Bigly Boy Jared Kushner got to wear a flak vest in Iraq, it was so exciting

Jared Kushner went on a Bigly Boy Adventure Time To Iraq last weekend, because the Pentagon knows exactly who’s in charge of the government these days. These photos of Jared’s Bigly Iraq Adventure were just released yesterday. You know Jared probably gave his approval for the release of these photos because he thought they made him look like a butch, bigly man of action. But the reality is that these photos are being widely derided because, oh right, these photos look like Rich Dummy Makes Serious Faces While Posing Like a Banana Republic Model.

Meanwhile, of course there are some bad/stupid/funny stories about Jared today. You know why? Because Jared came for Steve Bannon and now Bannon is coming for Jared. Look at all of this from the perspective of two giant a–holes fighting over who their dumb daddy loves more. The dumb daddy in this situation is Bigly Trump. Does Bigly love Jared more or does he love Steve Bannon more? Right now, Bigly is happy to let them fight it out in the press. So, here you go:

The globalist cuck. According to the Daily Beast, Kushner and Bannon have been “fighting nonstop” in the past few weeks and they are often bitch-fighting face-to-face. A source told the DB: “[Steve] recently vented to us about Jared being a ‘globalist’ and a ‘cuck’… He actually said ‘cuck,’ as in “cuckservative.’” Please read this piece about the history of “cuck.”

Bannon is leaking all over the place. Which is a gross image and probably true in a literal sense as well. But Bannon has also been calling up media outlets and telling them (as an unnamed source) that he’s ready for a “White House gunfight.”

Kushner’s pushback. Bigly Jared just believes that his father-in-law will have no success in any area if he’s being advised by people like Steve Bannon. I actually agree with Jared, although I would say that Emperor Bigly will not have any success if he continues to put Jared in charge of everything too.

Kushner’s Russian meetings. Since Bigly Boy Jared is in charge of the government now, he had to fill out all of these forms to get his security clearance. Guess who “forgot” to include all of his meetings with Russians on his security clearance forms??? Yes, you are correct. Bigly Boy Kushner: SO FORGETFUL!

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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59 Responses to “Bigly Boy Jared Kushner got to wear a flak vest in Iraq, it was so exciting”

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  1. Guest says:

    Jared better watch out, Bannon’s supporter don’t like him and his wife (anymore). They say Jared tries to get rid of Bannon completely and that the Syria attack was his and his wife’s plan. Some of them are really disappointed in Trump because he always said “America first” and that changed now.

  2. Esmom says:

    Twitter was on fire yesterday about Jared’s vest. The funniest one I saw was “If Wes Anderson made a war movie.” Someone also did a funny riff on Rushmore and all the roles Jared has in Bigly’s administration like the kid in the movie with all his extracurriculars.

    The Bannon-Jared feud somehow gives me hope, even on a morning when I’m feeling extra hopeless about this whole sh^tshow known as the Trump administration.

    I know people like to talk abut Jared’s looks…lately I’ve been getting the vibe that he will not be at all handsome when he’s older, I feel like I can see glimpses of his future unattractiveness, if that makes any sense.

    • doofus says:

      “The Bannon-Jared feud somehow gives me hope”

      me, too, and I’m not exactly sure why that is…I guess that it could lead to an ugly fraction in the entire party? if the neo-nazi/white supremacy faction stops supporting Drumpf, he loses a LOT of his backing. plus, there’s always the hope that they’ll both continue to leak damaging info about the other and both wind up in jail.

      a girl can hope!

      • bleu_moon says:

        Bannon’s alt-right supporters never really liked Jared or Ivanka. They’re Jewish after all. They tolerate them for the sake of their larger goal. If they see that goal slipping further away I do think Trump support will fracture. *fingers crossed*

      • Esmom says:

        Yes, doofus and bleu_moon. It also helps that the Freedom Caucus is at odds with much of the GOP, too.

    • Tourmaline says:

      I totally agree about relishing the Bannon–Jared feud. Maybe the timing of Ivanka announcing she was going to be an official West Wing staff member the other week makes sense—the anti-Bannon forces consolidating. Bannon NEEDS TO GO and he needs to take Stephen Miller with him.

      I can’t see Bannon winning a duel against Jared and Ivanka. Part of it is shallow—Jared and Ivanka are (relatively!) good looking and slick and we know Trump prizes that. Bannon looks like the product of the mating of dandruff and cigarette butts in a ditch (thanks someone on Twitter) and he isn’t even married to a nude Slovenian model!

      About Jared’s looks there are some pictures where he weighs a bit more, smiles, and wears preppy casual clothes and doesn’t look bad, but he looks creepy as hell in his serous suit wearing incarnation.

    • holly hobby says:

      Bring on the girly fight (seriously!). Hopefully the infighting will make this admin self implode. What the drunk doesn’t know is that Orangino is loyal to his family only. So Jared boy will most likely survive any scuffle.

  3. Lolo86lf says:

    If Donald Trump has to choose between his son-in-law and Steve Bannon, he will choose Jared because he is Ivanka’s husband of course. He will not dare enrage his precious daughter. Bannon is fighting a losing battle.

    • TheOtherOne says:


    • doofus says:

      that’s ok with me. Bannon and his group fight dirty. let them turn on each other.

    • Megan says:

      I think Kushner is playing the ratings card with Trump. Bannon doesn’t care about approval ratings, but Trump does. If Jared can convince Trump Bannon is the problem, then Bannon will be out.

      Unfortunately, if that happens, Bannon and Mercer will start grooming their next Manchurian candidate. This is the beginning, not the end, of these two.

      • Lilix40 says:

        Interesting analysis, Megan!

      • Esmom says:

        Do you really think Bannon doesn’t care about approval ratings? I’m not so sure…if the public really does turn on Trump then they’re in danger of losing the WH in 2020. Not to mention the majorities in Congress.

      • Megan says:

        @esmom they successfully manipulated the electorate in 2016, why wouldn’t they be able to the do the same in 2020? They are not worried about re-election.

        It’s people like us who worry about 2020 if he somehow makes it that long.

      • Sandy Eggo says:

        Megan, the idea of a new Manchurian candidate is frightening! I was starting to feel better because of the infighting, but I bet you are on to something there. We will never be able to give up this resistance, huh? Ugh.

    • bleu_moon says:

      Right now Trump probably thinks he can’t get rid of Bannon entirely because he needs that sweet Mercer cash, influence and Cambridge Analytica. Otherwise I think Crown Prince Jared might have forced him already.

  4. Lafawnda says:

    It’s Steff from Pretty in Pink in a war zone.

    Leans in to whisper to soldier, “Money really means nothing to me. Do you think I’d treat my parents’ house this way if it did?”

  5. Nicole says:

    I saw the picture yesterday and all I could think was that this guy LOOKS like a tool and this is the political front we are putting out. Awesome

  6. Lightpurple says:

    When can we send this grifting traitor Tom Riddle to prison? Haven’t we waited long enough?

  7. Manjit says:

    What must those troops be thinking? I’m insulted on their behalf.

    • graymatters says:

      They’re thinking that this is just another political dog-and-pony show, but the sooner they cooperate the sooner it will be over and they can get back to work.

    • Betsy says:

      The rank and file military broke for Trump so they’re probably thinking the same thing they were thinking when they voted for Donald: nothing much at all.

  8. Froma says:

    “Bannon is leaking all over the place. Which is a gross image and probably true in a literal sense as well.”

    Also: Eww! I really wish I hadn’t read that so early in the morning.

  9. Rapunzel says:

    If Bannon gets Jared labeled a globalist, Jared better watch out. Bannon hates globalists, like most Trump supporters. To them, it’s a dirty word like commie, or socialist, or Democrat. Bannon has the Mercers, and too much influence with Trump supporters for Jared to mess with. And if DT takes Jared’s side, he’d better watch out too. He’s in trouble if Bannon turns his base against him.

    • doofus says:

      “globalist” also has anti-semitic implications in Bannon’s group.

      • bleu_moon says:

        Yes, it does. I think that’s lost on a lot of mainstream GOP voters. They’ve thrown their lot in with some pretty nasty people so they could score a “win.”

  10. Jenns says:

    Everything is just a f**king mess. And the biggest sh*t show is happening inside The White House.


  11. Giddy says:

    Jared looked like a little boy who had been playing in the dress-up area during Sunday School. “Look Mommy, I’m a soldier, and I didn’t get dirt on my new blazer.” ……………..the contrast between him and the actual heroes he was next to was terrible. And this dress-up playing idiot is helping create U.S. policy.

    Hang on tight everyone. Its going to be a bumpy ride.

  12. Megan says:

    I know people who have been fired on the spot and escorted from the building for fairly mundane omissions on security clearance forms. Kushner’s omission is very serious and if the FBI has an ounce of credibility left, they will revoke his clearance.

    • bleu_moon says:

      Yes! This should be a bigger story but I’m afraid it will get lost in the Syria bombing coverage.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I agree. What a serious omission! I wish this was getting more attention.

  13. Izzy says:

    Is it me, or is Kushner looking at the soldier in that one photo the way Ivanka looked at Justin Trudeau?

  14. Adrien says:

    Jared’s vest looks like a stack of Manila envelope.

    • Megan says:

      As a friend of mine said … he looks like wants to make war and order a mint julep.

  15. Who Says says:

    Oh look, Jared visits Iraq and they even put his name on his vest, with a sharpie, just like Kindergarten. I am feeling safe now, with our Jr Prez in command. I would love to be a fly on the wall and listen to the comments some of those soldiers made after his visit.

    • sendepause says:

      My hope was they just made it easy for a sniper to find his target. Unlike POTUS people in the military must be able to read.

      … a girl can dream… because you know the west was custom made for the prince of darkness an no filthy peasant was allowed to wear it before him.

  16. Green Is Good says:

    This is embarrassing. When the impeachment happens, what’s this pussy going to do? Sell out his daddy-in-law?

  17. TyrantDestroyed says:

    He looks like a Harvard frat bro recruiting new students. I could totally believe if he prepared for this trip by watching War dogs several times. What an imbecile, the firts photo in the Abercrombie and Fitch pose says it all.

  18. Claree says:

    I very much doubt Kushner can win agaisnt Bannon – Trump might support him inititally because he is precious Nagini’s husband – but I feel Bannon is far more insidious and clever than Kushner can ever dream to be. In the end, Bannon will crush Kushner, one way or another. Remember that Kushner has pretty much fallen into this – Bannon has been plotting this shit for years.

  19. adastraperaspera says:

    He is disgusting, and I am furious that my tax dollars were wasted to fly him over there and waste everybody’s time. Just another stunt to distract from R U S S I A investigations.

  20. hmmm says:

    He looks like a preppy boy playing at soldiers. My hatred for him has no bounds.

  21. BDA says:

    Describing Jared’s outfit, someone tweeted “”preparing to storm Martha’s Vineyard..”

  22. Green Is Good says:

    How is this asshat qualified for this position? He isn’t.

  23. Pandy says:

    A freaking BLAZER and a flak vest?? Ha ha ha ha ha. Maybe his jacket is from Ivanka’s line and any publicity is good publicity. Seriously though. This reminds me of the 1997 movie “Wag the Dog” and is totally the meaning of wag the dog. We can still see you and smell your corruption, Bigly.

  24. Me says:

    I have a question as I am not from the USA. What exactly is Kushner doing there? What was the purpose for his visit? I honestly do not understand the Power Play in the USA. He is not the president, he is not the secretary of state, he is not the minister of defense. So what exactly is he doing there? And how can people tolerate this? I always thought that the POTUS is not allowed to bring in relatives into positions like this one since JFK? Isn’t this fraud? As for his looks, I don’t think that the guy is ugly. A lot of women like powerful guys. I have never heard of Kushner before. And I do wonder how a Jew can actually tolerate Trump. Very weird.

    • Lightpurple says:

      We do not understand what he is doing there or what he is doing anywhere. He is not qualified to work on any of the issues he is supposedly handling. He is too stupid and arrogant to know what he does not know. He is dangerous.

      As for nepotism, neither he or Princess Nagini should be where they are but the Republican Congress is refusing to do its job.

    • Minty says:

      It’s just a photo op, to distract from Trump and because Kushner would love to take credit for foreign policy. He wants to look likes he’s really “getting his hands dirty.”