Star: Beyonce had three baby showers, in New York, Houston & LA

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits Luxembourg

Something I didn’t know before this job is that many, many women have strong opinions about baby showers, baby shower etiquette and unwritten baby shower rules. Like, it’s an unwritten “rule” that after your first child, subsequent baby showers should be more low-key and you should not expect the same kind of gift-giving, or perhaps any gifts at all. I think that should probably go doubly for celebrities too, because obviously they’re already getting tons of free sh-t, and whatever they don’t get for free, they have the means to buy it for themselves. Still, baby showers are about status for some people. Which is perhaps why Beyonce has allegedly done no fewer than THREE baby showers for the Beysus Twins. Per Star Mag:

What’s worse, looking jealous or crazy? Beyonce and Jay-Z rented out the presidential bungalow at the Beverly Hills hotel Easter weekend for her THIRD baby shower.

“The women spent the afternoon getting pampered with manicures, pedicures and a tarot card reading,” reveals a source close to Beyonce, who invited Kelly Rowland, Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow and Nicole Richie to the spa-themed soiree after celebrating in Houston and New York. “There were singer sandwiches, English tea service and a cake with edible flowers. Let’s just say, Baby Dior probably had to restock their shelves.”

[From Star Magazine]

I was okay with all of this until the Baby Dior line. Like, even when you’re Beyonce, why do you expect people to bring you a mountain of Dior baby clothes? If you want to have a baby shower or baby-themed party or even just a spa party, just do that and say “no gifts please” or “please make a donation to charity.” So, is it tacky to throw three baby showers for her second and third children? Again: I never fail to be amazed by how different this pregnancy is from the first one, you know?

Photos courtesy of Getty, Beyonce’s social media.

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56 Responses to “Star: Beyonce had three baby showers, in New York, Houston & LA”

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  1. The Original Mia says:

    Usually if the baby’s sex is different from the first child, then there will be a 2nd shower. Gonna assume she’s having at least one boy.

    • Chaucer says:

      This is what I’ve always heard. Your first shower is a big happy baby thing, the second is super low key and only for a different gender.

      Fwiw, I hate showers and never had one when I was pregnant. I politely decline the ones I’m invited to and send a card or gift instead.

      • aenflex says:

        I agree completely. The notion of gift-giving and fawning over someone because they decided to get pregnant is something I don’t understand. I didn’t have a shower or ask for/expect any gifts when I became pregnant.

    • swak says:

      I think it depends on the people involved. Baby showers for 2nd and beyond babies where I am at are not a thing. First baby yes, any other (unless there is a huge gap between babies) no. More so we give a present when the baby is born. I stopped getting flustered over it. What I would have hoped for is, that they have more than enough money to outfit the babies room and clothes, instead, how about having gifts that can be donated to a woman’s shelter or some where these items can be handed out to those who need the help.

      • Menutia says:

        1 shower only here. Only. Doesn’t matter if different sexes. It would be rude to have more- literally no one I know or know of has done that. And I’m around everyone from working to upper middle class here in the Midwest.

      • Tia Maria says:

        I would agree, 1 is enough. My brother and his girlfriend had 2 babies within a year and she had a shower for both. That’s way too much for me and just felt tacky/bit of a gift grab.

      • Tulip Garden says:

        Always only one in my family and extended family too regardless of the baby’s sex. This may be due to a large southern family that has multiple children per person. It can get to be financially burdensome and boring as hell after the first obligatory one, which I do attend (usually).

      • Lucy2 says:

        Swak, I forgot who, that recently some celebrity did just that- asked to guests to bring donations instead of presents. I think it’s a great idea.

    • Karen says:

      Around where i am you get 1 shower. If there’s 10 years in between kids then a second isn’t seen badly. If it’s a different gender some people have them, but they’ll get a bit of a side eye if it’s a huge affair.

  2. Ghost says:

    God, she is so extra and over the top about everything.

    • Chaucer says:

      Everything she does sounds so fxcking exhausting to me.
      However, I think she probably threw them and paid for them herself. Which is ultra tacky but way better than having someone else front it for her. So you do you, girl.

    • V4Real says:

      She really is over the top. We gotcha this time Bey, you really are carrying these babies. Now have a seat.

  3. astrid says:

    I’m on the “give to a charity” team….I have a few kids and a second marriage. I don’t expect any gifts after the first.

  4. Babs says:

    I picture the Goop being so annoying at those events. Mommy-know-it-all.
    We don’t do baby showers in my country so I don’t care very much about this particular etiquette, but I thought a baby shower was okay for second babies if they are not the same sex that the older sibling. So, boys?

    PS : I love her pregnancy style.

  5. QQ says:

    OKKKKK I KNOW already what This is gonna be since the write up already reflects the preconceived notion that a person that Obviously has the money to throw the kind of shower where is a pamper fest for her guests is somehow “Demanding” Baby Dior SOOOOOOO I’m gonna do Me a Solid and Not do this thread.At All.For. The Rest of Today… I hope she is due soon and Does the Most so ya’ll can continue commenting full of Sodium

    • Babs says:

      Every time we get a Beyoncé post I’m happy first and then, reading the comments… oh girl.

    • Ghost says:

      But why? The comments don’t seem to be negative? She is very very over the top, but that’s part of her brand isn’t it?

      • Miles says:

        She usually is over the top and extra, in my opinion, but I don’t see the big deal here. I feel like folks are just making a mountain out of a molehill.

      • V4Real says:

        Bey is the one making a mountain out of a mole hill by OD’ing. She’s super extra. We believe she is pregnant, she doesn’t have to continuously try to convince us.

  6. Alexandria says:

    If she also goes to other baby showers for second or third baby, I think she can also reciprocate by having her own? Don’t understand the fuss actually. If people want to celebrate something and invite you, no need to think so much. Accept or decline. If her relatives or girlfriends want to throw her one, she gets one.

  7. Lightpurple says:

    She threw her own baby shower?

    My mom’s family does NOT do baby showers – co-workers had one for one of my great aunts and the baby was stillborn – some of my aunts and cousins won’t even attend a baby shower. My dad’s family does them but the mom-to-be doesn’t plan it and only for the first.

    • MostlyMegan says:

      Right. You don’t plan your own shower ever. Also immediate family member shouldn’t throw a shower (sisters/mother/grandmother). It is SO tacky. And showers only for the first child. It is so tacky and gift-grabby to throw a shower for YOURSELF. Ugh. (If you want to celebrate your pregnancy, fine, invite your friends over for, go to lunch whatever, but don’t tell them to bring presents!)

      • Ghost says:

        This is so interesting. In my country, anyone throwing any kind of celebration for someone else is considered tacky and rude. If you want a party, you have to throw it yourself.

      • Beth says:

        Baby showers that I’ve been to were always a surprise party for the pregnant mother. Rarely one for the second baby. Definitely tacky for a millionaire who can afford baby stuff to throw herself 1 shower and 3 is just overboard ridiculous

      • Lady D says:

        Ditto, Beth. All the baby showers I’ve been to, including my own, were a surprise party for the mommy-to-be. It all seems to depend where you are from what kind of baby shower or non-shower you receive.

    • Craven says:

      A baby shower is really just a celebration of the new baby. For poorer families it can be an opportunity to offset the costs of buying new stuff but generally its just a time to celebrate and share the moment with your friends and families. So who cares who throws it? If you are an uber wealthy woman with access to the best party planners in the world and hate being idle then by all means throw your celebration. And guess what? Even if you are poor and dont have lots of idle time but love to plan get togethers…..plan it.

      Only really shallow petty people are tied to that silly protocol regarding baby showers.

      • Lightpurple says:

        We celebrate the new baby when it arrives.

      • Craven says:

        Because thats what every mother of newborns is looking forward to. A big ol’ party with the girls in the midst of feedings, sleepless nights and getting to bond with their babies. Not even Hyacinth Bucket was this absurd about something so petty. Celebrate when you like and throw it yourself if you want. Nobody gives an eff and the “friends” that do should be discarded immediately. Life is too short to surround yourself with that kind of woman.

  8. Guesto says:

    Is it an American thing to throw baby showers? Just curious.

  9. Miles says:

    Okay well first of all this is Star magazine so I highly doubt it is true BUT even it was who cares? If a person wants to have a baby shower for every child they have, then let them have a baby shower for every child they have. Every child is a gift so I don’t see why a person can’t celebrate the birth of everyone of their children.

  10. truthSF says:

    I have no issue with whatever amount of baby showers she wants/have, but am I the only one seeing something off with her face, and I’m not talking about the pregnancy changes

  11. ElleBee says:

    Of course Beyoncé can buy Baby Dior herself but so can the people invited to the baby shower so what is the issue? Also at this point we should all know to take Bey stories with a grain of salt since she neither says nor confirms anything about herself.

    I don’t get why people are so salty about a woman enjoying her own pregnancy.

  12. minx says:

    I didn’t want baby showers before the births, I was just superstitious and wary. After each of my kids were born people visited then and brought lovely gifts. That was sufficient.

  13. MostlyMegan says:

    This pregnancy is different from her first pregnancy because she is pregnant this time.

    • Mimi says:

      Yes, MTE, and I had a water pill this morning so no salt over here. She sure seems to be acting like a woman experiencing the joys of pregnancy for the first time.

  14. The Original Mia says:

    Beyoncé also has non-famous relatives in Houston, who may want to celebrate with her on her future twins. She’s not hurting anyone and if she had friends/relatives who want to throw her a shower, what’s the issue?

    • Lady D says:

      My thoughts too. She probably has friends/family all over the country. In that case, I can see having more than one shower.

  15. Micki says:

    The thing is that with the big retailer sales drop she’s actually doing her part in supporting the business, even if it’s Baby Dior.
    I’d rather suggest she does another three, so each baby has an equal share.

  16. Lafawnda says:

    Who cares how many baby showers she is having? I’m sure her family and friends are over the moon happy about her babies. All of this Emily Post Etiquette bs is so dumb. Let women have as many babies as they want and a shower to celebrate every one of them. Geez.

    • Lady D says:

      It seems such a petty thing to squabble about, doesn’t it?

    • Sabrine says:

      I agree. Why would anyone care how many baby showers she has. It’s her deal and nobody else’s. It’s ridiculous how much people seem to be almost outraged by by what someone does who is in an entirely different realm from what they are. It seems this is what celebrities do and she can have 10 showers for all the difference it makes to me.

    • detritus says:

      Its just a sweet party, with a theme. The theme being, we are getting new babies soon!
      I don’t see a problem. If I was rich I’d throw elaborate parties I didn’t plan all the time.

  17. spidey says:

    Sophisticated begging? And it is tempting fate to do this before the baby is born. Wait until then and friends will buy presents voluntarily.

  18. Angel says:

    I thought Tori Spelling’s 40K baby shower for her 5th child was tacky. This doesn’t bother me.

  19. Molly says:

    These baby showers were basically just excuses to throw parties and excuses for other rich people to go buy baby Dior. I’m not bothered by any of it.

  20. Joannie says:

    What happened to her lips? Esp the top one. I had pregnancy lips but they didnt change their shape to that extent. Wow!

  21. me says:

    I think if you’re going to have a baby shower, you should do one for each of your kids. Why is the first child more special? Shouldn’t each birth be celebrated? That’s like being mad at someone for getting re-married and having another wedding. They have the right to do so…and you don’t have to attend. But what do I know…I don’t have kids and never been married.

    • Marianne says:

      I think generally the “unwritten rule” is 1 because you dont have clothes, diaper genies, cradles, strollers etc. By the second baby, you dont need as much.

      Personally, I dont care if people want to throw more than 1 shower. If you think its tacky then decline the invite simple as that. But if you enjoy the company and like giving (and have the money too) then who cares.

  22. Yio says:

    4k that bitch shit, rich bitch shit.

  23. Lucy2 says:

    I generally think first baby, yes a showet, beyond that no.

    it makes sense for her to have multiple events as she has friends and family across the country. The idea of a girls weekend at a spa sounds great, but having a shower with expensive designer gifts seems a bit over-the-top to me.