in this country got us in this mess.

  18. Londerland says:

    I agree with her. Trumpets, Brexiters, far-right-wingers of all stripes right now. I’m so tired of being told to empathise with people who laugh in the faces of women, minorities, the poor, the sick, anyone who isn’t a wealthy white straight man, anyone who is afraid for their future, for their children’s future. Empathy goes both ways. If we’re supposed to extend a hand, to have that conversation, they have to be willing to listen. They have to be receptive. They are not.

    I read an awesome comment the other day. “I’m sick of being called a Special Snowflake every time I object. That’s their only response. You know what, there are a LOT of us snowflakes out here. Get enough of them together and what have you got? A BLIZZARD.”

    • robyn says:


    • Pip says:

      *Stands up & applauds*

    • MellyMel says:

      *Praise hands emoji*

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      I honestly think it’s most whiny Trump voters who are the special snowflakes. They’re such crybabies, it’s incredible. Oh my god, someone called out my racism, I’m under attack! STFU. The second you don’t get everything your white upbringing taught you you deserve, you vote for an unspeakable excuse for a human being. Seriously. Go f*ck yourself.

      Also, since you mentioned the Brexit morons, I’m done with them too. That speech May gave? Man, I’m hoping the EU cuts its losses and shows the UK that we can be assh*les too. At some point, begging for common sense becomes humiliating. I’m still horrified and quite frankly sad that they voted this way but hell, this is where we’re at. I feel bad for all the people who voted stay and will have to deal with the fallout. But I can’t lie. I want the EU to kick their a** because if we don’t, it’ll be the end of the union. If that happens, so be it. I don’t have kids to worry about. I think I’ll be fine. But isn’t that a depressing outlook?`

      2016 was just too much. I’m nearly out of empathy/sympathy and the little I have left is sure as hell not going to someone who will gladly trample all over other people to get their way.

      • Londerland says:

        Oh totally, they’re the preciousestest snowiest snowflakes. That they condemn “the left” for being hypersensitive and yet support a man who can’t let a bad word pass without spitting his dummy out, and they DON’T SEE THE CONTRADICTION, is alarming to me. How can they be that dumb? Oh, right: we’re whinging lefties, he’s Speaking The Truth. Got it.

        As for Brexit – well…I am a Brit and I do have a kid to worry about, but yeah, I kind of want the EU to hand UKGov its collective flabby arse. If it opens the eyes of the people who want to blame the EU for all our woes, so be it. England (and I do mean England) could do with a smack in the face from the humility fairy. The empire is gone, good riddance, deal with it.

        The whole hard Brexit approach is “I want my cake and to eat it too” and it’s bullshit. Can’t enjoy the benefits without the obligations, and though the EU isn’t perfect, we should be working on improving it, not giving in to this pitiful national tantrum. Our problems are the fault of rich white men hoarding all the cash, not the poor, not immigrants, not people on benefits, and not the EU.

      • Rapunzel says:

        The GOP is the group that gets its panties in a bunch over people daring to wish folks “Happy Holidays!” instead of “Merry Christmas!” (THE HORROR!!!).

        Them telling folks to “get over it!” and “move on” while calling them “snowflakes” that need “safe spaces” is the height of hypocrisy. If you can get offended by a season’s greeting of goodwill and joy, you need to stfu. Forever.

      • Pip says:

        “England (and I do mean England) could do with a smack in the face from the humility fairy. The empire is gone, good riddance, deal with it.”

        Yes, yes, yes! What is the English (& you’re absolutely right, it’s ENGLISH) sense of complacency & entitlement & self-satisfaction based on … I’ve genuinely never got that – & would NEVER call myself “English” in a month of sundays.

        Bollocks to it all. Trump, Johnson – all the bloody same.

  19. Slowsnow says:

    I am all for this on a personal level. And I truly empathise with the argument for centering oneself on our own convctions and work with them. The other day I saw a quote from a buddhist teacher that I am reminded of now: one is compassionate but at the risk of being overwhelmed by the pain of others. That is: it is to no one’s benefit if you are trying to empathise but loose yourself in the midst of it.
    However, it truly depends on who is talking and what your role in society is. if you’re an activist, you need to go out there and stick to your beliefs. If you’re in politics, you are in the job of negotiating. And that means you need to incorporate those who disagree with you in your own agenda and views and work with that. So you need to know, to listen and pay attention.
    And this is why I am not in politics.

  20. MellyMel says:

    “she doesn’t have any time for those people and she has no desire to empathize with them either, because they’ve shown with their votes that they have zero empathy for her and for other people.” This all day everyday! I love this woman!

  21. Insomniac says:

    Team Ava. I’m tired of hearing that I have to try to understannnnnd Trump voters. I understand them just fine, thanks. Ok, so they won this round (with some help from Putin and Comey and Wikileaks and the electoral college, mind you); let’s see how happy they are when they’re even worse off in four years.

    • gogoboot says:

      Someone said on tv one day, Give Trump a chance. I say FK NO

      I don’t give Racist a chance. I will NOT give him a chance. I will vote in 2018, I will vote in 2020 , God willing I am here and try my best to undo the damage done by this man Trump. I will not give going backwards a chance.
      Why should I give a Racist a chance? FK NO!

      The MSM trying to normalize Trump is appalling. A racist is not to be normalized and he is a racist and anyone who voted for him voted for racism. FK NO I will not give him a chance.

  22. grabbyhands says:

    I wish I spoke a tenth of a fraction as well as she does. Without even actually hearing her vocalize this, her words soothe me. Not because what she says is soothing, but because she delivered her opinion in a beautifully worded, measured way that still retained enormous impact.

    Basically, co-signed Ava. Please continue to speak your truth, for all our sakes.

  23. Rapunzel says:

    I don’t feel sorry for Trumpsters at all. You don’t get to burn the house down, with me in it, just because you want a house like you used to have.

    Regression isn’t possible, as time doesn’t go backwards. Voting for regression when it’s impossible is ruinous. You can’t impede people’s progress, and expect people to say that’s okay. It’s 2016– not 1816.

    • S says:

      To keep on going I have to believe all of this; For my three kids that I want to grow up in a world that is better than this one. People can want to return to a simpler (read: more racist, less inclusive) time but that (slave) ship has sailed. History has shown us that progress may be incremental, but it is inevitable, and no government, regime or nationstate that has ever tried to subvert social progress has lasted. In fact, it’s always been the cause of their downfall.

      There is, inarguably, a right side and wrong side of history, and you will NEVER convince me that Trump voters aren’t universally on the WRONG side of this long game.

      That being said, if someone of a different opinoin wants to talk to about facts and feelings, I’m happy to do so, but I will NOT give their feelings the same weight as facts, and I will not waste my energy and sanity on “proving” or convincing them their lies are, indeed, untrue.

  24. Aren says:

    She’s absolutely right. The only solution you people have is to resist. Those who voted Trump are not important because they’re not going to help you, at best they’ll be indifferent, at worse they’ll fight back, so you have to be prepared and alert.
    They’ll tell you that you want to tear the country apart, that you have to work together towards supporting democracy, that you have to respect the people who wanted Trump as a president, that you are on your own, that there’s fewer of you and there’s no purpose in protesting, that you are as radical as those you criticize, that you’re the real threat, but you should never give up.

  25. Lisa says:

    I’m with her.

  26. Dq says:

    I’m with her, too. The 13th was an AMAZING documentary that shed all the light I needed to better understand our nation’s horrid history of racial inequality in the USA, its prison system, BLM and the meaning behind their movement as well. Very insightful and educational and also well done. I hope she gets an award for it, or two or three…well deserved.

    • Wilma says:

      I haven’t seen it yet, but did she start with the period after Reconstruction? I read this amazing book, Slavery by another name, I think around 12 years ago that explained how the whole prison system in the Southern states was set up to be able to keep slavery more or less intact.

  27. Keaton says:

    Yep Yep I’m with her.

    And frankly I still haven’t heard a valid reason for voting for this asshat. I don’t even buy into the economic anxiety argument given that TRUMP HAD NO CONCRETE PLANS! Give me a damn break. Don’t kill me but i’m most sympathetic to the anti-abortion people ONLY because I know in their minds they are preventing murder. But even then, I feel like they sacrificed so much ethically and morally by casting that vote. And for what? The off chance he appoints the type of judges they want him to appoint? (Which is also NO guarantee the judges will vote the way they want)

    RE: Obama to Trump voters
    I know they exist but my impression from reading their testimonials is that they don’t vote based on policy at all. They vote for vague reasons like “He (note: HE) seems authentic” All that tells me is that the Dems should only run the most charismatic people for President. Personally I value competence over charisma but I know alot of people are different. I guess it’s a valuable lesson but we should be careful to not sacrifice policy.

    • Fiorella says:

      He did express plans for economic policy though ! For one, to encourage or allow polluting projects ( keystone xl?) also, to block off Mexicans from taking jobs and social benefit money. With a wall that being constructed could be good for jobs too . Maybe not good plans but I think they count as plans

      • Keaton says:

        With all due respect, those were PROMISES, not plans @Fiorella. That’s my point. All Trump did was make general promises of “building that wall”, bringing jobs back, stopping Isis, locking Hillary up, etc but with no real plan to accomplish those goals. He was advocating the “strong man” theory of governance (which should be antithetical to all progressive and even small government conservatives):

        “Trust me. I’m strong. I’m an Alpha Male. I’ll FORCE these companies to do X, Y, Z. I’ll MAKE Mexico pay for that wall. I’ll stop ISIS. I’ll make Hillary pay for her “terrible crimes”. I won’t tell you HOW I’ll do it but I’ll (magically) do it”

        I just can’t sympathize with people who fell for his giant bag of bullshyt. For example, there have been tons of right wingers in the past that want to ‘build that wall” There is a REASON it hasn’t been done – it’s not feasible. But only Trump was willing to brazenly lie to people and they were dumb enough to fall for it. So yeah no sympathy from me on the “economic anxiety” argument.

      • gogoboot says:

        Anyone who supports a Racist is not worth my energy.

    • JaneFr says:

      RE: Obama to Trump voters

      people forget that it’s not always or just a POC against white thing. It’s also can be against women, gays, Muslims, Jews, ecology …. the Obama to Trump voters don’t have to be racist. They can be misogynistic asses who’d rather vote for anything but for a woman. In that, Trump was great, he managed to gather a lot of kind of haters.

  28. Greenieweenie says:

    I’m not an apologist for Trump voters–I think ALL white Americans are collectively responsible for this. That includes Hillary voters and you can demonize Trump voters all you want but I don’t think supposedly marginalized working class white voters are the issue. I think mainstream white complacency is the issue.

    • Molly says:

      This! And maybe people were looking to hire someone for a job, and the message Hillary sent (which was “nothing”) didn’t make them want to hire her. I don’t get the hysteria, just get to work getting someone in line to run against him since the democratic party has been decimated. Everybody except Cory Booker is 70+….

      • Kitten says:

        Yeah!!!!! Hillary’s message should have been “Make America Great Again” and she would have gotten ALL the votes from dumb whites!!!!

        ^^this was sarcasm^^
        (although probably a bit of truth in there as well)

      • Marley says:

        Or #She’s with us

    • Kitten says:

      Nah. As someone who voted for Sanders in the primary and wanted anything except another dynasty yet still had enough foresight to buck up and vote for HRC in the election, I’m not taking the blame for this one.

    • Marley says:

      ITA. It disgusts me when i hear white middle class liberals justify their lack of empathy for marginalized white people by saying ‘Try being black and marginalized” Or some such shit. Surely we can have empathy for all marginalized people.

      • Kitten says:

        Yes won’t somebody PLEASE think of the white people?!?!?

      • Marley says:

        I’m talking about the marginalized and impoverished white people. Not bourgeois white people like you. You want to point the fiinger at white privilege? Look in the mirror.

      • Really? says:

        Why does what you just said sound like “All lives matter?” All I hear from Trump supporters are it was inhumane for those Chicago teens to hold a mentally disabled man hostage. I’m not saying what they did wasn’t wrong, but where was the outrage when Dylann Roof murdered 9 black members of a church because they were black or when Wade Michael Page shot down 7 members of a Sikh temple? Where was your outrage when George Zimmerman was acquitted for Trayvon Martin’s death or when police shot 12 year old Tamir Rice? This is why the US, as a first world country, hasn’t had universal healthcare. Because all those minorities are others, so why should the majority care about their health and well-being?

    • Juls says:

      Well, I’m white and not complacent. In fact I’m as mad as a wet hen and intend to fight this onslaught of fascism. But I must take offense at your comment because it is detrimental to our mutual cause. I could just as easily state “I blame the complacency of black voters that came out in droves for Obama but chose to sit this one out because they will never vote for a woman/dynasty candidate/another white politician, so it’s their fault we are stuck with Trump.” But that is not how I feel. There are a multitude of complex reasons Trump “won” and blaming an entire segment of people that are on your side and being offensive is not helping. So point your finger somewhere else. I’m with OKitt, you should not lump me in with the deplorables. Thanks.

    • gogoboot says:

      Hillary got 88 to 92 percent of the AfricanAmerican vote and most of that base is working people who work everyday, they are BLACK WORKING CLASS people who voted for Hillary. Why do some keeping saying she ignored working class, when she got mostly working class votes. The racism in the MSM is alluding that only WHITE Workers are working class Americans. I say FK U TRUMP Voters with your codes and excuses for Racism.

      …. Hillary’s economic plans certainly DID include working class voters, they were not ignored, but that is the mantra repeated by MSM and Bernie bros and GOP so it must be true, but it is not. Most people if they even took the time to read Hillary’s website instead of repeating the crap of shite that the MSM puts out about the women would have seen that she had one of the most progressive platforms , she certainly did want to help the working class.

      Also black , latino, asian people are WORKING CLASS TOO, I’m so sick of working class being code for White Middle American voters who voted Trump. All ethnicities have large working class segments. Hillary got 88 to 92 percent of the AAmerican vote and much of that base is working people who work everyday, they are working class people who voted for Hillary.

  29. Skippy says:

    I try very hard not to hate Trump and his supporters.
    I have a very kind sweet neighbor who voted for him.
    I just avoid talking politics with her. Of course, soon our biggest problem will be healthcare concerns and she will be very upset too. So when I start hating on Trump, I read Dr. King and try to have a tiny bit of his patience. I also remain vigilant which is very important.
    Also these folks who are drinking more and smoking more weed to try and just ignore Trump- I don’t agree with that. We need folks to join the resistance. To hold him accountable. You can’t do that if you’re wasted.

    • Kitten says:

      You can actually still resist when you’re stoned. Marijuana just relaxes you, it doesn’t incapacitate you.

  30. adastraperaspera says:

    Wake up, Van Jones! You are dangerously naïve.

    I am ashamed to say that I have family members who are trumpers, and they have always been uninformed, reactionary blowhards, sexual predators in some cases, and proud non-readers of anything that looks like a book. After knowing dozens of them for over 50 years now, I have concluded that they have ZERO interest in helping other people. All they care about are their isolated communities and the false safety they feel there. They speak murderously about anyone who wants to change the way they think things should be. They laugh at videos of black citizens being gunned down by cops. They see kindness as a weakness. They proudly hold a medieval mindset. And guess what? Surprise, they are college educated! And well paid in trade or professional and healthcare jobs! And use Medicare and Medicaid! And take lots of ski vacations! Have been to Europe! Go to New York to see the Yankees! Enjoy concerts and shows! They are young and old, male and female, personally charming in some cases and vapid in others, stupid and crafty smart.

    Van needs to get a grip on reality and understand that the one thing they have in common is they are white, and they see that as a badge of honor, and they are never going to give it up. All we can do is legislate behavior so they can’t hurt others. We have been doing that since the 60s, and this is their backlash against our civil, democratic society.

    I stand with Ava. Resistance to them is the only way forward!!

  31. Jayna says:

    I have no empathy. He’s an awful human being.

  32. Grant says:

    She is beautiful, inside and out.

  33. Opinion says:

    Yes, a lot of Trump supporters were/are deplorable and unredeemable. However, others voted for him because they believe he is going to save their jobs and they’re struggling. Those are the ones that used to vote democrat. If you want democrats to win the next election (and I do) they have to gain back the voters that they lost to Trump. There is no other way.

    • Sarah says:

      It is DemocratIC. Using Democrat the way you did the first time is a Republican ploy to insult Democrats.

  34. Rivkah says:

    I’m so glad we have Ava to look up to as a leading progressive voice.

  35. Eva says:

    I’m done with Trumpettes. Hopefully they will get what’s coming to them. But I’m done with them; they can all take several seats.

  36. Veronica says:

    Empathy is necessary to understand why this happened. What they don’t deserve is sympathy. They can eat the consequences for all I care. There’s work to be done.

  37. gogoboot says:

    Dear Trump voters and MSMedia. Black, Latino, varied ethnicities are people who work every day or from their homes , etc, are working class, Hillary got that base of votes for the most part , so she did not ignore working class. I’m so sick of MSMedia and Trump Racist codes for only white people count as working class.

  38. maryquitecontrary says:

    Way to say it. I don’t look at them the same way either.

    There were so many times in this election to say “THIS MAN IS REPREHENSIBLE. UNINFORMED. DANGEROUS. RACIST. SEXIST. ANTI-AMERICAN. ANTI-WORLD. ANTI-HUMANITY.” (among other sentiments)



  39. robyn says:

    I just feel any vote for Trump, whatever the stated reasons, was spitting on the groups and individuals Trump so gleefully and loudly insulted. I feel his entrance into the White House is Putin’s key to the Oval Office. It all seems quite surreal, upside down and crazy.