A travel boom is expected now that people are getting vaccinated

Since half of the adults living in the U.S. have received at least their first dose of COVID vaccines, the travel business is seeing a huge boom. The travel industry first began to bounce back when those over 65 were fully vaccinated. They were able to enjoy the beaches and tourist destinations without screaming children and misbehaving adults. But now the industry is quickly selling out of plane tickets and venues around the the country. Since the State Department has recently issued travel advisories against 80%of countries, I’m assuming most of the travel will be within the U.S. and possibly Mexico. (Canada has a very strict policy currently for international travel.) CBS News recently spoke with National Geographic contributor Heather Greenwood Davis. Heather says that we should expect an increase in the price in airline tickets. She also said that we need to book our vacations now, especially for Christmas because destinations like Las Vegas are already sold out until 2022. Below are more details on the “post” COVID travel boom from CBS News:

Correspondent Tracy Smith asked, “Now that things are loosening up a bit, what do you see happening?”

“We’ve seen the ‘gray wave,’ which is, you know, all of the people who were sort of over the age of 65, who were getting those vaccinations first – the moment they got them, they took off. They’ve had all those resorts and beaches all to themselves,” said Davis. “And now that the CDC is loosening guidelines for the rest of Americans, I think we’re about to see a big travel boom. People have been chomping at the bit to get out there. And now that they have the chance, I think they’ll go”

And they’re going, all right: According to the Transportation Security Administration, more than 1.5 million people passed through airport security last Sunday alone. On the same day last year, the number was less than 91,000.

“It’s a brave new world right now,” said CBS News travel editor Peter Greenberg. He believes that by the summer the skies could be as crowded as ever.

Of course, airline ticket prices might also be heading skyward, after a year of some very deep discounts.

When asked how cheap airline tickets got, Greenberg replied, “They got to the point of stupid. A month ago, a one-way fare from Los Angeles to New York, nonstop on American, was $90. Today, it’s $203. Next week, it’ll be $278. And by three weeks from now, we’ll be right back to 2019 levels.

“And here’s the interesting thing: Back in November and December when people started to travel, even when the CDC recommended against it, where were they going? Were they going to visit granny? Was it family trip? No. They were going anywhere they could. They just said, ‘Get me out of here,’ and that’s where they went. And that trend is continuing now.”

“People just wanna get out anywhere?”

“Pick a place, go.”

But If you want to go to Vegas, or anywhere else, you might want to grab a reservation soon, says Heather Greenwood Davis: “Right now I’ve heard that Christmas travel booking, it’s very difficult to get something for Christmas. I also know some hotels that you won’t be able to get anything unless you’re looking for 2022.”

“What? 2021 is already sold out?” Smith asked.

“Definitely. The sort of the boutique, chic properties, there’s a few that are definitely sold out.”

She also says that, if living well really is the best revenge, then that might be reason enough for some people to pack up and hit the road, with a vengeance. “‘Revenge travel’ is the idea that, after a year of being at home, people are gonna get back at the pandemic, and actually get out there and live their best lives while traveling,” she said.

[From CBS News]

I am fully vaccinated and I do not take that from granted. I didn’t realize how much COVID was weighing on me until my second dose. As an introvert who loves cocooning at home, the lock downs didn’t affect me much. However, being grounded and not being able to travel was beginning to depress me. Being stuck in Houston for over a year was A LOT. So I feel those who are revenge traveling. Just last week I went to NYC and Niagara Falls for my forty-fifth birthday to spend time with friends. It was a relief – despite the craziness of traveling to get out of Texas. I want to warn people to get to the airport earlier than normal. I missed a flight because Intercontinental Airport was working on a skeleton crew and it took thirty minutes to check my luggage. Another thing is there may not be many Uber and Lyft drivers around. I was told by the lady working at the hotel in Niagara Falls, NY that many drivers are staying home because they make more being unemployed. Also, expect your favorite spots to still look like ghost towns. Niagara was absolutely deserted. New York City was quieter than normal but still busy.

I am not looking forward to airfare skyrocketing. Especially since airlines are not functioning at their best (I won’t bore you with my horror story of flying with a commercial airline last week) and the damn luggage fees. However, I am happy to be able to move about a bit more. I think I may spend the next year traveling around the U.S. and Mexico because I have yet to travel to Mexico and there are many places in the U.S. that I wish to see. Like many other Americans, I want to take longer vacations. (I did spend six months in Thailand and two months in Vietnam in 2019). Slow and sustainable travel will be the my new normal.

I know that we are not completely out of the woods yet with COVID. Many countries haven’t properly rolled out the vaccine which leaves the global community vulnerable. So as we travel let us continue to be aware and cautious so that we do not continue to spread COVID in vulnerable communities. Also to the singles, strap up while having your hot girl summers. It is being predicted that STIs will be on the rise because of our year-long dry spell. With that being said, I do hope that by the end of the summer the world will be operating from its new normal because I can’t wait to hug on friends that I haven’t seen in over a year.




photos credit: Uriel Mont, Jess Vide and Tyler Lastovich on Pexels. Lukas Souza on Unsplash

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40 Responses to “A travel boom is expected now that people are getting vaccinated”

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  1. Claire says:

    I can’t wait to travel again!! I’m getting married in August (bid ceremony or not, we’ve already postponed so it’s happening whether it’s a ceremony or just us) and we still haven’t booked a honeymoon, everywhere we want to go won’t let US citizens in so we will wait but I’ll be so excited when we can travel again

  2. OriginalLala says:

    I’m in Canada and we are horrifyingly caught in a 3rd wave of COVID. Please don’t come here, stay home and stay safe.

    When I’m vaccinated I will be focusing on travel within Canada to support local business and tourism in this beautiful, vast country.

    • Sarah says:

      Yep. Just chilling here in Ontario under our stay at home order part nine million, waiting on vaccines that could be months away.

      • Cee says:

        Same but in Buenos Aires. No vaccines in the horizon and most people only received the first dose so fully vaccinated numbers are really slow.
        Also, winter is coming.

      • Hello Sarah and OriginalLala from a fellow Ontarian/Canadian! Happy birthday Oya, I always love your articles and am glad that you are vaccinated!

    • LadyMTL says:

      Same here…I haven’t even gotten one dose yet but even when I am fully vaccinated if I do travel it will probably be within Canada. My oldest friend lives on the west coast and was supposed to visit last spring but obviously that didn’t happen. If I can go and visit her (perhaps this fall?) I will be so freaking happy.

    • Jordana says:

      Same! I’m getting the AZ vaccine this morning, and hope I can visit friends in other provinces this summer.

    • Watson says:

      Totally. Pls don’t come to Canada! Most of us do not have our first or our second dosage of vaccine yet and we are suffering a third wave!

      • ME says:

        Canadian here. What I don’t understand is why doesn’t Trudeau shut down international travel? We have flights landing at Pearson Airport from Brazil and India on the regular. The flights from India have positive cases on almost every single flight (it appears people are flying with fake Covid test results). Why is our PM allowing this? It’s ridiculous.

    • LittlePenguin says:

      Just another Canadian (from Alberta, our third wave is running two weeks or so behind Ontario) here who misses seeing the world. I haven’t stayed put this long since I was a university student. I have been at home, online schooling my kid for the past 13 months.
      While Canada is beautiful, please don’t come here right now. One of our mountain parks is at 25% positivity right now 🙁

    • Amanda says:

      Canadian here. Same. I’m thinking of doing the cross country train tour once things settle down.

  3. Snuffles says:

    I’m not even thinking about traveling until 2022.

    2021 will just me starting to get out and about again in my own state of Maryland. The furthest I’ll go is Washington DC. Probably to visit some museums. That’s it.

    But my bestie and I are already planning a big trip for 2022.

    • Becks1 says:

      I forgot we were neighbors! (well same state neighbors, lol.)

      And I agree that this spring and summer we are focused on getting out and about in the state and DC. The benefit of last summer was we discovered that our kids love hiking and are willing to do it and can handle up to 4-5 miles (they’re 6 and 8) so I think we’re going to spend a lot of time exploring all the state parks.

      We do have a big disney trip planned but we’re driving and that’s a rescheduled one from last summer.

  4. Tanya says:

    I’ve definitely noticed the uptick of tourists in my neighborhood since the beginning of the month.

    • liz says:

      Same. I was asked directions in Central Park over the weekend. It was the first time in well over a year.

      I’ve gotten dose 2, Hubby gets his on Friday, Kiddo next week. We are actually starting to contemplate doing some college tours this summer – Kiddo is finishing their junior year and has toured exactly one college campus. That was what we were supposed to be doing over Spring Break this year.

  5. Zaya says:

    Prepandemic, I was constantly traveling. In 2019, I went to Thailand twice, Singapore, Hong Kong, France, the UK, Mexico twice, Portland, Hawaii, Dallas, and NYC thrice. This is the first time I’ve spent a year without going anywhere. I didn’t even leave the county. I do miss traveling, and even though I’m vaccinated, I don’t have any immediate plans to travel anywhere right now. On the one hand, I can’t wait to go somewhere, but on the other, I’m still nervous.

  6. Jennifer says:

    Guilty. I’m two weeks post second shot yesterday. My sister is across the country and I spent yesterday searching flights. We will see how the spring plays out but I am hoping for a hug soon.

    • TaraBest says:

      Jennifer, same here! I’ve now been separated from my sister for longest time in my life, including before she was born. We’re looking at flights for next month now and will hopefully have something in place this week. Although, we may just spend the whole time together holed up at home, just looking forward to that hug!

  7. Carnivalbaby says:

    Be safe out there living your best lives. In my country we only just started vaccinating and there is a high degree of skepticism. We are heading into a second wave and possibly lockdown. It seems weird seeing other countries resume life as if things have returned to normal, but on some level they have. My friends and family in the US are back in their offices, masks are optional again in public spaces and yeah they are travelling. I am as anxious as ever.

  8. Kay says:

    We have two domestic trips coming up and are PUMPED! My spouse and I got COVID (from the grocery store, in a mask, after doing NOTHING for a longggg 9 months) at the end of 2020, and we were fortunate to get vaccinated in March (educators + living in an area where a lot of people didn’t want to get the vaccine, so there was plenty available), so by all metrics, we should be extremely safe (reinfection with natural immunity is extremely low, studies from the vaccine continue to show excellent results). We picked two cities where we could spend a lot of time outside, and will obviously wear masks on the plane/in restaurants/in the few museums and indoor areas we want to see. We’re viewing it as an excellent opportunity to see some new places after 14 months of isolation, and a great way to support the airline/restaurants/businesses at our destination.

    I suspect that we’ll see a lot of “less exciting” trips as people ease back into traveling. I’m about as excited for Denver as I was for our Paris honeymoon back in 2019!

  9. Astrid says:

    I was able to snag some cheap air fare and hotel rooms in Las Vegas for a trip to renew our vows over Halloween. It’s been over a year stuck at home when pre-pandemic, we used to travel all the time. I’m thinking Vegas is going to be one crazy place come late October with people busting out after lockdown and vaccinations.

  10. Darla says:

    I’m going to Woodstock for Memorial Day, and hoping to rebook my New Orleans trip which I had to cancel over Covid. October it seems I’m going to be in Vegas but that is a business trip. I wouldn’t travel outside the country for the safety of the citizens who don’t have the same access we do to the vaccine. I can’t imagine going outside the country until 2022, when I would love to go to Canada, but we’ll see.

    • Natters5 says:

      I went to Woodstock twice since the lockdown, I rented a beautiful renovated barn and it saved my sanity. I live in NYC and having nature without people around me truly helped.

  11. fifee says:

    Maybe next year for me. My travelling plans revolve around getting to Australia to see my daughter who I havent seen face to face since Dec. ’18. We were supposed to go last year and that was cancelled, we rebooked for this coming June but Australia hasnt opened their borders yet to anyone other than New Zealanders (just this week I think) and Australian citizens if theyre lucky enough to get a flight. Luckily though I moved to France just before Brexit and although we are in a partial lockdown I can still travel to the supermarket and the local town and see things I havent seen before so that in itself is exciting for me. Plus I get to see it before the place is inundated with tourists. Hopefully by June things will have opened up a bit more and I can travel a wee bit further afield.

  12. betsyh says:

    Is it truly safe to travel again? What about the variants of Covid-19 that the current vaccines don’t protect us against?

    • sassafras says:

      There’s a really great episode of the In the Bubble Podcast that just came out – it’s called “Toolkit – What’s Safe for Summer” or something like that. Experts on it, giving their opinion on travel, summer camps, visiting family and more. It reassured me on a lot of things.

  13. Eleonor says:

    I think it will take YEARS to go back to travelling the way we were used to.
    And even if we are vaccinated, the virus is still changing.
    Having said that: for my birthday I will go to Paris, I have booked the train (I had a ticket in 2020…) and I will be doing my first trip in more than one year. Three and half hours on a train, I hope I will not be forced to cancel again, I am excited and scared.

  14. A reader says:

    Oya i feel this post sooooooo hard! I hadn’t left Texas since August 2019 until i flew to Florida last Friday.

    I booked my trip the day i returned from getting my first dose, once i knew which vax i had and when my immunity kicked in.

    I saw my two childhood best friends for the first time in 23 months. We hugged SO HARD and shed many happy tears.

    I had over 10 trips planned in 2020. My heart needed this.

  15. FeedMeChips says:

    The NY side of Niagara Falls is a frightening place, especially at night. I live nearby, and do not recommend it. It’s definitely been a dead zone lately.

  16. Case says:

    I can definitely understand those who are anxious to travel to see family they haven’t been able to safely visit in over a year. But in terms of taking a vacation? I don’t feel safe doing that and won’t until probably the latter part of 2022, depending on how things play out. Traveling by plane is just out of the question for me. If work starts asking me to travel again, I’ll drive.

    I’ve been fully-vaccinated for a month now and I’m just now considering a big outing to Barnes & Noble, lol.

  17. Savu says:

    I am literally at the airport right now, leaving for our wedding in Mexico. It was a shitshow, and very stressful in February (remember how hard it was to find a vaccine then?!), but all 15 of our guests are fully vaccinated. We’re hoping we snuck in before things get REALLY wild. It’s still weird to be somewhere crowded though. I’m an introvert, and I haven’t been in crowds in a year! Get me outta here! 😂

  18. Tiffany says:

    I have been watching this channel on YouTube of someone who travels by overnight ferries and trains in Japan. And now I want to travel to Japan just to do that since I am fully vaccinated.

    But they will take one look at my passport, laugh and tell me to go back home because Japan has been taking this seriously from jump.

  19. lucy2 says:

    I’m hoping to do a small trip by car this fall, but that’s it for this year I think. Hopefully next year a big trip somewhere, but we’ll see how it goes.
    I do hope this helps everyone who works in tourism and hospitality, it’s been a long rough year for them.

  20. Tiffany :) says:

    I’m seeing my family in August, and I can’t wait to see them! I think we are also going to do a road trip to see friends in Colorado. I’m not so much focused on locations and boutique hotels, I just want to see the people I care about and hug them. I’m making a playlist to dance with my family in celebration. It will be joyous.

  21. tealily says:

    I’m not planning on tourism travel just yet, but I’m dying to travel home and see family. My first-born niece is now almost a year old and I still haven’t met her, and my mom had major surgery without me.

  22. Leah says:

    I’m not traveling anywhere on a plane until the thing has been eradicated. I’m just staying chill because even though I’ve had the vaccine that doesn’t mean there’s not a variant waiting in the wings. I also have a heart problem so that’s a no go. I also know my history, in 1919 people also thought that the flu was over in 1918, they dropped their guard and the thing rampaged into 1920.

    You can’t be too arrogant about these viruses because the virus will bite you. That Ted Nugent guy is an example, he kept rattling on about how the virus was fake and the virus laughed…last.

    Maybe in late 2022 or 2023? Crowds still give me the willies tbh.

    • Holland S says:

      Yeah. I’m not traveling until at least next year. I’m not going to be the test bunny for the vaccine’s effectiveness against all strains. I’m far too paranoid.

    • Lex says:

      Experts say it won’t ever be eradicated, but to expect a flu like situation where we get new vaccinations yearly