Sandra Bullock: ‘Being a parent isn’t about breeding’

Sandra Bullock gave a funny interview to USA Today to promote her new film, The Proposal. Mostly, the interview is about how much Bullock loves her costar Betty White, and how Betty White is pretty much the most awesome person around. A Golden Girls devotee myself, I’m totally with Sandra on this one. Sandra talks about the funny scene (that’s in the previews) of Betty feeling Sandra up and cracking a joke about how she’s flat-chested. But the best part of the interview was when Sandra talks about how she feels a real kinship with Betty because they both chose to be stepmothers but not biological mothers. As Sandra says it, “I may never hear that word ‘mom’. But being a parent is not about breeding. It’s about caring. And it’s easy to say, but it’s harder to do.” Amen to that. Sandra’s comments sort of remind me of what Cameron Diaz said last week, that “we don’t need any more kids, we have plenty of people on this planet.”

Betty White steals every scene she’s in during The Proposal by doing her never-fail mischievous granny routine. And star Sandra Bullock knows it. “You have to play the straight guy. There’s no way you’re going to match her.”

When the elder actress feels around Bullock’s chest for her breasts while altering a baggy wedding dress and declares, “It’s like an Easter egg hunt,” the line gets them every time. “She was one of the most gentle lovers I’ve ever had,” Bullock jokes. “And I was thankful that she found them.”

White has even gone viral, thanks to a mock on-the-set video that has received almost 300,000 views on the humor website Funny or Die. She harasses male lead Ryan Reynolds, calling him an “ab-crunching jackass,” and sneakily flashes him the finger while being syrupy sweet to Bullock.

What did take Bullock aback was how the life of TV’s onetime Happy Homemaker, Golden Girl and game-show queen paralleled hers, a fact she learned while doing publicity with fellow cast members.

“Someone made a comment about your husband and children and all that stuff,” she says about White, 87, who found lasting love in her early 40s with Password host and widower Allen Ludden after two short-lived marriages. “She said, ‘You know what? I never had children biologically. I married someone who had three children. And how blessed I was to have those three stepchildren.’ That’s exactly what happened to me.”

Given how gossip rags are always speculating on whether Bullock is pregnant with her motorcycle mogul husband Jesse James, White’s inspirational words struck home. “I went, ‘Wow.’ When everyone is going ‘You should have a baby now,’ I’m like, ‘I could. Maybe I should. But do I need to?’”

Bullock continues to adjust to life as a stepmom. She and James work closely with his first wife to raise his two older children. “We all parent together,” she says. “It’s beautiful. It’s like synchronized swimming.” Daughter Sunny, 5, has been living with her dad and Bullock while his second wife, porn star Janine Lindemulder, serves time for failing to pay taxes.

“I may never hear that word ‘mom,’ ” Bullock says. “But being a parent is not about breeding. It’s about caring. And it’s easy to say, but it’s harder to do. When you don’t have that title, you flounder and it hurts. But this is the best test of being a parent. And I just have to keep reminding myself I don’t care what I get. I care what I give.”

[From USA Today]

I didn’t know that about Betty White, so I found her romantic history very interesting. Most people have probably already seen the video that the article referenced from Funny or Die featuring Sandra, Ryan Reynolds and Betty White, but here’s the link to it anyway. Even though I think The Proposal looks horrible, I hope Betty gets a solid career resurgence out of it. Betty needs to be in more movies and television shows. Cast her on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, they always get great old-school stars to play perverts.

Sandra, Sunny and Jesse James are shown at LAX on 7/27/08. Credit: Bauergriffin

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30 Responses to “Sandra Bullock: ‘Being a parent isn’t about breeding’”

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  1. photo jojo says:

    Sandra’s comments are so dead on. I wish we as women would stop pressuring everyone who possesses a uterus to fill it up as soon as possible. Not everyone wants to have biological kids, or kids at ALL for that matter. I have two biological kids, four step kids. Equally hard, in very different ways, and it’s a job that is certainly not for everyone.

  2. Lem says:

    ‘fill it up as soon as possible’ that’s funny jojo-

    I applaud Sandra for team parenting even if I know it can’t be as easy as she makes it sound.
    You know Sunny feels loved. Which is ultimately the end result

  3. KateNonymous says:

    I fully support people who make the decision to not have children, but I really hate terms like “breeding” or “breeders.”

  4. coocoocho says:

    that betty is funny.

  5. DD says:

    Aslo, many people think having biological kids is just a choice you make or not, but many people are unable to conceive and they keep that information private.

  6. Diana says:

    “We all parent together.” What a great example.

    (80% of what kids learn is by example, aren’t Betty and Sandra’s kids fortunate to have them)

  7. the original kate says:

    i admire her take on being a parent, and that she chose not only to become a stepmother but that she entered into a family, not only a marriage, and that they are a team. if only more blended families could be so caring and rational. love, love love sandra and betty white, too.

  8. Linda says:

    I never wanted to have kids of my own – I love kids and my niece and nephew are my world, but never wanted one of my own. I guess my brother is that way as well, because he married and adopted the 2 kids, their “biological” father just never had anything to do with them once they divorced and he and his wife were comfortable with the two. So my family really gets what Sandra is saying – it’s really about love.

  9. paranel says:

    I am so impressed. Wow, she is smart. A lot smarter than I ever gave her credit. Good for you Sandra.

  10. Gigohead says:

    I have to thank Sandra for standing up for stepmoms. They are giving too much bad reps. I am a mother of two (three in October) and I helped with my ex’s two young daughters during the 5 years we were together. I helped to science projects, homework, birthday parties, etc. The girls still friendly but not close after we broke up, but most people including the kids don’t appreciate step moms as they should. I commend Sandra for giving us props.

  11. Justalark says:

    RE: Sandra saying, “I may never hear that word ‘Mom”…

    You know the old saying: “If it walks like a duck, clucks like a duck,” etc.

    Your ability to produce eggs and grow fetuses does not make you a mother; your actions do.

    As far as I’m concerned, Sandra is giving, loving, caring, selfless–SHE IS A MOM in my book!

  12. Anna says:

    “I don’t care what I get. I care what I give” – I think that might just be my new mantra. Way to go Sandra!

  13. OXA says:

    “I may never hear that word ‘mom’. But being a parent is not about breeding. It’s about caring. And it’s easy to say, but it’s harder to do.”
    This is not just about Stepmomsm it includes “Nannies” too. So many families have full time Nannies who spend more time with the kids than the parents do.

  14. laura says:

    Finally, an actress I can relate to! I have two beautiful step-daughters who are 19 and 17. I have been their step-mother for 8 years. Sometimes those years were tough and rotten and yes hurtful, but I wouldnt change a thing. Sandra’s statements are truly heart-felt.

  15. I have a married friend that won’t have kids because she knows she couldn’t deal with them, but I’m the only one who thinks she’s NOT making a mistake. There is too much pressure to have children, and it’s refreshing to have someone voice another side.

  16. girl says:

    I agree Kate. I love what she says but the word “breed” in reference to human beings make me cringe.

    SB sounds like an awesome lady. I remember seeing her on Leno telling a story about how she grew out her armpit hair to gross out Matthew McConaugh-howeveryouspellit (or maybe it was someone else). It was hilarious and she sounded so down to earth.

    You all are right. And it doesn’t just happen on the “when are you gonna have kids” end of the spectrum. I along with many women I know have constantly gotten rude intrusive comments for having too many. It really isn’t anyone’s business. You know nothing of someone else’s life. It really used to sting to get those kinds of comments when I had been having miscarriages left right and center.

    There are far more important things to worry about than whether someone, especially strangers, decides to have children or not.

  17. anna says:

    irrelevant, probably TMI, but humourous (to me): This morning my (standing in for my usual) doctor suggested I have a baby to decrease cramping!

  18. Lem says:

    omg anna that’s so wrong; so wrong it just made this grown ass woman omg

  19. Aww, you think The Proposal looks horrible? I think it looks pretty funny and I am really not a Ryan Reynolds fan. I think Sandra Bullock is a great woman and very funny too.

  20. Kimble says:

    @ Anna

    I can remember my aged doctor telling my mother the same thing when I was 12!!!

    Thankfully I hung on until I was 28 before I had my first child!

  21. Nebraska says:

    Sandra Bullock is a good role model for the young ones of today. The money and technology used in trying to conceive a bio child would be better spent taking care of the kids who are already here.

  22. nina says:

    I am really starting to like Sandra! She sounds like a mature kind and loving person. The term “breeder” is no more offensive (in fact – much less offensive) than the term “childless”. Childless implies that someone has less by not procreating, whereas “breeder” means just that – that someone bred – had relations that resulted in procreation. That’s what breeding is.

  23. c says:

    Ah, Sandra B’s my new hero! Yay to her for speaking it like it is.

  24. HashBrowns says:

    Sandra Bullock sounds really lovely and like she has a good head on her shoulders.

    By the way, “breed” is a perfectly acceptable term for human copulation, subsequent pregnancy and birth. To breed merely means to produce offspring-it has no negative connotation.

  25. Magsy says:

    I’ve always liked her. Seems more down to earth and grounded.

  26. Sue says:

    Sandra B and Betty W are both such broads. Irreverant, funny, and probably lots of fun to be around. I met someone who went to high school with SB. She told a story about SB finding out that her boyfriend had stepped out on her. Well, apparently, she stormed into a party, ran into him, and slugged him in the face. Now thats a move I can see her doing. Do we wonder why she and Jesse James are such a good match?

  27. GimmeABreak says:

    Don’t have any kids and don’t want them. I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve had to ward off evil mothers who think (and insist!) I’m making a mistake. Just for laughs I started telling them I thought they’d made a mistake by having kids. You wouldn’t believe how insulted they were. Now you know how I feel!!

    FYI: that’s why we use the word “breeders.” It’s sort of a back-at-ya for all the years of torment we’ve endured for not having kids.

  28. Hanh says:

    I’m pregnant and I’m not offended by the term breeders because really, that is exactly what we’re doing. Breeding more humans.

    And that’s so true. Aside from the fertility issues some couples face, for most people its so easy to start popping out more babies than they can handle. And it is sad that sometimes the most deserving of parents can’t have a child, and the most awful seem to breed them by the busload.

    I wish people would take parenthood more seriously. They just seem to pop out the kid, let the child do whatever they want, and let the child raise him/herself. Its really sad.

  29. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    Photo jojo – nicely said.

    I have no kids, have no desire for kids but love all my friends kids dearly – I am constantly told how I’m gonna regret not having kids when I’m older and ‘wait til your biological clock starts ticking’…meh, if I want one then I’ll go adopt one of the hundreds of thousands of children out there who need someone to love them.

    I adore Sandra Bullock – she’s always seemed so normal. I read something a very long time ago about her giving vast sums of her own money to charity but always anonymously – nice that people can do that without needing the world to know about it *cough* Oprah *cough*.

  30. Minerva says:

    To be clear, the Childfree community refers to those who have kids without any thought to how they are going to raise them or expect the village to take care of them or don’t bother to discipline them are breeders. Any living organism can breed.

    Those who take care of their kids and have them because they want them and are willing to take on the trials and responsibilities of raising kids are not called breeders; they are called “parents.”