Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves did a joint interview, would love to work together again

One of my favorite movies from the 1990s is Speed. It’s part of my action movie-loving origin story, lol. Speed stars Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves recently appeared on an episode of the 50 MPH podcast. They must have been the pod’s white whales, as it’s dedicated to talking about Speed! I believe this was Sandy’s first official interview since her partner, Bryan Randall, died. It’s nice to have her back and I wish her all the best. Every year, on April 23, I text my sisters the gif from Miss Congeniality, ha. I also love that movie! Anyway, during the 50 MPH episode, Keanu and Sandra talked about the first Speed, and whether they’d want to work together again. (Sandra and Keanu also co-starred in 2006’s The Lake House.) Yay, they do!

Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves are eager to reunite onscreen soon.

Bullock and Reeves, who famously costarred in 1994’s Speed and 2006’s The Lake House, appeared on the May 6 episode of the 50 MPH podcast — a show entirely dedicated to the making of Speed — where they discussed the action classic action and the possibility of working together again.

“Before I die, before I leave this planet, I do think that Keanu and I need to do something in front of the camera,” Bullock, 59, said, after the podcast’s host Kris Tapley encouraged the pair to lobby for a third Speed movie. “Are we, you know, in wheelchairs or with walkers? Maybe. Maybe.”

Reeves, also 59, said he holds a mutual interest in making a third movie with Bullock, whether it is a Speed sequel or not.

“It does feel like it’s — there is a siren call to it,” he said. “I think I would love to work with you again before our eyes close. We’d freakin’ knock it out of the park.”

Speed, directed by Jan de Bont, follows Reeves as a police officer in Los Angeles tasked with disarming a bomb on a bus full of passengers primed to explode if the vehicle’s speed drops below 50 miles per hour. Bullock portrays a bus passenger who steps in to drive the bus after its driver is wounded.

The movie made $118 million at the domestic box office and proved the seventh highest-grossing film of 1994 in the U.S. Bullock later starred in a sequel to the movie, titled Speed 2: Cruise Control, that was produced without Reeves and featured a hijacked cruise ship rather than a bus. Reeves has shared multiple times that he chose not to star in the sequel because he did not like its script.

While host Tapley did not ask Bullock to speak to her experience filming the sequel, the Oscar winner did suggest that a third Speed could simply pick up where the second left off and thanked the podcast “for taking me down memory lane.”

“I mean, I realize how much I block out and it’s nice to reflect on something that’s sweet. There’s not a lot of sweet, but, I just now I’m sort of filled with a full heart,” Bullock said. “I’m a little weepy, you know? It was a good time. It was a really good time. And we were very lucky. I was very lucky on many levels.”

[From People]

I would LOVE to see Sandra and Keanu do another movie together, but I really hope it’s not another Speed sequel. There’s no need to add it to the growing list of movies and franchises that have been revived or remade. We’re good! Instead, the only existing franchise that I’d MAYBE accept the two of them in is if Sandra tapped into her inner action star and joined Keanu to kick ass in the next John Wick. I can always use more John Wick in my life. (A requisite moment of silence for the amazing Lance Reddick.) But really, I’d love to see them do something new and different. And yes, I did see The Lake House but honestly, it was 18 years ago, and I can’t remember that much about it other than it felt like it was very long. Come on, Hollywood. Make this happen.

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Photos credit: Getty, Daniel Deme/Wenn/Avalon, Michael Germana/Avalon, Z. Tomaszewski/Wenn/Avalon, Chris Delmas/Avalon, Nikki Nelson/Wenn/Avalon

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21 Responses to “Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves did a joint interview, would love to work together again”

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  1. Nubia says:

    They were so Hot in Speed such great chemistry and great to look at. Keanu bless his heart for being a good dude because his acting is appalling ,I always get virtually pelted when I mention that.

    • sparrow says:

      Agree. It is poor. Dracula for the accent. But just generally not the best. It’s hard not to conflate his personality with his ability, the former being lovely and the latter being not too good. On a different note – that huge low slung belt Sandra’s wearing in one of the photos. What year is that? Memories of the 1980s, of wearing hot pink and neon blue or bright yellow and orange tops, sometimes massive stripes, with a huge black belt! A bit like the belt on the awful Diana statue, albeit she has it at the waist. Also, love Sandra for while you were sleeping, and house on the lake (which made no sense but is so sweet).

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Omg have you seen “knock knock” it was horrible, i stopped it because I was about to pull my eyes out. But who doesnt love keanu. Speed & point break with patrick Swayze are my favorites. I hope sandra & keanu make another one, but please give me romcom. And not a movie where they film separately. Like lake house and many other movies now. Thats lame

      • sparrow says:

        Yes, lake house is silly with the split filming but I love it so. I think it’s because I watch it as part of my end-of-year romcomathon and I’m in the mood where nonsense doesn’t matter. Having them in different times and therefore scenes wasn’t the best. Agree that it has to be a solid romcom this time round.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      I don’t think his acting is good or nowhere competent, but he always had an incredible screen presence which.. is actually rarer than acting talent. I wouldn’t have seen anyone else in Speed or The Matrix or John Wick or Point Break, to be fair.

      Plus, he seems a good guy in real life too which also tend to be exceptional these days…

    • Flamingo says:

      Maybe with Keanu its about the Director. He was amazing in My own Private Idaho.

      Loved Speed, hated Speed 2.

      I think they have mad chemistry together. I hope they find another project together.

  2. It Really Is You, Not Me says:

    My sister and I watched Speed on VHS three times every Saturday for like 2 months. We loooovved that movie. I don’t love all the Hollywood remakes, but I could get on board with a Keanu/Sandra sequel of Speed.

  3. Nanea says:

    Seeing those photos from the London “Lake House” premiere took me back.

    I was there, as a friend of a friend of Keanu, and it was fun getting to meet both of them.

    Someone more intelligent than me had suggested to bring along Nuremberg sausges, a specialty from Sandy’s birthplace in Germany, and it was the perfect ice breaker that helped us secure an invitation to the afterparty at the Sanderson hotel. Can’t believe it’s been 18 years already.

    So how about – if they’re intent on making a Speed threequel – to call it Slow? They’ll both turn 60 after all later this year.

    I’d prefer a stand-alone story though, preferably a comedy, please. K has done so much action stuff all his life.

    • SpankyB says:

      It can be filmed in a retirement home transportation bus.

      (I just turned 60, I can make this joke. lol)

  4. Lissen says:

    Okay, I’m gonna disagree with those whose take on Keanu is ‘the guy can’t act’. I agree with the few critics who see him as an actor who ‘becomes’ the character. A minority, but I’m one of them. lol

    May I offer these links? Of that time he played Hamlet, on stage, live theatre. Yeah, I know. But …

    • Susan says:

      I saw him in Hamlet with my Grade 12 class. Highlight of my graduation year. I can’t speak to the acting as I’m not sure that 17 year old me was a reliable theatre critic. I was just totally mesmerized by seeing someone that beautiful in person. I do remember all the stories from around Winnipeg about what an awesome person he was anytime he was out and about. What a gem.

  5. Shawna says:

    Rom com!

  6. smcollins says:

    I’d love to see them together again in a movie, they have such great chemistry and an easygoing charm between them. And not sure if it was a typo, but the Miss Congeniality perfect date quote is April 25 not 23 😉😆.

  7. Yup, Me says:

    I love Keanu for Speed and I love his use of the phrase “… before our eyes close.”

    I would love to see them together in something that blends romcom and action (a mish mash of the two genres they’ve already done together).

    Keanu has been moving like his back hurts in his last several action movies and it’s making me more and more grumpy. I’m tired of movies trying to convince me that these old ass men are still dick and ball swinging physical heroes, beating hoardes of men half their age and twice their size and walking away with barely a scratch.

  8. Sasha says:

    Wow Sandra looked amazing with that auburnish hair. I hope she’s healing from her loss.

  9. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    Please hear me out, how about Sandra taking on the role as the Concierge of the Continental in the next John Wick movie? While I agree that Lance Reddick was and will forever be the Concierge, Sandra could play that part plus add a tiny bit of levity that really makes the John Wick movies so wonderful.

  10. Mina_Esq says:

    I want them to star together in sequel to Constantine!

  11. Wednesday Addams says:

    I would love to see them in an adult romance, with a little tragedy, a little comedy.

  12. filledelettres says:

    I’m not surprised two people tolerant enough of neo-Nazis to make them into close friends and spouses would be up for a sequel to their copaganda romcom, but please, no, we truly could not need one any less right now. Least of all from the woman who spent many years dating and then married to Jesse James, a literal neo-Nazi, and the man who was, last we heard still is, friends with Toni McBride, the officer who killed Daniel Hernandez.