Selma Blair drove off with a gas pump nozzle still attached, it cost her $500

Over the weekend, this was one of the top stories, which made me make the Confused Nick Young Face. Like, we know Selma Blair might be sort of messy – we learned that last year, when she took some pills, mixed them with alcohol and freaked the f–k out on an international flight. What happened to Selma last week wasn’t that bad, in that she didn’t get carted off a plane by authorities and medical personnel. But it’s still a weird story. Basically, Selma had a really bad day. She was absent-minded, she could have really hurt people, and she cried in public. Selma vented about her terrible day on Instagram and it became one of the top stories. I’m still like ?????

Selma Blair had a rough day on Friday that left her in tears. The 44-year-old actress recounted her bad day to her 339,000 Instagram followers — explaining just what happened in the caption of a tearful Boomerang shot. The troubles started off when Blair made a visit to the gas station and accidentally left without removing the gas pump from her car’s tank.

“I drove away from a gas pump with the nozzle still in,” she said. “And then I paid for the broken pump so that was over a 500 dollar tank of gas.” Feeling “awful for being so absent minded,” Blair then “burst into tears in front of barista after ordering and made everyone uncomfortable.” She was upset too, after animal rights activists criticized her for wearing a fur-trimmed red coat in Los Angeles on Thursday — fur she said wasn’t real. “I was chastised for wearing fur but that was weird cause it was teddy bear fur,” she wrote.

On top of all of that, Blair said she “ran out of dog food. And Excedrin.” At the time of her post, Blair said she was “still crying.” My head is still pounding,” she added. “Can I have someone say this will pass?”

[From People]

We’ve all done absent-minded sh-t before. I’ve never driven off with a gas pump still attached, but I once drove off without putting the gas cap back on (and I left the gas tank door open) and I was incredibly embarrassed. She’s lucky she didn’t hurt herself, her car or other people because driving off with the gas pump attached could have ended really badly. We’ve all these kinds of bad days, haven’t we? I usually have them on a PMS day, where every little bad thing just seems to compound the previous bad thing. Like, I hit every red light, and they’re out of my favorite chicken wraps and I forgot to get the one thing at the grocery store that I really needed and my leg is cramping and I have a headache, and on and on.

These are the “teddy bear fur” photos.

Selma Blair Grabs Coffee In Los Angeles

Selma Blair Grabs Coffee In Los Angeles

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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64 Responses to “Selma Blair drove off with a gas pump nozzle still attached, it cost her $500”

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  1. Esmom says:

    I can be about as absent-minded as they come but in my 30+ years of driving I’ve never forgotten to take the gas nozzle out of the tank before leaving the gas station. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say she’s not well. I also tend to think there are better ways to deal with her issues than broadcasting them on IG. In fact, when my son’s mental illnesses are flaring up, my first clue is often rambling social media posts. I hope she’s got someone reliable to help support her.

    • Harla says:

      Lol, I did once in front of my teenage children, they still tease me about it😊

    • Bridget says:

      People do it on occasion. I’ve seen it done, and family members have actually done it. Though I don’t know that I would consider it putting people in danger.

      • Petee says:

        I was behind a little old man that did it on the road.I was afraid of a spark.Selma too me seems to have some mental issues,

      • megs283 says:

        Yes, I saw someone do it once. I don’t think it’s a sign that someone is unwell…just a lot on their mind.

    • justwastingtime says:

      Lots of people who are perfectly well have done it. They just don’t make the headlines.

    • Lex says:

      It’s hard to understand how it could be done, but it does happen to regular folks.

      I knew someone who drove off with it still in and the actual whole box ripped out of the ground and caused thousands of dollars of damage. No one was injured so it’s now a funny anecdote.

      Poor Selma – it’ll get better!

    • msw says:

      I had a complete brain fart once and turned on the car while my mom was pumping gas. My mom was the passenger and got out to pump gas for me. For a second, I had a thought that I was back in the driver’s seat and therefore was ready to turn on the car. And once, I left the car on while an attendant pumped my gas – I had no idea I hadn’t turned off the car and the attendant didn’t tell me it was still running. In both situations, I was in an unusual situation, because I almost always pump my own gas. I’m an experienced driver and have to fill up my car every two days, so it isn’t like I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m not stupid, I’m not careless, and I’m not mentally unwell. Things just happen sometimes. Everyone thinks something like this would never happen to them, but it can.

  2. QQ says:

    I get having a sneaky hate spiral day (as that was 3-4 days of my week (hitting lights lots of work, b*llshit, no sex, a Trumper coming to change our extinguisher and lecture me until i pressed the ringer on the work phone while staring him down so he’d shut up). BUT we need to stop pretending Selma is Full on sober

  3. Joss RED says:

    I love Selma, so it better not be real fur!

    And when you’re having a bad day, my advice is to sleep with as many people as possible. #CruelIntentions

    • Fiorella says:

      Looks quite faux to me!

      • Sasha says:

        Unfort. I’d say that is real fur. The small, longer whispy furs give it away. I learned this lesson the very hard way: protestors I came across pointed out the 700$ parka which I though was faux fur trimmed was actually raccoon dog or something. So embarrassing.

      • msw says:

        That definitely looks fake to me. The fur doesn’t look like it is tapering off to a point like real fur, but have stubby ends.

        “Fake fur” being passed off as real fur is definitely a major problem, though. It’s certainly possible she could have real, low quality fur which was sold as “fake.”

    • Dani says:

      That looks like the kind of fur you find on a jacket at Forever 21. It’s def fake.

  4. Shambles says:

    And she seemed so together at Harvard when she was about to marry Warner. Just shows it can happen to anyone

  5. Histriocity says:

    I have a mood disorder and Selma strikes me as having a mood disorder.
    I think she is on a medication with bad side effects every time I read a story about her.

  6. lightpurple says:

    I hope things get better for her.

    And driving off with the gas pump nozzle still attached is one of my greatest fears.

  7. bluhare says:

    I have driven away with the nozzle still attached, and can confirm it costs $500. I can also confirm they have breakaway nozzles so you don’t drive off with the entire thing and drag everything with it. Same as Selma; one of those days where nothing was going right and was pretty bummed out.

    I can one-up Selma though. I was not working at the time, and $500 was a huge deal.

    • Lindsey says:

      I am sorry you are able to confirm that. That was one thought that ran through my mind at least for you (Selma) it is just embarrassing, not potentially financially ruinous.

    • Mel M says:

      Yep, Mr. M has done it before and it does cost $500. Kind of weird that it costs the same everywhere. But yeah he was in a hurry and extremely embarrassed. I still pull that one out on occasion 😁

      ETA: Mr. M just corrected me and said it was $365 haha. It was probably 10+ years ago though.

  8. spidey says:

    And how many people have filled up with diesel instead of unleaded or vice versa? Haven’t done it (yet!) myself but my know all neighbour has done it twice to my knowledge! 🙂

    • Lindsey says:

      That’s odd, diesel nozzles are designed not to fit in unleaded gas tanks. Diesel in unleaded is bad for the car but it will be fine. Unleaded in diesel is a real problem. You would know if you had done it as a gas car will not run on diesel fuel.

    • Milo says:

      I’ve tried it. Stood at the pump for a good five minutes probably trying to force the nozzle to fit in my gas tank. Good times!!

    • Solo says:

      A coworker did this last year. Very expensive fix, her husband was beyond furious with her and still throws it in her face to this day about how ‘she could be so stupid.’ I felt awful for her.

    • WTW says:

      I’ve done the diesel thing, and I thought about it when I read this about Selma. I was in my 20s, heartbroken and just not paying attention. It was a major disaster. Cost $500 to sort it out. My car stopped running, and I had to get the diesel out and maybe even the fuel tank replaced. Can’t remember all of the details.

    • KB says:

      I almost did that once. Fortunately, I had pushed the button for regular gas so even though I’d grabbed the diesel pump and was trying my hardest, nothing came out of it – thank God!

  9. LadyT says:

    That must have been one amazingly fine Teddy bear.

  10. Dutch_Blue says:

    My mom did this once. When she went back to tell the owner of the gas station he didn’t care and was like, “It happens more often than you think.”

    • Lindsey says:

      I wonder why it cost $500. Aren’t they magnetic? You would think they would not want to disincentivise people from returning it. Scary to think of all the absent minded drivers out there! I wonder how often it happens… often enough they switched to the magnetic pumps and for two stories in the comment section.

  11. Sansa says:

    this is great who knew?

  12. manda says:

    I have a friend that has done that twice! Thankfully, the hoses have a release so that they just break free and do not spray gas everywhere. I have driven off with my gas cap on my roof or trunk many a time. One time, the wind was blowing really hard, blew it off, and I literally ran across a pretty big shopping center parking lot to catch the rolling cap only to have it fall into a storm drain. Nothing to really cry about. Seems like she has a lot going on and her general outlook and mood seem down, so I’d guess depression, or possibly taking some new combination of drugs that is disagreeing with her

  13. Citresse says:

    How about we bring back days of service when a gas station employee pumped the gas? I liked that about living in NJ. There was no choice about it, gas is pumped by others.

    • Bubbles says:

      I would love that! I hate getting gas. I would have no problem tipping an employee at the gas station to do it for me.

    • Hazel says:

      They still do that in Oregon, no pump your own there. I used to think that was my preference until I moved out of state & went back for a visit. I remember going to gas up with one attendant & six cars waiting. Took forever.
      As for me, I’ve pulled the pump out of the filler while it was still going, spraying gas over my pant leg, boots, & the truck. I was used to going inside the store to buy a Diet Coke & a candy bar while my compact car filled up, but on this occasion I was driving a work vehicle with a much larger gas tank. Just not paying attention, & I can’t count the number of times I’ve driven off without putting the cap back on, which then thumps against the side of my car, so I can see this happening.

  14. spidey says:

    It happens in the best regulated circles:

  15. Antigone says:

    What was the point of her posting that on IG?
    Why not just vent to a friend or significant other? Maybe it’s because I’m
    “old” lol and didn’t grow up with social media but I feel like people really overshare. Then again, I’m the same age as Selma (44) so maybe age has nothing to do with it.

    • Amylopan says:

      I suspect there were paps around that day and she wanted to get ahead of the story before people started bringing up her airplane freakout. (But people are doing that anyway.) She wanted to emphasize she just had a really bad day and isn’t cracking up. That’s my guess!

  16. Natalia says:

    I don’t understand this. It happened to me once several years ago. It’s covered by the company’s business insurance. They didn’t even detain me.

    • Bubbles says:

      It’s happened to a few people I know (including my husband over 10 years ago). They all went back to the station to apologize and were never asked pay a fee for it. Seems like the stations are taking advantage of honest people. It does seem like that would be something covered by insurance. It really does happen all the time.

  17. I worked for years at a gas station and can confirm this was a common occurrence. We never charged anyone though… the hoses are designed to reattach easily so think she may have been scammed.
    Can definitely relate to having a bad day like that though

    • Detritus says:

      She looks money. She’s wearing a fancy coat and probably driving a nice car, prob has an expensive purse too.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if they did it because they’d figured she could pay.

      Or maybe it was worse damage than just the hose?

    • PetalsToo says:

      I did that once when I was in college and thought my dad would kill me and that it would cost a fortune. I was ready to pay and the gas station attendant said the same thing: it’s totally fine, it happens, and they’re designed to pop out in these exact instances. I was so relieved and happy. I agree, she must have been scammed!

  18. minx says:

    $500? Something’s not right.

  19. JenB says:

    I *almost* pulled off with the gas pump still attached when I was about 7 months pregnant. I still thank god for the man that got my attention as I was starting to pull off. I’ll never forget it and always triple check since.
    Blessed by the kindness of strangers.

  20. Deanna says:

    Where I live, all petrol stations are post-pay so there’s no way I could do this without the person at the register letting me know the hose was still in my car.

    Otherwise I’d probably one day do this.

  21. Mia LeTendre says:

    I dont understand how a person can do that. I was taught to ALWAYS turn off my car, never pump gas without watching it, and to check all my mirrors before I shift into drive and pull off. If you stand there to punp your gas OR check your mirrors, this can’t happen. It’s an indication of an unsafe driver.

  22. Cinesnatch says:

    I’ve driven off with the nozzle still in the tank. So embarrassing. The company I worked for absorbed the costs. I was lucky in that respect.

  23. trtgfc17 says:

    I’ve worked at a gas station before. It happens once every couple of months. They send someone from the company to fix it the next day, no big deal really. Last time I saw it, we saw some guy with a nice truck do it accidentally, and then pull over on the side of the road and pull the nozzle/hose out of their tank lid and leave again. He was too afraid to come back and apologize. Poor Selma. She’s a great actress, and this kind of stuff happens if you’re changing antidepressants or just plain old hormonal that day. I think she’s the type to show her dorkiness. I locked my keys in my car twice in two days, so yeah. The first time it happened, a park ranger at the lake had to take my back seats out through my trunk, then the next day I had to sit on the curb at the store and wait for Pop A Lock to show up. Good times!

  24. Tila says:

    Where does this chick get her money?

    • Veronica says:

      She works fairly consistently even if she’s not A-list. You can make a decent living with that kind of money if it’s properly invested.

  25. Escaped Convent says:

    A little perspective: Several years ago, where I live, a new mom drove away from a parking lot with her baby, in its carrier, on the roof of her car. Fortunately, she was moving slowly and several other drivers saw her and honked their horns wildly, and she stopped. The baby was fine. She was mortified. I heard about it on the local news and saw it in the paper.

    A person can be that distracted and absent-minded. And in her case, with a new baby, she probably hadn’t slept in weeks.

    From then on, I stopped feeling stupid about driving down the street with a full coffee cup on the roof of my car.

  26. K says:

    This isn’t a big deal. Embarrassing, but it could happen to any driver. The consequences could wind up far worse but forgetting to put back the nozzle the 728th time you pump gas in your life isn’t all that different from all the times people have placed a beverage on top of a vehicle so they can open the door and get in, leaving the drink on top and driving off or when people can’t find their reading glasses and search all over, only to realize they’ve been on top of their head. You feel like an idiot, but anyone can have a moment of absent-mindedness without it meaning you’re stupid, mentally ill or intoxicated.

    Doing something out of your normal order, being distracted by conversation, or in her case maybe having some annoying random recognize her and trying to hurry away, could all cause an accident like that. She could be going through some personal struggles, but I think it’s fair of her to want to get ahead of people who will assume she’s a mess by admitting she did something a little dumb, yet human.

  27. Notorious MCG says:

    Hang on, I’m confused. All modern gas pumps (to my knowledge) have an auto-detach feature specifically because this is known to be a potential common problem. I once drove off with my gas pump attached and when I reported it to the workers inside I wasn’t beholden to any additional charge. I did have to replace one of my tail lights though.