Rumer Willis wants to be a singer

Rumer Willis was on The Bonnie Hunt show this morning, and I have to say that she impressed me at first with how nice and normal she came across. My opinion was quickly changed by some of the clueless things she said, though. This was the first time I’ve seen Rumer interviewed. She was on Letterman earlier this year promoting that college slasher film, and I meant to see it but she got bumped the first night so that they could air a full segment of dogs diving into a swimming pool.

Given some of the snotty things Rumer has said in the past about how she’s entirely responsible for her b-movie career and how her famous family has nothing to do with her success, I expected her to seem more stuck up her own butt. She may seem superficially down-to-earth, but you can tell that she has a high estimation of herself that might not jibe with reality. When Bonnie asked Rumer what else she’d like to get into besides acting, she said “music,” and clarified that she’d like to sing. She explained that she liked to sing Spice Girls songs with her sisters as a kid, as if that makes her qualified to be a professional singer.

Rumer also talked about how she makes sure the tabloid attention doesn’t get to her:

Actress Rumer Willis sits down with talk show host Bonnie Hunt to talk about joining the cast of The CW’s “90210,” growing up with famous parents and how she handles tabloid attacks on “The Bonnie Hunt Show” on Tuesday, November 3.

Bonnie asks Rumer how she deals with living under the microscope in the age of tabloids and celebrity blogs that are not always kind to celebrities.

Rumer tells her, “At the end of the day you have to live your life and you can’t let other people’s opinions dictate how you feel about yourself because God forbid, if I
looked at every time someone said I had a bad hair day or I was wearing the wrong shoes I’d be screwed.”

In addition to acting, Rumer also tells Bonnie that she is interested in singing and would sing as kid with her sisters in pretend concerts. [CB Note: Rumer brought up singing and music as a career, Bonnie didn’t ask her directly about it.] “That would be really fun. When I was a kid, we [Rumer and her sisters] had the “Spice Girls” kind of concerts in our house. There’s some video of it but I’m hoping it never comes out!”

[Received via e-mail from The Bonnie Hunt Show]

I’m sure she’ll say that all the doors that magically open up for her singing career based on a childhood hobby are solely due to her amazing talent and not her family’s connections. I was so ready to forgive Rumer for some of the obnoxious stuff she’s said in the past, like maybe assume she had a bad day or her words were taken out of context. Her quotes like “the jobs I get are based on me,” and “talent is all that matters” were no fluke, though. She’s going to take advantage of all the opportunities she can dream of as a celebrity daughter, and she won’t ever acknowledge the fact that she would be still waiting for a break if her last name wasn’t Willis. In her mind, that’s not even a consideration.

Rumer Willis and her dad Bruce are shown at the premiere of Surrogates on 9/24/09. She’s also shown at Screamfest with her boyfriend, Micah Alberti, on 10/22/09. Credit:

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36 Responses to “Rumer Willis wants to be a singer”

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  1. Firestarter says:

    And I want to be an academy award winning actress.

  2. Praise St. Angie! says:

    Did she sing at all on the show?

    that would be a good indication right there. otherwise, when she says she wants to “sing”, I can only assume she means “stand in front of a band on stage and warble while the Autotune does its work”.

  3. buellblaster says:

    Naw…the last name Willis hasn’t helped her at all…it’s all due to her Academy Award-worthy acting. Grammy’s here she comes!

  4. Jessica says:

    I wanna win a million dollars…

  5. RAMONA says:

    Wow….Rumer Willis, a “singing star”, that is all we need…I thought she wanted to be an actor last week…Oh well, I am sure she will go on to “achieve her dreams”, by standing on the shoulders of her mega famous parents,(and please don’t say she wouldn’t do that), and we can all just close our eyes and sail off into a sunset of Rumer Willis’s “Chortling Nightmare”….Shiver…

  6. Fire says:

    Why wouldn’t you take advantage of your last name to get you jobs in Hollywood??? Seems like a pretty tough town to get work.

    BUT, own it, you know? And until some movie comes out that she does that’s BRILLIANT (highly doubt that Sorority Row is going to win her any Oscars) keep yer trap shut about your “talent.”

  7. Jojo says:

    Every time I see her, I just want to punch her in her Potato Head face!

  8. lottaluvin says:

    I might be alone here but why not? Most of the popular singers now can’t really “sing” have no real talent and only sound kinda good due to studio trickery..

  9. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “Most of the popular singers now can’t really “sing” have no real talent and only sound kinda good due to studio trickery..”

    right, so why do we need yet another talentless celeb-spawn polluting the airwaves with their “music”?

    there are plenty of talented singers/bands out there that actually write and sing their own music. give them a chance.

  10. Tammy King says:

    AGAIN with “at the end of the day”. Get original people!

  11. Sumodo1 says:

    Well, The Beatles even let Ringo sing, so, there you go!

  12. Tammy King says:

    at least Ringo could play the drums!

  13. Maritza says:

    Yeah, I want to be a size 2.

  14. jm says:

    Holy veneers, batman. Did she get her big teeth done by the same dentist as Hilary Duff?

  15. birdie says:

    Ew when did she glue the chiclets on to her teeth.

  16. NIKKI says:

    And I want to sing Top That in the middle of Time Square and have everyone stand by and clap in unision, then have some MTV or BMG (i think they’re still there) music mogul come downstairs and beg me to sign a contract worth billions.

  17. Sumodo1 says:

    I wanna job!And my Gravatar back.

  18. Feebee says:

    Unfortunately she can’t sing because if she could she would have already put out music. She has huge Hollywood connections so if she had talent they would have found her by now. Kids like her don’t have to pay the same dues.

  19. Lantana says:

    She’s in a tough spot. If she does nothing, she’s a lazy-ass who’s sponging up her parent’s fortune. If she wants to go into acting, she’s riding on her parent’s coattails. If her roles suck, it’s because she’s a bad actor, but if she got a good role, it would be because, again, she’s riding on her parent’s coattails. She’s not exactly a beautiful girl by purely aesthetic standards, so when she does accomplish anything, it’s “Rumor’s butt ugly but thank god her parents are famous.” What in the world could this girl do that would cut her a break? I guess if she went to Harvard and became an MD that went to Africa and specialized in viral contagions among the indigent tribes, we’d think she was OK. Can any of us imagine what it’s like to be judged like she is? I feel sorry for her. Not pity, but sympathy.

  20. Hola says:

    Yes and i am sure She would like to have a new chin and new lips and a new nose and body too. Well actually maybe she should just change everything-except her name of course. Than i think she could make it!

  21. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “What in the world could this girl do that would cut her a break?”

    how about getting a regular job? there are plenty of siblings and children of celebrities who have so-called “normal” jobs.

    no, she shouldn’t sponge off her parents, but she should also realize that she doesn’t have the (marginal) talent either of her parents have or the good looks they both have.

    she has the money to get any kind of education that she wants, so she COULD go for an MD and become a doctor. no, she doesn’t have to go do humanitarian work in Africa, but she could be a lawyer, a social worker, a nurse, a teacher, etc…

    there’s no rule that says she has to be famous because her parents are.

    she’s putting herself out there to be judged..why else would she thrust herself into the spotlight? she WANTS the attention, and she damn well better realize that if you ask for attention in the way she has, you’ll get it. and it won’t always be positive attention.

    just my 2 cents.

  22. lizzie says:

    No matter what she does or what roles she plays etc. her career began only because of who her parents are, not because she worked hard for it, not because she had talent and not because she was pretty. Now if she was talented and did more than party and be seen then maybe people would cut her slack, but she still lacks talent thus her career is still based on who her mommy and daddy are.

  23. Bodhi says:

    Exactly, Praise! It seems like Demi & Bruce did a pretty good job raising the girls; why doesn’t she go to college? Get a degree in media management or marketing or something? She knows the industry, I’m sure she could do something in it. Hell, there are even schools in LA so she wouldn’t have to leave the sunshine!

  24. Green Is Good says:

    I want to be the Queen of Milky Way, but that ain’t happening either.

    Poor wittle Rumer is bored. Rumer needs a new distraction.

    Rumer pouts she wants to be singer! Now! Now! Now! (as she stamps her feet)

    First she wanted to be a model. Then she wanted to be an actress. Rumer was “so ready for fame”. But she can’t be bothered to take acting, singing or modeling lessons.

    But Mommy and Daddy’s name and money will keep opening doors for this talentless, spoiled brat.

  25. ☠MeowBea says:

    her Paris & Lindsey should form a loser group…ah NOT!! 👿

  26. Ling says:

    She needs to keep the longer hair. The first picture of her and Bruce? THERE is the inner Demi manifestation I’ve been waiting for.

    I kinda love Rumer… I think she’s the only celebrity who’s ever been caught using facebook as I or any of my friends would. (She got totally blasted for it, though…)

  27. snowball says:

    If Scarlett Johanssen (sp?) can get a recording contract, I don’t see why Rumer can’t.

    I see she’s in the running with Miley Cyrus for the biggest beaver teef.

  28. Kevin says:

    Rumer, let me tell you something. (in your head you can make it sound like Fire Marshall Bill said that if you want). My sister is an LPN. She is also a singer. How can you tell since she is not famous? Well, on Sunday she sings her heart out at her church. When she is vacuuming her home or taking care of my nephew, she’s singing. If she’s out washing her car, she’s singing. Fact of the matter is, singers sing,,,a lot! (and yeah it is kinda annoying sometimes but she’s a sweet heart and I love her) Now, Rumer, you don’t want to be a singer. Why don’t you tell us what you really want. Here I will make it easy for you. You just want to be famous and to be anybody other than Tater-head.

  29. Joe says:

    Poor woman is shockingly ugly and the fake horse teeth are hideous.

  30. GatsbyGal says:

    Such an unfortunate-looking chick…dear god.

  31. hannah says:

    as an actor, it is so annoying to hear a child of somebody in the industry talk about how the roles they get have nothing to do with connections, and is based on talent…they have no idea that the hardest part is getting a decent audition, not getting the job.

  32. charles in charge says:


  33. yeah, ok says:

    As a fellow wanna-be, Hannah is 100% right. So much of Hollywood is connections. Case in point, Judd Apatow was roomies w/Seth Rogen and Adam Sandler. Of course, they helped each other out. Owen and Luke Wilson were roomies w/ a director who put them in his film. Rumor has no idea what it’s really like, because her family has opened all the doors for her.

  34. Jen says:

    Wow, Rumer looks really pretty in these pictures. These are possibly the nicest pictures I’ve ever seen of her. 🙂

  35. Kelly says:

    How did two attractive people create 3 such hideous looking children? I know it’s cruel and superficial to say but each one is even uglier than the next!

  36. Jazz says:

    God save us all!!