Donald Trump ‘personally dictated’ Don Jr’s false statement about Russian meeting

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Donald Trump is very fond of tweeting stuff about how there’s “no collusion” and that Democrats are simply making sh-t up to explain their electoral college loss in the election. As many have pointed out – and as I often tweet back to the emperor – the biggest proof of the Russian collusion is the cover-up. Even if special counsel Robert Mueller can’t prove the nitty-gritty of how Donald Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia, Mueller will be able to prove that Trump had a hand in covering up the collusion. So here’s another piece of evidence for the cover-up: the Washington Post reported last night that Trump was the one who dictated Don Trump Jr’s original statement about the meeting with Russians:

On the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Germany last month, President Trump’s advisers discussed how to respond to a new revelation that Trump’s oldest son had met with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign — a disclosure the advisers knew carried political and potentially legal peril. The strategy, the advisers agreed, should be for Donald Trump Jr. to release a statement to get ahead of the story. They wanted to be truthful, so their account couldn’t be repudiated later if the full details emerged. But within hours, at the president’s direction, the plan changed.

Flying home from Germany on July 8 aboard Air Force One, Trump personally dictated a statement in which Trump Jr. said that he and the Russian lawyer had “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children” when they met in June 2016, according to multiple people with knowledge of the deliberations. The statement, issued to the New York Times as it prepared an article, emphasized that the subject of the meeting was “not a campaign issue at the time.”

The claims were later shown to be misleading. Over the next three days, multiple accounts of the meeting were provided to the news media as public pressure mounted, with Trump Jr. ultimately acknowledging that he had accepted the meeting after receiving an email promising damaging information about Hillary Clinton as part of a Russian government effort to help his father’s campaign.

The extent of the president’s personal intervention in his son’s response, the details of which have not previously been reported, adds to a series of actions that Trump has taken that some advisers fear could place him and some members of his inner circle in legal jeopardy. As special counsel Robert S. Mueller III looks into potential obstruction of justice as part of his broader investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, these advisers worry that the president’s direct involvement leaves him needlessly vulnerable to allegations of a coverup.

[From The Washington Post]

This is what I keep saying about these people: while they should not be underestimated in the sense of “these people are doing lasting damage to our country and the world, damage that will not be undone for decades,” let’s also admit that none of them are geniuses (which makes it so much worse, in my opinion). Stop building them up as Machiavellian madmen who have mastered the dark arts of manipulation. Donald Trump cannot think two steps ahead: his advisors and lawyers tried to tell him that the information about Don Jr’s meeting with the Russians would come out and Bigly thought he could just lie his way out of it and no one would be any wiser. Trump honestly believes that he’s the smartest man in every room and that his cover-up is flawless and everyone believes him.

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105 Responses to “Donald Trump ‘personally dictated’ Don Jr’s false statement about Russian meeting”

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  1. third ginger says:

    Closer and closer to obstruction of justice? CB lawyers, please give professional opinions. I’m just an intensely interested English professor.

    • Rapunzel says:

      I’m another English Prof., and I say, in my humble non lawyer opinion, that it’s textbook obstruction. It’s deliberate lying to impede an investigation. What else could it be? It’s obstruction and suborning perjury, too.

      Seth Abramson’s twitter nicely explains. He’s a lawyer to boot.

      • third ginger says:

        Many thanks. I will look at the tweet. I was wondering if Trump had to say something under oath.

      • Rapunzel says:

        From what I understand, obstruction needs to testimony or being under oath. It’s simply interference with an investigation. Both Bigly and Jr. did this by writing/publishing falsehood related to the Russia investigation which interfere with investigation and obstructs justice (justice being the investigation).

        Now, if Jr. had said these lies under oath, he commits perjury as well, and Bigly is guilty of suborning perjury cause he fed Jr. the lies.

        I suspect that witness tampering might apply as well, as Trump feeding junior lies is messing with a witness in his case. But that might be stretching cause technically junior wasn’t a witness yet. But he sure is now.

        My take– legal eagles, feel free to correct.

    • EOA says:

      Lying to the press is not a crime. Lying to investigators? That’s a different issue.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Right, but making false public statements to the press IS an attempt to obstruct because those press releases are official statements meant to obscure the investigation..

        An investigator could read junior’s official statement as truth and decide to investigate in a different direction or simply cease investigation because of it. Sure that’s unlikely, but obstruction doesn’t require success.

    • Shelley says:

      The staffers put themselves in legal jeopardy Hope Hicks and Josh Raffell. They are forbidden from engaging in this type of stuff . This is another reason when Trump’s old lawyer said he was open to giving WH staff consultations it raised eyebrows. Who are these people serving? The duty is to Constitution not Trump. It can be viewed as intent to cover-up by All parties involved. If these lies were passed on in those closed door meeting with Senate last week that’s another headache. I’m guessing Kushner told truth and contradicted DJTjr if he stuck to original story.

    • holly hobby says:

      I read that this was enough to make one of the attorneys on the team leave. If you recall this happened around the time Mooch was hired. There was a short statement about some attorney leaving. I was looking through Twitter and someone quoted two “WH sources” confirming that the atty left because of what Orangino did.

      Who wants to guess that these two sources are Priebus and Spicey?

      • magnoliarose says:

        How stupid to let the only two connected men in his administration. These two know how to maneuver. He was abusive to them especially Rinse who is responsible for a lot of the careers of the Republicans in Congress. They are liked by the people who have the power to bury this fool and play a game that stalls his agenda and blocks him constantly. I wouldn’t put it past some of the Dems and Republicans plotting together to frustrate him. He wouldn’t recognize what was happening right in front of him.
        I even wondered since McConnell didn’t want to do healthcare if he wasn’t supportive behind closed doors of McCain’s No vote. None of the Republicans seemed overly angry except the Trump supporters.
        Now the indiscreet loose cannon Lil Mucchi is amok and he has lost his family to serve his dark lord. He’s got nothing to lose now.

      • holly hobby says:

        Yep I’m pretty sure Reince and Spicey knows where the bodies are buried. They may talk a good game publicly about how great Orangino is but you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. This is classic WA powerball. Know who the players are and don’t piss them off. Priebus is widely liked within the party. I’m sure a lot of people were offended by Scary Moochy’s attack. I know Chuck Grassley publicly told Orangino that he won’t meet with him unless Scary Moochy was out of the room.

    • Jaygee says:

      Lawyer here. The clearest case of obstruction came when he fired Comey and then told Lester Holt and the Russian reps in the WH that he did so to impede the Russia investigation. Issuing a false statement to the media doesn’t seem directly itself to be obstruction but rather it is evidence of his intent to conceal and suppress the truth from coming out.

  2. BJ says:

    Impeach Trump

    • Misti64 says:

      He’s not gonna last the 4 years anyway, not at this rate.

      • Chaine says:

        Unfortunately, our country won’t last four years, either, at this rate. hurricane season is ramping up, and does anyone think Trump’s team has got it together to respond to a major natural disaster?

      • holly hobby says:

        Well since many of his supporters live in Hurricane areas, maybe they will be convinced what a shitter he is in the aftermath. I’m sorry that the residents will be collateral damage but this is what happens when a few people continue to drink the Kool Aid (Congress and the Trumpanzees – that was coined by someone on Twitter).

      • magnoliarose says:

        W mishandled Katrina with a full staff led by HeckuvajobBrownie. I feel like we are on borrowed time.

  3. lightpurple says:

    Not just obstruction of justice here but violation of federal laws governing what elected officials can and cannot do on federal property involving their campaigns.

    • third ginger says:

      Thanks, lighturple.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Lp- can you explain the campaign laws more? Is this about Jr.’s meeting, or something else?

      • EOA says:

        Campaign finance law says foreign governments can’t donate money or things of value to campaigns. This still comes back to the question of that. What this shows is that there is a pattern of behavior by Trump of trying to obstruct the public from finding out what was going between his campaign and Russia. That pattern could at some point be considered obstruction of justice.

      • lightpurple says:

        You can’t do campaign related work in your federal office. You can’t use federal staff to do campaign work unless they are also campaign workers in which case, they must take leave time to do campaign work. You can’t use federal resources like phones, computers, copiers, faxes, even the paper and pens to do campaign work. There are issues with presidents running for reelection around the use of Air Force One but those have all been worked out and rules established in the past. But this guy was dealing with a PAST campaign, not a reelection, and he was on Air Force One using federal staffers and resources.

  4. cr says:

    So he was basically doing Jr.’s homework for him? In a cover-up sort of way?

    • Esmom says:

      Ha. Although something tells me he didn’t do Jr’s homework for him when he was younger. That was probably Ivana, or a staff person.

  5. Nicole says:

    Somewhere Mueller added this to the already thick file he has for investigation.
    I agree. These people aren’t madmen. They are so ridiculously stupid which is how they always get caught. Yes his base is also stupid but Washington is full of lifers who know their way around every loophole and law there is. These are not the people you want to mess with. The admin won’t win against them. It’s only a matter of time.

    And yes they’ve effectively ruined the US for the near future. Not only at home but our reputation abroad.

    • holly hobby says:

      Hubris = the downfall of many. They thought they can get away with it. It’s that simple.

      • jwoolman says:

        Trump has been used to getting away with it for decades, with at worst occasional financial slaps on the wrist.

        He also seems to believe that he is quite literally above the law as President. He thinks that the President can’t be charged or convicted of any crime or ethics violation. He actually seems to believe that it is impossible for a President to even have ethical conflicts of interest – if he does it, then it is automatically not a conflict or violation. This is in addition to his assumption that the power to pardon federal crimes is a get out of jail free card for him and his family.

        I wonder who put these ideas in his head, actually.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        His enablers and his own ego, as well as Paul Ryan for not filing articles of impeachment and Mitch McConnell for violating as many Senate rules as possible to show Trump you can get away with almost anything (even beyond grabbing women) as long as you have money.

      • holly hobby says:

        He has a lot in common with N. Korea’s leader after all. He may deride those people but they follow the same playbook. Except there’s the Constitution to contend with.

  6. Pumpkin (formally soup, pie) says:

    Where is the subpoena for Drumpf? I am waiting !!!!

  7. Surely Wolfbeak says:

    He couldn’t resist throwing in that “oh yeah, Putin and I talked about that adoption thing which is interesting because it’s with Don Junior had that meeting about,” when he was caught out about his dinner meeting. He must have thought it was such a brilliant lie he came up with, and no one was using it anymore, why let it go to waste.

    • Esmom says:

      Exactly. He’s so f^cking transparent.

    • lightpurple says:

      The adoption thing isn’t about adoption, it is about sanctions for human rights violations.

      • Surely Wolfbeak says:

        I don’t think he understands that, or doesn’t think that we do.

      • Esmom says:

        I’m with Surely Wolfbeak, I don’t think he truly got that. Adoption is a concept he understands and he sorta latched onto it. And if he does understand he knows it sounds a lot more innocuous than sanctions.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        I think he knew Putin wanted the Magnitsky Act overturned and sanctions dropped. Not that hard to follow.

      • sunnydaze says:

        THANK YOU!

        I actually emailed this site after the Senate Judiciary Committee interviewing William Browder. His testimony was INSANE. (Please go on youtube and watch!!!) And he goes into terrifying detail about the history of the Magnitsky Act and how Putin retaliated by pulling all Russian adoptions. So while yes, adoption *technically* could be discussed, it’s also crazy code for Russian tantrum and sanctions. I swear, that hearing was worth every minute, and it kills me more people don’t know anything about this. Side note, apparently there was an overwhelming vote (passed almost unanimously in senate 98-2) that would not allow Trump to alter sanctions without notifying Congress. Per WP: ” The procedure, known as “congressional review,” is the most sweeping authority Congress has given itself to check the president on sanctions policy in decades.”

        But about those 2 senators who opposed the bill – Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders? WTF Bernie?

      • Tiffany :) says:

        WOW! “WTF Bernie” is right! Why would he vote that way?!?!

        Yes, I agree that Browder’s testimony is so important. I wish it was receiving more attention, but hopefully the most important people are getting the information (aka I hope the GOP members in congress understand how serious this situation is).

        Trump is such a fool, I could see him seeing the adoption line as a lie that he thinks will appease inquiry. He might be too uninformed to understand what he is giving away by using that phrase.

      • magnoliarose says:

        Bernie’s vote wasn’t about Russia. It was about sanctions against Iran. Tangerine then would have power to unravel the Iran nuclear deal. Behind the scenes there are hawks who are flirting with the idea of going to war in Iran and installing a new regime. Rand being a libertarian opposed for the same reason but different motivations. Sanctions against Iran could end up being a disaster.
        Two former Clinton aides are purposely deflecting from the truth by calling Bernie a Russia supporter which is ridiculous. Doing this keeps the left from looking past Russia to Iran and throw Bernie under the bus. It is a cynical thing to do. They are aware how it will look to the two factions but it is better to exploit the rift than endure the backlash. If it does end up a disaster then the two factions can join together and the left won’t pay in the end.
        Hopefully nothing comes of it.

  8. Giddy says:

    Republicans acted as if Michelle Obama’s bare arms were a national crisis. So what will they say about evidence that Bigly obstructed justice, and he did it from the comforts of Air Force One? If they don’t want to get wiped out in the 2018 election they need to start talking impeachment.

    • nemera34 says:

      They won’t they are complicit in everything he does and says. Just watch any of them on any News show. Defending him. Spinning for him. Making excuses for him. And of course they point to the Dems. Using Altright conspiracy theories. They will not disassociate themselves from him. The only GOP reps you see talking out against him are those that are not up for re-election or have the seniority; but even Graham and McCain will just go so far. They have a Republican controlled government and can’t get anything done.

      • lightpurple says:

        Graham will never do anything against the party ever. He is GOP before USA and always has been. He just whines and wrings his hands a lot and then votes as ordered. Always has, always will.

      • Annetommy says:

        The dreadful Jeffrey Lord on Anderson Cooper was alleging that the setting up of the meeting with the Russian lawyer was a plot hatched by the Dems to discredit trump. While that sounds like nonsense, the “plot” would have been foiled if the trumps had been honest. If I leave money in public view to test someone, and that someone steals it, the fact that I deliberately put it there doesn’t make them less of a thief.

      • third ginger says:

        Jeffrey Lord is the political equivalent of Buster Bluth!!

      • holly hobby says:

        Steve Schmidt was on Nicole Wallace’s show yesterday and he went on a rant about the GOP:

        This is a GOP loyalist and he’s been working with the party for years. He last worked on the McCain campaign which begot Palin (Wallace was on that as well). He owned up to the Palin mistake but for him to just do a smack down on Orangino and his cronies was amazing.

      • magnoliarose says:

        I am not stalking you holly but I keep coming after you. Schmidt was near tears once during the campaign about Tangerine. He looked like he was ready to cry for this country. He is sincere and worried.

      • third ginger says:

        I like Steve and Nicole for their honesty about Trump. I am a life long Democrat and progressive. Trump belongs to no party but TRUMP.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Arizona Senator Jeff Flake just wrote this op-ed. It is encouraging.

        “My Party is in Denial About Trump”

    • Nicole says:

      I think we all know they will do nothing. They are going to ride this train until we flip seats next year

    • Rapunzel says:

      Dont forget Barack eating — gasp shock horror– Dijon Mustard!!

  9. Tulsi 2020 says:

    Give him enough rope.

  10. Megan says:

    The number of unforced errors by Trump is astounding. Hubris always gets them in the end.

    • mia girl says:

      Come on Megan, you just don’t want to admit that Trump is outsmarting everyone by playing 102 dimensional chess. We are all just dumb liberals who can’t keep up with this strategic genius.

    • Misti64 says:

      And it has not yet been a year.

  11. Reef says:

    I’m so confused by this. Why lie about the reasons for the meeting when the emails they knew would be released by the Times clearly stated the reason for the meeting? It was an unnecessary lie. I can see why DJTJ was whining about wanting this Presidency to be over. These folks are a mess.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Reef- lying gets them ahead of the narrative. And his base believes the first story over any follow up. It’s the same reason Jr.released the email to claim “transparency”. These are just the tactics of liars.

      • holly hobby says:

        The base is only 30%+. He does not have a majority of supporters. I think maybe a lot of GOP supporters privately have buyers remorse. So all this “get ahead of the curve” is moot.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        They’re thinking only in the short term, not the long term. So that’s their curve: The next 12-24 hours.

    • Molly says:

      Trump is a raging, compulsive, liar. Before and during the campaign, everyone that’s ever interacted with him stated he lied constantly. Big things, little things, to allies and adversaries– it’s simply what he does. He’s suffered no consequences for it in the past, so he’s had no reason to ever stop.
      If I wasn’t terrified for our country and planet, I’d rather enjoy watching how this Trump show plays out.

  12. Tulsi 2020 says:

    It occurred to me that Trump has probably already checked out what his living arrangements would be in the event of a full scale nuclear war. I wouldn’t put it past him to start one if he thought it would help him avoid being convicted of treason.

    • bcgirl says:

      holy crap, scary thought.

      • Justjj says:

        Yeah what are they doing? Surely we have enough here. Could Mueller hurry it up please? Every second more he spends in the WH is a national security crisis.

  13. TheOtherOne says:

    Richard Painter, George W’s ethics lawyer, said if this story is true then Trump should have the dignity to resign.

    But first, sign the sanctions bill (I double dog dare you), release your taxes and then resign. All this can be done in a day.

    • Sullivan says:

      Yes, well, Trump has no dignity. None.

    • Tate says:

      Yeah, it is clear that trump has zero dignity, so….

    • Lightpurple says:

      I LOVE Richard Painter. I often crack up reading his tweets.

      • Persistent Cat says:

        He’s killing me. I love him on CNN and I love him on Twitter. Him and Phil Mudd.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      OMG!!!! I ADORE Richard! My boyfriend and I have become big fans over the past few months. He tells it like it is, for real. I LOVE his honesty and no-nonsense perspective. He’s charming in his own unique way.

  14. B n A fn says:

    Stick a fork in him, he’s ✅ done. it’s only a matter of time before we will be seeing his hanging his head in shame, if he has any shame in him. The lies will always get the liars in the end. This is what happens when you colluded with the enemy, aputin/Russia, to win the presidency. Oh what a tangle web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Since the election he’s not had a day when he was not trying to cover his tracts. He knew Putin know what they did to help him to steal the election. I bet he has not slept knowing he’s a fraud and did not win fair and square, imo.

    • Sullivan says:

      The man is shameless. He’ll be led out of the White House in handcuffs with his head held high and a big smile for the cameras.

      • Annetommy says:

        I hope the police aren’t too gentle with him, he told them not to worry about the niceties of roughing up suspects.

      • jetlagged says:

        It will never happen, but I have fantasies of whoever gets to escort Trump off to prison whispering exactly that to him as they head for the prison van.

  15. Incredulous says:

    Ah yes, the Don ate my homework.

  16. Rapunzel says:

    OMG OMG OMG! Breaking news: Trump is being accused, in a lawsuit, of purposefully getting Fox News to spread the Seth Rich conspiracy theory, as distraction from Russia!

    Holy sh-t that’s insane!

  17. lower case lois says:

    So ,first is there is accusations of COLLUSION with the Russians in that meeting.
    Now there is CONSPIRACY to MISLEAD
    for a cover up. Now ,If this is true, that’s obstruction of justice right? When will Congress and Republicans start speaking out. What are the lines Trump has to cross before he is stopped.?

  18. nicegirl says:

    Y’all, we are mistaken. The President himself just tweeted that there is ‘no chaos’ in the White House.

  19. robyn says:

    Just another way Trump screams that his mindset is “obstruction of justice”.

  20. third ginger says:

    I am watching legal experts say lawyer Jay Sekulow’s lying will hurt him. Just a side benefit of this idiocy. He has been a despicable tool of the extreme religious right for decades.

  21. holly hobby says:

    We must be getting closer to the truth because this morning an Arizona Rep (forgot his name) was on the news demanding Mueller’s resignation because “he’s friends with Comey.” That was untrue but this jerk is going around demanding resignations.

    Lindsey Graham, you better hurry up with that “no fire” bill for Mueller. Orangino, how come the Russian sanctions bill isn’t signed yet? Notice there is not “big show.” I guess he’s acting like a child. If he doesn’t mention it, mom and dad will forget about it.

    • Lightpurple says:

      And since when is it wrong to be friendly with colleagues? People enter government jobs like law enforcement or the state department or the CDC or CMS because of the type of work they want to do, the career they want to have in public service with a decent salary and benefits to support themselves and a pension. They rarely enter because of who the president is and, outside some positions like US attorney, they don’t change when the President does. They’re career bureaucrats, professionals, who do their jobs no matter who is in office.

  22. Indiana Joanna says:

    Drump is tweeting AGAIN that no one will stop him from tweeting. That fake news is afraid of his tweets.

    There is no hope for this WH. And as others have said above, we must really hope that someone somewhere in the WH has a grip on reality. drump descends further and further into hell.

    • holly hobby says:

      Someone suggested that Kelly must have tried to take away his phone or told him to cut it out on Twitter. I don’t discourage the tweets. After all, it’s a confessional for him and lawyers can use it for evidence.

      Kelly will either resign in disgust or Orangino will fire him for trying to control him. I’m turning on the count down clock to see how long Kelly will last.

      • Lisa says:

        I think that Kelly will last one month and it will be because the Kushners will continue their open access with Trump and ignore Kelly. Never mind that The Orange Turd will ignore him too.

  23. lizzie says:

    can you imagine being so morally bankrupt that you would manipulate your own child into taking the fall for your illegal activities?

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Yes, this point is truly amazing. And the kids go along, too.

    • Tulsi 2020 says:

      He probably doesn’t think any of them are going to take the fall because “Trust me. I’m like a smart person”

  24. jwoolman says:

    Remember Trump’s second meeting with Putin at the recent dinner? Trump tossed out a by-the-way that they had discussed adoption of Russian children for much of the time. Which of course was the same claim that Jr made about the conversation with the Russian lawyer back in June 2016. So it seems Trump in 2017 was just adding extra support for that idea when he spontaneously claimed he and Putin discussed adoptions. It had sounded so weird and pulled out of the air at the time.

    • jetlagged says:

      Putin froze adoptions in retaliation for the US passing the Magnitsky Act, which has the potential to make it very, very difficult for Putin and all his cronies to access the billions they’ve siphoned off the Russian economy for the last few decades. Lifting the restrictions on foreign adoption is easier for Russian proxies to lobby for than repealing Magnitsky, but it’s understood there won’t be one without the other. Adoption is code for giving Putin his money back.

  25. magnoliarose says:

    He is going off the rails. He may be headed for a meltdown.

  26. MrsClincy says:

    I was just discussing this with my father last night and his exact words were “And you got Junior over there running his mouth. How do you damage control that, you can’t damage control that”

  27. why? says:

    I don’t understand why the press are surprised. When The King of Lies and Fake News used that same adoption excuse to justify his 2nd meeting with Putin, it should have been obvious to everyone that the WH lied(they claimed that the King of Lies and Fake News didn’t participate in any part of creating Donald Jr’s adoption statement)and The King of Lies and Fake News was the one who came up with Donald Jr’s adoption excuse. The King of Lies and Fake News thinks he is invincible. Why wouldn’t he. He does offensive, cruel, and insensitive things and the GOP and WH press reporters just look away. He has been obstructing justice since he had Sally Yates fired, Devin Nunes use the NSA to reverse engineer support for his lie about Obama wiretapping him, had Devin Nunes shut down the HIC Trump Russian investigation by postponing all HIC activity, and tried to hijack the Trump Russian investigation by having Devin Nunes pursue an investigation into unmasking, Grassely puruse the dossier and Democrats, and those 20 GOP senators who wrote letter demanding an investigation into Hillary, Comey, and Loretta Lynch.

    The biggest evidence of The King of Lies and Fake News colluding with the Russians is when he got on twitter and made a speech asking the Russians to hack Hillary.

  28. why? says:

    Sarah says that The King of Lies and Fake News helped his son like any father would, so then why did the WH and The King of Lies and Dake News’ lawyer lie and say that The King of Lies and Fake News had absolutely nothing to do with his son’s statement(it was just his pr people) when it was first reported that the King of Lies and Fake News had his pr people work on the statement and then he approved it? I don’t understand how all those WH reporters sit there and listen to Sarah’s lies. What is the point in even attending those WH briefings since every word out of Sarah’s mouth is lie? What is going through their minds as they sit there and listen to Sarah tell yet another ridiculous lie? The WH briefings are useless and a complete waste of time. That time would better be served covering stories about people who have been hurt by The King of Lies and Fake News’ EOs.

  29. why? says:

    Last week: The King of Lies and Fake News used twitter to announce how he made the decision to ban transgenders from the military and then the Justice Department said that LGBTQ weren’t protected under the civil rights.

    Today: The Justice Department is going after Affirmative Action. The Justice Department are going to investigate and sue colleges and universities for discriminating against Caucasian applicants and they plan on funding the lawsuits by using the resources they were given to protect people’s civil rights.

    Chris Hayes said that The King of Lies and Fake News was going to lean into a culture war the more he feels threatened. The King of Lies and Fake News, Sessions, Bannon, and Steven Miller are taking this country backwards to the horrible parts of our history.

    • jwoolman says:

      White guys have been claiming that for decades. They don’t understand that they aren’t being discriminated against. It’s just that they are no longer the only ones allowed through the door, so sometimes there won’t be room for them in their top choice because the place is full up already. It’s the fact that non-whites and non-guys are occupying some of those slots now that bothers them. They wouldn’t be complaining if they were turned away because the university was full of white guys like themselves. They would still be disappointed, but wouldn’t feel discriminated against.

      And college Admissions departments don’t just go by test scores. They think about building a student population that is diverse in many ways – not just ethnically, but also in terms of interests, talents, and gender balance. They don’t want all athletes or all chemistry majors or all history majors. They need diversity, it’s not a dirty word.

      The reality is also that when groups of people have been denied entrance for so long, it isn’t enough to just sit back and decide they can come in if they want. There are other obstacles to the new groups participating. If you really want diversity, you have to do more than wait for people to knock at your door. You have to actively seek them out and try to provide what they need to overcome so many years of being unwelcome. The obstacles can be very deep within society and start many years before college age. We certainly see that with women in science and engineering. The white guys have always been welcome so it’s hard for them to understand that, unless they happen to carry other labels that put them in the unwelcome category also.

      Instead of feeling victimized, the white guys should push for funding for more universities if there aren’t enough places for them. Trump is cutting educational support with wild abandon. Push for more places to study and more help paying for it for everybody.