Kelly Clarkson: ‘I’ve never contemplated suicide because of my weight’

Earlier this week, Kelly Clarkson was getting headlines for saying in a recent interview that “When I was really skinny, I wanted to kill myself.” She elaborated on that, adding that people were not concerned about her mental health because she was thin. “I was miserable, like, inside and out, for four years of my life. But, no one cared, because aesthetically you make sense.” We didn’t cover that story because frankly it concerned me. Imagine someone saying that they wanted to kill themselves when they were heavier. Plus she sounded like she was equating her smaller body with being hypervigilant and miserable about trying to maintaining it. It’s just a difficult thing to discuss. However Kelly is now clarifying her comments, and has said that she wasn’t miserable because she was thin, but that she was down in weight because she was hurting at that time and it was a symptom of that.

It must be frustrating to open up in an interview and to think that your words were later misconstrued. However now that I’ve read more of the original article it’s clear why people came to that conclusion. She said “It was a very dark time for me. I thought the only way out was quitting. I like wrecked my knees and my feet because all I would do is put in headphones and run. I was at the gym all the time.” So, for her, she remembers being thin as a time when she was overexercising and hurting her body. It did sound like she was saying her depression was a result of that and I’m glad she cleared that up.

Kelly recently said that she’s happy and that “This is who I am and I’m happy. Happy looks different on everyone.” She also said that many women have approached her and complimented her on being comfortable in her own skin. I think that’s the takeaway message and is a more positive and hopeful one. Happiness is balance and it’s a state of mind, it’s not a particular look or body, even on one specific person.




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29 Responses to “Kelly Clarkson: ‘I’ve never contemplated suicide because of my weight’”

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  1. Sayrah says:

    I really love Kelly. She’s great and so taLenten.

  2. Kitten says:

    Man, we need more Kelly Clarkson right now–and always, really.

    From my experiences with being underweight, it DOES take a mental toll on you. When I was severely thin, I also had severe anemia and the mood swings that often accompany it. I was pretty much unhappy about everything in my life and the only comfort I found was in starving myself and even that was only a momentary relief.

    So what Kelly is describing could be like a snake eating its tail–she doesn’t eat and over-exercises because she’s stressed out and then she becomes even unhappier because she’s not getting the sustenance she needs. Rinse and repeat the cycle.

    • homeslice says:

      I do think many of these celebrities starve themselves and go to extremes to be thin (not necessarily Kelly). It’s scary this idea of being perfect…

      Kelly is a lovely person, I wish her well.

      • lala says:

        I also find it so disturbing that society equates a women being “perfect” with taking up little room.

    • TQB says:

      It’s a vicious cycle. You lose weight because you’re depressed, then you get positive validation for it, so focusing on the weight becomes a thing you do to try and feel better, but then it becomes a new source of anxiety and and and… I’ve been there. I didn’t have a problem with her original quote, even, because i knew JUST what she meant. I remember being a size 0 and I was absolutely at the lowest point of my life.

    • HelloSunshine says:

      Kitten: it’s like you’re telling my exact story. I made myself absolutely miserable desperately trying to control whatever I could in my life, which was my weight. I ended up anemic and just a mess and it took a long time to get to a healthy place afterwards.

      Kelly is wonderful and I always enjoying her comments and I think she’s so genuine and talented!

    • Cee says:

      I go through cycles in which I starve myself as a way to control something in my life, or I eat everything in my path because I can’t control myself and need to experience pleasure even though it’s shortlived and followed by guilt and self-hatred.

      Yeah, being like this is fun.

    • kibbles says:

      My friend was thinnest at a very low point in her life. She was depressed and starving herself, yet everyone around her told her how beautiful she looked. She has children now and has gained weight. One of our mutual friends recently said to me, she looked so beautiful back then compared to now, as if she must be in a worse place now than before. I had to remind her that in actuality, she is much happier now, which is why she is eating and has gained a lot of weight back.

      Our society likes to measure people’s happiness with how they look on the outside without knowing anything about the person’s mental and physical health on the inside. Kelly Clarkson is much chubbier than she was when she was on American Idol, but I am willing to bet that she is much happier with her financial security, husband, and children.

  3. Jker says:

    Love her. I also agree with her. She radiates happiness as so she should.

    I took her comment much more casually TBH.

    I thought it was a subtley powerful way to say skinny doesnt equal happy. And the fact that its gotten as much play as it has only highlights how strongly her perspective contrasted with the social norm re: skinny = happy. Almost as if so many fight so hard for this ideal bc of its societal currency that we HAVE to believe it equals happiness to maintain our own sanity.

    Case in point: girl put out an INCREDIBLE album, her best ever imho, and what are we still talking about?

    Her weight and appearance.

    (She’s healthy, so concern trolls pls have all the seats)

  4. Barbcat says:

    I read an interesting new study that said over 70% of Americans are overweight and 40% are obese. That is shocking enough of course, but the scientists also reported that less woman are trying to lose weight and are simply accepting being so large and all the health issues that accompany that extra weight.

    I am so tired of this push that it is OK to be fat and fat is beautiful. The numbers of insulin-resistant/diabetic people is raising like crazy along with all the deadly health issues that result from high blood sugar.

    More people are dying from being too fat than being too skinny. And there is no way you can tell me Kelly looks in the mirror these days and feels good about all of that excess weight.

    This is not pressure from celebrities. Scientists are telling us being fat is unhealthy! Anyone who is obese and simply tells themselves that they are beautiful are no different than someone who smokes or is an alcoholic. Your diet is killing you! Slowly but surely.

    • Minnieder says:

      I’m with you BARBCAT

    • Alleycat says:

      Please, sit down. Bigger women do not need your fake concern. They are already aware that they might not be healthy. You’re telling someone who is bigger that they cannot be beautiful until they lose weight? Why? They are not worth it until they are thin? Unless you are my doctor, keep your mouth shut.

    • Nicole says:

      Oh shut up. There is so much more to the rising levels of health issues than just people being overweight. The high levels of sugar in everything is a huge issue and effects people small and large. Also the move to make fat acceptable isn’t what you say, it’s to make people feel OKAY in their bodies. To let them feel like they matter and that they’re beautiful. They’re allowed to feel like that and it isn’t about normalizing obesity, it’s about being a whole person and not have to feel like shit because you’re not skinny. You’re tired of people wanting to be treated like people? Give me a break.

      • Sandy says:

        Also obesity and poverty are pretty closely interconnected. I noticed the difference when I moved from a wealthy state to a poorer state, way more obese people in the poor state. So maybe, instead of whining and shaming overweight people, you look at some of the reasons obesity happens and try to do your part to change it? Otherwise it is blowing hot air to me and it would be best to mind your own business.

    • Kitten says:

      Three things:

      1) You are talking about Kelly like she is severely overweight. She is NOT.

      2) If Kelly is happy and healthy (yes HEALTHY) at this weight it is none of our effin business.

      3) I do agree with you that diabetes should get more traction in terms of a public health concern. My BF is a paramedic and before dating him I never really understood how devastating diabetes is. Keep in mind that he has seen some seriously terrible sh*t (much of which he won’t discuss with me) but some of the stories he has about diabetes patients are simply horrific.

    • Frosty says:

      I’ve been across the yo-yo spectrum of weight gain and loss and have been more than pleasingly plump for a few years now – and the stats on my health have never been better. I have low normal blood pressure, excellent cholesterol, excellent bone density, etc. Since the day i chose to focus on eating whole unprocessed food as much as possible, and eliminating foods like dairy and sugar, my health improved steadily.

    • denisemich says:

      I hear you but you can’t just look at a person and know if they are healthy or not. I was the most unhealthy at my skinniest. Meaning I was bulimic and neurotic about exercising. I literally was sick all the time.

      But people complimented me on how I looked.

      Until we actually admit that the American diet is awful. No one needs animal milk, no one needs oil in cooking and no one needs to eat animal protein at every meal. Until America puts forth an honest recommendation for healthy eating most people will be susceptible to heart disease and diabetes regardless of a low or high BMI.

      • Cee says:

        I usually feel disturbed when I visit the US and it is difficult for me to eat a balanced diet over there. Everything is rich in processed sugar and fats. Everything is fried. Vegetable foods are bland and boring. The US really needs to overhaul their dietary system before your health industry breaks down even further.

    • Cee says:

      I honestly lost my excess weight because I was afraid of being diabetic or dying young. My looks were second. Best thing I did was drop the weight and I am by no means thin – I am a US 8 (was a 4 at my lowest weight and a 16/18 at my heaviest. I’m also 5’3)

    • kibbles says:

      We all know that being morbidly obese is unhealthy. Kelly Clarkson is chunky but I would not put her in the category of being morbidly obese. She is fat for Hollywood standards, but she seems to be around a size 14-16, which is moderately overweight for her body type and height. I don’t find being size 10-12 overweight, so I am estimating that at most Kelly Clarkson’s doctor might recommend losing 2-4 dress sizes. It is doable and something she can decide to do on her own time when she is ready. And I totally get that always thinking about dieting and exercising isn’t fun, and doesn’t make someone who isn’t particularly athletic happy. It’s a battle that every individual needs to face without added pressure and judgment from others. I think Kelly is fine and when she is ready she can lose the extra pregnancy weight. She seems happy.

    • countrygal1981 says:

      I’m with ya Barbcat!

  5. Taxi says:

    PC backlash. Yes, many Americans are clinically overweight & it often starts in childhood. The standard diet in this country is far from healthy. Kelly says she’s happy with her weight, she feels attractive & it certainly isn’t the most important thing about her.
    It’s no longer socially acceptable to comment on women’s weights, whether they be “too thin” or “too full-figured” according to our own personal preferences. We’re supposed to accept our bodies & shapes. It’s certainly healthier emotionally than comparing ourselves to others & making judgments.
    The pendulum swings.

  6. JA says:

    Very fine line we have to walk here…commented previously on how dangerously thin runway models are today but in the same vain, many equate body acceptance with no responsibility for their general health. Not speaking about Kelly as I know she had 2 children pretty close together and God knows how difficult it is to bounce back. I’m talking more along the lines of that obese fashion model who proclaims big is beautiful and body acceptance but never addresses the implications of having all that extra weight can have on your bodies. From our organs to our bones, your weight affects it and your life longevity. Yes! Love your body whatever size it is but love yourself enough to take care of it…no one wants to shame you into action and yes bigger people can be healthy but to not look at the increasing numbers of obesity and the cases of Diabetes /heart disease is also just denial.

    • Sandy says:

      It really comes down to live and let live, though. Yes, obesity is a problem but it isn’t for me or anyone to tell any other person how to live. Every single person on the planet has something wrong with them, some health issue, mental issue, behavioral problem ect. At the end of the day people should concern themselves with themselves, since the only person we can change is ourselves.

  7. gatorbait says:

    I have and still do sometimes want to end things as a result of my weight. Not because I look fat but because of the stress on my body. But I also have serious mental health issues that make it hard for me. Faux concern gets really old, to all of you reminding everyone YET AGAIN that fat people are unhealthy. WE GET IT.

  8. Roo says:

    I love Kelly. She’s such a positive force. I’ve always had the perspective that if you are taking care of yourself and treat your body with respect, it doesn’t matter what shape you take. Some people start eating healthy and GAIN weight. Some people eat healthy and lose weight. WHO CARES. Man–everybody just needs to worry about themselves. I feel badly that she is constantly under scrutiny.

  9. lucy2 says:

    I love Kelly so much. I read a great article about her new album and can’t wait for it. I’m glad she’s at such a good place in her life, and happy.

  10. Okay so I’m super late to post but felt the need to respond.Kelly is obviously a larger size than the Hollywood ideal but who isn’t?I have severe Crohn’s disease and have had my weight judged and speculated over since I was a child. I have been overweight and very thin due to illness and medication.People feel it’s acceptable to comment out loud if I’ve gained or lost a pound or twenty.It hurts to be judged on your looks no matter what.At my *most beautiful *I was emaciated,anemic,smoking cigarettes for energy and consuming huge amounts of diet soda and cold pills to keep up my energy not to mention working out HARD 90 minutes every day.That did not feel good plus I was a size 2 and still trying to lose another 10 pounds.Seriously it’s time to quit judging women based on the size of our bodies.You can be miserable and thin or happy and larger-what works for some doesn’t work for all and thin isn’t always the best.Every day I judge myself based on what size my jeans are and I hate it,even though I’m still small.Kelly is inspiring and she deserves happiness at any size as do we all.Our daughters deserve to embrace their bodies as they are and it begins with a conversation and it begins with role models like Kelly and it begins with us!Rant over😔