More on Jessica Simpson Tony Romo split: Romo was looking for a way out

Yesterday, People Magazine was the first to break the story of Jessica Simpson and Ton Romo’s split. According to their sources – who sound mostly like Romo friends – Tony dumped Jessica the night before his birthday, and Jessica was so upset that she cancelled her Ken-and-Barbie themed birthday party last Friday night. While Jessica tweeted on her birthday that she was going to fall asleep with her mom and her dogs, Tony Romo was hitting the town and flirting with every girl in sight.

Now that all of the other tabloids have gotten a chance to catch their breath, we have some new details on the break-up. It’s pretty much what you’d expect. Most people have Jessica Simpson totally ready for marriage and babies, while Tony was all “hell no”. Gatecrasher falls all over the “Jessica Simpson is a victim” thing, quoting a source who claims that Jessica know this time their split is for good. Unlike that time they split around Jess’s sister’s wedding, and Papa Joe had to step in and talk to Romo. So I guess Jessica’s dad isn’t going to step up and talk to Tony this time.

Jessica Simpson was excited to get all dolled up for her “Barbie and Ken”-themed birthday bash in LA on Friday night, but there was one problem: She had just lost her Ken. [She and] Tony Romo had split the night before her 29th birthday, causing a depressed Simpson to cancel her fete.

Jess didn’t make friends aware of the breakup and subsequent party cancellation until the afternoon of her big day – pal Emmy Rossum was still blithely tweeting at noon about her outfit for the shindig. Instead, the sad Simpson decided to spend the day not celebrating, but licking her wounds with her family and dogs.

“Jess was too heartbroken to have a big bash,” reveals a pal of the songbird. “She knows that she and Tony are broken up for good.”

It was Romo who called it quits, sources reveal. Although the couple looked happy just two weeks ago while attending a golf tournament in Bethesda, Md., the football stud was starting to get itchy about his freedom.

In fact, the night Romo was meant to be playing the perfect Ken, he was partying with a posse of guy friends at Hollywood hot spot MyHouse – and women were constantly stopping by his table. Says one clubgoer, “Tony was hanging out until 2 a.m. getting his flirt on. He was in great spirits and seemed very single.”

On Saturday, the player was again caught chatting up a bevy of ladies, this time poolside at the Roosevelt Hotel, also in L.A. While Romo may already be moving on, the split is harder for Simpson.

“Jessica was ready to settle down, and Tony was not,” says a second source. “He travels a lot for his games, and having a full-time girlfriend is a big commitment.”

Agrees the first pal, “They were heading in different directions.” Reps for both Romo and Simpson declined to comment.

[From Gatecrasher]

US Weekly has a good run-down on the history of their relationship. They met in November 2007, after Tony gave an interview claiming Jessica was his “celebrity crush”. Once together, Jessica sold the relationship well – she talked about Romo in nearly every interview, and US Weekly has compiled a sort of greatest hits. It just seems rather sad to me, but whatever.

Let’s see, who else has anything good? Life & Style has a friend of Jessica’s saying “They weren’t good anymore [and] fighting. He’s away a lot, she’s getting ready to work on a new project. It became obvious they just weren’t meant to be.” Meanwhile, a friend of Tony’s says, “I think he was acting like a single guy before he ever made it official.” US Weekly didn’t want to make Jessica into a victim, though. They had this quote: “They go from one fight right into another, without a second break. It’s always something with Jessica.” Seriously? Jessica seems dumb but not high maintenance.

I’m surprised at how many sources are pointing out that Jessica’s ex-husband Nick Lachey is back on the market too – it seems some people still want to see Nick and Jess get back together. However, most sources note that Nick and Jess haven’t spoken in years. Perhaps he’ll call her to commiserate? I doubt it. I don’t think Nick wants to deal with her again.

Jessica and Tony are shown out at a Lakers Game on 6/4/09. Credit: VAH/Fame Pictures

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26 Responses to “More on Jessica Simpson Tony Romo split: Romo was looking for a way out”

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  1. RobN says:

    Jessica doesn’t seem high maintenance??? She is the poster girl for needy girlfriends dying to be needy wives. Tony was one forgotten pill away from being trapped by this one.

  2. Dan says:

    Romo needs to be studying his play book and throwing footballs thru tires. Jess…… call me.

  3. Codzilla says:

    Jessica doesn’t seem high maintenance? Please! This girl comes across as a clingy, emptied-headed twit who requires constant validation. She’s failed at nearly everything she’s attempted in her professional life, and continues to put herself out there, despite having nothing of any real substance to offer. I can only imagine how suffocating she’d be as a partner. Ugh.

    Edit: Sorry RobN, didn’t see your post before I submitted mine!

  4. rbsesq says:

    I have no love to Jessica Simpson but what kind of jerk dumps you the day before your birthday?! You know he’s been thinking about it for a long time. He could have done it earlier.

  5. Deniz says:

    I kind of feel bad for her. She seems like a harmless girl who just wants to get married and start a family. Sometimes it’s so difficult to find the right person for that. Man or woman.

  6. Kerry says:

    This is just a simple breakup. Why do one of the parties have to have some major psychological defect in order to explain why they can’t be together? People split and move on all the time. There is no need to cast a victim or villain in every situation.

  7. HEB says:

    I agree with above–she was way too clingy and annoying–I mean she dumped Nick for not dropping everything and going to Africa with her-she was pissed because it was over their anniversary…news flash–marriage isn’t about having a romantic anniversary every year! Shit happens–I thought Christians married for good times and in bad…

  8. nosensi says:

    What kind of guy dumps a girl before her birthday? The kind of guy who doesn’t want to dress up as *@&$ing ‘Ken’! Sheesh…

  9. CYANN says:

    I would like to see Nick & Jess back together. They both had a lot of growing up to do. Who knows? It does happen once in every blue moon.

  10. Neelyo says:

    If Nick Lachey has a brain, he’s turned off his ringer this morning. Papa Joe’s probably had him on speed dial since the break up announcement.

    At least she’s still got her wig collection.

  11. wow says:

    “She’s failed at nearly everything she’s attempted in her professional life”

    …then I’d like to have a dash of that professional “failure”. She’s become rich from her professional “failures”.
    I wouldn’t even call her personal relationships failures. People get divorced, and single couples break up. No different from any of us, except our “failures” 😉 aren’t as public as hers and we wouldn’t call our experiences failures. We’d just call it “life”.

    I like Jess. She seems like she’s a genuinely caring person, so I’ll cut her some slack.

    And oh yeah, Jess – call Dan. 🙂

  12. connie says:

    i have to re-iterate that jess does indeed come off as extremely high maintenance

  13. Tazina says:

    A needy partner can really turn the other person off eventually. The needy one gives off intense vibes of desperation, “please love me”, “how can I get you to marry me?” “I need to be with you, to please you”….Tony is probably breathing a big sigh of relief right now that he doesn’t have to dress up as “Ken”….he’s broken out and he’s not going to be looking back.

  14. Sudini says:

    I don’t really get the “needy” vibe from Jess. Unless people are referring to her wanting to settle down as being “needy”? In which case they’d be perpetuating the same old tired stereotype, like so many non-thinking people have before them.

    I just don’t see any real examples of her being high-maintenance or needy (unless a love for huge handbags and Louis Vuitton constitutes high-maintenance?) The only glimpses I do get of her tell me she’s a sweet and very sensitive person.

  15. saintdevil says:

    A “Ken & Barbie” themed birthday party is enough to drive nearly ANY heterosexual guy away…

  16. Codzilla says:

    “In which case they’d be perpetuating the same old tired stereotype, like so many non-thinking people have before them.”

    Wanting to settle down is one thing, but publicly yapping about it for years on end is something else entirely. And if you’re going to judge people’s intellectual merits based on whether or not they agree with your assessment of Jessica Simpson, then you’re the one who’s not thinking.

  17. Iggles says:

    She is needy! Now she wants to settle down?

    Newsflash Jess – You WERE settled down when you were married Nick. But you dumped him because you THOUGHT you could do better.

    Well, what comes around goes around! Now you’re alone.

  18. fizXgirl314 says:

    didn’t she dump nick because of some cheating rumors?

  19. Codzilla says:

    Sudini: Wait, what were we talking about, again? You’re right, I misinterpreted your original comment. Although I still think Jessica falls into the “needy” category.

    Edit: Uh, your rebuttal’s gone, but hopefully my response still makes sense. Now I really am confused, LOL.

  20. Green Is Good says:

    Of course Tony was looking for a way out. He’s heard Chestica sing.

  21. CeeJay says:

    Let’s see, she’s “needy” because she wants to get married. I’m so sick of hearing those two concepts associated with one another. Just because someone wants to be married does NOT mean they are needy. It means they want to live in a committed, monogamous relationship and throw away a lot of the garbage that goes along with dating. If Romo wanted the same thing we’d be reading headlines about “love birds” and “wedding bells”. It’s only because she wants it and he does not that we are labeling this woman as needy. Oh well, time to move on Jess. Sorry you wasted two years on this guy. Now you can concentrate on your new reality show and your multiple, profitable businesses. Some day when you are not looking you will meet the guy of your dreams who is just as “needy” as you are.

  22. fizXgirl314 says:

    yeah it is rather sad how in this country, wanting to have a family is considered some sort of shortcoming, whereas, in other cultures, that’s the ultimate goal in life… go figure *shrug*

  23. voodoobetty says:

    Every time the girl opens her mouth i cringe with embarrassment, I can only imagine how he felt. Although the guy does give off a very douche-y vibe (she seems to like that type, but most dumb chicks do).

    She needs to grow up and learn the art of talking with discretion. She comes across as being incredibly needy, insecure, unintelligent and immature.

  24. Ana says:

    I think Jessica comes off as needy because she has been dating guys that are clearly not ready for the same level of commitment. She listens too much to her father and lacks maturity.
    She was settled down with Nick but they divorced.
    Plus she is stupid and is one of those women that needs a man to take care of her.

    This blond (95% of the time) bimbo like singer heads into her local Starbucks several times a week. The workers at Starbucks have told you repeatedly that latte is not pronounced latty. You think it’s cute to keep doing it. They find it very annoying and you don’t want to piss off people who handle your food or beverages. They also find it annoying that you seem to make a comment about the tip jar every time you are there which is directed to no one in particular but makes the other customers wince.

    CDAN – This female singer is always in the spotlight no matter what she chooses to try and sing. If we went by singing talent alone she would probably be a B at best but I wouldn’t argue if you called her a C. Sings a few different styles of music. Anyway, she has had the same boyfriend for awhile now, but everytime she visits him she still cannot get into the elevator by herself and remember what floor he lives on or how to coordinate the key card needed for the elevator with the the pressing of the button for the floor. If she has a drink or two, forget it. It could be 15 minutes. Now, when security sees her coming they just walk her to the elevator and do it themselves.

    Both of these blind items have been reveal to be Jessica.
    She spends tons of money shopping. I think Nick was a good match for her because he wouldn’t even comment on some of the stupid things she said.

  25. lori says:

    I just don’t get why Tony Romo stayed with her 2 years if he wasn’t interested in marriage and kids. She always wore her heart on her sleeve, saying it was what she wanted from day one in every interview I ever read. It wasn’t like she blindsided him with the idea… I think this makes Romo look like a douche who led her on 🙁

  26. jojo says:

    He dumped her before HIS birthday or HERS? You say both, but I doubt they share the same birthday (though I don’t care enough to check).