Donald Trump Jr. exchanged emails about his plans to collude with Russians

As we discussed yesterday, Uday and Qusay Trump are probably going to the first dominos to fall in the Trump family. And it makes me happy. Donald Trump Jr. issued a statement to the New York Times over the weekend that sure, of course he met with a shady, Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer named Natalia Veselnitskaya to get his hands on Russian-hacked, damaging information about Hillary Clinton during the campaign. Don Jr.’s defense is that the shady Russian didn’t actually have any information, therefore what he did was totally fine. Not so much. Don Jr.’s statement to the Times was an admission of collusion, or attempted collusion, and Robert Mueller is on the line. Don Jr. has hired the finest mob lawyer that money can buy and everyone knows that Don Jr. has placed himself in legal jeopardy. The tweeting isn’t helping either:

“Obviously???” You’re going with sarcasm here, Donny???

The New York Times followed up their exclusive with another: apparently, there are emails which spell out the collusion!! Via NY Mag:

On Monday night the Times dropped an even bigger bombshell: before the meeting, Trump Jr. received an email saying the information Veselnitskaya wanted to share with him was “part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy.” The email reportedly came from Rob Goldstone – a music publicist who manages Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, son of billionaire Moscow developer Aras Agalarov. Goldstone has confirmed that he arranged the meeting, and attended it along with President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, and then-campaign chair Paul Manafort.

The email does not lay out the full scope of Russia’s efforts to aid the Trump campaign, per the Times: “Mr. Goldstone’s message, as described to The New York Times by the three people, indicates that the Russian government was the source of the potentially damaging information. It does not elaborate on the wider effort by Moscow to help the Trump campaign. There is no evidence to suggest that the promised damaging information was related to Russian government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails.”

According to the Times, this information came from “three people with knowledge of the email.”

[From NY Mag]

I don’t want to oversell this, but we could definitely start chipping in for the keg for the #DonaldJuniorIsGoingToJailParty. That party is being held next to the #TrumpImpeachmentParty. It’s one thing to have murky claims about shady connections that merely indicate collusion. It’s quite another to have hard evidence of said collusion. There are now: emails about the collusion, Don Jr.’s admission of a meeting with the express purpose of collusion, and Don Jr.’s subsequent tweet-defense of the collusion. Come on, Robert Mueller! Get it done.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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223 Responses to “Donald Trump Jr. exchanged emails about his plans to collude with Russians”

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  1. Nicole says:

    Tick tock.
    I’m not super excited because with the GOP in power they’ve made it clear they will sell us down the river to Russia to get what they want. So Mueller better do something. And everyone has to go from the cabinet to the SC seat. All stolen.

    I cannot believe I’m going to witness the utter destruction of America by a foreign power. And how easy it was to achieve. I mean it took little effort on Putin’s part. Wow

    • milla says:

      Im OT but this is tragic… women in Arcansas must ask they RAPISTS if they want abortion. My heart is broken

      • teatimeiscoming says:

        That’s heinous…. that’s like making a homeowner ask their arsonist if its ok for the fire to be put out. How did this country get here?!

      • Alix says:


      • Jerusha says:

        The ACLU has filed a suit against it. I could see it going to SCOTUS.

      • Nicole says:

        Yea I saw this the other day. It’s why I refuse to move to the middle of America. Although no where is safe it’s better on the coast by far when it comes to things like this.
        Also OT the fact that states are outright defying the administration on so many things. Makes me happy

      • manda says:

        Here’s what you do–you have a friend say it’s his baby and not the rapist’s. Although, those backward MFers would make you wait so they could test the baby’s DNA or something.

      • minx says:

        I saw that, it made me ill.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        Besides all the other reasons why a law like that is disgusting, inhumane, and anti-woman, it also exposes the hypocrisy and inconsistency of the anti-choice right. These people claim that their reason for wanting to force women/little girls to have babies they don’t want/shouldn’t have is because “abortion is murder.” If you genuinely believe that, then why would putting the male in charge of deciding whether or not the “murder” gets to take place magically make it “NOT murder”? And a male who happens to be a rapist at that. By their ‘logic’, a mother who murders her ACTUAL, LIVING CHILD (you know, REAL PEOPLE, not clusters of cells that have the potential to become people) is horrible and needs to do jail time, but if the father of child gave the mother permission to do it or told her to do it, it’s perfectly fine and no charges should be brought against either parent. What kind of country are we living in? These people not only want something that’s not even an actual living person to have more rights than women and little girls, but they want men who are rapists to have more rights than them too.
        ….And yet there are still people who want to whine about feminists being equally not nice/impolite to females and males who support laws like this.

    • Bellagio DuPont says:

      I’m sorry to agree with you, Nicole, but yes. We are witnessing the destruction of America from within. Like a very aggressive cancer.

      As a rampant Obama fan, I am starting to feel quite strongly that a lot of the absolute rot we are witnessing here germinated and really took hold under his watch because of his tendency towards hyper-caution and “no drama”. Case on point, ALLOWING the theft of his Supreme Court nomination.

      It’s starting to feel more and more like plain weakness to me. ;-(

      • Nicole says:

        Its more that Congress stalled him in every single issue. The president can only do so much which is how checks and balances are supposed to work. The Dems were lazy in forcing the vote and they let that slide. That’s not on the POTUS he did his job. That’s on Congressional Dems

      • magnoliarose says:

        Nope. This is one hundred percent the fault of the criminals who committed the crime. Tangerine and his chinless sons are at fault. They are not only stupid as dirt but they are corrupt and morally bankrupt.
        The rot is not Obama’s fault. No one made any of them collude with the Russians.

        We aren’t talking about the Supreme Court. We are talking about a dumb loser possibly heading off to Federal prison.

      • minx says:

        What?! Please don’t blame Obama for this nightmare.

      • Algernon says:

        In hindsight, Obama should have moved on the SCOTUS seat. I’m not blaming him for congress being a bunch of dickheads, but I do think he was taking it for granted that HRC would win and she would then put through the nomination. However, hindsight being 20/20, he should have fought for that nomination. The wording in the constitution is a little vague, and can be interpreted to mean if congress chooses not to “participate” (ie, meet with the nominee), the president can just appoint them. He could have set a timeline, and if they didn’t participate, he should have just appointed his guy. It would have been ugly, but this isn’t? I don’t think history will remember Obama as weak, but I think there will be some discussion of his being too nice.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        HOW could Obama have moved on the SCOTUS seat? He nominates, that is his role. Congress approves, that is their role. Citizens pressure congress, that is our role. We did not pressure congress enough to make them feel vulnerable for failing in their responsibility.

        If Obama took extraordinary steps to bypass congress, that would only mean that the next president would just start appointing SCOTUS without feeling the need to go through congress at all.

      • Algernon says:

        It’s the wording in the constitution. It’s something like “congress is invited to participate.” Constitution law scholars felt Obama could then say, “You have 90 days to meet with my nominee. If you don’t, I will take that as a choice not to participate, and proceed with the appointment.” It would have been *ugly*, but consensus was the constitution would support him in a case of congressional obstruction.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        But wouldn’t that apply to future presidents? If a nominee isn’t confirmed immediately, then they just move to appoint. Thinking of that power in Trump’s hands is a reason that I am glad Obama didn’t chose that course of action. Setting precedent of that kind would be pretty dangerous IMO.

      • jwoolman says:

        Tiffany- the confirmation wouldn’t have to happen in 90 days. But that’s a more than reasonable deadline to start hearings. McConnell instead decided it was okay to ignore the Presidential power to nominate SC judges in the last year of his elected four year term. This should not be allowed, deadlines are reasonable.

  2. Nyawira says:

    Well as soon as he confirmed the meeting when he didn’t have to and then added a detail about the subject of conversation the next day, I KNEW there was a trail of evidence he was trying to get ahead of.

    hope he knows his father would throw him under the bus to save himself without hesitation.

    Also how ironic that EMAILS could take Trump down. #whataboutheremails

    • B n A fn says:

      He threw him under the bus already. He said he knew nothing about the meeting until about four days ago. Liar liar pants on fire.

      • Megan says:

        Since Trump sanctioned Don Jr committing treason to help him win the presidency, I don’t think he gives a crap about his son.

    • ELX says:

      None of these people seem to be bright enough to just say, “no comment.”

    • magnoliarose says:

      I love the leaked detail about how all of the campaign staffers loathed DJ and nicknamed him Fredo because he was so inept. lol Fredo didn’t know when to shut up either.

      • minx says:

        I think of Junior pointing to his chest like Fredo: “I can handle things! I’m smart!” Yes, very appropriate.

    • DSW says:

      He’s a special kind of stupid, isn’t he? He did the same thing with the article about his foundation self-dealing. He called it fake news but then gave an explanation that was basically an admission of the very activity that the article was alleging.

      • Bootsie says:

        That was the Eric. The other gross, unpleasant, arrogant, dickhead-Trump son. It’s easy to see why you’d confuse them. They’re both chinless wonders.

      • Chrissy says:

        Make that greasy, chinless wonders.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I can’t believe Donny Jr. released those emails himself on Twitter. WHAT A FOOL!

      It says in the emails that the dirt is coming from the “Crown Prosecutor of Russia” aka the Russian Prosecutor General. Donny Jr. revealed the evidence of collusion all by himself!

  3. Cannibell says:

    I’m a little sad that I will be dead when the Netflix equivalent of “Versailles” detailing the inner workings of this administration airs.

    • Neelyo says:

      The way pop culture works now, the miniseries will be on HBO in time for the 2024 election (if there is one).

      • holly hobby says:

        The authors of Game Change are writing about this election. Maybe they will wait until impeachment to finish off their book. I loved the original book and Woody Harrelson’s miniseries.

    • Christin says:

      The pace is picking up now. May be sooner than later after all.

      These people are making Sarah P and her clan look like scholars by comparison.

  4. B n A fn says:

    I’m shocked, all we have heard from 45 about his son colluding with the Russian government in an effort to help his father is cricket, cricket, cricket. Wonder why. The king of tweets is silent!!.

    Lock them up.

    • lightpurple says:

      He is too busy trying to distract this morning by attacking Senate democrats. Because despite not having numbers to block anything, they are blocking everything he wants to do somehow. Magic, I guess.

      • Tate says:

        Wow, that is one talented minority party to be able to block the agenda of the party in control of absolutely everything. Amazing.

      • holly hobby says:

        There was a picture of all the repubs against Trampcare in the news yesterday. I counted 12. That’s over the 2 votes Turtle Mitch was allowed to lose. So he should blame his own party.

    • Kitten says:

      I bet he’s DYING to say something about Don, Jr but I’m sure his lawyers have warned him not to touch that hot potato.

      Remember: this man is completely bereft of foresight and unendingly impulsive, to his own detriment. I bet he would love to defend Donnie-boy and say something to the effect of: “Fake News goes after my family instead of talking about the REAL story: DAMAGING INFO on Hillary! Sad!” or some such BS.

      I think the fact that he hasn’t addressed it speaks VOLUMES of how guilty DJ is and how scared Chump must be to actually follow his lawyer’s advice for once.

      • Megan says:

        When I saw all of Trump’s crazy tweets yesterday, I knew this was serious. He is in full-on deflection mode.

      • Jerusha says:

        Wait’ll he has a good session on his golden throne. It’ll spew out as he empties his bowels. Blabbermouth-in-Chief is incapable of discretion. He’s “smarter” than everyone else, doncha know?

      • mee says:

        what’s hilarious is don jr’s so like his dad – they basically blab their crimes to the press. and the repubs just continue to look away.

        cannot wait for mueller to nail all these traitorous bozos.

      • Kitten says:

        You guys see what just happened? He released copies on the emails and they are DAMNING af.

        Why would he fall on his sword like this?? No lawyer would advise this. People are saying NYT has copies of the emails and this is an attempt to get ahead of the game but DAMN yo, this just makes him look more guilty–as if that was possible.

      • AnnaKist says:

        He doesn’t have to call out “FAKE NEWS!!”, Kitten. All the Trumpaloonies are doing it for him, even with Junior’s admission. “Russian adoptions” my arse. He wasn’t going to admit to the meeting until he had no choice. Since there were no cameras, tape recorders or notes taken at this meeting, they could have discussed anything. They’re liars, so everything they say merits suspicion and should be questioned. I’m worried that they’re made of teflon, though, and how much of this will stick.

      • Christin says:

        The Times was ready to publish their story, and they claim Junior asked for more time to prepare comments. Within minutes, he tweeted the e-mails.

        He thinks he’s being transparent and getting one minute ahead of the media, but it’s crazy on every level. Is he trying to show off for Daddy, not afraid of any repercussions at this point?

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Kitten, those emails are so damning! The NYT might been on the verge or releasing them, but that would make them unbelievable to Trump supporters. By releasing them himself, Donny Jr. makes them legitimate. This helps the case against him. How will the Trump Cult explain this away?

        The emails show that the information was coming from the “Crown Prosecutor” of Russia (aka the general prosecutor). This is the tie to the Russian government. This is collusion. What an idiot to think releasing the emails would help.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        This is an interesting little bit about the journalist who spent a year working on the article and was going to release the story…until Donny Jr. beat him to the punch:

        “I chased this story for a year and he just…tweeted it out.”

        “That sound you just heard was every Trump lawyer in DC opening the window and screaming.”

        “This is the dumbest and biggest crime in the history of American politics. There’s not even a close second.”

      • Esmom says:

        Holy crap, guys, Junior’s emails. The only explanations I can think of is that a) he might be trying to show it was a set up, since the lawyer didn’t actually provide any info (that we know of) or b) he’s been designated to take one for the team. Maybe they think if he goes down then somehow the rest of them are safe? It’s mind boggling.

      • Megan says:

        Now that I have seen the emails, I do not believe the lawyer did not provide them information. That is the spin they are putting on this so there is intent, but not action (and, hence, no crime). This is how they are trying to “control” the message.

  5. Kiki says:

    You know who is not having fun, that guy DTJ.

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      He should spill the beans ASAP. He’s got FOUR or FIVE? children to think about.

  6. RBC says:

    So with all the attention on the newest flareup at this dumpster fire of an administration. What is trump and company trying to get passed (or signed off on)without the public noticing?

    • B n A fn says:

      He’s trying to get the sanctions against Russia Off the table.

      • holly hobby says:

        I don’t think that will happen. As loathsome as the Repubs are not one of them would touch that.

    • lightpurple says:


      • jwoolman says:

        TrumpCare is a smokescreen for removing the taxes on the very rich that support the ACA subsidies. Hence talk of repealing the ACA without replacing. They just want the tax cuts. It’s never been about healthcare to Ryan and McConnell, Trump and Pence. It’s always been about taxes that affect only the richest among us.

  7. Beth says:

    This family must keep making these ginormous fuck ups on purpose. These greasy snakes are beyond embarrassing

  8. Lolo86lf says:

    As much as I would love to see DT Jr. go to jail for colluding with Russia to interfere in the 2016 elections, I do not think this new treasonous discovery about him will land him in jail. His orange daddy is very rich and surely he will hire the best lawyers in the country to get his first-born male baby off the hook. Donald Trump supporters are going to look the other way as they usually do. If Hillary would have done one tenth of what Donald has done she would have been impeached overnight.

    • lightpurple says:

      We have yet to hear anything from Mueller or any Prosecutor. They are still building their case meticulously. When they file charges, the file will be complete. People don’t realize it but most prosecutors have very high conviction rates.

      • Megan says:

        Mueller better work fast because now that the tea is spilled on Don Jr, Trump is definitely going to fire him.

      • RBC says:

        The longer Mueller takes the closer to the midterm elections we get. For all we know Mueller might also be investigating some very high profile Republicians and this might throw a wrench in many of them keeping their seats. This whole election rigging/Russia connection might be very widespread in the party.
        Also if Mueller comes back with damming information about trump’s involvement with Russia, he will not go down without a fight. He must have dirt on other Republicians and would be sure to sing like a bird to stay out of prison or just decide he will drag as many of them down with him as possible. It will get very nasty

      • lightpurple says:

        Sally Yates said in her testimony that members of Congress were also being looked at in the investigation.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Mueller is my hope. I hope that his case is completely solid. I don’t care if I don’t know anything until the whole thing is complete. I am actually glad if this takes longer, because congress won’t do anything until Dems are in power in the House. The closer it lands to midterms, the more likely it will have a lasting impact (IMO).

    • Chrissy says:

      I don’t know… I think The Don will try to distance himself and his first born is not his favourite, as we know. At most, Ivanka might post a cute pic of her kids to try to deflect. Or not?

      • me43 says:

        If that story is true about Donald Jr getting slapped by his dad in front of college dorm roommates is true because he wasn’t wearing a suit to go to a Yankee game, I could him throwing dad under the bus.

      • lizzie says:

        i think he is the family idiot and his father will have no issue with selling him out and making him take the fall for all of it.

      • Erinn says:

        Oh I bet they’ll throw him under the bus. If it’s between daddy or Ivanka being damaged by this, or sacrificing Jr, they’re going to toss him quickly. To them, letting him take a hit would be preferable to it spreading towards them.

        The problem with Eric and Jr is that they’re not bright enough to realize that they’re very low in the hierarchy of that family.

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        That’s why I am saying, the junior SHOULD SPILL THE BEANS ! He’s used by Drumpf and Nagini and they are FAR WORSE THAN HIM.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Spill the beans! Spill the beans! Spill the beans!

        I got caught up in your enthusiasm, Pumpkin. Good strategy!

      • Lady D says:

        The problem with Uday and Qusay is they are just as arrogant and bright as their father. Their smug looks indicate they think they are untouchable. I can’t wait to see it wiped off all of their faces.

      • SoulSPA says:

        What I see is major soap opera drama action in the House of the Drumpfs. Internal conflict is becoming visible with the upcoming cracks within the family. The only ones that will save themselves are Tiffany, Melania and Barron.
        Swift and serious action must be taken immediately, internally by the USA. The country is becoming un-governable. It will become a failed state if action is not taken NOW.

    • Jerusha says:

      His lawyer has defended members of several Mafia crime families, so he’s the perfect choice for the trump crime family.

      • AnnaKist says:

        Yep, one of them being the “Teflon Don”, john Gotti. I fear the Drumpfs are coated with the same stuff. I wonder how much is actually going to stick? Mind you, Gotti did end up in prison, eventually.

    • holly hobby says:

      Well the Rogue POTUS Staff tweeted that they are looking to secretly move Donnie off our shores into a country where Mueller can’t touch him. Yes no interviews. So he may be exiled for his natural life.

      • mayamae says:

        Da svidahnia, Junior. I hear Siberia is lovely this time of year.

      • jwoolman says:

        I’ve thought for a long time that if Trump is convinced to resign, he will quickly retire to a Trump property somewhere beyond extradition. He might be most comfortable in some place like Dubai where there are loads of English-speaking rich people. China and Russia are possibilities but pose other difficulties. He seems to have an affinity for Middle Eastern dictatorships.

        One problem might be that Trump is likely to be not so rich himself.

  9. Chrissy says:

    LOL! Remember, the Internet is forever, my friends. What a stupid moron. The sound you hear is Donnie Two Scoops blowing a blood vessel and Sarah Huckabee paying with her fake pearls while desperately trying to spin this. Stay tuned….. I’m getting more coffee.

    • Beth says:

      Ugh. Those pearls. She never takes them off and probably even wears them to bed

      • minx says:

        Oh, those pearls are the worst. They look cheap and inappropriate and she wears them All. The. TIme. I think she thinks she looks classy and upscale.

      • jwoolman says:

        Maybe the pearls have some sort of sentimental value.

        Alternatively- she watched too many Leave It to Beaver reruns in her extreme youth. It can happen.

        Anyway- she looks fine to me. My problem is what she says and how she says it. At least Spicer seemed unhappy.

    • Radley says:

      I like to call Sarah, Chico’s Clearance Rack Daymare. Very schlumpy. Like father like daughter.

      As for poor Dysfunctional Donnie Jr.: End well. This isn’t going to. Orange Apocalypse’s oldest 3 kids are a mess due to desperately wanting to ingratiate themselves to their sick, manipulative, sociopath of a father. If I were them, I’d have kept a dignified distance. I’d have made a deal with my mom to squirrel away as much of my child support as possible so that I’d have the means to live a comfortably Trump free life. It’s pathetic getting glimpses of how damaged Ivanka and Don Jr. are.

      Eric, you’re next.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “Chico’s Clearance Rack Daymare”

        I feel bad for making fun of her appearance, but I really loathe the contempt she has for the press and the American people. She is always so sarcastic and it doesn’t go over well with me.

      • Holly hobby says:

        I hate to say it but she’s worse than spicer!

  10. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    The irony is so delicious. These fools are being exposed because of emails they sent that spell out that they colluded. I wonder if this story is why Foolious and co have been trying to convince Fox News viewers that collusion with a foreign government is ok.

    Given ugly son number one’s history, you cannot tell me that the Dump was not in on this. Ugly son number one is desperate to make his father proud and thought he did something good by setting up this meeting. He then goes to tell Daddy and then Daddy starts tweeting about Hilary in the same month. Also, there has to have been more than one meeting.

    Lastly, Jared totally set up Ugly son number one to save his own ass. Jared is trying hard to pin this on Ugly son number one but he cannot really wiggle himself out of trouble beccause he was there as well along with Manafort for this meeting.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, I absolutely believe that Jared tried to set up Junior in an effort to save himself. But as you said, it won’t be easy for him to weasel out of it. Fingers crossed.

    • magnoliarose says:

      I totally see this happening. DJ is stupid enough to take Crooked Jared’s bait and I am sure Complicity Barbie was in on the scheme. He knows better than to deny her anything she wants.
      I can see Tangerine playing the surprised but saddened parent that has done all he can for his son. He has worked to the bone to give him a lavish life and now he has humiliated the family. He will say he needs to be left alone in his grief. His followers will attack anyone who attacks a man whose son just betrayed him. Of course he runs of to a golf giddy and jubilant he is free and clear. But even then his followers will say Everyone handles grief differently. He is golfing his pain away. Fake news Fake news Fake news!
      In the meantime DJ rots in a Federal prison as a traitor to his country and a sworn enemy of the Tangerine Army.

    • Pandy says:

      I read a comment from Ugly that Jared was first to leave the meeting. Wriggle wriggle.

    • Christin says:

      Junior sent the e-mail string in its entirety to the other two. JK may be planning to claim he never read them. Yet he allegedly showed up for the meeting at a revised time, if I understand it correctly. And someone tweeted today that Daddy Orange first tweeted something about getting HC’s e-mails within 20 minutes or so of this meeting’s conclusion. More dots are connecting by the hour.

  11. Jerusha says:

    When the mob bosses pull out the old “everybody does it” excuse, they’re lying(again). This, from the WaPo.

    “Despite what Trump apologists may say, it is not normal practice for a campaign to welcome information undermining an opponent, regardless of the source. In 2000, the Al Gore campaign was anonymously sent briefing books and a video that George W. Bush had used to prepare for an upcoming debate. Gore campaign officials immediately turned the material over to the FBI — which opened a criminal investigation.”

    • Esmom says:

      That’s awesome. I saw a couple tweets yesterday from campaign veterans who were like “um, no, I’ve never done that nor would I consider it.” Lol. One more example of why inexperience is NOT an asset, as much as people try to argue that an “outsider” is what we need.

      • Charlotte says:

        I’d think that *any* decent human, politically experienced or not, would draw the line way before the colluding-with-hostile-foreign-powers stage.

        Taking human decency off the table, you’d think any sentient human would realize that the potential downside of being caught illicitly acquiring information would be far greater than any potential benefits from said information.

      • Esmom says:

        I hear you. I think it speaks to decency but also general intelligence, neither of which Don Jr seems to possess. I guess my point was that a little experience can at least offset those liabilities. But you’re right in that even someone without political experience should know better. These guys do not know better — about anything it seems — hence our country’s swift decline.

  12. smcollins says:

    I CANNOT wait for this circus to leave town! What more does the GOP need before they finally pull the trigger on this nonsense?? I guess they’re too busy trying to take away people’s healthcare to worry about it. Gotta get that done first before they can make a move on Don, I guess. I’m no history buff, but I think it’s safe to say that this level of blatant, in-your-face corruption has never been seen before. I’ve never been so ashamed to call myself an American until now.

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      From what I read they face a lot of resistance to this “healthbill” in their home states. There is some hope.

  13. Alix says:

    “Uday and Qusay”? Oh Kaiser, I love you!

  14. Fiorucci says:

    He looks so much like ivanka (no shade to her, D JR has a soft feminine face to me) and Eric doesn’t look like them. Is that why dad doesn’t like Eric ? (Affair?!) Or is that just a running joke. Seth Meyers always has the best Eric burns. John Oliver too

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      He does have a soft feminine face and so does eric, at least to me. There is some resemblance between the Real (pre-surgeries) Nagini and eric.
      Drumpf is the father IMO. Would he accept in his family and BUSINESS a child that is not his own?

      • Fiorucci says:

        Oh i see. I think I remember ivankas pre surgery face and don’t see the resemblance. Yeah my theory is a bit far fetched. But does he really prefer DJ to Eric or is it just a joke because Eric is not photogenic? Anyways i think d j and Ivanka have a strong resemblance and so do Tiffany and Barron (maybe because he’s a little kid though.)

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        I see *some* resemblance in their face – mouth, round chicks, jaw. But it doesn’t mean I am right. No, your theory is not far fetched, if there is a perceived noticeable distance in their relationship, why not mention it.
        Eric is not the most photogenic one and of course we know how important LOOKS are to Drumpf. If only he got off that orange tan, **you** hear me???????? Personally, I don’t think of people being physically “ugly”, there is much more than looks to a person. But I feel free to say they are ugly in character. And the three oldest Drumpfs ARE. But what can they do? They must have felt compelled to please their father and gain his love and attention on his own terms. As he’s a PoS, they got to get themselves brown.

      • Jerusha says:

        DeeJay and Eric hate this photo, so please don’t retweet.😉😉

      • Fiorucci says:

        Lol at that photo ! I’m not surprised they are t proud of it. I don’t think they look worse there though. Honestly I think Eric just has the wrong hair cut making him look like a vampire for some reason. He might be unremarkable (better) with another hair cut. Yeah trump probably likes his prettier kids more.

  15. Jenns says:

    Guys, I’m starting to think that the Trump family is kind of dumb.

    • Rhiley says:

      Haha- there was one article I read yesterday that quoted an “inside source” (Reince?, Jared?, Stevie B.? who knows) that said Donald Trump lacks the smarts of his father and his sister. I don’t think either daddy or sissy are particularly smart. Daddy is a bully and sister does a fairly good job of controlling her image, though that is starting to slip through her fingers. What is so vomit inducing, though, is just how brainwashed so many in our country are. Supposedly yesterday when DTJ took to twitter it was a “Bat Signal” to the base and they came. It is sad how far apart the left and the right now are. I really don’t think anything is going to happen to DJT. Even people like Lindsey Graham will get on national television and condemn the Trump family’s ties to Russia, but then turn around and support what they are trying to do the country.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Lawrence O’Donnell reported last night that Little Cheeto was viewed as the Fredo of the Trump family. One of his guests corrected him saying the better movie analogy was Murder on the Orient Express because the knife in Little Donnie’s back was covered with the fingerprints of so many.

      I think it’s significant that Cheeto Covfefe Mussolini is distancing himself from this. These people are eating their young.

    • CynicalAnn says:

      Dumb and crooked. It’s just shocking. I mean-who would have thought?

  16. B n A fn says:

    Everyone knew 45 is a con artist, a liar and a thief ect. long before he ran for the presidency yet over 60 million people voted for this dispictable man. What does that say about those people.

    • Jerusha says:

      Racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, dumb, selfish, hate-filled. Probably a few more adjectives.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes to what Jerusha said but we also cannot underestimate the anti-liberal propaganda that’s been churned out of Fox news for so long. When people refuse to see facts right in front of their faces and only listen to a single source of highly slanted and/or false info, it seems clear that some have truly been brainwashed.

  17. Lucy2 says:

    We’ve had so many “this is the end of them!” moments, but I’m really hoping this is the one that starts the true downfall.
    I saw somewhere that one of his excuses was he thought the DNC had set this up as a trap. YET HE STILL WENT. If you think someone is trying to trap you, just politely say no thank you and move along.

    Love the irony that emails are at the root of this story.

  18. Honey says:

    When I saw Trumpsters saying that Jr must not have known that this lawyer was Russian, he didn’t know what the meeting was going to be about, or maybe he just forgot about it, I just SMH. Time for this to stop. Republicans need to start taking things seriously before our country is ruined

    • lightpurple says:

      Because Natalia Veselnitskaya is such an Irish sounding name. Or possibly, Venezuelan?

      • Cee says:

        Could very well be venezuelan. I’m argentinian and have a russian surname, so…

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        Maybe LP put some random nationalities to make a point?

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        @Cee, I hope you don’t mind me asking, does your surname have the ending for a female surname? Only if you feel comfortable sharing. I not prying, I am asking only because as far as I know, women of Slavic descent don’t have the female ending on their surname if they are born in countries where that differentiation doesn’t apply as their surname must match their father’s surname.

      • jwoolman says:

        Yeah, the -aya ending is a good clue… I do know a woman whose husband is from another Slavic country who still uses the feminine ending, but it’s on her passport and she immigrated here with that name. She’s actually originally from an African country (she met her husband while they were students in his original country), so when she meets patients for the first time she says it’s a useful icebreaker. They see this very Slavic name and a very dark woman with an African accent shows up…

      • Cee says:

        Pumpkin Pie – No prying whatsoever! I don’t have a female version of my parental russian surname as it soesn’t work like that in Argentina (heck, when I was born children could only be given names in spanish! So you find loads of men named Diego Thompson in Argentina) We all have the male version as that’s the only version that is passed down to children, like it happens with surnames in spanish, english, italian, etc. If I were to be a russian national/citizen I am sure I would be granted the correct version for my gender. I don’t know how it works in other countries. I also believe that origin matters – I might be wrong but jews of russian descent don’t have that distiction applied to them.

  19. Mermaid says:

    After all the big game hunting pictures and alt right conspiracy stuff Fredo posts, this all coming out is karma (and treason) big time.

  20. Embee says:

    I’m concerned. This music guy set up the meeting and apparently leaked the emails showing the collusion? Was Russia setting up Donnie to take him/democracy down? I’m Hillary’s No. 1 fan in my redder than red town but I don’t want to get too excited and play into Putin’s hands here.

    Also DJT, Jr. – what a putz.

  21. Blue says:

    Ah well. Guess we’ll have to have another election then. SANDERS 2017.

    • cr says:

      Being serious, that would mean redoing both primaries, since Sanders lost by four million votes in the Democratic primaries.
      The US system isn’t set up for redos, especially at the Presidential level, even it turned out there was actual vote manipulation.
      Impeachment would be the process, not having another election.

      • Bellagio DuPont says:

        I keep wondering if republicans understand the gravity of the precedents they’re setting here with their unbelievable, self sabotaging actions…..

  22. kaye says:



    • Jenns says:

      If the cards fall because of a Trump e-mail, then RIP me. Because I will laugh myself to death.

      • kaye says:

        Same. I hate misuse of the word “literally,” but I am pretty sure I will literally die if emails (not the EVERYTHING ELSE that is completely criminal that they are doing) are what brings this regime toppling down.

    • Rhiley says:

      Yeah. One thing that I am hearing too much of regarding the Russian investigation is “if there was really collusion wouldn’t it have turned up by now?” Um, if Hillary Clinton is really as conniving and nefarious as her emails will purportedly reveal, and that the 30,000 emails she deleted will show that she jeopardized the security of the country during her time as Secretary of State, while also showing that she is a murderer and child molester, wouldn’t they have turned up by now?

      • jwoolman says:

        Hillary actually had lawyers check those emails before they were deleted to make sure nothing was there that needed to be archived as work-related. She actually was dutifully archiving work-related e-mail. Heck, I easily delete 30,000 e-mails every few months (most without reading). Trump doesn’t use e-mail so he has no idea how much useless junk accumulates.

  23. Lucky says:

    I have absolutely no faith that anything will come from any of this, even with tons of evidence. It’s so depressing. I’m sure we are looking at 7 1/2 more years of these assholes.

    • Chaine says:

      I know, I’m pretty pessimistic about it all too…

    • RottenFlower says:

      I’m right there with you. I’m so fed up with it and have completely lost faith in this country and its standards.

      We hired a man whose nickname is Don the Con to be POTUS. Like, wtf?

    • Green says:

      Given the amount of coverage on the evidence, there’s no way Robert Mueller will not lay charges of some sort.

  24. TyrantDestroyed says:

    So apparently time will show us that even the two Menendez brothers were involved in the same illegal activities than their sister and father.
    As many of you pointed, I really hope that the downfall of the 2000s Borgia family is near.

  25. grabbyhands says:

    Well, only time will tell if anything will truly come from this-because let’s face it, live video could come out of 45 stabbing baby jesus and the GOP leadership would still be saying “I do find this troubling, but let’s not jump to conclusions” (and unfortunately , the Democratic leadership will either be silent or issue more stupid bumper stickers).

    It does have to suck for him seeing his father’s silence so far because he’s got to know that no one is going to bail him out for being so frigging stupid and bringing more unwanted attention. But then, they’ve probably all grown up with the knowledge that their father’s concern is only as good as their most recent success. Once the star starts to dim, they become persona non grata. Except for daughter wife precious Ivanka. Straight up Shakesperean.

    • nemera34 says:

      Trump is distancing himself. Saying he wasn’t there and didn’t know anythin about it. Such Support from your Daddy. Trump sent out Conway and Sebastian Gorka, Jason Miller to defend his son. I have no doubt there was a lot of screaming behind the scenes.

  26. Eric says:

    But his email!

    Rofl. You’re gonna look great in prison gear in general population; unless, of course, that criminal defense attorney who rep’d 3 of the 5 Family members gets you off somehow.

    Popcorn ready!

    • Esmom says:

      Lol. Somehow it seems inevitable that “Diaper” Don Jr would be the first domino to tumble.

    • Bellagio DuPont says:

      No one in the trump family will spend a single day…..scratch that…..a single minute on prison over this. Americans are going to find out the true meaning of the word C O R R U P T I O N under this administration.

  27. Kate says:

    Celebitches, we need to find a name for this scandal.
    Stupid Watergate? From Russia with Love? Russiagate?

  28. Neelyo says:

    Every time I see his face I just want to punch him in the no chin.

    • minx says:

      He has one of the most punchable, arrogant, smarmy little faces I’ve ever seen. Everything about him screams spoiled rich white douchebag.

    • RottenFlower says:

      I absolutely have a visceral reaction to seeing an image of him, but especially hearing his voice.

      He is vile.

  29. adastraperaspera says:

    Death by a thousand cuts. Here is one more. Can you imagine how many dry-erase boards Mueller and his team must be using to keep track of all this? I would love to see a photo of just one of them. Not to mention the spreadsheets, the timelines, the suspect files.

    • holly hobby says:

      I hope they are storing everything in a hack free computer or made hard copies of everything.

      • jwoolman says:

        And spread them around in various physical locations and with people authorized for classified info but untouchable by Trump. They need to prepare for the possibility that Mueller will be fired during a Trump tantrum. Likewise for others involved in the investigation. Trump doesn’t seem to realize that such investigations don’t disappear just because he gets rid of the most visible person.

    • Green says:

      Politico says experts say it’ll likely take at least a year for R Mueller to gather the evidence. Good luck to the US. Hang in there.

  30. Eric says:

    I’m putting all my cash in on Mueller and his Murderer’s Row.

    C’mon snake eyes! C’mon lucky 7!

  31. Disco Dancer says:

    You know why the deplorables keep screaming that the looney left have found no proof of any collusion and are just reaching to destroy the great Donny Trumpo and oh look Obummers destroyed America- I’m loving this drip drip of damaging information. Please keep more of this coming. Trump’s joke of a presidency won’t fall in one day, it’ll just rot away slowly at first and then rapidly once the decay has set in, based on damaging info like this! I’m excited that this is overshadowing his so-called presidency and is preventing him from moving ahead with his agenda at home and gaining any credibility abroad.

  32. nemera34 says:

    I watched that horrible man Sebastian Gorka and of course.. don’t you know. It is Hillary and the DMC that are colluding with Russia.. not the Trump campaign. These Altright nuts are taking this spin to their crazy followers. All the Trump talking heads are going out saying the same thing. This is their strategy for everything. Point to Hillary or Obama.

    • Jerusha says:

      I’ve never touched a gun, but I’m starting to wonder if I should hie myself to the nearest gun shop. The crazies are all armed to the teeth.

      • Tate says:

        @Jerusha I have never touched a gun either but in the last few months have had the same thought. These nuts are heavily armed and they are going to lose their f@cking minds when this all goes down.

      • Kitten says:

        Same. If I’m being honest, the first time I had that thought was the day after he was elected. It’s a crazy-ass world that is getting crazier by the day.

    • Beth says:

      I watched him this morning. I beyond HATE that jerk. Listening to his creepy voice while he spins everything against only CNN and Democrats enrages me. He asks to be on the show, then he rants and raves against them and says how awful they are during the interview. Trumps team is nothing but mean, clueless bullies

      • nemera34 says:

        I wanted to crawl through the screen. He is sickening. And yes the way he talks. So arrogant. And it is like we have these EVIL people running our nation. And yes he did call CNN and when he was questioned he got so nasty. I would have lost it. I laughed because they didn’t let Chris interview him. They gave to Alisyn Camerota. She is too soft and he just walked all over her. Which is what he wanted to do.

      • Honey says:

        I don’t know how Chris kept his cool with Kellyann bitching and her dragging the interview so long yesterday. I really admire CNN reporters for never screaming at Trumps people being so ignorant, always twisting stories and never truly answering questions

      • holly hobby says:

        Gorka – is he a Russian spy? That name sounds Russian.

      • cr says:

        @holly hobby, Gorka is Hungarian.

    • holly hobby says:

      So dumb. This accusation will never work in court and in a trial. That’s why you don’t have any credible criminal attorneys speaking out in favor for these nuts. Which is also why all those big famous firms said thanks no thanks to that goon family.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      Foreign policy geeks have Gorka’s number. Here is the best article about this fake Ph.D., Nazi-sympathizer, Muslim-hating idiot and his horrible plans to dismember our democracy:

  33. TheOtherOne says:


  34. Indiana Joanna says:

    This new revelation shows that Jailbird Jared is on par or even more evil (if that is possible) than Urday. Now it makes complete sense why baby fists wants Jared in the WH. With his enigmatic smile and fey overly groomed sliminess, he is the one who facilitates a personal billion dollars deals with Quatar (which fell through) and Russia. His contacts reach right up to Putin. He isn’t too smart either buying up property for billions and then having to scramble to foreign countries for loans when the real estate market crashes. His sister proved how utterly dumb and opportunistic she is by trying to sell US citizenship to potential Chinese investors, all of whom want all the American life perks. The family starting from his corrupt father are crooks. What a soulless, evil group of people who would sell our democracy, world standing and citizens for their own personal gain.

    • Green says:

      Can’t believe how stupid they are! Total idiots in both business and basic political management / simple ability to work to ethical and legal standards!

      Jared has a $1.2 billion (and that’s just interest) mortgage payment due in early 2019. He’s effectively lost $500 million over 666 and needs over $7 billion to rebuild and sell. Who knows how much the Trump-Kushners actually owe Russia in total? Trump’s been borrowing from them for years.

  35. Rapunzel says:

    Jr. Has posted the entire email chain on Twitter. WTF??

    • OhDear says:

      His lawyer must be going nuts now.

    • Jerusha says:

      Stupid is as stupid does.

    • holly hobby says:

      Keep going! I hope someone from Mueller’s team are downloading everything right now!

      • jwoolman says:

        Hope they got a warrant to seize everything so it can be tested for authenticity also (although Don Jr has actually verified that for the tweeted emails). I want to see what else they were revealing in emails. Don Jr might just have given a reason that would make his entire stash of records seizable as evidence.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Such jackassery delights me no end.

  36. Jenns says:

    So he released the e-mails because the NYT was about to. Maybe he thinks this makes him look not so guilty? This is so insane and I’m not even sure what is going on.

    • Kitten says:

      Even if NYT has copies, HOW is this a good idea?!?!
      Was this just about not allowing the NYT to get a “scoop”? They cannot be this vindictive, petty, and downright stupid can they???

      No wait, don’t answer that– it’s rhetorical.

      • Jenns says:

        Well, right now all the Trump supporters are saying that Don Jr. tweets prove that the NYT story was fake even though THEY HAVE THE SAME E-MAIL. And according to the NYT, Jr. was trying to screw them over by releasing the story first.

        Also, he’ll be on Hannity tonight. LOL.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Jenn how does the email Jr. Posted prove the NYT story is fake? I know, it doesn’t, but what’s the Trumpian logic here?

      • holly hobby says:

        Maybe he did it because in his juvenile mind, he wants to scoop NYT so they don’t sell papers. Yeah sounds insane but that’s this family’s MO. Right now the only sane people are Barron and Tiffany.

      • Jenns says:

        Rapunzel – they think the NYT is “fake news”, so they aren’t even bothering to read the story. If they did, they would realize that it’s the same e-mail. In their mind, the NYT has a fake e-mail while Don Jr. posted the real one.

      • Kitten says:

        I hate saying this because I work with the stock market and my income is largely dependent on market’s success, but it just took a pretty steep dive after this news came out and I think that’s a good thing.

        Again, this will probably sound effed up but a crashing economy is probably the only thing that will affect Trump’s support among his base at this point. Not saying that a crash is imminent, but I do think it’s inevitable if we continue like this.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Kitten, the reaction of the stock market is so oddly reassuring! That gives me hope this might stick.

    • Rapunzel says:

      He thinks it’s okay cause HRC dif it too. What a doofus.

  37. holly hobby says:

    I read a link on Twitter yesterday from someone who broke down this scenario minus the Russian collusion thing. Say it was a pedophile who was lured to a house with an email saying there’s something of interest to him (I’m not going to be graphic over this but you know what peds like). Anyway, when he gets there he is arrested by the police in a sting. Of course nothing happened, but he is charged with the crime. That is the same thing here. Just because chinless Donny didn’t receive any useful info doesn’t mean he should be absolved.

    I’m waiting for all those shoes to drop.

    • Christin says:

      Several people in executive/board roles (including an attorney) at a public company were sentenced to prison for far less than this. One by one, over a couple of years, they all faced charges. What I learned from it was that ‘conspiracy’ includes simply being aware of the wrong-doing. A co-conspirator is not always an active planner/participant.

      I could envision a lot of charges that involve people who were simply aware of what was happening.

  38. magnoliarose says:

    Uday and Qusay bit the dust before Poor ole Saddam was dragged from the hidey hole. I am not saying history repeats but if it does please oh please let there be photos of Tangerine being dragged from a sewer in Atlantic City. After the rats have had their way with his bouffant of course.

    There is always a scapegoat in this sort of conspiracy and this chinless schlub just might be the first one.

    • elle says:

      Thank you… this is the most delightful image of a potential outcome I’ve seen.

  39. robyn says:

    Glad this tip of the iceberg has finally come into view. Treason is breathing down the necks of the Trump family. The FAKE patriotism of Trump supporters is still loud and clear as some continue to say this colluding with the enemy is no big deal.

  40. Incredulous says:

    *BREAKING NEWS* Tiffany Trump no longer least favourite child, sources say.

  41. Kakoo says:

    Trivial I know, but where do these hideous characters get their teeth?

    Ivanka, Don Jr and Eric – they must go to the same (blind) dentist and have veneers which makes them look as if they have about 4 teeth too many in their pinched little mouths.

    I read on Jezebel – how to get the Trump pout: close your mouth but open your teeth. And feel the Trumpness…

  42. SoulSPA says:

    CNN is covering the issue on State of America as I write this comment.

  43. nic919 says:

    Releasing the emails is insane. It confirms that Fredo had intent to meet with a foreign government agent to conspire against a political candidate in the US. They are so blind with hatred of HRC that they think this will be excused. Well guess what dumbass, who cares what the deplorables think when investigative agencies now have direct proof of your offence. It won’t matter what Pepe tweets when the FBI are bringing summonses for all your emails and searching your assets because you just admitted to a crime.

    I also think Kushner helped push this story out to divert attention, but it isn’t plausible for him or Manafort to say they went to this meeting simply for adoption discussions. Not with these emails out there.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      Hi, Nic. My guess is that Mueller has had this information for a while and Donnie Jr just found out and tried to get ahead of it. Another development–someone resurrected a trump tweet on the same day as this meeting. The tweet claims to have proof of thousands of incriminating Hillary emails, which never materialized. Trump knew about this meeting with Russia and went off with the promise of dirt on Hillary.

      I think this is monumental. Weasel Pence put out a statement per his PR that this meeting happened before Pence joined the campaign. He is distancing himself from the trumps, which seems like something big is going on.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “It won’t matter what Pepe tweets when the FBI are bringing summonses for all your emails and searching your assets because you just admitted to a crime.”

      Strong point and so well worded! Bam!

    • Green says:

      CNN’s legal analyst says Jr’s actions also breaks campaign finance laws – you have to pay for anything you gain, and you don’t have to have actually gained anything useful to break it. It’s not treason, however, because US not technically at war with Russia.

  44. Guest says:

    Did you see the statement baby fist Trump put out – “my son’s a high quality person”

    • Esmom says:

      Such loving words, lol. That’s the same phrase he used to describe Palin. I thought it was weird then and I think it’s weird now. Trump Sr has no humanity.

    • Jerusha says:

      He wouldn’t know quality if it bit him on his capacious ass. Gold plated crap is his idea of quality.

  45. Crooked and corrupt says:

    Remember all Trump’s campaign allegations against the Clintons of corruption, crookedness etc? All I can say to that is the one who smelt it, dealt it.

    Crooked and corrupt.

  46. TBT says:

    Remember when the Bush twins had a few drinks in college?

    • CynicalAnn says:

      Sigh. The good old days. I keep thinking about what if Chelsea had done what Eric did, or sat in for her mother at the conference –the hypocrisy of the right is galling.

  47. Green says:

    It’s astounding how stupid this whole family – including Kushner – is. Just unbelievable.

  48. why? says:

    When is enough going to be enough for the GOP? It’s way past time to impeach Trump. Pence also needs to be impeached because he isn’t as innocent as they all want us to believe. Pence is Trump’s puppet. He is right in the middle of it all with Trump, his kids, and Flynn.

    The press, Naveed, and the GOP need to stop saying that there isn’t any evidence of collusion and that there isn’t anything illegal about colluding. Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillary. He did it in an email and tweet. That is collusion. Trump is president and based on his low approval ratings(which kept dropping after he had been elected-his approval ratings should have been in the 70-80s based on his election win. They have consistently stayed in 30s. That should alarm the press. His base isn’t going strong because based on the Declaration of Independence NPR incident, his base are Russian bots)and that he lost the popular vote by 3 million, Trump is president because of the interference of a 3rd party. It’s why Trump will never admit that Russia meddled and hacked our 2016 election because to do so would be to admit that he lost the election.

    Trump has also tried to hijack the NSA(using Devin Nunes) and the Senate, HIC, and FBI investigation into Trump Russian. Then you have those people claiming that there isn’t enough evidence to prove that Trump obstructed justice.

  49. Deeanna says:

    Of course Pence is distancing himself from Trump. He’s next up.

    I think Pence and his team are busy preparing the pardon that will be offered to Trump to get him to resign. It is how the Repubs got rid of Nixon.

  50. PamelaJudy says:

    Serious question: I wonder what the US presidency will look like after the Trumps have completely destroyed your govt. I mean, how is the next President going to act? Is he/she going to take their lead from Bigly and just do what ever the heck they like cause “President” or are they going to bend over backwards to toe the line, with transparency, honesty and integrity? Has Trump completely changed the way the Office will be run in the future? Will the next Pres get to keep their twitter account?

  51. Guest says:

    Trump jr. is saying daddy didn’t know anything about this meeting – who believes this – what a liar.

    On a different not – I just read morning joe s. Is leaving the Repub party will announce on Colbert tonight. He’s now independent.

  52. lily says:

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if he got taken down over some great cheesecake recipe that Hillary wanted to share with her friends?