Is it a matter of WHEN Michael Cohen flips on Donald Trump, not IF he flips?

United States President Donald Trump makes a statement regarding the Paris Accord in the Rose Garden of the White House

There are a million political stories this week but I’m already going back into political-hibernation mode for the most part. Wake me when Donald Trump pledges allegiance to the Russian flag or when Bobby Mueller indicts Precious Jared Kushner. Personally, I don’t give a sh-t about this attempt to make Nikki Haley into some kind of folk hero within the Trump administration. She’s not. She sucks at her job, just the same as everyone else in Trumplandia, and the current controversy is barely notable in the grand scheme of things. Haley is actually taking the focus off the real story: that Trump continues to bend over backwards to accommodate Russia and Putin. Another real story: Trump is more worried about the Michael Cohen investigation than whatever Robert Mueller is doing. The current concern for Trump and his lawyers is that Cohen is going to flip and start talking.

One of the ways in which the scandals around President Trump have come to resemble a mob movie, other than the nature of the crimes themselves, is that nobody involved is putting up much of a pretense that Trump is innocent. Asked today by Katy Tur if “there’s any chance [Michael Cohen] would end up cooperating, flipping,” Anthony Scaramucci said no, because Cohen ‘is a very loyal person.”

You meant because Trump is innocent, right? Cohen is not going to testify against Trump because Trump did nothing wrong?

Not all of Trump’s supporters feel so confident that Cohen will respect the omertà. In a conversation with Trump last Friday, Jay Goldberg, one of Trump’s lawyers, warned the president, “Michael will never stand up [for you]” if charged by the government, according to The Wall Street Journal. But why would Trump have anything to worry about, unless … Trump committed a crime that Cohen knows about?

In an interview with the Journal, Goldberg elucidated his concerns about Cohen’s loyalty and the devastating impact it would have if he cooperated with the government. “The mob was broken by Sammy ‘The Bull’ Gravano caving in out of the prospect of a jail sentence,” Goldberg explained.

Again, this makes a lot of sense as a legal defense strategy for a businessman who has probably done a lot of illegal stuff. But as a public-relations strategy, isn’t Trump’s lawyer supposed to say he believes Cohen is innocent, and would be shocked to learn if he did something wrong, because of course Trump has never engaged in any illegal behavior and would never tolerate it among his employees? He’s probably not supposed to casually liken the president of the United States to the boss of a criminal syndicate.

[From NY Magazine]

Politico says the same thing about Cohen and Trump, that Trump’s advisers are telling him that there’s a very real possibility that prosecutors will flip Cohen, especially after prosecutors threaten him with life in prison. Apparently, Trump has been “ranting” to friends and advisors about it for days now and the White House has been trying to create some distance between Trump and Cohen. Personally, I still think Mueller is playing hardball with Manafort – who has been providing information along the way – to get him to completely flip on everyone. With Manafort primed to flip on Trump in the federal investigation and Cohen primed to flip on Trump in the state investigation… well… it’s getting good. But as I said, I’m going back into hibernation mode. Wake me when Mar-a-Lago gets raided by the feds.

President Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen leaves his Park Avenue Regency Hotel the day after the US Justice Department announced that Cohen is under criminal investigation for his business dealings

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Pacific Coast News.

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68 Responses to “Is it a matter of WHEN Michael Cohen flips on Donald Trump, not IF he flips?”

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  1. Green Is Good says:

    Mara-La-Go-To- Hell getting raided would be a gift from Baby Jesus.

    • boredblond says:

      Wouldn’t it? All those old rich donors trying to hide their faces while rushing to their private jets..

    • Betsy says:

      Golden Gate Blond on twitter has a header pic of someone holding a sign that says “mar a lagohugyourself” (I’m sanitizing).

      And Mar a Lago being raided would give me a deeply lasting pleasant sensation. I had that when Sean Hannity’s name was revealed as client number three, but mar a lago being raided would grant particular satisfaction.

    • Millenial says:

      Christmas 2018. I know what I’m asking for.

      • ol cranky says:

        my birthday’s in July so I know what I’ll be wishing for when I blow out the candles

  2. anniefannie says:

    With lawyers like Goldberg who needs enemies?!?

  3. Swack says:

    Cohen would not last a week in jail and he knows it. Meanwhile, NYT has this story:

    “Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman of New York is moving to change New York state law so that he and other local prosecutors would have the power to bring criminal charges against aides to President Trump who have been pardoned, according to a letter Mr. Schneiderman sent to the governor and state lawmakers . . . ”

    Makes me think something is seriously going on with Cohen.

    • Carrie says:

      Agreed! Cohen is very “swampy”. This week, so much information has been released on this guy’s shadiness (as if more was needed!)

      For example, how the heads of New York’s Russian mafia (Evsei Agron and Marat Balagula) had their literal headquarters in his family’s club, El Caribe. Cohen owned a stake in the club until recently. Plus, his father-in-law recently loaned $20m USD to a Ukrainian-born cab mogul in Chicago (Yasya Shtayner).

      • Green_eyes says:

        Cohen is in it further than most realize w/ deep Russian ties . His wife is from the Ukraine. His younger brother is also a lawyer & his wife is from the Ukraine. Michael has deep Russian ties in business too. 2 of his cab companies & a third company were in partnership w/ 2 Ukraine immigrants w/ Russian mob ties back in the mother land. His life has been so calculated when you read all he’s done & how he did it. He had his entire family, extended family, and his mobster friends, etc buy up apartments in different Trump Towers to get close to Trump & get to know him. Then he & his family built a 58 million dollar building of their own. He is as sketchy as the rest of the Russian characters already scooped up by the feds. If I was Trump.. I don’t know but I think I would be worried.

      • M4lificent says:

        Hmmm…. Mueller and the FBI just need to follow the scent of the laundry soap.

        If I was in deep with all of this organized crime — I’m not sure that I would pick Trump to hang my star on. I think I would choose someone more low-key. Not that anybody ever expected Trump to have to go through the scrutiny that a sitting president receives….

  4. escondista says:

    For real. I am exhausted.
    As much as I desperately want him to go to jail if he committed crimes…i’d settle for 2020 so we can vote this clown out of office and everyone can lower their xanax rx.

    Also sort of hoping that the 2020 candidate runs on “lock him up.”

    • Esmom says:

      I’m exhausted, too. After making a comment on Twitter about this yesterday I had a deplorable sneer that I just can’t get over the fact that Trump won. Their ability to ignore all the lies and criminal activity surrounding Bigly is astounding and depressing.

      However, just this week I heard that research shows that a “lock him up” campaign message could really backfire. Candidates need to run on actual issues (not that Trump isn’t an issue, lol) if they want to win.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I point out to such proud deplorables that the election was 17 months ago and they need to stop living in the past and come into 2018. This isn’t about Hillary; it’s about the republic being run by an unethical idiot

    • lucy2 says:

      If he doesn’t get impeached, I’m wondering if he’ll back out of running again. He hates the job, and God willing the Democrats will have the majority again, and I could see him whining about a witch hunt and bailing. He’s also probably stupid enough to think if he goes away, they’ll stop investigating and he can go back to his inept mob-style businesses. And his supporters will praise him for it, of course.

      • Esmom says:

        I think you’re exactly right. It’s the perfect out and his supporters will absolutely blame “fake news” and “witch hunts” and then hopefully crawl back into their holes.

      • imqrious2 says:

        BUT… do you think that overblown ego will let him do that? You *know* Melania will bail with Barron (not that he’d care lol)

        I think he *still* likes to think he’s smarter than everyone, and he will “best” Mueller in the end, because he’s “got a smart brain” SMDH.

        Also, a little side note: Notice that all you hear are crickets from Daughter-Wife and Udsay and Qusay? Used to have daily braying from them, and kid pics from her to distract (not that anything can distract much from this sh!t show). Nothing lately from all of them… just sayin’. 🤫🙄

      • lucy2 says:

        I don’t think his ego will let him say he quit. But if he can try to spin it, to make himself a martyr, to cry foul on the whole thing and claim to be rising above it AND bring his followers with him…I could see it happening. He’ll say the government is ineffective and he can “make America great” more by being a private citizen and “businessman” again. But only if he can do it in a way to make himself seem like the victor still.
        I hope he doesn’t get the chance to make that call, but I won’t be surprised if it happens.

        Yeah, his minions, I mean children, have been suspiciously quiet. Apparently Ivanka and Jr have deep ties to a lot of business deals and Cohen. I think they’re all really nervous, and listening to their attorneys at the moment.

    • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

      I don’t know guys, dictators once in power tend to stay in power. I don’t trust Trump and Russia to not pull more shady stuff to rig our elections when Trump is on the ballot. Even now, Republicans in Congress have started a campaign to push the DOJ to start investigations on Trump’s political enemies. Like soon Brown shirts will start appearing in our neighborhoods!

      In addition the Democrats and Independent voters are going to be torn over which of our million other candidates to vote for. The judicial branch is the only part of our Democracy currently functioning. Trump will have 2 more years to ruin even that branch.

      • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

        Yep, according to breaking news one of the people on Trump and his GOP Congressmen Brown Shirt’s enemies list, McCabe is the first one they have referred to DOJ for criminal prosecution. HRC, Yates and Comey are also on their wish list.

  5. Chrissy says:

    IDK Kaiser. I think everything Cohen has is wrapped up in the Russian Republic of Trumplandia and the good old Russian money laundering network. I suppose it depends how afraid he is of him and his family of being torched by Trump or mysteriously poisoned or thrown from a building like that Russian journalist this week. Ah, decisions decisions. All I know is that he sure looks like hell on tv.

    • Merritt says:

      He certainly has aged a lot compared to the picture of him with Hannity taken a few years ago. I have a bad feeling that all the pressure will get to him and he will keel over before the investigators get him.

  6. grabbyhands says:

    I think Cohen flipping depends on how much power he believes 45 has to extricate him from actual prosecution. He seems to have a lot of blind faith in 45 and honestly, his record of getting away with shit that would have sunk other presidencies is pretty good, if not vomit inducing. If he wakes up to the reality that 45 is not loyal to those who have been loyal to him, then maybe.

    What is really depressing to me is that 45’s lawyers feeling comfortable enough to put the whole thing in the mind frame of it being like a mob situation. He doesn’t think it’s wrong because he knows the supporters will eat that shit up and because that’s probably how his boss sees himself anyway.

  7. Lala says:

    All of this should have went down regarding Cohen and Trump…YEARS AGO! The Feds BEEN had them on their radar…cause that’s how the Feds work, they’ll watch you commit crimes…FOR YEARS!!!! You have to think about the hubris and the DELUSIONS of a man like Donald Trump…who KNOWS he’s a crook and has been a crook for DECADES…yet because he generally swam in the smaller ponds of NYC/NJ…where he could pay off an ADA with no problem…he ACTUALLY believed he was invulnerable and could apply that same twisted paradigm to the DOJ/FBI…SMH….

    • Esmom says:

      Agreed. Its crazy that he’s been getting away with so much for so long.

    • Betsy says:

      I just don’t get white collar crime enforcement. It seems like they do sit on stuff forever and then finally pull the trigger. Although I seem to remember the suggestion that in regards at
      least to Trump SOHO that Ivanka paid someone off to look the other way.

      How do these people keep finding new levels of scandal?

      • Kitten says:

        Annual white collar crime prosecutions have been falling gradually ever since the mid-90s, apart from a brief, slight resurgence in the three years immediately following the housing market’s collapse.

        Bloomberg recently had an interesting article about Britain’s SFO prosecuting white collar crimes. Eventually, it can actually impact the economy adversely when a watchdog organization is targeting financial firms, banks, or large arms manufacturers that employ thousands of Brits. Pursuing charges or leveling fine after fine against large companies punishes shareholders and diminishes the lending potential of the economy.

        Or at least that’s the argument.

    • sunnydaze says:

      Truth. Most of my family and friends are still in NYC and one of my old co-worker’s grandfather used to have to deal with the Trump organization a lot. I remember my co-worker saying after 45 got the Rep. nom he was shocked considering all the illegal activities his grandfather would talk about as if it was common knowledge. I think it’s pretty well known 45 is absolutely despised in NYC…and I’m so very hopeful that this horrible family will be judged by a jury of their peers. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let New Yorkers sit on that jury. PLEASE.

  8. kNY says:

    I think the Nikki Haley story is notable because her dissension (if we can even call it that – she was clearly briefed on a plan for sanctions and shared them with the rest of the UN, and then those sanctions were walked back and the administration threw her under the bus) is not something that we generally see since trump is doing his best to fill his inner circle with yes people, and yes people only. Sarah Sanders, Kellyanne, Larry Kudlow, etc. lie with straight faces on screen and manipulate words to the point of ridiculousness, because that is the what trump expects and he will throw a tantrum otherwise. That Nikki Haley – someone the republicans have lauded – is essentially calling the administration out on kowtowing to Russia is a pretty big deal. I don’t think she needs her ass kissed, but it’s not a nothingburger (I hate that word) that she did the right thing.

    • Carrie says:

      I completely agree with you regarding Haley. She won my respect with this whole situation. It does get me worried that she will soon be gone. When Tillerson and McMaster dared to criticize Russia, they both were fired.

      • Elkie says:

        Haley only clapped back because he made HER look bad.

        Rest assured that she’s as committed as the rest of the Trump administration in furthering their revoltingly racist, misogynist, regressive agenda. This is a woman who completely whitewashed her entire identity – name, religion, even going full Dolezal and claiming to be white, despite two Indian parents – so she could be in a position to roll back women’s rights and screw the poors.

      • Swack says:

        Elkie – agree – up to this point she was all in with Trump’s agenda. I don’t give her any kudos for doing this, She has towed the company line.

    • Peg says:

      Nikki is just a mouth piece trying to be a bully at the UN, she is just as bad as Trump, going along with all his asinine policies.
      She will be muzzle and back to spouting Trump BS.

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree. She’s terrible and surely not someone I support, but I do applaud her response to them trying to throw her under the bus and write her off as “confused” because they have no idea what they’re doing. They thought she’d play along and take the blame. She did not, and I commend her for that. And pretty much that alone.

      • Carrie says:

        Exactly! When I wrote “won my respect” in my earlier post, I meant that I didn’t like her before this moment. I probably won’t like her actions after this moment, but it will be interesting to see what happens…

    • WHY? says:

      I wish the press would do a better job at vetting stories that depicts anyone in that WH as a victim or hero. So far we heard that J Kelly was the adult in the WH. Jared and Ivanka were the moderating voice that kept the Dotard in check. Melanie was miserable. Hope Hicks was the Dotard whisperer. Tillerson, McMaster, and Gary Cohn were the voices that kept the Dotard from doing horrible things. Now we are being told that Nikki Haley is a hero who stands up to the Dotard, despite the evidence that shows otherwise. Nikki Haley is just as complicit as everyone else in that WH. She isn’t a hero, she is a bully who has no clue what she is doing. I was shocked that in the last couple of days the press went from presenting her as someone who doesn’t know what she is doing to presidential material. What’s wrong with the press that they are so easily misled by these people in the WH?

      As usual the press is suffering from amnesia. Whenever the Dotard does or says something stupid, Nikki is always right there running behind him making excuses and defending him. When the Dotard said that Iran wasn’t complying with the terms of the agreement(even though the generals certified that they were), Nikki held a press conference with a missile on a stage, claiming that this was proof that Iran wasn’t following the terms of the agreement. When the Dotard leaked classified information to the Russians in the Oval Office, Nikki defended him. When the Dotard threw a tantrum on twitter because all those countries signed the UN resolution, Nikki threatened them(saying that she was taking names and would withhold funding for any country who voted against the US, and then she did just that). Nikki isn’t dissenting because this isn’t the first time that the Dotard has thrown her under the bus. Nikki often says one thing and then the Dotard contradicts her. What does Nikki do? Nothing.

      I think that Nikki knew that the Dotard changed his mind about Russia, but she didn’t care because she has the same job as Sarah Sanders. Lie. She said those things about the sanctions knowing full well that it wasn’t going to happen.

  9. Eric says:

    I told everyone at least a month ago that NYAG Schneiderman was on the case, coordinating with Mr Mueller.

    See Schneiderman’s latest tweets.


    • OSTONE says:

      @ERIC your posts have given me so much hope this past couple of years. I hope it all comes true!

      • K-Peace says:

        Yes, I agree– Eric, i always look forward to reading your posts on these topics & actively look for them. Keep them coming!! Thank you for sharing information/your opinions.

    • Esmom says:

      You did indeed. Always a step ahead, Eric! Love it.

    • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

      You have been right all along Eric! Honestly at this point I feel like the courts are the only part of our Democracy still standing. And now I totally believe Comey when he said (on Colbert) that the FBI field offices will continue to do their jobs even if Muller is fired.

    • Swack says:

      Did you read the NYT article on Schneiderman and closing loopholes so that those who are federally pardoned can be prosecuted by the state?

      • Lorelei says:

        I just hope they can do it FAST enough. Legislation always seems to take forever but hopefully Schneiderman will fast-track this one!

  10. TW says:

    This photo of trump looking like a confused old racist dinosaur who retires to Florida each weekend really does say it all. He personifies the death grip of a dying, desperate breed of white good old boys, grasping for straws, sitting at the end of the bar, whining in their whisky about women and immigrants when it’s really about their dick size or general sexual inadequacy.

  11. Peg says:

    The NY Attorney General, is trying to get the Governor to pass a law to over ride a pardon.
    Michael Cohen, must be crapping his pants, Mafia, Russian Mobster, Feds, Sean Hannity and the list goes on for people that will go after this bully.
    Trump is so desperate for a high profile Laywer to represent him, and none will take the bait, so he tried to get a lawyer that Sued him on behalf of Deutchse Bank, who used the same excuse of all the lawyers that turned him down, ‘conflict of interest’
    They all know that Trump don’t pay his bills, can’t keep his mouth close and lies constantly.

    • Lady D says:

      Washington Post reported he’s hired Rudi Gulliani, and he thinks RG is going to get him out of the Mueller mess.

  12. Lila says:

    To me, the fact that Michael Cohen even has the option to flip means prosecutors of the Southern District of DOJ definitely is ready to prosecute the different players for a crime. Maybe Trump, Kushner or Don Jr. Sit back everybody is going to be throwing each other under the Bus to save themselves.

  13. Christin says:

    Supposedly his cowardly lion party members are leaking that Orange is not their choice for 2020. Of course, these are the same “leaders” who could have blocked his nomination nearly two years ago, but chose not to do so. Talk is cheap.

    I do believe we’re closer to a big reveal of financial crime charges. While that can be a complex web, this cast of characters seems so inept that it probably won’t take much longer.

    • lucy2 says:

      None of them have ever stood up to him – they’d say things about it, but when it came down votes or actions, nothing. They are rats deserting a sinking ship if they’re trying to disown him now. Too little too late. Blue wave, baby!

      • Christin says:

        When they make these too-little-too-late “leaks” against Zero, there is usually more to hit the fan. That’s the only time any of them speak up or leak their alleged dissatisfaction.

    • Lorelei says:

      ITA, but will his supporters ever, EVER acknowledge that he is a criminal? I feel like they’re so far gone with the “fake news!” BS that they would think it was all a setup 😑

  14. Floydee Mercer says:

    I wonder what Mr. Shinzo Abe gleened from basking in His Majesty’s presence. Did he show him the Football Case (which hopefully by now somebody has replaced with an inoperable facsimile)? Did Twitler manage to behave rationally, or was the experience more akin to being spun out by the maniacal frenzy of a raging lunatic? Who won the rollicking golfing? Did Cheetolini have 2 scoops in a show of dominance? Was Hannity in attendance? Did he tell the prime minister that everybody knows there be NO COLLUSION?

    Don’t sleep too deeply because it indeed be Mueller Time for judgment cometh and right soon.

    • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

      I don’t think Abe is very happy, Trump shamed him to his face by announcing that Pompeo did a secret visit to North Korea without telling Abe. Poor man found out from Twitter at the same time we did. Abe is supposed to be our ally and is at greater risk from North Korea. His people are going to see this as Trump having no respect for Abe or the Japanese people. I think this might put his leadership into question.

      Worse yet, Pompeo was in danger of not being confirmed due to his anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, pro-war views. So Emperor Zero pulled this stunt to show he will make a good Sec. of State, now forcing the Senators into confirming him. So everyone got played.

      • kacy says:

        It’s supposed to force the hand on Pompeo, but may backfire.

      • Eric says:

        Your use of “Emperor Zero” made my week!

      • jwoolman says:

        Shinzo Abe knows exactly what Trump is. He has spent some real time with him. He knew how to deal with the toddler President on Trump’s visit to Japan — ply him with burgers and give him a hat. I’m surprised he didn’t pull out a coloring book for the orange lad.

        My guess is that Trump wasn’t told about Pompeo’s trip until it was over. Isn’t Pompeo still CIA? He may not be obliged to keep the POTUS informed in detail. Otherwise Trump would have been bursting to tell somebody or at least hint on Twitter.

  15. TW says:

    And the award for most punchable face goes to ……. $hitbag Michael Cohen.

  16. DP says:

    Ugh… it just keeps getting worse! How does anyone support this delusional, crooked administration?!
    Honestly, I don’t want to associate with anyone still making excuses for the disaster of a president!
    I hope we can someday soon look back and say, wow… “glad that’s over!” Maybe even, “look how far we’ve come since then! “

  17. jferber says:

    I would not be surprised if Cohen goes to jail for Trump. He’ll be sure of a pardon later and he would win points for the “loyalty.” He would be a folk hero to some people. He might even have a good chance at winning public office, after he does time. His campaign motto could be, “Not only do I belong in prison, I went. Vote for me, Republicans.”

  18. Jules says:

    Trump hasn’t shown loyalty to any of these people, including Cohen. Why on earth would they continue to defend him when their backs are up against the wall?!

  19. WHYWHY? says:

    It’s official. Mueller(including Rosenstein and Wray) is definitely coddling the Dotard and has no intentions of charging him with anything. It’s being reported that Rod Rosenstein told the Dotard, during their meeting( I think it was last week), that he wasn’t a target in the Russian investigation or the investigation into Micheal Cohen. What is it with these republicans that they are afraid to hold the Dotard accountable for is actions? Every time they tell the Dotard that he isn’t a target, they are just giving him more fuel for his “witch hunt” tweets. I’m so disappointed in Rod Rosenstein. Why won’t he stand up? McCabe refused to stand up to the Dotard and now the WH, Dotard, the IG who was supposed to be nonpartisan but who is clearly demonstrated that he is the Dotard’s puppet, and republicans, are ruining his reputation. Now is not the time for Rosenstein to be weak.

    Rosenstein also turned over Comey’s memos to Nunes. This is the 3rd time that Rosenstein and Wray have complied with a demand from Nunes. Why? Why hasn’t Mueller done anything about Devin Nunes? This is just getting ridiculous. Giving into Nunes isn’t going to protect Rosenstein. He needs to stop letting Nunes get away with things like this.

    The republicans, WH, and Dotard are out to destroy McCabe. They had the IG(who is clearly partisan and the Dotard’s puppet) write up that bogus recommendation to fire him and now they trying to indict him. The strange thing is how no one, including Wray, are defending McCabe against these attacks and that bogust IG report that was clearly written by someone who is trying to please the Dotard. I was even surprised that even Comey refused to protect McCabe. How is any of this possible?

    • Lissanne says:

      Too many things to address in your comments, but here’s one point. Statements that Trump is not a “target” of the investigation are not to be interpreted as meaning that he is in the clear. Right now, he is a subject of the investigation. He can become a target at any time.

    • jwoolman says:

      Whywhy- I know that I sound like a broken record, but if someone or their lawyer asks if he is a target, Mueller has to tell him the truth. The FBI in general is obliged to let you know if you are in the target, subject, or witness category in an investigation if you ask. (They do not volunteer the information otherwise.) This is not coddling, it is normal.

      And being a subject is not comforting when you know you have engaged in decades of illegal activity. A subject can switch to the target category in an instant, as soon as the authorities feel they have a solid enough case to indict. Trump is worried about people flipping because he has done enough illegal things for them to have something to flip with. An innocent person wouldn’t worry about his people cooperating truthfully with an investigation.

      I doubt that Mueller will issue an indictment for Trump because the FBI opinion is that a sitting President can’t be indicted (which might technically keep Trump in the subject category? If so, he’s really toast if he thinks being a subject is good.). He can be impeached by the House and removed from office in a trial by the Senate. So Mueller will most likely issue a detailed report to Congress and let them take it from there. He still can subpoena Trump to testify, though. Again, this isn’t coddling. It’s just how the system works.

      We can only hope that enough Republicans will be willing to vote for impeachment and then removal by the time Mueller’s report is issued. It would have to be delayed until January to get more Democrats into Congress. But if Rosenstein isn’t fired by then, perhaps he will decide to make the report public. If so – hahahahahahah….

      The real problem for Trump will be indictments ready to go by state authorities, possibly as soon as the Trumpster is out of office one way or another. I suppose federal indictments would also be possible then, but Trump is probably assuming Pence will pardon him on the federal charges. Pence can’t do anything about state charges, however.

    • jwoolman says:

      Whywhy- I wonder about the anti-McCabe Inspector General’s report also. I believe McCabe’s version of events because it matches other things that I already know about the situation from reliable sources. He did have the authority to communicate with the media about such issues and that did not reveal any classified information. The whole report is suspect to me.

      But Comey and the others are most likely not saying anything about it because it’s an ongoing investigation. Sometimes you just have to wait and see what happens rather than blasting things around in trial by public opinion. Other ordinary citizens not involved with the DoJ and the FBI can freely defend McCabe themselves, and do.

  20. Miasys says:

    It’s kind of funny how some of these people in his administration suddenly become less repellent when they push back on his bs. I think it’s easy to get sucked into a narrative that they are somehow allies, or beacons of light in dark times. They are not. They are coattail riding, complicit, lying, unethical & opportunistic parasites on our democracy. I guess kudos to her for speaking up for herself but sorry, still a garbage human by association.

  21. Em says:

    If the Russia accusations are true then I doubt he will flip, otherwise he knows he would be stabbed with a radioactive umbrella or poisoned by door knob . After all his father- in- law is basically a Russian gangster and he grew up with the Russian mob on his doorstep.