Chrissy Teigen tries not to fly with Luna because ‘kids are going to scream’

Chrissy Teigen & John Legend check out of their hotel in New York
Vacations are essential for one’s sanity (says someone who hasn’t been on a proper trip in over two years) and Chrissy Teigen is definitely got a handle on a successful work/life balance. She and her husband John Legend have traveled extensively and have shared the photos on social media to prove it. Their adorable 18 month-old daughter, Luna, is always with them. Little Luna has also traveled to see Daddy while he’s on the road with his 53-date Darkness and Light tour, which kicked off in May.

Chrissy recently talked travel with Us Magazine. She stated that when she and John talked plans for his tour, “we never thought of not bringing [Luna] with us.” She added, “In each city we try and get an AirBnb, so we can cook and have a normal life.” When asked if Luna watches dad perform on stage, Chrissy said she’s only “seen a few shows.” She explained, “It can be too much for her. She gets pretty overwhelmed. We tend to stay in the soundboard. And it’s also bedtime.”

During the days on tour, Chrissy and Luna do some exploring, but it seems Chrissy’s getting the most out of it. She said, “We love hitting up local aquariums, education centers and museums. She’s still so young but I want to go! I drag her around. It’s fun to look up activities or tweet and ask for things to do. I get great answers!”

Of course, it’s not all museum fun and nice AirBnB accommodations. Chrissy admits that the hardest part about family travel is “definitely flying.” She admitted that she and John “try to avoid it” adding:

[Luna] just did a long flight from Bali and nailed it — on the way home. On the way there, I was going to have a panic attack. Before I had kids, I was hyperaware of them crying. So I feel like I know when it’s too loud. I get up and apologize. But kids are going to be kids. They’re going to scream. I’m never going to be the parent pretending my kid is not doing that.

[From Us Magazine]

I don’t have kids, and I’m not overly fond of them in general (unless they are my friends/family’s kids, of course), and I dread sitting next to babies on planes, so I appreciate Chrissy’s being attentive and apologetic about the whole thing. And as much as I can’t relate to traveling with or without a baby, I definitely can relate to Chrissy’s recent woes about her period acne. She posted a video to Twitter calling out her “period skin” and captioning the clip with “So mad.”

I know Chrissy tends to overshare, but I love that she pulled back the curtain to reveal that models get zits too. I still want to know how she can indulge her junk food cravings and stay so slim though. Share that, please, Chrissy.

jellies forever

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my babies in lake como

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Photos:, Getty Images, Backgrid

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61 Responses to “Chrissy Teigen tries not to fly with Luna because ‘kids are going to scream’”

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  1. D says:

    Luna is so adorable, I wonder where Chrissy got Luna’s cute little shoes in the hotel and lake Como photos.

  2. Erinn says:

    I never used to like her. I think ever since she’s had the baby and people have been at her I’ve gotten a weird sort of protective feeling for her. And the more text exchanges I see between her and Jon the more I like her. She can be incredibly OTT and kind of idiotic at times… but the rest of the time she’s downright hilarious. I like that she’s this beautiful model but seems to be more interested in making people laugh than just looking pretty.

    • detritus says:

      this describes my feelings to a t.
      I feel for her, because even though she’s messy and kind of silly and thirsty, she’s a good person. People are attacking her for chauvanistic or bigoted reasons often, and I really am not a fan of that. her humor is really what sets her apart from a lot of others, and she’s sassy as f*ck and I love that.

      • Lady D says:

        I like Chrissy, too. I think she’s funny, smart, kind and very pretty. She can’t however make polka dots look good. I really tried to like the dress on her, the cut is fabulous, but polka dots…

    • HurryWait says:

      Chrissy needs a make under. Seriously – she has such unique bone structure and would love to see her without the Barbie accoutrement. The fake lashes, extensions. Etc., and would look so fresh/youthful.

  3. Jess says:

    Luna looks so much like Jon, she’s just precious! I love Chrissy and thinks she’s hilarious.

    As for crying babies, sure they get annoying to other passengers but it’s for a short period of time, give parents a break if you’re one of those eye rollers!

  4. slowsnow says:

    I don’t know. I have a problem with people showing photos of their kids and selling out their life.
    Things are so difficult, even the blogger hasn’t taken a trip in 2 years and here we being shoved with photos of a kid who did not consent to have her picture taken (because she is a kid) and lovely views of places few people can afford on a regular basis. Of course we know the rich are rich but I feel that there’s a boundary that has been lost and I would love to get it back.
    And… Of course she has acne, or will have any other problem that us mortals have too! Have you not seen gorgeous women at the beach?? Thay have stretch marks, etc.
    And to answer the question about fast food. She indulges and doesn’t eat anything but salads for two days as most disciplined models do. When she gest older she will not be able to get away with it as easily. Or maybe she is blessed with a fast metabolism and won the gene lottery. It’s not rocket science 😉

    • cloterie says:

      well guess what, the parents can give consent. the idea that babies shouldn’t be on social medias is so tired. then should they not be enrolled at schools cos they can’t give consent on that either.

  5. Nicole says:

    Babies are annoying on flights but I tend to give those parents a break. It’s the toddlers and young children that I cannot do. Was on a flight where this family could not handle either of their kids annoying everyone on the plane. No excuse for that.
    Luna is so cute. Honestly she seems like a well loved child

    • Cannibell says:

      I was one of those parents who drove when my kids got to a certain age. That way, I could stop the car and let them run when they needed to. Also, we picnicked and camped, partly because I was a broke single mom but also because it went a long way toward reducing the amount of stuff I couldn’t control (e.g.: flight delays, my kid screaming on a plane full of people).

      • Nicole says:

        Yea flying is not for everyone. I can take kids walking up and down aisles but there are some parents (in any context) that will let their kids run wild as if it’s their house. Like cmon boundaries people!
        My cousins are young and when I’ve flown with them I’ve walked them up and down the aisle to let them work out a little energy. They tend to say hi to everyone too. Otherwise they watch the tv or their tablet and are quiet

  6. KatyD says:

    I have to appreciate her for saying this and being apologetic. I just got off a flight with some screaming kids. One kid flew into a HUGE tantrum because the flight attendant told her she had to wear a seat belt! The mother wasn’t even trying to get her daughter to stop screaming. She was on her phone.

    This summer, while traveling in Kenya & Uganda, my partner and I were astonished at the fact that we didn’t encounter any crying babies. We kept wondering why there was like zero crying babies there. Many of the children are quite used to travelling, it seems. The mothers often swaddle the children and carry them on their backs everywhere. They also don’t coddle their kids very much either there. Chdren are treated very differently there. Or, it could be their diet. The kids eat very little processed foods? Who knows? The difference between children in the west and those elsewhere is really interesting…

    • Barbcat says:

      Katyd, I wouldn’t be surprised if diet does have something to do with emotional issues in kids. In fact, studies have shown preservatives, dyes, sugar, etc can have negative effects.

      Hope she doesn’t give her daughter the crap she eats!

  7. Anitas says:

    90% of flights with babies on board that I’ve been on, the babies were well behaved and you would hardly notice them. Maybe a little cry at take off and landing, but nothing too annoying. Toddlers are more of a nuisance. But there’s a difference between overwhelmed parents and parents who just can’t be bothered. I was on a flight once with a woman travelling alone with two rowdy toddlers, she was stressed trying to keep them in control. I was sat behind her with an empty seat next to me and I offered to entertain one of them – she was so grateful! And the little boy turned out to be sweet. It was only a two hour flight, not sure I would’ve done it if it was longer. I have a lot of sympathy for overwhelmed parents, sometimes the kid just throws a tantrum and there’s not much you can do. Shame that every once in a while you come across those who think their precious sprogs should be free to annoy other people.

    • magnoliarose says:

      That was a kind thing to do. I am sure she was grateful more than you can imagine. The ones that ignore the situation are the worst.

    • paleokifaru says:

      Anitas you really brightened my morning with this comment. I spent all of my 20s travelling solo and would often be the only person on the plane helping out the overwhelmed parents by putting something in or getting something out of the overhead for them, entertaining a kid or simply saying “your kids are really cute.” Now that I just traveled with an infant (who did very well but did fuss a bit at take off and landing and had an explosive poop while we were delayed and had to stay in our seats!) I really appreciate the other passengers who “get it.” Other than nursing (or something similar) there’s not a ton a parent can do about an infant in pain or discomfort on a flight so I’ve always given infants and their parents a pass. Toddlers are a handful and I pity the exhausted parents who are trying. It’s the older kids who are obviously never taught to behave that drive me bonkers, as do their parents!

    • still_sarah says:

      I was traveling and saw a woman getting on with three kids under six. It was a connecting flight and the oldest girl was giving mom grief about wanting a window seat like she had on the other flight. I had a window seat and quickly offered to “trade” my window seat for little girl’s aisle seat because at my age, window seats were no longer a thrill and I hoped to keep the child happy-ish. The girl quickly accepted my offer. I felt a bit sorry for the two adults in the row as the girl was a little bossy! But the woman there said the experience was a blast from the past to when her teenagers were that age and she loved it.

    • Tanya says:

      Yes, this. I literally have a white hair for every flight I took with my girls between the ages of 12-24 months. Destructo-toddler+plane = disaster.

    • JenB says:

      @Anitas That is so nice to hear and I completely agree with you. If a parent is trying their darnedest to calm down a 3 year old or soothe an infant I have nothing but sympathy. Most parents do care and are so stressed out in these situations. And some adults are completely rude about the slightest thing a child does.
      I have yet to fly with my boys, I am so terrified of this scenario. We drive a very doable 2 hours to stay at the beach for the week for vacation. Disney can wait until they’re older.

  8. IlsaLund says:

    Luna is John’s mini me. She’s so adorable.

  9. Karen says:

    Im pregnant now, and I’m in a wedding next year that we’d need to take an long flight for. I’m freaking out, bc I’m so hyper aware of babies on planes, but usually i comment they’re pretty good. (Actually I’ve had the most issues with 5-6year olds around me – bare toes stuck under my chair and into my back comes to mind 1st, or the kid who threw, on purpose, their food on the ground next to me). But I’m still dreading, and bothering all my friends who’ve traveled with babies about how to keep a 7-8 month old from screaming on a 9 hour flight.

    • paleokifaru says:

      I like to think most people recognize there is only so much you can do about a screaming infant. If he or she is really uncomfortable or in pain you’re going to try what you can but there will be limits. Nurse/pacifier/bottle feed on takeoff and landing to help with the pressure changes. Walk when you can. Most people will be kind and the ones who aren’t really aren’t worth you worrying about anyway – they’re probably miserable to everyone!

  10. Brunswickstoval says:

    I have 4 kids. My oldest 3 travel beautifully and always have. Very little or no crying. They are great. My 4th might as well be from a different family. She’s nearly 4 and can be a nightmare. She’ll be ok for a while and then become loud and difficult because she knows there’s limited things I can do. Sometimes it’s just luck of the drawer with kids and all you can do as a parent is try your best. I’m always so grateful at the end of a flight when people around us tell me the kids were great, even if they’re lying. It’s not fun.

  11. magnoliarose says:

    I travel very often with my children, and they are used to it from the birth but there are still strategies that make it easier. There are times when we are going overseas, so I book our flight when it is bedtime. They have on what we call comfy clothes, so they feel relaxed. We bring our own blankets and pillows, each have an activity bag and I have chosen the seating arrangements so that littlest are right next to me so that their fidgety ways don’t irritate my other kids. They are young but it is not scary or new to them, so they don’t get crazy on the plane. I learned a trick recently. I introduce myself and my kids to the people around us and tell them I am aware of their behavior don’t worry and offer to buy them a drink. This has worked well and It creates some goodwill. They can relax knowing before we take off that I am not a jerk and I am conscious of their comfort.
    Other passengers will talk to you about their kids or grandchildren or even talk to your kids or play with them. There are going to be moments, but they don’t have to be impossible.
    Chrissy seems to really enjoy motherhood. Luna is adorable and looks like her father more and more as she grows older.

    • sunnydaze says:

      This is really good advice!!! My husband and I are resuming our every-other-year visit to Norway to see his family and we’re in NY. Our son will be about 20 months and I’m already freaking out about how we will handle this. He’s our first and only, and until him I found children extremely obnoxious on flights (and kind of in general). Do you have any other tips? Thanks!

      • bros says:

        My husband’s family all live in the middle east and can’t get anywhere convenient without a visa except Turkey and North Cyprus and my family is all in Alaska, so we have to fly crazy distances from the east coast to get together. we flew when my son was 5 months to RI, 9 months to dominican republic, 17 months to Turkey, 21 months to San Diego, a couple florida trips in there, and then to Western Mexico when he was nearly 3, and then to Cyprus this June at a little over 3 years old and now we are flying to Alaska in a couple weeks. Basically if we want to see our families we have to take long long flights. By far it is the worst to fly with a 17 month old or 2 year old and much easier when they can watch the ipad and have a longer attention span. I recommend a little benedryl for overnight flights to take the edge off and keep them sleeping longer, and I also bring a roll up thin foam nap mat that we put on the floor with his pillow because my guy is a tummy sleeper and is way more comfortable down on the floor than on a seat. and lots and lots of snacks that will keep them busy, washable crayons to break up the ipad monotony, any tiny hands apps are great for your age range kid, and also netflix because you can actually download netflix movies/series to the netflix app and watch them offline, which is a huge plus because my kid doesn’t really like watching stuff on the plane screens and prefers his ipad. basically, ipad, netflix, good apps, benedryl for the kid, and booze for you. and then it will be over and it will be ok. I was so anxious too about the 12 hour flight back from Athens we just took and while it was bad, it wasn’t unbearable. you’ll be fine. oh, and if you can afford it, DEFINITELY buy him his own seat even though you don’t have to until he hits 2. then you’ll get that space for him to sleep between you or on the floor as I recommend.

      • sunnydaze says:

        thanks so much @bros!! Never would have thought about the foam pad! Kiddo will DEFINITELY be getting his own seat!

      • magnoliarose says:

        Don’t be afraid.
        I promise you it can work as long as you feel confident, prepare and don’t panic if the baby has a meltdown. Distraction is your friend in this case. Hand puppets are effective and honestly, I have fun too. Tears can turn into giggles. The key is that they don’t know you have it and surprise them with it.
        I always buy individual seats for each child and I don’t even entertain complaints about the window seat, once we aren’t in our seatbelts I let them look outside. Walking the aisle works with some children but one of mine wanted to do it the whole flight so I learned next time don’t start too early.
        I am not sure where you are in potty training but always go to the restroom before the flight. Bring a change of clothes in case there is an accident.
        In your own carry on make sure to have a few favorite snacks from home. At 20 months maybe your baby eats baby biscuits or an applesauce cup. If your baby is teething have your teething supplies ready and something to ease the pain.
        In the activity bag a favorite stuffed animal and we pick out new things to put in it so it feels like a special treat for flying only.
        My pediatrician advises against OTC cold medicine for children under 4. So I use GaiaKids Sleep and Relax. It is safe for children over 6 months.
        It is important that children don’t feel ignored or disengaged from you. I see parents do that and those are the kids that kick people’s seats or make bids for attention.
        Lots of cuddles and hugs go a long way. 🙂
        A large glass of wine for Mommy.

      • Shirleygail says:

        Most important tip: If you are freaking out, so will your child. Remain calm and carry on!! Most important tip: this too, shall pass! Most important tip: remember, they are children. Most important tip: expect the best; prepare for the worst.
        MOST important tip: you know your kid better than anyone else. Prepare yourself to handle anything your kid needs, which means, plan ahead. Plan for delays, plan for explosive poops, plan, plan and then, prepare. Now, you’re ready for anything!
        Safe journeys, everyone~

    • Tanya says:

      The last time I tried that, fellow passengers offered me benadryl for my toddler. I told them we’d already given her some, and then they offered me a drink. It was a long flight.

  12. Meghan says:

    Babies on planes make me furious. It’s so incredibly inconsiderate to every other passenger. Just keep them at home.

    • sunnydaze says:

      I hear where you’re coming from, and I often felt the same way. But, as I posted above, I’ll be taking a toddler overseas to Norway next year in July 2018. I would absolutely wait until he’s older, but my husband’s family is over there and his grandmother and aunt cannot fly for health reasons. His grandmother is in extremely poor health, so there’s a good chance we might not even get to see her come next July, but we’re going to do our best. With our work schedules and the Norwegian weather we’re trying to make the trip as overall beneficial as possible, so next July it is. It’s not a “vacation”, it’s wanting my husband’s family to meet their first (and likely only) great-grandson and nephew. I recently sat next to a woman with some very fidgety children who looked on the verge of tears. passing back and forth to her partner to console them. Turns out, the more we spoke, her one child was on their way to have heart surgery and she was beside herself with fear. Everytime I see an overwhelmed parent or poorly behaved children I try and remind myself I have no idea the circumstances of why they’re traveling – sometimes I’ll make one up just to tolerate the situation better. Most people don’t like flying with children and, if possible, will avoid it.

      • magnoliarose says:

        Most people are fine as long as they know you aren’t oblivious. You don’t have to feel apologetic about flying with children. You have a right to go where you want how you want as long as you are considerate.
        There was once a boy who clearly had disabilities and the mother looked frazzled and overwhelmed. He was whiney and made noises but I just told her it was fine don’t worry. We chatted and she seemed to feel better. Was she not supposed to fly? She purposely chose an unpopular flight so she did her best.

    • Sophie says:

      Wow Meghan, I average 14 flights a month. I do not have children and have never once thought a baby or child is a problem. I have thought adults that act like babies are. How are families expected to halt all travel? Driving is not always an option.

      • Meghan says:

        Just leave the baby at home. It’s incredibly inconsiderate.

      • bros says:

        hahhaha Meghan. welcome to life. things will annoy you. it’s not like people are bringing babies on planes because there was some other place they could easily leave them. it’s because they need to physically go somewhere far away for some reason that doesn’t concern you or your petty cries of inconsiderateness. It’s not like people who bring babies to action movies at theaters or whatever. it’s not entertainment to fly; flying is for getting to point A to point B. your silliness is ridiculous. just leave the baby at home. Hah

      • magnoliarose says:

        Meghan, You are destined to be annoyed. Unless you own the airline or plane there is no way for you to control who flies and who doesn’t. Maybe it is you who should choose an alternate way to travel so you won’t be exposed to children.

      • Annabel says:

        Meghan, you’re hilarious. “Just leave the baby at home”? It’s not like having a cat where you just leave out a few days worth of dry food and some extra water.

    • slowsnow says:

      My worst possible experiences in flights were with people watching my every move with my kids as if they have two grenades in each hand even when they behave (99% of the time).
      If you can’t handle life @Meghan, stay at home. Who knows, you may be sitting next to a person with Tourettes next and some of them spend the a lot of time shouting curse words. Should they not fly either?
      I’m sure you’ll better off at home @Meghan, while adults who understand the you know, facts of life ( i.e. in order to have well adjusted adults we need them to be children first etc.) enjoy our lives, visit our families abroad and are compassionate and caring people who even once in a while try to help our fellow man.
      N.B.: this of course, does not defend the depicted parents in other posts who do not try to calm their kids down and pass them on to whoever can handle them of course. But I am sure some parents can’t do anything when the plane is taking off because the kid’s ears hurt and there is nothing else they can do but cry. The @Meghan solution, “leave the baby at home” is of course, bitter nonsense.

    • Marigold says:

      You aren’t entitled to a baby free flight. You want a baby free flight? Save your cash and charter a plane. Flying is a privilege, not a right. While parents should absolutely try their hardest to have well behaved children on an airplane, they have the same right to spend their money to travel by air that you do. You are not more important. You are not special. Maybe you should stay at home.

    • paleokifaru says:

      And how exactly are they supposed to get to know members of their family who don’t live nearby? None of my family live in the same state as I do and if they travel to see me they would also be also bringing infants and toddlers. Empathy is a good quality to have and makes life a little bit easier for everyone. Think about working on it.

    • JenB says:

      Meghan, really they make you furious? The sight of a baby makes on a plane makes you filled with rage?

  13. Helonearth says:

    Thank you to the parents who have posted who make the effort on flights with their children.

    Possibly the worst flight I have taken was from Los Angeles to London with a couple and their 2 very young children – a baby and a toddler of maybe 18 months. The baby cried the whole flight and the toddler was running about for a large amount of time. The father put his headphones on and ignored them, whilst the mother sat there asking the cabin crew to hold the baby so she could rest!!

    I heard her say they had taken the children to LA to go to Disneyland. NOPE. They clearly wanted a holiday in LA for themselves and weren’t bothered about the flight time and other passengers. Selfish in the extreme.

  14. SoulSPA says:

    My worst flight experience was on a short haul flight. In the row behind me there were seated a pretty young couple – the woman behind me with a toddler in her lap. The toddler keeps banging the seat right in my back. Doesn’t stop. I turn around and tell them politely to make the child stop. The lady looks at me, super arrogant and pleased at the situation. Tells me to move to the empty seat next to me. I said I cannot move there, but it is her duty to make the child behave. She looks at the three cabin crew chit chatting in the back where we were. Chit chatting and looking at us (the foreigner discussing with the couple). The woman looks at the crew and says that if they don’t say anything about it, it’s ok. I said it’s their job to keep the flight safe, not to educate her child. The woman puts the child on the father’s lap. The crew don’t say anything and go away. Nothing else happened but I was a bit disappointed.

    • bros says:

      I have long talks with my kid about not kicking people’s seats or yelling on planes because it is not nice and he wouldn’t like it if someone did it to him, and he’s been great about it. Also, if that was your worst flight experience, you are very lucky.

      • SoulSPA says:

        @bros – I wish there were more parents like you!!!! And your boy seems to be an awesome little man 🙂 Enjoy your travels together!
        I’ve been on short/long haul and red eye flights with at least one baby or toddler onboard screaming most of the time . I am a pretty good flier but not comfortable especially when flying long distances with little sleep, awful connections, bad airports, etc. If I, as a well traveled adult, feel the downsides of flying, I do not have any expectation that a small child would feel great or that parents, in the same situation as me, be able to manage everything brilliantly. So I let it go and accept the situation. The incident I described bothered me (it’s super subjective, I know) because the woman was very rude and the cabin crew oblivious to the situation. I, as a client, should not be in position to negotiate with another one, in front of cabin crew. I emphasize: in front of cabin crew. That were observing the situation (I was paying attention to their behaviour) and chose to entertain themselves watching me talking to the woman. With all this said, I am very lucky indeed to be bothered by a single incident like this (I average about 3-4 flights per year). Happy flights, everyone! 🙂

  15. Kim says:

    I’d gladly pay extra money for the luxury of an adult only (or really, ages 12 and up) flight.

  16. OTHER RENEE says:

    For infants, baby Tylenol is your friend. One dose half an hour before the flight and all will be well. Baby will sleep for hours. Someone also told me that Baby Benadryl works the same way. Of course neither of these can be given to a toddler in which case you need to bring things to keep them occupied for the duration of the flight.

    • bros says:

      what are you talking about that tylenol and benedryl can’t be given to a toddler? first, tylenol does nothing for sleeping, unless they have a fever that’s preventing them from sleeping. tylenol is a fever/pain reducer and has nothing to make a child drowsy. secondly, you can absolutely give a toddler a little benedryl. I do it every flight where it would be sleeping time, so that he will sleep easier and a little longer because he is easily woken up by noises, light, etc. not a full dose, but maybe half.

    • SoulSPA says:

      I don’t have children myself yet but I’ve read that most pediatricians could advise on what the baby/toddler could take safely depending on their age/other medication they take if any.
      Let me share a nice story. It was my first “lesson” regarding children flying. I was at the gate ready for boarding before a long haul flight. There were a mother traveling with a toddler girl and her older brother. The girl was running around and the boy was looking out for her. So cute!!! The mother told the boy to let his sister run around a little bit, so that she’d be tired and sleep (it was a night flight).
      This is a super interesting thread for me. Thanks to everyone sharing your stories and advice!

  17. CharlieBouquet says:

    In these times, it’s best to be kinder than not. Most of us start our day sputtering over morning headlines and have rage nor my 10am.
    I’ve only flown 1 short roundtrip. I had Xanax and was crying holding my husband’s hand and a kind lady sitting next to me. Her little gr- andson quietly played a game looking at the weirdo lady all snotty and crying . That lady was an angel.
    On the way back a family of 5 was behind us coming back from disney. The boy kicked my chair the whole time. They were hot, flushed and Sun burned and looked exhausted. I remembered that lady who held my hand and turn around to ask the kids what their favorite ride at the park was. The parents looked at me like I was an angel, and the kids all settled down and regaled their fun times. Bonus, the kid stopped kicking my seat.
    I like the free drink idea, filing that one away if I ever fly again!

  18. Nancy says:

    She’s Kim K with a sense of humor. I THINK she THINKS if she posts pics of period zits, it will humanize her and make us think she’s one of the girls. Doesn’t work for me. She is a very wealthy woman married to very wealthy man who happens to love to post inappropriate pics at times and tweets that will garner attention she really doesn’t need. I will give her this, she has a cute daughter and trying to be considerate of others with a baby in tow, as I can personally attest to, isn’t always easy. I give her a C+

  19. Amelie says:

    Haha to the commenter who said to leave the babies at home. I flew for the first time before I was 6 months, obviously don’t remember it but according to the parents I was pretty well behaved. Not sure how they dealt with it when my sister and I were toddlers but we grew up accustomed to flying to visit my father’s family in France every summer and this was before planes had built in entertainment systems for transatlantic flights. Had my parents waited until we were 10 or something, we would have missed out on a decade of knowing our grandparents and our dad’s side of the family.

    I just took a transatlantic flight two days, Madrid to NYC, about 8 hours (Air Europa and the plane had NO in-flight entertainment system and that was brutal since it had been awhile since I had flown without the option to watch movies/shows etc. Next time I’m bringing my own tablet loaded with movies). There was a young baby with his parents sitting in the front of the middle row with the baby bassinet for the baby to lie in. He did cry a bit every once in awhile, he really did not seem to like being left in the bassinet and just wanted to be held by his parents the entire flight who did a pretty good job of calming him down though they looked exhausted. If anything, the two annoying kids sitting behind the Spanish family across the aisle from me were annoying the mom of this Spanish family and words in Spanish were had to the mom for not controlling her kid who kept hitting the back of the grandfather’s seat. I have to say the mom (seemed to be traveling alone) was doing little to curb her kids’s behavior and also letting him walk up and down the aisle of the plane (while supervising him). Sorry to parents but the aisle is not for your kid to run up and down–the flight attendants need to use it, people going to the bathroom etc. Your kid does not need to get in the way. That is my one pet peeve–parents using the aisle mid-flight to let their kids blow off steam. Let them blow off steam BEFORE boarding the plane. They can be crazy and loud in the terminal and run around (which is what I remember doing when I was a kid before long haul flights to France). When they board the plane, they need to stay seated.

    • magnoliarose says:

      Running up and down the aisle is rude and annoying. I agree. There are people who are rude in other areas of their lives and flying is not exempt from their behavior.

  20. What's Inside says:

    Kids in general do not bother me with one notable exception. Three row seat with middle one empty. Flight attendant upgrades the man sitting on the aisle and they put a mother with her sleepy irritable child next to me. Child then decides to lay down and then kicks me in the ribs twice turning and twisting across the seat. I then engaged the child and had him looking out the window at the various landscapes until we landed. Saved my ribs!