Angelina Jolie: It’s ‘un-American’ to spread fear or hate or divide people by race

I have two little catch-up pieces from Angelina Jolie’s Cambodian trip this weekend. Jolie brought all six kids to Cambodia for the premiere of her latest directorial effort, First They Killed My Father. The premiere had Cambodian royalty in attendance, and Maddox and Shiloh both spoke Khmer on stage. Angelina also sat down for her first exclusive interview – first since she filed for divorce last year – with the BBC. It didn’t seem like any question was off-limits, and the BBC basically gave her the space to talk about the situation with Brad. What I didn’t realize is that the BBC also asked Jolie specifically about Trump and her NYT editorial about the refugee ban. This is what she had to say:

On America & the Trump presidency: “The American people are bigger than any president. I suppose I have faith in my country and in what it is founded on and the values we hold dear. I believe that many of the things that we’re hearing that we feel are based on a sense of spreading fear or hate or dividing people by race or judgement is un-American. At this time I think what is amazing is we are seeing people around the world start to speak out for their civil liberties and rights and what they feel. In America, we are hearing people say ‘this is un-American to me, this is unconstitutional to me. And this is who I am’.”

The rising ‘populist’ fervor around the world: “This is an old trick and we should know better [than] to fall for it. And I see it rising, and the only thing I can do is use my voice and encourage others. And raise my children to know right and wrong and to have a broader view of the world and to embrace their diversity and other people’s, and respect others. And I think that’s all we can do right now, is each and every person — each one of your listeners — we all just have to be the best of ourselves. Now more than ever, we really have to rise up and find our rational center, our who-we-are and what-do-we-stand-for. And we know it. We know what’s right and wrong.”

[From The BBC & Washington Times]

I like that she’s choosing to focus on being positive, and sure… five months ago, I would have said that I believe in the American people and I believe that fundamentally, rational people will do the right thing. Then Donald Trump won the presidency and now I wake up every morning with a stomach ache. And I agree with her about “populist” leaders too, because have you noticed that populism goes hand-in-hand with nativism, anti-intellectualism, jingoism, xenophobia, racism and more? Why not just call those populist leaders that? Instead we make “populist” the Alt-right terminology, when we should be saying “there’s been a rise in racism and fascism.”

Oh, and do you want to see Angelina and the kids cooking up some stir-fry scorpions in Cambodia?? ENJOY.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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150 Responses to “Angelina Jolie: It’s ‘un-American’ to spread fear or hate or divide people by race”

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  1. Daisy says:

    That’s precisely very American. It’s been done for centuries, both home and abroad.

    • Jesie says:

      This so much!

      I hate when the term ‘un-American’ is trotted out to describe things that are in fact extremely prevalent throughout America’s history. It feels like patting ourselves on the back for something we’ve never actually achieved. It’s nice to have lofty ideals, but maybe let’s save the self-congratulations for when we’ve actually lived up to them, y’know. If we own the fact that these things are very much a part of being American and then we might actually make some progress towards improving things.

      • Esmom says:

        So then if we shouldn’t say “un-American,” what should we say instead? Just curious.

      • Mike says:

        Well said. I agree.

      • Beth says:

        @Esmom maybe “unfairly” ,because what she’s calling “un-American ” is very much the way America is. Hopefully one day things will change, but for now dividing by race, and spreading hate and fear is still unfairly around in America

      • neil says:

        I think the honest answer is that along with the very real idealism America likes and likes to think it stands for, the blunt truth is that America as a nation has in practice quite often thrown these ideals out the window and/or has used and promoted these ideals as a controlling moral axiom to defend against “subversive” forces (aka un-American activities) all the while the “few” and powerful use it to rationalize the politics of capitalistic imperialism and/or tribalism. Just look at the history of officially condoned acts by the C.I.A., or the cynical and long history of the drug war from opium to marijuana, or racist internment camps, selling weapons to countries who are documented war criminals. And the list goes on and on and both parties have been equal and enthusiastic participants and we as citizens have willfully pretended to not notice. Need to address these things and I think a good portion of the population wants to but I think a lot of otherwise good people are also threatened by that.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        #Truth. But I know what she was saying. Maybe she could have said something like “has no place in a humane, modern, civilized society”.

    • OhDear says:

      She’s using it in the context of “this is against the values that America says it stands for.” Personally, I like that she’s using that term – conservatives have used it decades to suppress opposition and whatnot (e.g. McCarthy, post-9/11), and it’s just throwing it back in their faces.

      • Keaton says:

        I like the way she’s using it too. And I love that the far right have been exposed as total hypocrites. The real American patriots are on the other side of the political aisle, but we’ve always been wary of embracing it because it makes us look hypocritical given many of the things our country has done.
        I like President Obama’s nuanced and thoughtful take on this (yes he is still the President to me): He absolutely embraced “American values” and said we were a great nation, but he said our country needed to continue perfecting itself.

      • notasugarhere says:

        I think that is what she means as well. It is “un-American” as in “against the idea/ideals of America”.

    • Carmen says:

      “spreading fear or hate or dividing people by race or judgement is un-American”

      It may be against stated American values, but I can’t think of anything more American in actual practice. Slavery, legal segregation, hate groups, the heritage of hate goes back 400 years.

      Anyway, she looks drop-dead gorgeous.

    • milla says:

      I so want to say sth smart but words fail me. I do not agree with Angie’s choice of words. But at least she is on the same boat.

      This whole thing feels so sad. Hope you stay safe cos the amount of hate is disturbing

    • Veronica says:

      I’m fine with it’s usage here because it’s suggesting what America SHOULD be instead of the usual disaster it tends to be in terms of its internal policies, but otherwise, yeah. Not a whole lot of moral high ground to be had here.

  2. bap says:

    Angelina statement was absolutely correct.

    • almondmilk says:

      Thank you @Bap.

      I’m aghast that people are talking Angelina’s words re “Un-American,” in a friggin’ literal sense. Has anyone here ever taken a civics lesson FFS?

      She means (as many here have already pointed out) what almost everyone who uses the phrase means. She means what MLK means when he quoted our Declaration of Independence in his ‘I have a Dream’ speech: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal & independent..unalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’

      It’s in the document that is the AMERICAN FRAMEWORK.

      She’s not holding a seminar on how awful some people have made America, shes doing what great Americans do encouraging other Americans to live up to THE AMERICAN IDEAL. What WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE AND STAND FOR.

      TO the critics, what would you have her and others do in times of crisis? Would you rather have had MLK say ‘I don’t have a dream, because Americans are sh*tty people.’

      For the love of- stop trying to disassemble this woman and tear her down for being a positive force in the world. She’s an example of an American who actually lives our ideals and promotes true American ideals to the rest of the world, instead of the awful miscreants and racists running the executive branch now.

      • Angelica says:

        I love what she says here and I’m not even a fan. And I’m with you, there’s no need to tear down her use of the word. What we couldn’t learn from practicing what Angelina’s preaching…

      • bap says:

        @AlmondMilk Brilliantly stated!

      • Daisy says:

        It’s just that, from a foreigner’s perspective, the idea Americans have od their country and the reality of it don’t match up, yet none od them ever admit it.

      • Achoo! says:

        ‘inalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ So where does imprisonment which removes liberty and a peadophiles persuit of happiness by abusing children fit in.

  3. Adorable says:

    I completely agree with her!Oh my Gosh after “The drought”I’m loving the Angie coverage & call me weird I’ve always wanted to hear how the kids voice sound like lol & after hearing Maddox,Shiloh now Knox speak/talk these kids are well raised!

    • Rose says:

      Sorry but yeah thats kinda strange. Why would you be interested kids just because they have a famous mom?

      • Bubbles says:

        Not weird at all. Of course there is a curiosity about a celebrity’s children. Especially someone as famous as Angie. It’s like knowing someone and wondering what their spouse or children are like when you haven’t actually met them yet. It’s normal to be curious about the lives of others.

  4. Esmom says:

    I think what she said was fine. It would be nice if her message was spread further than to the choir, so to speak.

    As for eating bugs, yuck. I know it’s common in many places, and probably no odder than eating other animals like we (not me, actually) do here in the west…but still.

    • lower-case deb says:

      i remember at a Graham Norton show, a michelin chef who looked like Michael Stipe came on the show and introduced his molecular gastronomized insect dishes.

      the food of the future, it was touted as.

      • Clare says:

        Do you mean Heston Brumenthal? He is bald and wears glasses…but I think that’s where the Michael Stipe similarities end?

      • Esmom says:

        Yes, insects are being introduced to the west more and more as a healthy, more environmentally friendly alternative to livestock. As we deplete our resources, it’s good to have people looking for the next sustainable food source!

      • lower-case deb says:

        @Clare, yes indeed that is his name!
        i’m so sorry about the earlier vagueness. i’ve been on an odd REM binge lately (thank you youtube), and all i can remember was Michael Stipe. everyone was like: that guy who looked like…

        but yes, Heston! and now that i remember the name, he looked almost nothing like Michael.

    • OhDear says:

      The Economist sometimes has promotional ice cream or waffle trucks with either grasshopper or mealworm toppings (along with a traditional topping) in my area. They’re actually not bad at all!

      Also, I’m glad that her kids seem like adventurous eaters.

    • slowsnow says:

      Scorpions look exactly like shrimp or little lobsters. It’s just a cultural thing. In my country we eat plates full of snails and not like in the French style, drowning in butter and all shrunk, non non. Proper snails boiled in spices that you eat like you eat shrimp.
      I’m vegan now but I ate all that and more (fried eggs with brains, chicken hearts…)

    • notasugarhere says:

      Insects are close cousins of lobsters on the evolutionary chain. Insects, centipedes and millipedes, arachnids, and crustaceans – they’re all arthropods. Look at a lobster sometime and tell me it doesn’t look like a giant insect or scorpion.

    • Carmen says:

      Eating fried insects is very common in Southeast Asia, where I’ve been. I’ve eaten lots of food Americans would consider weird at best, but something in me draws the line at bugs. Dead or alive, my reaction is “Yuck!” But that’s just me.

    • Llamas says:

      Spiders and insects terrify the ever living hell out of me. The thought of eating them makes me want to vomit. As rude as it might be, if I went to a country where it was the norm I think I’d have to pass.

  5. applapoom says:

    Tbh I was kind of indifferent to her but I see now that she really is a remarkable person. She comes across as so warm, compassionate and intelligent in her interviews. Her kids must love her so much.

  6. Neo says:

    Ya, technically, it’s not un-American to be racist. It’s un-American for the most racist party to win, though. And it’s uncivilized. So, as America becomes more civilized, racism is becoming less American.

  7. Ophelia says:

    Dividing people by race is un-American? What about the Japanese-American Internment camps? Those were made by Americans.
    The Reservations and systematically oppressing the Native Indians through inhumane policies?

    The Pilgrims came to America not because they’re “religiously oppressed” in the usual sense of the term per se, but because they wanted to practice ultra-conservative religion and the moderates and liberals were like “sorry not today”, and so they went in search of a land where they can be as stuck up religiously as they like and force their beliefs on others.

    What I must say though Dividing by race, and Othering the Others is not the sole purview of Americans. It’s almost human nature. Xenophobia is an instinct, tolerance is learned.

    • Crumpet says:

      I agree with you. The current immigration policies have nothing to do with race however. Green card holders are now allowed back in – that was a mistake that was corrected. However, I fully support a more stringent screening of immigrants and refugees because all of the European countries that have wholeheartedly, and in good faith, taken immigrants and refugees without good vetting procedures are paying a terrible price. We can be humanitarian and smart at the same time.

      • Merry says:

        Obamas vetting process is already stringent. None of the US attacks have been orchestrated by oeoole who went through that process. Trump just lives to stoke fear and division because thats what his supporters live on.

      • KB says:

        What specifically are your issues with the vetting done in years past? What is it that you feel wasn’t stringent enough?

  8. adastraperaspera says:

    I agree with you that “populism” is not a helpful term in our current political situation. If anyone wants to use it, they should call it something like “fascist populism.” By definition, it actually describes people coming together to push for their interests against an elite group that holds power. Since Tr*mp is part of an elite who holds power, and he is handing every cabinet position to others in this group, to me it really makes no sense to call his followers “populists.”

  9. Toot says:

    Angelina has more faith in the American people than I do. But I agree with what she said in theory.

    The kids are so cute, and I love that they seem very close with their mother.

  10. Jess says:

    The simple idea of eating bugs is disgusting for most of us, but it’s done in several countries, including where some of her children are from, so I don’t see anything wrong with what they are doing. It’s part of their culture

    • Jesie says:

      Who said there was anything wrong with it?

      • Jess says:

        Nobody here, but the comments on Facebook and Twitter are terrible. They accuse her of everything, from “cruelty” to being a careless mother for making her children eat that

      • Snowflake says:

        Comments on DM– of course.

      • Mia4S says:

        People are serious criticizing the insect eating? I just cannot with the small-minded anymore. I’m done. I’ve travelled to several countries where insects were consumed. Some of the dishes I liked, some I didn’t. Broaden your mind, educate yourself, ask questions….or kindly stay out of the conversation!

      • Merry says:

        People who dont think. I’m sure there are things Americans eat that others consider taboo. People really just need to get over it. I ate fried termites in my travels once. I enjoyed it.

      • Carmen says:

        People from the red states who have never traveled more than ten miles from their local 7-11.

      • Llamas says:

        I couldn’t eat bugs. It’s normal in other cultures but there’s no way I could eat them. Bugs and spiders especially terrify me to no ends. If I see a bug I usually scream, get someone to kill it, and spend the next couple minutes shaking myself and wiping every part of me down. I would feel horrible for turning an insect down in another culture but I don’t think I could eat it. *shudders*

        Just as I imagine people from other cultures wouldn’t want to come here eat a Big Mac or some other American food.

    • Fa says:

      Because they don’t understand other cultures, maybe they are people who don’t travel outside of their country and that sad the world we live is beautiful with different cultures.

      • Carmen says:

        It’s not just that they don’t understand other cultures, they don’t want to learn anything about other cultures. They are some of the most narrow-minded people on the planet.

    • Felicia says:

      I’ve personally travelled a lot, probably 40 or so countries if I bothered to count. I also live in Asia. The only way you would get me to eat bugs is if I had no choice. Cat and dog meat is also commonly consumed in Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Korea, Taiwan. I wouldn’t eat that either even though it’s part of the culture. I wouldn’t eat horse meat in France. The rat-kebabs they sell on the side of the road in East Africa didn’t tempt me either.

      I don’t think that makes me “closed minded” and it would be hard to classify me as not fairly well travelled, but the thought of eating Fluffy, Fido or Black Beauty… no way. At least not if I knew that’s what I was being served.

  11. Maya says:

    What a woman and a thoughtful answer to a question that many would struggle with. I have read about people attacking Trump and his supporters without backing up on their attacks. But there are few people like Angelina who uses words and their own conscience to get through to Trump and his cult followers.

    The children are so cute and well behaved. No matter what happens, both Angelina & Brad seem to have done a good job raising them with warmt, compassion and awareness of those who need help.

    And it’s clear in that video that those children adore their mother.

    • Ophelia says:

      Unfortunately she is preaching to a choir.
      Trump supporters will never have a change of heart. She could not even get through to her own father who is a Trump supporter.

      She could never get through to the Trump supporting Daily Mail readers who would continue enjoying having more fodder to denigrate her, as well as the minivan majority.

      She would have gotten through exactly nobody who wasn’t already on board with her.

      Much like her Op-ed in NYT: pretty words, ultimately useless.

      • dotdotdot says:

        After you´ve seen the prostest and organizing and people helping at airports, you think it is useless to speak your mind? You understand that if liberals and left-wingers kept quiet, the only voices left would be of racist, lgbt-phobic, misogynist, ableist, rich assholes; there effectively would not be no diversity and no visibility and no support for minority people. Nah, we must be even louder and “pretty wordier” right now!

      • almondmilk says:


        This is an odd sentiment, I can’t figure out if you’re saying: 1) don’t speak unless you’re speaking to people who oppose what you stand for or 2) don’t speak if you’re Angelina Jolie because I’m still not over what happened circa 2005.

        Maybe a bit of both, eh?

        Was MLK supposed to only speak at Klan rallies?

        Speech is used to motivate the like-minded and like-spirited – to grow the movement.

        It’s why the Women’s March was so huge.

        If the mailing lists, and Facebooks and social media encouraging a women’s March had only been linked to the rightwing Heritage Foundation or Phyllis Schafly’s Conservative women’s groups, it probably would have been as small as my grandma’s bridge club.

        So no, Angelina isn’t about begging her estranged misogynistic rightwing sexist father to adopt her views, it’s about doing what she’s done for the last 15 years inspiring others here and around the world to also contribute, be better people and work to better the world and be inclusive of other cultures. Since she’s named by her peers and industry as being an influence and most admired humanitarian and has established everything from health clinics eradicating malaria and AIDS, to schools for girls.

        I would think shes the opposite of “useless,” unlike people tearing her down on gossip sites.

      • AnneC says:

        ah yes, never push back never march because nothing will ever change. Women will never get the vote, african Americans will not benefit from a civil rights act, interracial couples will never be allowed to marry, gays will never have legal recourse to marry and equal rights.

        Trump supporters (like Bush supporters) will lose faith when he doesn’t bring back manufacturing jobs (80% lost to automation not NAFTA), when he clearly helps the 1% get richer and takes away health insurance for poor people and when he’s on his 65th visit to Mar al Lago busy playing golf and glad handing his paid members not worrying about them.

    • Beth says:

      No matter who says it and what words they use, Trump supporters won’t listen or change their minds. Unfortunately, they all believe he’s great and not doing anything wrong. Some voted for him because they agree with his racist,sexist,cruel opinions. Sad.

      • dotdotdot says:

        Yes, they did. But in US you can be president for 8 years max. Meaning — Trump will not win the test of time, but people can, democracy can. Speak up, write, organize, fight!

  12. bap says:

    Angelina’s children love and adore her.

  13. grabbyhands says:

    Well, I appreciate her positive spin, but I would have to say racism and dividing people by race has been a hallmark of American life since this country’s inception. And frankly, considering the rise of nationalism once again, it is a hallmark of human beings in general.

    That’s why it is hard to envision a great future for this country or the planet in general. Scores of people are still alive who have experienced genocide first hand-they can tell you how it starts, and the awful price it exacts. And yet people STILL let it happen. Worse, they find ways to justify it and excuse it. Others deny it even occurs.

    Humanity isn’t destined to survive-we will have bombed each other out of existence, or all died from some easily preventable disease long before we’re able to colonize another planet.

  14. nemera77 says:

    I LOVE HER.. and what she said was diplomatic and correct. Exactly what those that have been protesting all over the world has said. And it is UN-American. For a party that for years loved to scream about how Great America is.. they are forgetting the foundation by which this country was built. So yes that is Un-American. People all over the world eat bugs and any number of things. Too many people have never stepped out of their Nations comfort zone to experience other things. I don’t think I could do the spider; but would be willing to try other bugs. You never know what you like until you try it. Then you can say.. NOPE I WAS RIGHT.

    • V4Real says:

      “Exactly what those that have been protesting all over the world has said. And it is UN-American. For a party that for years loved to scream about how Great America is.. they are forgetting the foundation by which this country was built.”

      Actually It’s not Un-American. America’s foundation was built on land stealing, forcing people to live on Reservations, racism, discrimination, Internment camps, slavery, desegregation, Jim Crow and so on. When all of this was and still going on people where still saying how great America was.

      • almondmilk says:

        When @nemerra77 refers to “foundation” she’s speaking of the American ideal as laid out in our ‘founding’ documents.

        It’s what MLK, JFK, RFK, Shirley Chsiolm, Barbara Jordan, Liz Warren, President Obama, spoke of often and with a regularity as they recognized that you need an inclusive inspiring hopeful framework to sustain and be better.

        You don’t amass crowds and bring about change by saying ‘We Suck Then & Now.’

        Why is this hard?

        Are people only being home schooled in double wide trailers now?

        Is this just sexism?

        It’s so bizarre, and ignorant – even for the usual meangirl suspects.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        But can you ever bring about change if you are never willing to admit the faults?

  15. Katherine says:

    Loooved the video!

    • Tris says:

      LOOOOOVED IT! So cool. Her kids are great. My kid wouldn’t eat a tomato, much less a tarantula. I think Angie’s great, interesting, and a force for good.

    • bap says:

      @Katherine I loved the video.

    • Merry says:

      I dont. Arent those children already over exposed with all that family drama that aired. Beyond her own personal branding whats the point of doing this to them. What she and Brad did posing with them to promote movies was bad enough but now they are on BBC World News?

      • Fa says:

        It shows that that the children are healthy and move on with their life.

      • Maya says:

        Maybe just maybe the children themselves wanted to be there. Have you ever thought of that?

        They already feel that this movie was made by the whole family so they probably wanted to be part of the interview as well.

      • Beth says:

        I agree @merry. I wouldn’t want the world watching me while going through tough family problems that everyone knew about. If this was the Kardashians, people would say what a terrible thing to do to their children. The Jolie-Pitt kids look like good kids, hopefully they’re all doing well through the situation.

      • Daisy says:

        I kinda agree. Maddox was born in Cambodia if I’m not mistaken, so having him there makes sense, but both Brad and Angelina are using their kids way too much.

    • popup says:

      Loved it so much, too! Her kids are open-minded and non-judgmental and aren’t annoying squealing about how gross it all is. Even the daintiest of her daughters, Vivienne, was nonchalantly holding a scorpion. Having grown up with a no-drama maternal figure who’d pick up cockroaches with her bare hands and fling them outside, I support her parenting style.

    • L says:

      I loved the video as well..her children are so beautiful and very cultured…💜

  16. MaryJo says:

    That scorpion, I just can’t…

    • Snowflake says:

      I couldn’t either!

    • Beth says:

      I will listen to Scorpions songs, I love the band. I’d never actually touch or eat the bug!

    • LadyT says:

      It reminds of the chef’s saying “We eat with our eyes first.” It may in fact be tasty but it still LOOKS like a scorpion. 😳 Sweet video.

      • dotdotdot says:

        And a chicken still looks like a chicken, so what´s the difference?

      • kay says:

        lady t, 🙂 that is so funny because my mantra with the kids is “you taste with your tongue, not your eyes”. not that is getting me anywhere fast, but the youngest is starting to (slowly) buy into the idea of tasting with his mouth and not his eyes…and is slowly becoming a tad more willing to try.

      • kay says:

        also funny because i made them very aware as little ones that whatever meat they were eating was an animal. not to turn them off, but to make sure they could connect that the breaded stick was once a fish or a chicken. that burger patty was a cow. i wouldn’t be fussed if they were meat eaters or vegetarian, ultimately, but that they were not playing mind games with themselves to distance their minds from the truth of what they are eating.
        i worried that it might turn them off meat, but decided that being honest with themselves was more important. and so far neither of them is off meat, but neither of them are unaware.
        i am sure it would have been easier to do this with “real meat” (as in: homemade chicken fingers from chicken breast…or homemade fishfingers from a filet…little dorks wouldn’t eat it homemade..not for any reason beyond they prefer processed 🙁 ) , but at the end of the day they connected the dots and engaged with the reality of what they eat. and yes, i have shown them the videos of processed chicken fingers and how they are made, and they can actually still eat them. ??? lol.
        i envy my european raised friends. they have and had a relationship to real food that i didn’t…my family was very much canned/frozen/processed…so the first time, in the uk, that i ordered fish and it came with skin and a head and a tail…well, i literally asked the server “what is this?”. laughter all around, i assure you.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        Knowing what it is, I don’t think I could eat it either, but I wonder if scorpion would taste anything like shrimp.

    • Bluer says:

      There were some live bugs swimming in a shallow dish of water. Wonder what they did with those? Fry them alive? Poor bugs.

  17. TyrantDestroyed says:

    I really liked her statement and I hope she keeps using her position and raising her voice on this subject.

  18. bap says:

    There are people all over the world who go hungry, yes they probably will eat bugs to survive especially in war time . If I was starving and knew that bugs would keep me alive, I hope I would eat bugs and ask more to keep from starving.

    No one really knows what they will do to keep from starving.

  19. Tray says:

    Love this interview, love the video! Kids are so cute, and stay close to their mom.

  20. Luca76 says:

    What’s so funny is people think she’s some crazy conservative Republican. Although I have no idea what her beliefs are she’s clearly not hyper Conservative , Jon Voight even said as much in passing once.

    • Keaton says:

      Why do people think she’s a conservative @Luca76? I never got that impression at all.
      I’ve always suspected she was a little bit of a libertarian but generally had her own independent views that didn’t perfectly fit any orthodoxy (This is part of the reason I love her She seems to be her own person).

      Speaking of libertarianism, I’ve never understood why they get lumped in with the right-wing when they’re more aligned with the left than the right on social issues. But It seems like alot of angry ex-Republicans have co-opted the name Libertarian over the last 10 years so that may be why. It annoys me because their obsession with immigration has nothing to with libertarianism and more often than not they’re socially very conservative people. :/

      • Carmen says:

        They think she’s conservative because her father, Jon Voight, is super-conservative. Thank God the Apple fell far away from that tree.

      • Keaton says:

        Ugh yeah thank god @Carmen Voight is a nutjob of the highest order.

    • Bluer says:

      I think she’d probably be an independent with libertarian leanings too because she’s so pro-refugees and immigration while being a massive Ayn Rand fan (along with her soon-to-be-ex-hubs). This is another reason I can’t fully jump on the Angelina-is-great bandwagon. Ayn Rand. Yuck and juvenile!

  21. molly says:

    Tons of celebs put pics & videos of their kids on instagram. Where is the outcry from press & public then? But angie as always is singled out. Especially by the spiteful press.

    • YepIsaidit says:

      I’ve read some say oooo her Pr team is sooo good after watching the bug video 😂

      Other comments are saying ewwwwww and hate her more now.

      I’m not sure if that’s good for her image, ya know? That’s just normal for her and obviously the kids- you can tell by how they all dive in for the bugs 😖

  22. molly says:

    Angelina is neither democrat or republican. She said in an interview a while back that she was registered independant.

  23. bap says:

    Angelina is driven by a higher power ‘Goodness’, which she has found. The world is not ready for it. Many people have said such negative things about her, she’s never said one negative thing back to them.

    • Lilian says:

      @bap. Take a step back there. She’s not Jesus or Buda or Allah.

    • KB says:

      I think this idea that she’s some kind of deity is why people react negatively towards her super fans. I think she does great things, but “the world is not ready” for her goodness? Lol omg

      • Sage says:

        Her super haters think she’s a demon. Lol

      • KB says:

        Oh, I agree. It’s bizarre to me that she is so divisive. People seem to think she is 100% God’s gift to the world or that she’s some evil manipulative witch monster. She’s just a person like you or me, with good and bad qualities.

    • kay says:

      folks, honestly, how is it “deifying” someone to admire goodness?
      especially in a world that currently doesn’t seem to value it?

      bap: the world is not ready for goodness, period, no matter who or where it comes from. ea: nevermind. i reread your comment and that is what you said.

      KB: do you truly believe the world we currently inhabit celebrates goodness, seeks it or values it?

      not looking for a fight, looking for a genuine response.
      thank you.

      • L says:

        Yeah over exaggeration from Lillian and KB. She’s no “deity” or God as they say fans see her as, but she does do good in the world and Bap is right, no matter what awful things are said about her, she will not respond in kind.

      • KB says:

        I equate higher power with a deity. The implication that she’s too good for the world or the world isn’t ready for her goodness to me implies that she is otherworldly or something. So no, I don’t agree with that. She’s a great person. There are a lot of great people in the world and they should be celebrated, but she’s still a human being. Why the need to build someone up into some mythical creature? It’s the same romanticizing they did with Brangelina as some perfect super couple. They’re human beings.

    • Cara says:

      She’s sure all goodness in how she talked about others. I haven’t read anything that she said negatively towards people who might deserve a good dressing down, lol. Seriously if it’s some other women they would have thrown some major shade at their ex or at least be passive aggressive for the way he’s allegedly behaved horribly on the plane. Woman has class. Period.

  24. molly says:

    I just think like many others? she’s a good person with a good heart that wants a better world. She has the resourses that can change things for some people & give them a better life like she has done with a lot of her foundations. Especially in cambodia & The girls schools she’s funded & wildlife sancturies. She does good just like many, many other people in this world. Her activism is just more known than others. I don’t put her on a pedestal. I see a decent person just as i do others.

    • L says:

      @Molly: Exactly! Couldn’t have said it better my self. 👏🏼

    • Keaton says:

      Well said @molly. I have tremendous admiration for her but she’s not the only person out there doing good things. It’s just that as a celebrity, we are more aware of her actions. But the fact she’s a celebrity also helps raise the profile of many causes too. That doesn’t make her better than those other lower profile good people but it does give her more power to bring about change and spread awareness.

    • KB says:

      I agree.

  25. Nannerb130 says:

    Pull-eeze — she is a total whack job. She told George Stephanopoulus this morning that Brad is a good father. If so, why did she have the FBI investigate him? She thought she would win the PR war, but she is losing. Just read the comments on The Daily Mail, folks.

    She wanted full custody so she could move to England with her new besties, Arminka Helic and Chloe Dalton, and take the kids with her. She is done in Hollywood.

    • Lady D says:

      She did not have the FBI investigate. She doesn’t have that kind of power. The FBI investigated because it was an incident on a plane over USA airspace. That’s why they got involved.
      As for believing what’s written in the Daily Mail…

      • Nannerb130 says:

        The Daily Mail reported the facts of her interview. It’s the Comments from the Viewers. She doesn’t have a big fan club, trust me.

      • L says:

        Lady D : haters gonna hate or troll or whatever. It’s their specialty. Don’t worry most people know what this poster is saying is pure nonsense.

    • Carmen says:

      Honey, take your negativity to Female First. Nobody here gives a tinker’s damn what you or those people posting on the Daily Fail think about anything. Get gone and stay gone.

      • Nannerb130 says:

        I was a huge fan of hers before she wouldn’t allow her kids to see their father.

      • Carmen says:

        Maybe they weren’t ready to see their father, did you ever consider that? It may have taken them some time after whatever went down on that plane before they even wanted to see him again. Forcing them to see him against their will would have done much more harm than good.

    • bap says:

      @NANERB Angelina did not call the FBI on brad.

    • Bluer says:

      I think she said “of course” to his are you still a family or whatever it was. I don’t think it was in direct reply to “is he a good father.” I appreciate her charity-advocacy work and how she embraces other cultures respectfully but at the same time I always think she’s so tightly sealed as a person and never fully open in interviews. You know how many celebs can be discreet or kind of private but still present and open and genuine? She never has that. Always projecting something rather than just being.

    • SilverUnicorn says:

      “Just read the comments on The Daily Mail, folks.”

      In UK, anyone who even clicks on the Daily Mail (especially the comments) is a xenophobic hater. ALL articles.
      Sorry, I will never associate myself with such a crowd or I risk losing a few braincells only in the attempt.

  26. molly says:

    They did not report the facts & she did not call the FBI. You are showing your own stupidity by belieing this tabloid crap. George S said “do you believe brad is a good father & will he still be a part of your family?” She said “of course”.”we will always be a family”. She was answering the second part of the question that dailymail left out on purpose so idiots like you would comment & rip her to pieces.

    • Nannerb130 says:

      George S said “do you believe brad is a good father & will he still be a part of your family?” She said “of course”.”we will always be a family”.

      Really? Then why is she trying to gain full custody?

      • Maya says:

        First of all – stop lying by claiming that you were a fan of hers. You were never a fan of hers and you can take that to the bank.

        Second of all – I dare you to provide me with actual evidence that Angelina is requesting full custody. She asked for joint custody but full physical custody like most divorced parents do.

      • Fa says:

        Duh the agreement, that why she asked physical custody. Do you really think he will have signed that agreement if she didn’t asked physical custody, that agreement was really harsh on him he has to do individual and groups therapy and on top of that drug test 4 time a month. Who agreed to that kind of agreement? She forced him to fight back for his kids. Please don’t underestimate this woman she knows what is best for her kids, she doesn’t want an unhealthy parent for their kids when she decided to divorce him.

      • SilverUnicorn says:

        – Third of all
        Nobody should read anything on the Daily Fail, a paper that made hate a business.
        Anyone smart boycotts it, they don’t read it.

  27. Joannie says:

    She looks so pretty in the bottom photo. There are certain angles that show her amazing bone structure. However I read the DM article and now Brad is a good father?? She’s doing damage control and it feels very manipulative. I think she’s pullled a major boner and people dont buy her shtick anymore.

    • Luca76 says:

      Why does anyone take The DM seriously ? Do have any idea how biased and purposely inaccurate they tend to be? If you watched the video you would have a proper context for the quote.

      • Joannie says:

        Watch the video. It came out of her mouth. It’s not gossip.

      • LadyT says:

        I just saw the interview myself. As she says the words “Of course. We will always be a family,” she’s shaking her head side-to-side ‘no’. Very odd. Her body language doesn’t match her words.

      • Paige says:

        She moved her head side to side a couple of times during the interview, so I guess she was saying “no” to a lot of George’s questions.

      • LadyT says:

        I rewatched. You’re right. I’m wrong. She did shake her head numerous times for no apparent reason.

    • Fa says:

      And did she ever said that he was a bad father? Give me a clue please because I never heard her said that before.

    • Krystal says:

      Frankly, Brad can be a fantastic father. I don’t think she ever implied he is a horrible father. Just one with issues that he needed to get fixed. We don’t know the entire situation on the plane but I’m pretty sure things arent black and white. Brad could be an awesome dad but when he get alcohol in our system we can do things we never thought we could. It doesn’t make him a bad person but she probably wants Brad to the best father he can be.

  28. bap says:

    Angelina is a very controversial figure, give her credit for this she has people discussing important issues that matter. She got you thinking like her or not.

  29. JEnnifer says:

    TOo many fillers! I guess they need to settle a bit. Yuck.

  30. Ennie says:

    I was awed by the film the killing fields. It was a very powerful movie, I had no idea about This part if history until I read something on the reader’s digest and then I learned that they habe done a movie about these journalists’ story.
    I loved how Angelina fell in love with the country and how she is well received there, and how she does something like having her Maddox Foundation and now trying to create more awareness about history. We are bound to repeat it if we forget our lessons.
    Superficial Comments usually come from superficial people. You say more about yourself by just coming to spew negativity, overlooking good things.
    I do not think B ot A are black and white, they are flawed and good people at the same time.

  31. bap says:

    @Ennie Thank you!

  32. Fa says:

    Oh God most America people are ignorant, she is embracing her kids culture. They are talking on Internet like she is forcing her kids to eat this. Please people get some education and learn how other people cultures, is amazing how ignorant people are.

  33. bap says:

    Angelina’s new movie is getting a Great reception in Cambodia.

  34. Libra girl says:

    I love what she said. Off topic- her hair looks so pretty. It looks a bit shorter and darker brown.

  35. Sera says:

    She will come out of this just fine. Angelina has always had vocal haters, even before the break up. This just gives them more hate to spew. Brad did not help by not taking responsibility for his actions. That would have gone a long way to make this easier for her but until the public understands how DCFS works they will never understand why she filed for some custody during the investigation. Why do you think Lisa Marie Presley doesn’t have her kids, her mother does. Because DCFS expects that the children be removed immediately from the suspected abuser. The fact that Brad was found not guilty of abuse does not mean he did not act badly on that plane. Come on people let this family heal and stop beating up on Angelina for doing what she thought was best for her kids.