DM: If the Sussexes say they need security, why is Nigeria giving them security??

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There’s so much happening in Nigeria with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s visit, and we only have Getty photos and social media pics. I don’t know if the Sussexes or the Nigeria government blocked the international media from having larger access, but I’m sure it’s something like that. That being said, I’m glad everything seems to be under control around their tour of the country. This isn’t a “royal tour,” so the international media isn’t entitled to access. Still, I wish we had more photos! I’m including some cool pics from the dinner at the Nigerian Defence Headquarters in Abuja on Friday, as well as some early pics on Friday, with Meghan in a smart white suit. The suit is from Altuzarra and it’s been in Meghan’s closet for years. The white column dress is from St. Agni.

As for the Sussexes’ security, as I said, it looks like everything is being handled easily and professionally. Next to no presence from the international media means that Nigerian photographers and media can move freely around the Sussexes. From the looks of things, the Sussexes are being taken care of very well but they’re not in some tower. They’re interacting with locals and having a lot of fun. From the way the Mail is complaining about it, you would think that the Nigerian Army has been sent to create a barrier around the Sussexes. Par for the course from a nation which thinks that security should follow rank and not threat.

Prince Harry has flaunted his ‘presidential-style’ four-man security team on his ‘quasi-royal’ trip of Nigeria. Critics have claimed the trip to the ninth most dangerous country in Africa is ‘hypocritical’ and have branded it the ‘Harry and Meghan show’.

Former royal protection officer Dai Davies said: ‘Seeing all his presidential style security really does stick in the throat. For a couple who say all they want is privacy to visit one of the most dangerous places in the world and that’s not me saying that, it’s the Foreign office as well, is crazy and you have to wonder why. It would have been much safer and easier if wounded Nigerian soldiers were flown to London instead of having all this security and a vast expense to a country where many are living on less than £1.50 a day. You have to ask yourself is it really all about the charities or is it the Harry and Meghan show.’

For their 72 hours ‘private trip’ Harry and Meghan have their own four-man security team which they have paid for themselves, and Nigeria is providing its own protection at a massive expense. After the visit to General Musa which lasted an hour, the couple met wives of military personnel who had been waiting outside and at one point they were almost overwhelmed by the crowd.

Former royal protection officer Ken Wharfe, who accompanied the late Princess of Wales and the King to Nigeria in the early 1990s, told MailOnline that the trip laid bare Harry’s ‘hypocrisy’. He said: ‘I went to Nigeria with Harry’s mother and father and it was pretty lawless back then and so you do have to question why he has gone there if he says the safety of his wife and children is uppermost. If the situation deems that level of protection, then you do have to ask why he is there and for him to say he feels unsafe in London when he has all that security in London does leave you asking does it make sense to go. He’s going to a high-risk country and I’m sure he will be looked after but he is a high level target and one that would certainly in the feather of anyone looking to make him a dramatic impact.’

Harry and Meghan have a four-person security team for their 72-hour visit to Nigeria for which they have paid themselves as well as additional protection provided by the west African country. Their escort comprised ten army vehicles, two ambulances and three Toyota pickups with mounted machine guns.

[From The Daily Mail]

These British security experts are throwing full temper tantrums which consist of “if Harry is so insistent that he needs security, why is he getting security in Nigeria?!?” They cannot fathom how their dumbf–k arguments fail to land. “You mean other countries prioritize the security of visiting VIPs? What do you mean that Harry and Meghan have a high-level security risk and they should be treated as such by governments?” They’re so mad that Britain’s carelessness with the Sussexes’ lives doesn’t extend to America, Nigeria, Germany, The Netherlands, and everywhere else. This is also one of the dumbest and most racist things I’ve ever heard: “It would have been much safer and easier if wounded Nigerian soldiers were flown to London.” That statement was made just days after Harry’s father briefed the Daily Mail about Harry’s schedule and how he had not requested a room at the palace. “Why didn’t the Nigerian government fly a bunch of injured Nigerian veterans to London so that Harry could see them here???” GTFO, my god.

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184 Responses to “DM: If the Sussexes say they need security, why is Nigeria giving them security??”

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  1. seaflower says:

    “It would have been much safer and easier if wounded Nigerian soldiers were flown to London.” – only people as self absorbed and mealy mouthed as Chuck/Camz/Willnot or their toadies would even think that, let alone make that appalling statement.

    • OliviaOne says:

      The fact this clown expert is actually saying that Harry “… is a high level target…” is just *chef’s kiss*
      Yet somehow Charlie doesn’t think his own son should get protection from the government in the UK and pulled *all* his tantrums and strings to make sure it was pulled.

    • sevenblue says:

      They really think the world revolves around their island. What a shameful thing to say.

      • Yes they do think that it all revolves around them. They are so angry that the Sussexes are being treated like the VPs that they are so they come up with this nonsense.

      • SarahCS says:

        These are also the people who I can guarantee think of any non-white country as ‘the colonies/the empire’. Racism is strong. As is the deafening silence about the Sussexes being invited to do all of this.

      • Christine says:

        Exactly right. My God, they really think injured people should be loaded on an airplane and flown to England so they can genuflect? How very empire building of them, and it’s horrifying.

    • Melissa says:

      That statement about flying wounded Nigerian veterans to London jumped out at me too. The audacity, entitlement, and racism is just staggering.

      I know it shouldn’t be a surprise at this point but I am still consistently shocked by the fact that there is clearly *no one* proofreading these articles who has enough sanity/humanity to say “For the love of God we can’t publish a statement like that!” I guess they really don’t see a problem with it.

      • Square2 says:

        “…there is clearly *no one* proofreading these articles who has enough sanity/humanity to say “For the love of God we can’t publish a statement like that!”…”

        Yes, the majority of British “newspapers” editors & editors at-large are racist asf*%k. Made me wonder did the what do the British universities’ journalism courses teach? How to write like a tabloid? How to advance British Colonialism?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Fly injured Nigerian soldiers to the UK for a photo-op, and then what? Have Sunak throw them on a plane to Uganda? Bish, please.
        Also, if your “professional knowledge” of the threat level of another country is 40 years out of date, maybe you aren’t the expert you think you are.
        Racist RPOs need to take hold of a steaming hot mug of STFU and drink deeply.

    • Jais says:

      Bc transporting wounded people by plane to London for a photo-op wouldn’t be barbaric at all. The Sussexes aren’t there just for random photo-ops. They’re drawing attention to the IG so that they can bring actual support to the wounded soldiers as opposed to just sticking them on a plane. My god. It’s really hard to read the way they are talking about Nigeria. From what I can tell, Nigeria is hosting the Sussexes beautifully and showing the world they possess more humanity and care than Harry’s own country. These people need to keep Nigeria out of their freaking mouths.

      • Babz says:

        There were so many pictures and Tweets of the Nigerian Squaddies surrounding Meghan and loving her – and Harry. They made and wore beautiful local fashions in the Invictus colors and took dozens of photos with her. The comments were fabulous, saying that with the Nigerian aunties surrounding her, Meghan was in the safest place on earth, because those aunties would have turned into lionesses to protect her. It was a feast for the eyes and senses reading about it. And the derangers were losing their damned minds about it, because they refuse to comprehend what an asset she is and could have been to the monarchy.

    • paintybox says:

      It’s autocratic af but also so entirely disingenuous because we all know that if they DID fly in wounded vets for Harry to visit on English soil, there would be a full-throttle heyday of never-ending vicious abuse hurled at Harry and Meghan for their sheer presumption and for competing with King Tampon and the Tampon Brigade. The war is already won, Harry & Meghan have prevailed – Charles and Camilla’s reign has been exposed for what it really stands for. It’s all a bunch of impotent sputtering nonsense. There, I said it.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        All of the wailing is just to cover this fact up. You nailed it. They’ve been exposed, history will see them for what they are.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        That’s why H&M are such a threat to the monarchy. They’ve revealed Chuckles, the side chick, Peggy and their ilk for what they are: weak-willed, cheating, jealous, whining, petty, lying grifters. That barn door has been opened and the stench of swine has been released.

      • MY3CENTS says:

        They are a threat because they are a 100 %power house of diplomacy and philanthropy with 0% tax funded money.
        They are proving the monarchy is irrelevant and wasteful.

      • Slippers4life says:

        All of this!!

    • Cj says:

      Just shows how upset they are that they don’t get full access to H&M.

      Full on toddler tantrum with stamping feet because they don’t get their way. Shame it’s taken this many years to learn they aren’t the centre of the universe. Many toddlers are figuring that out before the age of 5.

    • Magdalena says:

      That statement is racist in more ways than that. The UK government is so anti-foreigner (but only the “wrong” kind of foreigner, mark you) that there is no way a group of injured Nigerian soldiers would easily be able to enter the country, no matter what the reason. The hoops they would have to jump through would not be worth it. If they needed visas, it is doubtful they would be granted. They are telling on themselves.

      • Babz says:

        Not only racist, but the sheer arrogance of that statement is mind boggling. To fly soldiers – wounded soldiers, some of them severely – to the UK so Harry could “look” sat them, is just outrageous. It brings to mind that tv presenter last week saying that he was entitled to look at Meghan. They don’t see these injured soldiers as human, because they aren’t white, and that’s all there is to it. Once more, I am thankful Harry and Meghan escaped that shit institution.

      • bisynaptic says:

        Why should they even have to fly to the UK? What does the UK have to do with it?

    • BeanieBean says:

      That was astonishingly arrogant & awful. They’re going to insult an entire country just to continue to demonize Meghan & Harry?? And they think this is a good look?

    • brincalhona says:

      If it’s OK to fly sick people long distances to be gawped at, can they put Kate on show?

    • samipup says:

      INR, how dumb.

      • aftershocks says:

        Absolutely bonkers. Their stupidity and useless, grandiose colonialist superiority is delusional and mind-boggling! 😳 They think they own H&M and Nigeria! That’s their completely biased, racist, ridiculous mindset. Check out what the toadie grifter Wharfe said about Nigeria! 👎🏽 🙄 These people need to take a history lesson on how Europe raped, stole from, and colonized the entire African continent!!! Wharfe needs to get a life and stop spewing bile for ££££. He needs to back his a$$ up, take several seats and STFU! 🤐

        No one should even be paying attention to the ratchet BM’s and BRF’s spittle and drivel by this point. Or, at the very least, sane editorial writers around the world should come out in force to expose and condemn their aggressive colonialist attacks and dumbf*ckery! 😡 Unfortunately, there remains a status quo veneer of paying obeisance to the racist British mindset and to the toxic, archaic British monarchy and cohort rota/BM. That cabal need to be condemned and ridiculed for the racist, H&M-obsessed fools that they are!

        When will publications (including People Magazine, et al) stop aiding and abetting their salty lies and colonialist aggression? When?!

  2. equality says:

    H&M were meeting with high level people so security would have been around for those people even without H&M being present. It didn’t add to what would have already been being paid. To assess for hosting IG would also require someone going to Nigeria. How would the Nigerian vets coming to the UK help with that? And, again, Nigeria is part of the commonwealth. Claiming that so many live in poverty there doesn’t make it appear that the “wealth” is really shared. Where was all this ire when Ukraine had to supply security to Sophie? Ukraine definitely doesn’t need to spend that sort of money on a visiting minor royal.

    • JanetDR says:


    • Dee(2) says:

      And they say that like there’s not people living in poverty in the UK or any other indistralized nation. The Sussexes came because they were invited. Nigeria understood the importance of providing VIPs security because having the Invictus games in Nigeria could be an economic and tourism boom for them. Same reason Johnny Mercer wants it in the UK.They weren’t worried about costs and anything else when they sent the Wales’ and the Edinburgh’s to the Caribbean in 2022. I knew this trip and the welcome they would receive was going to make the racism jump out of their mouths but they really are shameful. They view the rest of the world as somewhere you should be trying to leave and UK as the only acceptable place for you to want to be. They just can’t understand another country, especially one in ” Africa” being appealing.

    • PC says:

      This article here… takes the cake. Harry visited about 50 wounded in that hospital. Was he suppose to fly all 50 to London, along with their medical personnel and medical needs. I suppose Meghan should have brought about 100 of the girls she assisted with menstruation products. And 30 or 40 women from her seminar. The Governor could have airmailed those paintings and clothes to Harry. And let’s not forget the sit down volleyball teams and the basketball teams. Bloody hell! Why not just pick up the entire country of Nigeria for a visit! Harry and Meghan are invited guests who have been afforded the most warmth and love and admiration from the people of Nigeria. It’s been a beautiful tour and these people in England just want to rain on the parade. Well, they can stay mad because rain makes salt melt.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Yes, Yes @Dee(2) and @PC! H&M were invited to Nigeria so that the possibility of bringing Invictus there could be explored. And as well, so that H&M could meet with and highlight the charitable groups that Archewell collaborates with in Nigeria, including David Oyelowo’s GEANCO, and the Toronto Raptors’ Giants of Africa. 👍🏽👏🏽 Every time the Sussexes step out in the public sphere, we learn more about all the beneficial projects they are involved with and the genuine impact they are making on a ground roots level around the world! Indeed, their service is universal. 🫡

        There is no competition with the salty, incompetent British monarchy going on in any way, shape, or form. H&M are simply working hard on giving back, and also taking care of themselves and their children. They lead with kindness, love, and work ethic. The BM and BRF need to F off post-haste!

    • StarWonderful says:

      The BRF does not share its wealth with their “subjects”; it is tax-paying “subjects” that fund the BRF. The BRF should not be making statements via minions about how another government chooses to pay and protect H&M.

      • CatMum says:

        I totally agree! And now I’m imagining all of the grey men as the movie minions! Lol!

  3. Tessa says:

    Flown to the UK to be snubbed by charles and company then

    • Sue says:

      This was my thought as well. If Chuckles and company can ignore wounded UK vets why would they feel differently about vets from another country?

    • OliviaOne says:

      It would have been worse.. it would have been some clownery about HOW DARE HARRY have these people flown in at his whim and how vain of Meghan yadaydayadastupidrantshere… M&H are doing this right.. doing the work, ignoring the idiotic briefing.

    • Agnes says:

      Flown to the UK then sent back to Rwanda by mistake. What a f ed up country.

    • Christine says:

      Well said. They had the whole ass St. Paul’s Cathedral stuffed with wounded warriors from their own country and didn’t show up.

  4. Becks1 says:

    So, a few comments:

    1)Ken Wharfe’s experience in Nigeria 30 years ago has no bearing on H&M visiting Nigeria today.

    2) all these “experts” complaining about how dangerous Nigeria is are just making the Sussexes point – they still feel safer there with appropriate security than in the UK without appropriate security. And I imagine there are fewer death threats against them in Nigeria which is the real issue with the UK. It’s not a question of which country is “safer” but which country is safer for H&M and it’s clear that the UK is not.

    3) the idea of bringing wounded soldiers to London for Harry to meet with them is just ludicrous.

    These people are big mad. They’re losing it.

    • windyriver says:

      Also so considerate for them to be worried about how much all this is costing the people of Nigeria, don’t you think? I mean, it’s not like the tens of million of pounds spent annually for the RF to host garden parties, etc., could be better used to provide services for the citizens of the UK, right?

      Do these people even hear themselves? I guess not. They couldn’t write anything more racist or just blindly stupid if they tried.

      • Monika says:

        I just thought the same. Do they listening to themselves? Following their logic next time when they plan a royal tour outside Britain for the King or any other royal they instead should just bring all the people they want to meet over to the UK. This would save the host country a lot of money, time and hassle.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Yes, so many things wrong in this article — Harry and Meghan NEVER said “all they want is privacy.” Harry does NOT get “all that security in London” because Charles does not value his son’s life. Racist views that Nigeria is so dangerous but not mentioning the (to quote retired British security head) “very real, very disgusting” threat against the Sussexes by white supremacist groups in London. Racist views about Nigeria in general. Idiotic statement that dozens of injured Nigerian vets should be flown to London and back, presumably because disrupting THEIR lives is perfectly OK so they can be a spectacle to gawk at in Lo don. This so-called “reporting” is worse than anything I’ve heard on Fox news. Unbelievable.

  5. SarahLee says:

    They also keep saying he has security in London. I think we’ve learned that is not the case which is why he wanted to pay for it – so that he could feel comfortable bringing his wife and children back to the UK from time to time. But no – he couldn’t have that. Also, they might want to consider that the security threat just might be less to them in Nigeria than in the UK – at least for Meghan. Look in the mirror on that one, Brits.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That’s exactly why Harry and Meghan managing these issues in a court of law has been so effective, they leave a paper trail of facts that the BM can ignore or misinterpret, out and out lie but can’t stop from being transparent public record that shows how the BRF did and continue to do H&M wrong

      • Christine says:

        I think one of the smartest things Harry has done is continue to push the REVAC case and get all of this on the record. It’s in the record now, history is not going to remember them kindly.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Literally, the U.K. is more dangerous than Nigeria for them. I hope these racists suck on that until they figure it out, because yeah they are the problem.

  6. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    Nigeria has a goddamned space program. That “lawlessness” in the 90’s was thanks to the BRUTAL COLONIZATION LED BY BRITAIN! Ugh, these racist assholes.

    Edited to add: Also, check out Lagoon, an Africanfuturist novel by Nnedi Okorafor. It’s an amazing book and it’s about an alien invasion taking place in Lagos. Highly recommend if you like SciFi.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Ooh thanks for the recommendation, Laura-Lee Macdonald! Sounds like an interesting read

    • Jais says:

      Ooh thx. I’m going to check that one out.

    • Water Lilly says:

      Thank you! That novel sounds amazing. On my TBR list.

    • ArtFossil says:

      Okorafor, a Nigerian American, is an amazing author. I listened to her Binti trilogy on Audible (the first book won both the Hugo and Nebula awards for best novella). A gripping story, transporting you to another world, and wonderfully narrated.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      Nnedi Okorafor is an amazing writer. I cannot recommend her work enough.

      • Sara says:

        Thanks for the rec! Always looking for something good to read, especially from a new to me voice!

    • Blithe says:

      Thanks MUCH for the recommendation @Laura-Lee MacDonald! This book and others — including Okorafor’s nonfiction “guidebook” on creativity — are now on my reading list.

    • JanetDR says:

      Putting on my list too!

    • Christine says:

      Thanks for the recommendation, this sounds right up my alley.

  7. Eurydice says:

    Stick to your own country – It’s none of your business what Nigeria chooses to do.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Here here!!!!!!

      Of course when it comes to H&M they feel that they have the right to control and criticize them as if they “own” everything that H&M do. Maybe they should stick with the deadbeats that they are stuck with, no? Isn’t that the slimmed down Monarchy that they all wanted??

    • Feeshalori says:

      Truly, this situation is between A and B, so C your way out of it. Mind your own business about how another country chooses to treat its visitors. The audacity and utter gall. Every day when you think that these bottom feeders can’t surprise you more with their blatant hatred and racism, you’re proven wrong. Go right ahead and keep showing who you really are on the international stage.

  8. Carmen says:

    Flown to the UK where they aren’t wanted. Ooookay…. Sounds like a plan. 🙄 🙄 🙄

  9. Amy Bee says:

    The gaslighting and racism with these two former RPOs is off the charts. They’re just upset that the UK is getting shown up by Nigeria in their refusal to provide security to Harry and Meghan.

    • kelleybelle says:

      That’s all it is. It’s almost childish, too.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      These people are so embarrassed. they think they represent class and diplomacy, but were outclassed and out done hospitality wise by Nigeria, a country they look down on.

      So gross.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yeah it’s embarrassing to watch all these ridiculous melt-downs, all of this foolishness. It’s so strange. The entire system broke as soon as Harry and Meghan stopped being “working royals,” yet still somehow managed to stay famous and relevant. The thing they missed the first time is that Harry is not merely the son of the King–no, Harry is also the son of Princess Diana, a woman who has been dead for nearly three decades but is still one of the most famous women in the world. That’s a double dose of fame that is hard to beat, particularly with his amazing wife on his arm. They thought, I think, that people would lose interest in H&M, that they would become an obscure side show like the Danish prince and the Swedish princess and those Monaco kids who live in the USA, but interest in Diana’s son was never going to fade. They miscalculated this entire situation, and they should have agreed to the half-in/half-out because they are never going to be able to beat H&M at this game.

  10. Nanea says:

    So it’s perfectly OK for Sofiesta to go swanning around in an active war zone? Why? Who is she again? No head of state, no member of an organisation actually delivering anything to Ukraine, in fact being a strain on 🇺🇦’s budget – but she’s white.

    These people in the UK don’t get Harry’s role, and how important the Invictus community is to (mental) healing, rehab, well-being.

    And Nigeria is not some backwater. Even if individuals are poor, it’s the richest and most educated nation on the African continent, so it’s not on the UK or some former or ex-something to judge what they are doing for people they have invited.

    The colonizers mindset is still alive and well.

    As to security threats: some male Fail guy harassed some Squaddies in aso ebi who got a selfie with Meghan at that volleyball game, wanting to get a comment on the Missington one. And didn’t take no for an answer and followed them around…🙄

    • Dee(2) says:

      It’s pure colonizer mindset. You can’t possibly be doing ok without me to guide you. They still have it for Harry and Meghan!! And why would people who came to see Meghan and take photos of her have anything to say about Kate? This is their continued delusion that people only like them because of their titles and not in spite of them. They just can’t understand why the Wales’ or Charles and Camilla who were in Kenya last year weren’t mobbed the same way. They just keep telling themselves it’s HAS to be the titles.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      They were like: Kate who?
      The Fail: LDE

    • Debbie says:

      If this Daily Fail guy was so concerned about Kate, then he should have… oh, I don’t know, stayed in England where he could check up on her and written about her. Do they not see how that works, and don’t they recognize how transparent they are?

    • Agnes says:

      I wonder if Sofa gifted Olena Zelensky with a picture of herself in that god-awful upholstery fabric dress she wore.

  11. kyliegirl says:

    H&M played the royal rota on this trip well. They didn’t have to block them because the timing of the announcement of the trip made it impossible for the reporters to get VISAs to go to Nigeria. Chris Ship said it on two podcasts this week that by the time they got their VISAs H&M would be back in LA. Well played!

    • Jais says:

      Amazing. But even if they’d gotten visas what would they have even seen? Can’t imagine they’d have been able to get close. So would they have been finding random people to speak poorly about the Sussexes?
      Love that they didn’t have enough time to get visas though😂😂😂. Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the director-gen of the WTO, said that Megan had told her months ago about the trip. So no leaks!

      • Jan says:

        I was surprised when she said the trip was planned months ago, and the Military announced it, without giving a date.

    • Scorpio says:

      And of course the royal press papers wouldn’t have any Nigerian journalists already in the country or in the UK with dual passports, hence the wince worthy safari comment day one. They are an embarrassment.

  12. Mads says:

    Dai Davies is a racist rent a mouth, often appearing on GB News, Talk TV and providing commentary for the Mail etc.
    I saw a clip from GB News earlier where the three panelist’s were laughing about Meghan’s Nigerian ancestry. They’re racist AF. Makes my blood boil.

  13. kirk says:

    I am absolutely glorying in looking at photos by Nigerian photographers. Yay! At photos that meet international photo agency standards, not some weird FrankenPhoto. Looks like Misam Harriman may have gone with them, but haven’t seen any of his photo credits.

    FALSE STATEMENT: “couple who say all they want is privacy…” But this is the DailyFail who only lie on days ending in ‘y’.

    Actually I’ve read decent article from UK that wasn’t completely unhinged as we’ve come to expect Britmedia is wont to do when discussing Harry and Meghan. It’s in The Sunday Times by Richard Assheton, who appears to have lived in Nigeria several years: “Welcome to Nigeria, Harry and Meghan — a chaotic global powerhouse.” Preferable to anything in the DailyFail.

    • Jan says:

      Pictures at the hospital was taken by him.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      BBC and Sky News did nice segments on the visit so far!

      Misan is there and got a gorgeous photo of Harry with a veteran, and I’m sure pictures of the couple and Meghan but I haven’t seen those yet.

      • kirk says:

        The only BBC segment I saw so far mentioned KC3, so I boycotted it. Saw the veteran photo by Misan. It looks like a lot of the photos are by Andrew Asiebo (some for Archewell) and Kola Sulaimon. All their photos so far have been uploaded to Getty or AFP. Looks like most complete coverage is by Simon Perry on People. That Times article I referenced earlier is more about Nigeria than H-M.

  14. Beanhead says:

    The Royal Family has blown it so bad. Meghan and Harry are rock stars in Nigeria and they could have been taking up the slack while the 2 senior royals are convalescing. Then add the fact that Meghan is a bridge to people of color that the monarchy sorely needs to go forward in a multi cultural Britain. I guess ego overrode the future of the crown.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      They truly have blown this entire trip.. the Sussex’s are literally 🌞 sunshine and smiles and everything briefed from the various palace anonymous sources or friends close to is all mean spirited, hateful and bitter. It is a glaring obvious difference.

      • Christine says:

        You are absolutely right, the contrast is stark. These idiots couldn’t keep their mouths closed and bask in the inevitable reflected glory because Harry IS a British prince, and they would have gotten some, not that they remotely deserve any of it.

        The hate that is pouring off that island is astonishing, and making global news.

      • windyriver says:

        Speaking of mean-spirited and hateful, have seen a whole host of articles in the last 24 hours, gleefully claiming that Harry was in tears over Will being given the appointment to Harry’s old regiment. I’ll be curious to see the looks on the faces of those soldiers if these fools really do go ahead with the plan to have a photo op for Will with the Apache helicopter (the aircraft Harry flew in combat). I don’t think we’ll be seeing a lot of welcoming smiles in the ranks.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Beanhead: “The Royal Family has blown it so bad… I guess ego overrode the future of the crown.”

        My take is that, yes, the royals never learned anything from the Diana era. Not one thing. They are failing and flailing. So, in regard to H&M, the left-behinds are still refusing to see the light. But we as royal observers also need to see the light and divest ourselves of ‘royalist think.’

        In other words, let’s be honest: There is no scenario in which H&M could have ever thrived and succeeded within the confines of the royal firm as it is currently constituted. Everything that happened to the Sussexes within that institution was meant to happen the way that it did. And, they were meant to leave it behind so that they could accomplish all the good work they are doing now on a global level. H&M could never have done what they are doing now within that ratchety old institution. So let’s stop ‘what-if-ing’ and rejoice for the Sussexes and the life they have created, and the huge impact they are making! H&M are the Mavens of Montecito. And Meghan is a for real Nigerian Princess!!! 🥁🤌🏽✊🏽

        To answer @Rosa Mwemaid’s query below: It’s both ego and racism.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Ego or racism.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      I have the same thoughts, Beanhead. They are still upset about being outed for who they really are. That’s apparently more important than family or country. Jokes on them though as it makes their public gestures ring hollow. I can’t see KFC, Mistress Queen and the Wails interacting with Black people and not picture them scrubbing their hands later.

      • Vader says:

        The queen of sidepieces would be sitting in her car the whole visit.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Right. And see my previous post. We should all put the ‘half-in, half-out’ debate to rest. It was never seriously considered by the royal powers-that-be in regard to H&M. Harry told us that in Spare, remember? The only options they were actually given were “IN, with no changes or concessions” or “OUT, stripped of everything.” Because, as we know, the royal firm blatantly wanted Meghan to leave bereft, broken, and destroyed. And they wanted Harry back, cowed, compliant, and catering to their continual gaslighting use and abuse.

        So, let’s please put those rotten royalist scenarios to rest. Pull the wool from our own eyes and realize that while Harry and Meghan remain royal, they are no longer part of that institution. The British royals are simply Harry’s relatives, not his minders and not his owners. Neither he nor his wife are at their freakin’ beck-and-call.

  15. Laura D says:

    *Tinfoil tiara time*

    I’ve thought a lot about this article since I read it and I do wonder if “they” were hoping to set up another NYC type incident but, with a different result. It’s interesting the person in the article has paid close attention not only to H&M’s personal security but, is able to detail the additional security provided by the Nigerian government. Since this trip was announced all we’ve heard is about how “dangerous” Nigeria is. It’s almost like “they” were hoping something untoward would happen. However, the Nigerians aren’t taking any chances. H&M are probably much safer in Nigeria than they are when visiting the UK.

    Then if you factor in the pre-prepared “Harry snubbed by his family” headlines, coupled with the “lone, isolated prince who can’t be trusted” narrative then the stage is set for a tragedy. A tragedy whereby the “family” could say we tried telling him he was safer with us but, he wouldn’t listen. It would have been Diana all over again, a tragic accident on foreign soil. Only this time KCIII would be able to play the grief stricken father garnering sympathy from all across the globe. Unfortunately for KCIII the Spencers were having none of it. Their appearance at the Invictus ceremony reminded everyone what a pig KCIII was to Diana and that he’s using the same playbook against her son.

    As I said this is all just a tin-foil theory but, stranger things have happened and I just had to get these ramblings off my chest.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      I agree, one article recently mentioned Charles should have made time to see Harry ‘because’ sometimes children can die unexpectedly -not Charles, dealing with cancer and being elderly might die, that he could find himself a bereaved parent. The way they are ranting now feels like a tantrum. The Mirror mentioned, before the award ceremony and car chase, early in the night when the first pictures from NYC appeared (and a BM heckled Meghan on her way inside to the annoyance of the American press) that Harry ‘made a surprise appearance’ which seemed off, weird. Why is it a surprise that her husband was with her at an award ceremony? In what world does it make sense to ‘import’ Nigerians to the UK when they were meeting to work with that country to hold the games? It makes sense if you had only anticipated attacking the ‘married in’ not the blood royal. It makes sense if you want to sabotage the proceedings and say ‘I told you so.’ should something tragic occur. The way the BM trumpeted Nigeria as ‘safari’ and dangerous from the start seemed a bit beyond ’just’ racism. One wonders if they found themselves thwarted again somehow.

      • Magdalena says:

        It was a “surprise” appearance because the people who plotted the car chase and whatever sinister thing they had planned did not expect Prince Harry to accompany his wife to the award ceremony. M was the original target but they apparently went ahead even though H made an appearance. I guess they figured that the intended outcome would have been worth it. That’s another reason why they could not dismiss the threat as easily as if M had been on her own, or even with her mother. Things got serious real quick despite the UK media’s efforts to disparage the accurate reports and analyses of real experts. Too many people began to connect the dots and they didn’t like that.

      • Agnes says:

        After this last week, if Harry and Meghan are harmed in any way the entire world is going to look directly at King Chuck. Will he be bold enough to try to pull off a second “accident” now that those two are outshining him as hard as Diana did? William seems like he’s under sedation these days, getting rid of your wife is tough on the nerves, I guess, so he’s not as dangerous as CRex right now. H&M need more than security, they need guardian angels.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        “H&M need more than security, they need guardian angels.”

        @Agnes, they have one, Diana. His mother is their primary guardian angel coordinating with the other guardian angels to keep her son, his wife, and their family safe. Look at all of the instances in the last few years that could have turned out horribly, but thankfully didn’t.

    • MsIam says:

      “It’s interesting the person in the article has paid close attention not only to H&M’s personal security but, is able to detail the additional security provided by the Nigerian government.”

      I’m sure someone from the UK embassy was informed as Harry is a high profile British citizen. And of course they immediately informed the Dept. of Daily Fail about what was going on.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      all of this focus on their security from people who claim they don’t need security and from people who claimed they were lying about the NYC chase has definitely come off as an implied threat or a suggestion to their Crown thugs.

      I don’t see any other way to read it, given the history. They actively want something bad to happen and they are egging it on and denying security while bashing them for not coming to the country where they have no security.

    • Giddy says:

      I truly believe that if anything were to happen to Harry (God forbid) that it would be the end of the monarchy.

      • Laura D says:

        @Giddy – I don’t know about ending the monarchy but, KCIII would be toast. People are on the fence as to whether he had a hand in Diana’s death but, if anything happened to Harry, Meghan or those kids then no matter where in the world the event occurred people will blame KCIII. Lightening does not strike twice!

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Laura D, yes! Chucky barely survived the backlash after Diana’s death and IF something happens Prince Harry it would spell DOOM for him from the form of public opinion, including the Island of Petty. KFCIII has denied, blocked and refused an audience with Harry for two-plus years, KFCIII would be mercilessly targeted and attacked relentlessly. People have seen how KFCIII’s behaviour has been driven purely out of spite and immaturity all for the world to see! All of which included how poorly KFCII has behaved towards not only his son, but his DIL and grandchildren as well.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Sadly, they will not be toast. I think you underestimate just how many racists there are in Britian, who would rejoice that William and Kate “won.” I know that sounds horrible and I certainly don’t want it to happen, I’m just saying you are underestimating the number of racists.

      • Jais says:

        A lot of people would be angry with Charles but toast? Eh, I think the BM would take the opportunity to blame it on Harry. If only he hadn’t left but he did and so it’s his fault.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Mrs Krabble, I agree with you, I don’t think it would bother too many people.

    • Babz says:

      There’s a woman on TikTok and X who is an astrologer and “diviner.” She does not use Tarot. She goes by @HolyReading666, and has been fairly accurate when she posts her readings about the royals, especially Kate and her illness and the state of the Wales’ marriage. She wrote this about Harry recently: “The world would always listen to him because that is his destiny and it is really powerful. However, they are trying to shut him up in every aspect. But whether he is with the Royal Family or not, this reading shows that he would always be loved and accepted worldwide.” She also said that allegedly, someone is trying to harm him, and warns that he should be careful. I don’t know if she’s for real or not, but I thought it was interesting that she came right out and warned him to be careful.

      • Agnes says:

        Even people without psychic spidey senses can connect the dots and see the danger Harry is in.

      • aftershocks says:

        Of course, the cabal of the BRF and BM are on the rampage. This is why we must divest ourselves of ‘royalist think,’ as I said earlier. Let us stop the refrain of lamenting over what assets H&M could have been to the firm. 🤦‍♀️ They do not have and never had a fully embraced nor accepted role within the rotten, corrupt firm. H&M have moved on, and we need to move with them in term of our mindsets. As it is currently constituted, there is no hope for the British monarchy. These are the final days of the messy old guard. There will be no ‘Harry to the rescue’ either. Put that fantasy to rest, too.

        The only way for the British monarchy to heal is from within. This means after Chuck and Camz are out of the picture; the old guard courtiers have been put out to pasture; and the BM/ rota machinations have been thwarted and reformed! Perhaps then, healing can begin. I suspect that Willy will abscond or be pushed out. Perhaps, there will be a Regent who presides for George. But, when his time actually comes, I hope George will choose a path outside the crown, in order to fulfill his sensitive, creative instincts. That means Charlotte will become the hope and redemption of the British monarchy.

        Meanwhile, the Wales Cambinos are surely going through some secretive, hidden trauma right now, which I pray they can overcome to lead fulfilling, productive lives. I pray that Diana’s divine love and protection for the Sussexes can extend to covering George, Charlotte, and Louis with a cloak of guidance, safety, and love, too. 🙏🏽

  16. Louise177 says:

    I don’t know if the BM is or playing dumb. Meghan and the children are literally targets in England. The media has no problem writing articles or having guests who hope for their deaths. Which is why Harry wants security. Although they have their own, the government won’t share Intel or provide security even if there is a high risk threat.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Both. They are dumb & they’re playing dumb. I mean, just look at their writing! All five paragraphs mentioned a four-person, ‘presidential style’ security team. ALL FIVE.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed. Their security can’t be armed in England, and they refuse to share any intelligence the Met has on threats to Harry and Meghan, which is beyond dangerous, it’s actively advertising for something to happen to them in the U.K.

      And again, for the random person who might be here without a Ph.D. in Sussex, Harry is suing them for the right to PAY FOR THEIR SECURITY THEMSELVES. It still wouldn’t cost taxpayers anything, they just don’t want them to have the kind of security any other VIP gets when they visit Salty Isle.

  17. Oh come on. says:

    “Flown Nigerian wounded vets to the UK”

    The UK won’t let Harry have security, his dad won’t even tweet a word of support to British wounded veterans, but this columnist imagines the anti-immigrant UK govt would grant visas to a bunch of injured Nigerian war vets? Be real.

    • Debbie says:

      Actually, I can see the UK being okay with such a plan. They would allow the Nigerian wounded vets to come to England, then stop them from entering the country. “Sorry about your wasted flight, and aggravating your injuries, and all that, chaps. Cheerio!” Then, the BM would chime in with a timely, “Look what Harry has done to wounded vets. He should ‘lose’ Invictus.” Based on the way they’ve acted before; I can totally see it.

      • Christine says:

        The Harry should have Invictus taken away from him movement is one of the most mindbogglingly ignorant things I’ve seen lately that isn’t related to Trump.

        This is like trying to remove Eunice Kennedy Shriver (RIP) from Special Olympics or Danny Thomas (RIP) from St. Judes.

  18. Miranda says:

    As I shared when Harry and Meghan’s trip was first announced, I’ve been to Nigeria. We were well taken care of, everybody was friendly, and not once did I fear for my safety (at least, no more than I would when traveling anywhere else). I realize that there are genuinely dangerous parts of the country, and I don’t want to trivialize that. But in general, it’s one of the most cosmopolitan, economically diverse places on the continent. When it comes to Africa, there is always some colonial mindset at play. The UK seems to be especially bad about this, regarding every non-white country that they lost to be a lawless hellscape because now the native people are running their own affairs. They can’t imagine that hundreds of millions of people live and work in these places and it’s all fairly mundane. Countless members of the diaspora go there to visit loved ones, and return home in one piece. To slap a “dangerous” label on the whole country and say that no one there is safe is just racist.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      This ☝️!

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        It’s pretty ironic that most of the problems that former colonies like Nigeria have are because they are former colonies. They were infantilized, stripped of resources and wealth, then set adrift without reparations or so much as an apology. Then the colonizers point fingers at any challenges they face because of all this as proof that they needed to be colonized for their own welfare. It’s the grossest revisionism of history and must be called out and rejected.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Thanks for the first hand perspective. Nigeria has been an amazing host! The security is top notch, the music and dance cannot be beat, the clothes are gorgeous and the seated volleyball was ingenious.

      Everything you said about the way Britain is looking down on them is chefs kiss perfect.

  19. Brassy Rebel says:

    I see they still don’t understand the concept of privacy. It really is quite different from disappearing forever. Many public facing people also have private lives which they protect from snoopy tabloids. The garbage media in Britain has weaponized the word privacy against anyone who refuses to dance to their tune, especially Meghan and Harry.

    • Debbie says:

      Oh, I think they understand the concept of privacy well enough when it comes to others in the BRF. For instance, they quickly pivoted from the Frankenphoto disaster fallout to saying, “Now that she’s announced cancer treatments, let’s give privacy to Kate and ask no more questions.” Before, it was always, “Give the Wailes privacy to bring up their children” or “Let’s give privacy to Charles as he counts his briefcases full of cash.” I think they understand the concept well enough, just not with some people.

  20. Beautitude says:

    I travelled to Nigeria several times when working for a British University. The British Council provided security for us when we represented them. I love Abuja and Lagos and was fortunate to spend time there.
    It is ridiculous that that British government would provide security for us and not for high profile people in Britain who actually need it.

  21. rosa mwemaid says:

    They didn’t say they wanted privacy, It was twisted by the gutter press as a handle to beat them with every time they tried to do anything that needed publicity, like Invictus, like all their other charities, the more publicity they get for their charity the more money they raise for their charities. I’d never heard of Scottie’s little soldiers before Harry went to that party, Wouldn’t have heard of Sentebale either if Harry hadn’t been involved…. They do want privacy for their children, which is a different matter.

  22. Lolo86lf says:

    Why is it providing security in Nigeria for Harry and Meghan a “massive expense”? Guards and/or police in Nigeria don’t get paid 500 pounds an hour like they do in the UK. The DM has grossly blown things out of proportion to make Harry and Meghan look like King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette at Versailles.

  23. Pork Belly says:

    I love that the BM are being forced to scrounge around for content however nonsensical it may be. May your circulation numbers keep taking a nosedive & your clicks be few & far between.

  24. Over it says:

    So ken and the other tool are just butt hurt that Meghan would stay anywhere but around their racist unhinged asses . It just shows that Meghan and Harry are treated like humans everywhere in the world except the uk. That speaks more about the uk than the rest of the world.. As for flying the wounded soldiers out so that why ? They aren’t puppets . They are wounded humans. Yes, black people have feelings too. Yes we bleed and hurt just like others. F-ing dumb ass ken and company

    • Oh come on. says:

      Well put. Racists refuse to imagine we are anything but props. It’s inconceivable to them that Black people have inner lives or feelings that matter.

  25. SamuelWhiskers says:

    Trying to portray Nigeria as some kind of lawless wasteland isn’t exactly contradicting H&M’s point about the British media being racist.

    H&M need security because of their high public profile, not because Africa=lawless savages.

  26. Giddy says:

    On another note, Meghan doesn’t need a tiara, obnoxious jewels, or ribbons across her chest to appear royal. She and Harry both exude a natural manner that is more important than all those accoutrements. Kindness, true interest and caring, and a sincere desire to help others makes them both the most important of all.

  27. aquarius64 says:

    That’s it UK. Keep making the argument that IG should go to DC. US media will focus on the vets where it belongs.

  28. Quara says:

    LOL. Since the UK government refuses to provide adequate security for H&M, they’re far safer in Nigeria than in London.

    If the “real” concern was providing the Sussex family privacy/security while reducing the burden to Nigeria, then the suggestion would’ve been to fly wounded Nigerian soldiers to LA (which is still ridiculous/racist AF) where H&M already have security in place.

    Obviously the BM and BRF are just salty Harry and Megan are being treated like the global statesman they are. If they wanted to reap the benefits of their obvious star power, maybe they should’ve been a little bit nicer and a lot less racist.

  29. Rapunzel says:

    Got nothing to add about the racism/idiocy of the British Press. But Celebitchies, I would like to recommend a great book I just finished reading. It’s called, Revealing Britain’s Systemic Racism: The Case of Meghan Markle and the Royal Family, by Kimberley Ducey and Joe Feagin. This is a scholarly text from Routledge Press, and Ducey and Feagin are PhDs in sociology. Ducey is at University of Winnipeg and specializes in colonialism and critical race and ethnic studies, while Feagin is at Texas A&M, and has written/co-written numerous texts on racism in America. The text is a little old, as it was published in 2021, but it’s fantastic and I’d love to see them do an updated edition soon. Anyway, it’s on Amazon, and it reminded me of so much of what we’ve talked about. Had to share! It explains this crap so much.

    • Blithe says:

      Thank you for calling my attention to this book! I’ve long wanted to read it — but the academic level pricing of the hardcover book put me off, since even the used copies were quite pricey. Thanks to your post, I took another look, and I just ordered the reasonably priced paperback edition. Many thanks @Rapunzel! I’ll take a look at some of the authors’ other publications too.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Blithe- the paperback is $30, I believe. I got it on amazon for $17.35 +tax. I hope you found a similarly priced copy.

      • Blithe says:

        I snagged a copy for under $20 — including tax and shipping. Whee! Thanks Rapunzel! I’m also looking forward to reading what these authors have to say about racism in the US. Just knowing that their perspectives include Canada, Texas, and the UK as contexts really has me avidly curious.

      • Bklne says:

        A couple of tips for getting more affordable access to books like this:

        1) For a book I’m interested in buying I always do a search on to see if there’s a used copy out there somewhere, preferably from an indie bookseller I can support.

        2) You can also suggest that your library acquire the title. A public library might decline to purchase an academic title, but many university and college libraries will allow community members some degree of access – it’s worth asking if they can set you up with borrowing privileges. The worst they can do is say “no, sorry”, but you might be pleasantly surprised?

      • Blithe says:

        @Bklne, thank you for these suggestions! I’ll be making good use of I haven’t had much luck with getting public library systems to order academic titles, although I’ve occasionally ended up at the (non-circulating) Library of Congress when I haven’t had other easy options. I didn’t realize that I might be able to get borrowing privileges from college libraries. I am definitely going to go all out kid-in-a-candy-store with this suggestion! Many thanks!

      • Rapunzel says:

        To add to what @bklne said- I work at a community college, and you have to log in to databases for research and access. Unless you’re in the library itself. I’m also getting my PhD at the local UC (University of California). You can get into their databases just by accessing the wifi on campus.

        So there are ways to get access as a member of the public…and the databases often include ebook databases with whole texts.

      • Feeshalori says:

        I highly recommend interlibrary loans. If your library system doesn’t carry a particular title, you can apply for it across the nationwide library system here in the US and if any institution carries the book, it will be sent to you at your local branch. Free of charge. I’ve availed myself of this service countless times acquiring books no longer carried in the library.

      • Bklne says:

        @Blithe: You’re welcome! I hope you’re able to get your hands on ALL THE BOOKS with these plus the great suggestions from @Rapunzel and @Feeshalori.

        The community access / borrowing privileges can vary a lot – it all depends on the policy of that specific library. But many public / state / land grant universities have it as part of their mission to serve the citizens of that community, and allowing library access may fall under that? Private and religiously affiliated institutions will have their own policies and might grant access in the name of outreach, community service, etc.

      • Blithe says:

        @Rapunzel, @Bklne, @Feeshalori – thank you ALL so very much for your suggestions! I truly appreciate your help and all of the information, and, above all, I appreciate your kindness. I am gonna have SO much fun with this!

    • Jaded says:

      Ooooh that sounds like a great read. Thanks for the recommendation, I shall look for a reasonably priced copy!

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Ooooooh… Thanks for the recommendation, I want to check it out.

    • WaterDragon says:

      Thanks, Rapunzel, for the recommendation. I was able to order the paperback on Amazon for the price you mentioned. Can’t wait to read it.

    • aftershocks says:

      I have that book by Feagin & Ducey. I already mentioned it here on CB a few times, several years ago. I’m glad the book is finally becoming better known and more widely read. Feagin is an Emeritus sociology professor. He has written extensively on British systemic racism. Ducey is a Canadian sociology professor. They started writing this book before Sussexit, though I believe it was published shortly afterward.

      One drawback is that Ducey and Feagin relied heavily on contemporary articles in discussing Meghan’s encounter with the BRF (and as we know, there are some purposely false narratives and faulty assertions in that mix of tabloid spew). However, the authors’ astute knowledge and their extensive backgrounds on systemic racism make the book a worthwhile, if incomplete, read. Much more academic research and writing needs to be done on the topic of Meghan’s experience with blatant British racism, because it is not just about her. It is about our global, cultural histories!

      Kudos to Ducey & Feagin for getting the ball rolling on this topic in the academic sphere. 👏🏽

  30. Steph says:

    That whole piece is racist. Just like them saying they were going on safari. It’s clear the BM views all people of African decent as animals.
    A couple of other things: h&m are such a high level target in the UK bc the BM made it personal. They intentionally fostered violent parasocial relationships. But they aren’t realizing that the security in Nigeria is personal too. They welcomed their daughter home along with her husband.

    Can we get a post about #SussexSquadNigeria? They showed up, showed out and did good.

  31. Debbie says:

    Just my initial impression but the “security” officers in England sound as much like mean girls as their rota, and they sound incompetent as hell. It’s amazing. Furthermore, should they really be publicizing the number of security personnel and protection (like ambulances and machine guns) they think the Sussexes have access to? Because when you bring up the possibility of “anyone trying to make a dramatic impact” that sort of information is somewhat helpful to them. I mean, I don’t know how accurate this information is or if it’s just guessing, but still. I noticed the British so-called security people tend to do that a lot when it comes to the Sussexes.

    • sevenblue says:

      The british media was identifying and sharing the photos of H&M’s security people when they went to Germany for Invictus. They are definitely trying to give info to people who want to harm them.

    • Lauren says:

      A UK judge recently ruled that it’s a security risk to even reveal how much the BRFs security annually. So no they shouldnt be providing this level of intel

  32. Blithe says:

    Not today colonizers! NOT TODAY. 🇳🇬

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Exactly! 💯 🎯 🫡

      We see through you racist, H&M-obsessed fools. U.K. is a place where Clarkson’s screeching about his ‘stripped naked, feces-throwing fantasy of parading Meghan through the streets’ was casually published in a British newspaper and boldly debated on British talk shows. 😡 GTFOH and then some, you delusional haters!!! YOU DO NOT OWN MEGHAN NOR HARRY!!! Stop with your racist stupidity and aggression! 🫷🏽

  33. T says:

    The more that that family briefs about Harry and Meghan through their mouthpieces, the more they reveal that they are a petty, jealous, narcissistic, lying family and everything that Harry wrote in Spare is true. The fact that they are doing everything that they could possibly do to endanger Harry and Meghan’s lives speaks volumes. They’re dangerous. The world is watching but the leftover royals don’t have the brain cells to come up with another game plan. Their old way of doing things does not work in modern civilization. They don’t control all the media. They thought that they controlled their media but surprise surprise. It’s like watching Dumb & Dumber Royalty edition with a healthy helping of the Wicked Witch on the side.

  34. Feebee says:

    I don’t understand what they’re not understanding. Except I think they probably do understand but that’s not going to get them paid so they stick to the narrative.

    Nigeria has it’s problems as many countries do but I believe it’s only Britain that has needed to areas (and jail?) someone for threats made against H&M. So dismissing the real threats in London while harking back to Nigeria being lawless 30 years ago is bizarre.

    • Bklne says:

      Also, maybe the UK should think about seeing to its own problems instead of criticizing other countries?

      When a fu€king garden party hosted by the king and the fu€king royal family is plagued with the stench of sewer gas (after how many months of cost of living crisis and reports of raw sewage in the surrounding waters?), the UK has no business talking smack about other, less wealthy countries and their problems. Time to STFU and tend to your own stinky, fetid royal garden.

  35. MikeB says:

    The only country where the lives of Meghan, Harry, and possibly their children have been threatened, is? the UK. The only country that consistently tells Meghan that ‘she is not wanted’ or ‘to stay away’ is? the UK. What you are seeing in Nigeria is ‘star power’ by Harry and Meghan, this is what the UK didn’t want as they saw it as a threat.

    • Princessk says:

      The truth!
      In many respects they are safer in Nigeria because nobody is jealous of them, nobody is showing relentlessly hatred towards them on a daily basis.
      To be honest the British media are getting tired of siding with Charles, Camilla and the other two because they don’t make money for the media. The Sussexes are the stars and l know that Hello would love to do a complete issue on this trip but can’t because they risk upsetting Charles and William and their wives.

  36. Libra says:

    For years I have been poo pooing the Diana was murdered theory. It sounded too outrageous to be true. I have begun to rethink my position. The actions of the royal family paired with “” others” against Harry and esp Meghan has caused me to believe that it is indeed possible that their lives are in danger.

    • aftershocks says:

      Not just ‘possible’ @Libra. The danger and threat to the Sussexes’ lives and well-being exists and is real!!!

  37. Water Lilly says:

    Watching the TVC news feed from Nigeria, and the captions (I’m deaf) keep spelling their names as the Duke and Duchess of Success, which, YES! They are at Marina, Lagos State and Meghan is wearing a spectacular yellow dress that makes her look like the morning. Brilliant.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Wonderful to hear, will look forward to the pictures. They’re both magic.

      Think how the other European royal houses would give to have such a couple representing them overseas. Such a loss to the UK RF

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Omg yes! The yellow dress! I cannot it’s so perfect on her. Liz Taylor yellow wedding dress level gorgeous.

    • Blithe says:

      I, too, am looking forward to the pictures! I am SO here for the clothes — and trying really hard not to derail. Lol.

  38. L4Frimaire says:

    Do these ass-clowns actually hear themselves?! They can’t fathom why they’re in Nigeria, even though most of their events are focused on Invictus and Archewell. How dare they provide protection even though they’re meeting very high -level military personnel and government officials in a country that’s had political volatility. I suspect they need security too. I can’t believe they’ve dragged out the privacy argument. This is a working visit, there is fairly restricted access despite the photos. They really need to pull themselves together in the UK.

  39. Tina Maps says:

    The thought of Nigerian injured service men & women being flown in an ambulance to the UK for a handshake with Harry irked me. Would they have taken them to an NHS facility? I hear they are all at full capacity. Whoever said that statement is a full blown racist and does not have respect for other nations. Does he realise that the UK has weird VISA requirements and not friendly to non white people?

    • BeanieBean says:

      The way things are going, they’d have stuck them on a plane to Rwanda.

  40. Vader says:

    I’m disappointed by ken. In the past (pre meghan), ken revealed a lot of interesting points about how wank was sly and manipulative while harry was friendly and outgoing. He also pointed out to piss Morgan that there was indeed a high security risk for the sussexes and especially archie. I guess he is short on cash these days.

  41. Saucy&Sassy says:

    When I discovered that the UK was a possibility for the IG, I’ve wondered how the competitors would be treated by the people. Before anyone comes at me, I do NOT believe every person in the UK is racist. I do believe that the disinformation that the bm put out about immigrants in order to get Brexit approved has done a lot of damage. I know, because I look at what the Orange Turd did here in the US.

    Well, I guess I know what the bm would do. I can guess at what some on the UK would do. I hope the IG Foundation is paying attention. They owe all of the competitors better than this. Washington D.C. is VERY blue and there will be huge crowds to cheer all of the competitors. Security will NOT be an issue.

  42. Elo says:

    The idea of transporting injured vets to England is stupid and ridiculous.
    But… Megan looks stunning in that white suit.

  43. Joy says:

    That cross necklace Meghan is wearing (with the strapless white dress) was Diana’s. <3

  44. Jean says:

    This article is so horrible and racist! Nigeria is certainly not a lawless and dangerous country, there are so many safe cities in the most populous African country in the world! I really hate the British press and the way they would twist and exaggerate issues simply to destroy Harry and Meghan. My goodness

  45. Agatha says:

    Ninth-most dangerous? Ninth? So…really not particularly dangerous at all?
    These people are idiots.

  46. Gabby says:

    So according to this salty former royal protection officer Nigeria is so impossibly poor and dangerous no one should visit. Aren’t they a Commonwealth country? Thank you for providing confirmation that being in the Commonwealth provides no benefit to its members. What a surprise. I am shocked, SHOCKED.

  47. Mina_Esq says:

    Yes, Nigeria is notoriously unsafe. But they are obviously trying to turn things around. H and M visiting is a big deal, precisely because of the security threat. As someone that is too scared to think about visiting Nigeria, seeing H and M (or Invictus) in Nigeria provides a sense of hope that the country is moving in the right direction. Nigeria rightfully wants to be the regional giant. Let’s help them make those daily wages more than $1.50, rather than smugly make fun of it.

  48. Kathalea says:

    If they can fly migrants to Rwanda, wounded/ veterans can ‘easily’ fly to the UK


  49. JJ says:

    I can’t even fathom this stupid argument being published. Are these people OK?

  50. martha says:

    It’s not as though H+M are friendless, clueless hippies without resources who decided on a whim to backpack around Nigeria.

    Of course, the visit was very well planned-out by both the Nigerians and H+M.

    BM think we stupid.

  51. Annalise says:

    The UK media is straight up rage-baiting us. Don’t bite.

  52. bisynaptic says:

    “It would have been much safer and easier if wounded Nigerian soldiers were flown to London.”

  53. NotSoSocialB says:

    I cannot comprehend how or why the B(a)RF allows the media to run the narrative. They sound so profoundly contradictory all the time. The B(a)RF thinks the obfuscation created on their behalf is the point, but they do not comprehend how futilely insane it makes both entire institutions appear. JFC.

  54. Serena says:

    So they’d rather fly wounded soldier / veterans from another continent just because of their massive white ego? This is unbelievable and utterly pathetic as they yet again fail to come across as decent human beings and show they’re just raging racists a-holes. And they still DON’T GET IT, good lord.

  55. Lau says:

    Bullies always get mad when they get exposed.